Check apk for viruses online. Free online antivirus software to scan files on your phone and computer

If you are thinking about how to check your phone for viruses through a computer and doubt the reliability of this method, you can cast aside all doubts. Such a scan is quite effective, since the database of virus signatures in the antivirus on the computer is constantly updated, adding data on new malicious codes to its archive. In addition, you can not only scan your smartphone, but also clean it from hidden viruses.

Let's move directly to the main part of our discussion today. So, first of all, we will need to decide what type of phone you are. The most popular today are smartphones running the following operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Symbian. Since iOS and Windows Phone are positioned as closed OS, then, therefore, the virus cannot work on them (even if it exists) and it makes no sense to check for malicious data. Quite other things are with the remaining OSes, which are most susceptible to virus attacks due to the openness of their system.

Android and Symbian

Where can I catch a virus?

As you know, Android occupies a large part of the market for mobile phones and smartphones. This is not surprising, since the system can be used by almost any manufacturer of mobile equipment. But for the sake of such an opportunity, Google had to pay a considerable price - an open operating system. Symbian is the same, despite the fact that the OS is installed almost exclusively on Nokia devices.

What does open OS mean? This means that you have full access not only to the usual folders on the device (explorer role), but also to system services. And if you have this access, it means that malicious code can even penetrate the system. It should also be understood that a virus can harm a smartphone not only by entering system directories. He is able to do the same if you download from the wrong resource even a simple picture in a folder on the Images flash drive.

And where exactly can you get the virus on your smartphone? Naturally, on the Internet. But this is still half the trouble: a malicious code or program can get you through the standard Play Market app store. However, it is worth noting that those users who inattentively look at the downloaded product are attacked. For example, you can download a game from some unknown developer with a dubious level of trust (judging by the reviews on the application page). But you must understand that you can’t download it. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. When working in the Play Market you just need to be a little careful and then you will not be afraid of any troubles with virus programs.

Everything is much more complicated with the Internet, because it’s almost impossible to control every site and download. Here, your smartphone is at risk as well as a personal computer. It is especially not recommended to download games and applications from third-party resources (use only the Play Market). Therefore, it is recommended that you install antivirus software on your phone. But what if the malicious code has already taken root and you don’t have the opportunity to download such software in the Play Store? Then you will need to scan your smartphone for viruses through your computer.

Computer scan of Android and Symbian smartphones

All you need to work is the smartphone itself and the cable for connecting via the USB port. It comes complete with a phone and, often, it is a charging cord without a power supply (unit for connecting to an outlet). So your actions:

  1. Connect the smartphone to the computer and select the connection mode “Drive Mode” (the name may vary).
  2. Open Anti-Virus on your computer and find "Custom Scan", that is, so that you can choose the folder that will go through the above procedure.
  3. Now you need to select the folders of the smartphone and wait for the scan to complete.
  4. After that, Anti-Virus may offer some solutions (for example, remove the virus or clean it). Here it is important to see which files and folders are infected with malicious code. Because if the program cannot clear these codes, then you will have to manually find these files and delete.
  5. After removal and treatment, repeat the scan procedure. If there are no more viruses, then the job is done.

To summarize

Please note that the computer may display two folders related to the computer: one system, and the other from the USB flash drive. Both directories should be checked. Then you can scan and clean your smartphone from viruses using a computer without any problems. We hope that everything worked out and there are no troubles with the phone. From now on, be more careful and attentive when working on the Internet. You can tell us in the comments about where and what virus you brought into your device in order to warn other people. Have a nice day, dear friends!

Infection when visiting sites from mobile devices

Some sites on the Internet have been hacked by cybercriminals targeting mobile device users. By visiting such a site from a computer, you will be taken to a harmless Internet resource, but by going to it from a smartphone, you will secretly redirected to the site with an unpleasant "surprise". Using hacked sites, attackers can spread various malicious programs, the most “popular” of which are various modifications. The loss of the victim depends on which Trojan of which family will infiltrate your mobile device, i.e., on its malicious charge. Read more about this phenomenon in our news.

For the attention of mobile users!

Install Dr.Web for Android anti-virus on the mobile device with the component URL filter. A cloud filter will limit access to non-recommended and potentially dangerous sites in several categories - this is especially important to protect your children from unwanted Internet content.

