List of the funniest and coolest nicknames for girls and guys. Nicky interesting

If you came to this page, it is obvious that your imagination has ordered a long life. But it's okay, you will help you come up with such nicknames for the game that under them the game will trample much better.

First of all, let's understand the purpose of your visit. Do you need to immediately get a cool and original nickname, or does the direction of the vector for reflection is required? In the first case, everything is quite simple - open the list of top nicknames and copy to the game settings. It is done. But with the second case it will be much more interesting. To come up with exactly what you want to see over the course of many hours of the game, you should spend at least 5-10 minutes thinking. To effectively come up with your own nickname, we have prepared some tips for you at the end of the page.

[DAEMON] maximum ҹΣ®ŢΣÑӦЌ 6occ
░▒▓\/@[email protected]▓▒░ Capitan_lm UFO driver Dooox
° ¥ ° Пōžīŧīß ° ¥ ° Hijacking Girls Over .. -NegaTiV- "Vse [email protected] Hapkomuk
Kuril Bukhayev Varg More_Raz-and_Ni_Razu ● ₡ ₳ X ₳ ₱ Ǿ ₭ ●
PalkoVvodets Wizard Martashech) (a # Vimer94 Chhototel
Ramzes $ KOR.ON ❅ßℭēłēȵ∲ȵªƳǻ ₥ ₥ ℮ ₦ ™ ™ IVAN BUKHAEV
AnTi_Manti Yaytsedubovich Pour in Kǿšℳǿ Ꮥ Ѽ [email protected]
Zimmer Pøpỳgây (_The werewolf_) ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ”* Ke € N *” ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ
  # S1lence # AnTi (Homa) Mega man potato antoshka MDK / A /
Zeepwow (c) ♫♫♫ A] (➃➆ ♫♫♫ ~ Master ~ ღ S € X rescuer ღ ... ::: Pr [i] Zr [a] K ::: ..
Flaxplayer \u003e\u003e Cassius Clay Zmot Ř③ĘŘ③ĘM ™ † °° POSITIVE PARTY ° ° †
KRYCH_DYRYNDYCH catman ... In-law, Nothing-in-law ... Duck_ in the slippers Don kakashko
Foofan bǻŋǻŋ [ǺĎ] ≡Ӎand ₱ ₦ ₳ ₰ ≡ ҰяðяГұгλ, ٠ ☺ru⎳evoi☺ ٠
❷ҜҏҿẚҭӣɃ❷ COTT Black dog ak_47 Kizill
Dek.spb. × Loot Ghani ™   Ø ß ķұ Ꮥ Ʈy _ * very nice king * _   ¥ PATRIK ¥
