Search for duplicate files on your computer. Programs for finding duplicate files. Find duplicate photos with Image Comparer

Good day.

Statistics are unforgiving things - many users have dozens of copies of the same file (for example, a picture, or a music track) on their hard drives. Each of these copies, of course, takes up space on the hard drive. And if your disk is already "crammed" to capacity, then there can be quite a lot of such copies!

Cleaning duplicate files manually is not a gratifying thing, which is why I want to collect in this article programs for finding and removing duplicate files (moreover, even those that differ in file format and size from each other - and this is a rather difficult task !). So…

1. Universal (for any files)

Search for identical files by their size (checksums).

By universal programs, I mean those that are suitable for finding and deleting duplicates of any file types: music, movies, pictures, etc. (below in the article for each type will be given "their" more accurate utilities). Most of them work according to the same type: they simply compare the file sizes (and their checksum), if there are files that are the same in this characteristic among all files, they show you!

Those. thanks to them, you can quickly find full copies (i.e. one to one) of files on the disk. By the way, I also note that these utilities work faster than those specialized for a specific file type (for example, image search).


I put this program in first place for a number of reasons:

  • supports just a huge number of different formats in which it can conduct searches;
  • high speed of work;
  • free and with Russian language support;
  • very flexible setting of duplicate search (search by name, size, type, date, content (limited)).

Duplicate Finder

This utility, in addition to searching for copies, also sorts them as you please (which is very convenient when there are an incredible amount of copies!). Also add to the search capabilities byte comparison, checksum matching, deleting files with zero size (and empty folders too). In general, this program does a pretty good job of finding duplicates (both quickly and efficiently!).

Those users who are new to English will feel a little uncomfortable: there is no Russian in the program (it may be added after).

Glary utilites

In general, this is not just one utility, but a whole collection: it will help to remove "junk" files, set optimal settings in Windows, defragment and clean up the hard drive, etc. In particular, this collection contains a utility for finding duplicates. It works relatively well, so I will recommend this collection (as one of the most convenient and universal - as they say for all occasions!) Once again on the pages of the site.

2. Programs for finding duplicate music

These utilities will be useful to all music lovers who have a decent collection of music on their disk. I draw a fairly typical situation: you download various collections of music (100 best songs of October, November, etc.), some of the compositions are repeated in them. Not surprisingly, having accumulated 100 GB of music (for example), 10-20 GB can be copies. Moreover, if the size of these files in different collections were the same, then they could be deleted by the first category of programs (see above in the article), but since this is not so, then these duplicates are not found by anything other than your "hearing" and special utilities (which are presented below).

M usic Duplicate Remover

The result of the utility.

This program differs from the rest, first of all, its quick search. She searches for duplicate tracks by their ID3 tags and sound. Those. she will, as it were, listen to the composition for you, remember it, and then compare it with others (thus, she does a huge amount of work!).

The screenshot above shows her work result. She will present her found copies in front of you in the form of a small plate, in which a number in percentage of similarity will be assigned to each track. In general, it is quite convenient!


Found duplicate MP3 files ...

This utility is similar to the above, but it has one definite plus: the presence of the most convenient wizard who will guide you through the steps! Those. the person who first launched this program will easily figure out where to click and what to do.

For example, in my 5000 tracks in a couple of hours, I managed to find and delete several hundred copies. An example of the utility's operation is shown in the screenshot above.

3. To search for copies of pictures, images

If we analyze the popularity of certain files, then the pictures, perhaps, will not lag behind the music (and for some users they will be overtaken!). It is generally difficult to imagine working on a PC (and other devices) without pictures! But finding pictures with the same image on them is quite difficult (and time-consuming). And, I must admit, there are relatively few programs of this kind ...

Image Comparer

I have already mentioned this program on the pages of the site. It is also a small program, but with pretty good algorithms for scanning pictures. There is a step-by-step wizard that starts when you first open the utility, which will guide you through all the "thorns" of the first setup of the program to search for duplicates.

By the way, below is a screenshot of the utility's operation: in the reports you can view even small details, where the pictures are slightly different. In general, it is convenient!

