Touch does not work on iPhone 5s. Touch ID does not work. Touch ID stopped working in winter - what to do

If you are experiencing a problem due to which the Touch ID on the iPhone is not working, this can lead to serious consequences, to the extent that the smartphone stops turning on. After all, the Touch ID function is responsible for the ability to unlock the device by scanning a fingerprint. It is designed to protect the iPhone from unauthorized access, but as a result of a breakdown, your smartphone may stop responding to your fingertips or recognize a fingerprint.

To fix the problem, you can enter the password yourself and reconfigure the Touch ID scanner on the iPhone. If this does not help, most likely, your smartphone will need a professional repair.

What problems may occur in the iPhone scanner

For the first time, a Touch ID fingerprint scanner began to be built into the iPhone 5S. Since then, the technology to unlock the device with a fingerprint has been greatly improved. However, the incorrect operation of the Touch Aidi fingerprint scanner can still manifest itself at once with several “symptoms”:

  • fingerprint scanner does not recognize your finger
  • fingerprint sensor settings are off
  • Touch ID does not work at all
  • cannot use apps that support Touch Aidi

The reasons for the incorrect operation of the iPhone fingerprint recognition sensor can be varied - from touching the sensor with wet hands to button plume breakdowns, other mechanical damage and system failures in the iPhone.

What are the main causes of such problems?

If you bought a new original iPhone, but the Touch ID button does not work, there may be several reasons for this. Most often, smartphone owners face the following problems:

  • fingerprint failure due to wet fingers pressing a button
  • cuts, abrasions and other marks affecting the fingerprint
  • failure of Touch ID system settings
  • iphone loop button failure
  • other mechanical damage to the smartphone, because of which it is impossible to enter the password
  • iPhone system crash

All this can lead to the fact that the fingerprint recognition button does not work, the phone can not be unlocked, it has stopped turning on, etc.

In addition, if the Touch ID does not function on the newly purchased iPhone 5S or a smartphone of a different model, this may indicate that you have sold the restored gadget at a reduced price. Of course, it is possible to use such a device, but without professional repair of the fingerprint sensor, it will not be possible to restore the Touch ID function.

What malfunctions can you handle yourself

If you are faced with the fact that the Touch ID fingerprint recognition system has stopped turning on, it is impossible to unlock the device, etc., you can try to find the solution yourself. Try restarting your smartphone by pressing the power button and the home button. If this does not help, recalibrate the Touch ID:

  • go to the “Settings - Touch - password” menu
  • enter a password to unlock your Apple device.
  • reset your fingerprints
  • rescan fingerprint to replace them
  • save the settings and check if the sensor is working now

If password entry and calibration did not help, try flashing your smartphone via iTunes to return the device that did not work to factory settings. This can be a solution to the problem and will help to avoid re-entering the password, replacing the buttons of the Touch Aidi and loop, as well as other major repairs.

What to do if the measures taken did not help

If you repeatedly entered a password, reset the device with the Home button, calibrated the Touch Idi sensor, but your smartphone still functions improperly, the Touch ID on the iPhone does not work, the device does not turn on at all, you cannot do without professional repair. You can contact any service center or entrust the device to a private YouDo professional, which has a number of advantages:

  • no queues and waiting for button replacement
  • availability of original replacement parts
  • reduced cost of services due to the absence of intermediaries
  • convenient ways to order and pay for services

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Currently, fingerprint scanners are installed on the iPhone, Aipad. Often this scanner fails to work. Then the user sees the error message: - "Unable to complete the configuration of the Touch ID, go back and try again."

This failure is most often eliminated by simply rebooting the mobile device. To reboot, you need to press the Hard Reset button. Many users note this feature when only a reboot on charging helps.

That is, in order to get rid of the problem, you should put the phone on charge. When the phone starts charging, reboot the device. After that, as a rule, in most cases, the problem disappears.

