Yandex - setting up the main page, registration and entrance, as well as the history of the company's formation. Yandex - setting up the main page, registration and entrance, as well as the history of the company's formation Installation in Opera

The start page in the browser is the tab, page or site on the Internet, which opens first when you open your browser each time it starts, or when you press the Home key.

Did you have a desire or the need to work with the search engine of Yandex? Start page, with the installation of which the user can cope completely any level, will always open the first when loading the browser program.

To achieve this, you can use one of the following methods. Install and secure Yandex in the role of starts fairly easy and in this article We will consider in detail the options how to do it.

It all depends on how the browser you use, because applications and settings algorithms each program has different. Only here is interesting, why in the browser Yandex starting page at all?

The most universal and easy way: to type your browser "" in the address bar and wait for the web resource download. In the upper left corner you can see the inscription "Make the starting".

Click on it and everything is ready. From that moment on, you start your work with the site "" or, speaking easier, with a search engine of Yandex.

Installation with free utility

Read also:

Yandex itself supplies us with a convenient and comfortable way to customize the initial pages in browsers with the help of automatic utilities specially created for this.

When the download is over, the manager should be installed on your computer or, and this smart utility will be able to monitor the change in the home page, even contrary to the actions of various malicious programs.

The manager will be able to save from such unpleasant surprises as Webalta and calculate so that only Yandex remains in your browser. But not always the manager can bypass all obstacles. About this further in the article.

The most basic used browsers today:

If you are a supporter of the classic Internet Explorer browser, you contribute to the next algorithm to the start page of Yandex.

Open Internet Explorer and click icon "Settings"
in the upper right corner that calls the window "Service" .

You can also call this menu by simultaneously pressing the alt + x hot key combination.

In the drop-down menu choose "Browser Properties" , or else it may be called "Observer property" . Next, open the tab "General" .

In such operating systems, as and Windows 8.1 Internet Explorer is a built-in program.

But the installation is carried out in the same way as other versions of this browser for almost 20 years.

To make the Yandex start page in Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner click "Settings" and choose "Browser Properties" .
  2. Enter the links to the homepage addresses. If other links are needed besides Yandex, then Introduce the addresses on them. Each row must have only one address.
  3. Choose "Start with a home page" .
  4. Confirm the actions by pressing the button " OK" .

After executing all the steps, our Internet Explorer will give the Yandex first page.

Installation in Microsoft Edge

Read also:Yandex Zen: What is it and how to use it? + [Pros and cons]

For Microsoft EDGE fans, there is a next algorithm. To open the parameters in Microsoft Edge, click on the icon

At the bottom of the page will be displayed function "View additional parameters" and include supplement "Display home page button" .

We need the address "" We enter in the text field as well as in the case of Internet Explorer.

Fix our actions by pressing a button "Save" . When rebooting the Yandex browser will become the newly visible homepage.

Installation in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular browser on independent polls on the Internet, offers us the following way. In the browser looking for an icon "Settings"
And open it.

Find a button "Appearance" . Turn on the supplement "Show the" Home "button .

In a row with a request "Enter the Web Address" Enter the desired link: "". On this setting is completed, because all user actions are immediately synchronized with your profile in the browser.

After completing all manipulations when rebooting Google Chrome, will be displayed when you press the button "Home" (Image of a house).

And if you want Yandex to load completely automatically, you should use another installation option. To change, it will be necessary:

1 In the Google Chrome menu in the upper right corner, call the command "Settings" .

2 are looking for clause "Starting Group" where we put a tick (if it is not worth it) "The following pages" .

4 If you are a fan of Yandex, then you can configure it by the search engine "by default". In chapter "Search" Specify the search system Yandex.

5 Close the settings. Confirm your actions by pressing a button "OK" No need, in this browser, everything is synchronized instantly.

If you configured the browser as described above, then when you include Google Chrome, then installed in the initial page of the page (in our case - Yandex) will always be opened.

There is a quick combination of Alt + Home keys to Google Chrome, which will help you in the current browser tab quickly open the home page.

Installation in Mozilla Firefox

When opening the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to click on the icon
and open "Settings" "Basic" .

There we are looking for a string "When running Firefox" And tighten the value "Show homepage" . Accordingly, in the string "Homepage" Enter the link "".