4. To search for duplicate films, video clips

Well, the last popular file type that I would like to focus on is video (movies, videos, etc.). If sometime before, having a 30-50 GB disk, I knew in which folder where and which movie it takes how much (and they were all in abundance), then, for example, now (when the disks became 2000-3000 GB and more) - they are often found the same videos and films, but in different quality (which can take up a lot of hard disk space).

For most users (yes, in general, for me 🙂), this state of affairs is not necessary: ​​it just takes up space on the hard drive. Thanks to a couple of utilities below, you can clean up duplicate videos from your disk ...

Duplicate Video Search

A functional utility that quickly and easily finds a similar video on your disk. Here are some of the main features:

  • detection of video copies with different bit rates, resolutions, format characteristics;
  • auto-selection of video copies with poorer quality;
  • identify modified copies of videos, including those with different resolutions, bit rates, cropping, format characteristics;
  • the search result is presented as a list with thumbnails (showing the file characteristics) - so you can easily choose what to delete and what not;
  • the program supports almost any video format: AVI, MKV, 3GP, MPG, SWF, MP4 etc.

The result of her work is shown in the screenshot below.

Disadvantages: the program is paid and it is in English. But in principle, since the settings are not complicated, and there are not so many buttons, it is quite comfortable to use and the lack of knowledge of English should in no way affect the majority of users who choose this utility. In general, I recommend to meet you!

That's all for me, for additions and clarifications on the topic - thank you in advance. Happy search!

After a long, constant use of a computer, on its disks, whatever one may say, large amounts of data accumulate, that is, all sorts of photographs, videos, films, music, documents, and so on. When the data takes up a lot of space, this is normal, for example, I have the most necessary data for more than 600 GB, and someone else has more. But very often duplicate files take up too much space.

Such files may appear when, for example, you move them from somewhere to a new location on the disk, forgetting that you already have such files on this disk. And it's okay if there are a lot of duplicates of any documents, but when there are a lot of duplicate photos, music and especially videos, then this, as a rule, will take away decent disk space from you. Recently I checked and found that duplicates eat up about 100 GB from me. on the hard disk, which, in my opinion, is quite a lot :)

In this article, I will show you an easy way to find all duplicate files in Windows on your disks, so that you can easily check them and quickly delete all unnecessary ones.

In Windows, unfortunately, there are no normal built-in tools for finding duplicate files. There is an option to do this through the PowerShell command line, but this is very inconvenient, especially since it will be difficult for beginners. Therefore, it is easier to use third-party programs. One of these is called AllDup. It is completely free, available in Russian, supported by all Windows operating systems and, finally, quite easy to use.

Downloading and installing the AllDup program

The program can be downloaded for free from the official AllDup website. Below is the link to the download section:

The program is available in two versions: regular installation and portable (Portable). Portable differs in that it does not require installation on a computer, that is, the program can be launched directly from the downloaded folder.

To download, press the button "Server # 1", or "Server # 2" or "Server # 3" (if the first button does not download, you are given spare servers) under the required version of the program.

Direct download links for the latest version to date (March 2017) AllDup: standard version, portable version. For the latest versions, always refer to the official AllDup website!

Installation of the program is very simple, one might say, it consists of successive clicks "Next", no special settings need to be made. Therefore, I will not consider this process.

Read more about the nuances of installing programs for Windows.

Finding duplicates with AllDup

After installing the program, run it. The main window for search settings will open:

Search setup includes several stages:

These are all the main stages of setting up a search, the rest can be left out.

Now, to start searching for duplicates, click the "Search" button at the top of the AllDup window:

The search process will begin.

The more files in the folders you specified are on your disks, the longer the search will take.

After the search is completed, the program will display the found files with duplicates in the form of a table.

The first thing to do right away is to save the search results, because if you close this window with the results now, then you will have to perform the search again. To save, click the button with the image of a floppy disk, or select "Search result" in the top menu and click "Save search result".

Now, even if you turn off your computer and then run the program again, you will be able to get to the search results again.

You can sort the search results by different parameters by clicking on the headings in a column in the table. The most useful criterion for sorting, in my opinion, is the size of the files. Therefore, if you want the largest found files to be displayed at the top of the table, then click on the "Size (Byte)" column.

