The effect of computers on human health. Summary: The effect of computers on human health

Are you interested in this topic? You are absolutely right! A person who spends a lot of time at the monitor needs to know what the effect of the computer on health is. What harm does a computer do to health and how to minimize this harm? How to preserve the beauty and health of a person sitting out days and nights at a monitor, how to combine a healthy lifestyle and working at a computer?

The main harmful factors

do not harm your health

The main harmful factors affecting the health status of people working at a computer:

  • sitting position for a long time;
  • exposure to monitor electromagnetic radiation;
  • overload of the joints of the hands;
  • stress when losing information.
  • Sitting position.

It would seem that a person sits at a computer in a relaxed position, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, muscles of the head, arms and shoulders are strained, hence the excessive load on the spine, osteochondrosis, and in children - scoliosis. For those who sit a lot, a kind of thermal compress forms between the chair seat and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result - prostatitis and hemorrhoids, diseases, the treatment of which is a long and unpleasant process. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity.

Electromagnetic radiation.

Modern monitors have become safer for health, but not yet completely. And if your table has a very old monitor, you better stay away from it.

Effects on vision.

Eyes register the smallest vibration of text or pictures, and even more so the flickering of the screen. Eye strain leads to loss of visual acuity. The poor selection of colors, fonts, window layouts in the programs you use, and the incorrect screen layout affect vision. Overload of the joints of the hands. The nerve endings of the fingertips are broken, as it were, from constant blows to the keys, numbness, weakness occur, goosebumps run in the pillows. This can lead to damage to the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand, and in the future, diseases of the hand can become chronic.

Stress at loss of information.

Not all users regularly make backup copies of their information. But viruses do not sleep, and hard drives of the best companies sometimes break, and the most experienced programmer can sometimes press the wrong button ... As a result of such stress, heart attacks also occurred.

Dust and dirt: allergies and intestinal infections.

do not allow this

A lot of dust and dirt accumulate in and around the computer over time, and it is often very difficult to remove them. And where there is dirt, there are all kinds of microbes, bacteria and fungi, where there is dust, there are dust mites. All this can provoke a variety of diseases - from allergies to "dirty hands diseases".

Computer and pregnancy.

Are computers dangerous for pregnant women? Of course, a computer can have some negative impact on the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus, but how strong? Doctors have not yet agreed on this ...

The influence of the computer on the psyche.

The topic, in my opinion, is very debatable. Gambling, Internet addiction - how serious are these problems? How much does a computer affect people's mental health? We bring to your attention different points of view on these issues.

Diseases of the rectum

Among diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids is the most common. The high incidence of this type of disease among people spending a lot of time at the computer is not due to the harmful effect of the latter on the human body, but to the fact that the computer operator occupies a sitting position for a long time. Hemorrhoids are an expansion of the veins of the lower rectum. The main reason for this expansion is stagnation of blood in these veins with a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the dilated veins protrude into the lumen of the rectum and even sag from the anus. In some cases, thrombosis or infection of hemorrhoidal veins is possible. In this case, severe pain and bleeding from the anus appear.


So, I talked about the harmful factors that affect human health. You should draw conclusions: is it worth spending days at a computer? Work at the computer with the "mind" and be healthy!

A computer has long become the everyday reality of most people, and in connection with this, each of us should know about its effect on the human body when working with this device. In the media and on the Internet, you can find a lot of conflicting information that this attribute of modern man can cause various life-threatening diseases. Some of them are myths or greatly exaggerated, some are at the stage of research and to say that this is true is not yet possible.

In this article, we will acquaint you with the basic reliable facts about the possible impact of the computer on certain systems and organs, tell about the myths that excite the minds of adults who care about their health, and the parents of children of different age groups who are worried about the full development of their child . This information will help you in time to take measures to prevent a number of ailments. Remember that with the rational and proper use of a computer, this device brings a person much more benefit than harm.


Some researchers argue that a long and exciting computer system, prolonged “communication” with aggressive characters in video games, or reading a disturbing psyche of information can lead to the development of epileptic seizures. This fact was revealed by many scientists, but has not yet been conclusively proven, since such a consequence is determined only by some groups of volunteers who agreed to participate in such studies.

