Gadgets for iphone 6s. IPhone Gadgets

An accessory is not only a cover or a film on the screen, but a removable lens, keyboard or portable speaker can hardly be surprised. Every year, manufacturers put on sale new gadgets, amazing opportunities hidden in such small devices.

Last year, the owners of the device on iOS had the opportunity to immediately meet with two innovative devices. The first is a set of Lapka environmental sensors. Four sensors can determine the level of radiation, electromagnetic radiation, humidity and temperature, the level of nitrates in products. Connecting with a special cable from an iPhone or iPad, on which the free Lapka or Lapka Pro app is installed, the sensor transmits environmental information to the screen. Ideal for fans of all sorts of statistics, experiments and research. Perhaps, the gadget may interest and newly minted parents who want the child to be surrounded only by environmentally friendly products and a favorable atmosphere.

The second curious device from Lapka is a portable breathalyzer. Unlike portable Alcohol Testers already on the market, for example, Alcohoot, iPega, etc., there are no buttons on this ceramic cylinder at all. Lapka connects to an iOS device via Bluetooth, i.e. no connection required via cable or Lightning connector. In order for the Lapka breathalyzer to work, it is necessary to clamp it in the palm of your hand and blow it into the membrane, so you can safely give your paw to friends and acquaintances without worrying about the observance of hygienic norms. Data on the amount of alcohol in the blood are transmitted to the screen of the smartphone, accompanied by amusing recommendations and changing style depending on the degree of intoxication. Maybe this is not the most necessary unit for everyday use, but such a gift will definitely not remain dusting on the shelf forgotten. By the way, this year the app for the Lapka breathalyzer is also available for Android.

Against the background of such useful, and to someone and much needed gadgets, a portable microscope with a built-in LED for an iPhone or iPad may seem like a pointless device. However, this unit provides 60x zoom, and some models and 100x - a great purchase for a collector, jeweler or researcher. You can connect a directional microphone to the apple device, which provides professional sound recording, or a keyboard, which projects the image of the keys onto any flat surface, and contact with them occurs due to the IR sensor that fixes the touch. And what can we say about the huge model range of iPhone-controlled toy helicopters, boats and cars.

The phrase "call me on the keys" is about to cease to seem like a madman’s ravings. For a fairly modest amount, you can purchase a tiny Bluetooth keychain paired with an iPhone. By attaching such a device to frequently lost items, such as keys or a bag, you can find them in two accounts.

In short, the functionality of the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch can be significantly expanded, making your life more interesting, more informative, more comfortable, the main thing is to be aware of new products that manufacturers of accessories for devices from Apple present to us.

Official iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus are on sale. It is possible that for you this is the first "iPhone", well, maybe, not the first, but the sixth or seventh. We decided to make a selection of interesting and necessary gadgets for a smartphone that can expand your capabilities in various areas of life.

Usually a “gadget” is a kind of complicated thing. Drone Parrot is definitely a gadget. And the Bose portable speaker is also a gadget. Is a flash drive a gadget or not? In the case of the product Leef is. The company undertook to rethink the idea of \u200b\u200bmedia for the iPhone and iPad, in addition, iBridge is useful even to those who have a device with 128 GB of memory. It's all about the ease of transferring information, you can copy the folder with the new season of the series to the USB flash drive, connect to the iPhone and watch a movie in flight. The flash drive is bent back, unlike other similar accessories - practically does not interfere. The application is very well done, even the MKV files open, like, other flash drives with such do not work. And you can also store documents, music, photos - flash drives are available in several versions, the owners of the iPhone 6S with 16 GB of memory should definitely buy Leef iBridge, one day it will come in handy.

