How to update iPhone 5 using aytyuns. Update your iPhone: through the air and through iTunes. You can download the update in two ways.

Often, updating the firmware on Apple’s mobile devices “over the air” is for some reason impossible. For example, the lack of Wi-Fi in the house, but there are other circumstances. In this case, it will be possible to install the latest firmware version using a computer and a special program. We will understand how to update iOS via iTunes.

Smartphone update via computer

Call the update window of the mobile device will, if you connect it to your computer, and then activate iTunes. The program automatically displays a smartphone. If it does not have the latest iOS, then you will be prompted to install a modern version.

You need to press a button "Refresh", then the firmware download will start, and then its installation will start.

Important: you should first make sure that you use the latest version of the software on your computer. You can find out how this is done in our article: “Updating iTunes”.

Possible problems

During the update of the iPhone through iTunes, the user may encounter a number of problems. Consider options for correcting two of them. The first is related to the fact that the request for installation is not shown. The second failure does not allow to synchronize the smartphone with the PC.

Situation 1: Not prompted to install

If the suggestion to update the iPhone via iTunes does not appear automatically, you can run the procedure manually. To do this, go to the menu of the connected device in the program window. Click on item "Overview". In the right window, activate the option "Refresh".

And then follow the instructions on the screen.

Situation 2: iPhone sync issues

Updating an iphone through iTyuns becomes impossible if the device is not synchronized with the computer for some reason. For example, error 0xe8000015 or a failure with the same code may occur.

In such a situation, you should first turn off and turn on the iPhone, and also restart the PC. Most likely, the next time you try flashing the device, the problem will not occur. You can also connect the USB cable to another port on a computer or laptop. It is recommended to use connectors on the motherboard. It is also advisable to pre-disconnect all peripheral devices, such as a printer, flash drives, and so on, from the PC.

If the above options did not help you, use the instruction from the text “Error 0xe8000015 when connecting to iTunes”.

Today I would like to talk a little about the rather relevant topic of iOS 10 on iPhone 5S. This operating system was released not long ago, so it is still at the testing stage.

Few people decide to be updated, but since I have been using this OS on my 5S for more than a month, I will tell you whether it is worth updating any other interesting questions at all.

As you know, every year Apple removes certain models from the line of updated devices. Fortunately, this time there were no casualties.

Happy owners of iPhones starting at 5, have access to the latest operating system. As you understand, our 5S is also included in this list.

I think this model will be long enough to keep in line and the next version will also be mastered. But we will know this only next September.

For many years of use, I constantly use only the most recent iOS. Therefore, I decided not to change my traditions this time.

  As before, there are two options to upgrade your iPhone 5S to the latest system: by air or iTunes. The first method is simpler, but the second is safer and faster.

For all the years of using Apple's smartphones, I am constantly being updated over the air. The main thing is to make sure that your device is charged and has a fairly good internet connection.

It is also advisable to make a backup, because if something goes wrong, you will then have to restore the device.

I will not post instructions on this, there are quite a few videos on YouTube, where you can easily and step by step do all this.

Here the most interesting begins, when I begin to talk about the experience of use. I installed it as soon as it appeared - in vain.

The first month  Using the phone for me was just a torment, because the battery just melted before my eyes. Everything works fast enough, but literally by three o'clock in the afternoon he demanded charging.

I always have 4G enabled and sometimes I go to Instagram and other social networks. I had to constantly carry around the Power Bank, because using Skype or navigating destroyed the battery in just a matter of hours.

I already thought that maybe I killed the battery for all the time of use, but after all, at 9-ke everything was fine. Rechecked just in case, everything is fine - wear is not great.

  I was able to breathe normally only with the appearance 10.1 . The phone has already begun to live to 5 o'clock in the evening, which has undoubtedly made me happy.

Therefore, if you still use iOS 9, then do not rush to update. Of course you want something new, but there are not so many innovations that it is being updated right now.

Lying on 10 will be nothing, only you will feel a problem with the battery. Just follow the new updates and if there are normal reviews update.

To be honest, I did not have lags at all and it seemed that the phone started to work much faster than iOS 10.

  There can be several reasons for lags:

  • Latest iOS 10  - usually after the update, many developers do not have time to update the entire application, which create a lot of lags. Check for the latest version and update.
  • The memory of the phone is full.  When your smartphone is packed to capacity with photos, applications and other things, then you can not do without lags. Clear memory, this should help.
  • Reset the settings.  Many complained about bugs, but it was only in the first weeks of appearance. All programs were updated and a lot of things were pulled from your accounts. If you are experiencing brakes now, then try to reset the phone to factory settings.

These are the most basic things you can do first. Next, we understand the situation, write in the comments about your problems, maybe I can help.

As I wrote above, my battery just melted before my eyes and I could not help it. I could not roll back, because I was updated by air and did not make a backup copy.

