Blog “Smart stuff. Using voice recorders for hidden recording of conversations

Before you go to the store for a new digital voice recorder, remember that we already have this thing. Just saying - in a cell phone. And in any, even in the most inexpensive. Voice recording is one of the basic support functions of a cell phone, like a clock or calendar.

Why then do we need another electronic “toy”? The fact is that using a cell phone as a dictaphone is not quite convenient. Here are just the most noticeable flaws.

Cell phone microphone has a circular focus and lack of sensitivity to record sound from a distant source. In other words, to record a lecture phone will not work. At the dictaphone, the microphone is more sensitive. And for many models of the middle and upper price level, the sensitivity and directionality of the microphone can be adjusted by selecting discrete values \u200b\u200bwith a switch. In one position of the switch we record our own voice - the sound source is near the microphone, in another position we record the voice of the lecturer - the sound source is located ten meters from the microphone.

Further. Voice recording time on cell phones is usually limited. In simple models - one minute. This means that a voice memo cannot be longer than a minute. The restriction seems to be serious, although in practice, if you do not record lectures or long interviews, you can ignore it. Memories are rarely longer than 30 seconds. Try it yourself - you can fit a printed text page in a minute audio clip at the quietest pace of dictation. The need for such volumes is extremely rare.

A cell phone, especially the simplest, may not have the means to rewrite audio files of voice recordings to a computer (except through the computer’s audio input, which is fraught with strong distortions due to double audio conversion - from “digit to analog” and from “analog to digit”).

The question may arise: why do this? Didn't we say that in practice the function of synchronizing a voice recorder with a computer often turns out to be unclaimed? Yes it is. If we are not going to keep an electronic archive of voice recordings, synchronization is not needed. But the voice recorder buttons are arranged in such a way that they are convenient to use when decrypting records. Find the file you want, start playback, press the pause button. Write the text in a notebook. We slightly rewind the recording, listen to it “with overlapping”, write it down again in the notebook ... Try to do the same with the phone. You have to copy the voice recording file to a computer and decrypt it with a good software player.

The last noticeable drawback of a cell phone as a voice recorder is a worse quality of digitizing sound than digital voice recorders. No choice of compression level. There is no clear, convenient system for cataloging records.

So the cell phone is not suitable for recording voice notes? Nothing like this! This is a handy tool that, as is the case with the camera built into the phone, is always at hand. A digital voice recorder or the same camera (if you touched on this topic) you can forget at home - you will not forget the phone, because without it, like without hands.

A telephone as a voice recorder is sometimes more convenient than a full-fledged fellow. How to use the recorder? Approaching the device to the face and speak into the microphone, pressing the button. Note: bring it like a microphone. And a cell phone is like a phone. That is - to the ear. Will it be possible to make a voice recording imperceptibly, without attracting the attention of others? Only if the note is recorded on the phone. It’s easy to imagine situations when you shouldn’t show your dictaphone to anyone. And on the phone, people talk every minute and everywhere. Cell phones do not cause suspicion.

And yet we decided to buy a digital voice recorder. They brought the box home. Revealed. Enjoyed the wonderful view of the new “toy”. What's next?

You know, with dictaphones often happens that with moleskines. I bought a magnificent notebook in the elite office. And to cover its pages with hurried letters is a pity. And lying is not the cheapest purchase in the drawer of a desk. And we still write memorable little notes on assorted pieces of paper or, at best, on sticky little leaves.

For a voice recorder to bring real benefits, they need to be used. Constantly. Everyday. This wonderful smart machine needs to get used to. Develop the habit of turning on the voice recorder as soon as you need to remember something or write it down on paper.

Here is a typical scenario of using a voice recorder in everyday life. I give it as an example - in an effort to demonstrate how convenient these smart electronic things are. To live comfortably not only for me, but also for you.

Morning. The voice recorder lies on the bedside table and at the right time we programmed speaks with the voice of a loved one: “It's time to wake up, dear. The pipe is calling. You can record music - without any connections to the music center. One has only to bring the recorder to the sound source and press the record button. If you choose the lowest level of compression (the best recording quality), you will be surprised how well the voice recorder can record the sounds of music. Although it is better to use a real player to listen to music (but it usually does not have a built-in speaker, and therefore it is inconvenient to use it as an alarm clock - you will not sleep in headphones).

The voice recorder, if left on the kitchen table, works like a voice memo. When you return home, and the spouse is missing for some mysterious reason, you turn on the dictaphone left by her and hear the promising: “Lunch is on the floor, I am at my mother's house”. Well, not lovely?

We go along the street. We hurry to work. And suddenly to meet the school friend. Have not seen a thousand years! And time is running out. Come on, my friend, your phone, I'll call you back. There was a piece of paper somewhere. And a pen. Oh, you, my God ... Turn on the recorder. Enter the phone number. In the evening, write it in a notebook or in the memory of a cell phone. And - calmly talk with your friend.