Professor Mori from the Japanese College of Natural Sciences and Humanities at the University of Nihon (Tokyo) conducted a similar study on a group of volunteers 6-29 years old. To do this, he studied the data of their electroencephalograms (EEG), which reflect the indicators of excitation and revitalization of the nervous system of the prefrontal lobe of the brain and alpha rhythms that are recorded at rest of the subject and reflecting the state of his deep levels of relaxation.

The subjects were divided into four groups:

  • Video players playing the game from 2 to 7 hours a day;
  • Semi-video games, playing up to 2 hours a day;
  • Computer users who contemplate photos or watch movies;
  • People who do not use a computer.

As a result of research, Professor Mori revealed that video games had the greatest negative impact on the subjects' brains. “Video games” noted that they became more annoyed, and their concentration on communication with others decreased significantly. The data from the electroencephalogram in this group of volunteers showed that the subjects of the Video Games group had significantly reduced excitation and revitalization of the nervous system of the prefrontal lobe of the brain (or beta rhythms). This fact indicates that their prefrontal lobes of the brain were almost not involved even when they were not playing video games.

Such low indices in the functioning of the brain were not detected in the remaining three groups. This fact indicates that it is video games that can significantly impair the coordinated work of the nervous system. However, in none of the subjects on the electroencephalogram, data on epipresses were recorded.

A similar study was carried out at the pediatric hospital at the University of Galveston (Texas, USA). Neurologist William Singer revealed that epipressures when communicating with a computer are detected only in children who are predisposed to them. He also developed a program of rules that help reduce the influence of harmful factors provoked by a computer device. Professor Singer recommended that parents of such children change the distance from the chair with the child to the computer monitor. It should depend on the diagonal of the monitor and be at least 60 cm.

According to the scientist, this tactic helps to reduce the effect of flicker, which provokes convulsions in children predisposed to the development of epileptic seizures. The same muscle contractions are observed in these children in hot weather. Professor Singer notes that in the absence of a predisposition to the development of a convulsive seizure, flickering of the monitor has a negative effect only on overall well-being and vision.

The above data on the studies of Japanese and American scientists indicate that the computer is not able to provoke epileptic seizures in people who are not prone to developing epilepsy. And this means that such a statement of some media and Internet resources is a myth.

This conclusion is confirmed by clinically proven data that working with a computer using specially developed techniques (developing games, communicating with peers, training programs in mathematics, physics, etc.) can contribute to a more complete social development of a child with epilepsy.

Unverified facts

In recent years, scientists from many countries around the world are increasingly conducting research aimed at identifying the effect of electromagnetic radiation generated by all household and industrial electrical appliances (including computers) on human health. Such radiation is concentrated in the space around the device in the form of an electromagnetic field. A part of electrical appliances creates low level electromagnetic radiation (for example, refrigerators), but some devices are capable of creating more powerful electromagnetic fields. These include computer monitors.

The harmful effects of such fields on the human body have not yet been fully proved by scientists, but fears about their possible detrimental effect on the state of health of people working at the computer are also not yet reliably refuted and not groundless.

Ionizing radiation and computer

  By following simple rules, you can reduce the negative impact of your computer on health.

The arguments that a display inside which there is a cathode ray tube capable of emitting a small amount of x-rays can be a source of ionizing radiation are completely refuted by all researchers in this area. This refutation is explained by the fact that ionizing radiation is effectively shielded by the glass of the tube itself and does not affect the person working in front of the monitor, and it is even lower for liquid crystal monitors than their predecessors.

To completely eliminate the negative impact of a computer monitor on human health, it is enough to observe the following rules:

  1. Use LCD monitors.
  2. Place the monitor in the corner of the room, because the walls will deactivate the ionizing radiation that penetrates through the rear walls of the display case.
  3. Turn off the monitor when you are not using it.
  4. Use special protective screens (especially when a child is near the computer).
  5. The monitor should stand no closer than 60 cm or more from the person working behind it (the distance depends on the diagonal of the display).

Lower frequency electromagnetic radiation and computer

The computer system unit is able to create electromagnetic radiation of lower frequencies, which can have a negative impact on the functioning of the body. In addition, some models of such devices create additional noise that adversely affects the state of the human nervous system.

To eliminate this negative impact, it is recommended to observe the following rules for the installation and operation of system units:

  1. Do not install the system unit in bedrooms or near a bed.
  2. Install the system unit as far as possible from the person using the computer.
  3. Turn off the computer after use is complete.
  4. It is rational to use the time it takes to work with a computer without being distracted by extraneous matters.
  5. Take 10-15 minute work breaks every 30-40 minutes.