URL filter  is present only in the fully functional version of Dr.Web for Android (it is not in Dr.Web for Android Light) For buyers of Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web Anti-virus, using Dr.Web for Android - is free.

For the attention of PC and laptop users!

Install Dr.Web Link Checker

These are free extensions for checking web pages and files downloaded from the Internet. Install the extension to your browser and surf the World Wide Web without fear of a virus attack!

Download Dr.Web Link Checker for free


Using the Dr.Web online file scanner, you can check your suspicious files for viruses and malware for free.

You send your files using your browser, they are downloaded to our server, checked by the latest version of Dr.Web with a full set of virus database add-ons, and you will receive the scan result.

How to scan a file or several files by Dr.Web Anti-virus online?

  • To check 1 file: click on the "Browse .." button and select a file that is suspicious. Click the Verify button to begin scanning.
  • The maximum file size is 10 MB.
  • To check several files: place the files in the archive (WinZip, WinRar or ARJ format) and download this archive by clicking on the “Browse.” Button and then on the “Check” button. The verification protocol will include a report for each file in the archive.

IMPORTANT!  Dr.Web anti-virus scanner will help you determine whether or not the file (s) you provided for scanning are infected, but will not answer you the question whether your computer is infected. For a full check of hard drives and system memory, use our free cure utility CureIt! .

You can also scan the local network using the centrally managed network utility Dr.Web CureNet!

Send suspicious file

Instructions for checking your smartphone for viruses and malware.

The spread of malware within the Android operating system is explained by the openness of this platform and its high popularity among inexperienced users. Despite the built-in security features that automatically block most external threats, some viruses infiltrate the phone anyway. In this article, we’ll talk about how you can use your computer to check your Android smartphone for suspicious files and spyware.

Antivirus Installation

Before starting the procedure for treating the phone against viruses, you need to take care of protecting your own computer. If a reliable antivirus is still not installed on it, you can pay attention to the following options: Avast, ESET NOD32, Avira, Kaspersky Antivirus, AVG, and Norton Security.

Most of them have a paid subscription, but the basic functions are usually available to everyone at no cost. You can also use the built-in scanner called Windows Defender.

For advanced smartphone program management, it is recommended to install Android Commander. If necessary, its capabilities allow you to completely get rid of the malicious application, but this will require root access.

Smartphone connection

First you need to connect your mobile device to a PC using a USB cable. After that, Windows will automatically detect the smartphone as removable media and give the user access to the file system of the phone.

In the notification that appeared immediately after the connection, you must select the item "USB Debugging". If no messages arrived, you need to configure this parameter yourself. It can be found in the settings menu in the "For Developers" category, which is hidden by default. To activate the special mode of the smartphone, you need to find the line “Build number” and tap on it about 7 times. The mobile device will display a notification and will be fully prepared to work with your PC and remove malicious applications.

Memory scan

After all the above manipulations, the memory of the smartphone connected to the PC will be available for viewing through the file manager and other programs. By running the previously installed antivirus, you need to scan the device. To do this, just specify the path to the external drive - the phone’s memory.

After a while, the scan will be completed, as a result of which a list of detected threats will be displayed on the monitor. As a rule, they are automatically deleted from the phone’s memory or quarantined.

If the Android device suffers from programs that are not amenable to the usual removal procedure, you need to use the Android Commander mentioned earlier. Using this application, you can control all the software installed on your smartphone through a computer. In a special window, you can delete any hidden folders, but here you need to be careful and not affect the system files.


By connecting the smartphone to the computer via a regular USB cable, you can check and clean it from viruses and other dangerous software in a few clicks. To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to prohibit the installation of applications from unknown sources and install a proven mobile antivirus.

Hello admin! Interested in questions: how to check your phone for viruses  in the Android operating system? Is it necessary to install a full-time antivirus on the phone for this, or can there be any antivirus scanners? On the Internet, how can I avoid a virus infection without an antivirus installed?

I’m asking because I already grabbed the virus on my phone, somehow I rode in the subway and looked at some Internet sites from the phone, on one site they offered to download and update Adobe Flash Player and I updated it, after that it was debited from my phone’s account for a day 400 rubles. I cleaned the phone in the service for the same amount and to my question - can I install an antivirus on my phone? They shrugged, as they say. They can also be understood, because if I install an antivirus on my phone, I will no longer have to contact them and pay money.