We are at work. The chef shouts at the hushed staff.

- Task completed? How not done? But what is it?

“And you gave another assignment, chief.”

- Can not be!

And - we slip the tape recorder to our superiors ... No, the idea is not very good. So you can spoil the relationship with the leadership.

Okay, another story. We sit behind the wheel of the car and drive on business. And suddenly - a traffic cop (or as they are called there today). And I did not break anything. He also claims to have broken. Get a dictaphone out of your pocket. Record the words of this dog. He has no right to refuse. But his aplomb flies instantly. And a voice recorder can help you if things turn a bad turn ...

Need more examples? I think enough. Voice recorder is a very useful thing. Just start working with it, and you will understand it yourself.

Using mobile devices, you can save the first words of a child’s family archive, but if you often have to record speeches, reports and interviews by occupation, it’s better to buy a tape recorder, especially since they have very modest dimensions. The width of most devices is about 40 mm, the thickness is no more than 20 mm and the length is –100–130 mm.

Who needs a voice recorder

  A separate recording device is useful:
  • students - to record lectures;
  • journalists, writers, sociologists - to collect information for further processing;
  • management assistants to record meetings and negotiations;
  • managers and secret buyers - to assess the level of customer service employees of the company;
  • bloggers and other creative individuals to record their thoughts, observations and sketches of future works;
  • people defending their rights in the courts - for presenting evidence of illegal actions, etc.

Choosing a voice recorder

  Buying a voice recorder, you need to decide what you will record. To capture your own thoughts, a simple device with a primitive microphone and low recording quality is enough. Journalists should pay attention to the amount of memory, because they have to record and process large amounts of information. Lectures, speeches and meetings are best recorded on a powerful device with a sensitive microphone.
  In addition, when choosing a voice recorder, the format of audio files, the ability to connect to a computer, and the presence of additional options are important. For example, when working in different environments, the ability to adjust the sensitivity of the microphone will be useful. And if a dictaphone is needed for use outside the office, then advanced functionality will be useful, allowing not only to record, but also to listen, to put labels and so on.

Record Characteristics

  The following indicators influence the sound quality and file size.
Frequency range  For most models, it ranges from 40 to 20,000 Hz. The maximum rate can reach 44,000 Hz, but this frequency is needed only for recording professional music. Human speech can be recorded by the device with an indicator of 100-4000 Hz.
The number of recording channels.Most budget models work in mono mode, while expensive devices can have from 2 to 8 channels. Stereo, sufficient to record polyphonic conversations and music, is achieved when there are already 2 channels. If you plan to use a dictaphone for recording lectures, conducting interviews where one person will speak as a speaker, then it is better to acquire a device with the ability to record in mono mode: the absence of other voices will make it easy to hear all the words, and the unit will cost less.

Record format.  The number of formats supported by the voice recorder does not greatly affect its price.
  • MP3 is the most popular recording format: audio files take up little space, you can listen on most modern devices, but the quality is a bit lost.
  • WMA files are larger than audio in MP3 format, but feature high definition.
  • WAV is a standard format for storing audio files of excellent quality.

  • PCM - Recorder records without compression, thus ensuring excellent sound. However, these files take up too much space.
  • DSS - this format is characterized by strong compression, high quality recording and small file sizes. Suitable for interviewing.
  • REC - some voice recorders use their own proprietary format to save such files.
  When choosing a voice recorder, make sure that it records files in MP3, WAV or WMA. Such records will be easy to read from any device. If the recorder works only in PCM, DSS formats, you will need to install special programs that are publicly available on the computers from which you want to listen to the audio recording.
The quality of the recording.In most voice recorders you can independently adjust the recording quality. It must be remembered that this parameter directly affects the maximum operating time of the device. By setting low quality, you can record more hours of speech. The best quality is considered to be a bitrate of 128 kbps; but the 64 kbps indicator may come up if you plan to dictate information while holding the device near your mouth. As a rule, the technical documentation indicates the maximum recording time with low (LP) and high (HQ) quality. The first indicator is an order of magnitude higher than the second: if poor-quality audio files, some devices can continuously record for more than 90 days, then recordings in HQ mode can usually be done for about 100 hours without recharging.


Regardless of the size, the voice recorder can have built-in or external memory. The size of the internal memory can vary from 2 MB to 32 GB, in most devices it is 2-4 GB. The price of the device directly depends on this parameter. Budget models may have a small amount of memory. In this case, it is better to record information on external memory cards. It is more convenient to work with a device with a large supply of free recording space, however, the cost of such devices is high. Some voice recorders do not have built-in memory at all. In this case, the information is stored on external drives. Optimally, if the voice recorder is equipped with both internal memory and a slot for connecting flash cards.