The main factors associated with working at a computer and affecting a person

When working at a computer and its followers such as laptops, we must not forget about those negative health effects that are fully proven by scientists and doctors.

The main predisposing factors are:

  • constant sitting and motionless position;
  • significant tension of the organs of vision;
  • neuro-emotional stress;
  • significant load on functions such as attention;
  • the possibility of developing computer addiction;
  • neglect of the need for good nutrition;
  • the need to be in a place where a large amount of dust and household dirt is attracted by the computer.


Diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes

Frequent stresses, malnutrition and lack of exercise often lead to impaired functioning of blood vessels, the heart and endocrine organs. Subsequently, a person may develop various pathologies of the cardiovascular system and impaired functioning, leading to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Visual impairment

Long work at a computer and laptops can lead to the development of such pathologies of the organs of vision:

  • display disease (violation of the accommodation of the eye);
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • glaucoma;
  • blindness (in the presence of concomitant diseases predisposing to retinal detachment).

Diseases of the rectum

Blood stasis caused by a long stationary position while working at a computer leads to the formation of hemorrhoids and development. If personal hygiene is not observed, this disease can be complicated by inflammatory purulent lesions of the rectum -,.

Varicose veins

Prolonged stationary pastime at the computer in a sitting position leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities and overstretching of the vein valves. Subsequently, the walls of the venous vessels become more stretched and less elastic, and the person develops. At certain stages, this disease can lead to the appearance of trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis and purulent processes of the skin and muscles of the legs.

Diseases of the hands and elbows

Monotonous movements and the need to hold hands in the same position leads to the appearance of neuromuscular disorders in the functioning of nerves and muscles of the upper extremities.

These consequences of prolonged “communication” with a computer lead to the development of such pathologies:

  • impaired coordination of finger movements (or RSI disease);
  •   joints of the hands and elbows;
  • tendonitis (inflammatory diseases) of the ligaments of the articular apparatus of the hand or elbow joints.

Subsequently, the above diseases can become chronic and lead to a significant restriction of the movements and deformation of the elbow joints and hands.

Spinal column diseases

Long and stationary spending time at the computer leads to stagnation of blood in the spine and metabolic disorders in the tissues surrounding it. Salt accumulates on the bones of the vertebrae and the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal column, which can subsequently calcify. These structural changes cause deformation of the spine and in the future can lead to disruption in the functioning of many body systems, because the changed vertebral bodies pinch the nerve endings, departing from them and responsible for the coordinated work of many organs.

The main pathologies of the spinal column during prolonged work at the computer:

  •   various parts of the spine;
  • violation of posture:, etc.

Especially often, such violations are detected in children, adolescents and workers, whose activities are associated with constant work at the computer.

Diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders

  Regular prolonged stay at the computer leads to overwork and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Any activity at the computer is an intellectual load that can lead to an overstrain of the nervous system, and in particular, the brain. A person may appear such signs of this disorder:

  • noise in ears;
  • a feeling of tension in the muscles of the face and skull;
  • irritability;
  • impaired concentration of attention;
  • memory impairment;
  • change in the quality of sleep, etc.

Subsequently, such chronic overfatigue leads to nervous exhaustion, which entails the development of mental disorders: depression, psychosis, etc.

Allergic reactions and infectious diseases of the skin, respiratory system and digestive tract

A working monitor and system unit cause a large amount of dust to accumulate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe workplace, containing allergens and irritating the airways, and microorganisms, some of which can be pathogenic and cause various infectious diseases. All these factors can lead to the development of the following diseases and complications:

  • frequent;
  • allergic reactions: rhinitis, conjunctivitis,;
  • increased susceptibility to pathogens of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, leading to the development of tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, and others;
  • infectious skin diseases caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses;
  • infectious diseases of the digestive system (the so-called "dirty hands" diseases).

Pathology of pregnancy and fetus

Most scientists and obstetrician-gynecologists have come to the conclusion that during gestation, the woman’s body becomes even more susceptible to the harmful effects of computer work. This fact is explained by the powerful hormonal changes that occur in the pregnant woman’s body and affect all her organs and systems.