So the media is talking more and more about the growing number of malware written specifically for Android. Mentioned viruses capable of stealing the personal information of the owner of the phone and send it to a remote server, well, and much more. Personally, I carry out a lot of payment transactions using my phone, I actively use WebMoney and Yandex.Money electronic wallets. So what do you recommend? Thanks in advance for your reply!

How to check your phone for viruses

Hello friends! In this article, I’ll tell you about what webmasters usually don’t talk about, namely, how and why malware infection on sites on the Internet occurs, so by visiting such a site you infect your phone with a virus. At first I didn’t want to tell you everything so as not to frighten you, and then I decided why my readers should not know all that I know!

You will also learn about the consequences of infection of the telephone virus and of course I will tell you how to avoid this. The article provides real life examples.

In the second part of the article, we will choose an antivirus for our phone, learn how to download it, install it and how to work with it. Consider anti-viruses for mobile devices Dr.Web Mobile Security, ESET NOD32 Mobile Security, Kaspersky Internet Security for Android.

How does malware infect a site?

It's no secret that many sites on the Internet are built on ready-made engines, such as WordPress, DLE, Joomla and so on. These engines are constantly receiving security updates and they need to be installed in a timely manner. But many webmasters are in no hurry to do this, I will even say so, a large number of sites on the network are simply abandoned and the hosts visit them at best once a month! Why does this happen. The very first reason is banal - the site did not live up to expectations, well, it doesn’t work to attract a large number of visitors, as a result of disappointment and the webmaster switches to something else, and the site is like a ship thrown into the open sea of \u200b\u200bthe Internet.

These sites become the prey of virus writers, through simple manipulations, a shell is uploaded to such a site (a malicious script, with which attackers gain full control over the site), then malicious code is inserted into all pages of the site, once you get to such a site, you can infect it as simple computer and phone.

But it’s considered to be a great success for scammers to upload a shell to a popular site with huge traffic, where you can infect incomparably more mobile devices. By the way, the site owner may not even realize that his site is distributing malicious code, since this code can only work if the infected site is accessed from a mobile device running Android. Many webmasters work with their sites from a simple computer or laptop and never log in from a mobile device, so they don’t know that their site is infected.

A friend of mine, a webmaster, complained to me that many users can’t access his site from the phone, instead of the site there is a picture offering to update Adobe Flash Player, after updating Flash, some money is withdrawn from the phone. In short, it became clear that the virus is running on the site. I have a smartphone on Windows Phone 8 and I calmly went to his site. A friend also has a smartphone with Windows and he calmly logged into the site from the phone. Why can't others come in and they are invited to download some Player?

We decided to check all the site files for malicious code. After a short search, we found what we were looking for. In this screenshot you can see the content of the malicious code of one file of the infected site. As you can see, the virus writer prescribed exactly what mobile devices the virus will be planted when visiting this site, Android is in the first place among mobile operating systems. I want to say that finding such code among the heap of files that make up the site is quite difficult.

So, if you access the site from your Android smartphone, then the malicious code will work and redirect us to the viral site, where we will be offered to download the virus under the guise of Adobe Flash Player.

If you go to the site from a smartphone to Windows Phone, then there will be no redirection and we will calmly go to the site.

We restored the site from backup and double-checked the site files, then changed the password to the database and the problems disappeared.

How to install free ESET NOD32 Mobile Security and Dr.Web Mobile Security antiviruses on your phone

A growing number of real stories about various telephone viruses that can steal or delete data on the phone, withdraw money from the account, send paid SMS and so on. It is not surprising, in recent years the phone has turned into a mini-computer, which, moreover, is constantly with us. A modern person never ever partes with the phone, and most importantly, with the help of the phone we manage our money, and where there is money, there are viruses! Everything is simple.

First telephone virus

In 2004, they showed me on a Nokia phone, who came from abroad, a curiosity, a worm called Cabir, which infected mobile phones running only on Symbian, I thought, well, gentlemen, virus writers got to the phones!

How did Cabir behave on the phone? If you turned on the phone, the word “Caribe” appeared on the screen, followed by an attempt to infect other phones via the Bluetooth wireless network.

From then until today, a huge number of viruses have appeared for mobile devices and by no means as harmless as the good old Cabir.