The next thing to adjust for easier viewing of the results is the displayed size. Initially, the program shows the file size in bytes, which is not very convenient. It is better to set the display in megabytes or even gigabytes. To do this, click the button marked in the screenshot below (1), then check one of the options (2):

Now I will dwell on how, in fact, use the search results, how to view and remove unnecessary duplicates ...

The program divides the found duplicates into so-called groups. One group is all found copies of the same file, including the original (it will also be displayed in this group).

To see duplicates of one of the groups, you need to open it by clicking on the arrow. Example:

After expanding a certain group, you can check what kind of file it is by opening it. To do this, simply double-click on a file in the group, or right-click and select "Open file". The file will be opened through a standard Windows program, through which you usually open all files of the selected type.

To remove duplicates, mark them with a tick, right-click and select one of the options: delete the file in the Windows recycle bin or permanently delete it.

Accordingly, do not delete all files from the group, because this way you will delete both duplicates and the original at once! For example, if there are 3 files in a group, then deleting 3 at once will delete both the original and 2 duplicates. In this case, to keep only a single copy of the file, you need to remove 2 files from the group.

Thus, you can check each group separately and remove duplicates. But if you find a lot of information, you can make it easier. Make the program automatically select all files in each group, except for one (that is, only duplicates), after which you can get rid of all duplicates at once or go over and double-check whether everything marked is to be deleted.

To automatically mark duplicates, go to the "Select" menu (1) and check one of the options (2) there, for example, "Select all files except the first file".

As a result, the program will select 2 duplicates in each group, and leave the first file in the list unselected. That is, in this way, you will mark 2 duplicates, and the original will remain unchecked. Or you can try other options that are convenient for you through the "Choice" menu.

After the program has marked the files, you can recheck the selection if required. And in order to quickly delete everything unnecessary or perform some other action, click the button marked in the screenshot below:

In the window that opens, you will see the total size of the selected files, i.e. how much space the found duplicates take and the number of selected files. At the bottom, you need to select an action on the selected files. You can delete files through the trash can, delete irrevocably (item "Deleting files"), copy or move files to any folder, as well as rename the found duplicates. If you are sure that the marked files are duplicates and you no longer need them, then it is easier to delete them, but in any case, the choice is yours.

So, select the desired action (1) and click "OK" (2). You don't have to configure anything else here.

After that, the program will perform your chosen action on the previously marked files!

That's the whole process :) To exit the search results just close this window. If you have saved the search results, then if you need this result again, you can get to it through the "Search result" section (1) in the main program window. The results you saved will be displayed in the table (2). To open the desired result, just double-click on it.


AllDup is a very handy program for finding duplicates of your files on your computer. In fact, there is nothing superfluous in the program, it has all the necessary tools, filters and parameters for quickly processing a large volume of found duplicates. Of course, there are similar programs that probably do their job well, too. I have tried only AllDup so far and I don't see any point in changing it yet.

What a pity the hard drives are not rubber! I wanted to download a couple of films for the weekend and install a new game on my PC, but it's a shame - the free space is almost over. And you cannot free it, because only the important and necessary are stored on the disk.

Chin up! You can increase your free space by 5-50% without the risk of losing valuable information. How? By deleting identical copies of documents, photographs, audio recordings, videos and other goods, which accumulate several hundred over a year of computer operation. So, how to find and remove duplicate files in Windows

Unfortunately, the built-in disk cleaner is not "trained" to search for identical copies of data, and we will have to turn our attention to third-party applications. In today's review - 5 free utilities that do this job quickly, clearly and cleanly.

Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

The mere fact that the product is developed by Auslogics, claims a certain level of quality and claims the confidence of users. The program supports all editions of Windows, is regularly updated, has Russian and is very easy to learn. To find duplicates, it uses a special intelligent algorithm - it compares not only names, but also the internal content of files, which guarantees high accuracy of results.

Functions and Features of Auslogics Duplicate File Finder

  • Filter setting by object type: all or only images, audio, video, archives and applications.
  • Excluding files smaller and larger than the specified size from the search.
  • Exclusion from the search criteria for names, dates of creation / modification of files and attributes "hidden".
  • Finding duplicates with specific names or a given fragment in the name.
  • 3 ways to delete duplicates: to the trash, irrevocably and by saving to the archive.
  • Recovering data from the archive.
  • Preview objects before deleting.
  • Support for custom lists of exclusions from scanning of files and folders.
  • Roll back the system to a restore point from the program interface.

