Command Line Windows XP. Program line How to call the command line? Run command line

Greetings, dear friends, acquaintances and other personalities. Today we will talk about such a useful thing as console commands, as well as working with the command line in general.

A command line is a text-based interface in which commands are given by entering text strings from the keyboard. Another name for the command line, as you have already understood for a long time, is the console.

To many users, the command line is an anachronism of the times of working with DosHowever, sometimes it is an absolutely necessary tool, and not only for professionals, but also for a simple user.

Basic console commands. What is what and why. Introductory

Actually, this thing is one of the key elements of managing the system in spite of the fact that the OS has long been transferred to a graphical interface. Not knowing about the console and not being able to own at least its basic fundamentals is bad, and only being IT-shnikom not have knowledge about elementary things so in general ..

To launch the command line, press the key combination Win + R   and in the window that appears " RunEnter cmd. The command line utility itself is usually in the folder. C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ cmd.exe.

This is how the command line looks like by default. Windows. As you can see, everything is quite ascetic. If you want a nicer view, right-click on the window title and select “ Properties"Tab" Colors», On which you can choose the color of the font and background.

In the open window at the top you see the traditional small copyright sign, and just below the line with the current directory and the blinking cursor inviting you to start work.

There are hotkeys on the command line that can help you in your work:

  • F1   - each time you press a key, spells the last command;
  • F3   - displays the last command;
  • F5   - with each press displays the previous command;
  • F7   - displays a numbered list of commands (the last 50 commands are saved by default).

And now let's deal with some commands in more detail.

Dir command
  Displays the contents of the current directory. If you need to view the contents of another directory, you will need to specify the console path, for example: dir (space) C: \\, and press Enter.

Cd command
Allows you to change the current directory. Let me remind you that the directory in which you are currently located is listed here:

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To change the current directory type:   cd (space) C: \\ Folder name   and press Enter.


  • If you want to open a new directory on the same disk as the current one, then you do not need to prescribe the disk, you just need to specify the name of the desired directory.
  • To make using the command cd   go to another disk, you need to add this parameter (sometimes it is called a flag)   / D, that is, the command for switching to another disk will look like this:
    cd / D D: \\

Mkdir command
  Allows you to create new folders with the name you specify.

Default command mkdir   creates folders in the current directory. If you need to create a folder in another directory, write it down, for example:

Using the same command, you can create a directory tree right away.

Rmdir command
  Deletes directories. Like this:

Note: default command rmdir   deletes only empty directories. If with its help you try to delete the folder with the contents, you will see the following message:

To delete a non-empty folder, to the command rmdir   need to add a parameter   / S.   Like this:

Do not forget to confirm the deletion by clicking on the " Y"And Enter.

Shutdown command
  I think that from the name it is clear that this command allows you to turn off the computer. I foresee a completely logical question - why shut down the computer using the command line, when it is much easier to turn it off through the main menu Windows. But imagine, for example, that you need to leave, and the computer still performs some task that is undesirable to interrupt, but the computer, however, must be turned off. Here in this case the command shutdown   indispensable.

So type in the command line:

shutdown (space) –s

In this case, the computer simply turns off. If you need a delayed shutdown of your computer, type:

shutdown (space) –s (space) –t (space) time in secondsthrough which the computer should turn off:

As soon as you hit Enter, the countdown of the time left until the computer turns off will begin. AT Xp   it looks like this:

AT Windows 7:

If you decide not to turn off the computer, you can stop the countdown by adding the –a parameter to the command shutdown. Like this:

And the reverse report will be disabled.

Command systeminfo
Displays detailed system configuration information, version information, type, processor, version Bios, memory capacity, etc. Like this:


Driverquery command
  Lists all installed device drivers and their properties. If you add a parameter to the command   / VIn addition to the list of drivers, their status will be displayed.

Cls command

When the command line window is filled with various text and it becomes difficult to work, the command cls   allows you to clear the screen.

Msconfig command
  Calling for service " Windows system configuration".

I think that for many it will not be new.

Regedit command
  Opens a utility with which you can edit the registry Windows.

Chkdsk command
  Is intended. If the command is used without additional parameters, then the screen displays a report on the status of the current disk.

Here are some command options that may come in handy when checking disks:

  • / f   - sets the error correction on the disk. For the check to start, the disk must be locked. If the disk is not locked, you will be prompted to check the disk the next time you restart the computer.
  • / v   - allows you to display the names of scanned files and directories;
  • / r   - allows you to detect bad sectors of the disk and restores the part of the data that can still be read.

