Which translator works without the Internet. Voice translators for android

When visiting another country, it is important to have a translator with you, who will facilitate mutual understanding with the local population. This also applies to working with documents in a foreign language. A mobile phone running Android OS will simplify communication with foreigners and easily replace you with dozens of paper books and dictionaries. Many offline translators have been created for this mobile platform, for the work of which you do not need an Internet connection. We have collected the top 3 best of them, but for now you can download the translator on Android for free from our website.

Application screenshots


Google Translate is the most popular translator in the Playmarket, able to work offline. It can provide many unique features and supports more than 100 languages. You can write texts by hand, use the talk mode or the standard camera application for translation.

All this in the rich Google Translate app. Despite the fact that the main functions of the program require an active Internet connection, the translator can also be used offline. At the same time, 52 of the 103 available languages \u200b\u200bremain available. And with the help of a special phrasebook, you can mark and save the most important and frequently used phrases in order to use them in the future. You can use offline mode only after installing the necessary language packs on your smartphone.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the combination of characteristics, Google Translate is the best translator for Android. It is well balanced for working with texts of any specialties and directions and has the following advantages:

  • More than 50 supported languages \u200b\u200bwithout an internet connection.
  • Many ways to translate text: using the camera, voice assistant and handwriting.
  • Phrasebook for notes of the most important phrases and sentences.

Minor disadvantages include:

  • To qualitatively translate complex text you need to connect to the Internet.
  • Searching in the application takes a lot of time.

Before downloading and installing Google Translate, watch the training video, which shows how to use all the functions of the utility.


PROMT offline translator

Application screenshots


Multilingual translator without internet. Unlike the previous application, it will not work for free, but it has several unique features.

PROMT offline is a fast and accurate translation for business, study and travel. Use the most popular subject categories to achieve high quality of your texts. Among them you can choose: study, regular correspondence, communication on social networks, travel and even the menu in restaurants. As the languages \u200b\u200bused, PROMT speaks: French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The English-Russian dictionary is initially built into the program, the rest must be added. With PROMT offline, you can quickly translate text in applications. It is enough to copy the necessary fragment and it will appear in the notification panel in the desired language. Another innovation is the translation of text from photographs stored in the gallery on the memory card of your device. To do this, simply select the desired portion of the image on which the word or phrase is located. It is also worth noting the ability to add the necessary phrases to your favorites and use the utility as a complete dictionary with pronunciation and transcription of words.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages of PROMT offline:

  • The choice of thematic categories.
  • Additional language packs and dictionaries can be downloaded for Android free of charge.
  • In order not to translate the same thing several times, the application remembers the last 1000 operations.
  • Phrasebook for communication on travel, in which all phrases are pronounced by a native speaker.

The main disadvantages:

  • Some features, such as voice translator, are only available when connected to the Internet.
  • The application is paid.

If you are ready to pay, then PROMT offline will become the optimal program that translates well in 7 languages \u200b\u200band works offline.


Lingvo Live Dictionary Translator

Application screenshots


Dictionary service from ABBYY Lingvo. The program supports 15 languages, and most of its features do not require access to the Internet.

Lingvo Live is not just a quality translator that does not require an internet connection. It is convenient to work with it due to the presence of 140 dictionaries, divided into thematic categories. The Lingvo database contains general, explanatory, educational, phraseological, colloquial, professional and other kinds of dictionaries. In the application, you can also see antonyms and synonyms for the desired word. In Lingvo Live, you can participate in the creation of a “folk dictionary”. For this, the developers have created the ability to send their comments and translations to the online portal. You can also rate and comment on translations of other users of the application.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantages of the free program for Android Lingvo Live:

  • Over 140 licensed dictionaries in 15 languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
  • Cards for memorizing the necessary words.
  • Ability to take advantage of community assistance in translation.
  • Large selection of thematic dictionaries.

Minor disadvantages include problems installing the application on new OSs. Sometimes it crashes at the loading stage. Also, to use offline dictionaries, you must buy a subscription. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main features of the program by watching the training video.



The considered top 3 translators for Android do their job well. It is difficult to single out a clear leader from them, since each application has its own unique features and advantages. As an optimal option, Google Translate can be recommended due to the lack of paid features. You can download translators for Android from our website quickly and conveniently with a direct link.