† ฿ ¢ e ₥ ¤ ₴ ¥ ₩ Й † -‘๑’ CoK_CAHEK ๖ ۣۣۜ Zβø ₦ ẫ® TruHegra: D
° ≈ ° ПĄŦPИĶ ° ≈ ° Ibn Abdul ObstulBey 4yBa4ek163rus ๖ ۣۣۜ Avąŧą®hųķ ❿Ќøŧ ß śǻÞøғǻх❿
~ Real Man ~ †ŠẄǺĜ† Zekenbi` Belik IIauTuB: D
ApostaL ٠ ☺Rulevoi☺ ٠ MĚĎßĘЖŐĦŎĶ ™ Mįşş Ķøşĥķå ~ Ђ Ђ Ђ P ~
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❶Ӎś.₣®ӧśŧ❶ ** No coNnecT ... ** ZloyUchitel Ӗӂиҝ_β_ҜᴇḊᶏχ Nya ^ _ ^
Doter Superhren _V1meR_ Ω ™ Ќųzya ™ Ω Bart
₪. ° XǺӍΣĿΣӦÑ °. ₪ Flake * GLkkk PiSyuGan .҉ØĎē®зkǻƳǻ.҉ø
) (RIIIiJ Lel Made in the USSR PRO_GmdXostik Šΰpę®măή
Iipokypop † ° † Mr.BaD BoY † ° † ŔěĐ βųζζ ToglyatticitylChamp. MopgoBopoT
\u003e .P.S.I.X. nill63rus pudov KISSING SCREEN ON-LIne Big shot
¦SCORPIO¦ n1ntendo PRIORA * heart seller
MaDe in CCCP White Zhanbratan Star Warrior GoOd_MeN
[email protected]$ T® Sinner ▒▓█ϻnё ★ ÞÓkhϋŷ█▓▒ NERV lowsize
VIT ᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ mikrob with JIoM Hired
California * Soul * Jle`jle Tiger ^^ Che ARESH ^^ ★ ° Mailing list ° ★
๖ ۣۣۜ Л ყ чωиę ∂թ ω я Black_swan Bespectacled macho World owner Jesus
Na \u003d\u003d oTMash \u003d\u003d Koks *** OIIr Soul reaper ˜ ”* °. Wings ◐ S ۞ vetov ◐ Champion. ° * ”˜ Vsem_sosat
LG | IvanM. Che Kavo Machomen Rotozey V.I.R.U.S.
Rich ▪ ● ♀Domestic♂ ● ▪ Zapadlo Giant Spaceman
° Ħēжңыữ ₰ Đ ● ° ) (оSSe - \u003d VeteR \u003d hot dammm ● ° Entered ° ●
Akril Tr0jan .ιllιlι.ιl..ιllιlι.ιl. Jack warrior of times
] [HOOLEY-GUN] [ Boy_Killer Constant ☜ ♚ ₦ Ỉ ₦ ℑ Ѧ ♚ ☞ [email protected]@[email protected]@
ubitiy_v_hlam ° ∏øλữңά● ° ๖ۣۜĆǿǿł™ war3cs.ruNoSwear ★★★ Zenith ★★★
UFO driver Kenni Тαηцγй κακ Кαδαη Wa)! Šãñ†ã™
Heaven.MasteR Remx VAZhN_YROGK   † ĶøfēúĤ † ™ arbiter
★ OIITiMicT ★ jangles ☃Snegovik☃ dag05 ** BEKA_KZ ***
-3acTPeJIuCb- Kachnu_BitsuHu . :: YoPt "ik ::. Blackflex * you are Dead-Mnepoch *
* Rosa * Kiglia MINDZRAV ▄▀ჯ Ꭿℋ ŝ ₮ ę℟▀ ▄GLD Romeo
[Vsevzhopu] IIauTuB: D \u003d .. NiKnImUs .. \u003d Šΰpę®măή † ǺD † | YrKa |
| | | PACKET | YouTouchMeTaLaLA Sportkk oOo-PIKSEL-oOo ★ T ♦ and ♦ r ★

