Get subscribers to the VK group: free and paid methods. VK subscriptions and subscribers: what you need to know about them Ways to boost VKontakte subscribers

How to wind up subscribers in VK in 5 minutes - instructions for beginners and pros!

There are more and more social networks every day, but the good old Vkontakte does not even think about leaving the game. Millions of users strive to wind up subscribers in VK as fast as possible and, if possible, for free.

Most of all, users are afraid of cheating because of the fear of becoming victims of scammers. And rightly so! It is great luck for you that you have come to our site, because on the forums and even on some sites for cheating you may be disappointed in the form of bots, fakes and hacked pages that were deceived by unscrupulous users.

You can trust us for the following reasons:

  1. Our registration is simple. We do not pressure you with a complex confirmation system or anything else.
  2. We are not pulling money from you. All your savings will remain with you, because you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers for free without any restrictions! And only after making sure that our service is working, you can start investing real money in promoting the page.
  3. You are not risking a page. It is not uncommon for gullible users to lose their page out of a zealous desire to gain popularity. Be careful and don't give scammers a chance!
  4. We do not work with software. You can quickly and free of charge wind up Vkontakte subscribers without threats to your device and personal data. Programs are the most vulnerable promotion tools. Even if you download them from official resources.
  5. Our service is constantly being updated and improved. Be sure - your safety is taken care of around the clock!

Why do most people choose a site to cheat subscribers in VK?

There are many sites for cheating, but there is only one bosslike. You came to us for a reason and you will stay with us too.

Still in doubt? Here are our top ten advantages:

  1. Ease of cheating. With one account on our website, you can wind up all available social networks, and at the same time.
  2. All our users are equal. We do not divide them into paid or free ones. You can wind up subscribers for free without any restrictions.
  3. Our service is very fast. High-quality service and honesty of users allows us to provide cheat services not only with high quality, but also extremely quickly!
  4. We guarantee your anonymity. Users are prohibited from disclosing information about you, and our service will not do this. We perfectly understand your desire not to advertise information about the cheat.
  5. Our support team works like a clock. You can always ask a question that interests you or get advice from our specialists. Be sure - they will answer you!
  6. We are running fair promotions! Real discounts are waiting for you. Thanks to them, you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers for free with a gift certificate or get an additional discount. "Extra" because you already get a discount on the bulk purchase of points!
  7. Live people will come to your page. Exactly! No bots, fakes, hacked users and other problem subscribers.
  8. We reward our partners generously. You can make good money by advertising our service. Receive exactly 50% of our income from all people you refer.
  9. We work without software. Log in from any device and do not think about updating programs, cluttering your computer and possible risks.
  10. the site is constantly evolving! With us, you can quickly and free of charge wind up Vkontakte subscribers in the shortest possible time and with maximum comfort! We add new social networks and constantly take care of the security of our service from hackers and fraudsters.

Hello everybody! Let's go further. The next part, in which we will talk about how to wind up VKontakte subscribers to a group and to a personal page. I'll tell you what free and paid methods exist and give a list of the best cheat sites.

I noted for myself 6 effective methods to attract many new subscribers to my page and groups. Back in 2015, I started to develop a group of a Moscow company engaged in the renovation of premises.

Then I first encountered the question - How to promote the community? How to attract new visitors interested in our products and services? We tried everything we could think of.

Let's take a look at the 6 best methods to increase and attract subscribers in order.

Method 1. Invite friends

You can get the first few hundred subscribers by simply adding friends and inviting them to your group. True, there are restrictions on this, you can only send 40 applications every 12 hours.

I think you know how to add people as friends. And the invitation to the group is done as follows, as shown in the screenshot.

Attention! This function is available only for communities with the status of "Interest group" or "Event". All the rest (public, business and brand communities) do not.

So that when you add friends they do not complain about you and the page is not blocked for suspicious activity, adhere to 2 rules:

  1. Design your profile correctly so that it does not arouse suspicion that you want to sniff something.
  2. Narrow down to the maximum. Use the "Search Options".

The more closely common interests coincide (by age, city, mutual friends, etc.), the more chances that a person will approve the application, and not click the "Spam" button.

Method 2. Using special online services

You can quickly and cheaply wind up VK subscribers using special sites and programs, which I already mentioned in the last article. These services work as exchanges for subscribers and they can be used absolutely free of charge, completing tasks and earning points or real money, which are then spent on cheating.

If you do not want to waste time, you can do without completing tasks by purchasing points with money.

List of services

I have selected for you a list of online resources with the ability to order subscriptions.

Slightly worse:


  • Viking Botovod - many different interesting prog and scripts for working in VK.
  • My guests application.

How to cheat through the service?

