Angle quotation marks on the keyboard. Types of quotes in the Word editor

Method one

If you're completely new to Word, I'll start with the most basic. The quotation marks, which you can use in the text, are prudently placed on the keyboard of any computer or laptop. All you need to do is to hold down the +2 combination at the same time, and the quote will open. Please note that the language layout must be Russian, otherwise you will get a completely different character. Now write a word or a sentence, and then press the same combination of buttons again to close the quotation mark.

Method two

Since quotation marks are an ordinary punctuation mark, it is quite logical that it can be found in the list of symbols provided for this program by the developers. To verify this, go to the "Insert" section, and from there go to the "Symbols" button. In the drop-down menu, select "Other Symbols". There you can also find and, put stress.

The Font field should be Plain Text, and the Typeset should be Punctuation. Now, in the table with symbols, choose any quotes: single, double and even triple; English or French. It is very comfortable!

Method three

Like any character in Word, quotation marks have their own code. If you use the same type of quotation marks, it may be faster and easier for you to remember the code that matches them and use it without distraction. For example, for the so-called "French quotation mark" or, as it is also called, the herringbone quotation mark, the code looks like this: Alt + 0171. To close the same quote, simultaneously press Alt + 0187. I want to draw your attention to the point that the numbers must be entered in the numeric block, which is located on the right side of the keyboard. Before using it, make sure it is turned on.

Now you know several ways how to put quotation marks in a Word text document. In fact, it is very simple, and each of the methods is deservedly popular with users.

Video to help

If you are just starting to get acquainted with the capabilities of a computer keyboard, then you may need some tips how to put quotes on the keyboard... There are several different methods for this. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

First, let's look at the existing types of quotes. They are symbolically divided into two types: German (familiar to all "paws") and French (in other words "herringbone"). The first type of quotation marks are commas that appear at the top of the text. Most often, such quotation marks are used for writing text by hand. And the “herringbone” quotes are combined in pairs: a smaller sign for opening the text, a larger sign for closing it. "Fir-trees" are used to design texts in professional publications, namely, prospectuses, magazines, booklets with advertising.

Methods for introducing quotation marks

There are such methods for entering quotation marks on a computer keyboard:

  • by pressing a special key connection;
  • in the word processor "Word" through a special window with symbols;
  • using a table with symbols;
  • using the ASKI codes.

Any technique has its own pros and cons. Thanks to these ratios, it is possible to give correct advice on their application.

How to put quotes "Christmas trees" on the keyboard

Since quotes are rarely used in the text, there is no specific key assigned to them. To enter them, you need to press several keys at once. In addition, the combination depends on which language is currently activated. If you need to use herringbone quotes, then the procedure is as follows:

This is the easiest and most commonly used quotation mark method. In this way, you can enter quotation marks in any application. However, it has a major drawback. So only "German" quotes are entered, and "French" will not work. If this type of sign suits you, you can use this method.

Quotation marks in the word processor "Word"

Another way to enter quotation marks is in the character window in the Word processor. Here, when typing, you can use the way described above. One difference: if the Russian language is activated, "Christmas trees" will appear, and with English - "paws". However, you can use another method of administration. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Use the navigation keys to find the required type of symbol and select them with a marker.
  2. Press the "Tab" key until the selected character moves to the "Run" button and press "Enter".
  3. While pressing the "Tab" key, go to the "Close" button and press "Enter" again.

This method of entering quotation marks is the most difficult. In addition, such an introduction requires a special program - the word processor "Word". However, this allows the user to select the types of symbol.

Applying the symbol table

There is another method of entering quotation marks - use the symbol table. To do this, you should perform the following actions:

The keyboard shortcuts listed above, click only on the English keyboard. Otherwise, nothing will come of it.

Enter quotes through ASKI codes

You can also enter quotation marks using the ASKI codes. In this case, quotation marks are placed using special numeric combinations. To do this, we perform the following actions:

This technique is quite simple. In addition, you can choose the type of quotes. The only drawback of this method is that you need to remember the symbol codes. And this is sometimes burdensome.

In this article, we examined in detail the main methods of entering quotation marks on the keyboard. While working in "Word" it is more convenient to use the standard keyboard shortcut. The main thing is not to forget that when the Russian language is activated, "French" quotes are put, and English - "German". In other situations, use the symbol table or ASKI codes. This will allow you to enter the quotes you want.

Writing text is pretty straightforward. When a person writes by hand, he can easily draw any character in the document. Typing is a lot of hassle. Especially if the user needs to set special characters during printing. Next, we will try to figure out how to put the quotes, "Christmas trees". There are several solutions to this problem. And each PC user will be able to choose the most suitable way to bring the idea to life.