Translation applications are in high demand on Google Play due to significant progress in this area over the past 10 years. Previously, such programs were more common on desktop OSs; they took up a lot of space and worked without connecting to a network. What has changed since then? First of all, the productivity of mobile devices and the speed of Internet access have increased, now you can translate large text even using a browser without installing additional software. The programs themselves have also changed - they have become more compact and functional.
The quality of translation has increased significantly since the principles of the approach to machine translation began to change. Previously, the traditional algorithm was based on the full correspondence of the values \u200b\u200bin the dictionary. In the old days, the same PROMT sometimes translated whole sentences with a set of unrelated words. Now developers are engaged in the collection and indexing of a large number of texts, the analysis of which allows to ensure the best translation quality.
In recent years, not only the weight of the applications themselves, but also offline language packs has significantly decreased. Previously, it could exceed 1 gigabyte, although now in the same Google Translate into 1 language on average there are several tens of megabytes. The changes also affected the functionality - now many translators support voice input, voice acting and recognize text from photos. The number of available languages \u200b\u200bhas increased significantly. Now, not even the most productive smartphone is as good as a personal computer in translation, and in many ways even wins. Google Translator will give the same result on all devices, but the mobile device is always at hand, it is more convenient to use voice input and take pictures for photo translation on it.
It should be noted that not every program provides a separate service. Some applications use other people's services, that is, they simply transfer the text to the same Google, receive the translation and display it to the user. Some developers have significantly advanced in this direction - they create separate applications for each direction (Russian-English, English-Russian, etc.) and sell them on Google Play. It is not difficult to identify such programs, for this it is enough to compare the result of the translation in the program and through Google Translate or other full-fledged services. A peculiar experiment will be conducted in this review - we will use the same text in different applications to evaluate the quality of the translation.
For the comparative review, the 10 most popular applications from Google Play were selected. The top ten did not include training programs like Duolingo and dictionaries, because this is another segment. Each translation application was rated on a 5-point scale for convenience and functionality, while taking into account support for voice input, offline work and photo translation.

Google Translate

Google Translate is the absolute leader in its Android segment. It has more downloads and ratings than all other translators combined. It's no secret that Google is actively promoting its own applications on its mobile OS. Google Translator was no exception, but still its popularity depends on other factors - the convenience of the mobile application, the set of functions, the number of supported languages, etc. In all respects, it is almost impeccable and leaves competitors far behind.
From a visual point of view, there is nothing to complain about. Custom users will miss out on custom layouts, but this is not the case for this type of application. There is a standard set on the main screen - a text field, a choice of languages, as well as icons for taking pictures, voice and handwriting.

There are no questions regarding the functionality of Google Translate; the program supports offline translation, voice acting, and text recognition. There is also a phrasebook, and translations can be shared in other applications. The developers have provided close integration with the operating system, which allows you to quickly translate text from other programs, simply copying it to the clipboard.
Google Translator supports 103 languages, with only half of them available offline as downloadable packages. Photo translation is available in 37 of them, handwriting - in 93. These indicators are constantly changing, because developers every year increase the number of languages.
Google Translator supports quick camera translation, it is very convenient for recognizing unfamiliar travel labels. Integration with the camera is implemented at a high level, the program accurately determines the text shot with its help.

In the application settings, you can change your preferred languages, voice input options, enable fast translation and display of profanity, etc. The set of languages \u200b\u200bavailable for offline translation is set in a separate menu. There is no paid content in the program, everything can be downloaded for free. The average weight of one language pack is 30 megabytes.
Google Translator can be considered not just the leader of its segment, but a full-fledged trendsetter among translators on all platforms. This service has very few worthy competitors, but even they lag behind in all respects. Google Translate mobile app gets 5 out of 5 points.

iTranslate ranks second in popularity among Android translators, significantly inferior in this respect to the application from Google. Nevertheless, iTranslate provides almost the same set of functions as a more eminent competitor, and only slightly lags behind in the number of supported languages \u200b\u200b- 92 versus 103 with Google translator.
The iTranslate interface is quite convenient, but without any frills. The layout of elements is common for this segment - an input field with a choice of languages, a result and various icons - settings, history, voice input, etc. The appearance is very similar to Google translator, it uses the same white and blue color combination without the possibility of changing the design in settings.

iTranslate can be considered a good multi-platform translator, but on Android there are more advanced applications. Many users will miss offline translation or text recognition from photos. There is also paid content here, and although the Premium version is not very expensive, it’s much easier to install Google Translator, which is winning in all respects, and get a more advanced set of functions for free. iTranslate was rated 4 out of 5.

The translator from Recomendado closes the top three in terms of popularity in its segment. It is quite compact and convenient, although not without some drawbacks, but first things first.
The appearance of Recomendado is not much different from other translators, except that the oversized control elements are striking. Otherwise, everything is standard - an input field, a choice of languages \u200b\u200band a toolbar. The layout in the settings does not change.

Despite the lack of some features, the main drawback of Recomendado is advertising. It does not turn off for any money, apparently the developers themselves are well aware that no one will pay for their program. But the surprises do not end there - other applications are actively promoting here, and in addition to the standard banner at the bottom of the screen there is a full-screen advertisement that periodically opens immediately after the translation, that is, you must first close it, and then you can see the result, which is extremely inconvenient.
What do we get in the end? The translator from Recomendado turned out to be a rather mediocre application that can hardly fully compete with the leaders of its segment. For annoying advertising and limited functionality, the program receives only 3.5 points out of 5 possible.