Ivanok Panchez ! No, we don’t smoke O_o " TATaPuH_)
- \u003d RaZoR \u003d [email protected]@X Wenceslas ۞ ḎễἯь ۞   ● ®о® you ●
ᴓԒӢҢҞӪԈЬҤᴓ ֎π₱סּς₸ὅ ₥ềζ₸ᾳ Elita Grandpa Zapadlo (_The werewolf_)
MiStER_En . ° ”EeOneGuy” °. ↗๖ۣۣۜ Kőŗõŋå↖ Zick ฿ ẹŽŽұмŋый ™
Łùţěř _OmeN_ Bagel Corporation Bor ₭ổ®ổζèβã™
Bomb BeethoveN: * | PC White? Barmaley PROTOP / Mezza
Rezak * (~ The Best ~) * Caprison Protégé ÇξрцẽξĐ
N1CeR LEO cTmOne.Ro-Drop2 sMMARI JUAN big amigo
˙ · ٠ ● ๑ ۩ Crazy ۩ ๑ ● ٠ · ˙ - ° ° ßżŗыßŋøй ° ° TheEndSkrillex † ḾĚЛǾḾ ₳ Ħ † ฿ ₭ ĒД ₳ X † V1meR
Зжę зâñя ₥ ęю βĉẻ ῥմ†ẻ₥ Ǻӎĕ₱į₭ǻ◄ ❧I live in your heart❧ _ * very nice king * _
night spirit Right now, like a damn leg .. ● ° AND ζ GOY ● ° Small †Ўδḙṹ†
€ MAJOR € Sam_Samy DEDIIBCCCP Vinni_pykhkhkh Randbool
kumar € MAJOR € [email protected](aN__ Ξ ₮Ɏ₲ɆⱤ Ξ ➊DreameR➊
hawk ApTeMkA / A / kot ẾĿĬŤẾ ☼ΩYUBΩY℮℮℮☼ fIR-PAH_Trup_NAH
٠ ☺ru⎳evoi☺ ٠ Ҝøრ X \u003d CONCLUDED \u003d X HukoTuH # 1MinnieMouse
Ęßς Blackflex Ðřâģớń Šãñ † ã ™ ๖ ۣۣۜ MØῥŠќøŇ ๖ ۣۣۜ Bříź [Batman NAX]
† Ѯløē ¢ infestation † ] [HOOLEY-GUN] [ Zloyaim) VimeR ™ Mr * PoZitiViK ~
Disbalance ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ”Pirat” ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ↓ ₣ y † δŏŁųş † ↓ Goldboy White
Blind Sniper Ketchup --dnAt- $$$ The best $$$ black maniac
kenwood: / [email protected] ๖ ۣۣۜ Ky $ øch £ ķ ๖ ۣۣۜ Sch๖ ۣۣۜ άς † y ™ ☜❶☞ -Dreamer☜❶☞ - 6e3Titeu * the
✝ᴱᴴᴼᵀ✝ Kavkazska9_Bombita klepa 〖₱ ტ ₦ 4 i ₭〗 Sexpistol
ПǾβê∫lù რ éʎь Đɇ₱ӡҝụủ Cortez Grom Gvozd
Unbalanced hamster killer ● ₭ỂŇŤ● De_bill Pate KReeDo
PreMuym.N! Ke Shaman / -SoldaFon- / School Goalkeeper
Ќøśӎøś (EXTRIM)
⎮ [-Foma-] ⎮ [email protected] Mr_Rigos   ● ĤēЂøгĤøЦᾇ®ь ● Omg omg omg
_ * Very nice king * _ ≠ ° ПТŖŖШШĶĶ ° ≠ ..::ᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ::.. ЪŔϊɳğ [Batman NAX]
Тαηцγй κακ Кαδαη ˙ · ٠ ● E╞╣ ۞ t ● ٠ · ˙˙ GRIFER Shadow_of_Lade iz animevipa smoky Wizard
JluHu_PaeTKy_ Stalker smoky Wizard Proy R.I.P
*Rave* DaRk-03Rus Ќruŧøy ™ pykan (\u003d FUN TOMATO \u003d)
[ Simply ] Ăтǻψόŀ ™ MINER catman ♚ ₡ Ħ ₳ Y P £ Ҏ ✞✟
#NAME? ↓₱ø† ჳάќρøú↓ ÏPĥöђě5 ™ $ huligan $ Rimmer
˙˙ · ٠ ● ☆ mαλыωkα ☆ ● ٠ · ☺ Winnie the Pooh ☺ GRUZ200 \u003d DarkDevIL \u003d NegaTIV
Antonio_ Leather Father frost AHARXIST Vimer
Chek174 * RE $ PECT * Machomen Little boy GOOD DAY /