In Russia, people love Jawbone bracelets, love, despite all the well-known problems associated with marriage. True, there are always questions for each specific user - I know personally those who changed three or even four bracelets due to breakdowns, and I know those who still walk with the second-generation Jawbone UP (that is, three years) and do not know grief . I myself will gladly use Jawbone UP3, I will probably write my impressions in a month, at the same time and see how the device behaves. What is the reason for the love of Jawbone? The main thing is a smart alarm clock and a well-drawn program. Secondary - the design of the bracelet. The company did not make some kind of plastic sensor, but an image gizmo, a bracelet suitable for both men and girls. Constantly there are new versions, colors, fasteners, collaborations with someone - all this is characteristic more for clothes than for gadgets. The UP3 bracelet does not try to replace your watch and therefore it suits the opponents of the Apple Watch and FitBit - these sensors are functionally more interesting than the UP3, but they lose from the design point of view. It seems to me that if FitBit is lured by Yves Beara, the designer of Jawbone, we will see very interesting devices, but for now in Jawbone they say that software development becomes the primary task for the company, software and what is called big data. In the company's blog you can read examples of working with arrays of data received from bracelets, there is very interesting information.

If UP3 is expensive for you, try the updated UP2 or UP Move, the latter will suit the girls, you do not need to charge it once a week, it’s been running on a six-hour clock battery.

The bracelet works with iOS and Android, even if you do not want to buy a gadget, I recommend to put the UP program on iPhone 6S, it will allow you to monitor the activity and not only.

I talked in detail about my experience of using Apple Watch in the article about Watch OS 2.0 and here I will not dwell on the perennial question “Well, tell me, in general, is the right thing or not?” So friends, colleagues and acquaintances constantly ask. For starters, Apple Watch is only for those who use the iPhone. Second, some of the gadgets that are listed here can be controlled using a clock. For example, you listen to a wireless headset (Parrot Zik 2.0) and control playback directly from your hand. Once upon a time I did all this with the help of Sony Ericsson devices - the year that way in 2007th. But the truth is, all this has already happened. Watch on hand (like MBW-200), in the pocket is an excellent W950 smartphone, DS-970 on its neck, maybe not even I alone remember all these names (who remember, respond in the comments). Using the buttons on the clock you could control the player. What has changed now? Not so much. The watch now has a touchscreen display and a bunch of applications, the smartphone is always connected to the network, and there are millions of tracks in free access, headphones for charging can work almost the entire daylight hours or even a little more - and there are more possibilities at times. And if you want to feel very much in the future, I advise you to buy headphones Onkyo W800BT (price in Europe - 220 euros). However, we'll talk about them.

Third, developed sports opportunities. Even if you run only on the track once a month, Apple Watch will help you keep track of your progress, will urge, suggest, praise, reward, or complain that you have not managed to achieve a good result. Someone has enough motivation to park away from the office and walk a kilometer on foot.

Fourth. It is a pity that you can’t take a watch somewhere for a week for a test - I mean a simple consumer. So you could better understand whether you need to buy or not. It seems to me that it is worthwhile to buy a sports version for the beginning, walk around with such a watch, and then decide whether it is necessary to give eighty thousand for the version with a metal bracelet.

You can’t do without this Bose SoundLink Mini 2 in this compilation: one of the best speakers in terms of price and quality allows you to listen to music while traveling (you’re doing this right now), well, it allows you to feel at home, even if the chair isn’t so comfortable. The new version has a speakerphone, perhaps the most important thing. Alas, while there are no additional features, programs for iOS or something else. In Bose, they emphasize the most important thing - sound, design, work time.

The second version of the popular column - why did I take it to the gadgets? Because Pulse has one amazing opportunity - beautiful lighting, rhythmically moving through the body while the music is playing. In the second version, you can set your own colors using a special application for iOS. I managed to try the IFA speaker, I would like to note the remarkable sound quality, the design, well, and the lighting got even better. Review on the site will be soon. I suppose that the price of the second version will be about 15,000 rubles - with sales everything will be very good, since soon the New Year holidays and giving Pulse 2 is possible and necessary. Immediately open the box and turn on the music louder. Two or three columns can be combined into a chain, this is one of the new features of JBL.