Translate voice

Translate Voice allows you to quickly translate large texts, and voice input is available for all supported languages.
The application differs from analogues in appearance - instead of full text fields, everything goes to the line, both the source data and the translation. To view the full text, an additional press will be required each time. Managing places is not very convenient, you often have to close tooltips and ads. It is unlikely that users from Russia are the target audience of Translate Voice, because the developers performed localization using machine translation, as for the interface of the application itself and the description on Google Play. The only usability benefit is the ability to change text and colors.

From a functional point of view, Translate Voice has certain questions. First of all, there is no offline translation. To recognize text from a photo, you need to download a separate application, in Translate Voice itself there are no such tools. Otherwise, everything is standard - support for 80 languages, translation history, voice output in 44 languages, spell checking, etc. Text and audio can be shared using third-party software. Judging by the test text, the quality of the translation is identical to Google Translator - the result coincided entirely, that is, Translate Voice simply transfers data to Google servers, and does not use its own services.

Special mention deserves advertising in Translate Voice. She is very intrusive, constantly opens in full screen mode, and to disable it you need to purchase a paid version for 120 rubles.
Translate Voice receives 3 points out of 5. This translator is inferior to most competitors in all respects. The application is not very convenient to control, and annoying advertising is introduced only for someone to pay to disable it.

Translate.Ru (PROMT)

Translator Translate.ru, better known at the time as PROMT, was quite popular 10 years ago, when he worked on PC exclusively offline. Since then, versions for different platforms have been released and a web version of the service has appeared. In the 00s, PROMT often translated texts with a set of unrelated words, has something changed since then? Let's try to figure it out.
Interface Translate.ru on Android is not very different from other translators, all the same text field, choice of languages \u200b\u200band different icons - voice acting, photo, voice input. The design in the settings does not change.

The translator Translate.ru has many functions and in this regard is not much inferior to the competitor from Google, although the implementation of some of them leaves much to be desired. Photo translation and offline work are available here, as well as a choice of topics - business, technology, sports, etc. Depending on the category selected, the translation may vary slightly. Translate.ru works with data from other applications, just select the text in a browser or text editor. SMS translation is also supported. All standard tools are in place - voice input and output, history, etc. There is even a built-in phrasebook, although the number of languages \u200b\u200bis small, in the standard version there are about two dozen.
The quality of translation in Translate.ru leaves much to be desired. Compared to the 10-year-old versions, significant progress is noticeable, but apparently PROMT has not completely abandoned the old algorithms. In the mobile version of Translate.ru, the same passage of text was checked, the result can be found on the screenshots. The disadvantages of the application include advertising and the lack of offline translation in the free version. You can get rid of all this for 300 rubles, but is it worth it? This will not affect the quality of the translation, but it will be possible to work without an Internet connection.

In terms of a set of functions, Translate.ru almost overtakes the very same Google Translator, however, these programs can hardly be considered competitors. Translate.ru has a catastrophic lack of quality in everything, but the developers have also limited the free version by removing support for offline translation. The final grade is 3.6 points out of 5.

Yandex translator

Yandex.Translator is a complete translation application with a large set of functions. It is in many ways similar to Google Translate and almost in no way inferior to it.
Visually, Yandex.Translate on Android looks similar to other Yandex applications. The usual combination of white, yellow and black colors is applied here, which does not change in the settings. Management is very convenient, there is nothing superfluous on the main screen - only text input and output, choice of languages \u200b\u200band several icons.

Functionally, Yandex.Translator is almost identical to Google Translate, but there are some differences. For example, photo translation is available in only 12 languages, and there is no handwriting. Otherwise, everything converges - offline access, text translation from other applications, favorites, history. There is also scoring and a dictionary. Translations can be shared through third-party applications.
Yandex.Translator, completely free, no advertising banners. Additional language packs are loaded in the settings. So far, Yandex is slightly behind Google in terms of languages \u200b\u200b- 80 versus 103, and offline directions are just over 10 and each of them weighs 300-600 megabytes, which is several times more than Google Translate. There is also support for Android Wear, which allows you to transfer data to the watch screen.
As for the quality of the translation, there are no questions for Yandex.Translator, it uses its own service that provides a very good result, an example can be seen in the screenshots.

Yandex.Translate is an acceptable alternative to Google Translator. Despite the fact that it is behind in most indicators, it is not inferior as much as other applications. Yandex skillfully borrowed the concept of competitors and is definitely moving in the right direction, but the gap has yet to be narrowed. The final grade is 4.6 points out of 5 possible.