As in Google Chrome, in the Mozilla Firefox, the transition to the home page is carried out by a combination of hot keys Alt + Home.

Installation in Opera

Supporters of the Opera browser can use the following method: Writing hot keys Alt + P Call the menu.

Switch to "Browser" In section "When starting" . Next click on the link "Set Pages" and in the field "Add a new page" Enter the path "".

After all operations, confirm the actions by pressing the button "OK" and install the switch to the position "Open the Start page" .

That's all the necessary actions in order to achieve our goal - to make Yandex Search a home page in Opera browser.

After executing all the instructions, the browser will automatically open the search engine at startup.

Installation in Safari.

Installing Yandex in the Safari browser is considered the easiest option. In the Safari menu, select consistent items "Safari" , Further "Settings" and "Basic" .

Safari is configured and Yandex is an initial page. Congratulations!

After installing Yandex as a homepage, you can go further and personalize it under the user. So to speak, configure the desktop.

The process is not complicated if step by step to figure out what needs to be done. In Yandex, there is a huge number of useful, comfortable and necessary, which will make your daily work more comfortable and progressive.

The setting takes place by adding the widgets to it (icons with the desired programs) and changes to the interface under the user (a pleasant topic for making your page).

Yandex itself offers us to add and configure the widgets in the order which we will be convenient to install any topic, change the basic personal settings.

To fully cover the entire range of services provided by Yandex, it is worth registering yourself for the correspondence and for storing important information online.

Do not worry, they will not be shared in free access to all users. This is the likeness of a personal cell in a bank where your documents are stored, photos and others.

Save your logins and passwords using LastPass for easy use.

So, to configure the homepage, we need:

  • Log in your Yandex. You have registered.
  • Open there "Personal settings" and choose the menu item "Set up Yandex" .
  • We determine which widgets we want to see on the desktop, and all unnecessary by removing the pushing of the cross in the upper right corner of each of them. Do not worry if you delete something by mistake. It is possible to cancel the action by the button. "Return" or "Reset settings" . When decide finally with a set of widgets, click on the button "Save" .
  • After which go to the item "Add widget" , choose from categories desired, bring the mouse cursor on them and press "Add" , after which it is added to the page. Press "Leave" .
  • We have a widget in the order we need, moving them to the places we need. Press the button "Save" .
  • Go to the menu item "Put the topic" choosing your favorite and click "Save the topic"

So, now the homepage acquired a completely different look, a nice thing for you, comfortable and pleasant in use.

If the start page does not want to change? I tried all the listed methods, but still uploaded Webalta, Pirrit Suggestor, Conduit Search or other suspicious sources?

Probably the only problem with which it is possible to encounter each user is the lack of ability to change the start page in the browser due to a particular malware (software).

And then constantly on the starting we can see how Conduit Search, Webalta or Pirrit Suggestor are loaded, which we do not need. How to deal with it we will look further.

Mandatory check your computer for viruses or other malicious programs using antivirus.

If the antivirus says that there are no viruses, then you will have to look for additional information about the removal of non-valid malware.

In the same way, we should not forget to check your browser shortcut. But still, if the problem occurs to be and when you start chromium, opera or Mozillas, Webalta opens, then you must reconsider and check the errors in the label properties to start. For this you need:

Count "Properties" in Browser Label Chrome

2 Next go to the bookmark "Label" And we are looking for stroke "An object" . You need to make sure that there is no one mention of Webalta after specifying the path to the browser file. Clean suppose should look like this: "C: \\ Program Files \\ Mozilla Firefox \\ Firefox.exe". If at the end is mentioned superfluous, then we unconditionally remove it and click "Apply" . If you are, then we remove this part, after which I confirm our actions by pressing the button "OK" .


Relatively recently introduced a new development from the largest Russian search engine - Voice Search Yandex.

This feature allows you to enter search commands using voice, that is, it works similarly to the long-term system from Google.

About how to use such a function on a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet and will be described in this material.