If suddenly the iPhone 6S is your first serious smartphone, I recommend you learn the name Withings, the brand's engineers annually please with interesting products in various fields. For example, this is Withings Smart Boby Analizer, smart scales, you can create a profile for all family members and track weight, other data. Or Withings Aura, a great thing for those who want to watch their sleep. Or Withings Home, a home video surveillance system. It is configured easily, sends you notifications about the observed movement anywhere in the world, the picture quality is excellent. You can read more in the review on the site.

A couple of years ago, I was very keen on shooting on the QX10, dragged the device with me, used it with a variety of smartphones. I took about two gigabytes of photos and calmed down. I’m tired of connecting the lens to a smartphone, charging it, and putting up with the fact that the software sometimes behaves not quite adequately. But I played enough. You still have everything ahead. There are four similar devices in the Sony range now, I chose the QX30 for a good price-performance ratio. Let me remind you that this gadget is both a lens and a camera at the same time, it uses a smartphone lens as a viewfinder, the pictures are saved both in the internal memory and on the memory card in QX30. You can read the QX10 review, controls and features are the same for all QX series devices.

Prices - from 30 000 to 16 990 rubles, you can search for such a toy on Avito or on E-bay. Why search? For the sake of great shots. On the journey, sometimes the smartphone’s capabilities are not enough, with the QX30 you can get very interesting shots. And again, I will send you to the QX10 review, and there are examples of the pictures there.

If you suddenly practice some interesting sport, ride a motorcycle, travel, jump with a parachute, then you should try GoPro HERO4 Session. The camera is good in terms of price and quality, works with smartphones and, of course, with iOS. If you use with the iPhone 6S, do not forget about the protective covers, for example, LifeProof or Lunatik. Just before buying it is worth trying on, until I know exactly which ones are 100% suitable for 6S. For GoPro HERO4 Session, you also need protection, a lot of accessories have been done - a mount for a helmet, a bicycle, a chest, the choice is great.

Call the headset this thing does not turn the language. One thing is to memorize the features, another thing is to use them in real life. In real life, the impression is as if Zik came straight from space - you run your finger over the cup, and the volume changes, you take off and the sound is turned off, and in the iOS program there are so many settings that there is not a single chance to tell everyone in one paragraph. The third version of Zik will come to us not soon, while you can safely look at the second model - the sound quality is excellent, work via Bluetooth or when connected with a cable, noise reduction is effective, you can load presets to change the sound for different artists. Well, also real leather and metal are used here, you will not feel other materials.

Cable griffin

Of course, this is no gadget, but I can not say about this thing. The full name is Extra-long Lighting Cable with reversible USB. First, the length is three meters, which allows you to safely charge your smartphone while sitting on a sofa far from an outlet. Secondly, the plugs are trimmed with aluminum, the fabric sheath, you can choose one of three colors, the colors of the iPhone are used. Thirdly, you can insert into USB by any side. This is the best in the new Griffin cables, you get used instantly. On sale such accessories have already appeared, a three-meter cable costs about two thousand (as always, I can say that you can find it cheaper and more expensive).

I hope that this collection of interesting gadgets will help you to buy something for yourself or for a gift - these things will definitely be relevant and interesting during the year.

Finally, one more thing. If suddenly you have installed the update and you have partially lost the music, try using our instructions for disabling censorship in the settings.

More than 600 top bloggers and opinion leaders from the US and the UK took part in an interesting survey. All respondents are owners of iPhones. They were offered to name their favorite phone gadget - the one they already use, or they dream to get it as a gift. Summing up, the survey organizers selected 15 of the most desirable things ...


If wireless headphones, then these ... The gadget is synchronized with your iPhone and works at a distance from it. That is, you can put the phone in your pocket and enjoy music or audiobook everywhere - without tangling wires. You can put the phone on the table and move around the room / office / kitchen, etc. with headphones. Full freedom of movement. Moreover, during calls, dual directional microphones reduce the level of background noise in order to be heard better. We found high-quality headphones of this type at an adequate price. As a gift, they give an unkillable cable for recharging an iPhone - it does not tear and does not wear out.