Format command
  With this command you can format the hard disk. Now I do not recommend to perform :) Syntax:

format (space) From: Enter.

The following additional parameters exist for this command:

  • / fs   determines the file system when formatting the disk;
  • / v   allows you to set a volume label;
  • / a   allows you to set the cluster size. If this parameter is not specified, the cluster will be determined automatically based on the size of the disk.

This is so severe minimum :)

Command pathping
  The utility that is run by this command provides information on data loss at intermediate nodes between the start and end point. The team for some time sends a message with an echo request to each router that is in the path, and then, based on the received responses, calculates a loss factor for each router. In this way, routers with network access problems can be identified.

Netstat command
  Displays active connections Tcp, computer ports, statistics Ethernetrouting tables IP, statistics IPv4   (for IP, ICMP, TCP and UDP) and IPv6   (for protocols IPv6, ICMPv6, Tcp   through IPv6   and UDP   through IPv6). If you run the command without parameters, only connections will be displayed. Tcp.

Team tasklist
  Runs a command line utility that lists all processes launched by the system with PID-code and size of the occupied memory. If the command is run without additional parameters, the list of processes of the current computer is displayed.

To see the list of processes of a remote computer, use the parameter / swith indication IP addresses   or the domain name of the computer.

Taskkill command
  In contrast to the previous command, this is intended to stop the process on a local or remote system. The process can be stopped by its ID. To do this, use the parameter   / pid. For example, like this:

taskkill (space) / pid (space) 3148 Enter

In addition, the process can be stopped by the image name by adding the parameter / im. Like this:

taskkill (space) / im (space) AnVir.exe Enter


Sfc command
  A very useful utility that is designed to recover damaged system files. Here are some options with which it works:

  • / scannow   - Immediate scan of all protected system files;
  • / scanonce   - check of protected system files at the next system boot;
  • / scanboot   - scan all protected system files every time the system boots;


This material presents the minimum minimum for working with the console. In subsequent articles, perhaps there will be something more of interesting and useful commands. However, you can study some of them yourself by typing in the console help, then, choosing an interesting team for you, enter HELP<имя команды> in order to learn about its syntax and other components:

As always, if there are any questions, additions, thanks and so on - write in the comments.

Remember that you are the best!
  So everything will be fine.
  Stay with us.

PS: For the existence of this article, a special thank you to a friend of the project and a member of our team under the nickname “Rosomaha“.

Using input commands in "Command line"   In the Windows operating systems, various tasks can be solved, including those that cannot be solved through a graphical interface or are much more difficult to do. Let's see how in Windows 7 you can open this tool in various ways.

Interface "Command Line" is an application that provides the relationship between the user and the OS in text form. The executable file of this program is CMD.EXE. In Windows 7, there are quite a few ways to invoke the specified tool. Let's find out more about them.

Method 1: Run window

One of the most popular and easy ways to call "Command Line"   is the use of the window Run.

The main disadvantages of this method are that not all users are accustomed to keeping in memory various combinations of hot keys and launch commands, as well as the fact that activation on behalf of the administrator cannot be performed in this way.

Method 2: Start Menu

Both of these problems are solved by running through the menu. "Start". Using this method, it is not necessary to keep in mind various combinations and commands, and you can also launch the program of interest to us on behalf of the administrator.

Method 3: Use Search

The application we need, including on behalf of the administrator, can also be activated using a search.

Method 4: Run the executable directly

As you remember, we talked about the fact that the launch of the interface "Command Line"   produced using the executable file cmd.exe. From this we can conclude that the program can be started by activating this file by going to its location directory using Windows Explorer.

At the same time, it is not necessary to use the address bar to go to the location directory CMD.EXE in Explorer. Moving can also be performed using the navigation menu located in Windows 7 in the left part of the window, but, of course, given the address that was specified above.

Method 5: Explorer Address Bar

Thus, you don’t even have to search CMD.EXE in Explorer. But the main disadvantage is that this method does not provide for activation on behalf of the administrator.

Method 6: launch for a specific folder

There is a rather interesting activation option. "Command Line"   for a specific folder, but unfortunately, most users do not know about it.

Method 7: Label formation

There is an option to activate the “Command Line” by first creating a shortcut on the desktop that refers to CMD.EXE.