  • This is a free module, for the normal operation of which you do not need to install Yandex. Browser. Enough extension from Yandex, which can be installed in any browser;

  • This module is distributed free of charge;
  • It is well compatible with any browsers, and it works well even on old computers with small hardware resources;
  • The module exists in several variations - for correct operation on a computer, laptop, modular devices, etc.;
  • The module works quite correctly, voice commands are recognized clearly and true (although much depends on the hardware, for example, from the quality of the microphone);
  • A set of search query by voice saves a considerable amount of time as well, convenient when there are hands (or in the cold).

From the above, we can conclude that this feature is suitable for everyone who is used to using the voice input function of the search query, but prefers to use Yandex, not Google.



The module described above is the extension of Yandex. Line. After installing this extension to the computer, the search query field in Yandex will appear on the bottom panel of the desktop. It will be present not only during the browser, but also when working in offline mode.

Yandex. Line

<Рис. 2 Установка>

<Рис. 3 Скачивание>

After you have installed the Yandex.stock program, you automatically become available voice search with this expansion. The search, as well as the string, will work both with an open browser and when working with program mode.

As mentioned above, you do not need Yandex.Browser for normal operation. This module is not an extension of the browser and is fully isolated from it.


Although this function is not so many fans and is not too widespread, some users have already appreciated its convenience and functionality. What advantages have a voice search Yandex?

From the above, we can conclude that this feature is suitable for everyone who is used to using the function voice input search query, but prefers to use Yandex, not Google.


The most significant disadvantage of this service is its high dependence on the microphone parameters. If you say your request too far from it or the sound quality will be low, the system will not be able to correctly recognize your request (until it happens quite often).

In this case, it will replace it on the phrase, the closest sound from those that are often used from your computer. Or popular among users. After such incorrect recognition, the only way to make a query is to write it manually from the keyboard.


The module described above is the extension of Yandex. Line. After installing this extension to the computer, the input field will appear on the bottom panel of the desktop. search request for Yandex. It will be present not only during browser work, but also when working in offline.

Such a string is convenient by itself for users who often use search queries. In addition, the voice search of Yandex is implemented only with its help.

Yandex. Line

How to establish this extension. To do this, follow a simple algorithm:

  • You can download it from the official page of the developer, for this you need to follow the link;
  • Find the yellow button on the left side of the page and click on it;
  • Confirm download (click the Save button in the pop-up window);
  • Wait for download and run the installation;
  • Complete the installation by following the indications of the string installer;
  • After the installation is completed, it must appear at the bottom of the screen, on the panel with labels and program buttons;
  • If this did not happen, restart the computer.

After you have installed the Yandex.stock program, you automatically become available voice search with this expansion. Search, just like a string, will work like with an open browserand when working with program programs.


If you are working for personal PC, then for the correct operation of the module you need to connect an external microphone. Connect the device and configure it through the Device Manager. On laptops, it is sometimes necessary to conduct some microphone settings and allow it access to external applications.

How to use this application and row in general? First of all, the string can be used as a standard search engine. That is, enter the search query from the keyboard.

After pressing the Enter button, the system will automatically open the browser installed by your default, and in it - the results of issuing a search query in Yandex. Of course, this is necessary for the Internet to be connected on the computer.

Voice search multifunctional. It allows you to enter not only the usual search queries, but also to search for applications, addresses of sites, etc. In order to set any request, act according to the algorithm:

The search algorithms through the string are no different from the standard Yandex algorithms. In the same way, a list of results on request is built. And all other search parameters are also completely characteristic of the Yandex system.

A convenient feature is own, automatically created, bookmark panel. It is formed from the most frequently visited sites. It can be seen if you click on the search string at the bottom of the window.

Also at the bottom of the window you can find your latest search for search through the Yandex.strek system. It also presents its most popular interpretations received from other users.

In order to familiarize yourself with the main functionality of this application, you need to click on the button of the microphone and say "Listen, Yandex". After that, the window will open in which the main functionality of this application is listed.

After that, for example, it becomes clear that the string interacts not only with the Internet, but also with the computer. For example, you can restart the computer, open Word. or other program using this application.


The application does not require complex or long settings. To call me settings, set the cursor to the search string and click on it right key. A small menu opens, the first item of which will be "settings".

The application does not take a lot of memory and runs even on old computers.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today I want to talk about the most successful Runet Internet company.

If you think about - more than half of users comes to my blog with this, and the lion's share of mine falls on income from displaying advertising blocks (through a partner profit).