● ╚╣Ύ╔╗å ╚╣Ύ╔╗ℂ● Stalker Þǻŋďǻ LY.LY.JAZZ. COME SEE WIN
White_fox ßrôdяga   ツ VERY GOOD ツ Thepro Sinner]
Poor [email protected]legarch ❖๖ۣۣۜ Lổvέ_Уőű❖ ) (from T @ B) h ⒼⒶⓜⒺⓇ cocuco4ka_93rus *
Personality [ღ gadkii _ya ღ]   ± By ± !!!εγωιστής!!! Edgar
El_capon Dreamer ~ effect / R / ~ Addict shaman ĒĢΘŘ
Sexy_Mexi Oxboy Sweetheart f_keDAh Traumatologist
●↓ҜᾇҝᾇųñҹùĶ↓● Rezak Man of science Mega man collective farmNICK
\\\\\\ pizza /// RAMBo ◄◄◄[email protected]  D ۞ g K € N M () eSTRo
Ĥē ʍǿçҝẳλь Lyricist oPgBLO Zhezine [SIMPLE IN.]
ᵀᴬᴹᴮᴸᴱᴿ neochkarik teddy bear gray gray Nurs
▪ ● ♀koresh♂ ● ▪ ♂ ℙe®feⒸt ツ †Ɗὀṱặ† Darkguft ๖ ۣۣۜ Bdyҳe ™
S¡kk¡ [email protected]  Gu | Hockey player ๖ ۣۣۜ Køńyaķ ™ Trahuar Đɇ₱ӡҝụủ
MeGa_IgROK De_bill Skipper ☺Å ₥ ůλēŧίk☻ SaNeK
♂Ք ӱсζκūū Goldboy * Follow Me * ßrôdяga ๑۩۩๑*Ⓓⓐⓡⓚ ⒻⓡⓔⓢⒽ*๑۩۩๑
_КоТэ_ПОД_нАККОТэ_ type_BOSS Reasonable Egg Mr_Apple_Love Ďē®śkįĵ Ӎįkį Ӎǻůś
-=][= Cowboy Hagis XPANETEL Бåřʂ ™ . ° * ”˜ ☆ hULIGAN ☆ ˜”
Don vito SAWAT T_Dark Mutant Þēҹēŋԁků
Log dog VafЛя_PRO ÇMÊPŦѢ [ÃÐ] ™ Don vito Worthy
๖ ۣۣۜ Пшшляķ ™ ___6a6kaBTaTTKaX___ Do not intimate Wa)! Denim
Lйδλю ¢ ßѻю ʍάλыώķẏ Pizza ℋõ₥à™ V1 [m] eR ~ ° ¤Mr_WiL®oCK¤ ° ~
❸→₡₳χӦ®Ӧ₭ ←❸ Ars`ZiBa Croha nice Bow Schoolboy
TaKoi Fuckyeah: D ϟϟSummerTimeϟϟ Glitch
❧ƊЯƊЯ ₣ ₳ ₦ ₮ ₳ ❧ Scarface ..::Give me money!::.. ☺ Winnie the Pooh ☺ [email protected]
XyJluMycopa PU   Mozg Nurikan (Oo) Leonardo
Bad boy * winged_Demon * ANDREW_DM pasha pate ღ ★ Estimated ★ ღ
SkY.FiGhT | ATASH [email protected] [Betzan] Dreki Stalker
... ::: PrO-RiDeR ::: ... I am KAIF BeJlukuu♕ [ Simply ] † ѮѻɅŷᾧҝᾇ †
Hellboy Vanghoha # HacJIegHuK. kek ¢ and k ... Son-in-law ღ S € Xspassat € L ღ
O ™ SPRAY ☜❶☞-Dreamer☜❶☞   † ĶøfēúĤ † ™ your boyfriend Elephant Heel
[: ĶĄŖŦØFĄŊ:] ™ kek ¢ ik ™ ๖ ۣۣۜ Bdyҳe ™ Vector captain obvious
♚ PrInCe Af DaNmArK ♚ Ѽ SUMMER Ѽ Teenager ßęşĕĺäŝĩý Ğąž OH, EVERYTHING †
\u003d GLuk \u003d ™ DED ™ MOROZ ™ Mrjissus HYJRA.HB-3.UA grandfather haggis
ҜōрōĻь ™ °=°Ĥøŗŗøŗ°=° ↓ ҜŨČÃ / Ӎỳр GaryPoker Conter
ۣ MØῥŠќøŇ Barmaley øøø A WE N @) (@ ╦) (€ øøø ★ A ♦ I ♣ C ★ ™ * Colgate * _007_ka
ة .. what’s the thing? .. ة Romeo (½ person) Wild wolf VetalJkee
VVVetal Barmaley SteelEx ✞✵H ё T И й ✞✵
Kostya-Nych † ๖ ۣۣۜ FȺ ₦ ₮ ØӍ † ßēҹŋø ß Þǻзįŧįß Grafin >
Prǿfėššéǿnał   K.i.T.t.Y. HugoBoss ChoPaChoPs ★ oIITiMicT ★