  1. Click PKM   at any place on the desktop. In the context list, stop the selection on "Create". In the additional list, go to "Label".
  2. The shortcut creation window starts. Click on the button "Overview…"to specify the path to the executable file.
  3. A small window opens where you can go to the location directory CMD.EXE at the address that has already been specified. It is required to select CMD.EXE and click "OK".
  4. After the address of the object appears in the shortcut creation window, click "Further".
  5. The next box is labeled with a name. By default, it corresponds to the name of the selected file, that is, in our case Cmd.exe. This name can be left as it is, but you can also change it by typing in any other. The main thing is to look at this name, you understand what exactly this label is responsible for launching. For example, you can enter the expression "Command line". After the name is entered, click "Done".
  6. A shortcut will be generated and displayed on the desktop. To launch the tool, simply double-click on it. Paintwork.

    If you want to activate on behalf of the administrator, you should click on the shortcut PKM   and select from the list "Run as administrator".

    As you can see, to activate "Command Line"   by means of a shortcut, you will have to tinker a little once, but later, when the shortcut has already been created, this option of activating the CMD.EXE file will be the fastest and easiest of all the above methods. At the same time, it will allow the tool to be run, both in normal mode and on behalf of the administrator.

There are quite a few startup options. "Command Line"   in Windows 7. Some of them support activation as an administrator, while others do not. In addition, it is possible to run this tool for a specific folder. The best option to always be able to quickly run CMD.EXE, including on behalf of the administrator, is to create a shortcut on the desktop.

Command line (cmd) - the most powerful software tool that allows you to manage the operating system, as well as all applications installed in it, by entering various text commands. The process of managing the OS using cmd is much faster, because the serious productive capacity of the computer is not used, since the graphical shell of Windows is not used.

Find and call the command line (in a different way, called the console) in several ways.

Run the command line through the Start menu

Go to the menu and then alternately go through the following sections: "All programs"/"Back" --> "Standard" --> "Command line". Next, just click on it with the mouse and the console will immediately open.

Run the command line through the search box in the "Start" menu

Also, go to the menu and in the search line below type in the phrase: " Command line". The console label should appear in the search results appearing on top. Click on it and, thus, run cmd.

Run the command line through the system command "Run"

Press "quick" keyboard shortcut Win + R. In the window that opens, type in the phrase: "cmd" (console code name) and click "OK"so she appeared right away.

Run the command line through the system folder on the HDD

Open this folder by successively navigating through the following directories: C: \\ Windows \\ system32. Well look in it and you will definitely find there a file called " cmd.exe"by clicking on which, you can run the command line.

Run the command line through the extended context menu of any folder on the HDD

Hover the mouse over any folder on your disk, hold and hold (ie, do not let go!) Klav. Shift. Then, click on the selected folder with the right key. mouse to call the advanced options menu. In it, click on the function "Open command window"which will launch the console.

Launch a command prompt from them. admin

The use of system services with administrative rights significantly expands the user's authority and gives him access to additional features when working in Windows.

To open admin console, click on its shortcut or the file itself (depending on how you used it when searching for it) rights. clav mouse and click on the function "Run from admin.". The console will start with extended user rights. This is the last thing you might need when working with cmd. That's all!

The command line is an element of Windows that allows you to perform operations with files and components, bypassing the graphical interface of the system. Do not confuse the command line with the "Run" function. The latter is only responsible for opening programs and components. But the command line can completely replace the standard Windows Explorer and change the parameters of the operating system, make changes to the properties of files and format the connected media.

Therefore, in order to effectively manage your computer even in a situation when the OS GUI failed, you need to know everything about the Windows 10 command line: how to call and how to use it.


There are three ways in the Windows OS family that can run the command line.

Using the Start icon

The first method involves using the context menu of the Start button. To run the command line in this way:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. In the list that appears, the user should select the menu item "Command line", preferably with the addition of "Administrator".

Tip! Call a similar menu by pressing the key combination Win + X.

Using the built-in search

To launch the desired component, you can use the updated search, which is available on the Taskbar. For this you need:

  1. Click on the search bar (or press the key combination Win + Q).
  2. Enter the words "Command line" in the text field.
  3. Select the component of the same name from the search results.

Through the Run command

The third method involves using the Run command mentioned above. To run the required component, you should:

  1. On the keyboard, press Win + R. at the same time.
  2. Fill in the text box that appears “cmd” and click on “Enter”.

File location

You can call the command line in Windows 10 directly from the cmd.exe file located at the address “C: \\ Windows \\ System32”.