Using Auslogics Duplicate File Finder is easy and convenient. In addition, you do not have to be afraid that the program will destroy any data without your knowledge and the possibility of recovery (only if you yourself have not chosen the option of deleting past the trash can). The impression is spoiled only by the "unobtrusive" offer to install other developer products, which sometimes appears at launch.


Utility CloneSpy is designed to search for duplicate files not only on the hard drive, but also on portable drives. It is slightly more difficult to use than Auslogics Duplicate File Finder, but it is more functional and able to work without installation on a computer - when starting the installer, the user can choose its standard or portable version.

CloneSpy features and capabilities

  • Support for any file types.
  • Search for duplicates by identical content or the same name in conjunction with another criterion - extension, name, size.
  • Finding objects of zero length.
  • Many options for operations with file copies: manual or automatic deletion (you can select in advance which object to delete - new or old), placing in a specific folder, creating a list of duplicates without deleting, and so on.
  • Any operations with found duplicates (including deferred ones) using batch command files.
  • Replacing deleted copies with shortcuts or hard links.
  • Calculation of checksums for the possibility of checking objects for identity.
  • Support for custom search filters.

CloneSpy functions quickly and smoothly, supports all versions of Windows, regularly receives updates, but does not have the Russian language, which makes it somewhat difficult to master. In addition, some users are repulsed by the Windows 98-style interface.

Soft4Boost Dup File Finder

Utility developers Soft4BoostDupFileFinder took care not only of the functionality, but also of the beauty of their product: at your service - 11 stylish design options (skins). In addition, the application is translated into 9 languages, including Russian, and has an intuitive operation.

Soft4Boost Dup File Finder gets down to business right away - when you first start it, a wizard window opens in the background of the main window, which will guide you through all the configuration steps. You can't get confused and make mistakes.

Soft4Boost Dup File Finder Features and Capabilities

  • Finding copies of objects by content.
  • Select a search category: among all files or only images, audio, video, archives or applications.
  • Option to ignore object names.
  • Scanning local and network folders, as well as removable media (you can select several).
  • 2 ways to delete: to the trash and irrevocably.

Unlike many "free" applications that try to recoup their freeness by installing garbage along the way or intrusive display of ads, Soft4Boost Dup File Finder only modestly offers to buy products from the same developer in bulk for 1399 rubles. If you don't need them, just don't click on the banner.

Like the rest of today's review, Soft4Boost Dup File Finder supports all Windows versions and is updated regularly.


Utility AllDup not as intuitive as the previous one, but rich in functions. If it were not for the Russian language, not everyone could master all the possibilities in 5 minutes. Although there is nothing complicated in this program. At the first start, together with the main window, a small hint opens - the "Quick Start" window with three buttons: "Select source folder", "Select a search method" and "Start search". Pressing these buttons one at a time opens areas where you need to select or customize something.

English-speaking users can learn AllDup from the built-in help that opens in the right place by clicking on the question icons.

AllDup features and capabilities

  • A large list of search criteria: name, extension, size, content, creation and modification dates, file attributes, hard links, similar images. Search by a combination of several criteria.
  • Scanning the contents of archives (finding individual duplicates in archives).
  • Configurable way to compare object names: by full match, by the initial characters in the name, by the specified number of matching characters, etc.
  • Finding files with similar names.
  • Comparison of file contents.
  • Flexible search parameters with a choice of additional actions before and after it.
  • Keeping a log of scanning.
  • Flexible filter for ignoring objects.
  • Create a hard link or shortcut to the saved file in place of the deleted duplicate.
  • No restrictions on the number of scanned directories.
  • Removable media scanning.
  • Preview of found files with display of various parameters - in case of difficulty in making a decision to delete.
  • Compilation of convenient lists of search results. Export of lists to txt or csv format.
  • Saving the scan result. Allows you to close the program without waiting for the end of the scan. And after restarting, start not from the beginning, but from the moment of stopping.
  • Create and save multiple settings profiles.