The most convenient thing that performs two functions at once: serves as a stand and insures the phone against loss from the hands. With it, you can make the most courageous selfies, without fear of dropping the iPhone. And if you have a large widescreen phone (or tablet) that is not secure enough in your hand, this gadget is simply necessary. You can attach it to the phone itself, and to the cover. He leaves no trace, but keeps a tight grip. In addition, the popsocket serves as a stand. You no longer have to put all sorts of items under the phone ... We found the coolest popsockets. They can be pressed when not using them. This is convenient if you, for example, carry a phone in your pocket.


A smart titanium ring that syncs with the phone and becomes a real one-piece ring. It can open doors and intercoms, pay at the store, store and transfer files, share business cards, receive Facebook calls and notifications, control the player and turn on the camera. It's nice that the ring is not afraid of water and the sun, you can not remove it at all. And most importantly: the ring is “self-sufficient” and does not require recharging! For sale


Must have for all car owners. This is an adapter that performs car diagnostics via Bluetooth. Able to work wonders: reset errors on-board computer, analyze sensor readings and monitor the current state of the car. Often eliminates costly inspections. He also informs about the warm-up of the car through the iPhone. Prompts what gear to choose. Helps prevent accidents. Leads travel statistics. Tells you how to save on fuel. Latest version sold



The device for those who have not switched to wireless charging. The advantages are obvious: do not cling to the wires, do not clog the connector, everything is neat and minimalist. Just put the iPhone on top - and it charges. And plus this particular model - in its universality. Even if you ever change your smartphone, you will not have to change the charge. You can order

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Powerful optics, which is attached to the iPhone and allows you not only to see distant objects, but also to photograph them or make video. It’s cool that the zoom of the phone itself is added to the image magnification. The result is a 40-fold increase! You can order. Tripod and remote attached.




Smart city backpack for advanced. Literally stuffed with cool stuff. You can list them for a very long time. For those who never let go of the phone anywhere else, it is interesting with an external USB port. This means that you can, for example, put the phone on charge, even without removing the backpack from the shoulders. He is also deservedly called the most reliable backpack in the world. Firstly, thanks to the anti-theft system, it is impossible to steal anything from it. Secondly, it is convenient to carry laptops and tablets in it - they are protected from impacts by a special frame. Thirdly, a special hydrophobic coating protects the backpack from any spilled liquids. The backpack has many more interesting pieces. You can order a smart backpack in Kazakhstan


The most successful version of the holder for a phone or tablet. A stylish magnetic ball takes up little space, and the gadget holds a dead grip. It is considered the best holder for the car. No bumps and turns are scary with him. It is installed anywhere on the dashboard, as well as on any other smooth hard surface: on the table, nightstand, sink, kitchen countertop, etc. Discounted for sale



Rescue when you want a holiday and a powerful sound, and with you only the phone. The new generation mobile speaker system has brought together portability, high sound quality and impeccable design. In addition, this device is not afraid of snow, water and dirt at all. You can organize a party anywhere, anytime. “Little Beast,” one British blogger described this device. Order the "beast" can


Immediately three useful gadgets in one: powerful charging, sound system and a convenient stand. All this is placed in a compact stylish case, which is convenient to carry with you so that:

a) at any time recharge the sat down phone and always be in touch;

b) listen to music in good quality without headphones, watch videos with enhanced sound, etc.

c) use the gadget as a convenient stand.

Moreover, all this can be done simultaneously. If you often have to watch movies from your phone, then this thing  maximize the process. Firstly, the phone is not discharged and you can safely watch the movie to the end. Secondly, it is possible to watch movies with a cool clear sound. Thirdly, it is convenient, since the screen is securely fixed at the right angle.Choose your color and you can order



External charger. Will save at the right time. In addition to the ability to charge from the network, you can use the energy of the sun, even in winter. Enough room light. Read more - here

Turns your iPhone into a convenient navigation display. In essence, this is an improved car phone holder. The phone itself in this case lies in a rugged case and is completely protected from any damage. And the image from it is projected on a tempered glass screen. Nothing distracts from the road. Convenient and safe. Read more -

Widgets have become an integral part of the iPhone and iPad. The fact that the "apple" gadgets will be available interactive elements of the user interface, said even before the release of iOS 6, but access to them opened only with the release of the eighth edition of the Apple-OS.