Also, shortcuts for quick opening of this program are located in the Start menu -\u003e All Applications -\u003e System Tools - Windows.

You can easily attach a shortcut to the taskbar, to (areas with tiles) or to the desktop at the discretion of the user.

Video instruction

Popular ways to invoke the command line are described and shown in the video.


To start mastering the command line functions, use the “Help” command, which will display the main keys for working with this tool.

Having learned how to use cmd.exe, the user will get even more control over his device and will be able to independently restore the operating system of the OS even during critical failures.

    Call the command line (console) in Windows 8 (7, XP) in the following ways:

    • press Windows it has the Windows icon and at the same time the R key. Next, write cmd and press Enterquot ;.
    • go to the menu Start then in it Programs then select Standard and already there choose the item Command linequot ;.
  • In order to bring up the command line in operating systems such as Windows 7 / Vista / 8 or in good old Windows XP, you can use the key combination Win + R, where Win is the key that displays the Windows logo. After pressing the keys, a window will appear in which you need to enter the command cmd in English and click okquot ;. The dark window on the screen with white text and a flashing cursor that appears on the screen is our command line, in which special commands are written to control the computer.

    To invoke the command line, you can use the hotkeys win + r, and you can also do this as follows. Pressing the start menu next program tab standard next command line and press enter.

    The fastest and most practical way to bring up a command line in video and ask a command is to press and hold the quot button; Win (with the picture window ) and click Rquot ;. In the field provided, we write cmd and confirm Enterquot ;. This is the sun.

    The fastest way to invoke the command line is undoubtedly Start (it is located to the right at the very bottom). After clicking on Startquot ;, choose Programsquot ;, then Standard and Command Line that is, the console is in front of you!

  • Often, in different manuals and faqs they write about the fact that you want to call the command line. But - how to do it and what it is - is not written

    What is the command line?

    The command line provides communication between the OS and the user. In Windows OS, everything is done with the mouse, i.e. - visually. Programs are downloaded by clicking, folders and files are created by clicking. The same can be done on the command line, but using a set of special commands. When there was no Windows OS yet, it was on the command line that all the work with the computer was carried out. In other words, the command line, this is the rest of the DOS system and is used in most cases for debugging the Windows system.

    This is how the window looks like:

    Now consider several options / ways to call this window.

    Both in Windows XP and in Windows 7 and Windows 8, the path to the command line is the same.

    1. Clicking on Start, you should have the quot button; Run. Clicking on no, a window will appear Run programquot ;. In the field open You write three letters - cmd - confirm with the quot button; OK; and get a window with the console. (If the quot button; Run no; then you need to enable it in the settings, namely: Start / Properties / Advanced / (or right-click on Start and Properties ) - find and tick the checkbox - Run .
    2. Faster window call RunYou will get a hotkey: Windows button   (with windows, is usually between STRG and ALT) + letter key R. Then type - cmd - and confirm with the OK button.
    3. Also, the command line console can be accessed via the menu by clicking on Start / Programs / Standard / Command Line
    4. Well the longest:   Open the partition on which Windows is located by entering the folder Windows / System32   and double clicking on the file cmd.exe
  • The command line is the means by which we gain access to the management of our operating system and does so by entering various commands.

    And in order to open a command prompt in Windows 8 (7, XP), you should perform a certain action.

    The easiest first way to call it is keystrokes. Win + R, then confirming the action via Enter and opening the service- Runquot ;.

    How else to call the command line we need in Windows XP and Windows 7, you need to click on the menu- Start; then click on the command called- Run: and then in the opened window you need to write-cmd and click-quot ; OKquot ;.

    Sometimes it becomes just necessary to call the command line. This is required to perform any actions in Windows using certain commands. Push button START   further choose EXECUTE   then we write a command CMD   and confirm your actions by pressing OK.

    from the menu: start - standard - command line ...

    Shortcut: Win + R, type cmdquot ;, press Enter.

    Learn to use the mouse to a minimum, the clave is faster.

    To correctly invoke the command line in Windows XP, 7 and 8 operating systems, you need to hold down the quot key; Windows; in the form of windows and R English - a line will appear - enter the English cmd and press Enter - then enter the desired command.

    Ways to call the command line mass. I recently had to open it when the computer did not want to turn on, and so, I had to throw the installation on a USB flash drive and see the line through the installation window. And if you have no such problems, you can use the combination Win + Rquot ;, then cmd and Enterquot ;.

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