AllDup differs from many competitors in its high scanning speed and completeness of duplicate object detection. By the way, thanks to the function of searching for similar files, the program can be used to find any data on the hard disk without the purpose of deleting it.

Another nice feature of the AllDup utility is the complete absence of ads. Instead, a button "Support the author" is placed on the top panel with any acceptable amount, if you want it yourself.


DiskBoss cannot be fully classified as a program for removing duplicate files. This is just one of the functions, in addition to which the utility can do a lot. DiskBoss is a disk space optimizer and advanced file manager. It is designed to analyze the use of drives and manage all the objects that are on them.

DiskBoss Features and Capabilities

  • Exploring disk space with a pie chart showing how much space certain objects take up.
  • Classification, sorting and grouping of files and folders by many criteria, including user rules.
  • Search and cleanup of duplicates on workstations and servers running Windows. Flexible search criteria.
  • Several options for actions with found duplicates - deleting, archiving, transferring to another location, etc.
  • Replacing deleted duplicates with links.
  • Saving reports of scanning and cleaning disks from duplicated data in html, excel, pdf, txt, csv and xml formats.
  • Displays the result of finding duplicates in pie charts.
  • Creation and execution of automatic scripts for cleaning disks.
  • Improved data search system on disk.
  • Synchronization of data in the specified directories.
  • Delete groups of files based on specified criteria.
  • Monitoring changes in the disk file system in real time.
  • Integrity analysis and other file operations.
  • Much more.

DiskBoss is a good choice for those who need a complete picture of the contents and health of their disks, as well as the ability to manage all the data on them using manual and automatic methods. The app is released in free and several paid versions, with the former containing almost everything that is in the paid pro version, except for a few automation tools.

Perhaps the only drawback of DiskBoss is the lack of the Russian language, but for the sake of such a wealth of functions, you can put up with it. The rest of the utility is very good, and for some tasks it is irreplaceable.

Of course, this is far from an exhaustive list of programs designed to delete identical copies of files. There are dozens, maybe hundreds. However, this modest set is enough to meet the needs of 90% of Windows users. Hope you find some of them useful.

In this article, we will talk about the tools for detecting duplicate photos. In particular, today six programs for finding duplicate photos on a computer running Windows will visit our review at once. We will compare and select the best and fastest among them.

Search for duplicate photos: programs and their comparison

There may be several reasons for the demand for programs to search for identical photos on a computer, for example:

  • Your collection may have grown so large that duplicates are already taking up a lot of space;
  • You need a tool that finds the same or similar photos, eliminating the need to view those images yourself.

In our selection, there was a place for six interesting programs, four of which are distributed free of charge. Below in the text we:

  1. We will tell you about each of these search programs and help you navigate faster in their interface;
  2. Let's make a comparison of all programs, in which we'll see how they cope with the search for identical images when they are slightly modified;
  3. Let's check how well the programs can cope with a large set of photos weighing several gigabytes.

Find duplicate photos with Image Comparer

The first program in our review that looks for duplicate photos is called Image Comparer. Its strengths: good functionality and interface translated into Russian, including detailed help information.

Now about the disadvantages. The first is that the program is not free. However, the cost of the license is humane 350 rubles (although for some reason the number 500 is indicated on the site). In addition, for the first 30 days, you can use Image Comparer for free.

The second negative point is a little confusion, which can confuse an inexperienced user. For example, in order to carry out a search within one folder (which may contain others), you need to click on the "create gallery" button and select the desired directory in which the scanning will be carried out.

Then you will be immediately prompted to give a name and save the file of the created gallery to any convenient place (this file will be needed by the program itself). As soon as this is done, a list of all images in the specified folder and its subfolders will open in front of you in the form of a list or thumbnails:

The buttons marked with arrows start the search for duplicates. The first button is a search within one gallery (folder of your choice), the second button is slightly to the right - within several galleries. We went according to the first option.

Next, the program suggested creating another service file in which the results will be saved for further convenient access to them. Actually, creating a file for the gallery and this file with search results can just confuse an inexperienced user a little. However, then everything is already simple. Found duplicates will appear in front of you:

They can be viewed in the form of thumbnails, or by clicking on the "image pairs" tab, go to the view where the photos will already be compared with each other:

The slider in the center allows you to adjust the image similarity threshold. Set 100% and you will be left with only a list of perfectly similar identical pictures. Lower values ​​will only display similar photos.

