Download windows 10 for lumiya. How to install Windows using an Android smartphone. Installation instructions

We have already described in detail for Lumia smartphones. However, it is aimed at devices equipped with a memory card. The method described below is simpler and more versatile - it will fit any Lumia smartphone, regardless of whether it has a memory card slot or not. True, there is still a small limitation: the smartphone must have at least 600 MB of free space.

Warning: Remember! Everything that you do, you do at your own peril and risk. Neither the author nor the site administration is responsible for your actions!

If you do not know what Windows Insider is and how to flash your Lumia smartphone with the firmware on your computer in dead mode, then you DO NOT need to read any further!

According to some reports, you should not have PFD (Preview for developers) installed - there are problems with it. Perhaps, you just need to disable it in the program itself - I did not check it. From the experience of those who tried it, the instruction did not work in Malaysian Denim. This instruction was checked and written in pure Russian Cyan!


Install the Windows Insider app on your smartphone.

Download the WPInsiderHacks archive, unpack it on your computer and run the WPInsiderHacks.exe file.

We connect to the same WiFi network to which the computer is connected. Then go to the WiFi settings on the phone, with the network connected, turn on proxy, we register the ip address to which the computer is connected ( network center - connected network - details - ipv4 address- may vary, depending on the OS installed on the computer), register port 8877, save.

Launch Internet Explorer on your smartphone, enter in the address bar: http: // IP address of PC:8877 - let's go.

We launch the Windows Insider application installed on the smartphone and click get preview builds... A list should appear in which we select the topmost item, where RM-976_1161 is written.

We agree with everything proposed, the application is closed.

After these steps, we return to the WiFi settings on the smartphone and disable the proxy. Go to Windows Insider again, click get preview builds(you may need to log in with your Microsoft account first). Only 2 options will appear. We select the second (where fast), we confirm. At this moment, my smartphone went into reboot.

After turning on the smartphone, go to Settings - updates and check for updates available for our device. If an update is found, make sure that the smartphone is at least 30% charged (if not, connect to the charger) and start the update process.

The method was tested by me personally - everything works. Good luck!

wall637 Update all Lumia smartphones to Windows 10 Technical Preview

First, about the supported types of equipment. Before figuring out how to install Windows 10 on a Lumiya smartphone, let's present a list of smartphones on which you can, in principle, install Windows 10:

We will update the operating system on the basis of the previous version of the OS, which we will consider Windows 8.1 (although it could be the "Seven") build no lower than 8.10.14219.341. Before starting the installation, you must make sure that all the latest service packs are installed on the system, as well as that you have an active Windows Insider account.

If this is not the case, then you need to go to and register. There are no difficult moments in the registration procedure - everything should go smoothly. Then download the Windows Insider app, which can be taken from here: is the address of the Microsoft app store for this app.

These preparations should be enough to get a fresh version of the OS on your computer. Another question: do you need it? Worth a try anyway. Without trying Win10 in work, it is difficult to form any idea about it, even if you shove through a mountain of materials on the Internet. So, let's put the tenth version.

Installation instructions

To put a new Axis on Lumia, you need to do the following manipulations:

After that, the process of downloading the new version will begin, and after it finishes you will see the Windows 10 interface on your screen. Sometimes the download stops halfway. For example, the system is upgraded to some intermediate version of the G8 and it gets stuck. You can get out of this situation by repeating all these steps again.

In February 2015, Microsoft officially announced the release of a new version of its mobile operating system - Windows 10. To date, the new "operating system" has already received several global updates. However, with each major addition, more and more old devices become outsiders and no longer receive official "recharge" from developers.

Official installation of Windows 10 Mobile

Officially, this OS can be installed only on a limited list of smartphones with an earlier version of the operating system. However, in practice, the list of gadgets that can take Windows 10 on board is much wider. Not only Nokia Lumia owners can rejoice, but also users of devices with a different operating system, for example, Android.

Windows Phone models that will receive the official update to Windows 10 Mobile:

    Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL,

    BLU Win HD LTE X150Q,

    Lumia 635 (1GB),

    Lumia 636 (1GB),

    Lumia 638 (1GB),

  • MCJ Madosma Q501,

If your device is on this list, updating to a new version of the OS will not be difficult. However, it is worth taking a close look at this issue.

Video: Upgrade Your Lumia Phone to Windows 10 Mobile

Unofficial installation of Windows 10 Mobile on Lumia

If your device is not already receiving official updates, you can still install a later version of the OS on it. This method is relevant for the following models:

    Lumia 635 (512 MB),

The new version of Windows is not optimized for these models. You take full responsibility for the incorrect operation of the system.

  1. Do Interop Unlock (unlocks the installation of applications directly from the computer). To do this, install the Interop Tools application: you can easily find it in the Microsoft store. Launch the application and select This Device. Open the program menu, scroll down and go to the Interop Unlock section. In this section, enable the Restore NDTKSvc option.

    In the Interop Unlock section, enable the Restore NDTKSvc function

  2. Reboot your smartphone.

    Run Interop Tools again, select This Device, go to the Interop Unlock tab. Activate the checkboxes Interop / Cap Unlock and New Capability Engine Unlock. The third checkbox, Full Filesystem Access, is designed to enable full access to the file system. Don't touch it unnecessarily.

    Activate the checkboxes in the items Interop / Cap Unlock and New Capability Engine Unlock

    Reboot your smartphone.

  3. Disable automatic app updates in the store settings. To do this, open "Settings" and in the "Update" section next to the line "Update applications automatically" slide the lever to the "Off" position.

    Disabling automatic updates can be done in the "Store"

  4. Go to Interop Tools again, select the This Device section and open the Registry Browser.
  5. Go to the following branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Platform \ DeviceTargetingInfo.

    You can install Windows 10 Mobile on unsupported Lumia using the Interop Tools app

  6. Record or take screenshots of the PhoneManufacturer, PhoneManufacturerModelName, PhoneModelName, and PhoneHardwareVariant values.
  7. Change your values ​​to new ones. For example, for a dual SIM Lumia 950 XL device, the modified values ​​would look like this:
    • PhoneManufacturerModelName: RM-1116_11258;
    • PhoneModelName: Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM;
    • PhoneHardwareVariant: RM-1116.
  8. And for a device with one SIM card, change the values ​​to the following:
    • PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG;
    • PhoneManufacturerModelName: RM-1085_11302;
    • PhoneModelName: Lumia 950 XL;
    • PhoneHardwareVariant: RM-1085.
  9. Reboot your smartphone.
  10. Go to Options - Update & Security - Insider Program and enable getting preview builds. The smartphone may need to be rebooted. After rebooting, make sure the Fast circle is selected.
  11. Check for updates under Options - Update & Security - Phone Update.
  12. Install the latest build available.

Video: Install Windows 10 Mobile on Unsupported Lumia

Installing Windows 10 on Android

Before a full reinstallation of the operating system, it is strongly recommended to determine the tasks that the updated device should perform:

In case you still need to have a full-fledged "top ten" on board, before installing a new OS, make sure that your device has enough space for a new heavy system. Pay attention to the characteristics of the processor of the device. Installing Windows is only feasible on ARM architecture processors (does not support Windows 7) and i386 (supports Windows 7 and above).

Now let's go directly to the installation:

  1. Download archive and sdlapp special program in .apk format.
  2. Install the application on your smartphone, and extract the archive data to the SDL folder.
  3. Copy the same directory to your system image file (usually c.img).
  4. Run the installation utility and wait for the process to complete.

Video: how to install Windows on Android

If your smartphone receives official updates, there will be no problems installing the new version of the OS. Users of earlier Lumia models will also be able to update their smartphone without too much trouble. The situation is much worse for Android users, because their smartphone is simply not designed to install Windows, which means that if a new OS is forcibly installed, the owner of the phone runs the risk of getting a fashionable, but very useless "brick".

In general, the ability to install Windows 10 Mobile (and the new version of the operating system for smartphones will be called that way) appeared about six months ago, but then there were two problems: not all smartphones were supported and "Windows was still too raw." Basically, now, about a month or two before the release of the final version, if you really can't wait to evaluate the work of Microsoft, you can install the Preview version. This is done very easily (now I will tell you in more detail), but the presence of straight arms is still welcomed.

The first step is to check if Windows 10 Mobile can be installed specifically on your phone model. For this, a special list is posted on the official Microsoft website. In order not to go back and forth on sites, here's a screenshot. By the way, it is quite interesting that the list of supported devices includes not only Lumia devices, but also HTC One (M8) for Windows.

If everything is in order, then we continue on. Now you need to make sure that the latest version of the software is installed on your particular device. To do this, just select the "Phone update" item in the settings and click the "Check for updates" button. To install Windows 10 Mobile without problems, your smartphone must have Windows 8.1 build 8.10.14219.341 (or even newer).

In general, Microsoft warns ten times before installing that this Preview version is only for Windows fans and for everyday life it is not suitable for everyone. But we are geeks, so read here the list of things (in principle, there is nothing critical there) that does not work in this assembly and let's move on. And yes, your account must be registered in the Windows Insider program (you can do this here, nothing complicated, regular registration).

If everything is ready (updates are installed, there is a Windows Insider account), then you can now go directly to the installation. To do this, we need the Windows Insider app, which can be downloaded directly from the app store - link. We launch it on the phone and press the button "Get assemblies". Then you can choose two options for receiving updates: Fast (you will receive new assemblies faster, but the number of bugs in them may simply go off scale) and Slow (here, in fact, the opposite is true). Then just follow the instructions on the screen (you will need to click next several times and agree to the terms of use).

Ready. Now go to the settings and look for the item "Phone update". Press the "Check" button and wait until the assembly is loaded and installed. Here, the build of Windows 8.1 may be installed first, so just wait until the process comes to the end, and repeat all these steps with the Windows Insider app (you may even have to do this several times).

Installing a new OS version on your own mobile smartphone before the current release is the best solution. By installing newer OS versions, cell phones become more optimized and function better when interacting with the user. Almost every user of the Windows operating system wondered how to update their gadget to Windows 10.

Before installing on Windows phone Windows 10 version, you need to make sure that there is 1.5 GB of free space in the internal memory space. If there is not enough free space, then it is worth removing some software applications and files. If there is still not enough free memory, then you should drop your own gadget to the factory settings.

In order to find out how much free space is left on the internal memory of the smartphone, you need to go to Settings Memory control... The user will see the amount of free memory and a list of various data that take up space on the smartphone.

Before installing Windows 10 Mobile on your smartphone, be sure to:

  1. Make a backup copy of all data from your phone: photos, videos, contacts, various other records.
  2. Charge your smartphone fully.
  3. Provide 2 hours of free time.

It is also logical that an earlier version of Windows OS should be installed on the phone.

In order to find out the current version of the operating system, you need to go to Settings mobile smartphone and select the section Device Information, in which you should select a subsection Intelligence.

In order to check the possibility of installing a new version of the cell phone OS up to Windows 10, you need to go to Settings smartphone and go to the section, then you need to select the subsection Phone update... When navigating, the user will see a list of available versions for his mobile device.

Today, the methods of installing new versions on mobile smartphones differ into 2 categories:

  • Installing a new OS on a smartphone via a personal computer.
  • Direct installation of the new OS on a smartphone via Wi-Fi or GPRS network.

Before you upgrade your mobile smartphone to Windows 10 Mobile, you should make sure that your cellular device is compatible with this OS. If your model is not on the listings, then it may soon appear, because Microsoft is trying to make Windows 10 available for every smartphone.

Here is the list of supported models, current as of March 2017:

So, we go directly to the answer to the question of how to update your phone to Windows 10.

Installing a new OS on a smartphone using a personal computer

First you need to install the program on your personal computer. When opening the program, you need to connect your cell phone to your computer using a USB cable.

Immediately after that, the program will show all cell phones connected to the computer. When a smartphone is selected, a list of all available settings will be displayed in front of the user. It is also possible to update your smartphone if the new version of the OS crashes or stops working.

But not all users have access to a personal computer. Many would like to update their mobile device via Wi-Fi or GPRS internet connection. The second method tells how to update your smartphone to Windows 10 without using a personal computer.

Installing a new OS on a smartphone of a mobile device using access to a Wi-Fi network

This requires a Wi-Fi or GPRS network.

Update Assistant

In the shop Windows Store there is a special utility that helps users install new versions of the OS on their mobile devices, it is called - Upgrade Advisor or Update Assistant(download the application). The software application shows the compatibility of the mobile device with this operating system, and also provides assistance in freeing up free space on the smartphone. If there is not enough space to load a new operating system, the software application will offer to delete various files to free up free space on the device.

When the software application is launched, the user will be prompted to install a new version of the OS. You need to accept the request, and then the phone will restart.

It is worth following the detailed instructions displayed on the screen of your mobile phone. Don't worry, the phone may reboot several times during the operating system update. In terms of time, the installation of a new version of the operating system takes less than 30 minutes, but large updates on some phones can take until two o'clock... During installation, the phone will be unavailable for use. After installation on a smartphone, the user will immediately be taken to the device's desktop and will be able to fully use the phone for his own purposes.

The Windows 10 Mobile Installer download process can be monitored in the menu SettingsPhone update:

There it is also possible to install a new version of the OS at a specially allotted time. To do this, go to this section, and in Preferred installation time set the parameters for a specific time when the installation of Windows 10 Mobile OS should begin. This feature is not available on some phones.

Windows Insider

There is also a unique way to update the operating system on all devices Lumia... To use it, you need to uninstall Prewiew for Developers, because without this, the installation of the new version may not be successful. So, to use this method you need:

  1. Install the utility on the mobile device Windows Insider and register in it. This program allows you to get an evaluation version of Windows before the release of the official release.
  2. Run the program and select the item Get preview builds, select the proposed action, and accept the agreement request.
  3. Then select the item Insider Fast... Next, we confirm the installation. The phone will then reboot.
  4. You must go to Settings → Phone update mobile device, wait for the updates to download and run installation.

Make sure your device is charged before using any methods. This is necessary in order for the installation process to be completed successfully without interruption due to a lack of battery power. The battery must be more than half charged.

After updating Windows, it is worth making sure that all applications are up to date. Some phone functions may not be activated as some applications need to be updated.

Also, some passwords may be reset and you will have to re-enter them.

In the settings there is an item to automatically download the update when a Wi-Fi point is available, but if it is not worth it, then you can always update it manually. In order to enable automatic updating of software applications, you need to go to Settings Windows store menu and select the section App updates, in which there will be a point for updating software applications if there is access to a Wi-Fi point. It is required to put a tick on this item, and then the smartphone will immediately update the software applications itself.

To do this, go to the Windows Store Menu and select the downloads and updates section. After starting the process of checking for updates on this device and at the end of the process, you must select to update all applications.

You shouldn't go to mobile phone shops to update your phone's software. You can always learn to do it yourself. Each person should be able to handle their devices on their own, make updates, install software applications. Why pay money for something that you can learn to do on your own.

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