For webmasters, probably, first of all yandex is a search engine that occupies a leading position in RuNet (he recently absorbed even). Moreover, the realities of the current one that does not take into account the features of this search engine when optimizing the site will be extremely not far away, for it is precisely it aggregates the lion's share of commercial registry requests. Without receiving target visitors from it - it is not a fact that you can get them with, because They are simply simply not to be.

Main page Yandex, Topics and Settings

But at the same time, Yandex is already a long time ago, the short pants of a clean search engine and became for many users the place from which they start their journey through the Internet - multiport. Millions of users are now used to search for images, mail, and dozens of different services. The main competitor Google all this is also there, but nevertheless the audience of our network segment is most voting for the domestic manufacturer.

Let's start consideration of the portal from its main page. Many specialists worked on its creation and layout and it is on the initial page that you will find almost everything that you may need at first. Already later, having mastered and having decided on which services you will need first, you can completely rebuild it under your taste and needs.

About registration, receipt of the mailbox and about Tom, we will talk just below the text. Now we note for yourself that there is already a lot of what you may need most users, there is a place to be on the main page. I emphasized the services that I spend periodically.

Also, on the main scrolling, you will find, with a list of Internet materials that may be interesting to you. Yandex know your preferences and tries to show in this tape only the most interesting thing for you. As far as it turns out to be judged by him:

However, all people are different and their interests vary. So at the very top of the main page you can always see the drop-down list called "Personal settings" (gear icon in the right upper screen area). By clicking on it, you can choose one of the four items:

Let's go to the first tab Set up Yandex. . Here we will be allowed to delete, configure, drag already available widgets on the main page, and if you wish, add new:

Keeping the changes made, delete or rearrange the blocks on the main page (Save button) you need to understand that if you have not registered on, it will only be a binding to the browser from which you made these settings (remembered in Cooks) . In another browser you will see the main page configured by default.

As you can see, not only the main page settings are focused here, but also global and fundamental things. Let's look at them in more detail (it is clear that it will be better to keep them for your account):

Registration and receipt of Yandex passport

You have two opportunities to work with this portal. You can register with INDEX and get a free mailbox as a gift with a good spooner, but you can score on registration and just work with the main page and other services that allow it without authorization.

Probably it is preferable to be the first option (with registration), because in this way you can use the potential of the system to the maximum.

It is clear that these are not accurate statistics, for in addition to the domain zone, the RU in from other domain zones, and the livinternet meter is not installed. However, this sample can still be considered representative and it follows that Yandex is quite confidently leading in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

He bit off more than half from the bagel, which is very much, given the multi-million audience of Runet. It is clear that in the world search, the share of Yandex is Mala (from one to two percent) and there is already afraid of Google reigns. Yes, and in RuNet, if you consider the audience of users of introducing information requests (which do not need to buy something), the shares of Yandex and Google will be almost the same. I judge this by analyzing the statistics of my blog site:

But this is, of course, not at all representative sample, but rather my own IMHO. By the way, if you analyze the positions of my site on various popular search queries (for example, it is possible to see its visibility B), it will be possible to see that these two giants often make up a completely different assessment of the same websites.

During the next few years (up to 1996), an active work was carried out to improve the search algorithms and accounting in it of the morphology of the language. During this time, several software products were released (the academic edition of the classics on the CD ROM, the biblical computer directory), where all these developments were used, but as you understand, all this did not allow the opportunity to realize the full potential of the search algorithms and did not allow it seriously Earn. Internet in RuNet at that time was still practically not.

By the way, it was during this period that the name was invented for the developed search technology, namely Index, which means "Language Index". Although there is another mass of interpretation of the brand of origin, but it does not change the essence. The development team has a desire and belief that selling the search technology itself will be much more profitable than selling products on it built.

In 1996, at Netcom exhibition, the company, which at that time was the department of Arkady, offered its first products to search for the site ( and search on the contents of CDs (Y.CD). Well, as well as a separate product that implements the search technology I.LIB. In the same year, the company entered the Internet and with the help of the product I.DICT made it possible to carry out requests in Russian to popular at the time in the bourgeoiste search engine Altavista ( Google that was not yet).