  Sometimes users encounter a problem: there is still free memory, but the device does not record a new fragment. This is due to the restriction on the maximum number of files and folders (up to 5000 messages), so if you expect short conversations with a large number of people, it is better to purchase a model with a higher rate.

Power type

  The duration of the recorder is determined by the type of its power. The following types of recording devices are distinguished:
  • powered by built-in batteries;
  • powered by batteries or batteries type AA;
  • with mains and battery power.

It is better to purchase a device with a built-in battery and the ability to power via USB. The battery life (from fully charged to fully discharged batteries) depends on the battery capacity, so it can be as long as 7-20 hours, and 3 or more days.

Additional functions

  Advanced voice recorder models can have a variety of useful features:
  • voice activation - saves space by stopping the recording of the file in silence and starting work again when the conversation is resumed;
  • AGC - automatic gain control, working without user intervention: if the sound source is far away, the signal is amplified, if a loud voice near the microphone creates interference, then the sensitivity decreases;
  • the presence of a backlit LCD display on which the selected quality is displayed, indicators of recording time and battery charge, as well as other parameters;
  • the ability to install an additional microphone and adjust its sensitivity;
  • ability to select the mode - allows you to set the sensitivity level of the built-in microphone depending on the environment: “interview”, “on the street” and others;
  • a timer with which you can set the time to turn on the voice recorder;
  • built-in speaker or headphone port for listening to audio files without using a laptop or other device;
  • connector for connecting to a computer - allows you to transfer files to a PC by connecting to it using a USB cable or directly;
  • write protection - gives audio recordings greater legal force;
  • indexing - allows you to select individual moments of audio recordings and quickly find them if necessary.

  Some models have built-in watches, alarm clocks, organizers and flashlights, as well as the ability to lock the buttons. Some devices can be equipped with digital cameras and radios. When choosing a voice recorder, remember that a large number of additional functions increases the price, therefore it is better to restrict yourself to the necessary set of options.

Nowadays, the voice recorder is an essential attribute of some professions. It’s hard to imagine a journalist without this digital device. Someone this gadget helps in studies or presentations, when there is no time to assimilate information momentarily, others like to listen and parse moments of lectures in a more relaxed atmosphere or use a device for keeping a diary (some scientists do this to fix the thought when there is no other source of recording information). The use of a digital voice recorder is justified by modern realities, where the amount of information received often exceeds the threshold of its instant learning.

This device will be your faithful assistant in several situations.

In order to understand what dictaphones are, we will examine three types of this technique: amateur, semi-professional and professional. The most famous manufacturers of high-quality digital technology in this area are several manufacturers. The first place is rightfully occupied by Olympus, then Sony, Ritmix and Phillips are located.  They differ in price, features and capabilities. You can learn more about this from the 2017 rating, where the best voice recorder will be selected.

In tenth place is the device from a well-known manufacturer in Russia. With a price of 1790 to 2907r. it can be attributed to models of the starting category. The gadget is perfect for recording in a room in which there is no extraneous noise. For other tasks you should pay attention to more specialized equipment. Characteristics of the model: a single recording channel, the presence of 2 GB of internal memory and a small LCD display, perfectly readable in the dark and in the light. There is a small speaker, declared support for WMA and MP3. The recording is converted only in MP3, but there is a voice authorization and the ability to choose the quality (2 options). PC connection interface standard, USB2.0. The display has an indication of the level of charge, as well as displaying the remaining space for recording. The claimed operating time from a single charge is on average 14 hours, which is a pretty good result.

The battery is built-in, lithium-polymer, does not have a "memory effect", so you do not have to pump the battery, discharging it to zero.

The case is not easily soiled, it lies well in the hand. Comes with a cord for connecting to a PC and a charge, as well as headphones.

  • good price;
  • strong case;
  • long work on one charge of the battery;
  • reliability;
  • attractive appearance;
  • presence of headphones included.
  • mono recording, recording is less saturated;
  • display size;
  • no cover in the package.

Prices :

Positive feedback on the DVT1200 model and high user popularity  They speak about high consumer characteristics, however, it is worthwhile to dwell upon them: the recording format is single-channel (mono), the type of memory combined (built-in and external). The volume of its memory recorder is 4 GB with the possibility of expanding the memory card format SD. There is a built-in display, speaker, besides the device can be used as a flash drive.

Unlike the previous model, here the recording format is ADPCM, which indicates a more serious hardware stuffing.

The device can be used in large rooms, but it still does not do very well with noise suppression. A good frequency range (from 750 to 18000 Hz) allows you to work with the voice, picking up its tone and shades. The microphone of the device has a change in sensitivity. The recording quality can be adjusted (3 options). On one charge, the gadget can last up to 23 hours in high quality mode and up to 270 hours when recording in the lowest quality. USB 2.0 data transfer protocol, headphone input and key lock. In the configuration there is a cord for connecting to a PC.