Keyboard and keys

How to put quotes, "Christmas trees" on the keyboard? There are various options for the development of events. The main thing is to choose how to act.

The first and easiest way is to use the keyboard and its keys. Some of them have special characters. Therefore, individual characters are printed on the computer without problems.

The instructions for translating the idea into reality have the following interpretation:

  1. Start typing text. Stop at the place where you want to put the "herringbone".
  2. Press Shift + 2. In this case, the keyboard layout must be enabled for a set of Russian letters. The operation will print left-facing quotes.
  3. Add the text enclosed in brackets and press "Shift" +2 again. The quotes will be closed.

That's all. This technique works great in Word, in other text editors it is worked out every other time.

Important: button 2 on the keyboard is located in the upper part, above the main alphabet.

Special characters and their insertion

How to put quotes - "Christmas trees"? The next scenario is perfect for the Vord. It involves the use of options built into the application.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Go to Word and open the "Insert" section.
  2. Move the cursor over the inscription "Symbol" and click on it with the left mouse button.
  3. Find "Christmas trees" in the proposed list.
  4. Double-click to select one or another sign.

Once the quotes are inserted, you can exit the option. To do this, simply close the corresponding plate.

Windows Character Map

How to put quotes - "Christmas trees"? Another solution is to use a service called Symbol Map. It can be found in all versions of Windows.

To print the mentioned sign, you must perform the following manipulations:

  1. Go to the section "All programs" - "Standard" - "Service". You can find the corresponding menu items in the "Start".
  2. Select the "Symbol table" service from the list that appears.
  3. A small window will appear on the screen. In it, users will see a variety of symbols.
  4. Find the "Christmas trees". Double click on the corresponding field with a thumbnail.
  5. Copy the command Ctrl + C a character from the line "To copy".
  6. Insert a quotation mark into a text document. Let's say with the operation Ctrl + V.
  7. Repeat for the second bracket.

Important: in the same way, you can copy and paste characters from the finished text into your documents. The difference is that the Symbol Map is easier to find.

Codes and their processing

How to put herringbone quotes in Excel? You can use the previously proposed instructions, or you can resort to a simpler and more convenient method.

It is about processing specialized codes. They are quite actively used by advanced users. The main thing is to know what combinations to type in this or that case.

To put Christmas trees in the text without any problems, you must:

  1. Press while typing "Alt".
  2. Dial 0171 while holding Alt key. This trick will help open the brackets.
  3. Type the code 0187 in the same way. The quotes will be closed.

It is done. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. We figured out how to put "Christmas trees" in Excel and Word. But these are not all options for the development of events.

Unicode handling

An unusual solution to this problem is to work with "Unicode". During the operation, a special code will be processed. In the future, it will be transformed into this or that symbol.

The instruction for the implementation of the task has the following interpretation:

  1. Switch the keyboard layout to English.
  2. Write ab where you want to open parentheses.
  3. Press the Alt + X key combination.
  4. In the place where the quotes are closed, type bb.
  5. Repeat step 3 of the tutorial.

This trick works great in Word, but it won't work for Excel. As practice shows, "Unicode" is perfectly processed without causing any errors or problems.

How to put quotes, "Christmas trees" in the "Word"? The answer to this question will no longer make you think for a long time! Users can use any of the above techniques.

Square brackets are one of the special characters that are used in various fields: mathematics (for recording the coordinates of a vector), physics and chemistry (for recording complex chemical compounds), literature (for recording transcription, inserting into a quotation of the author's text), programming, and others ... This symbol is considered paired, that is, it must be opened and then closed.

How to put square brackets on the keyboard.

Let's take a look at how to put parentheses on the keyboard. On a conventional keyboard, square brackets are placed on the buttons that correspond to the Russian letters " x"And" b". In order to open the square bracket, you need to go to the English layout and press the "x" key. Accordingly, to close the parenthesis, click on "ъ" also in English. This is the easiest way to make square brackets on your keyboard.

Symbol table.

Now let's consider another option for placing square brackets. Using this method, you can put not only square brackets, but also many other symbols. Click "Start", select "All programs", go to the "Standard" folder, then "Service" and open the "Symbol table". Here they are, the cherished square brackets. To insert brackets into your text, select the symbol and copy, and then use the "Ctrl + V" keyboard shortcut to add it to the desired place.

Office programs.

If you need to display square brackets in office applications (Word, Excel, Open Office), select the "Insert" menu on the toolbar, then "Symbol", click on the square brackets and "Insert".

The easy way.