But all this was not what would really unfold the company in all its glory. Lasted your own index of all Runet sites. Well, the company's staff (in the time of the department of Arkady) podnapricated and created a search robot, which quickly bypassed all the five thousand sites in RuNet (at that time) and gathered an index text file weighing only four gigabytes.

Everything. In 1997, the Softool exhibition was projected new site (Project under the code name of Yandex-Web), which was launched on September 23.

By the way, the first design option for him painted all of you known to Artemy Lebedev:

At first, to work with the search engine, it was necessary to introduce requests formulated specially (using logical operators), but after a few months they got rid of this and the search engine could be treated as a simple companion. In the same year, a forum was opened to communicate with visitors and solve the problems that arose from them, which existed until 2008.

Yandex Already at that time successfully fought with duplicates of content in different or differently, and the same documents were removed from issue. In addition, it was used to be placed at the top of the search for reference to the most relevant (responding user request) documents.

It turns out that the development of the Internet in RuNet very well coincided with the fact that Yandex company before this has already been seriously and seriously worked on the problems of searching in Russian on tremendous textual arrays.

Probably, it played a decisive role in the future dizzying takeoff - he just had to postpone his developments on the web and to pay attention to the development of related services and thinking of removal paths from all this income. The main thing was to be at the right time and in the right place. Segalovich and Welja succeeded, with which I congratulate - well done.

But, as if, on this story does not end, but, on the contrary, it just begins. In the following 1998, work is underway on the improvement of the search engine, new functionality for users appear (search found, find similar documents, etc.), and also undergo a small change in the design of the main page (get these screenshots turned out to be quite simple, because There is such a service as which performs the function of the time machine):

In 1999, seven-world steps began to gain the popularity of the Internet in the Russian-speaking network segment and in connection with this, the number of documents indexed by Yandex seriously increased, which he managed due to the launch of a new robot scanning Runet sites. In the same year a new project started, which existed until 2012.

What is interesting, it was starting at this year Yandex seriously took up the spam filtering, began to take into account the contents of Alt tags for images, and even besides the text of the document, it began to consider when ranking and leading to it from other network sites (the birth of full reference ranking). Well, and the design of his main page has changed significantly:

Development of a new search engine and services related to it

In 2000, a number of events predetermined further success took place. If you look at the previous three screenshots with the design of his main page, then notice the COMPTEK logo. It is quite logical, because the developer team at the time was part of the programming department of this company. But in 2000, this department was back allocated to a separate company, but which was already called "Arkady", but Index.

By the way, at this time they have not yet been worked out the income scheme and they were forced to attract the investor. RU-NET HOLDINGS Corporation has invested about five million dollars in the search engine, for which he received the third part of Yandex's assets. In general, a very profitable deal turned out, for now the search engine number one in RuNet is already drawn by hundreds of millions of dollars.

In the same year, the famous, as well as was introduced, with which the ranking of sites in this catalog was carried out (see the money already familiar to the present screenshot).

And Titz Assigned to all indexed resources (regardless of their finding or not being in the catalog) and, unlike the thematic index, was assigned to the entire site, and not separate pages. It is measured by digital values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 and indefinitely and is a linear value, and Page Rank has only eleven gradations from 0 to 10 and is the magnitude of the logarithmic one.

In addition, Yandex in 2000 is already formed as a multipal, because just at this time there are services such as mail, news, bookmarks, postcards, well, and a naked search line at (Google has the main page as well as complete asceticism). A number of services appeared, which later become a market. Well, even before the heap in 2000, I saw the light that users could install as an addition for their browser (now it was renamed items).

The main achievement of the company in 2001 can be considered that it has become the most visited site in RuNet, the index base has grown to the size of one terabyte, the search service appeared on the images.

Well, at about the same time I saw the light. Traditionally changed the design of the main page:

In 2002, on the basis of three separate services, it was now a well-known familiar and convenient search and selection tool for the desired goods. And there was an iconic event in the history of the company - she completely passed on self-sufficiency By opening the service.

The design of the main page has become even closer to the modern version:

2003 became the first year of self-sufficiency, as well as this search engine, except for the usual HTML pages, learned to index documents in RTF, PDF formats, and Doc, well, and a year later the queue reached Flash sites. In Ya. A serious spooner appeared under the name "Self-defense", and Direct from this year began to work on the principle of payment for clicks.