Recommended Translator

Recommended Translator is a simple translator for Android. Despite its compact size, it supports more languages.
Externally Recommended Translator is no different from other translators. The main menu design is standard - input, output, language selection, toolbar. Management is intuitive, sorting out is not difficult.
According to the functionality of Recommended Translator, it lags behind the competitors, only basic tools are presented here. The program can recognize voice, voice text, store history and share translations through other applications. About 50 languages \u200b\u200bare supported, but offline work and photo translation are not here.

The quality of the translation in Recommended Translator is pretty good, but it’s easy to understand where it comes from - the program uses the Microsoft Translator API. You can compare the results here and in the program from Microsoft, in the case with the same test everything coincided 100%.
Recommended Translator is completely free, but not without annoying advertising. It appears everywhere - both in the form of banners and in full-screen mode, which often interferes with work.

Recommended Translator does not stand out from the competition and does not represent any particular interest. Typical translator with a limited set of features and annoying ads. 3.5 points out of 5.

Microsoft translator

Microsoft Translator is an application with a huge set of translation tools and support for more than 60 languages.
Microsoft did not begin to copy the entire Google Translator, as they tried to do in Yandex, but went their own way. The differences are striking right away - after launching the user appears in a menu consisting of several icons - voice and text input, phrasebook, history and camera. Usually the translator’s main screen looks different. Visually, Microsoft Translator looks at least no worse than competitors, and the control scheme, albeit somewhat non-standard, but quite convenient.

Functionally, this application is not much inferior to its counterpart from Google. Microsoft Translator has voice input and output, history, photo translation, downloading language packs for offline work (although they weigh an average of 5-7 times more), as well as a dictionary and phrasebook. Microsoft Translator supports Android Wear and lets you share translations in other programs. The phrasebook here is quite advanced - the data is divided into categories, including food, technology, travel, and much more.
For some users, real-time translation is useful, for this there is a special mode in Microsoft Translator. First you need to select 2 languages, and then the screen is divided in half, a separate field and a button for voice input appear on each side. By clicking on it, recording starts, then the text is recognized and displayed on both languages. This mode will help you quickly find a common language with foreigners while traveling or translate a small trailer of a movie or song.

The quality of translation in Microsoft Translator is very high, in the case of a small test text that was checked in all applications from this review, it completely bypassed Google Translator. The program is completely free and does not contain advertising banners.
Microsoft Translator can be called one of the best translators on Android. This is the only application that can not only compete with Google Translate, but even surpass it in some ways. However, Microsoft is still lagging behind in most parameters - for example, there is no handwriting and there are only a few languages \u200b\u200bsupported that are just over 60, when Google has already passed the 100 mark. The final grade of Microsoft Translator is 4.8 points out of 5.

Language translator

Language Translator is a simple translator for Android with support for a large number of languages.
Externally, Language Translator looks extremely primitive - there are not even settings and buttons for the main menu, only input and output (both text and sound), a choice of languages \u200b\u200band a small control panel.

The capabilities of the application are fully consistent with its appearance. Language Translator can work with text in more than 90 languages, and sound input and voice acting are also available here. There is no photo translation, offline - too, for work you need constant access to the Internet. Of course, there is no question of any built-in dictionaries or phrasebooks.

The quality of the translation in Language Translator is completely identical to Google Translator, as you can see for yourself by checking how the same text is processed. Given the low popularity of the application, it was logical to expect that it does not have its own service and simply sends data to Google’s servers, and then receives a translation, issues it to the user.
Language Translator receives only 3.5 points out of 5. Such a low rating is due to limited functionality and intrusive advertising, which cannot be disabled through an in-app purchase.

RU-ENG Translator GK Apps

The translator from GK Apps is the most primitive application among those that fell into this review. It supports only two areas of translation - Russian-English and English-Russian.
The appearance of the Translator from GK Apps does not stand out, but with the size of the text, the developers clearly missed - the letters are clearly too big, which is why few words fit on the screen.

The translator from GK Apps got into a comparative review, if only so that users understand what 90% of translators on Google Play are and why they are not needed. For a brazen attempt to cash in on someone else's work, a score of 2 points.

According to the results of the review, Google Translator, Yandex.Translator and Microsoft Translator were among the three leaders. The rest of the applications are far behind, especially since many of them simply transfer the text to one of the 3 leading services, download the translation and display it to the user as their own. Developers are most often silent about using a third-party API.
Google Translate is significantly ahead of all competitors in terms of ratings and downloads from Google Play. Yandex.Translator and Microsoft Translator are inferior to him primarily in popularity, in terms of convenience and feature set the difference is not so great. This is reflected in the final grades - Google Translate received 5 points exactly, and its closest competitors - 4.8 and 4.6, respectively.