  • aDPCM recording format;
  • reasonable price (2590r.);
  • good build;
  • high reliability;
  • classic look.
  • powered by AAA batteries;
  • poor equipment;
  • with three batteries becomes weighty and not suitable for hidden recording.

Prices :

Rating will be incomplete without mentioning the devices of this brand. Olympus is a highly specialized manufacturer of voice recorders and related products. Their devices are in constant demand all over the world. The proposed model VN-7800 refers to start level models. It is distinguished by very modest figures, but rather a stylish body. The device looks expensive, despite the monochrome display, which is perfectly readable both indoors and outdoors in daylight.

The starting price of this device 1940r. For this cost, the user receives the following set of characteristics: a single (mono) recording channel, built-in 4 GB memory (with no possibility of expansion), as well as one speaker for audio output. Recording is done in DSS format, with a range from 150 to 7900 Hz. Not a record, of course, but the result is quite good. There is voice activation and microphone settings change, which will be very useful when recording a single voice. The device is powered by AAA batteries and can work up to 155 hours in the maximum recording quality mode, as well as an incredible 2200 hours in the low quality mode.

In addition to line-in headphones, you can connect a microphone, which will be very useful for recording a lecture in a small audience with low parameters for sound reflection (echo).

  • acceptable price;
  • attractive appearance;
  • durable case;
  • long battery life;
  • well readable display.
  • no recharging possible;
  • minimalistic equipment;
  • no noise reduction function.

Prices :

Sony needs no introduction. Their technology serves as a kind of benchmark and reference point in the world of modern technology, quite often setting the tone for the entire industry. On the dictaphone market, Sony takes one of the leading positions, and their products are represented by a wide range of products that are suitable for all needs. The considered model costs from 2190 rubles. and higher. With a rather modest price tag, it boasts a set of the following characteristics: mono channel recording, 4 GB of internal memory, convenient display and support for MP3. Also present is not very loud speaker.

Voice recording takes place in MP3, the range of captured frequencies from 75 to 15000 Hz. This device can be easily used. to record an interview in a quiet, peaceful place. At the disposal of the user setting the microphone sensitivity and the ability to choose the recording quality. The maximum operating time is up to 30 hours in high quality mode and up to 1045 hours in the lowest mode. The display has a charge level indicator, so it is always possible to replace the battery on time.

  • quality model from a trusted manufacturer;
  • appearance;
  • wide range of recorded frequency;
  • convenient recording format;
  • optimal price.
  • there is no possibility of copying directly to the PC;
  • cannot expand memory;
  • poor equipment.

Prices :

From the budget devices in our top let's move to the average price segment. This is where the next model from “Rhythmix” can be attributed. Unlike the more affordable option, the RR-980 writes sound from two speakers at once,  which is a clear advantage, and this despite the quite affordable price tag in 3190r. The remaining technical characteristics of the device are as follows: 8 GB internal memory with the possibility of expansion, color display, declared MP3 and WMA playback. Good discrete speaker. Recording is done in ADPCM format. The declared frequency range is from 20 to 20000 Hz. The device can be activated by voice, and the settings of the microphones are easy to change in a convenient menu. In addition, the gadget can be used as a flash drive. The recorder is powered by two AAA batteries.

  • extensive functionality;
  • stylish and bright appearance;
  • convenient to use at the lecture (support for stereo recording) and for interviews in a small cafe;
  • equipment;
  • possibility of charging from the computer;
  • lightweight (only 47 grams in curb).
  • recording quality can be very mediocre, depending on the noise level;
  • duration of work from one set of batteries (20 hours);
  • cover missing.

Prices :

Few people will agree to a compromise in 2017 when it comes to the quality of playback and sound recording. It is for those who are not ready to compromise, the company "Philips" is a model DVT2510. Average price 6090r. a curb weight of only 79 grams, which is very good, given the capabilities of this gadget.

I want to note a full stereo recording, thanks to high-quality active microphones.

The total memory capacity is 8 GB, but you can add a microSD card up to 32 GB. The device can play your recordings through the speaker and used as a flash drive. The sound is written in MP3 and PCM. The scatter of the captured range from 50 to 20,000 Hz. There is a recording by voice command and flexible microphone sensitivity settings. The recording quality is adjustable in 5 variants. There is a bright color display that reads well both indoors and outdoors. This device is perfect for advanced users who are willing to pay for the nuances that a beginner doesn’t pay attention to. The operating time of two batteries is 50 hours.

  • high-quality assembly and accessories;
  • strong case;
  • bright display;
  • convenient menu;
  • high power (110 mW).
  • batteries instead of full batteries;
  • big speaker;
  • long recording time, but a short time from a single charge.