In addition, the problem with the scanner will disappear after the planned update of the system. But, who wants to wait, when to update iOS? Of course, I want to fix the bug, immediately after its manifestation.

Creating a new print

If the scanner has stopped “recognizing” your old print, you can create a new one. Do not forget to remove the old prints first.

I will give you a brief, step by step instruction. And you, carefully, follow the specified path and follow the steps described.


When you do all the steps above, everything should function normally. In addition, messages that could not complete the configuration of the Touch ID should no longer be.


As you can see, there are not so many methods for getting rid of errors. This is mainly a reboot, reset, or system update. However, there are times when nothing helps and the problem persists.

In this case, you should contact the official customer support service of Apple. since failure can occur due to purely technical problems. According to the stories of those who addressed this problem to the service, they replaced one button - home, and others - the screen, and some were given a new phone.

Of course, the replacement of the device applies only to those customers who have not left the warranty period of operation. So, if your warranty has not expired, you should not correct the problem yourself, let the specialists do it.

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From time to time there are complaints about the work of the fingerprint scanner on the iPhone or iPad. There is always a small chance that the problem lies in the breakdown of this component of the device, but it is possible that you can solve the incorrect work of Touch ID on your own. For example, if you re-calibrate the scanner, clean it, and also check your fingers for damage. We have collected some useful tips for those whose Home buttons do not work as well as they want.

Make sure Touch ID is enabled and configured correctly.

   To do this, go to Settings, then to the “Touch ID and Password” section, and check that the use of the scanner is enabled to unlock the device, as well as purchases from iTunes Store and the App Store. In addition, the necessary prints must be added - from one to five.

Re-calibrate the scanner

   Perhaps the first time something went wrong and your print was not well recognized. Solving problems with Touch ID can be re-adding prints. For ease of use, the scanner should take at least three slots of the five available, for example, add two thumbs and one index finger on the main hand. Remember to sign the added prints correctly in order to spend less time and effort re-calibrating in the future.

Check that fingers are dry and undamaged.

   Do not forget that wet, frozen or damaged fingers can become an obstacle to the work of the fingerprint scanner. Perhaps you rashly grabbed something hot, stayed in the bathroom for a long time or unsuccessfully played with a cat? All this could affect the quality of fingerprint recognition, and not at all the problems in the work of Touch ID.

Clear the Home button

   At first glance, the Home button may seem clean, but a barely noticeable mud ring accumulates along the circle at the junction with the faceplate of the smartphone. Over time, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe scanner becomes slightly smaller, which complicates the operation of the scanner and leads to errors in the work. It’s a good idea to clean the Home button every week, which will have a positive effect on the Touch ID operation.

Do you have an iPhone 6 Plus?

If none of these things helped, you probably have an iPhone 6 Plus from the first installment. It is difficult to say why, but the Touch ID is in this smartphone that receives the most complaints from users. We have an iPhone 6 and an iPhone 6 Plus in the editorial office, so we can see a difference in the work of fingerprint scanners on a personal example. If misses in a compact model occur extremely rarely and most often through my fault (letting go of the finger too quickly, inaccurately attached it), then the iPhone 6 Plus can sometimes be unlocked after manually entering the password. It is possible that different companies were engaged in the delivery of fingerprint scanners for different iPhone models, otherwise it is not clear how to explain a large number of complaints about the work of Touch ID in a smartphone with a larger diagonal.

Biometric sensor Touch ID  first appeared in Apple's devices. A year later, he migrated to,. From a pleasant addition to the owners of the flagship smartphone, the fingerprint scanner has become a real tool to protect access not only to the mobile device itself, but also to individual applications, and has also become an integral element of the payment system. Unfortunately, the Touch ID still does not always work as it was intended and as users would like. Let's try it to fix.