In the settings, you can see a huge list of formats from basic JPG and PNG to more exotic ones that the program works with. Formats can be added and excluded from the search. You can also configure the account of reflected and inverted images.

  • Image Comparer program. Official site ;
  • Russian language;

Finding the same photos in three clicks with VisiPics

The next program is VisiPics. Unlike Image Comparer discussed above, VisiPics is a free application that also specializes in duplicate photos. Alas, there is no localization in Russian here, but you definitely shouldn't be upset about this: everything is very simple and very clear.

Using the side navigation bar (we have framed it) select the desired directory. Then click the arrow with the "+" sign to add this folder to the list that will be searched. If you want, you can select a few more folders in the same way. Finally, in the third step, click the Play button to start the process of finding duplicates.

To the right of it is a special slider where you can adjust the level of "attentiveness" of the program. In the case of the default baseline, VisiPics found only two groups of duplicates for us, one of which consisted of three images, and the other of two:

These are the images that the program considers to be almost identical duplicates. However, if you lower the slider to the Loose level, there will be images that are just similar to each other. In our case, when installing Loose instead of Basic, the application found four more (in the final test below - 5) groups of duplicates, and supplemented one of the two already found with another picture:

The program has relatively few additional options. Here you can set up a search in subfolders (it is enabled by default), display of hidden folders, accounting for photos rotated by 90 degrees. On the loader tab, you can ask VisiPics to ignore small files or, conversely, images in too high resolution. The latter is important for speed.

  • VisiPics program. Official site ;
  • English language;
  • Distribution: free.

Duplicate Finder Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder

If you are looking for an extremely simple program for a high-quality search for duplicate photos and images, which would be elementary easy to understand, then take a look at Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder. The interface is in English, but it is so simple that everyone can figure it out.

Use the "+" button to specify the directory or several directories you need to search, then click Start Search and the search will begin in them. The Scan Subdirectories option is enabled by default and is responsible for searching in subfolders. The program copes with its tasks, finding both very similar:

And slightly more different pictures:

In the program settings, you can set the correspondence to 100%, if you need only absolutely identical photos.

The settings themselves, as you can see, are few. Perhaps the saddest thing is that the program works with only five main formats: BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF and TIFF. Moreover, the latter is not taken into account by default.

There are also options to ensure that duplicates are removed directly to the trash can and to disable the confirmation popup. The program can also update itself automatically.

    Official site ;
  • English language;
  • Distribution: free.

The Similar Images Finder app greets us with an unkind message in English that we need to pay $ 34 for it. Nevertheless, the program is ready to work for free for 30 days. Next, a window appears prompting you to select directories for finding duplicates:

From it, we also learn that Similar Images Finder supports 29 image formats, and the user can select specific formats for search or exclude unnecessary ones. The list includes, among other things, ico and wbmp.

Clicking Next will start the duplicate search, and when it's finished, click Next again to see additional settings. By adjusting them, you can more carefully customize what appears in the list of results. Finally, by clicking Next a third time, you will see the result itself:

You can go to the next found picture by pressing the miniature arrow in the upper right corner. The entire list of found duplicates is opened by clicking on the large button at the top with the addresses of the current files.

In turn, clicking the Next button at the bottom will lead to the final stage of work. There the program will display a list of what, in its opinion, are definitely duplicates and will offer to delete them. In the screenshot above, the Similar Images Finder has coped with the image, where the watermark has been added, and the contrast of the histogram has also been changed.

Distinguishing between the pictures, the program counted at the level of 5.5%. At the same time, in another example, where we added a strong blur effect to the second picture, the differences, according to the application version, for some reason amounted to only 1.2%:

Alas, the program, finding real duplicates, by default also shows many images that are completely different from each other, as if they have something in common:

  • Similar Images Finder. Official site ;
  • English language;
  • Distribution: Paid, 30 days free trial.

Versatile duplicate search with Duplicate Remover Free

Duplicate Remover Free is the only program in our review that focuses not specifically on duplicate photos, but on finding duplicates in general.

As practice shows, such universal solutions do not show themselves very well in tasks related to some narrower area.

However, we are giving one such program a chance today. As the word Free suggests, it is distributed free of charge. The second advantage of the application is the Russian language, and the third is its relative modernity against the background of other programs in this collection, many of which, unfortunately, have not been updated for many years.

You should click on the "add directory" button and select the required folders. By default, the program in the specified directory did not find anything for us at all, however, when at the top instead of "exact duplicates" we selected the item "similar images", four groups of duplicates were immediately found, one of which consisted of three files at once:

The application has very few additional features. In particular, you can exclude files before and after a certain size from the search.

  • Duplicate Remover Free. Official site ;
  • Russian language;
  • Distribution: free.

Search for matching photos by various algorithms with AntiDupl

The final participant in our review - the AntiDupl program may appeal to you at once for several reasons. First, it's free. Secondly, it has a Russian interface. The latter, however, is not obvious. In order to enable Russian, open the View menu and select the appropriate item in the Language section:

Unlike others, this program is not installed, but is located in a self-extracting archive, which extracts it along with the necessary files into a separate folder.

To prepare a search for duplicates, click on the button with the Open signature and add the necessary directories in the window that appears:

Next, you can click OK, and then activate the green button "start search" on the toolbar. Using the basic algorithm, the program found several groups of duplicates for us:

Switching the algorithm to a more free SSIM at the top, we have already received two more groups of duplicates, and after increasing the "freedom" of search from 20 to 35%, the program gave us an even more detailed list:

At the same time, in all cases, there were indeed at least noticeably similar images to each other. So don't hesitate to experiment with the settings.

The program has a lot of additional options:

On the "search" tab, you can find out that AntiDupl supports 13 formats, among which, in addition to the traditional JPG / PNG, there are ICON, PSD and EXIF. Of course, the formats can be chosen. Also in the options there is a check for defects, blockiness and blurring, and in the latter two cases, you can set a threshold. It is possible to search in hidden and system directories.

  • AntiDupl program. ;
  • Russian language;
  • Distribution: free.

When searching for duplicates, some users are interested in exactly 100% match in order to get rid of duplicates in their collection. However, the task often arises to find simply similar pictures.

And here is a huge space for possible differences. This can be different formats, resolutions, cropped versions of the same image, adding frames and watermarks, changed colors and captions on pictures.

We tried to take into account most of these factors and after all the trials, we ended up creating a small set with more than six dozen pictures. In them we have created nine groups of duplicates. Let's be honest, our experience definitely does not pretend to be the ultimate truth, but it was interesting to try. The results are as follows:

  • Duplicate Remover Free: found only 3 groups of duplicates;
  • Similar Images Finder: found 4 groups, but an inconvenient interface, a lot of false results and, at the same time, the paid application greatly spoiled the overall impression;
  • AntiDupl found 3 types of duplicates by default, installing the SSIM algorithm increased the search result to 5 groups;
  • VisiPics at the basic level of search found only 2 groups of duplicates, but setting the slider to the Loose level allowed to find already 7 groups;
  • Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder found 7 groups of duplicates;
  • Image Comparer also managed to detect 7 groups.

In doing so, Image Comparer managed to find images that Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder and VisiPics missed, and those in turn filled in the gaps in Image Comparer.

The fastest duplicate photo finder

At the same time, the quality of the program also depends on its speed. 60+ pictures are, of course, not something that users can work with. Therefore, we ran another test. This time for speed. To do this, we took a selection of 4,450 very different images, the total weight of which exceeded 2.1 GB.

Unfortunately, two programs from this review did not take any place in the test. As it turned out, Similar Images Finder, for which they ask for $ 34, in the free version is ready to process no more than 200 images at a time.

In turn, the universal search engine for duplicates Duplicate Remover Free, faced with a catalog of serious size, worked intensively for more than five minutes, and then completely froze. The rest of the programs showed the following times:

  • AntiDupl: 0:39;
  • Image Comparer: 1:02 (35 seconds to create a gallery and 27 seconds to search);
  • VisiPics: 2:37;
  • Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder: 3:17.

As a result, Image Comparer and AntiDupl clearly took the lead in the speed test. It took them about or, in the case of AntiDupl, less than a minute to process our archive.