  I struggled as best I could and this is what helped me a little to extend the work of my 5S:

  • Included "Power Saving Mode"  still at high rates. It disables and limits some features of the phone, such as visual effects, background software updates, and more.
  • Disable all programs that require geolocation.  full time. I do not know why, but I had the geolocation icon turned off and when I turned it on, it simply did not turn off.

    Enabled this icon and allowed to use my data only for the most necessary programs. I advise you to do this, even if the battery does not sit down quickly (Privacy - Geolocation services).

  • Reduce the speed. include in Universal access  paragraph Reduced movement. All such effects will undoubtedly require more energy.
  • And finally, I just did not part with my Power bank. Sometimes, without a phone, there was simply no way, so I had to wear this heavy thing for a long time.

Now I have an iPhone 10.1.1 and in general, everything already looks much more fun than it was at the very beginning. iPhone 5S is already behaving more adequately.

  How to roll back iPhone 5S with iOS 10?

In the event that you made a backup before upgrading your iPhone 5S to the latest firmware, then you have the option to roll back to 9-ku.

In short, for this you will need your iTunes and of course the smartphone. The whole process is fairly painless and quick.

I will not give you all the instructions, but I’ll just show you a video where the whole process is pretty well described:


That's all the information I wanted to tell you about the iPhone 5S and everything related to iOS 10. As you can see, everything is not as sad as it could be.

Probably the easiest way to find out whether to do it, just make a backup and feel free to upgrade. At any time you can come back.

Apple regularly makes its users happy with the release of new versions of firmware, so every owner of an Apple smartphone thinks about whether it is worth updating the software on its smartphone. In this publication, we will talk about how to upgrade iOS to version 8 on the 4th iPhone, and whether it should be done.

IOS upgrade options

When the company introduced a new iOS 8 to its users, it immediately became clear that the Iphone 4 would not be able to function normally with this version of the firmware. The fact is that this operating system is designed for mobile devices with a 2-core processor, while the 4th iPhone is equipped with only one. However, to put a new iOS 8 system on the Iphone 4 is still possible. To do this, there are two options for updating:

  • using iTunes through the computer;
  • through the network.

It should be noted that after the update, only the user bears all responsibility for the functioning of his gadget.

Using iTunes via Computer

So, how to update the iPhone 4 using a computer?

First you need to download the update using the special application iTunes (if there is a lot of free space) or from the manufacturer’s official website. Before you connect the device, make sure that you are using the latest version of iTunes, then click on “Help” in the menu bar and turn on “Update”. After that, do the following:

When downloading firmware using Safari, you need to disable automatic unpacking. Also, you can use Firefox or Chrome for this.

We update via Wi-Fi

In fact, software update on a smartphone using Wi-Fi is a simpler way than the previous one, but there is no guarantee that the update will be successful. First of all, it is worth noting that even at a high connection speed it is rather difficult to download a firmware file with a weight of 1 GB. In addition, you should not forget about the device battery - the minimum charge for downloading a file must be at least half. If after the download the update process starts and the device sits down and turns off, then you will have to connect the device to the computer and continue the process to ITunes.

If you plan to use this option, you must do the following:

  • Check wireless connection and browser access.
  • Enable "Settings", go to the "Basic" section, select "Software Update" and click "Download and install." The download process starts automatically and the software update process takes place in the background. You cannot start the process on a smartphone without jailbreak
  • After downloading the file, click the “Install” button and accept the corresponding agreement for users.

After the update process is completed, you need to make some adjustments and return all saved content from the Aiklaud or Aytüns backup.

After the update, the iPhone, iPad or iPod should work faster. Promise that the keyboard will respond 50% faster, the camera will respond to 70%. Application download time will also be reduced.

It was hoped that the "apple" gadgets will become slower to discharge, but leave these hopes. But there were more opportunities to control this matter. In the settings you can find detailed graphs for the last 24 hours or immediately for a week, where the most energy-intensive applications and functions are shown.

In iOS 12, there will be group calls Face Time (very on time!), Enhanced Do Not Disturb mode, notifications. From the truly unique:

  • Memoji. You can make animoji from your face only on new models (iPhone X, XS, XS Max, XR), because the front-end camera is TrueDepth.
  • Filters, masks, text on photosthat you send via iMessage or video to FaceTime. Work on iPhones, starting with 6s.
  • Convenient cards Siri Shortcutsto do business. Also with the iPhone 6s and on.
  • Depth of field control on photos already taken  - feature that Apple has shown under the new processor A12 Bionic. Accordingly, it is available only in the new iPhone XS and XS Max.

I still want to upgrade. Will my iPhone or iPad fit?