Android is a free mobile OS

What can be said about the OS for mobile Android. This is the most popular system for mobile devices. Leading smartphone makers use this operating system on their devices. Accordingly, it is under it that a large number of virus programs are written and there is nothing surprising here.

Any operating system cannot be absolutely safe, this applies to Android.

Today you can infect your phone with the following malicious programs:

2) SMS Trojan. When infected with this Trojan virus, paid SMS messages will be sent from your phone.

3) Spyware. These are more serious malicious programs that monitor user actions and steal sensitive data: logins, passwords, addresses, and so on. After you become infected with such a virus the next day, you will prove on the Odnoklassniki website that today it’s you and yesterday you weren’t, and it was not you, but someone else who asked for the money.

How to insure yourself against mobile viruses

Very simple, you need to always connect your head to what we do on the Internet!

When visiting web pages, never pay attention to messages like "Urgent system update", "Your computer is infected," Click on the "clear virus" button.

Pass by the offers to download a new Skype, Flash Player, ignore the tips to update your smartphone’s browser or any program, check your phone for viruses for free or delete existing viruses on your phone!

Never install third-party firmware on your phone.

Life cases

Another friend decided to install an unfamiliar antivirus program on his phone and installed some exotic antivirus, after which the phone began to send paid SMS.

The third case will prove to you that sometimes a person can be deceived without any viruses.

My classmate decided to buy tickets, as a result, he was left without 30 thousand rubles, which he voluntarily transferred to scammers from his electronic wallet, was not even embarrassed that the tickets were two times cheaper than usual, and the domain name of the website for selling airline tickets was Goodavia. biz (GoodAvia) was registered only two days ago, but despite this, Googol and Yandex already shouted that they were scammers! Is this not a reason to suspect something was wrong.

So friends, if you have Internet access enabled on your phone, be careful not to download anything horrible, use only antiviruses from well-known manufacturers, for example, Dr.Web Mobile Security, ESET NOD32 Mobile Security, Kaspersky Internet Security for Android, all these products are paid , but firstly, the price, for example, on Dr.Web Mobile Security is only 199 rubles per year! Is that a lot for you? Secondly, all of the listed antiviruses will work fully functional in trial mode for several weeks and you will have time to try everything, evaluate and make your choice.

In my opinion, the best antiviruses for mobile devices and in particular for Android OS are ESET NOD32 Mobile Security and Dr.Web.

Let's start with ESET NOD32 Mobile Security

In this case, I have on my hands the Galaxy Ace 3 GT S7270 smartphone. First, we need to go to the Play Store app.

In the upper right corner of this application there is a search icon, if we click on it, a line will appear in which we should enter: ESET or

Mobile Security & Antivirus.

In the list that appears, we must click on the first application: Mobile Security & Antivirus.

After that, we must install it by clicking on the "Install" button

There is an opinion that antiviruses for mobile devices are ineffective. They are only able to consume resources, of which there are few in the smartphone. Therefore, Android users are interested in how to check the phone for viruses through a computer. Now we will look at all the effective methods for detecting malware on a mobile phone.

How to check your phone for viruses?

There are several ways to clean your portable device. We will analyze them in the following sequence: from more effective to less.

Via computer

The most reliable and fastest way. Mostly they use it after an unsuccessful flashing of the phone or damage to the device’s OS. In this case, the smartphone cannot start; accordingly, it is not possible to install a mobile antivirus. And in most cases the blame is precisely the virus.

So, to check you need:

After the procedure, follow the instructions of the antivirus software and complete the device treatment process.

Mobile apps

The most common method, which is practically not inferior to scanning with a PC. Suitable in cases where the phone is infected with adware viruses that lead to pop-up messages (aggressive advertising, error notifications and even threats followed by blackmail).

So, to treat the phone without assistance, you need:

Attention! To preserve real-time protection, do not force the anti-virus application to stop.

Using online services

This method is aimed more at preventing infection than at its treatment. In situations where the application you need is not on Google Play, but there is a separate .apk file, AVC UnDroid comes to the rescue. The online resource conducts a complete analysis of the installation packages and issues a verdict on the advisability of installing it. In the event of a potential threat, the application will display a notification. To check, upload the desired file to the site and start the operation.

Now you know how to check your phone for viruses through a computer and which method is more suitable for you. Remember that regular checking of the device minimizes the risk of losing personal data and protects against unstable operation.

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