Of the rest, the application performed well only with iTranslate, which received 4 points out of 5. Translate.ru also had chances, but despite having its own service, the quality of the translation turned out to be low, the same can be said about Recomendado. Other programs do not deserve attention, they are very similar to each other and received from 3 to 3.5 points. Only the Translator from GK Apps stood out (2 points out of 5), the developers of which create separate applications for each direction of translation in order to maximize the profit from the Microsoft Translator API.
If we evaluate additional functional features, then Google Translator is the undisputed leader. It supports more than 100 languages, offline translation, photo translation, voice input and output, and also does not contain advertising and paid content. Analogs from Yandex and Microsoft are slightly behind, although they adhere to the same concept. In other programs, most often there are fewer functions and languages \u200b\u200band a lot of advertising banners. Voice input and dubbing support all 10 applications, but offline translation and working with photos is only 4 - the top three companies from Google, Microsoft and Yandex were Translate.ru. You can familiarize yourself with all the parameters in detail in the tables.

As you would expect, Google Translator outperformed everyone. Most users do not make much sense to analyze the article in detail; just download this application from our website and install it on your device. A worthy replacement for the program from Google will be analogues from Microsoft and Yandex. If you need to translate constantly, it is better to have several applications. Firstly, the main service may fail, and secondly, it’s nice to have alternative translation options to choose from.

Online / Offline translator for Android from Google, which can translate text from English into Russian and vice versa, as well as in more than 100 languages. For most languages, this translator can work even without the Internet! In addition, also free!

About the numbers. Currently, offline translation works for 59 languages, and instant translation from camera labels for 38 languages. Automatic translation with voice input is supported in 32 languages, handwriting works for 93 languages. After a recent update, the service began using self-learning neural networks, so the translation became much better. With the help of machine translation technology, offers are now translated in whole, and not in separate parts. Thanks to this, the translated text becomes more like our natural speech.

Translation can be done in different ways:

  • typing on the keyboard
  • use google voice translator (talk mode)
  • using photo translator
  • write text with your finger in the appropriate field

Also, if you are sent an SMS message in a foreign language, you can easily find out its translation.

Online \\ offline translator for android

For text translation, you first need to select a language pair (for example, Russian-English). When you enter text, an instant online translation of Google takes place immediately. If the transfer does not appear instantly, you need to click on the arrow. To listen to the translation, click on the speaker (not available for all languages). You can view alternate translation options for words and phrases.

A text Google translator without the Internet, that is, offline, will work if you pre-load the language packs. To do this, go to the Android device in Settings -\u003e Languages \u200b\u200band download the language you need. More than 50 language packs are available for offline.

Voice online translator from English to Russian

When you click on the microphone icon, the Google voice translator in online mode is turned on. When you see the word “Speak,” say the text you want to translate. After that, a voice translation will be made from Russian into English (in some languages \u200b\u200byou will also hear voice acting). To more accurately recognize speech, in the settings you can specify a dialect for some languages. It should be noted that, by default, obscene words are not translated :)

In order to automatically recognize the language during the conversation, at the bottom of the screen, click on the microphone icon in the center. Having done this, you can speak either of the two selected languages. When the interlocutor finishes the speech, you will hear the translation.

The translator works with the voice translator wonderfully, because in this way you can break the language barrier almost anywhere in our planet and communicate with foreigners in 32 languages! This is much better than explaining on the fingers what you want from the interlocutor or in a panic to look for the translation of the desired word or sentence.

Unfortunately, a voice input translator does not work in all languages \u200b\u200b(for an unsupported language, the microphone button will be inactive). A voice translator without the Internet may not work correctly in some languages.

Google photo translator

An English-Russian photo translator works both online and without the Internet. Other languages \u200b\u200bare also available. Using it, you can quickly find out the translation of a sign, inscription, menu in a restaurant or document in an unknown language. The translator works through the camera. Just click on the camera icon, point the camera at the text, select the desired area and get instant translation. To improve the quality of the translation, you need to take a picture of the text, that is, take pictures - translate. Photo translator significantly expands the capabilities of the application and allows you to make the translation faster.

In order for Google instant photo translator to work without the Internet, you need to download instant translation languages \u200b\u200bon an android device. For example, having downloaded the English and Russian packages, the translator translates from English into Russian without the Internet.


Handwriting starts when you click the corresponding icon. In the field "Write here" write words, draw characters and get a translation. It should be noted that this function is not supported for some languages \u200b\u200b(there will be an inactive icon).

And here is the whole list of supporting languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Norwegian, Czech, Swedish, Azerbaijani, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Afrikaans, Basque, Belarusian , Bengali, Burmese, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Welsh, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Galician, Greek, Georgian, Gujarati, Danish, Zulu, Hebrew, Igbo, Yiddish, Indonesian, Irish, Icelandic, Yoruba, Kazakh, Kannada, Catalan, Chinese Ii (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Korean, Creole (Haiti), Khmer, Lao, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Punjabi, Persian, Sebuan , Serbian, Sesotho, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Swahili, Sudanese, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Uzbek, Urdu, Hausa, Hindi, Hmong, Croatian, Cheva, Esperanto, Estonian, Javanese, Japanese .