Prices :

4. Olympus VP-10

Another semi-professional model that is perfect for hidden recording. VP-10 will be able to appreciate the secret buyers, because it is easy to hide in clothing or hide in the palm of your hand due to its elongated shape, resembling a marker or pen. The average price is 7790r., And for this price the user gets the following set of characteristics: stereo sound recording from two active microphones, descritization (maximum bit depth) 16 / 44.1. Built-in memory is 4 GB. On the case there is a display and an integrated speaker. Recording is done in one of three formats: MR№, PCM and WMA. The range of frequencies captured from 50 to 17000 Hz. Information transfer protocol standard USB 2.1. There is a headphone output and a graphic display of the remaining charge. The weight is indicative of 37 grams. Power can not be called a record, but 90 mW is also a very good indicator. The device is perfect for archival recording of lectures or interviews.

  • unique design;
  • wide range of settings;
  • functionality;
  • ability to use for hidden recording;
  • reliability.
  • no microphone output;
  • you can not expand the amount of internal memory;
  • short time from one charge.

Prices for Olympus VP-10:

Before us is a good professional voice recorder from a highly specialized manufacturer. Despite some functional limitations that may surprise inexperienced users, this device has absolutely everything for a professional interview.  Also, the gadget is suitable for recording a lecture or reading a book in audio format. The price is rather big, but, here it is worth repeating, it is a professional equipment with a complex filling, therefore 12590r. should not be very scary to all who want to join the high quality sound recording.

The clear advantage of this device is its own full-fledged lithium-polymer rechargeable battery, as well as the case, made of high-grade metal.

But the benefits do not end there. Imagine, the device is necessary for you right now, in field conditions, and there is no place to charge. In this case, the recorder provides solar battery.  Know-how, which is not found even in the top devices! As many as 8 recording modes, PC connection, recording frequency range from 100 to 10,000 Hz. The battery charge lasts for 30 hours in the best recording quality mode. In addition, the device can be password protected. In short, the real find for all lovers of tech gadgets.

  • high functionality;
  • solar battery;
  • the ability to set a password;
  • own battery;
  • metal case;
  • uncompromisingly small weight, only 20 grams.
  • initially all tracks are converted to WAV;
  • cost, able to scare a wide range of buyers.

Prices :

A review of dictaphones will be incomplete without mentioning a domestic manufacturer. A holiday for fans of domestic high-precision technology - the device came out surprisingly harmonious. Appearance may cause questions, but this is a matter of taste. The case is austere, but strong, resistant to scratches and falls. Let's just say that of all the above mentioned recorders, the Forty is able to survive a serious fall on the tiled floor, the others have much less chances due to the fragility of the structure. Here the weight of the device plays on the arm - only 15 grams. And this is with the battery installed!

By some criteria, this device can be considered not as professional, but already as spy technique. Ideal for hidden recording. The cost of the Magpies - 19290 p. The amount is not small, but, given the size, you can forgive this shortcoming. The main characteristics are as follows: two active microphones for recording, only external memory (microSD), the range of recorded frequencies from 50 to 7000 Hz, but considering the hardware, there is no doubt about the quality, it will be at the proper level. There are two microphone inputs, own battery and password protection. The body is made of thickened plastic, resistant to various influences.

  • can be hidden almost anywhere;
  • built-in battery;
  • connectors for two headphones;
  • can be connected to an external power supply;
  • battery charge level present;
  • as many as 4 sound recording quality modes;
  • domestic development.
  • cost;
  • lack of popular audio formats for converting.

Prices :

The winner of our current rating is the best professional voice recorder  from Nagra. The average price is equal to 27880r. According to the developer, the device is assembled on a unique board that provides unrivaled sound recording quality. It is provided with two active microphones. Built-in memory 4 GB, there is an informative display. The gadget supports MP3 and WMA. The case also has a built-in speaker. The device can be used as a flash drive. Sound can be written in two available formats: MP3 and PCM. The frequency of the recorded range from 20 to 22000 Hz, which is a record among today's applicants. Eight recording modes (from lower quality to the highest), the ability to connect a microphone, headphones, as well as a linear output. The device is powered by two AA batteries.

As you can see, the device is not just a voice recorder, but a multifunctional professional device of the combined type, which allows you to easily reproduce the recorded and listen to the quality of the information received.

The weight of the device is 71 grams without batteries. But despite this, Nagra will suit more for everyday needs  since the dimensions do not allow to hide it the same way as the previous model. However, with all the rest this recorder can handle as “excellent”.

  • highest functionality;
  • stylish appearance;
  • good equipment;
  • convenient menu navigation;
  • well readable display;
  • unrivaled sound quality;
  • good grade.
  • cost;
  • no built-in battery.