The principle of operation of all services is the same, the differences are only in design and a set of additional functions. Therefore, I will make an instruction on the example of Bosslike, which has the simplest and most intuitive interface.

Step 1... Registration.

Go to the site and click "Login". Select the "Registration" tab.

Enter your e-mail and come up with a password to enter your personal account. After registration, you will find yourself in a single account. Here you can complete tasks on various social networks (VK, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and even YouTube).

Step 2... Paying or earning points.

To earn points for cheating, go to the "Earn" tab and complete the tasks. Or buy them.

In the upper right corner there is a “Buy Points” tab.

Indicate the amount of replenishment, choose a payment system and pay. Minimum RUB 100 = 2,000 points.

Step 3... Job creation.

After you have points on your balance sheet, you can go to the "Cheat" section and create a task for the performers who will subscribe.

Fill out the "New task" form.

Here you need to specify:

  1. A link to any page or VKontakte group (you can even wind up a friend of subscribers).
  2. The number of points for 1 execution.
  3. How many people must subscribe.

Ready. The process is running, it remains to wait until it is executed.

In the event that the user unsubscribes after completing the task, the system monitors this and refunds the funds to the balance.

The disadvantage of this method is that there are a lot of bots and fake users who are created in batches especially for making money. When they are blocked, and they turn into "dogs", they need to be removed. In our separate instructions, you will find how to automatically remove blocked subscribers.

Method 3. Setting up ads

The most legal, safe, but expensive method that VKontakte owners will be happy with is setting up official targeted advertising.

To configure, go to your

Subscribers become one of the most important resources when promoting within the global network. On the VKontakte social network, this is one of the most accessible tools for promotion and promotion. About who the VK subscribers are, where they come from and what their purpose is, will be discussed later in this article.

VK subscriptions and subscribers - what is it and why

These are people who applied to be friends, but it was rejected or this person was removed from the friends list. Subscribers get some access to view the page of the one to whom they are subscribed, but the functionality available to them is a little more modest than that of users who are on the friends list.

Some page owners adjust their privacy settings in such a way that every other member can only subscribe to the page, by default bypassing the friend process.

This is how, having cleared the list of friends from unnecessary personalities, and by going into the privacy settings, you can turn the "Add to friends" button under the avatar into "Subscribe".

Subscribers do not have any functions, but you can get some benefit from their presence.

Why do you need VK subscribers?

VK subscribers can bring significant benefit to the owner of a page or group that has a large number of subscriptions. There are a number of main positive aspects that can be achieved by having a large number of subscriber:

  • Trust and loyalty. Pages with several hundred or thousands of subscribers generate a higher level of trust among other users. It is much easier for the owners of such communities or personal profiles to promote their products, services, or simply earn a name in the global network.
  • An alternative way to promote. Subscribers are useful because they see in their news feed any updates that the person or group to which they are subscribed to publishes. By competently publishing various materials, you can expand the circle of potentially interested audience.
  • Increasing the position of the page in the search. The more subscribers a page has, the higher it is in the search results. This applies to both communities and personal profiles.
  • "Interesting page". After passing the milestone of one thousand subscribers, the automatic VK service begins to place the page in the "interesting page" section.
  • Popular personalities. Well-promoted pages with a large number of signatures have a chance to get into the TOP of popular personalities, who are actively promoted by the algorithms built into the social network.
  • Analysis. The more the number of people subscribing to the page becomes, the more detailed the statistics of the searched page becomes.

How many subscribers do you need to get a checkmark in VK?

The VKontakte checkmark is issued only in two cases: to well-known individuals and communities representing well-known brands.

A check mark is always displayed as a blue icon opposite the person's page name on the social network. When you hover the cursor over this icon, an inscription appears - "page is confirmed". If the icon is in status, then it is fake. Only a really famous person can get such a mark, about whom they broadcast in the media, created a page on Wikipedia, a person is known for his artistic, musical, political or other activities, etc. Below is an example of what a VK checkbox looks like.

Famous brand communities can also receive checkmarks when requested. This often happens when there are many fake groups that are conducting fraudulent transactions on behalf of well-known companies.

In order to get a check mark, you need to submit an application to the VKontakte administration and meet a number of requirements and criteria. The pages of regular users, according to the rules of the site, will not be able to get a check mark, even if they have thousands of subscribers, friends, etc.

How do subscribers appear on VK and what to do to make them appear?

Potential subscribers are new visitors to the page who for the first time (in some cases, and again) visited the page of a particular user in order to add to their friends. As mentioned above, in a number of certain cases, their applications can be transformed into the status of subscribers.

In order to attract more potential subscriber to the page, you will need to use various methods and mechanisms of promotion. These can be "white" tools provided by the social network itself, or less conscientious options. , but, as a rule, these are just bots for which you can still get a page lock.