When working with a computer, a woman is more likely to develop the following pregnancy and disease pathologies:

  • myopia and other pathologies of the organs of vision;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • allergic reactions and infectious diseases;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • fetal hypoxia and abnormal development of the placenta, leading to the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

Many of the factors described above can cause the development of fetal pathologies and lead to a complicated course of labor. In addition, do not forget that electromagnetic radiation coming from computers and laptops can adversely affect the health of the unborn child. This fact has not yet been fully proven, but in most developed countries of the world the labor code provides for working pregnant women to limit the time they work at a computer or temporarily transfer a woman to another position.

Hello, dear readers of our site!

Today, computers have become part of our life. They help us in our work, and also with their help you can relax (listen to music, watch a movie, play a game, etc.). The scope of computers is expanding every year. For example, twenty years ago it was difficult to imagine that these machines could replace us with televisions and telephones (communication via Skype). But today - it all became a reality.

As you can see, the use of computers is enormous: they automate many processes in production, keep records of data without our participation, in a word, simplify our lives. But is the influence of the computer really positive for us? - In this we will try to understand within the framework of this article.

How does a computer affect human health?

As you probably already noticed, not a single object or phenomenon has exclusively positive or only negative properties. Everything has both a light and a dark side. The same applies to computers.

Yes, they help us solve many problems, but at the same time they have a negative impact. Let's look at what changes in the body can occur if a person works on a computer daily for 2 or more hours.

  • Firstly .   And to be more precise, myopia develops. After all, the monitor is near us and there is no need to look into the distance. Under such conditions, the eye adapts to new conditions. And due to such changes, we begin to see poorly in the distance.
  • If a person sits at a computer for a long time, then after a while (from two weeks) he   the back starts to hurt  development is also possible spinal curvature. This happens when we are sitting incorrectly: leaning in one direction, hunched over, etc.
  • Very long sitting in one place (in this case - at the computer) can lead to development reproductive system diseases  (especially in men). Indeed, in this situation, the blood supply to the genital organs is deteriorating. And this, in turn, increases the risk of developing prostatitis and other "male" diseases.
  • And of course, our brain suffers. Indeed, when working at a computer, we have to process a lot of information, constantly focus. And as a result - arises   mental fatigue.

How to reduce the harmful effects of a computer on a person?

As you can see, the impact of the computer adversely affects our health. But can it be reduced? - Yes, you can. To do this, you must adhere to several rules.

First of all, you need to give preference to a new technique. Annually new models of computers are released, more advanced, less harmful to people. For example, if you take a computer monitor five years ago and released this year, the difference in image quality will be huge.

Yes, regular updates (at least once every 5 years) of computer equipment will cost money. But with each such update, you will reduce the harm that computers do to us. In addition, today they produce many varieties of computers that are smaller in size and price than classic desktop machines.

Get comfortable chair (chair) with back  to support the back. This will reduce the load on the spine. And of course, keep an eye on your posture when working on your computer.

In order to give the eyes and head a rest, take regular breaks.  The best option: 50 minutes of work at the computer and 10 minutes of rest. Rest - this is necessarily a change in body position and preferably - the situation.

And at the end of this article, we suggest you watch a very interesting video in which the rules for working on a computer are presented in an unusual form. Following these simple rules, you can reduce the negative impact of the computer  for you, and working behind it will become even more enjoyable and productive!

Be healthy and take care!

The computer today is an integral part of our life, because with it we are able to perform various seemingly impossible operations and calculations. However, this invention is a source of electromagnetic radiation, which has a negative effect on the human body.

Computer Features

   The computer was created in order to perform many different tasks, the implementation of which was previously considered impossible. The principle of its operation is based on several types of electromagnetic radiation - the process of convergence of electric and magnetic fields of the desired intensity, which as a result forms a field where unlike electric charges interact. It becomes clear what radiation comes from the computer. It has a number of positive characteristics, but it creates an extremely negative effect on the human body.