Finally, consider the most straightforward way. We enter the words "square bracket" into the search engine and copy the proposed symbol.

In conclusion, I will give you one piece of advice. If you have written many sheets of text, and used other brackets, and you need to put square brackets, then it is not necessary to correct everything manually. You need to open the search line by pressing the "Ctrl + F" keys and write there the character that you put, and in the "Replace" line - the character you need, in our case these are square brackets. And click "Ok".

When typing, sometimes you need or really want to use “Christmas trees” quotation marks instead of the usual ones, but this is not so easy to do if you do not know in advance how.

Putting quotes "Christmas trees" - cheat sheet

  1. Press Shift and "2" while in Microsoft Word. The keyboard layout must be Russian. Word will automatically determine which quotation mark is currently needed - an opening or closing quote.
  2. Write "ab" and press Alt and X in Microsoft Word. The keyboard layout must be English. For the closing quotation mark, write "bb" and repeat the keystrokes.
  3. Turn on "Num Lock", hold Alt and type "0171" on the numeric keypad, release Alt. For a closing quote - "0187"
  4. In Microsoft Word, go to the tab "Insert", select "Symbol" on the right, find the quotation mark "Christmas tree" in the symbols and click on it.
  5. On Android phones press the usual quotation mark on the keyboard and select the "Christmas tree" from the list.

Quick Formulas

  • Shift 2 = «;
  • Alt 0171 = «;
  • Alt 0187 = »;
  • ab Alt X = «;
  • bb Alt X = »;

Overview of ways to insert "Christmas trees"

Options for Word and other office applications

The easiest way to put a quotation mark "herringbone" in Microsoft Word and other office applications, press the Shift and "2" keys. In this case, an opening or closing quotation mark will be supplied depending on the context. This method works only when the Russian keyboard layout is enabled.

We usually type large texts in Russian, so this method is the most convenient for Russians. Unfortunately, it will only work in office applications.

If it is more convenient for you to put "Christmas trees" when typing in English, write the Latin letters "ab" and press the Alt and X keys. After that, instead of "ab", the opening quotation mark "herringbone" will appear. To put a closing one, write “bb” instead of “ab”.

You can also insert a Christmas tree through the interface without using a keyboard. For this:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab in the menu at the top.
  2. Click on the "Symbol" icon in the upper right corner of the window.
  3. Click on the "More Symbols" button.
  4. In the Set: list, select Punctuation.
  5. Find the "Christmas tree" in the list and click on it.

We put "Christmas trees" in any applications

To insert a Christmas tree in a browser or any other application, follow the instructions:

  1. Turn on the Num Lock button. Every modern keyboard has an indicator that lights up when Num Lock is on.
  2. Hold down the Alt button and type 0171 on the numeric keypad (it is to the right, to the right of the arrows), release Alt. An opening quote will be printed.
  3. Repeat the previous steps, but dial 0187 to display the closing Christmas tree.

If you don't have a numeric keypad, use the second method, you don't need a keyboard to use it.

Click on the magnifying glass next to the "Start" button and write "Symbol table" in the search bar, click on the application that appears in the search results:

Click on the "Christmas tree" and it will appear in the text.

Option for Android mobile phone

Most Android keyboards allow you to select the type of quotation marks, to do this, hold your finger on the button with the quotation mark until a pop-up window appears:

If your keyboard does not provide such an opportunity, you can always replace it with any other by installing it from Google Play. I recommend trying GBoard or Hacker "s keyboard, these are very comfortable and functional keyboards.

If you are used to your keyboard and do not want to change it, but it does not allow you to put "Christmas trees", then there is an alternative way:

1. Install the Templates app from Google Play, it is free and does not contain ads:

2. Enter it, click on the "New phrase" button:

3. Copy the opening "Christmas tree" from the text of this article and click "OK".

4. Repeat adding a closing phrase.

Now, when you need to put "Christmas trees" on your Android phone, pull the shutter-menu from above and select the "Templates" application there, it will always hang in notifications. Select the desired "Christmas tree" and click on it. After that, you will automatically return to the original application, and the Christmas tree will be inserted last in the text you type.

When you can put "Christmas trees" instead of the usual quotes

According to the rules of the Russian language, first of all, in the texts it is necessary to use the quotation marks "Christmas trees", and not "paws" ("" "). If inside the quotation or the name, which is already in quotation marks, there are more quotation marks, then in this case it is necessary to use "paws." Of course, this rule is not strict and many do not follow it. But you must agree, with "Christmas trees" the text looks more beautiful.

If you still have questions or need clarification, be sure to write a comment below. I answer promptly and always.

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