Come up with a nickname for strategy

In this genre of games, the names of various generals, generals, nicknames associated with personal qualities usually went well as interesting nicknames. In strategies, you often lead a large army, and therefore you need to choose a nickname sounding. For strategies, it is better not to choose a funny nickname, as the whole concept of the game may collapse. This genre is often very serious and creates the same atmosphere.

Nicknames for the RPG genre

Here, the scope is wider. In role-playing games, always try to choose nicknames in accordance with the setting of the game. If this is fantasy, then the nickname should be unusual, and not just “Petya”. The same goes for science fiction.

Since in RPG you can choose gender, the nickname is divided into a list for girls and a list for guys. Much more depends on the appearance of the character, so the same female name can be taken from real life, call the heroine the name of your friend or girlfriend. The character “girl” is not suitable for the girl’s character.

Nicky in the shooter

In a shooter, players often like to display a male nickname, regardless of gender, since in this genre men dominate as the main characters. If the game has a paramilitary style, then try to come up with the shortest nickname for it, that is, the “call sign”. To make the name as aesthetically pleasing as possible in game dialogs, the localization of the game should be taken into account. If it is in Russian or English, then it is better to write a nickname in the same language so that it does not get lost in the text of the plot.

If you want to get a really cool nickname for a shooter, then check out the wiki section on wars, there are often unusual names of historical persons that you like.

Nicknames in online games

In a single player game, you can use absolutely any nickname, because no one except you will see it. But in multiplayer games you should think a little longer. There you will not only evaluate your name, but also other players. Normal nicknames are those that do not offend anyone around. Call yourself a “nigga”, a nigga on the other end of the wire can be offended and ... kill you in the game.

The final nickname

If, after reading, you were inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200ba beautiful nickname, then do not get distracted and immediately write it down, because it constantly happens that they are forgotten in two seconds. Cool nicknames for games are created for a long time and painstakingly, since you will have to see a lot of time to see it. This is like a child inventing a name - he will also have to hear a lot of time. If you still can’t come up with a cool nickname, you should turn to ready-made tops and lists, from where you can copy them and forget the whole thing like a bad dream.

Aliases and logins of similar categories:

Nicky unusual (1015 pcs.)
Nicky original (544 pcs.)
Nicky cool (243 pcs.)
Nicky beautiful (257 pcs.)
Nicky with meaning (410 pcs.)

Choose or come up with an interesting nickname.

  An interesting nickname is a mirror of your soul. In many forums and sites, the attitude of local residents towards you depends on your nickname.

The most important thing you should remember when choosing a unique nickname is to try to avoid options like Masha_1992, or Dima940215. This is not original, and will show you as a person with a poor imagination. Good, interesting nicknames should express your personality, be different from hundreds of others. A person reading a forum should catch his eye on your nickname.

To make your nickname really interesting when you come up with it, stick to the following recommendations:

A short and meaningful login always attracts attention. It is especially successful if your nickname matches your inner world, and at the same time takes the minimum number of letters allowed when registering on this site. If all short logins are already taken, try something like ha_ck, N_E_O, m-a-n, and other short words, separated by dashes and underscores between letters.

An interesting nickname may also consist of several words. It is especially good if on the forum registration of a login containing Russian letters is possible - here the fantasy opens endless - you can become Fire_Fox, Agent_Smith, Girl-Killer, and many others. Remember the different characters from the films that are close to you in character. If the forum is highly specialized, for example, about cars, you can take yourself a nickname that arouses respect among users, for example, Master_Forsazh, or Severe_biker.

It’s difficult to come up with a beautiful, original and at the same time unique nickname. But it is perfectly acceptable to use as a pseudonym a wide variety of names belonging to both people and other creatures. These are the names.

1. This list of demonic names is taken from Goetia, a book that is part of Solomon's Lesser Key.

2. In these names the ringing of cymbals and the sad singing of her, flowering figs and belly dancing; odalisks, serales, harems ...

3. The legends and myths of the peoples of the world contain a huge number of names. Actually, these names are myths, since almost every legend is somehow connected with a name.

4. You can very well use these names as New Year's nicknames.

5. Many people like black clothes, they like to try on evil masks, they want to seem worse than they really are.

6. The main advantage of these nicknames is neutrality and abstractness, that is, they are an identifier at the moment, no more.

7. Let's be a little jesters. Only they could, looking into their eyes, tell the truth to the kings. We will relieve ourselves of part of the responsibility for our words, having called ourselves a funny or stupid name.

8. For those wishing to join the great tribe of the original and long-eared, a list of elven names, male and female, is found that is found in many places, but is constantly in demand.

9. "Workers" nicknames, a list of which will be given below. They are distinguished by simplicity and lack of pretentiousness, while writing the English layout is used.

10. We have already spoken about the names of demons. Now it's time to deal with the names of the angels.

11. There is a special set of names containing about two and a half thousand characters.

12. Until the 19th century, only exceptional noble persons close to the emperor were entitled to surnames. The rest of the Japanese population was content with names and nicknames.