In 2004, the company's profit already amounted to about ten million greens, appeared search services on the map, as well as blogs and forums. Approximately the same year in the search market in RuNet there was a powerful competitor in the face of GoogleIn this connection, Yandex has expanded its staff of about ten times to an adequate response.

To participate in the design of the design of the main page, all wishing users were attracted and as a result, this version of the main existed as much as 2007 unchanged:

In 2005, Index decided to think about expanding and the representation of this company appeared in an uncomfortable. And at the end of the same year, a very remarkable event was happening for many webmasters - opened. Do not know what it is?

Now all site owners got the opportunity to place contextual advertising on the pages of their sites and receive fifty percent of the price of each click. For this, I want to express a separate respect, well, and to his COPU (partner service center) Profit partner even more respect, for they are actually feeding me. Also this year I appeared service I. Slovaria.

In 2006, Yandex.Maps had the opportunity to display traffic jams and a tool appeared to identify public opinion, where there were actually reviews on blogs and forums.

In 2007 it appeared, and the analytics tool is still quite popular now, which was originally focused primarily on the needs of advertisers in the Direct.

Well, the Ukrainian search engine opened, which now aggregates about a quarter of the search in an uncomfortable, first version also appeared. Plus, brassy new design main:

In 2008, the company's office opened in the States and at the same time in the engine algorithms was added support for international standards, Mediarss, etc. This allowed the company to successfully index the bourgeo. sites that these standards have long been supported. Well, the Index logo from this moment began to be written completely in Russian:

And the design of the main page has undergone its latest reincarnation:

The main event of 2009 was the introduction of regional search (in the Snezhinsk algorithm), which gave Yandex a certain forget about Google, whose regional search was divided into countries, and not by cities. In 2010, the search engine users also got the ability to search only on rake, both through and

At about the same time, a Ukrainian regional search appears, and also to calculate the formula of the relevance begins to use self-learning algorithm Matrixnet And technology spectrum comes into effect.

Matrixnet uses as reference points to assess the assessors (determining the quality of individual sites on the network), and Spectrum Allows you to take into account in search issuance all possible meanings laid down by the user in a request (for example, on request "Napoleon" is quite difficult to decide, what the user wants to know about the cake or about an outstanding person in history).

Well, in 2011, the leader of Runet's search posted its shares on the Nasdaq stock exchange. I don't understand the subtleties of this case, but I reversed Yandex on this a huge amount (more than a billion greens), which is a little less than the amount that Google received with a similar placement in 2004.

All, but the history of Yandex does not end and, most likely, will continue for many years.

Now they have quite a lot of offices in different cities of the world and if you believe in photographs, the atmosphere in the company reigns a pretty democratic:

Features of promotion under Yandex (differences from

Now let's go back to the problems of webmasters and optimizers - how to promote your site under Yandex? Not as simple as it may seem at first glance. In fact, I do not share the promotion of various search engines for individual components (), but there are many nuances and differences and many of them sharpen attention:

  1. As a rule, when promoting a competitive search query should have several pages on a site that would be answered by this request. One of them will be pumped by you by external references, and the rest will create the appearance that your resource is focused on the answer to this user request.
  2. When promoting under Yandex (and under Google Road, but to a lesser extent) it should be borne in mind that now such a concept is no longer working as the keyword density (). The search is greatly disassembled in the features of the Russian language and is able to make an assessment about the subject of the article on the vector that is available in it.

    Those. Must be in the article, but in very limited quantities, and all those words and phrases should be present, which, according to the search engine, should be present in such texts (vector).

  3. Recently, Yandex advocates that the texts of the articles would not be ocked and threatened to roast. It seems to me that one repotimization will be little to impose veto - it is necessary that the behavior of users say that this text is spamming.
  4. He also takes into account when ranking the age of the site (not domain) and its trust. Google also takes into account this, but somewhat less.
  5. External references affect the promotion of the site in Yandex somewhat to a lesser extent than when promoting Google.
  6. "Runet Mirror" loves a variety of both sources of links and their ankors (texts).
  7. As I said, in the domestic search engine, the share of commercial requests is significantly higher than in the Bourgeisky analogue and competition on them will be significantly higher
  8. When ranking in searching extradition, Google pays more attention to the most relevant request page (as it were in the separation from the site), and Yandex also appreciates other pages of the same resource, and also all of it in general.
  9. Well, and in both search engines now, when determining the relevance of pages, the pages are actively accounted for, because they allow you to attract a huge number of users to assess the quality of the site (for free).