Today, there is no question of whether there is radiation from a laptop or computer, since scientists have proved negative for the normal functioning of the human body. A working device generates electromagnetic radiation, the frequency range of which varies from 20 Hz to 300 MHz.  This type of glow with constant exposure (systematic operation from 2 to 6 hours a day) causes various disturbances in the electromagnetic field of living systems. In humans, this can be manifested by constant headaches, sleep disturbances, deterioration of brain activity, the occurrence of allergic reactions, radiation from a laptop directed to the stomach can lead to the development of peptic ulcer or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum

The harmful effects of computer radiation on the human body

Radiation from a computer (radio frequency and low frequency) has a number of consequences of negative effects on the human body, namely:
  • The carcinogenicity of the above types of radiation several times increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the internal organs of the human body
  • The risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system increases, the number of diseases of the myocardium and pericardium increases
  • The general hormonal background of the body is disturbed, water-salt metabolism worsens, homeostasis is destroyed
  • The potential for the development of bronchial asthma, depressive states, disorders of higher nervous activity increases, there is a risk of Alzheimer's disease, etc.
   Electromagnetic radiation from a computer is generated by all parts of this device. A processor, for example, produces low-frequency radiation, which propagates in the surrounding space in the form of electromagnetic waves, disorienting and impairing the functioning of the biomagnetic field of the human body.

When considering the harmful effects of a monitor, one should take into account the fact that the front of the screen produces relatively less harmful radiation, since it is protected by a special coating that blocks the excessive propagation of radiation. The sides and back of the monitor generate much more harmful radiation. However, this fact is understandable, since the manufacturers of screens faced the issue of protecting users of the device in the first place (to the detriment of those who are sitting nearby, unfortunately).

Radiation from a computer (the harm of which has certainly been proven) is also dangerous for the cleanliness of the surrounding air. Heating the processor during operation causes the production of some harmful compounds, which in turn lead to deionization of the surrounding space. Therefore, it becomes clear that in the room where constantly working computers are located, the air becomes difficult to breathe and can even cause the development of certain diseases of the bronchial tree or even bronchial asthma.

Answering the question “is there radiation from the computer?”, The answer will be unambiguously positive. This is due to the combination of different types of radiation that the device generates, which in turn has a detrimental effect on the organ systems of the human body and can provoke the formation of a number of pathologies.

The effect of computer radiation on pregnant women

   Pregnancy is a very difficult and crucial stage in the life of every woman. This period requires a lot of effort, because you need to be very careful about the health of the unborn child, protect it from the effects of mutagenic and teratogenic factors. The embryo is very vulnerable to traumatic factors of both endogenous and exogenous origin. External factors include radiation from the computer, since the electromagnetic fields that act through the mother’s body on the unborn child can cause a number of embryonic development disorders that lead to pathologies.

Radiation from a laptop, as already noted, is a source of electromagnetic field generation, which negatively affects people's health and acts as a teratogenic factor in fetal development. The high intensity of its influence causes the risk of developing embryo disorders not only in the early stages, but throughout pregnancy.

   Continuous use during pregnancy leads to the formation of a number of pathologies of newborns. Most often this is a delay in development, pathologies of the processes of memory, thinking, attention, diseases associated with higher nervous activity and mental processes. Some scientists argue that the constant and prolonged use of a computer during pregnancy in extreme cases can even lead to the development of congenital dementia (oligophrenia).

Doctors advise against using computers during pregnancy and lactation. However, if it is impossible to completely refuse to work with this device, you need to try to minimize such contact in order to limit the impact of this negative factor on the health of the future baby.

Computer radiation protection

   Having figured out what kind of radiation comes from the computer, what consequences for a given organ or the body as a whole this source of negative impact can lead to, it's worth talking about protection. What to do to protect yourself and how to protect yourself from the electromagnetic radiation of a computer?
   There are a number of tips, following which you can reduce the negative impact or even neutralize some of the consequences of such an interaction. This is for example:
  1. If several computers or laptops are constantly in the same room (for example, a classroom, office), they need to be positioned so that the devices stand around the perimeter of the room, and the center remains free;
  2. If possible, monitors should be used, on which special protective equipment is installed, which reduce the amount and intensity of electromagnetic radiation, which affects the user. This advice is especially relevant when using a computer by children who spend a lot of time behind the device, with their heads bowed to it;
  3. When choosing a monitor, you should pay attention to its expansion, the level of protection and the amount of radiation. Preference should be given to screens with the inscription Low Radiain, which means a minimum amount of radiation;
  4. It is necessary to turn off the computer after the end of work, as the longer it works, the more radiation it generates and releases a huge amount of harmful substances into the environment, given the air;
  5. Using a special protective film will reduce the intensity of electromagnetic radiation generation and the amount of harmful effects on the user's body.
  6. Systematic dusting, wet cleaning and the use of ionizers if possible will improve the quality of the inhaled air, which is affected by substances obtained as a result of the computer, and also reduce the influence of harmful factors of electromagnetic radiation on the human body;
  7. In order for the radiation on the sides and behind the monitor not to affect people who are in the same room with the computer, but do not use it, the optimal location is this device in the corner of the room. It should also be taken into account that the monitor should be in a position comfortable for the eyes (but not less than 40 cm), and the system unit should be located as far away as possible from the user.

