Proxy bypass. How to bypass anonymous proxy server? Setting up a proxy for Telegram using a bot

There are several different methods you can use to bypass the anonymous proxy server, although the method you should use depends a lot on how you set up the proxy server. The easiest way is to disable the proxy server in your internet connection settings in your web browser, although this is not always effective. To bypass the anonymous proxy, you can also use another proxy that is causing you problems. But it's important to remember that you can run into serious problems if you bypass the anonymous proxy at work or school.
To bypass anonymous proxy, you need to know how the proxy is used. An anonymous proxy is a server that your computer is connected to, which then connects to the Internet, allowing you to remain anonymous while using your web browser. This is usually done either through software installed on your PC, or through a setting in your web browser that automatically redirects you to a proxy server when you use it. The way in which you can bypass the anonymous proxy server depends a lot on what setting was used on your computer.

If you have software installed on your computer that forces it to connect to a proxy server, you can bypass it by uninstalling that software. But if you do not have administrator rights in the system, then you will not be able to uninstall the program. If this is the case, then you should not bypass anonymous proxy if the computer you are using is the property of a school or is installed in the workplace.

Until you know that you are allowed to bypass the anonymous proxy without losing your job or being severely reprimanded at your school, there are two possible solutions to consider. The first way you can bypass the proxy is to simply remove the proxy settings in your web browser software. This is the program that you use to navigate the Internet and visit different websites. You should check the connection settings for your browser and see if there is a proxy that you can change to bypass it.

If you can't just change your web browser to bypass the anonymous proxy, you may need to try a more complex solution. You can try using a different proxy, for example, one that actually sits between your computer and a proxy that is already in use. This may allow you to use your proxy server to avoid connecting to another. But, if you do not want to connect to an anonymous proxy on a computer on your network, you should simply change your settings to not do this anymore.

Actually, the idea came to think over a scheme for access through TOR not to all resources, but only to the sites blocked by Rospotrebnadzor and onion resources. To drive all traffic to tor is not the best idea, since the speed and stability of the connection there is not so hot, but sending requests to .onion and sites like and in tor is a good idea.

Of course, instead of TOR, you can redirect traffic to OpenVPN and then to vps hosting somewhere in Europe, but we are not terrorists to disguise ourselves completely, and let my honest movements be monitored and recorded. I still don't do anything illegal, only I download Dontsova from the root tracker a couple of times, and then delete it, don't read it.

So, who is here without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone out there somewhere, and we begin. The scheme of the shaitan machine will look like this:

Let's start by setting up the TOR block. Here the scheme is used that I have already described in previous notes.

Install the required packages:

# apt-get update
# aptitude install tor

After installing the packages, TOR works in the SOCKS 5 proxy server mode and accepts connections on port 9050. If you have an application that works using the SOCKS protocol and needs an anonymous connection, then you can safely specify it in the connection parameters:

Protocol: socks5
Host: localhost
Port: 9050

If you try to configure Firefox to use SOCKS5-proxy and specify these parameters to it, you will receive a message for any request:

It appears you have configured your web browser to use Tor as an HTTP proxy.
This is not correct: Tor is a SOCKS proxy, not an HTTP proxy.
Please configure your client accordingly.

Firefox (as, in principle, and chrome) does not know how to work normally with SOCKS proxies and they need another layer. Privoxy is used as this layer, and this is not only a proxy server, but also a filter that increases the level of your privacy. Install the package:

# aptitude install privoxy

Add the line to the / etc / privoxy / config file:

forward-socks5t /

Thus, we will redirect all requests to TOR. Privoxy accepts connections on port 8118.

To test the functionality, add an HTTP-proxy connection to the local host ( and port 8118 in the browser settings.

Restart Privoxy with the command:

# /etc/init.d/privoxy restart

Launch your browser and go to the site Something random should be specified as your ip-address and country, not your ISP. For example like this:

If you succeed, then you have configured access to the TOR network successfully and you can proceed with the settings. To access the Privoxy settings, enter or http: //p.p/ in the browser line, as a result you will be taken to the Privoxy management web interface:

You won't be able to drive much through the Web interface, and there is really nothing to change there, in most cases the default configuration will do.

Now we need to separate the wheat from the chaff and send only a number of resources to the TOR network, for this we will use the Squid proxy server. Install it as usual with the command:

# aptitude install squid3

According to the presented scheme, our task is to configure the redirection of some requests to TOR (the list of domains in the /etc/squid3/redirect-to-tor.dat file) with sending others to the provider's network. The configuration file for such a scheme will look like this:

acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

# List of domains requests to which we send to TOR (Take from file)
acl redirect-to-tor dstdomain "/etc/squid3/redirect-to-tor.dat"
acl redirect-to-onion dstdomain .onion

# Settings where we send requests to TOR
cache_peer parent 8118 0 no-query proxy-only default name = tor-proxy-01
never_direct allow redirect-to-tor
never_direct allow redirect-to-onion
always_direct allow all! redirect-to-tor! redirect-to-onion

# Disable caching of the privoxy and web interface (for tests)
acl disable-dom-cache dstdomain p.p
cache deny disable-dom-cache

http_access deny! Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT! SSL_ports
http_access allow localhost manager
http_access deny manager
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
http_port 3128

coredump_dir / var / spool / squid3 /

refresh_pattern ^ ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^ gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern -i (/ cgi-bin / | \?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern (Release | Packages (.gz) *) $ 0 20% 2880
refresh_pattern. 0 20% 4320

Please note that I have disabled caching of and the privoxy web management interface. This was done for testing and can be disabled in real configuration.

The list of files that are accessed using TOR is located in the /etc/squid3/redirect-to-tor.dat file, the file looks like a regular list with a line-by-line transfer:

Configure your browser to use squid proxy on localhost ( and port 3128 And that's it.

Now we go to the sites prohibited by Rospotrebnadzor via tor, and to the usual ones directly. Well, and a bonus to the onion network, of course, through TOR.

If in the company where you work, the management carefully monitors all your activity on the Internet, then you certainly wonder how to bypass the proxy? Of course, not all sites are blocked, but nevertheless this situation causes some inconvenience. To avoid this, you can use the methods described below and work around the limitation.

We bypass the proxy server

When thinking about how to bypass proxies at work, you can use the Google cache. This method will be suitable for those who like to read blogs and various entertainment sites, because it allows you to view the page. To use it, you should open the search engine, enter the address of the required site in the search bar, and after the search is completed, you need to find it in the list of found ones. Then you should click on the link "Saved copy" and a tab with a copy of the site you are interested in will open in front of you.

You can also bypass the proxy server using the services of anonymizers. Moreover, with their help, it is quite possible to carry out full-fledged activity on the network and not be afraid for the safety of history, since all the page addresses you visit are encrypted. Similar services can be found using a search engine. After entering the site, you should use the resource map or the search form to find a line for entering the site address you are interested in. You should also be aware that most of the anonymizers that work effectively with entertainment sites and social networks can be paid. Data compression services work in the same way. But to use them, you will need to install certain software, or work through the form that can be found on the site.

In addition, Opera mini will help bypass the proxy, which must be downloaded and installed on a PC. This program is remarkable in that it differs from an ordinary browser in the way it loads pages. After you send your request, it first goes to the site, then it is redirected to the site you need. Then the information from the site is sent back to, and then sent to your computer. As a result, you can view any sites, without any restrictions. To speed up the loading of pages, you should disable the loading of applications and images. It should also be noted that Opera mini was created for mobile phones, therefore, before starting it, you will need to download and install the java emulator. Now you know how to bypass the proxy server and nothing will stop you from reading your favorite blog or website.

The first way is easier. Let's say your company doesn't allow you to download the popular live chat software AOL Instant Messenger. You can still communicate with your friends and colleagues using the online version of the program called AIM Express ( In addition, the company Google there is a real-time chat service called Google Talk available at Programs such as music players and video games also have their own Internet versions - usually they are somewhat stripped down compared to the original programs.

The second approach to solving the problem is more complicated, but with its help you get access to the very program on your computer. All three of our experts named the company Rare Ideas LLC (, which offers free versions of popular programs such as Firefox and OpenOffice. You can download programs to portable devices, such as iPods or USB sticks, via Portable Apps ( After that, you plug this device into your work computer, and you're done. (However, if your company prohibits the use of external devices, consider yourself out of luck.)

Risk: Using online services can place an undue burden on company resources. And programs on external media pose a security risk. IT people prefer to have control over the software used by employees so that in the event of a virus or other problem, they can easily fix everything. If you bring programs with you, their control is reduced.

Another thing to keep in mind is that some less reliable programs, especially file sharing programs, may be loaded with spyware.

How to protect yourself: If you bring the program on external media, Lowbel says, at least change the anti-virus program settings on your work computer so that it scans the device for potential threats. This is not difficult to do by going to the "settings" or "options" menu. Likewise, if you use file sharing, configure them so that others cannot access your files, also through "settings" or "options".

3. How to access sites blocked by your company

Problem: Companies often block access to certain sites for their employees, ranging from the really obscene (porn sites) and probably not the most respectable (gambling sites) to the almost innocent (email sites).

Workaround maneuver: Even if your company does not allow you to go to these sites by typing their address in the top line, you can sometimes still get to them in a roundabout way. You go to a site called a "proxy" and type the Internet address you want in the search box. Then the proxy site goes to the site you need and gives you an image of it - so you can see it without going to it directly. For example,, serves over 4 thousand proxy sites.

Another way to achieve the same result is suggested by Frauenfelder and Trapani: use the Google translator, asking him to translate the name of the site from English into English. Just enter the following text: "|en&", replacing "" with the site you want. Google actually acts as a proxy server, finding a mirror of the site for you.

Risk: If you use a proxy site to view mail or YouTube videos, the main danger is that you will be caught by your superiors. But there are also more serious security threats. Sometimes bad guys on the Internet buy website addresses that are one or two letters different from popular websites and use them to infect visitors' computers with viruses, Lowbel warns. Companies often block these sites too - but if you use a proxy, you will be defenseless against them.

How to protect yourself: Don't make the use of proxy sites a habit. Use this method only to access certain sites that your company has closed access to in order to increase productivity - for example, YouTube. And more careful with spelling.

4. How to cover up traces on a corporate laptop

Problem: If you use a company-owned laptop to work from home, it is very likely that you are using it for personal purposes: organizing family vacations, buying books to read on the beach, compiling photo albums on the Internet, and so on. Many companies reserve the right to track everything you do on this computer because technically it is the property of the company. What happens if ... uh ... your friend accidentally wanders into a porn site or searches the Internet for a cure for some embarrassing disease?

Workaround maneuver: The latest versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers allow you to cover your tracks. In IE7, select Tools, then Delete Browsing History. Here you can either erase your entire browsing history by selecting Delete All, or select multiple links that you want to erase. In Firefox, just press Ctrl-Shift-Del or click on Clear Private Data from the Tools menu.

Risk: Even if you clean up your history, surfing the internet free of charge still puts you at risk. You could inadvertently pick up spyware on some questionable site or create legal problems for your boss with your behavior. If you get caught, at best, you face an awkward situation, and at worst, you risk losing your job.

How to protect yourself: Clean up your personal data as often as possible. Better yet, don't use your work computer for anything that you don't want to inform your superiors about.

5. How to find working documents from home

Problem: You finish your work late at night or on weekends - but the document you need remains on your office computer.

Workaround maneuver: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and IAC / InterActiveCorp offer software for quickly finding documents on your computer desktop. In addition, some of them allow one computer to search for documents saved on the desktop of another. How it works? The search company keeps copies of your documents on their server. Thus, it can scan these copies when you perform a remote search.

To use Google's software - one of the most popular - you need to follow these steps. First, set up a Google account on both machines by visiting (Be sure to use the same account on both computers.)

Then go to the site and download the desktop search software. When it is installed, again on both machines, click on Desktop Preferences, then on Google Account Features. Check the box next to Search Across Computers. From now on, all documents that you open on both computers are copied to Google's servers so that they can be found from both computers.

Risk: Enterprise tech envisions a catastrophic scenario: you have highly sensitive financial information stored on your work computer. We installed a program to access these files from our personal laptop. And then the laptop got lost. Ah ah ah.

In addition, experts have found vulnerabilities in Google's computer search program that could allow hackers to trick users into giving them access to files, says McAfee's Schmugar. (After that, these problem areas were fixed, but there may be others, he says.)

How to protect yourself: If you have files on your work computer that should under no circumstances be publicly available, ask your IT system administrator to help you install Google Desktop in a way that avoids leaks.

6. How to store work files online

Problem: In addition to searching on the desktop, most people who often have to work from home have found their own solution. They save work files on portable devices or on the company's network, from where they can then be retrieved remotely. But portable devices can be too bulky, and connections to a work network can be slow and unreliable.

Workaround maneuver: Use online storage services such as, Streamload, or owned by AOL Xdrive. Most of them offer a free storage service with a volume of one to five gigabytes, and for a package with additional space they charge a few dollars a month. Another guerrilla method is to send yourself these files to your personal email, such as Gmail or Hotmail.

Risk: The bad guys can steal your password for one of these sites and steal copies of your company's classified materials.

How to protect yourself: When you are going to save this or that file on the Internet, ask yourself what will happen if it becomes publicly available or falls into the hands of the head of a company that is your main competitor. If nothing bad happens, then continue.

Problem: Many companies have the ability to track employee emails both at work address and other email addresses, as well as communication via ICQ.

Workaround maneuver: When you send emails from your personal email account or work email, you can encode them so that only the addressee can read them. In Microsoft Outlook, click on Tools, then Options and select the Security line.

This is where you can enter your password, and no one can open the email without knowing this password. (The people to whom these letters are intended, of course, you must provide this password in advance.)

For personal correspondence using postal services on the Internet, use Frauenfelder's advice. When checking your mail, add an s after the "http" to the address bar of your mail site - for example, This will start a secure session and no one can trace your emails. However, not all web services support this.

To encode your real-time communication, use Cerulean Studios' Trillian service, which allows you to work with AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and other real-time communication programs and helps you encode conversations so that no one else can read them.

Risk: The main reason companies track employees' emails is to catch those transmitting sensitive information. By resorting to all of the above tricks, you can provoke a false alarm and make it harder for the IT department to deal with a real threat.

How to protect yourself: Use the described methods only from time to time, do not use them by default.

8. How to get to work mail if your company does not want to go broke on a PDA

Problem: Everyone who does not have a PDA knows this feeling: you went to a restaurant to have lunch or drink a beer after work, and then everyone reached into their pockets for their PDA, and only you alone have to shake a glass in your hand.

Workaround maneuver: You, too, can keep in touch with your work email using a variety of mobile devices. Just set up your work email so that emails are forwarded to your personal email address.

In Microsoft Outlook, you can do this by right-clicking on any email, selecting "Create Rule" and asking to forward all emails to you to another address. Then set up your mobile phone to check your e-mail following the instructions from your provider (this is the company that sends you phone bills).

Risk: Now hackers can hack not only your computer, but your phone as well.

How to protect yourself: There is a "correct" way to access work email using a variety of personal mobile devices by taking a password and other information from the IT department.

9. How to access personal mail from a working PDA

Problem: If your company provided you with a PDA, you are probably facing the opposite problem. You want to check your personal email as easily as you do your work.

Workaround maneuver: Take a look at the "Settings" section of your personal mailbox and make sure that you have activated POP (postal protocol), which is used to receive mail through other addresses. Then go to the website of your BlackBerry PDA service provider. Click on the "Profile" button, find the Email Accounts section there and select Other Email Accounts. Then click on Add Account and enter your personal email address information. Now your personal mail will arrive in the same place as your corporate one.

Risk: Your company probably uses a whole arsenal of security and anti-virus and anti-spyware tools. When you receive personal mail on BlackBerry, it comes bypassing these protective barriers. This means that spyware or viruses can enter your PDA via personal mail, says McAfee's Schmugar.

To make matters worse, he says, when you plug your BlackBerry into your work computer, there is a chance that this spyware will be transferred to your hard drive.

How to protect yourself: Cross your fingers and trust that your email provider does everything in its power to protect you from viruses and spyware (which it probably is).

10. How to pretend that you are working

Problem: You are engaged in a vital Internet search, and suddenly your boss appears behind you. Your actions?

Workaround maneuver: Press Alt-Tab quickly to minimize one window (for example, in which you are exploring and open another (in preparation for today's presentation).

Risk: The good news is that when it comes to the security of the company, this is not a threat.

How to protect yourself: Get to work.

Hello dear visitors and blog readers!

Today we will discuss such a relevant topic as blacklists of sites and methods for bypassing blocking. As you know, in the fall in Russia came into force a Government Decree on amending Federal Law No. 139-FZ "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development", and the so-called "Registry of Prohibited Sites" was created. It would seem, what's wrong with that? After all, this is good intentions, there is nothing to post drug addiction, suicide and porn with minors on the Internet. But not everything is so simple with this "register" and the law.

  • Firstly, I am an adult, and I am annoyed by the very fact that they tell me what to do, how to do, what to read and what to be interested in.
  • Secondly, because of this innovation and imperfection of the blocking methods themselves, they fall under the distribution completely harmless sites.

According to resource statistics RosKomSvoboda, as of mid-April 2013, the picture with locks looks something like this:

This is due to the fact that if the regulatory authorities decide that there is prohibited information on a particular site, then this resource is easily blocked by its IP address. And after all, they do not think that in addition to the "harmful" site, on the same IP-address there may be more dozens and hundreds of other sites!

With this article, I in no way urge you to visit sites with drug propaganda, sites promoting suicide and other "prohibited". But those who are mistakenly included in this register are easy!

To begin with, let's take a quick look at how the Internet works in general from the point of view of the user's access to a particular site (server).

Sites, in addition to the main domain name (for example, a website), also have a specific IP address. which can be either individual, dedicated or general. You can get to the site not only by entering the domain name in the address bar of the browser, but also by entering the IP address. But this is completely inconvenient. Just imagine if instead of we constantly had to dial Extremely inconvenient.

So that we do not have to remember the IP addresses of all known sites, and there is a DNS that deals with the distribution of addresses on the Internet.

DNS - Domain Name System, i.e. domain name system.

So, when we drive into the address bar of the browser, for example,, our computer first connects to the provider's DNS server to find out exactly where the resource we need is located. And after that, the browser already receives the IP address of the site, connects to it directly and in the browser window we see our favorite search engine. Schematically, it can be depicted something like this:

So "blacklists of sites", that is, the Registry of prohibited sites consists of two types of entries:

  1. Blocking the domain name of the site
  2. Site blocking by IP address

And to bypass blocking by domain, it is enough to use public DNS, for example:

  • Google Public DNS: /
  • OpenDNS: /
  • Comodo Secure DNS: /

How to register DNS in Windows

In order to register public DNS, you need to go to the settings of the "Network and Sharing Center". To do this, just left-click (LMB) on your connection icon (number 1 in the figure), and then select the "Network and Sharing Center" item (number 2):

Also, this "Control Center ..." can be accessed through the "Control Panel". Next, you need to select the connection through which we access the Internet, and click LMB on it:

After that, a dialog box of the connection status will appear, where you need to click on the "Properties" button.

Next, we will see the properties window of our connection, where you need to select the item " Internet Protocol 4 (TCP / IPv4)". We click on it twice with LMB and see a new window with the properties of this protocol. This is our final goal. Check the box" Use the following DNS server addresses "and manually register the preferred and alternative DNS servers (in the figure, an example of using DNS servers Google, you can use any public DNS)

Well, in general, that's all. Do not forget to click "OK" when closing the properties windows.

Thus, if some resource is included in blacklist of sites by domain name, then by changing your provider's DNS servers to public ones, you will probably be able to access this resource, despite its blocking. In general, I recommend using public DNS servers not only to bypass blacklisting sites, but also in your day-to-day work. From now on, you already know how to register DNS.

Now let's consider the second option for blocking resources - by IP address.

How to Bypass the Registry of Banned Sites Blocked by IP

There are many ways to bypass such a block, and they consist in the fact that if we are not allowed to directly connect to some server (site), then we will do this using an intermediate server from which access to this site is allowed. This becomes possible because these intermediate servers are located, as a rule, outside the direct jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, i.e. outside the country, and our laws cannot affect routing and access to any resources through these servers. Schematically, it might look something like this:

So we'll talk about these intermediate servers. The easiest (but not recommended) way to get around blacklisting sites is to use online anonymizers.

Anonymizers (Web proxies)

To get to a blocked site using an online anonymizer (sometimes they are also called - anonymizer, which is not entirely correct), first of all you need to go to this anonymizer site. There are a sufficient number of them on the network, but I do not recommend using little-known services, and even more so if the antivirus starts to "swear" when you enter such a site. The most famous anonymizers are, perhaps:

Just go to any of them, and in the field for entering the site address, enter the required one. For example, on I typed into the line to see if my IP address and country will change.

And here's the desired result:

Thus, any resource placed in blacklist of sites, we can visit and read with ease. But do not forget that anonymizers are not means real anonymization, and if you plan to use them for something so bad, then in no case should you do this.

It is also worth noting that many online anonymizers also provide additional paid services, such as elite proxies, VPNs, and more.

A small lyrical digression. Most often, I use the site to determine the IP address. They position themselves as a service for checking anonymity. Those. checks for what kind of information your PC is pouring into the network. In particular, in addition to standard checks for leakage from JS, Java, Flash, you can also check whether the possibility of data leakage through a "hole" in the WebRTC protocol is closed in your browser (sure it's not closed ...) ... So, this "feature" of WebRTC is too tricky to forget about it. And there are very, very few services for checking browsers for this "vulnerability" on the entire Internet. So use it to your health.

Browser extensions

Some online anonymizers have special browser extensions. For example, the HideMyAss service has add-ons for Chrome and Firefox.

Let's look at the functions of this extension using Chrome as an example. We follow the link that is indicated above (or we independently search in the Chrome Web Store, just enter Hide My Ass in the search) and install this add-on. After installation, the configuration page will open. In principle, nothing can be changed there, everything will work as it is. At the bottom we are looking for the "Save settings" button, and press it, thereby saving the settings. Now a button like this has appeared in your browser:

If you click on it on any open page, then the same page will open through the proxy server. And if you click on an empty tab, you will see a field like this:

We enter the desired address, and it also opens through a proxy. Everything is very simple and done in one click. The Mozilla Firefox extension works in a similar way. If you are not satisfied with Hide My Ass, you can search the Chrome Web Store for other similar extensions. Or just follow the link: Web Proxy for Chrome.

Added later: Recently, ZenMate (for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, as well as a mobile application for Android and iOS) and friGate (for Chrome and Mozilla) have become very popular. Highly recommend.

Built-in Browser Functions (Turbo Mode)

The simplest option for visiting any resource that is blacklisted is the Opera browser. Rather, its function is Opera Turbo.

Initially, this function was designed to save user traffic, because all visited pages are first loaded on the Opera servers, the pages are compressed and only then transferred to the browser for display. And this function turned out to be very useful after the introduction of these very blacklists, tk. it acts as a proxy server.

Opera Turbo is very easy to use. We launch the browser, and in the lower left corner we are looking for such an icon, as shown in the figure:

Click on this button (you can not configure anything), and turn on Turbo mode. The button will turn blue, and the browser will notify you that the mode is on. Let's now see what tells us about our location and IP address.

In this mode, it sometimes happens that, for example, CSS is not loaded at all, but "naked" html is loaded. Loading speed can be very slow, and if your site takes too long to load, try disabling Turbo mode and re-enabling it. Thus, the server will change, and the download may speed up. This method, as well as anonymizers, does not provide you with any anonymity, and your real IP is visible behind the proxy server.

Turbo mode is also available in the browser from the Yandex. But in order to bypass the blacklists of sites, it is not very suitable, because Russian IP addresses, servers and routes are used. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that most of the blocked sites in the Turbo I Ndex mode still open.

Added:"Turbo mode" is also available in Google Chrome for mobile OS.

All of these are the simplest ways to bypass the blacklist of sites that are intended only for such purposes, because they absolutely do not provide any security and anonymity. Next, we'll take a quick look at more drastic, secure, and anonymous methods. But within the framework of this article, only superficially, tk. the topic is very extensive, and separate articles and manuals will be devoted to it.

Proxy servers

Proxy server Is a set of certain programs that allows remote clients to make various requests to other network services. Actually, all sorts of online anonymizers are also a kind of proxy, only with a web interface (that is, a site where we can enter and use the services). We need to register the proxy in the network settings ourselves. If you do everything with pens, then you can go in different ways.

Browsers that use system network settings - Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer.

It is enough to configure one of these browsers to work through a proxy, and all Internet connections in the browsers will be proxified (unless otherwise configured separately). You can register a proxy as follows (for example, Chrome): Settings - Show advanced settings - Network - Change proxy server settings ... The standard properties of the Windows browser will open. You need to click on the "Connections" tab on "Network Settings". The local network settings window will open. Register the proxy server IP address and port.

Do not forget to click on the "OK" buttons after these manipulations.

You can also register a proxy through the control panel: Start - Control Panel - Browser Options - "Connections" tab. And we will see the same window that we saw when configuring proxies through Chrome.

Browsers like Mozilla Firefox and allow you to work through a proxy without using the system network settings. That is, if you register a proxy server in Mozilla, then a regular direct connection will be used in all other browsers, and a proxy in Mozilla. It's pretty handy. After all, we, as a rule, do not need to constantly work through a proxy.

In the picture, I indicated the procedure with arrows and numbers in order to proxify Mozilla Firefox. At Opere, the principle is the same.

Free proxies have significant drawbacks:

  • usually low speed
  • they usually do not "live" long, and they often have to be changed

By the way, I have not forgotten to say yet: when using public proxies, anonymizers, etc. - do not use internet banking, etc. You never know what kind of software is installed on a server unknown to us, and who owns this server.

How to choose the proxy server we need?

Since our current goal is "", we are not interested in Russian proxies, we choose foreign ones. We look at the "Speed" parameter - the lower it is, the better. We will not look at the column of anonymity in today's context. After all, we want to get to an unlawfully blocked site, on which there is no illegal information, and, therefore, we also have nothing to hide. In general, in the screenshot (proxy list from the website) I have highlighted the most suitable proxies:

For now, that's all about proxies. I repeat, this topic is very extensive, and I will return to it. I will just say that there are also browser extensions for quickly changing proxies; proxy checker programs that check proxy lists for validity; programs that are able to build whole chains of proxies (for example, JAP), etc. In general, proxies (especially elite and chains) are mainly used for various illegal actions on the network, cybercriminals and all sorts of politically objectionable people (such as oppositionists who want to remain anonymous ).

VPN (Virtual Private Network) - Virtual private network

Actually VPN (Virtual Privat Network, i.e. virtual private network) very useful technology. It is used both at the corporate level (by various organizations, to create their own secure tunnel), and by ordinary respectable users.

For example, I highly recommend using a VPN connection if you are on a public Wi-Fi network, as such networks are very often "sniffed", ie. various hackers and cybercriminals use special software to scan all traffic in such networks to identify various credentials: passwords, logins, internet banking data, etc. Therefore, a VPN tunnel in open networks is a must because all traffic that passes through it is encrypted and becomes completely inaccessible.

VPN has a number of advantages over previous ways to bypass blacklisting sites:

  • very decent connection speed;
  • fully encrypted traffic;
  • very high anonymity, if you use a service that does not store any logs, and even if it does, then what is it to us? We are not criminals, no one will be interested in us.

One of the shortcomings is that VPN is a 99% paid service. But prices don't always bite. They fluctuate depending on the tariff plan and configuration. And we don't need "fancy" configurations, so if you decide to use the services of a VPN service, choose the cheapest tariff plan first. We will also return to the VPN topic several times on the pages of this site.

Tor (The Onion Router) - very high level of anonymity

With Tor, you can also bypass any blockage... Moreover, the level of anonymity is very decent, there is encryption, and if no one is interested in you (law enforcement agencies, special services), then you can not worry about your anonymity at all. It is quite difficult to track down a particular user using the Tor network. I recently published the news "", it says that they caught one hacker, who was caught for a long time. And such cases, although rare, are still not isolated.

In short and figuratively, the Tor network is a huge network of computers around the world on which a special software package is installed that allows all users of this network to use each other as an "intermediate server" (this function can be disabled in the settings so that it is your the computer was not used for these purposes). Moreover, the chains of connections are selected at random.

The main disadvantage for using Tor for legal purposes is its very slow speed. (note: at the moment, after a year from the writing of this article, the speed on the Tor network is already quite high). But this drawback, as a rule, is ignored by those who use it in illegal acts, because low speed pales in front of all the capabilities of this network. For greater anonymity and security, Tor is sometimes used over VPN. Or vice versa.

You can download Tor on the official website. Now there is such a package as Tor Browser Bundle, having downloaded and installed which, you can immediately get to work.

Many other projects are based on Tor, for example, OperaTor, OS Tails, Liberte, Whonix, etc.

I2P (Invisible Internet Project) - maximum degree of anonymity

I2P is almost impenetrable anonymity... In general, the implementation is similar to Tor, but with some "improvements". In general, everything there is simply "rotated" primarily on encryption. Everything that is possible is encrypted, every packet, and also many times. Also, the network has very complex routing of these encrypted packets, which can change every N-minutes. Deanonymizing someone on this network is probably unrealistic.

I2P is, of course, more likely for hackers, cyber and other criminals than for the common man in the street.

Added: in connection with the recent tight control over the Runet, more and more sites began to have their own "mirrors" in the i2p network. And more and more ordinary people have become interested in this technology.

Virtual machines

There will also be more than one article on virtual machines on my blog. I think (and I'm not the only one) that they are very useful to all those who, in one way or another, are connected with computers and the Internet. Now I will just mention one specially compiled distribution kit of the GNU / Linux family (Debian), focused on security and anonymity - this is Whonix.

The distribution consists of two images for a virtual machine:

  • Whonix-Gateway acting as a gateway through which all network connections go;
  • Whonix-workstation- actually, the distribution itself

The advantage of this assembly is that a special gateway is used, and any traffic goes only through him and the traffic itself is directed to Tor. And since not all applications in the same Windows, for example, can be launched through Tor, and traffic can sometimes leak through a regular connection, this threatens anonymity. Whonix is ruled out.

This is how, for example, my virtual machines now look like with running Whonix

That's all for now, friends. I hope the article was interesting and useful. In the future, I will analyze in more detail what is described here, since I believe that all those who are not indifferent to the fate of the Internet should know this. After all, I am sure that soon in Russia, under the pretext of combating extremism, drug addiction and pornography, any resources undesirable to someone will be blocked. (note: unfortunately) ... Mechanism started ...

And you should never forget that such giants as Google, Facebook, Ya NDEX, etc., every second monitor every click of each user of the network. And it is not known how all this may turn out in the future. So, do not neglect the means of anonymization, but do not overuse them either. Because if you constantly use an encrypted channel (VPN, Tor, etc.), then this may raise suspicions from your provider.

Now it's your turn, brothers;) Tell us, have you ever had a need to use such services? What exactly did you use? It's very interesting to hear about it. And don't forget to subscribe to blog updates if you are interested in this topic. You can also suggest some ideas about what articles you would like to see on your blog pages. After all, a blog is created for you - for readers and visitors.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

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