“USB Device Not Recognized” in iTunes. What to do? Does not sync with Mac OS. Why the computer does not see the iPhone: the reasons

Despite the fact that modern devices on iOS may well do without a computer, there are scenarios in which you still have to turn to it. It is quite logical that certain irregularities may arise at the junction of technologies, and it is with such questions that we will try to understand this material.

One of the common problems with iTunes is the inability to detect a connected device. There may be several reasons for this, but quite often a failure occurs in the trusted connection mechanism, when keys are stored on both gadgets for subsequent authorization. By default, the request “Trust this computer” should appear on the next connection, however, the other day, the author was faced with the exact opposite situation, when after a negative user response the request was not repeated. It is possible to solve the problem, as it should, in a few simple steps.

Let's start, as it should be, with the “native” for iOS and iTunes environment - the OS X operating system. Of course, due to hardware-software integration, problems occur less frequently here, but no one is immune from accidents. So, if the iPhone stubbornly does not want to trust your Mac, you can try to clear the contents of the special Lockdown system catalog. To do this, turn off the iOS device from the computer, execute the key combination [ cmd]+[shift]+ [G] (or select “Go to folder” in the “Go” menu of the OS X menu bar) and go to / var / db / lockdown /. In the opened window, one or several (depending on the number of synchronized devices) certificate files that you want to delete will appear.

After that, connect the gadget and answer the question about trusting the computer in the affirmative. Now the device must be determined by the system.

For Windows, with the “persistence” that your humble servant encountered, the essence of the procedure remains the same. The only difference here, apart from the location of the “culprit” - the need to display hidden files and folders. To do this, open the Control Panel from the “Start” menu and go to the “Folder Options” section, where on the “View” tab select the parameter of the same name. As for the address, it varies for different versions of Windows.

Windows xp: C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ All Users \\ Application Data \\ Apple \\ Lockdown

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10: C: \\ ProgramData \\ Apple \\ Lockdown

If the above manipulations did not solve the problem, for Microsoft's OS there is a more complicated way associated with the mobile device driver and described by the YouTube user. with nickname STOK SHOK.

  • Open the "Device Manager", located in the Control Panel in Windows 7 and in the "System" item in Windows XP
  • Right-click on the line with the required Apple device, select the item “Update driver” from the context menu, then “Search for drivers on this computer” and “Select driver from the list of already installed drivers”
  • Click the "Install from disk" button (if it is not available, you can select the category "Mobile phone" or "Storage device" and click on the "Next" button, after which the button will appear)

  • In the "Install from Disk" dialog box, click on the "Browse" button
  • Go to the address C: \\ Program Files \\ Common Files \\ Apple \\ Mobile Device Support \\ Drivers.
  • Select the file usbaapl  (in 64-bit editions of Windows, it is called usbaapl64) and click "Open." If the folder does not exist, or the necessary file is missing, look for it in the directory C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Common Files \\ Apple \\ Mobile Device Support \\ Drivers

  • Click the "OK" button in the "Install from disk" dialog box.

    We hope these tips will help your gadgets find a common language. As usual, do not forget to look, where you can ask a question about using Apple technology, send screenshots

  • Communicator iPhone - the legendary device and the object of desire for millions of people from around the world. However, even with this phone there are difficulties. Let's try to figure out and what to do about it. Apple's phone is popular in our country. Despite the fact that this device is much more expensive than its competitors, it is in incredible demand - it is prestigious and elegant.

    Why the computer does not see the iPhone: the reasons

    So, you connect to the computer iPhone, but in response to silence. First of all,

    experts advise to investigate the cable in search of possible cuts or cracks. This is especially true for people who have pets. If such an inspection did not produce results, try inserting the cable into another USB port - perhaps the problem lies in it.

    Also look at the phone connector - it is likely that the contacts are oxidized. To bring them to normal, it is enough to use the eraser, having them directly on the contacts.

    If, however, the computer does not see the iphone because of the cable, and it needs to be replaced, we advise you to purchase an original part - even if it is made in China, it costs a little more than a copy, it will work much longer. Fakes are also characterized by failures, and they quickly break.

    The computer does not see the iphone: the case in the communicator

    If you managed to find out that neither the USB port nor the cable is to blame for the problem, most likely the problem occurred in the phone itself. In practice often

    the bottom cable becomes unusable. This part breaks, as a rule, when the smartphone is subject to drops. Probably, once the phone fell on the back of the case, and this affected the performance of the loop.

    If, for example, the computer does not see the iphone 5 for the reason described above, the work on the replacement of this part will cost approximately 1000 rubles, possibly higher. In this case, the price does not significantly depend on the modification of the communicator. We also note that sometimes the owners of the iPhone themselves change the cable.

