How to draw in the message vk. How to draw graffiti in VK in posts

How to learn to draw beautiful graffiti in contact? How to draw graffiti yourself with the mouse? What program for drawing graffiti vkontakte choose? The answer to these questions is in our article.

If you want to draw beautiful graffiti on the walls of your VKontakte friends, then you should think about buying. With it, you can draw graffiti on a computer by hand, just like a pencil in a drawing lesson at school. If you draw well with your hand, then the tablet is simply indispensable for beautiful graffiti vkontakte.

How to learn to draw graffiti in contact with the mouse?

  It’s very difficult to draw with a mouse. But if you want to redraw the finished picture yourself in VKontakte graffiti, then you can resort to the next tricky way.
  Make the window with VKontakte graffiti transparent, and right behind it place a window with an open picture that you will redraw. Thus, we can easily transfer the contours of the photo, and graffiti on the wall will look as if drawn by hand. This method is good, even if you don’t know how to draw, but you want to draw the most beautiful VKontakte graffiti yourself. In order to make the window transparent, you can use the Vitrite program. You need to download the program, install it and run it. After that, the program icon will appear in the tray. Now you need to press the shift and ctrl keys at the same time, and select the degree of transparency of the graffiti window with a key from 1 to 9. The number 1 is 90% transparency, 3 is 70%, 5-50%, and so on. If you press 0, then the transparency disappears back.

Program for drawing graffiti in contact

  If you don’t want to draw yourself, then you can use special programs to draw VKontakte graffiti. For example, the VKPaint program. VKPaint allows you to add any element to the finished graffiti or completely transfer the selected picture to the VKontakte friends wall. Two operating modes to choose from - "redrawing" the picture (when the selected picture is completely redrawn by the program in the graffiti window and looks realistic - as if drawn by hand) and loading the picture directly.

You can:
  - choose the time and quality of drawing.
  - pause the drawing and resume it again.
  - most quickly redraw a complex drawing and make it beautiful graffiti on a friend’s wall.

This program for drawing graffiti VKontakte is completely free. by direct link. The program is easy to use and should not cause difficulties.
  Attention: if the program gives an error when choosing an image for graffiti, then you should run it with administrator rights (Right-click - Run as administrator). Then choose a drawing method, wait a bit, and beautiful graffiti is already on the wall!

How to draw graffiti in VK in messages from a computer? No way. Ten years ago, graffiti was really available to PC users, but today the function can only be used in the mobile version of the site. The instruction will tell you how to do it.

Graffiti in VK is a way to send someone or an inscription created by hand (with a mouse or using a tablet) in the social network’s own editor.

REFERENCE. This feature appeared on VKontakte at the end of the 2000s, and allowed to share postcards only on each other's walls. It was disconnected along with the “old” wall.

In 2017, the opportunity to draw graffiti returned, but only in the mobile application. Fewer platforms - but more features. Now graffiti can be sent not only to the wall, but also in private messages.


The VK application interface is intuitive, but if you suddenly get confused, then the steps described below will help you.


First of all, you need to get into the graphical editor:

  • We select the addressee and open the corresponding dialog. By the way, graffiti is also available for conversations.
  • Click on the clip button. With it, you usually send attachments.

  • Poke into the brush. Under this icon is just written "graffiti."

  • We see the button "Draw graffiti" and click it.

  • Hurrah! A canvas has appeared, now you can draw.


Now you need to figure out how the tools are available in this graphics editor.

From left to right:

  • The cross is the way out. After clicking on it, the editor will warn that the work will not be saved upon exit.
  • Three strips - the size of the brush. Inside, a choice of five (not three) brushes of different thicknesses. The shape of the brush is round, there are no other options.
  • Checkmark - save and send. Before sending, the editor will show a preview, and if something does not suit you, you can always fix it.
  • The gray-white rectangle is an eraser. Improvement over the old version. Ten years ago, it was only possible to undo the whole action, and now there is the opportunity to correct minor touches.
  • Arrow - cancel the last action. Here remarks are not needed, this is the usual Ctrl + Z.


Above the tool buttons are colored circles. This is a palette in which 24 colors are available. You can select them by moving the line with your finger to the right and left. Shades and color wheel are not available, transparency cannot be adjusted.

Graffiti are designed to express emotions and feelings through their own drawings. For those in whom the talent of the artist lives.

You can create graffiti in any entry inside the VKontakte social network. To do this, click in the field to create a record. The “Attach” button appears under the entry, when you hover over it with the mouse, a drop-down menu appears.

In this menu, move the mouse to “Other” and the entire list of additional items appears. Point to "Graffiti" and click the left mouse button.

I don’t know how to draw, but the principles of creating graffiti are not difficult to explain.

A window for drawing has opened, it is much more convenient if you immediately enlarge it to full screen. To do this, click the "Zoom in" button in the upper right part of the window.

For drawing, it is proposed to choose the thickness of the point. The point itself is shown in the lower left corner. Moving the slider in divisions left or right, the point increases or decreases.

Intensity sets the transparency of the color; the left you move the slider, the more transparent the dots or lines will be.

By clicking in the drawing field with the left mouse button, a dot appears, if you hold down the left mouse button and draw, a line is obtained. If you draw on an already drawn image, the line is superimposed on top of the picture. If we impose translucent colors, then, accordingly, under these colors we will see what is drawn under it.

As long as you hold down the mouse button, everything you draw will be a single layer with the same transparency. As soon as the mouse button is released, a new layer is considered created. Having drawn the same color over an existing layer, you can change the color by applying layers, that is, with a double layer, the transparency decreases, thereby changing the color.