Let's summarize. If you need to find not the same, namely similar photos, differing, for example, by a signature or a watermark, then Image Comparer, Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder and VisiPics in the Loose mode will cope with this task better than others.

In terms of processing speed of a large collection of images, the undisputed leaders are AntiDupl and Image Comparer.

Finally, in terms of the usability of the interface, we liked Image Comparer and VisiPics, which allow us to visually evaluate all groups of duplicates on the fly. In turn, for the clarity of the comparison of the characteristics of individual duplicates, we also note AntiDupl.

Everyone on the computer has a folder in which he stores various photographs or images, and it often happens that duplicates of such files appear on the hard disk. The question immediately arises, how to quickly get rid of them. The article will list a number of programs that are able to perform such actions quickly and efficiently.

It is a simple and easy-to-use program that is capable of performing searches in several ways and creating galleries from selected images. Among other tools, it is distinguished by the presence of an assistant window, thanks to which the use of Duplicate Photo Finder becomes even easier. Among the disadvantages are paid distribution and the absence of the Russian language.

Duplicate Photo Cleaner

Duplicate Photo Cleaner is also an easy-to-use program that can also read a considerable list of graphic object formats. It has several ways to find duplicates, and the presence of a Russian-language interface sets it apart from most of the solutions described here. At the same time, Duplicate Photo Cleaner is paid, and the trial version has very limited capabilities.

Duplicate File Remover

Another powerful tool for finding duplicate photos is Duplicate File Remover. In addition to searching for images, it is also able to scan your computer for other identical files. The possibilities of Duplicate File Remover significantly expand the plugins that are installed with it, but they can be activated only after purchasing a license key. Another drawback is the lack of the Russian language in the settings, but this does not prevent you from using Duplicate File Remover for its intended purpose, since all actions here are performed at an intuitive level.

Duplicate File Detector

It is a powerful multitasking program that can instantly find duplicate documents in a specified directory. Duplicate File Detector supports a large number of formats that will be checked at runtime. This is the only tool among the ones we've reviewed that provides the ability to hash any file, for which there is a built-in hash calculator. Thanks to the latter, you can get the result in 16 variants of hash codes. Using Duplicate File Detector, you can rename a selected group of files according to one of the proposed templates. The program has been translated into Russian, but at the same time it is paid.


ImageDupeless is a powerful tool for finding duplicate images on your computer. In terms of its functionality, it is very similar to the previously described Duplicate Photo Finder. There is the same assistant, the same search capabilities for identical graphic files and the function of creating a gallery from images. But ImageDupless has a Russian-language interface, which makes it stand out from the background of the mentioned program. The main disadvantage can be considered paid distribution and the fact that a lot of opportunities are available exclusively after purchase.


DupKiller is one of the best ways to find not only duplicate images, but files in general. It provides the ability to search almost anywhere on the computer, has a very wide range of settings, supports plugins. In addition, it is distributed completely free of charge and translated into Russian, which makes it possible to use it without any restrictions.


AllDup is a small free program designed to search for identical (including graphic) objects on the hard drive. It supports a large list of formats, which guarantees a high-quality search for duplicates. AllDup will also be an excellent option for computers that are used by several people at the same time. On the background of the rest, it is distinguished by the ability to create several profiles with certain settings. This feature will greatly save users' time, which would have been wasted on reconfiguring the program. You can also add the presence of the Russian language and free distribution by the developer to the list of positive qualities of AllDup.

DupeGuru Picture Edition

Using DupeGuru Picture Edition, the user will receive a free, simple and uncomplicated search engine for duplicate photos on a computer with a Russian-language interface. Among the additional features, it is worth highlighting the fact that here you can export the results obtained to the browser or to CSV format, which is read by MS Excel.

Dup Detector

Dup Detector is probably the simplest utility on the list provided. It does not have the Russian language and any additional features, except for creating galleries from images, but at the same time it provides a choice of several options for finding duplicate photos. In addition, the Oak Detector is distributed by the developer for free and supports a large list of graphic formats.

This article examined programs with which you can quickly and effortlessly detect duplicate photos on your hard drive and permanently delete them. Let everyone decide for themselves which tool to use, but it is worth knowing that any of them will 100% cope with the task at hand.

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