13. Collected data words and phrases from a variety of sources. Something invented and, accordingly, unique.

14. The names of the gnomes in Tolkien's works are borrowed from Scandinavian mythology, mainly from Elder Edda.

15. When the fantasy goes into a slurred far away, our most reading, playing and watching videos people turn to the primary sources. Citizens enthusiastically extract from them the names of fantasy heroes they like ...

16. Miracle-Yudo from the Russian folk tale is an analogue of the Greek Hydra, which to some extent can be attributed to the class of dragons.

17. Proper names can tell the world a lot about the history of a given civilization. Egyptian names are especially informative in this regard.

18. The list of Russian names demonstrates a new way of developing church and calendar names - to secularism and adaptation to the norms of the Russian literary language.

19. And this list is intended exclusively for girls.

20. List of nicknames and nothing more. If possible abstract and not attached to anything.

21. The names of vampires have always been heard and inspired awe ...

22. What do afflicted citizens turn to in search of a nickname for a magician? Of course, to literature and cinema. In legends and myths, stories about gods and heroes, there are a sufficient number of names of magicians ready to use.

23. There are few original, unusual names in Spain. This is due to harsh registration laws.

24. Most Indian names derive from the sacred texts of the Hindu religion.

25. In general, literature and cinema are a good source of nicknames and names for the ready.

26. The name in the Scandinavian world has always been given to a child by a father. Almost all Scandinavian names come from ancient Germanic roots, which were dedicated to animal totems, such as “olv-ulv” - “wolf” or “bjorn” - “bear”. as well as to the gods: Thor, As, and the like.

27. In ancient times, at birth, the Greeks in the family received only a name, and one thing, surnames that united the whole family into a single whole and passed from father to son did not exist in Ancient Greece.

28. The phenomena and objects of nature, in particular the names of the plant world, and even more specifically the names of flowers, have always been widely present in the names of various nations.

29. From the point of view of many respected authors, the best pseudonym is, first of all, the original pseudonym, unlike others. This point of view is shared by V.G. Dmitriev, quotes from the works of which will be published in this article.

30. This is true not only in relation to poets. Uncertainty in success was one of the important reasons for disguise, which was used by novice authors.

31. In Russia, quite often they gave children the names of tsars or dynastic names. Well, does the church dare to object if someone names the child not according to the saints, but in honor of the monarch or someone from his family?

32. A true Indian needs only one thing, and this is not much, but almost nothing ... But the name of the Indian is necessary. Where is he without a name?

33. Geographic names used as names and nicknames for non-imagined Internet residents should not be something fresh and unusual.

Hello to all. Today our artist was screwed up - he painted hard pictures for this article, look. By the way, his nickname is “Sailor”. Today we are talking about nicknames. The Indians have long come up with this chip - to substitute names for funny phrases such as “Keen eye” or “Accurate arrow”. I wonder which one is cooler? I would put on the first, and you?

I came up with a nickname for my YouTube channel - Pavel Yamb - come in  , sign up, tell interesting stories from the life of freelancers.

I went to this alias for a very long time, it is ideal for me, but first try this nickname generator. The most popular service in RuNet on the selection of nicknames, a huge base. Estimate, think for a start. Maybe a case will determine your future.

Registration on any site or in social networks, or even to open a mailbox, is always accompanied by painful thoughts on what name to open it. First of all, calm down: you are not the only one to face this.

Nickname or nickname is an analogue of a nickname or a pseudonym. The fictitious name that we call ourselves when registering on the Internet. The word is borrowed from English.

It’s not always appropriate to fully upload your passport data. On thematic forums or in the game, for example, if you choose a name for minecraft, a full name like Volobuev Innokenty Evgrafovich will look inappropriate. Therefore, you need to decide on a nickname so that you don’t look like a black sheep among like-minded people.

If you register for the purpose of a one-time visit to the resource, then the name you choose does not really matter. However, I would not advise you to rush and be called, for example, the Teapot. What is initially considered temporary may imperceptibly become permanent. So you will communicate with network interlocutors under the stupid nickname that they came up with "for laughter." This will be especially inappropriate if you register for professional and business activities. Only people with a specific sense of humor will want to collaborate with the “Teapot”. So the nickname will become an obstacle, and not an aid to work.