You can download an Android translator in a matter of seconds and translate, for example, from English into Russian Google, you can anywhere and anywhere: on vacation, on the road, at a business meeting. This program is especially useful for tourists. You can use Google translator online, where the Internet is available, and offline thanks to pre-loaded language packs. So the dictionary will always be at hand. The main thing is that the battery of the device does not run out.

A mobile translator is a convenient application: an Android smartphone is always with you, and you have to translate foreign words from Russian into English (or vice versa) quite often. If you travel or write text in English (or another) language, a translator for Android is indispensable.

We have already considered applications for online translation of text, dictionaries and similar services. Mobile translators for the Android OS also appear here, and we selected the best of them:

Among the main functions we note offline work on the phone, and. It is also desirable that the mobile application has the ability to voice the translated text. At the end of the article -, from it you can quickly choose the best translator for Android, based on its functionality.

  Mobile translator Google Translate for Android

Perhaps the most popular translator, whose name (Google Translate) has become a household word and is used when it comes to machine translation, let's say, is not of very high quality. However, we must admit that today Google Translate is almost the optimal method for automatically translating web pages, individual words, text fragments and even audio messages via phone. From year to year, the quality of the Google Translate service is gradually increasing, and Translite APIs use many other services and applications to translate text from English and other languages \u200b\u200binto Russian or as a translator of web pages on their and other sites.

Google translator for android for some time works without the Internet

Key features of Google Translate for Android:

  • About 100 text translation directions supported
  • Recognition of text from a picture or camera Android and the ability to translate it into 26 different languages
  • Two-way translation of voice messages in 40 languages: text-to-speech and recognition of text spoken on a microphone
  • Support for handwriting text when drawing on the screen of an android device
  • Selectively download language extensions on Android as needed
  • Add words to favorites and save translations for later offline use

However, do not lose sight of the fact that all translation functions are not available in all languages. Although English and Russian are fully supported on the phone.

Immediately about the chips that I liked.

  1. Offline translation is supported. If you disconnect from the Internet and try to translate a word that is not in the dictionary, Google Translate will offer to download language packs. They weigh a little - Russian-speaking about 20 MB.
  2. Alternative text input is handwriting, voice input, and text recognition from a picture.
  3. Great interface. Recently, Google has been focusing more on usability, which improves usability.

A few words about how the Google Translate application works. Choose the direction of the translation, enter a word or phrase using any of the input methods and see the translation. You can listen to the pronunciation, transcription, copy the word or add to your favorite list. Well, of course, there is a dictionary where you can find out the translation of the word and part of the speech.

Summary. Google Translate for Android is not only megafunctional, but confidently combines the most necessary tools for needy users. It is both a dictionary and a machine translation application. Google translator is convenient for quick recognition of words in all languages \u200b\u200bthat are included in the kit.

  Yandex.Translate - offline translator for Android

Yandex.Translator is essentially the same Google Translate, but for those who are used to using products of the “domestic manufacturer”. In fact, there are not so many differences with the same free "Translate". Recently, Yandex.Translate service has increased the functionality of a translator, and now the Android application translates text from a picture and recognizes speech, audio messages. Perhaps the main difference compared to the Android version of Google Translate is the quality of the translation (it’s just different) and the number of supported languages \u200b\u200bfor mobile translation - there are not 90, but more than 60, which is enough for most users. There is also a mobile web version of the application at https://translate.yandex.com/m/translate.

Interface and settings of the Yandex Translator application

Some differences in the mobile application are purely “flavoring”. Corporate yellow prevails in the design of the translator. Also in Yandex.Translate work abbreviations and word completion. One of the convenient functions of the program for translating text is automatic language change when typing. In Google Translate (version for Android) this, surprisingly, is not, although the web version of the translator has been doing this for a very long time.

The translator from Yandex works offline. But here's the trouble: electronic dictionaries take up a lot of space in the phone’s memory. Only one English-Russian package for offline translation takes about 660 (!) Mb! You need to think 100 times whether you need such happiness.

Other mobile translation settings available in the offline translator from Yandex:

  • synchronous translation
  • language definition
  • hints and simplified input,
  • translation of words and text from the clipboard,
  • activation of offline mode.

Summary. In general, the Yandex product is a suitable translator. With its own features and amenities, with a full range of translation functions. It works autonomously, can be used as a convenient electronic dictionary. The only drawback of the application is the impressive size of the dictionaries (they need to be downloaded beforehand, without fear of traffic consumption).