    However, without the necessary skills to take such actions is not highly recommended, because it is likely that you will not gather the smartphone back if you do not have professional knowledge in this area. Thus, in the process, something else may fail.

    Destructive power of water

    Very often, a problem occurs when moisture gets into the smartphone. You can argue: "The computer does not see the iPhone 3g, but I did not bathe with it." It is not necessary to do this. It is enough just to hold the communicator in a room in which high humidity prevails. This can cause serious problems, because the moisture still falls into the internal space of the phone.

    If you recognize your case in these lines, you must turn off the device and

    contact the service center specialists. But especially inventive users disassemble the communicator on their own, after which they dry it. However, you can resort to such measures only if you are absolutely confident in your own abilities.

    To blame the current

    From time to time, the computer does not see the iPhone 4s (and possibly another modification) due to problems in the power chip. Unfortunately, the detail is expensive, and replacing it can cost about 3,000 rubles, and sometimes more.

    In addition, we must not forget that the firmware can also show character. Especially frequent failures in the case of unofficial firmware. It is necessary to return the phone to its "clean", factory condition.

    Possible solutions

    When it comes to USB-cable when replacing it with a working and proven, I am glad that you can get such a useful thing in many electronics stores.

    If the problem is internal in nature, and you have experience in repairing the iPhone, you can replace the broken part yourself. In the absence of the necessary knowledge, refer to the professionals from the company's service centers.

    ITunes does not notice the iPhone, or Software Problems.

    To begin, reinstall the iTunes application by downloading the latest version on the official website. If this does not help, let's move on to setting up the operating system.

    If the “Windows XP” platform is deployed on a computer, you must perform the following steps: close “iTunes” by disconnecting the device. Go to the "Start" menu, click "Run", and enter in the resulting window "services.msc". A similar result can be achieved by going to the "Control Panel", the "Administration" section, the "Services" item.

    restarting the service is complete, iTunes will be fully prepared to work with the communicator.

    If you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista installed on your computer, the plan of action is as follows: go in by right clicking on the “Apple iPhone” and selecting the “Update driver” function that appears in the appeared Next we search for the driver on the computer using the corresponding item.

    After that, we are interested in choosing a driver from the list of already installed ones. Refer to the "install from disk." In the dialog box that appears, click the "Browse" button. Go to the drive "C", the folder "Program Files", then - "Common Files", then "Apple", we need "Mobile Device Support" and, finally, the catalog "Drivers". Run the file “usbaapl”.

    Click "OK" in the installation window from the disk. Click "Next" and complete the driver installation. Open the program "iTunes" to verify the recognition of the device.

    If the problem occurred in the Mac OS X environment, disconnect the device from the computer, closing it in iTunes. Open the file manager called “Finder” and move several items to the “Trash”: the folder with the iTunes application, the shortcut of this program from the special launch pad, the files AppleMobileDevice.kext and AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg.

    Restart the computer, delete the contents of the Recycle Bin, restart the computer again. Download the latest version of iTunes for the Mac platform. We connect the device and use iTunes. So we have analyzed the main cases in which the computer does not see the iphone, as well as ways to solve this problem. Just a few simple steps can help you get rid of the problems that have arisen, but if this does not happen, you should take the device for in-depth testing to a service center as soon as possible.

    Although modern iOS devices may well be used independently of a PC, there are situations when you need to use this option. When the computer does not see the iPhone connected via a cable to the USB port, the problem is in the drivers for iTunes or other services. Sometimes things are easier, because the cable may break or the iPhone just has been connected incorrectly. First you need to find out the cause of the problem to correct the situation.

    Why the computer does not see the iPhone

    The most common response to asking why the computer does not see the iPhone is the problem of connecting to the iTunes service. Sometimes, to solve this problem, you need to press the confirmation of the connection to the PC on the mobile device. If after this action the PC does not see the iPhone, you should check the USB port. Problems may arise due to old versions of programs, applications and drivers for motherboard chipsets. In other cases, consult the wizard to find out the cause of the situation.

    Cable break

    The main reason for not connecting the device to the PC is a faulty or damaged connecting cable. Examine the existing USB cable for damage. There are cases when the contacts are damaged inside the wire (visually it is difficult to identify) and the computer does not see the iPhone. To check, compare the operation of the device with another cable: if the problem is in the accessory, then everything will work out. Are you convinced that the cord is damaged? You can solve the problem as follows:

    • purchase a new cable;
    • try to fix it yourself;
    • contact a specialized service center.

    IPhone does not connect to computer via USB

    The second most common are problems with USB ports: the connection is unstable or the device is not detected at all. There may be mechanical damage to the connectors of both the PC and the mobile device itself or their clogging. Perhaps, in the absence of synchronization, the computer does not see the iPhone: its operating system is outdated. Often there may be a solvable problem with the USB driver. The interaction of the PC and the phone is affected by security programs that may also interfere with the connection.