Well, one should not forget the advice of the wise captain Vrungel: “As you call a yacht, it will sail”:

Unique features

There are a lot of options how to attach a nickname to you real. The simplest and most common network names are derived from a first or last name.

However, it is not so simple. There are a huge number of users on the Internet. And even if you think that for a girl named Svetlana it will be enough to write a diminutive form of Svetul, then you can be very disappointed. Hundreds and thousands of "Svetul" this original idea visited before you.

In addition, computer security experts recommend that you do not use real personal data as a nickname.

But don't be discouraged. In addition to the name, ideas for nick can give:

  • nationality;
  • location;
  • hobbies;
  • traits;
  • skills and abilities;
  • distinctive features of appearance;
  • other reasons for pride.

The main task of creating a spectacular and memorable nickname: to distinguish you from others. It should have a feature, moreover, one that does not change too quickly, such as age. Often you can see nicknames with numbers that clearly indicate a person’s age. If you start an account at 22, then in a few years these numbers will no longer mean as much to you as when you created this nickname. So if you already use numbers, then let them be really significant for you.

And again: a secure nickname should not contain too much personal information. And then the age is in a nickname, the date of birth in the password is not far from hacking. Therefore, if it is not about simple communication in social networks (the most popular), but for an account related to monetary transactions, it is better to consider these tips.

In the open spaces of fantasy

It also happens that you want to create a nickname that does not have attachments to a real person. Then fantasy will help you!

There are several ways that will allow you to choose a sonorous nickname.

A la stage name . Replace your first or last name with one that you would secretly want to wear. Your name is Leo and it bothers you? Then be modest! And vice versa, the humble name Ira does not meet your bright character? Then look for your name to your liking.

Movie or book character . Often there are nicknames with the names of popular characters in films, series and cartoons. However, there is a risk of being irretrievably lost in the host of Naruto or Sailormoon, cutting through the Internet. Want to stand out? Either look for a not very popular film, or turn your eyes to other ways of making a unique nickname.

Letters and numbers . You can limit yourself to a set of letters - the main thing is that you can then reproduce it. Using any nickname with English letters that are used to display Roman numerals can help create original nicknames such as the numbering of monarchs in dynasties: Ivan XIV or even LXX.

A combination of a word with a name . Instead of a surname, you can use, for example, a pet's nickname - if you like the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing called Rex or Pushechka. If not, then substitute something else instead - the same name for your favorite character.

Backwards . One of the easiest ways to come up with a nickname is to simply flip a name or any other word. If only it sounded the way you like. If someone else watches Soviet cinema, then in the old children’s film “Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” these are the names that people in the fairyland had: friend - Gourd, toad - Abaj, parrot - Yagupop.

Anagram . You can even play fun with your own name or surname if you try to swap the letters. Sometimes words are transformed beyond recognition: an orphan - an ariost, an orange - a spaniel.

Nicky in another language . Most often they are looking for an option in English - and this is also a good resource for original ideas. It is especially easy to come up with verbal nouns as a nickname. Do you like to swim? Then you are a swimmer. Typing fast? The buzzer option will do.

Advanced User Methods . Among the English-speaking segment, nicknames with numbers are often found when the word or its part for is replaced by the number 4, which is pronounced in the same way. To - 2 is replaced in the same way. Russian users flaunt transcription in English using letters similar to Russian in spelling: Vinni-Pyh instead of Winnie the Pooh.

You see, there are many ways to come up with an original nickname. The basic rules for choosing your new name:

  1. It should be distinguished which nicknames can be thought up for communication on the subject of a hobby, and which ones for business relations.
  2. Nick should be memorable primarily for the creator.
  3. The originality of the nickname sets you apart from other visitors to the resource.
  4. If you do not have the task of attracting people with certain inclinations, it is better not to create nicknames with hints of cruelty that offend someone else’s feelings.

Technical details

So, on one resource only one word may be required, while you have two. Or, you must use numbers. Some sites have a ban on celebrity names.

Therefore, you should consider in advance the possible options for your nickname. Well, or act on the circumstances. The main thing is not to forget where and under what name you registered.

Now you know almost everything about nicknames - it remains to put it into practice. I hope that after my article each of your new accounts will have an awesome nickname!

Here is a farewell to you from Captain Vrungel. To the connection!

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