  Mobile text translator Translate.ru

The PROMT company is known for its long-standing achievements in the field of machine translation. Translator Ru translator is one of the curious products available for Android. According to industrialists, Translate provides fast and high-quality translation of texts in popular areas, including English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, etc. Naturally, the Russian language can also be used as a translation direction.

High-quality mobile translation at Translate.ru (PROMT)

Some of the main features of Translate.ru mobile application:

  • Integrated translation: the ability to transfer from any open application to the Android OS. You can easily copy the text and find out its translation in Translate.ru
  • Mobile translation, electronic dictionary and phrasebook in one set
  • The choice of translation topics: study, biography, social networks, computers, travel and others.

After testing other popular text translators on Android, some moments are striking. Firstly, the interface is not as modern as in the same Google Translate or Yandex.Translator. In addition, it is less convenient when translating text on a phone with a small screen. To translate, you need not only to enter the word, but also press the enter button, because the text is not translated on the fly. On the other hand, the translator can independently change the subject of translation and language direction.

A few words about offline dictionary operation. Autonomous work is available in the paid version of Translate.ru, but some tools (phrasebook) can be used for free - just download the corresponding dictionary of expressions. The last 50 words translated online are also available in history without an internet connection.

Since the price of the program is not high - about $ 3, we advise you to think about purchasing it if the free version of the application is liked by its ability to translate from English into Russian or in other areas. In the paid version, in addition to the availability of offline mode, there is no advertising at the bottom of the window.

Summary. This text translator for the Android OS is not perfect, and nevertheless one of the best representatives of its category. Translate.ru offers a completely high-quality translation with the ability to consolidate, learn new words. Various topics of translation, pronunciation and text transcription and phrasebook are available. Well, in the appendage, all this can work offline. So Translate.ru has every chance to gain a foothold in your list of applications on Android.

Good to know. What is the difference between a translator program and an electronic dictionary?

Electronic dictionaries are usually convenient for translating individual words. They are used as reference books and provide more translation options for the term. One of the most popular dictionaries is. The product is available for desktop and mobile platforms, including Android.

  Babylon: electronic dictionary and translator in one package

Babylon at one time was quite a moving translator for a desktop platform. The developers decided to take revenge by porting their translator for Android and other mobile platforms.

Mobile Translation Using Babylon Online Translator

What can be said from the point of view of the user? The Babylon application is relatively inconvenient for online translation of texts. Why shouldn't developers just learn from other translate applications and make the GUI shell more convenient? Now Babylon is divided into 2 tabs: text translation and electronic dictionary. The logic is understandable, but inconvenient. In addition, to translate the text you need to press extra buttons. And given that the translation of each word is loaded from the Web, using this android-translator is not a lot of fun.

Again, comparing Babylon with other translators mentioned - it does not have such necessary tools as text translation from a picture, speech recognition and its translation, there is not even a simple phrasebook.

Of course, there is the opportunity to propagate the basic version of Babylon, which is installed on Android by default, but this does not very save the situation, apparently. In total, 4 versions of the application are available:

  • Basic I - no ads
  • Basic II - ad-free and offline dictionaries
  • Deluxe - all of the above plus an unlimited number of text translations
  • Ultimate - all that can be included in the translator, the possibility of subsequent updates

Well, then what are the advantages of the mobile version of Babylon? Despite the outdated shell, it is worth noting the good quality of the translation of terms, electronic dictionaries in this regard did not disappoint. The program issues a whole dictionary entry when translating from English to Russian and vice versa. The transcription, pronunciation of a word can be found by clicking on the appropriate icon.

Thus, the Babylon electronic translator is unlikely to satisfy the needs of an active user who often accesses a dictionary. Unfortunately, Babilon has many inconveniences and a small set of functions for translation in various language areas. The only positive point is the high-quality electronic dictionaries and detailed dictionary entries that the program issues when translating individual terms. If you need offline translation, we will turn to free applications, for example, Google Translate.

  iTranslate - a program for translating text and voice translator

iTranslate is another bright representative of mobile translators. Distributed mainly through the App Store as an iOS edition of the application. In addition, the iTranslate translator is also popular with Android mobile users.

iTranslate supports text-based translation and voice input. Translation is carried out in 92 languages. The program saves the history of the last translated phrases, works offline without any restrictions (first you need to download the dictionary for the desired direction - for example, English-Russian).

In addition to the usual translation, “iTranslate Translator” can play everything written on the phone. The application is absolutely free for Android users, however, it broadcasts unobtrusive banners with ads in the bottom panel of the screen.

