Orthodox telegram channels. We are testing the Orthodox messenger Pravzhizn Telegrams. Help in earthly affairs

Pravzhizn Telegram Before you is the first Orthodox messenger that will help believers communicate, get to know each other and subscribe to the channels of a huge number of churches and monasteries in order to stay up to date with the latest events.

Pravlife Telegram will allow you to stay in touch with other parishioners of your church at any time. Exchange instant messages, attach images, audio or video recordings to them, ask for help and provide it to others, and get the latest temple news directly to your smartphone.

The program will allow you to add the desired temples or monasteries to bookmarks and then quickly access them on the "My Temples" tab. Also, by joining the public group of the temple, you can read its official channel. This will allow you to quickly learn about upcoming events. In addition, you can connect a large number of public channels, such as the Gospel, Orthodox Calendar, etc., or create your own channel.

Messenger Pravzhizn Telegram for Android will also be useful for clergymen. Using this program, you can accept requests for prayer help, urgent needs, create channels of temples, thematic groups for communication, send mailing to parishioners, as well as request and collect donations for the needs of the temple, and much more.

Since the program is based on the secure Telegram messenger, it is able to reliably protect user data during correspondence. In addition, all channels in it are encrypted and available only to subscribers.


The first 6 months of the first

Orthodox messenger "Pravzhizn Telegram"

    The messenger was installed by 7,500 people

    2500 people use the app daily

    Using the messenger is free and public

What is Telegram's Right Life?

This is an application that allows you to exchange quick messages,

and also send any kind of files, photos and videos.

The main difference between Pravzhizn Telegram and its analogs is the ability to join a specific church;

Subscription to the official temple channel and general temple group.

What is a messenger for?

It complements the functions of the usual Telegram and allows Orthodox Christians to get closer to the church and to each other,

and also to be always in touch with our shepherds.

The righteous life of Telegrams is needed by the clergy:

    Accept prayer requests from parishioners

    Promptly receive requests for urgent needs

    Collect volunteers and donations for the needs of the Temple

Having installed the Right Life of Telegrams, parishioners have the opportunity to:

    Ask for help or provide it to other parishioners.

    Exchange things, services, advice.

    Find friends and partners

    Ask and receive requests for prayer help.

    Receive news from the confessor, parish, monastery and community anytime and anywhere.

Messenger characteristics

· Ability to exchange messages, photos, audio / video recordings and files

Encrypted channels (security guarantee)

Multilingual 8 languages

Made on the platform of the popular Telegram messenger

Yes, for the first time the application has been synchronized with the sections of the same name of the Pravzhizn portal and the Pravzhizn youtube channel.

What opportunities does this open up ?:

    The calendar: dates of holidays, fasts, continuous weeks, lives of saints, patristic sayings, parables, icons;

    Prayer book: morning and evening rule; canons and akathists; book of hours and troparion; prayers are different;

    Bible: New Testament and Old Testament.

Other possibilities:

    synchronization of prayer recordings with the Youtube channel;

    keeping a commemoration of the living and the dead;

    the diary of the penitent is an instrument of preparation for confession according to the labors of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov;


    it is now possible to change the font size

    prayer book and calendar now work offline, without the Internet

In addition, on 12.07.17, on the Pravzhizn portal, created by the Pravzhizn charitable foundation, the Unified Personal Cabinet of the Clergyman (ELC) was launched - this is a reliable assistant to the clergyman for preaching the Gospel of Christ on the Internet. After registration on the site, 26 portal services will become available:

  • clergyman's public profile - information about education, ministry and current activities;
  • creation and publication of the site of the temple on the Internet in 3 minutes without programmers - up-to-date information on the schedule of services, the current life of the parish and upcoming events;
  • collection of donations for the needs of the temple online;
  • communication with parishioners using channels and chats in the first Orthodox messenger "Pravzhizn Telegram";
  • publication of Sunday sermons on the Pravzhizn LIVE Youtube channel;
  • answers to questions from parishioners online;
  • publishing articles and blogging;
  • publication of photo / video albums and news of the temple;
  • remote collection of personal commemorations;
  • unification of worshipers in groups by agreement;
  • publication of information about the history and shrines of the temple;
  • publication of information for pilgrims.

The management of a single personal account can be entrusted to another Pravizhizn user.

The initiator of the launch of the application was the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media, so that the clergy could “accept requests for prayer help from parishioners, promptly receive petitions for requests, create a channel for the church and send messages to its subscribers, organize volunteers, and collect donations.”

In fact, it turned out that Pravzhizn is a mod or a thematic shell of the standard Telegram messenger, only at the registration stage, in addition to the date of birth and phone number, you also need to indicate your patron saint or choose from the list if you wish. After authorization via a phone number, your contacts and chats of the standard Telegram application are loaded into the program. Those who are especially attentive have already noticed that the creators of the Orthodox version of the messenger have added the second letter M to the name. For what reason, one can only guess, but definitely contrary to the logic and rules of the Russian language.

And from the information pages before starting work, you will learn that the Orthodox messenger is “soul-saving”, “joyful”, and most importantly “necessary” in order to ask for help and offer it (a picture of a muscular arm bent at the elbow).

Users who have installed the application note that the main difference between the Orthodox Telegram and the usual one lies in the menu: there appeared the lines “temples”, “my temples”, as well as links to the installation of a mobile “prayer book” and “Pravizn 'shop”.

In addition to highly specialized church supplies and a wide range of goods for believers, the store also sells quite mundane things: photo frames, watches, films, audio recordings, clothes, bijouterie, souvenirs, jewelry. You can find all sorts of chains, earrings, bracelets, there are even cufflinks, gilded spoons, silver cups and sets with metal piles and flasks. Our attention was drawn to the section "Pilgrim's Sets": there is, for example, a cotton shirt for Epiphany bathing for 972 rubles, sewn, by the way, according to GOST. We were also impressed by the “Goat” shoe set, inside of which there is a “scarab beetle”, which in a matter of seconds helps to remove the sneakers.

see also

Apparently, the project, created to attract donations and make money by the church, really justifies its appearance. The fact is that the Pravzhizn messenger launched the Internet portal of the same name. Pravzhizn.rf, quite viable for itself: here they communicate, and educate, and sell goods, and donate things, and, of course, actively collect donations. In support of this, several quotes have been posted on the page urging the Orthodox to download and install Pravzhizn Telegrams. For example, Archpriest Alexander from the Church of the Resurrection of Christ writes:

“The money began to drip, at first a little bit, and then the number of benefactors increased significantly. As a result, after three months I already had the amount necessary to order the missing icons! "

see also

Another clergyman praises Pravzhizn for the convenience of informing parishioners about the service, another expresses gratitude to his spiritual father for advising a good carburetor.

Unfortunately, the Sibdepo correspondent was not able to communicate in the Orthodox messenger. When installing the program, only a list of temples appeared, on the page of each of which there are two sections: a general chat and a channel, but they could not be activated. The program replied that a request to activate the chat had been sent, but to whom it was not known. A day later, we gave up the last hope to contact the slaves of God through this application and even write a banal "Hello from the laity!" not in any chat. Clicks on the sections "Useful messages" and "Prayer by agreement" (what is this all about?) Remained unanswered.

The version that such requests for organizing a chat, for example, of Kemerovo churches, are sent for approval to the Kemerovo diocese, turned out to be untenable.

“Nobody here is officially responsible for this and does nothing. Each parish, each person decides for himself whether to use this application for him or not, ”said Sibdepo in the press service of the diocese.

Priest Anatoly, Church of Martyr Tatiana

Archpriest Alexander, Church of the Resurrection of Christ

Arrangement of the iconostasis is not an easy and very expensive business! I was convinced of this from my own experience. For more than two years, the parishioners of the church made donations for this good cause, and there was no end in sight to the collection.
On more than one occasion, I have submitted applications to various charitable sites asking for help. But, alas, the result was minimal.
On the advice of a parishioner, I registered for Pravzhizn and announced the collection of donations (to be honest, without much hope of success). Money began to drip, at first a little bit, and then the number of benefactors increased significantly. As a result, after three months I already had the amount necessary to order the missing icons!
I am amazed and happy at the same time. God save all benefactors! Thanks to the creators of the service! I wish you continued success.

Priest Sergius, Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

For the past few years, I have had the feeling that I am constantly on the phone. The phone was literally bursting with calls. Alas, most of them were devoted to various minor issues, for example, clarifying the time of worship (although the schedule hangs in a conspicuous place in the church, and, moreover, is regularly updated).
I solved the problem in the following way: I publish the schedule in the group of our church in Pravzhizn Telegram. Parishioners come in and find out when the service they need is taking place, although they had to make an announcement several times in order to subscribe to this group all parishioners who have the technical ability to join it

Alexey Markov, St. Petersburg

I have repaired the carburetor three times already. Three times! First in September, then on New Year's Eve the carburetor gave me a "present" again, then in February.
In April, he began to junk again. I didn't have any strength - I didn't spend so much money on him, but there was no sense. He even started to get angry. And so he went to confess his sin of anger to the priest.
What was my surprise when Fr. John (my confessor) advised me a carburetor, who is also a parishioner of our church! Help, it turns out, came from where I did not expect it. Although, to be honest, I did not really hope that the specialist proposed by the priest would be sensible.
As a result, I signed up for the service station at the end of April. Now is August - and everything is perfect!
Conclusions: we need to communicate more with parishioners. There are so many good people around, and we don't even know about it ...

Elena Derevianko, Vladimir

The problem, of course, is petty, but I will also share my joy. My hair is unruly, styling does not hold, so I always go with a braid. No hairdressers and no professional tools helped.
And then one day, on the territory of the temple, a woman praised my hair and recommended that I do such and such a hairstyle. Word for word, I shared my trouble and then I found out that she was a hairdresser. We agreed that I would come to her salon.
I came and did not regret it. God sent this woman to me straight! She gave me a wonderful haircut and recommended hair care products. Now I look great and very rarely braid the annoying braid.
And by the way, the services of this hairdresser are quite inexpensive! Who would have thought that with such an excellent master I have been going to the same temple for three years?

Irina Tolmacheva, Simferopol

I recently left the decree, and my son went to kindergarten. And one after another, the son's illnesses began. One sick leave, second, third ...
At work, they began to unequivocally hint that this could not go on for long. I understood that a little more - and they would "leave" me. I didn't want to lose my favorite job ... I started looking for a nanny. Unfortunately, the search dragged on.
I started to worry. I asked for prayer help from friends of the parishioners in the church. And in response I heard recommendations: it turns out that one experienced nanny, with a pedagogical education and living nearby, goes to our church! We phoned, and now she always insures me in case of illnesses of my child.
This is a real gift from God!

About us
How often do we ruthlessly hurt people:
With a cold word, a gesture and a prickly look,
And, not hiding his dislike for them,
We pour out anger on those around us.
How often someone else's pain does not bother us
And we do not think about how our word will respond.
We insolence and rudeness pour salt into the wounds,
Forgetting that our impudence will come back to us like a boomerang.
How often there are no authorities for us,
We will confidently insist on our opinion in a dispute.
We will restrain our bosses and elders,
So that things work out for us all according to our will.
How often do we become the arbiters of the destinies of others,
Our judgment does not tolerate objection and acquittal.
We brand, we slander, we condemn our enemies,
Whom the Lord sent for our salvation and knowledge.
How often we do not honor the older generation,
They had to take a lot in life.
And we "poke" them and get annoyed at them, shout, -
They are waiting for a drop of indulgence to fall on them.
How often do we do things that shouldn't be:
Slander, quarrel, envy, jealous,
We teach each other how we should live,
But we will not yield to anyone, and therefore we are at enmity.
Our hyper-vision embraces everyone and everything,
He does not contain only his own soul.
She is held captive by merciless passions
And he suffers from the enemies the most regrettable torment.
Only God can save us!
We know this from the first days of our churching.
But the Lord also expects decisive steps from all of us,
So that the mind and heart burn with jealousy for salvation.
Lord the Merciful, you help us!
Do not allow us to perish for your eternal life,
Heal our souls with Your love,
So that we can love and share the endless joy.


2018-02-02 10:32:55

Access to the image is possible only in the Telegram application. When we think about someone, we invisibly touch these people ...
Let's touch each other with good thoughts ❤️


2017-10-01 19:05:02

Access to the image is possible only in the Telegram application. Our whole life, just open your eyes - a sheer miracle.
Archpriest Alexander Torik


2017-10-01 17:05:04

Access to the image is possible only in the Telegram application. Willingness to drink another's cup of sorrow is love.
Venerable Paisiy Svyatorets


2017-10-01 15:30:06

Access to the image is possible only in the Telegram application. Everything we do in this life, we do for someone else. We must work for those who are dear to us. That's the point.


2017-10-01 10:01:07

September 30 (September 17, old style) The Church commemorates the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.
The Church of the Firstborn triumphs, and the mother rejoices in her children, rejoicing, like wisdom, the same breed of equal number named for the threefold theological virtue. You and the wise virgins see the angry Bridegroom God the Word, with her and we spiritually in their memory will be merry, saying: Trinity champion, Vero, Love and Hope, confirm us in faith, love and hope.
Three sisters
Grief, misery, despair are full
The stormy waves of the sea of ​​life,
Splashing them - tears and blood! ..
But to a man in a vale of languor
Wonderful sisters are given as a consolation:
Faith Hope Love!
The first in the share of the harsh, dull
He comes to people with mighty power,
Full of heavenly light.
And, encouraging the gloomy soul,
Faith brings them vigor with itself,
She drives away doubts.
In a harsh life, in a hopeless longing
The second one shines with a guiding star,
This star is leading us.
We look forward with hope bolder,
The dark distance is clearer and brighter,
The burden of adversity is lighter for us.
The third sister is God's breath.
No suffering is terrible with her.
Her temple is our hearts! ..
She has compassion, pity, participation,
In her is the beauty of forgiveness and happiness,
The kingdom of love without end!
Hieromartyr Thaddeus (Assumption), Archbishop of Tver
Executed in 1937

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