The “cancel” button in the upper left corner cancels the last action. Instead of clearing, you can press Ctrl + Z, which performs exactly the same function.

The “Clear” button is used to delete everything drawn. A window opens to confirm the action, where we click "Yes."

After creating graffiti, click "reduce graffiti" (if it is enlarged to full screen) in the upper right corner of the window

It remains only to press the "Submit" button.

Additional features

To draw a straight line, hold Shift and set two points. These points determine the beginning and end of the desired line.

If you hold Shift and set not two, but three or more points, the line will turn into an arc. The points will be the rounding points of the corners.

You can make the browser translucent and redraw any images, but for this you will need to download and install the Vitrite program. After starting, open the browser, go into graffiti and press Ctrl + Shift + (1 ... 9) - any number from one to nine. The smaller the number, the greater the transparency of the browser.

We draw graffiti Vkontakte. I show how to draw and send in messages vk. This feature replaces Photoshop! You can make a cool picture or remake the photo beyond recognition. Details in the article.

Hello friends!
  For the first time this function appeared in 2007, though in a completely raw form, it was only possible to draw VK pages on the walls. Sending graffiti through letters was not available.
  With the transition of the social network In contact with a new design, the functionality has changed and supplemented.
  There are a lot of new chips, which I will tell you about in the next articles.
  Here we consider only graffiti.
  Let's get started.
  How to draw graffiti in vk in messages 2016 new design?

How to draw graffiti in VK in posts

To start drawing you just need to get in touch.
  1. Next, upload the picture or picture you want to change.

  2. Choose.
  “Upload a photo” (from a computer any image in jpg format).
  “Take a picture” (photo using the camera on a computer).
  3. “Photos” (any pictures and photos you have in VK).

After you decide on the image, click on it.
  At the bottom of the image, click "more" a window will appear, on it select "Photo Editor" or "effects"

What's the difference?
  In the photo editor you can work with photos or drawings, generally more suitable for improving photos.
  Functionality has such work properties as:

  • “Add text” - you can write anything on the photo, the font can be changed.
  • “Crop” - resize, resembles loading avatars VK.
  • “Blur” - the center of the photo is clearly shown, the rest is blurred, the degree of blur is adjustable.
  • “Rotate” - you can rotate 90, 180, or 360 degrees.
  • "Auto Correction" - improves the photo. It is made brighter (juicy).
  • "Filters" - a game with the color of the picture.
  • “Parameters” - can be compared with adjusting the image of the TV).

How to draw graffiti using the effects function

The next function the editor has is effects.
  Here you can already draw full graffiti.
How to draw graffiti in VK in messages using the effects editor?

1. These are “stickers”. Here you can change the picture beyond recognition). Do what you want, it all depends on your imagination).
  2. “Text.” 3 font options, 7 different color schemes + you can set the font size.
  3. "Drawing" Here you can make a full graffiti.

But what I got with the photo).

Have you bothered with your friends' photos, how to send graffiti to VK in a personal?

How to send graffiti to VK

To send graffiti in VKontakte letters you need.
  1. Choose the person to whom you want to send an email with a photo.
  2. Attach a photo and frame it!
  All the graffiti you worked with are saved in your “my photos” so finding them will not be a problem.

That's all for today, bye for now!

How to draw graffiti in contact?

There are many ways to learn how to draw graffiti in contact. We offer you an alternative: use a special program for graffiti in contact or follow the tips from our article and draw graffiti yourself.

How to draw graffiti in contact - program

The most convenient program for drawing graffiti in contact, in our opinion, is vkpaint, you can download the program here: VKPaint.exe (5.1 Mb). With its help are possible:

  • sending a finished graffiti picture to your wall or a friend’s wall;
  • redrawing a picture or photo from the original, when the original is located under the window for drawing.

Sending a finished picture is easy! Just click on the “open file” and “upload to wall” buttons. Next, select the desired user in the window that appears and send him graffiti to the wall.

The second way to draw beautiful graffiti in a contact is more complicated, but then you yourself will draw a picture, you just have to figure out what to draw on the wall in the contact, and then go directly to the process itself. To understand how to use vkpaint, we will decide on its version. To date, there are many versions of this program. In version 1.30, you could click on the "slow way", select the desired picture, and the program itself would draw this image, but very slowly. In the latest versions, your chosen picture appears in the window, and at the top of it you can draw a frame, make an original inscription or redraw this image along its contours. Moreover, you can change the color of the brush, its size and intensity. In addition, if a person wishes to finish graffiti later, he can click on the pause, and the work will be saved.

How to draw graffiti in contact - tutorials

These tips are useful to you if you prefer to draw graffiti in contact without the help of special programs.

  1. To draw a straight line in VKontakte graffiti and get an arc out of it, hold down the left mouse button, then press the right button and then release it; after that, in any place on the graffiti press the right mouse button again. This way you will draw a straight line. And if you make an angle less than 45 degrees, you will get a beautiful arc.
  2. Now let's talk about a perfectly straight line. Press Shift + Alt + NumLock, and we have the function to control the mouse with an additional keyboard. We simultaneously hold down the left mouse button and the arrow (down / up or to the side) on the right of our keyboard, where the numbers are located.
  3. To draw beautiful graffiti in a contact, you must learn to draw fine details by zooming in on the screen. To do this, we need the "screen magnifier" program, which everyone has in the start menu - programs - standard - special features - screen magnifier.

Good luck in your work!

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