Let's check. iOS 12 will pull iPhones from 5s and iPads of these versions.

iPhone XiPad Pro (12.9, 10.5 and 9.7 inches)
iPhone 8 and 8 PlusiPad Air and Air 2
iPhone 7 and 7 PlusiPad (2017, 2018)
iPhone 6s and 6s PlusiPad mini 2, 3 and 4
iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
iPhone SE
iPhone 5s

Fit What's next?

  1. It's simple. So that later it would not be painfully painful backup your system via iTunes or iCloud. Even if something goes wrong, precious photos, videos, notes, contacts and other important info will remain.
  2. Now check if you have enough memory. The new "axis" will require about 3 GB, so delete unnecessary media files and applications.
  3. The release of iOS 12 is scheduled for 20:00 Moscow time. You have two options: update via computer, cable and iTunes  (Apple says it's faster and safer) or using the gadget itself.
      The first option: connect your iPhone / iPad to your computer, check for updates and click the magic button “Download and install”.
      The second “wireless”: open “Settings” -\u003e “Basic” -\u003e “Software Update”. Go, scroll down and click "Install".

And then what?

Do what you are accustomed to: put an iphone / ipad on charge. And forget about it. Full completion of the update can last an hour and a half or two. The gadget will do everything himself, then he will greet you.

Almost everyone dreams of becoming the owner of the iPhone, although there are those who refuse to acquire such a gadget because of the frequent occurrence of situations that require the direct intervention of the owner, who cannot independently understand the sequence of all actions. One such operation is the system requirement to update iOS.

In each update, the company tries to take into account all complaints and suggestions from customers.

Before proceeding with the update, it is important to carry out a series of preparatory actions that will ensure a high-quality installation of the updated system files.

Benefits of the update

Of course, you can ignore the system requirement, indicating the need for an update, and continue to use the phone as before, but experts still recommend updating the firmware. This is really important, because in each update, developers add new useful features, fix all previous errors, and even, in a sense, the words, “extend the life” of the iPhone.

If you update the firmware, battery performance improves, which, of course, can not go unnoticed, as the time of its operation without recharging increases.

In addition, by updating the firmware, the iPhone becomes even more protected from the threats that occur after connecting to the Internet, as well as from viruses that often become unwanted "inhabitants" in the iPhone. Even losing data is practically impossible, unless you lend a hand to it yourself.

If it is possible to successfully update iOS, then users instantly notice that the iPhone begins to work faster, more consistently respond to all the requested commands.

The reasons for which should be updated iOS a lot, it makes no sense to list them all. It is best to orient yourself to carry out such actions and make sure that they are practical.

Preparatory work

In order to successfully update the iPhone firmware even from the first time, additional steps should be performed.

First of all, you should make sure that the battery charge is enough to carry out the entire procedure. Experts recommend not to start the update process if the battery has a battery charge percentage below 70%. In this case, it is better to postpone the update procedure for a short period of time, thereby allowing the battery to fully charge.

It is important to note that during the update, additional system files are loaded into the iPhone, filling up the free space. If such a place turns out to be extremely small, iOS will not succeed in updating successfully, so experts recommend determining in advance the percentage of free space, if necessary, deleting unnecessary files.

To determine the percentage of occupied space on the iPhone, go to “Settings”, go to the “Basic” tab, then “Use”, the percentage of free space will be displayed there, and a list of installed programs will be offered. If necessary, you can immediately remove the programs that are used less frequently.

Update process

There are two ways to update your iPhone firmware. The first method involves the presence of Wi-Fi, the second - iTunes. Both methods can be implemented even by beginners, but only if all instructions are strictly followed.

Wi-Fi update

This method is most often used by those who are not accustomed to postpone any actions, do not seek to create a backup copy, want to quickly update the firmware and enjoy the best iPhone performance.

To update iOS, it is important to connect the phone to Wi-Fi, it is also allowed to connect to 3G or 4G.

After connecting, go to the "Settings", go to the tab "Basic", and then - "Software Update". Fortunately, the developers have taken care in advance to simplify the procedure for updating iOS, as the iPhone automatically begins to search for the updated firmware. If there is none currently, iPhone will warn about this, the update process will be completed. If the iPhone detects the latest firmware, it will automatically offer to install it. It will be enough to agree, by clicking on the “Download and install” button, how the download process of the iOS update will start. Upon completion of the download, the iPhone will again ask the user to install the update immediately or go to this step a little later.

If you agree to the immediate installation of updates for iOS, the process will take a few minutes, after which the iPhone automatically restarts, and after it is turned on, it will please you with the updated operating system.

Update via iTunes

This method is more suitable for those who do not welcome the risk in any manifestation. Following the instructions, the user can create a backup copy, which allows to return the old firmware back, if the new one is not satisfied by some parameters.

If iTunes is not already installed on your computer, you should download it first, using the official Apple resource. After successful installation of the software, the iPhone is connected to the PC using a USB cable.

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