What is Twitter. What is Twitter on the Internet and why is it needed? What is Twitter

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Remember Polaroids - cameras that immediately printed pictures on small cards. You could capture the moment and immediately see a small photo.

This is microblogging. You do not write a big longread in it, instead - share your thought or emotion very succinctly.

What is Twitter

Everyone can start their own microblogging. And share your thoughts in it. Previously, you could not write messages longer than 140 characters. Now the limit has been doubled - 240 characters.

This volume is enough to express an opinion without further ado.

What is Twitter for

Users exchange short messages about what they care about at the moment.

Be aware of the life of media personalities

You can subscribe and follow how celebrities live. They love to talk with other media people, argue with them. When Donald Trump unexpectedly came to power in America, many Hollywood stars began to argue directly on Twitter about what would happen now. And such disputes were followed by millions.

Twitter for business

Page maintenance can be very beneficial for your business. You can talk about your products and services. Communicate with the audience, answer their questions, work with negativity. Building your brand's presence on the Internet competently - increasing the loyalty and engagement of subscribers, making them potential customers.

When creating a Twitter page, it is important to choose the right username by which you will be found. It is advisable to design an account in the same style as pages on other sites. Also, be sure to include your website address, location and fill out information about yourself (a great idea to indicate the mission of the company and the benefits it can bring).

What to share on Twitter

Share important information, answer questions from your customers and users. Many companies use Twitter as a support service.

You can use tweets to convey the following message to your audience:

  • promotions, sweepstakes, discounts and special offers;
    interesting facts, research results and links to other information that may interest your customers;
  • share useful and valuable information;
  • ask questions to your customers directly via twitter, arrange polls;
  • encourage users of your products, services to create content related to your brand;
  • ask for articles on what topics on the main site are of interest to followers;
  • congratulate them on the holidays;
  • dilute serious materials with entertaining content;
  • describe different ways application of your products;
    website promotion, twitter is a very good tool for this.

Self-promotion on Twitter

You can visually interest your profile using the page design. Background image can also be used to post there useful information... However, don't forget about balance and don't overload your design.

It is necessary to respond to all mentions of the brand on the web. Use networking, add companies working in related industries, join discussions on topics that may be of interest to your audience (topics can be searched by hashtags). You can offer your followers special discounts and gifts. Discussions, disputes increase interest in your channel, call your subscribers to dialogue.

Above all, create your own unique content and don't retweet too often.

Everyone has heard the word "Twitter". He is remembered on television news, websites and social media. But not everyone knows what Twitter is and what it is used for. Twitter is an online microblogging service. Unlike regular blogs, the length of a Twitter post is 140 characters, hence the prefix "micro". These short micro-blog entries are called Tweets.

Twitter appeared in 2006 and very soon gained immense popularity. At the beginning of 2011 in this service more than 200 million users were registered. Of these, there are 100 million active users, and 50 million users who use Twitter every day.

First of all, Twitter is used for communication. The limitation on the length of the message creates an atmosphere of simplicity and non-constraint. Users simply write about what they think and what they are interested in. There is no opportunity to write long posts, so Twitter is more accessible for very busy users who do not have time to maintain a full-fledged blog.

Thanks to technical features interface using Twitter, it is easy to find people with similar interests. This makes it easy to find interlocutors or even business partners.

The benefits of Twitter have been appreciated by the media. Thanks to the 140 character limit, Twitter posts are very short and highly informative. There are no big and long entries like LiveJournal or other blog platforms. Thanks to this, Twitter is convenient to use for broadcasting news, which is actively used by news agencies, TV channels and news sites. They publish short information messages with a link to the full article on their website. After reading such a message, the user can go to the site in order to get acquainted with the full material.

Twitter is used by companies and brands to publish information about their products and corporate news. By subscribing to the twitter of this or that company, users receive the most relevant information about new products.

The speed of publication and the relevance of information is one of the tricks of Twitter. With the help of Twitter, you will be the first to know the latest news. Information about the event is published here as quickly as possible.

After the event has taken place, news sites are forced to prepare material, write text and pick up photos, while messages on Twitter appear almost instantly. Moreover, the source of such messages is often the participants in the events themselves.

In order to understand what Twitter is, you need to register. Even if you are not interested in running your micro blog, Twitter will still interest you. By subscribing to interesting micro-blogs for you, you will always be in the know.

The registration process for Twitter is very simple. To do this, just go to the main page of the site and enter information about yourself. Registration will take less than a minute.

Interface overview

In order to better understand what Twitter is, consider the interface of this service.

At the moment, Twitter's interface consists of two columns. In the right large column is a list of recent tweets. This column is constantly updated and if you are subscribed to a large number of users, then new messages will appear here very quickly.

The left column also has a lot to offer. At the top there is a block with information about your Twitter account. Also, here you can immediately write and send a new tweet.

Below is the "Kindred" block. This is very convenient functionthat allows you to find interesting users with similar interests.

The last block is the "Hot Topics" block. This is a list of the topics that are currently being discussed most actively on Twitter. By clicking on the link, you can view a list of tweets on the topic. Like home page with tweets this list constantly updated. Thus, with the help of Twitter, you can follow the development of certain events.

If information about the event you are interested in is not in the list of "Trending topics", you can use the search. The search form is located at the top of the page.

For example, let's enter the name of the Barcelona football club into the search. As you can see in the picture, the search interface also consists of two columns. In the left column, you can see the users who are associated with your search. In this case, this is the club's official twitter account and player accounts. Below are "Popular Images" and "Popular Videos". The large right column contains a list last entries on the search topic.

In conclusion, I must say that Twitter is a unique Internet project and a unique Internet service, all the power of which is difficult to understand at once. Therefore, register and enjoy the communication. I hope this article helped you understand what Twitter is.

One of the most popular social networks in the world is twitter. Don't you know what it is yet? Never tried it, but want to try it? In this article, we'll look at a step-by-step action plan to master it. Twitter - how to use? Instructions for use

Basic concepts

Let's start with the basics. So what exactly is twitter? it social network, in another way you can call it a microblogging, where communication takes place with the help of short phrases and messages (tweets). With the help of them you can express your thoughts and emotions, share news, etc.

There is nothing difficult to figure out how this platform works, but to save time on conquering the vastness of the website on your own, I offer you a ready-made step by step instructionsby using it, you will become a confident twitter user.
First, let's take a look at the most frequently used words that describe actions in a microblog.

Is a short emotional message that will be displayed in the profile status. It is limited in the number of characters, that is, your message should be as informative as possible, but at the same time not exceed 140 characters.

- means to publish someone else's message in your status, where the person you are quoting will be indicated.
Both tweet and retweet will be visible to all our subscribers, who can comment and discuss your message if they wish.

Sponsored Tweets
- these are the same small phrases that express the general essence of what they want to convey to users. Typically, advertisements are posted on a hot topic list. The advertiser pays a certain amount for the advertisement to be visible. This is done in order to attract new subscribers.

Lists... In your account, you can group people into lists, for example, classmates, relatives, colleagues, etc. This sort of sorting will make it easier to find the right person.

Hot topics. As a rule, this tab displays the most discussed and popular topics and news. When you click on a topic that interests you, a list of all statuses will drop out, where the topic you selected is mentioned. Messages that have collected more than 150 reposts differ from the rest in contrasting color.

Hashtags... In order for your tweet to be seen not only by your subscribers, but also by other users, you can put a sign after the message #theme name ... