How to download all your VKontakte audio recordings right away. How to download music from "Contact" to your phone: the best downloaders

A few years ago, on the VKontakte social network, site users could only listen to music downloaded by other participants in the service. Naturally, many of them immediately became interested in the question: is it possible to download favorite songs and audio tracks from the site? And soon on the Internet various tips and tricks began to appear on how to solve this problem. It turned out pretty simple. You just need to use a special program or service on the network that is designed to help users of the VKontakte site.

Programs and Add-ons for Download

So, for example, you can use the LoviVkontakte player specially developed for VKontakte. With it, you can easily find, play, listen and save any music file to your computer. To transfer the melody to the computer, you just need to click the appropriate button and start the download process.

With one click, music is sent using the VKSaver program. You can download the application on its official website. After downloading, install the plug-in on your computer, just before that, close all browser windows first, launch the application and wait for the installation process to complete. Then you can open a browser and go to the VKontakte website in the audio music section. A button with the letter S should appear next to each music file, more precisely under it. Click on it, then in the new window click the "Download" button.

Vkontakte Download is another useful extension designed to help VKontakte users download music from the site. Well in this regard, the MusicSig vkontakte Lite application has proved itself. With it, music is sent to the desired drive with one click of the mouse.

Many browsers already have built-in add-ons for downloading files, including on the VKontakte network. In Mozila Firefox - DownloadHelper, in Opera - Save. To use them, you need to find them in the browser add-ons, download and activate them. After which you will be able to download many files both from VKontakte and from the libraries of many other sites.

VKMusic for music lovers

VKMusic is an application that searches for VKontakte music and saves it to a computer. Install the program, then launch the application to download music, select “VKontakte” in the toolbar and in the drop-down box specify the place to search for melodies: “My audio recordings”, “Audio recordings of friends / groups”, etc. Start the search, then in the list presented, select the melody you want to save, and click the arrow button or use the "Download All" button. Wait for the selected files to load, after which you can listen to them.

   It’s a sin not to use the rich song database of the social network Vkontakte. Many listen to Vkontakte music, but do not even know how to download music from VK. And for this there are as many as 6 different working methods, and in this article we will talk about each in more detail. We also prepared video instructions on how to download Vkontakte music:

Method number 1: SAVEFROM

The wonderful SAVEFROM plugin allows you to download not only videos from YouTube, but also music from Vkontakte. Just download the appropriate version of SAVEFROM, and you can download music directly from your browser. Today, the plugin is available for all popular browsers:

Installation is intuitive. You can download SAVEFROM at. After installation, the Download icon in the form of an arrow will appear opposite the compositions.

Method number 2: VKSaver

  is a browser plugin and works on the same principle as SAVEFROM. After installation, the Download icon will appear opposite the play button.

The plugin is free, differs from its analogues in its simplicity. It will not show you either the bitrate of the composition, or other metadata, but it allows you to easily download Vkontakte music.

Method number 3: Internet services

This method is suitable for those who do not want to download any programs to their computer, or to overload the browser with additional plug-ins. It is enough to go to one of the following sites:

The interface of these services works in Russian, and the database is constantly updated with the latest database of Vkontakte songs.

Method number 4: VKMusic

We recommend those users who want to get a specialized program for downloading music from Vkontakte. There are several analogues, but among programs for downloading music - VKMusic is the best solution.

The VKMusic interface is intuitive, you just have to go to your profile and find the necessary tracks in the music search.

Method number 5: browser cache

This method is suitable only for those who communicate with computers on you. You do not have to install anything additionally, but you will need any browser, such as Opera and 5 minutes of time. The method is tricky, so we write down the points:

Step 1:   In a regular browser window, listen to the song that you want to download not a computer.
Step 2:   Go to the browser cache folder.
Step 3:   Filter the files by creation date and find the last file whose size is larger than 2.5 MB.
Step 4:   Add the extension .mp3 to the file, and open it in any.
Step 5:   Done, you downloaded the song. But do not forget that the cache is sometimes cleared, so transfer the files to another folder

The method is not easy, but sometimes it is the easiest way. Moreover, to work with the browser cache, deep knowledge is not required. Note that different browsers store the cache in different folders, and if you have FireFox or, then the files will be in different folders. They are united by one thing, that the root directory on most systems is% LOCALAPPDATA%.

Method number 6: Direct link

This method is surprising for many, but you can download the song from Vkontakte by direct link. The main thing is to know how to get this direct link. This is the meaning of this method.

We recommend arming yourself with the Google Chrome browser. We open the page with songs. Hover over the desired track and click "Show code". A new page opens with the code. We are looking for the input type tag (you can search using CTRL + F), and inside this tag you will find a direct link to the song. It will end with the extension .mp3.

Hello, friends! In 2016, the interface of the Vkontakte social network was updated, and the developers added some interesting features. I already told, and,. In this article we will deal with voice messaging.

The cache folder for various browsers can be found in this way:
  C: \\ Users (or Users) \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ 1lmjhyfz.default \\ cache2 \\ entries
  C: \\ Users (or Users) \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Opera Software \\ Opera Stable \\ Cache
  C: \\ Users (or Users) \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Cache
  C: \\ Users (or Users) \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Yandex \\ YandexBrowser \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Cache
  Instead of "User" select your "Username". In the example, the username is Master.

The size of my message is only 20 KB, because the recording lasted 8 seconds. If your voice message is longer, then the size will be larger, for example, 3-4 minutes can be from 4 to 5 thousand KB.

Click on a file to rename it. First write the name, and at the end, be sure to add the extension “.mp3”.

That's it, the type of file we selected has become "MP3 Sound." Click on it to listen to the voice message.

You can move this file to any other folder on your computer or laptop.

At first glance it may seem complicated, but when you start to follow these tips step by step, then make sure that you can download a voice message from the VKontakte dialogue in just 5 minutes.

A microSD flash drive was covered, left without music, which I periodically dumped on it with VK and did not store it on a computer. Repeating such a trick, even with the example of 100 files, will take a lot of time and you need a radically different way. The problem was solved using a browser plugin that allows you to do this in three different ways.

A task:    quickly and automatically download all the music from the Vkontakte page, it is advisable to keep the names of the artist and track

The downside of VK has always been the inability to use album search. All files are downloaded separately and the only way to group them is using the built-in system called albums. But we don’t need them,

First, we need the SaveFrom plugin, which I mentioned and a clean browser that is not loaded with cache and other unnecessary data, this will significantly increase the download speed.

After installation, go to the page of the audio recordings you are interested in and use the PageDown button to go down to the very bottom, thereby you can insure against failures.

The first method involves obtaining a list of links and downloading them using the download manager, for example, Download Master. And in parallel, a playlist file in * .m3u format will be created to listen to them through the player on the computer. To do this, click in the plugin download playlist.

It does not find everything, but the search takes some time. After that, the plugin will form a list of links and give a window with them and a link to the playlist. We save the received links in a regular text file, through the download manager we import and download to your computer

A big minus of this method are the file names. They are downloaded with a hash name and sorting them, for example, into folders by genre will be practically impossible:

But there is another way, more time-consuming and time-consuming, paralyzes the browser but saves having a file. You will have to confirm the download of each individual file, but it can be automated with an autoclicker.

All in the same file, choose another method - download audio files, we also wait, but at the exit the program will warn that the process cannot be canceled (nonsense - there is a task manager where you can kill the process and the browser closes). Click and start downloading files one by one.

We set up a confirmation window in a convenient place (do not forget to specify the default path for storing files to the browser, otherwise it will always offer the download folder on drive C)

Download GS Auto Clicker   follow the link below (I won’t do instructions - primitive English and a couple of mines to learn) or any other and move the cursor over the confirmation button and voila - 800 audio files in 2-3 hours, the PC will download from VKontakte itself

VKontakte is the most popular social network in the Russian Federation. Its integral part is the richness of the available musical content of a huge number of performers from various genres. Any user can easily add the desired track to their audio recordings and listen to it for free. However, there is one significant drawback - music can only be listened to, but not downloaded. At least, VKontakte does not provide the ability to download music content.

There is so much music in VK that almost every user is interested in whether there are any ways to download music from this social network, because even the saving of tracks to the phone through the application has been canceled by the site’s manual. The answer is clear - there are such ways. These include various browser extensions or third-party specialized programs.

Next, we will consider in detail how to download VKontakte music. Many methods will be offered that provide the ability to download your favorite music and social network VKontakte without any difficulties. All of them are relevant for 2017.

Various browser plugins are the most popular way to download audio recordings from VKontakte. They do not require certain knowledge and experience from the user, they are extremely effective and easy to use. Extensions are installed from official stores, so the user can not worry about the presence of virus threats in them. All funds from official sites are offered without viruses. Personal data will also remain strictly confidential. Let's move on to the most famous and commonly used plugins for downloading music from VK.

Let's start with probably the most popular service for downloading music from VKontakte -. To download tracks from you need to download a special extension created for several browsers - Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex Browser.

Click on the install button, and after downloading the extension, launch it:

We choose whether to install Yandex.Browser into the system, download Yandex extensions, set up quick access settings for Yandex search and services, download the Browser Manager, and also install the extension in all browsers available on the computer:

At the end of the installation, the program will ask you to restart the browser:

Now, when you hover over an audio recording, the download button will be displayed on the right side, when you hover over it, the bit rate and the amount of memory that the track will occupy after downloading it will be shown. We click on the download button and the recording will be immediately saved to the computer:

However, many users want to download more than one track, but immediately all available in personal audio recordings or, for example, an album of some artist. But is it possible to download the entire album or playlist in one click? You can, because it is already provided for by the extension itself. To do this, click on the icon in the upper right corner and select "Download audio files":

The extension will automatically collect tracks and offer to download them in one click:

In addition to downloading audio, the extension panel allows you to go to the official website of the utility, download an already created user playlist, enable or disable the plug-in on this particular site, remove the button from the top menu and go to help in case something is not clear:

This review of SaveFrom can be completed. The extension is really extremely convenient, suitable for most popular browsers and does not require a long study of all the functions. In addition to everything, the utility allows you to download not only music, but also video, both from VKontakte and from other well-known social networks and video hosting sites.
  Let's move on to the next method of downloading audio recordings from the popular social network VKontakte.


VkOpt is another popular plugin for VKontakte, significantly expanding the boundaries of the capabilities of the user of this social network. Along with this, the extension adds the function of downloading any music available in the VK. To install the plugin, go to its official website - this is We get down a little lower and click on the “Download Page” button:

Choose the one you need and click install. The service will ask for permission to install:

Upon completion of this process, go to VKontakte. We configure the plugin at our discretion:

That, in fact, is all. All that remains is to go to the audio recordings and download the desired track:

The audio will be saved to the computer. Let's move on to the next plugin.


VKSaver is a small plugin designed to provide the fastest and most comfortable way to download music from VK. To install the plugin, go to its official website and click on the "Download for Free" button:

During installation, the utility will ask you to close all open browsers. If this is not done, then you can use the capabilities of the plugin only after rebooting the browser. At the end of the installation, launch the desired browser, after which the user will be automatically redirected to the installation site extension. All that remains is to click on the "Install Plugin" button:

The service will ask for user permission:

As you can see, the plug-in is installed from the official Google extension store, so you can drop all worries about the presence of virus threats or about the privacy and security of personal data. Moreover, you do not have to enter passwords and login into the extension itself:

The plugin is installed, go to our own audio recordings in VK and see a large download button in front of each of them. You definitely won’t miss this button:

After clicking on the button, the plugin will redirect the user to a new tab, from which the download will be performed. Click on the “Download” button:

What is nice, the extension will retain the original name of the audio recording, so you do not have to waste time renaming it. Consider the latest plugin from this category.

Download Music Vkontakte

DMV is a browser extension with which you can download any music from VK. We want to (the official site of the plugin) and download it absolutely free without registration:

The browser will ask for permission to install, having previously warned that the extension will have access to data on visited sites, will be able to show alerts and manage downloaded files. Click on "Install Extension":

After installing the extension, go to your page on VKontakte and click on the sign of the Download Music Vkontakte plugin, which is displayed in the upper right corner of the browser window. The page with the user's audio recordings opens. In addition, there will be the ability to move between your audio recordings, popular tracks, recommendations and previously listened to music. For example, move to the “Popular” tab:

When you hover over the desired track with the mouse, a bitrate appears in its right part (in high quality you can download those tracks that have a high bitrate - 320 is the maximum value for VK) and a download button. We click on it, and the audio recording will be downloaded to the PC:

This service is very popular among those who regularly download their favorite music from VK. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Free and easy to use. No need to enter a captcha or password, send expensive SMS to any number, download additional software or register on the developer's website. In addition, the installation does not take much time, and at the end of it, you can immediately start using the utility.
  2. Displays the bitrate of the composition. For many users, this feature is extremely important, since everyone wants to listen to only high quality music.
  3. Search in sections. It’s not necessary to download music only from your own audio recordings - you can go to “Recommendations” or “Popular” and find the desired track there, or even use the built-in search.
  4. Availability of the DMV plugin in the official Google extension store. This guarantees complete security of use and confidentiality of all available user data.

As a result, DMV is one of the best services for downloading your favorite tracks and the social network VKontakte. One simple extension completely copes with all the work and does not require any additional preparatory actions.

Often the only problem with such extensions is the focus only on a specific group of browsers. In case this minus is critical for you, you should pay attention to the following category of ways to download music from VKontakte.

Online Services

Various online services are another extremely common tool for downloading music from VK. They are simple and effective, do not require the installation of additional software on a computer or laptop. And their main advantage is complete versatility - none of these services depend on the installed browser.


KissVK is a simple, convenient, fast and absolutely free way to download your favorite tracks from VKontakte. When using it, you will not have to install additional programs, applications or extensions for browsers. You just need to go to your page in VK through the site and get a list of your audio recordings. Using the search, you can find and download the desired track.

Let's go to the official website of the service. To download tracks you need to log in to your page:

If in the privacy settings of the page only the user has access to the audio recordings, the service will ask you to open access for everyone and refresh the page:

A button for downloading will appear next to all the tracks. Select the desired track and click on the button. The audio recording will be immediately downloaded to the computer without the need for additional actions. A tick will be next to the track, indicating that the audio has already been downloaded to the PC:

In addition, you can use the built-in search service for audio recordings, and upon completion of work, exit your page in case you are worried about your data:

KissVK is no less popular than the previously reviewed services. It is used for the following reasons:

  1. Free of charge. There is no need to register on the site or send paid SMS to the phone.
  2. Simplicity. No need to install an additional program on a computer or an extension for a browser - all operations are carried out online through the developer's site.
  3. Security. On the site itself you do not have to enter your login and password, you just need to give the service access to the audio recordings of an already open page on the VKontakte website.
  4. Speed \u200b\u200bof work. The service does not reduce the speed of the Internet, so that all tracks are downloaded as quickly as possible.
  5. Convenience. The service does not require additional skills and experience using such tools.

KissVK is without a doubt one of the best services for downloading music from VK. If the site interface is to your taste, then there is no reason to look for other tools.
  We continue our discussion of music download services and move on to the next one.

Music 7s

Music 7s is a multifunctional online service for downloading audio from the social network VKontakte. In addition, this tool can help with the search for new music, offers a lot of tracks, distributed by various genres. To review the service’s functionality, we’ll go to its official website -

In order to immediately go to your audio recordings, click on the button "Here is a list of your audio recordings":

The service will ask for access to the user's audio recordings. To continue, we give permission:

Unfortunately, recently there have been some problems with the service, due to which it does not compile a list of user audio recordings. However, the download function of popular tracks and music, distributed by genre, remained. To access it, go back to the main page of the site and open the side panel:

It contains a tab with news, popular music and various radio stations, as well as music, distributed by individual genres:

For example, we’ll go to the “Online Radio” tab, which contains a list of popular radio stations:

Let's move to the new tab containing music released over the past month. To download the desired track, click on the appropriate button:

As a result, Music 7s is a stable resource that allows you to download music of all genres from the social network VKontakte, as well as listen to popular radio stations. Recently, however, the site has encountered problems with obtaining a list of personal audio recordings of the user, in connection with which he loses to the previously considered services.

Music 7s will be attractive for users who are tired of their music and want to listen to something new - the service will provide lists of popular tracks and new products, thanks to which you can find music according to your own preferences and, if necessary, download it to your computer.

PC software

Various utilities and tools installed on a computer are also an extremely common way to download music. There is only one problem in them, but it is very palpable - in connection with the new VC policy, it often blocks the operation of such funds. Developers are trying to release updates to bypass these locks, so we still pay attention to such programs.


LoviVKontakte is the most simple and easy to use program with a fully Russian-language interface, offered to users on a free basis. Its main advantage is complete independence from the browser installed in the system and compatibility with all systems of the Windows family - Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP. The utility is not overloaded with unnecessary functions, so with its help you can quickly download music from your profile to VKontakte.

To install the program, go to its official website and follow the download link:

Install the program in the same way as any other. After installation, the main utility window will open, in which you will need to log in to your account on VKontakte:

After loading, a checkmark will be in front of the track. Before downloading, you can listen to any audio recording directly in the application itself:

If the song you want to download is not in your audio recordings, you can use the built-in search by song, artist or album:

To select the location where downloaded tracks will be saved, go to the utility settings:

As you can see, LoviVKontakte does not have wide functionality, but it is still very popular. The love among users was achieved precisely by the simplicity and efficiency of the utility. The search for the desired composition is carried out as quickly as possible, and the built-in player allows you to listen to any track without opening a browser and without going to a social network.

VK Audio Saver

We will continue our research with VK Audio Saver - a program for listening and downloading music from VKontakte. It allows you to search and listen to music tracks, work with albums and download all the music received as a result of the search in one click. On the official website of the utility, it is stated that this is a convenient tool for downloading tracks from the page of any user or group - just insert a link to the post containing audio recordings into the program:

In addition, the description declares the function of loading previously created playlists:

Unfortunately, the above VK policy did not bypass this tool - after installing and running the program, the user sees the following message:

Fortunately, this is not the only tool for downloading audio recordings from VKontakte, so we will consider another one.


Another service that has lost access to audio recordings is Vkmusic. Probably, this service was the most popular application for PC, allowing you to download audio recordings from your personal profile to VK. This service requires installation on a computer. To do this, go to the site (official site of the utility) and click on the button "Download Vkmusic for free":

We install the program, start and click "Log in via VKontakte" in order to start downloading music from our own audio recordings or from the recordings of other users and groups:

And, unfortunately, VKontakte blocked access for this program. Instead of users' audio recordings, tracks appear in the list that say that this application does not have access to music from VK. The only useful feature of Vkmusic is listening to various popular radio stations using the player built into the program:

It turns out that the only current computer program is LoviVKontakte, but its functionality will be more than sufficient.
  Let's move on to the next group of methods - those that do not require either downloading an additional plug-in or installing a third-party application or program.

No programs

There are several simple ways to download music from VKontakte without installing additional software. Consider them.

Using file source code

Not many users know that each audio recording they listen to has its own unique address, at which the music track is played. In the standard interface, this link is not visible, so you have to perform a series of actions in order to get to the file and download it to your computer.

The algorithm of actions will look as follows:

  1. Right-click on the desired audio recording and select "View Code", or press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + I on the keyboard:
  2. After opening an additional window, start the track and go to the “Network” tab:
  3. In this tab, open the "Media" section and see the playable audio recording there. Its name will consist of a set of letters and numbers:
  4. Right-click on the file and select "Open in tab":
  5. In the opened separate player, click on the "Download" button. The track will be saved to the computer. The name will also consist of a set of letters and numbers, so you have to rename it yourself. In the end, you can simply copy the name from your page:

If with Opera and Yandex.Browser the actions when applying this method will be similar, then when using Mozilla Firefox the window interface will be slightly different.

Consider it:

As in the previous case, click on the page with the right mouse button, but now select the “Explore element” item:

Next, go to the “Network” tab, and then to “Media”. As you can see, so far it’s absolutely empty:

We start the audio recording we need to download and in a couple of seconds the link will already be displayed. To simplify its search, sort the files in descending order in the “Submitted” item:

Having found the link, right-click on it and select "Open in a new tab":

The audio recording will open in a new tab, from which it can be easily saved. All that remains is to right-click on it and select "Save As":

Set the name of the composition and choose the place to save it. That's all - the track is saved on the computer and ready to listen:

This method is extremely convenient in that it does not require the installation of additional software in a browser or on a computer. The method is trouble-free and simple. However, it is suitable only for those who rarely download music from VKontakte, and if it downloads, then 1-2 tracks.

If you need to download all audio recordings at once, the method with the source code will not work, as it will be too labor-intensive and take a considerable amount of time. In this case, it would be more appropriate to install and use the same SaveFrom utility, which allows you to download a huge number of music tracks in one click.

Using browser cache

You can download music from VKontakte through the browser’s cache, in which everything is saved, including previously recorded audio recordings by the user. This method is convenient in that it is suitable for any modern browser.

First you need to find where the cache with the files is stored. Go to the Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Local folder. Further for each browser separately:

  • for the Google Chrome browser, go along the path Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Cache;
  • for Opera browser - Opera Software \\ Opera Stable \\ Cache;
  • for the Mozilla Firefox browser, Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ Username \\ Cache.

Before searching for a cache, you need to learn how to configure the display of hidden files and folders, otherwise the AppData folder may simply not appear in Explorer. For this:

Having done these actions, you can go along one of the above paths (depending on the browser used by the user). In the cache folder there will be a large number of files, among which we are interested in those that start with "f_":

If the track you want to download has just been listened to, you should sort the files in this folder by the modification date. The desired audio file will most likely be displayed at the head of the list:

Next, rename the desired file either by pressing the right button and selecting “Rename”, or by pressing the F2 key on the keyboard. It is only necessary to assign the extension mp3 to the track:

That's all, the audio recording is ready for listening:

This method is largely convenient (for example, when the track is listened to, but there is no Internet on a laptop or computer), however, if there is Internet, the previous method using the source code is more preferable and convenient.


Despite the tightening of VKontakte's policy regarding audio recordings, developers still offer us a huge amount of funds for downloading our favorite music from the most popular social network.

The choice of tools is extremely large - you can use many extensions for various browsers, download a program for a computer or use the online music download service. All of them differ only in the number of built-in functions. Which method is best is for a specific user to decide.
  For example, if you do not want the music download to be tied to some browser, then you can look in the direction of utilities for PC or online services. The latter do download without programs at all.

If linking to a browser is not a tangible problem for you, then the best way to download music is to use various free plugins and extensions from the official Google store. They immediately add a download button next to the audio recordings, so there is no need to perform unnecessary actions.

If you need to download only 1-2 tracks, then you can refuse additional funds and download music using the built-in browser tools.

All in your hands. There are really a great many ways - all that remains is to determine the optimal one and use it without any fears about the security of the computer or personal data. All funds have long been verified and approved by a huge number of users.

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