   Radiation from a computer is a side effect during the operation of this device, and can lead to the development of pathological processes or diseases in the human body. Therefore, in the absence of an emergency, you need to reduce the time you use your computer, and in the case when it is impossible to do this, you should follow the tips to make such work as safe as possible.

How many disputes are surrounding the impact of computers on human health. If previously it was believed that a computer could cause harm, now the opinion of doctors has changed. Observing certain rules and listening to the recommendations of specialists, you can avoid the negative consequences that arise when you are in front of a computer monitor for a long time, and also minimize the risks of developing various diseases of the organs of vision, musculoskeletal system, etc.

How do people sit at a computer? Right, absolutely motionless! And this leads to a weakening of the muscles of the spine, since during motionless sitting one of the muscle groups is in constant tension, and the other in relaxation. Against the background of such an unusual load on the spinal column, myofascial pain syndrome can develop, and long-term loads lead to abrasion and premature aging of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

If the computer monitor is low, then the person will be forced to change his position and lean closer and lower - the back is in a bent position constantly. Such a landing leads to an increase in the load on the front edges of the intervertebral discs - this is a direct path to protrusions (protrusion of the discs outside the spinal column) and hernias.

In general, scoliosis and any other violation of posture are the most common problems that arise in people who are forced to spend a long time at the computer. And against the background of a violation of posture, it develops very quickly and - a person will suffer from severe pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back.

Prevention of the development of diseases of the spine during prolonged use with a computer:

Note: a sedentary lifestyle in any case will negatively affect the condition of the spinal column, so you will have to abandon elevators, cars and lying on the couch on weekends - walks, classes in sports halls, a pool should form the basis of the rhythm of life.

Eyes and computer

Note:  in 2016, in March, another study was conducted, which confirmed that those people who often use a computer in their work have a 42% less risk of developing these diseases at an older age. The results are published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

There is much talk about the fact that the computer negatively affects children - cruel games lead to psychosis and neurosis, aggression and temper,. But relatively recently it was found out that the reason for such a cardinal change in the functioning of the nervous system may not be the games themselves, but the conditions of their passage - for example, children often literally “explode” when it is impossible to quickly pass the next level in the game.

And by the way, many scientists are convinced that computer games can have a positive effect on the psyche of a child - they instill some specific social skills, cognitive thinking. Of course, this depends on the choice of a particular game, but here it is the parents’ concern to control and explain to the child himself the possible harm from the “shooters”, “zombies” and other horrors of the virtual world.

It would seem that there may be something in common? The fact is that it is the sedentary lifestyle of a person who spends a long time at the computer that leads to the following phenomena:

The most common myths about the effects of computers on health

Of course, this topic is literally shrouded in myths, but it is enough to study the conclusions of scientists and doctors, which they made after years of research, to make sure each of them is fictitious.

Computers emit harmful radio waves

This is heard from everyone and everywhere, and probably even you have a cactus near the monitor, or even several - it is believed that this plant is capable of absorbing all radio emission. Calm down and leave the cacti alone!

Firstly, the computer monitor does not have any radio emissions - this object can radiate exclusively electromagnetic waves. And secondly, all possible harm from such radiation is neutralized automatically - modern monitors already have such protection.

During pregnancy, the computer is prohibited - there will be a miscarriage

It has been officially officially proven that a pregnant woman has no connection between working at a computer and a miscarriage, and there is no harmful effect of modern technology on the intrauterine development of a child. Yes, you will need to properly equip your workplace, provide the desired brightness to the screen and choose a comfortable office chair - nothing more!

Recommended reading:

No, the light from the computer monitor does not burn out the eyes and does not lead to blindness. Yes, vision problems can occur, but they are strictly temporary and can be corrected, so to speak, “without interruption from production”.

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