The most active subscribers: what kind of people are they and how to use their activity for promotion purposes?

Subscribers can see, in their news feed, updates carried out on the wall and the page in general to which they are subscribed. Particularly active subscribers often react to posts: they interact with them by making reposts and putting likes, and they also leave feedback in the form of comments. Additionally, activity can be raised by conducting polls, various mini-games and quizzes. All this provides an opportunity to increase the page weight in the eyes of search robots and other mechanisms that automatically use all kinds of algorithms to promote active users with a good subscriber base.

The most popular people on VK: who has the most subscribers?

The popularity of VKontakte is a special phenomenon, since people who are not always well-known in real life find proportional popularity within the framework of this social network. The specificity of VK is that, along with well-known cultural figures, politicians and other personalities known in life and on TV, people whose activities do not leave the social network find considerable recognition.

You can imagine a small list of people with the largest number of VKontakte subscribers:

  1. Pavel Durov (creator of the social network VKontakte) - 6.1 million;
  2. Ivan Rudskoy (youth video blogger) - 2.4 million;
  3. Dmitry Medvedev (famous politician) - 2.1 million;
  4. Katya Klep (women's video blogger) - 1.6 million;
  5. Nyusha Shurochkina (singer) - 1.2 million

Since young people (people under 25) significantly prevail among VKontakte users, the number of subscribers, as a rule, is higher among those people whose activities may be of interest to such an audience.

TOP-5 groups by the number of subscribers

The top most popular groups include the following names:

  1. New music 2018 | New items - 15.3 million subscribers;
  2. Cinema Mania | New items 2018 - 11.6 million;
  3. Cinema Mania - 10.7 million
  4. Laugh to tears 😀 - 10.7 million;
  5. MDK - 10.2 million


The article considered the question of who the VKontakte subscribers are and what benefit can be gained by increasing their number. In addition, the ratings of the most popular groups and pages were given, as well as recommendations for speeding up the process of recruiting subscribers.

Today "VKontakte" is social. network with the largest audience in the CIS. And this figure is only growing every year. It is not surprising that now an increasing number of people are striving to gain popularity on VK. One of the most effective ways is to cheat friends. There are a bunch of services that allow you to cheat people for money. But what if there is no budget? How to quickly and for free recruit 10,000 friends?

This is what we will talk about in this article. We will consider the basic rules of cheating, give recommendations, and also describe 4 free and effective ways to cheat 10,000 friends.

Many who ask such a question think that there really is a method that allows in an instant.We will say right away that there is no such way (even paid services cannot do this). And if it did exist, then the VK administration would immediately block such accounts, and, therefore, such a method would not make sense.

Therefore, do not even try to find "how to wind up 10,000 friends in a couple of days." Some people make so many friends over the years.

We will offer you 4 services that will help you wind up such a number of people in automatic mode as quickly as possible, and most importantly for free or for a fee.... All will be effective to one degree or another and depending on the task that will be in front of you (wind up live people or bots).

Basic rules of promotion

As you could already understand from the above, the VKontakte administration does not like those who cheat and struggle with it in every possible way. Starting from blocking suspicious pages and ending with improving the technical component of the site.

VK also has its own limitations:

  • no more than 50 outgoing applications per day. If you want to overstep this figure and wind up more, then it is necessary that applications are sent to you, not you.
  • No more than 10,000 friends in total. This is where this number comes from. Everything above this limit will be in subscribers.

To collect the coveted number "10 thousand" as soon as possible and at the same time do not be blocked, follow the following recommendations when cheating:

  1. Do not spin more than 100 - 200 subscribers per day. This is considered the most optimal option, allowing you to engage in cheating without arousing suspicion. You, of course, can not be limited to two hundred and cheat more, but then the probability of getting a ban is higher.
  2. Don't forget about outgoing requests. Even if you use any service, send 50 applications daily. Some of the methods described below will help you automate this process.
  3. Decide which accounts should be (live or bots). - You can use services where you need to complete tasks. If they are alive, then use software to automate work with VK (as a rule, there you can parse the target audience and work with it or set up targeting).

4 effective ways

Below are four methods that allow you to quickly wind up 10,000 friends on VKontakte for free. They are all different in some way. But each of them will help to wind up both 100, 1000 and 10,000 subscribers, depending on your needs.

We also urge you not to use just one. Always use several options, combine them. Perhaps, in your specific situation, one of the methods will work more effectively than the other.


Is an online project that allows you to promote yourself in social. networks, including VK. Here you will need to complete various tasks, and receive points for this, and you can promote yourself with the points received.

The service quickly copes with the tasks and will recruit a sufficient number of friends as soon as possible. The speed of completing the task is the main advantage. BossLike is used by a fairly large number of VK users. Therefore, real people will subscribe to you. But there is one drawback - some of the subscribers can unsubscribe.