    Error starting Apple Mobile Device service

    Resolving the issue of desynchronization helps restarting a mobile device or laptop. It happens that the PC can not start the service Apple Mobile Device. It can interfere with third-party software or the usual "glitch", which is corrected by restarting this service. The way to correct the incorrect work is to reinstall, which is done simultaneously with the reinstallation of all the software components of iTunes.

    Why iTunes doesn't see the iPhone

    Users of apple devices are constantly faced with problems of interaction with the PC. In some cases, iTunes does not work on the computer, in others errors are displayed. The reasons for the lack of response may be a faulty cable, USB port or slot for the charger. There is an error in the status of the Apple service, the old drivers, the prohibition of antivirus or the influence of malware. The outdated version of the iPhone or the operating system of the device interferes with normal synchronization and, as a result, the computer will not be able to see the iPhone.

    Iphone problems

    A laptop or PC will not be able to identify the connected device when the iPhone is not working. He may not respond to pressing and touching the screen or just turn off. Try restarting the iPhone forcibly. Hold the lower volume button (for new models) or "Home" (for iPhone 6 and below) and the "Power" button until the "apple" appears on the display.

    On average, this takes about 10 seconds. Otherwise, connect the phone to charge for at least an hour. As a rule, the device starts charging in a few minutes. In case of failure, it is worth checking the integrity of the connector, cord and adapter. Parts must be intact and clean. Making sure that the charging system is visually in order, but the computer does not see the iPhone, you will have to use the help of the service center.

    What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone

    Users may encounter a problem when they receive an invalid iPhone response when trying to connect. Often this happens because of the Lockdown folder in the Apple software files. Fix this problem simply. Windows users need to go to the Apple folder in the Application Data or ProgramData Apple folder and delete the folder named Lockdown to the Recycle Bin. After the reboot, iTunes should resume its work, and the PC will begin to recognize the Apple Communicator.

    How to connect iPhone to computer via USB

    The bundle of each Apple mobile gadget contains a connecting cable. It provides the connection of an iPhone to a computer via USB on the principle of a flash drive in order to exchange video, files, photos and others. In addition to it, you will need a PC with the latest version of iTunes installed. The disadvantage of this method is physical attachment to a stationary PC or laptop. The process goes through the steps you need to do:

    • connect the USB cable to the device;
    • connect to PC;
    • next comes iTunes (if this program has not been installed before);
    • start and configure synchronization.

    What to do if iTunes doesn't see the iPhone

    In cases where the iPhone does not connect to iTunes, you can use the standard set of tips:

    • check the integrity of the cable, phone connector, USB;
    • allow connection by clicking OK in the pop-up window on the device screen;
    • update the driver, OS phone or PC;
    • install iTyuns update or just restart the program;
    • restart Apple Mobile Device;
    • reboot your iPhone or PC.

    How to install Apple Mobile Device again

    When the Apple Mobile Device Service does not start, it is worth making several attempts to reload it. For this you need:

    • turn off the phone, turn off the iTunes application;
    • for Windows, type services.msc in the command line;
    • in the window that appears, find the service we need and open its properties;
    • correct the startup type to “Automatic” and stop the service;
    • wait a bit, click the Run button;
    • restart your computer and reconnect iPhone via USB by opening iTunes.

    If there is no solution to the problem, you will have to install this software component again. Removing and reinstalling the Apple Mobile Device Service is carried out while simultaneously removing and reinstalling all iTunes items. In the Program Files section, search and delete the folders iTunes, iPod, Bonjour. In the Apple folder, Common Files section, delete Apple Application Support, Mobile Device Support, CoreFP. After that, download the new installation file from the Internet and follow the simple instructions on how to connect iPhone to your computer to restore work.

    What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone as a removable disk

    The main reasons why the iPhone is not defined as a flash drive (removable disk) are the following problems:

    • uSB connection failure;
    • problems with Aytyuns components;
    • problems in the device.

    To correct the situation is real, it is important to find out what was the result of the error. Damaged cable will require replacement. With a broken USB port, you can use other available. In case of software problems, restart the device, PC or reinstall Apple software components through the control panel. If the above tips did not help and the laptop does not see the iPhone via USB, you should diagnose the phone at an Apple service center.


    Although the iPhone and iPad can fully, do without a computer, there are situations when it may be needed. Well, since Apple technology is also not perfect and it may have errors, one of which I will try to help you solve.

    One of the most popular is when the computer does not see the iPhone.  There can be many reasons for this, but most often the cause of this error: the keys that have been saved from past connections. Usually with each connection should appear the question "Trust this computer" or not, but it happens that it does not appear. This problem can be solved in a few simple steps.