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Yandex is a modern way to find information, news and other data necessary to users daily. Also here you can start a free mailbox, familiarize yourself with the schedule and currency courses. The unified source of any information, the real guide on the World Wide Web is the domestic Yandex service.

Where to begin

You can get to the main page of Yandex by entering the browser in the address bar: After that, the user will be on the main page of the Yandex ru.

From above in the center We are located the latest news, you can right in your email and check mail. Just below, to the left of the logo - the search string, under which the basic information about traffic jams, weather and map of the city is located in which the user is located.

Installation as a start page

Once you launch the browser, the first page that it opens is called the starting. When visiting Yandex, the site offers to make a service starter page. If you click " Accept"With each subsequent launch of the browser, your work will start from the main page.

Search Yandex.

Severe the necessary information from Yandex is simpler. Start typing request, and the search engine will automatically offer possible options.

Above the search strings are setting up services that simplify this process. Need pictures? Press the appropriate link. Video? Not a problem, Yandex is ready to look for the video you need. In the "More" tab, other services that simplify search are also available.

But this advanced search.

Here can be clarified Specific region, choose a search for an interesting site, or filter sites by publishing date. Please note: in the lower right corner, Yandex offers the installation of the start page and the main search engine. Click "OK", and the system will make the rest automatically.


Yandex defines your location automatically in order to show current news and data, such as weather and traffic jams, for the region in which the user is located. Want to change the region? Not a problem. Click the city set by default.

After that you will open the page selection of location. Click "Find Me" to allow the service to update information about your location automatically, or enter the name of the settlement in the string below.

Yandex News

The latest events in the region and the world are located in the very top windowswhere you can switch between news. By clicking on an important event, the user will switch to the Yandex News Service page.

Here you can read more With the latest events in the country and the world, to sort the news by category and familiarize themselves with the user-friendly events.

additional services

Over the search string is additional servicesthat make it easy to work with information:

  • Video: Find you a video of you are interested in, or read the latest updates.
  • Pictures: Look for the right images and photos with ease, or just look at trend images.
  • news: The service already described above allows you to always be aware of events.
  • Cards: Helps easy to navigate the terrain, and find the desired locations right on the map.
  • Market: Look at the goods on sale, and order you need one click.
  • Translator: Translation of texts with a large number of languages.
  • Music: Create your collection of audio recordings, or listen to your favorite compositions online.

Everything that did not fit the search string can be found in the tab " Yet" Among the available options have projects to find work, poster and many other resources.

Additional links

Service information is located at the bottom of the title page, and contains the following items:

Installation of the topic

To make the design more colorful and interesting, the developers offer to install one of the many topics changing the appearance of the site. Make it easier simple. In the upper right corner there is a menu " Setting"Where you need to choose" Put the topic", After that, a list of available topics will open. Installation is free, and performed in counting seconds.

For example, the topic "Star Wars". 15 seconds - and from the starting page you look at the most formidable Jedi Galaxy.

What else can you configure

In the same menu " Settings"There are several other items:

  • Location: As already mentioned earlier, it is possible to establish a settlement in which the user is located.
  • My places: Add places such as home to the map.
  • Language: Choose, in which language the site will be displayed.
  • Search settings: Several options for simplifying and personalizing the search.
  • Advertising: Make it more interesting for yourself, or remove at all.
  • Notifications: What do you want Yandex tell you?
  • Passport: Advanced Security Settings and Enter Personal Data, such as phone number.

Yandex passport

To obtain a passport in Yandex, you must enter the name and surname, login and password, as well as specify a mobile phone number. Registration is occupied Not more than two minutes, after which the user becomes available for many options, including a binding of a bank card, a password change and security settings, and many other functions.

How to ask a question support service

In order to learn about the work of the services and services, visit the section " Feedback».

Here you can familiarize yourself with the basic instructions for working with the portal, find out the necessary information, and, if necessary, contact support for clarification support.

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