Prices :

We reviewed ten different models of voice recorders. Each of them can be attributed to a particular price category. In addition, all models differ in characteristics. In any case, the choice available in the market allows the buyer to choose a product based on their preferences and budget.

More and more people are wondering where in the iPhone is a voice recorder. This smartphone from Apple won the hearts of many. But you need to be able to work with it. Therefore, even some simple operations cause difficulties. Is there a dictaphone on the iPhone at all? Why do you need this application? How to use it? Answers to all these questions will be given below. In fact, everything is much easier than it seems. Especially if you do not plan to transfer and play back the recordings made on the computer.


Before you think, you need to understand which application is being discussed. It is possible that this program is by default absent in the operating system.

Voice Recorder - an application that allows you to make your own audio recordings using your phone. The program is included in the list of standard system utilities. It performs the function of a real voice recorder. The user can create and play recordings on the iPhone. To create tracks using the built-in microphone device.

But where is the dictaphone in the iPhone? Is it originally in this phone? Yes, there is such a utility. The main thing is to know where to look for it.


Now let's talk a little about where the program can be located. It, as has been emphasized earlier, is included in the list of applications installed in iOS by default.

Where in the iPhone recorder? 5S model or any other is not so important. Often, the bulk of Apple smartphones have useful applications on the display.

It is necessary to search the corresponding icon on the first desktop. This is usually a microphone image. For example, blue or red icon. Most users note that it was on the desktop that they were able to find the program being studied.


But this is only one of the options. When thinking about where the dictaphone is in the iPhone, the person should be ready to search for the application in the depths of the gadget.

Sometimes there is no corresponding icon on the iPhone desktop. But this does not mean that there is no voice recorder. Just the application is not displayed on the screen. In this case, it is recommended to look for it in the device folders.

Where is the recorder in the iPhone? All standard applications can be found in the Applications. It is recommended to look at the proposed content. If a dictaphone was originally provided for in the operating system, a separate folder will be assigned for it.

Some users say that it is necessary to visit the folder "Addition". Where to find it in the iPhone? This is the same as Applications. This fact should be taken into account by all owners of Apple phones.

Via AppStore

A distinctive feature of modern smartphones is that even standard applications can be installed as separate programs downloaded by users. This is normal. Often, these utilities offer additional features to certain applications. Voice recorder is no exception. There are his various interpretations for iOS and not only!

Where in the iPhone recorder? If we are talking about a self-installed application, you can find it in a folder specially created for the program. But where is she located?

It all depends on how the application was downloaded. If the voice recorder was installed via the AppStore, you can find it in the Applications folder located in mobile. It is located in the var section of the mobile folder. The best way to search is to use the file manager.


Where is the voice recorder in iPhone 6? As already mentioned, you need to look at the desktop. There will be an image of a microphone. This is a voice recorder. If you do not want to use the "native" application, you can download a more versatile option. For example, through Cydia. This utility allows you to work with hacked Apple phones.

Where can I find a voice recorder initialized with Cydia? Just go to private / var / stash. Here you need to find the Applications folder, and in it - the voice recorder. For this application will be set aside a separate document. The exact name depends on the name of the program.

Main menu

Interested in a voice recorder in iPhone 6? Where is this application, if it was installed by yourself? In addition to the proposed scenarios, regardless of the version of the used "apple" gadget, you can search for the desired utility in another place.

If the voice recorder (paid or free is not so important) was set by the user independently, it is easier to search than it seems. Simply visit the main menu of the device. All available utilities and settings are displayed here. You just need to carefully study the icons - among them there will definitely be a downloaded and installed voice recorder.


Now I understand where you can find the application that interests us. But how to use it? This question also raises some questions for some smartphone owners.

Having figured out where the recorder is in the iPhone, you can start creating your own recording. In the case of a standard iOS application, the algorithm of actions is reduced to the following manipulations:

  1. Click on the microphone icon or launch the program from the corresponding folder.
  2. To start recording, you must click on the button with the red circle. You can use the central control on the headset. Pause and continue work are activated in the same way.
  3. Press the red button again to stop creating the track. Click on the "Finish" button.

That's all. When installing more universal voice recorders, the algorithm of actions will differ only slightly. All this knowledge is enough to make your own recordings on the iPhone and play them directly on the device.

Are today dictaphones still used? This dumb question arises in the minds of many who feel that the voice recorder built into the smartphone can completely replace an independent recording device. No matter how! Dictaphone allows you to record sound more clearly and efficiently, bypassing any smartphone in terms of sensitivity and allows you to record for a long time. At the same time, the battery in the phone is not discharged, and the smartphone itself can be used for its intended purpose. Of course, if you need to make a recording once, then you will hardly need a separate voice recorder, but if you are a journalist, or have decided to keep a hidden record, record lectures, trainings or court sessions, or simply dictate your thoughts and impressions regularly, then it is better to buy a voice recorder. Cassette devices have gone down in history, but without them a decent range. Let's try to figure out how to choose a voice recorder, and determine some of the best voice recorders of 2018.