The project occupies a leading position among its counterparts.


- one of the most popular programs that allow you to automate routine processes in VK. It has a free demo version, which was created for your evaluation. But its functionality is quite enough for cheating friends.

This program will allow you to set up automatic sending of requests to friends. But its functionality does not end there. You can also pre-search your target audience based on a number of criteria. And the "Autoliker" tool will help draw attention to your profile, thereby increasing the likelihood that the user himself will offer you friendship.

For the program to work, you need to download and install it on your PC.


The program has worked pretty well. It has a free version designed to promote 1 page. Therefore, if you need to recruit 10,000 friends only for 1 account, then you can use this software.

The service is fully automated and you just need to download, install and run it.

The principle of the program is based on sending messages like "Add me as a friend" to groups that were created specifically for PR... This significantly reduces the likelihood of being blocked for spam. After all, you will be spamming in the designated places, and therefore there will be no complaints.


The program can be downloaded for free from the official website. Its functionality allows you to wind up friends (and not only) in VK.

All work is done automatically and you just need to start the software and monitor the progress (statistics are updated every 10 minutes).

Here, the principle of operation is to exchange activity (you have put a like -). All people twisted in this way are alive.

To work with VkDuty, you need a profile linked to a phone number. When authorizing, you will need to enter the code received by SMS. This is all done for the safety of your profile. You won't be able to use a different number, since the code is sent not by the program, but by the social. network.


We considered 4 ways to wind up 10,000 VK friends for free and quickly, and also discussed the basic rules.

Using any of them, you can automatically achieve the desired result. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and do everything wisely so as not to be blocked.

[Total: 6 Average: 4/5]

Many Vkontakte users dream of gaining popularity. However, this can be very, very difficult to achieve. Among them there are those who just want to make their page a little more presentable.

Whatever reason brings you to this page - it will help you boost Vkontakte subscribers... It is thanks to her that you can quickly and effortlessly add solidity to the page, and perhaps even make money on it. You can read about all the nuances of the promotion process below.

Actors, musicians and other well-known Vkontakte users have thousands of subscribers. First of all, this can be associated with their activities, however, how then can one explain the presence of hundreds and sometimes even thousands of subscribers from ordinary Vkontakte users?

Such popularity is brought by the latter by boosting likes and Vkontakte subscribers. Despite the fact that you can easily guess why a person has so many followers, some of his friends are still beginning to wonder how many subscribers benefit.

Even before the worldwide network gained its frenzied popularity, the word subscriber was primarily associated with a reading, inquisitive person. Today, subscribers are a kind of followers who are not only interested in something, but also show considerable activity.

Thoughtful and timely promotion of Vkontakte subscribers online will help you not only become popular, but also attract the attention of many users to you and your activities. Thanks to the promotion of subscribers, you will have new friends, partners and clients who will make your Vkontakte page more presentable, and soon, from hundreds of subscribers, their number will increase to thousands who have found you on their own.

So, you learned how the promotion of VK subscribers works and why it is needed. It's time to get down to practice! The wonderful Bonuslike service will help you to wind up VK subscribers, registration in which will take you just a minute.


1. Registration

Registration in the service is simple and will not take much of your time. Upon completion, you will be able to enter the site and start cheating.

2. Earning points

To successfully wind up subscribers in VK, you need points - the internal currency of the service. Earning points is very simple - you just need to help other users in cheating. You will need a simple adding to friends, subscribing to pages or putting likes. It is worth noting that you can always skip the page if you do not like it for any reason. This is how it works cheat subscribers in VK- and your subscribers will only have those people who are interested in you.

3. Adding a task

When you have enough points, you can boost Vkontakte subscribers already for myself. To do this, you do not have to make unnecessary efforts - everything is simple and convenient on our website. You need to create a task for cheating subscribers and configure the necessary parameters. As soon as you do this, the promotion of Vkontakte subscribers will begin to bring you the first fruits.

Is cheating Vkontakte subscribers safe?

Before winding up Vkontakte subscribers, many users ask themselves about the safety of this process. Nobody wants to take risks, and the tempting prospect of becoming more popular is haunted. We dare to assure you that with the site service you will be able to wind up VK subscribers without dogs and harm to yourself! As you might have guessed, users will be added to you who are fully and completely interested in staying on the site as long as possible and becoming more popular. It is also important to understand that Vkontakte will not be able to distinguish a subscriber who was added for a reward from one who accidentally found your page on the network and decided to subscribe.

Do not hesitate for a second - you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers for free and Vkontakte will not apply any sanctions! And:

  • You do not share personal data with us;
  • You don't spend a dime;
  • Points are credited to users only when they subscribe to you;
  • Instant effect.
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