Other features of iTranslate translator:

  • Over 90 directions for translating text
  • Speaking of the translated text. Voice acting can be chosen at your discretion (male / female)
  • Ability to select different regions for the selected translation language
  • Built-in dictionary, synonym base and extended articles for each word
  • Supported transliteration, access to previously entered phrases and words
  • Sending transfers to other users and posting on social networks

Another representative of mobile translators for Android, which is also distributed through the App Store as an iOS edition of the application. For this reason, the iTranslate Translator is quite popular with Android mobile users. This program allows you to work both in a text translation format and with the help of a voice translator in 92 languages, and also saves the history of the last translated phrases.

Translator iTranslate for Android

In addition to the usual translation, iTranslate Translator can play everything written on the phone. This application is absolutely free for Android users, so it has unobtrusive banners with ads in the bottom panel of the screen. To work with the iTranslate translator, you will need an Internet connection. You can also download the add-on from the same developer, a full-featured voice translator for Android - iTranslate Voice.

  Microsoft Translator - a convenient translator for text and photos

Microsoft Translator application can translate text in more than fifty different language areas. In addition, the application performs voice translation, recognizes phrases photographed on the phone, as well as screenshots taken on the phone. the translator works both online and offline, in the second case, you need to download dictionary databases so that the translation works without an Internet connection. To do this, use the section "Offline languages" in the settings of the Android translator.

When translating the text, a transcription is displayed (for the Russian-English direction), voice-over of the text is also available by clicking on the corresponding icon. However, it seemed uncomfortable that Microsoft Translator does not offer alternative translations of individual words, as is done by a translator from Google. Also, the application does not display prompts when entering words.

The translation function for labels and images is quite convenient. As already mentioned, to do this, just take a picture on the camera, and Microsoft Translator recognizes the text content. However, if there really is a lot of text to be translated, there may be inconvenience, since you have to read the translation without formatting.

Another convenient feature is a phrasebook. It contains popular language phrases that you can use when traveling.

  Offline dictionaries: translator for Android, working without the Internet

The Offline dictionaries app allows you to use dictionaries on your phone without connecting to a network. This is convenient, for example, if you are on an airplane, traveling abroad, working where there is no Internet or just want to save battery.

Download the dictionaries that you will need to translate to the SD card the first time you launch the application. Then do a search using templates.

Definitions can also be read by a smartphone using the text-to-speech module (some mobile devices do not support this module - accordingly, some languages \u200b\u200bmay not be available. The dictionary is convenient to use in conjunction with devices for reading electronic books.

There are more than 50 multilingual offline dictionaries to choose from, including English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Hebrew, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech. In addition to dictionaries, the database includes synonyms and anagrams.

Dictionaries are added and regularly updated with the release of new versions of Offline dictionaries.

Other telephone translator features:

  • self-replenishment of dictionaries
  • add personal notes
  • sync notes with all devices through your Google account

The free version of Offline dictionaries displays ads, but you can try the pro version, which has no ads.

  Results: which Russian-English translator to choose?

  Choosing the best mobile translator
app name Work without the Internet (offline mode) Voice translation Photo translation Speech texts Online Website Translation Dictionary
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partially - - - - +
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All the dictionaries and translators for the smartphone on Android presented above have advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different occasions. Having a permanent Internet connection and requiring a large package of languages \u200b\u200bfrom the program (especially if it is not only a Russian-English language), you will most likely decide in favor of Google translators or iTranslate. In addition, Google Translate will be conveniently used as a translator of web pages.

If you want to work closely with a small list of the most popular foreign languages, you should pay attention to the Android translator Translate ru or Yandex translator.

If access to the Internet is limited, download “Offline Dictionaries” and you can translate foreign words in any convenient place directly on your mobile device.

An excellent offline and online translator for smartphones and tablets, with full functionality of the web version, supporting about 60 different languages \u200b\u200bfrom the world famous corporation Google Inc.

To use the automatic translator, you must first download it to your gadget, install and run it. After that, choose from which language you want to translate into. Also choose a text input method. There are 4 types: voice, camera recognition Android devices, handwritten, and of course touch.

How does it all work?
I think everyone understands how voice input works, you just say a phrase or sentence and Google translates it. It often happens that the texts needed for translation are on paper (books, magazines, etc.), and in order to simplify our translation, we can just take a picture and Google will do everything for us. If you like to draw, then you have your own input method. Just draw the word with your finger or stylus, Google will also recognize it. And last, the easiest way is touch, typing.

Google translator for android without internet   it will also be easy to cope with their functions. To do this, you will need to pre-load the language packs. After the translation with the received text, you can do whatever you want: listen, copy, even send via SMS or email to a friend.

We highlight the most important features of the program translator on Android:
- 4 types of input: voice, handwritten, using a photo camera and regular print
- translation of words and sentences without an internet connection
- translation into 60 different languages
- sending translated text via SMS or email

If you do not want to miss the appearance of new features and functions, we advise you download translator for android without internet   from our site for free right now!

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