    The macOS computer does not see the iPhone or iPad

    I'll start with the "native" for the iPhone and iPad Mac computer based on macOS. Naturally due to the fact that this is one “family”, users rarely have a problem when the computer does not see the iPhone. But such cases still happen.

    So, if your iPhone doesn’t want to see a Mac, try cleaning the contents of a special system folder - Lockdown. To do this, follow my steps:

    Step 2. Go to the program Finder  and simultaneously press the buttons cmd + shift + G
    in the appeared window enter / var / db / lockdown and press the button to pass.

    Step 3. You will get to the folder with certificates of all devices ever connected to your Mac, they need to be deleted.

    Step 4. Simultaneously press the cmd + a buttons and move the selected files to the basket with the button "Move to Trash"  or simple drag and drop

    After that, connect the iPhone computer and the question of trust or not, you answer trust. Now the Mac will see the iPhone fine.

    Windows 7, 8 or 10 computer does not see the iPhone

    Step 1. Disconnect all devices from the computer and close iTunes.

    Step 2. Simultaneously press Ctrl + Esc

    Step 3. Click on the magnifying glass icon or search field and type in the% ProgramData% field, click Return

    Step 4. Double-click the Apple folder.

    Step 5. On the Lockdown folder, right-click and select “Delete”

    Step 6. Restart your computer and iPhone. If you do not, maybe an error 0xE80003 will appear.

    Update iPhone drivers on Windows 7, 8 or 10

    If the above method did not help, for Windows 7, 8 or 10 there is another way to solve the problem when the computer does not see the iPhone, but it is more difficult. You need to install the driver on the iPhone.

    Step 1. Go to the "Control Panel" on Windows 7, 8 or 10 and select "Device Manager"

    Step 2. In the list, select the “Universal Serial Bus USB Controllers” section and find the driver   Apple Mobile Device USB Driver

    Step 3. Right-click on it and select “Update Driver”

    Step 4. Now select "Search for drivers on this computer" and "Select driver from the list of already installed drivers"

    Step 5. Choose “Install from disk” and select the folder C: \\ Program Files \\ Common Files \\ Apple \\ Mobile Device Support \\ Driversin the folder choose usbaapl  and click "Open"

    Step 7. Now you can open iTunes and check whether it sees the device or not, if not, try restarting your computer.


    I wish my advice would help you solve the problem when the computer does not see the iPhone or iPad. I advise you to regularly visit my category, you will learn a lot of new things and will help your friends to solve problems with their devices.

    Connecting your iPhone or iPad to a computer and see a window with an error saying “USB device not recognized”? Well, you are not the first to encounter a similar problem, unfortunately, it manifests itself quite often and for various reasons. In this manual, we describe all known ways to fix it.

    Restart computer

    The first thing to do after seeing the ominous error message “USB device not recognized” is to restart the computer. Previously it is necessary to disconnect your iPhone or iPad from the computer and connect it via USB after fully turned on. In many cases, a simple reboot fixes the problem, however, if in your case it still manifests itself, pay attention to other recommendations.

    Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer.

    At this point, too, everything is simple - run iTunes, go to the Help menu, and select " Updates". If updates are available, wait for them to download and install, then try connecting your iPhone or iPad again.

    Unplug other USB devices

    If many USB devices are connected to your computer, you should try to disconnect those that are not currently needed. After that, try again to connect your iPhone and iPad to the computer - in most cases the problem will be resolved.

    Reinstall iTunes

    If that didn't help either, then the problem may be a crash in iTunes. Such failures occur quite rarely, but to make sure that iTunes is working properly still follows. The process of uninstalling iTunes is simple, however, components must be deleted strictly in the following order:

    1. iTunes
    2. Apple Software Update
    3. Apple Mobile Device Support
    4. Bonjour
    5. Apple Application Support (iTunes 9 or later)

    After all the components of iTunes are removed from your computer, you must restart it and install the latest version of iTunes by downloading it from the official Apple website.

    Check driver conflicts

    Step 1. Run “ Task Manager»

    • Windows 7: Start -> « Control Panel» -> « system and safety» -> « System» -> « device Manager»
    • Windows 8: Swipe the screen from the right edge, select " Search", Enter" device Manager" and press Enter
    • Windows 10: click on the search field on the taskbar, enter " device Manager" and press Enter

    Step 2. Find the driver item in the "" section of the list.

    Step 3. If next to the driver Apple Mobile Device USB Driver  a sign with a down arrow is displayed, right-click on the driver, and in the context menu that opens, select " Engage". If another sign is displayed next to the driver, go to the next item.

    Step 4. If next to the driver Apple Mobile Device USB Driver  An exclamation point or question mark is displayed, right-click on the driver and select " Delete»

    Step 5. Right-click on “ USB Universal Serial Bus Controllers"And select" Update hardware configuration»

    Step 6. Wait until the driver is reinstalled

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