We will try not to load you with unnecessary information and be minimally boring, speeding up the moment of purchase of the correct voice recorder. Let us dwell on the most important parameters.

Record format and quality

Modern voice recorders are digital devices. Voice recorders, which had analog recording technology on cassettes, can be seen only in films and in attics. The quality of the recording and how much space it will occupy in the memory depends on the format in which this entry is created:

  • MP3  - familiar to all of us and very popular format. Its main advantage is good gripso the recording will take up minimal space. Moreover, there will be no problems with listening to the recording - the format is read by any devices reproducing sound. Experts say that due to this compression, quality is lost, details disappear, but it will be difficult for a person to find these differences;
  • Wma  - more "heavy" format, which gives a little higher sound quality thanMP3, but due to the almost complete absence of compression, the received files take up a lot of space;
  • DSS  - The most modern recording format combines the advantages of the two described above. The voices will be perfectly recorded, all the smallest details are transferred, and the file will take up little space. True, not all devices can read this formatthat can be attributed to the minuses.

The format is a format, but the quality of the recording received also depends on the microphone. And also - from bit rate which is forMP3 files are defined in kbps. The higher the number, the better. The standard value is called the bit rate of 128 kbps:  all voices will be clearly distinguishable, and the recording will take up little space. To record lectures and interviews - that's it. Bitrate 256 kbps  - This is an option for recording disputes, where it is important to transmit the voice of each participant, in order to recognize where their cue is and catch the slightest noise. Bitrate 320 kbps  - this is a delight, and at 64 kbps and lower you will get terrible recording quality and sound, like from a walkie-talkie. The higher the bitrate, the more the record will weigh. As a rule, in voice recorders you can configure this parameter in order to adapt the device to any recording parameters.

How long will it be possible to record?

The length of the recording depends on many factors:

  • the amount of internal memory, which varies from 1 GB to 8 GB or more. The most common devices with a margin of 2-4 GB;
  • the ability to use memory cards. Most modern voice recorders allow you to expand the built-in stock by installing a memory card;
  • recording format and bit rate. It is clear that recording a lecture in MP3 at 128 kbit / s in bitrate will take up much less space than when recording it at 256 kbit / s or in WMA format;
  • battery capacity. The higher, the longer it will be possible to record.

Sellers often go for tricks, stating that “only this voice recorder can record continuously for 300 hours,” without specifying what quality it is. Maybe at the output you get something indistinct with a bitrate of 8 kbps. No, that will not do! Do not believe the tricks and compare all the models you like by the length of the recording in one format and one bitrate.

Some devices have a limit on the number of entries. As a rule, this limit does not interfere, but if you like to make a lot of short entries, then take this parameter into account.


Frequency range

From the physics course, we remember (if you don’t remember, we recall) that the human ear can perceive sounds in the frequency range from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Human speech has a frequency of 300-3000 Hz, so most voice recorders are set to record with this range.

If you plan to record music, the range should be wider. In this case, as a rule, use a portable microphone.

Mono or stereo?

Most dictaphones provide monophonic sound, which is enough to record an interview or lecture. An external stereo microphone is required to record stereo, and this function is useful if you constantly record disputes with a huge number of participants.

Additional features

To simplify the process of recording and working with recorded material, voice recorders are equipped with a number of additional features:

The recorder feeds, usually from batteriesbut can be used and own batteryMany agree that batteries are more convenient. It is better to buy two sets of batteries, to always be ready. The battery capacity (1200-2700 mAh) depends on the parameters of the voice recorder.

When buying, pay attention to the appearance of the device, compactness and usability. Also do not forget to rate complete set. In addition to the recorder itself, manufacturers often insert an external microphone (but it may not be included) and a USB cable. Complete headphones are the height of luxury and generosity. knows that the voice recorder is an indispensable tool for all journalists, many students and scholars. The portal contains dozens of dictaphones of well-known manufacturers of decent quality. Built-in filters allow you to select interesting options in the right price category and buy inexpensive devices with optimal functionality at a reasonable price. Remember that the choice of a voice recorder depends on the specific purpose of its use, but we hope our rating will help to understand the existing range.

Top Voice Recorders 2018

Olympus VP-10

  One of the most popular voice recorders on the market. It is equipped with two recording channels and allows you to record stereo sound. Recording is done in MP3, WMA formats, it can be activated by voice, sensitivity changes and the choice of recording quality. In addition, the voice recorder is equipped with a speaker, has a headphone output and a USB port, so there will be no problems listening to the received recordings.