1. Fantastical 2

The innovative calendar Fantastical 2 which debuted in 2013 allows you to add a multifunctional widget to the Notification Center. With it, you can view the list of events and easily manage tasks using interactive notifications. You can download an application adapted for the iPhone and iPad displays.

2. Clips

This is a useful widget for working with the clipboard in iOS 8. Copied parts of the text can be quickly inserted into a message, transferred to Evernote, added as a task to Clear, sent by mail, via iMessage, saved to Dropbox, etc. The application is available.

3. Pedometer ++

Want to know how much you walk or run in a day? The widget will show information about the number of steps taken, as well as determine the distance traveled and the calories spent in transit. In addition, it is possible to compare the level of their activity on different days. The work of the widget has virtually no effect on the battery life of the iPhone. Download the Pedometer at this link.

4. PCalc

6. Philips Hue

Philips Hue is one of the first widgets for iOS 8. The utility allows you to add a block in the Notification Center to control Hue smart lamps. In one gesture, the user can access Philips branded lighting. The client is free.

7. Musixmatch

The Musixmatch application widget provides access to the music definition feature. In order to identify the melody, just call the Notification Center panel and click the “Music ID” button. Among other things, Musixmatch works great with lyrics. The application is free.

8. Widgets Pro

Widgets Pro is a set of 10 widgets for the iOS 8 Notification Center, including a twitter message widget, a YouTube video, a calculator, a real-time flight tracking widget. The application costs 59 rubles.

9. Weather Underground

Meteoinformer Weather Underground contains two weather widgets with a detailed forecast for 12 hours. To find out the ambient temperature, cloudiness and humidity, just glance at the Notification Center. The application is free.

10. Music Center

Interesting widget for the iPhone, with which you can manage music on your mobile device. The Music Center cannot boast of wide functionality, but it clearly displays the musical compositions from the library and allows you to start playing with one tap.

Five Gadgets for the iPhone, with which you will not be bored

iPhone is not just a smartphone, but a completely different, new outlook on life. Today we will tell you that it can be used not only for communication, work, study and everyday tasks, but also for unusual modern entertainment.

Sphero Interactive Ball

This is a small ball that you can control with your iPhone. Accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and light are built into its case. Communication with the smartphone via Bluetooth. To manage it, several applications have been developed that allow working in different modes. To activate, it is enough just to shake.

Tankbot from Desk Pets

Mini-tanks with optical sensor. The gadget can work in three modes. The first two are completely autonomous. The toy will go around obstacles and get out of the mazes. And all this with music. The third mode is control from a smartphone, using a special remote control that is inserted into the headphone jack. Charging from any USB port. The manufacturer promises autonomous operation for 15-20 minutes.

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0

Small quadcopter with built-in video camera. With it, you can take photos and videos. The first are transferred immediately to your iPhone, and the second are stored in its own memory of 4 gigabytes. It is possible to connect an external data storage device. Management is carried out using a special application that can be installed on a smartphone. The flight distance is 100 m, and the height is 199 m. The autonomous work is promised from 10 to 20 minutes.

iLaunch Thunder

iLaunch Thunder is a portable rocket launcher. The connection is made using Bluetooth. It shoots special soft shells, emitting realistic sounds. The firing range is 8 m. The unit with shells can rotate 270 degrees horizontally and be inclined 40 degrees vertically. Equipped with a battery, charging is done from any USB port. It helps to relieve stress and just raise your mood.

Aquabotix Hydroview

Aquabotix Hydroview is a guided submarine. Equipped with a Full HD camera, transfers photos and videos directly to your iPhone. Autonomous work up to two hours. Able to reach speeds of up to 9 km / h and descend to a depth of 45 meters. Equipped with LED lights, which allows shooting even at night.

It was a brief review, in our opinion of the most interesting and unusual devices, and this is not the whole list. We hope that now you will have something to surprise colleagues and friends and just cheer yourself up.

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