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Last May, Roman Yuriev already described this topic and described in detail how to set up the Touch ID so that you can forget about the sensor malfunctions and enter the password manually for a long time. Unfortunately, over time, the algorithm for the operation of the fingerprint scanner still begins to work with some “fads”, which later only become more frequent. For example, after switching to iPhone 6, I was absolutely delighted with the updated Touch ID - it worked perfectly and clearly for more than a month, and then suddenly began to fail, and this happened every day more and more often.

The main thing - do not give up, or in this case, fingers. The problem is solved, and the improvised means will not require much of your time for this. This method was first described about a year ago, but for some reason passed by most of the thematic resources, although the method is really working, which I learned from my own experience.

So, for starters, it is best to remove all prints and set them up again, as described in last year’s. After that, restart the smartphone, completing all the applications beforehand. Maybe these steps are unnecessary, but let them be for the purity of the experiment. Now go to Settings -\u003e Touch ID and Password  -\u003e Enter the password if necessary and get into the very menu where your fingerprints are stored.

Now - attention - no longer need any manipulations and transitions, just touch the scanner  the way you do it to unlock the device. Notice when you hold the finger on the sensor known to the system, one of the prints  in the list on the screen highlighted. This is the fingerprint of this finger, and you have just carried out an additional scan of it, the results of which iOS has saved somewhere in the system on a chip.

So uncomplicated happens touch ID trainingThe biometric sensor receives additional images of your finger and can use them to unlock. Spend five to seven minutes to scan each saved finger, putting them to the button, being in this menu. Every time one of the prints is highlighted, this means that the procedure was successful. Additional scans of your finger will appear in the device's memory, and the Touch ID will work much better, the process of triggering will occur much faster.

Once again: every finger, in different ways, many times - the result will be noticeable immediately and will remain with everyday use of Touch ID.

   site    The biometric Touch ID sensor first appeared on Apple devices in the iPhone 5s. A year later, he migrated to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3. From a pleasant addition for the flagship smartphone owners, the fingerprint scanner has become a real tool to protect access not only to the mobile device itself, but ...

Virtually every iphone owner considers the presence of a fingerprint, touch id, an advantage. This allows you to protect your device from the curiosity of others, increasing the level of protection. Also, the touch id serves as a key to confirm many transactions, such as banking. Some gadget owners are faced with such a problem as: “the touch id on the iphone se does not work”. This kind of breakdown can cause difficulties when unlocking the screen and using the device.

There are various reasons leading to the fact that the fingerprint does not work on the iphone se.

Common Reasons for Not Responding to iPhone SE Touch ID

  1. Incorrect settings made initially affect the normal response of the biometric scanner. Best adhere to Apple recommendations. The logical solution would be not only the installation of unlocking a fingerprint, but also using a password. This approach will allow you to easily unlock the device, in the absence of a sensor response.

Features scanner settings:

  • The fingers and the "home" button should be clean, dry;
  • Clicking on the gear, it is worth choosing "Touch ID and password", the numbers are entered;
  • Next, it is worth clicking "add fingerprint" and easy to touch "Home";
  • Ideally, if you add at once from 3 to 5 different fingerprints (their position).

All these manipulations allow you to achieve a quick response of the gadget to the touch.

  1. Sometimes the fact that the touch id on iphone se 1 does not work well results in the poor state of the wearer's hands. Burns and cuts lead to changes in the pattern on the fingertips, which, in turn, leads to certain problems in the reading device information.
  2. The "Home" button reacts poorly due to the appearance of a mud ring. In this case, it is worth wiping the button with a napkin.
  3. Also, the iphone se does not work in the frost sensor. A good solution would be to add a new print in the settings, just in the cold. In this case, the sensor will respond with a minus on the street.
  4. Sometimes problems arise after upgrades. You can just wait for new updates or try to correct the situation yourself. To do this, you should reset all settings, delete existing fingerprints and add everything first.

If reconfiguration did not help, you need a complete flashing. It is more logical to entrust this procedure to a competent master.

Also, the scanner itself, which sometimes happens with the iphone se, also leads to a visit to the service center. Only replacement parts will help to correct the situation.

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