The device is powered by a single AAA battery, there is a charge indicator. Record is conducted in the frequency range from 50 to 17000 Hz. Among the additional options in the presence of indexing records, hours, lock buttons and pause. Note also the compact body and the presence of many recording modes. The menu is intuitively clear, the recording quality (even when the gadget is in the bag) is at its best. There is a display, built-in memory 4 GB, there is no slot for memory cards. Very, very functional voice recorder. Price about $ 100.

For what purposes is suitable: recording of lectures, debates, conferences, interviews, music, etc. Opportunities enough to cope with any scene.

Sony ICD-TX650

  Another good example of what a quality voice recorder should be. The compact device has a stylish design and a small display. The menu is very clear for recording available 16 GB internal memory. The sound is written in MP3 and WMA, you can adjust the sensitivity of the microphone. Records can be stored in 400 different folders. Please note that the maximum number of entries is 4074.

Voice recorder can write in stereo mode, got the function of voice activation and timer recordings. You can listen to the received files using the built-in speaker, headphones (there is a separate output), or by throwing it into a computer via a USB port. Frequency range 95-20000 Hz, so it will be possible to record music with sufficient quality. The device is powered by its own battery, there is an indication of the remaining charge. Conveniently, you can charge the recorder via USB. Included is not only a cable for connecting to a computer, but also headphones. This recorder could be called practically professional if it were not for the lack of an output for an external microphone. Another disadvantage is the high price - about $ 130.

For what purposes is suitable: recording of lectures, debates, conferences, interviews, music, etc.

Ritmix RR-110 4Gb

  If you need simple inexpensive voice recorder, then this unit can be considered for purchase. He records in mono mode, can record files in MP3 and WMA formats, stores them in his own 4 GB memory. It's nice that at a price of $ 24, the device received the activation function by voice and a couple of modes  for better recording in various conditions. In the best quality, you can make up to 73 hours of recording.

You can listen to all that the recorder caught by using the speaker, through headphones (included)  or already using a computer (there is a USB-out). The display reflects all settings and remaining battery power. The battery life is 18 hours. In the advantages we assign a metal case and ease of operation. A small number of modes and reduced functionality for the minuses are not considered - this is a feature of devices in this price category.

For what purposes is suitable:

Olympus VN-540PC

Another good, unmarked voice recorder, which provides a decent quality recording. Recording is done in mono mode on the built-in memory of 4 GB. There is a built-in speaker, recording with different sensitivity of the microphone is supported. there is microphone input  and headphone output. The device is equipped with a display and is powered by 2 AAA batteries. There is an indexing of each record the ability to connect to a computer via USB. Recording is done only in WMA format. You can record 495 hours. The gadget weighs a lot (67 g), but many people like to feel a thing in their hand. The cost is about $ 40.

For what purposes is suitable: record of lectures, own reflections, interview.

Sony ICD-PX370

  This device is mono-recording in MP3 format, it can store files on the internal (4 GB) or external memory, allows you to listen to the recorded files through the speaker and headphones. To device can   connect an external microphone.You can connect the device to a computer via USB. Of the interesting features, we note password protection, locking buttons and indexing each entry. From two AAA batteries the voice recorder works for 57 hours. There is a function to activate by voice and change the sensitivity of the microphone. The cost is about $ 65.

For what purposes is suitable:  recording of lectures, personal reflections, interviews.

Philips DVT2000

  This gadget is perfect for recording important conversations and activities. The sound quality is high, the functionality is sufficient, but not superfluous, and the price is reasonable ($ 50). The recorder allows you to record stereo sound, store files in the internal (4 GB) and external memory, connect a microphone and headphones, throw off recordings to a computer via USB.

Recording is carried out only in MP3 format, there are 4 modes and a change in sensitivity of the microphone. Voice activation function is available, but with a timer problem. If this opportunity is important, it is better not to consider this gadget for purchase, but it copes with other tasks with a bang. Included are headphones.

Sony ICD-UX560

  This is almost a professional device with which you can record any scene with high quality. The recorder can record stereo, is equipped with an output to an external microphone and store recordings not only in the built-in memory (4 GB), but also on the memory card. As in most models, there is the possibility of changing the sensitivity of the microphone, activation of the voice and recording with different quality.

Present headphone output and USB port. Native battery (own battery) is enough for 27 hours of work. Recording can be in MP3 and WMA formats. In the presence of an equalizer function and indexing each record. Price about $ 130.

For what purposes is suitable:  recording of lectures, debates, conferences, interviews, music, etc.

Edic-mini microSD A23

  This is actually a spy thing. Domestic dictaphones Edic almost all are very compact in size and high quality recording. This model weighs only 20 g and resembles a keychain, but at the same time it can write sound and save it to external memory, activate by voice and provide the user with a choice of 3 recording modes. There is a timer recording the ability to connect to a computer and work with a remote microphone. The perfect spy thing.

For what purposes is suitable:  hidden entry.

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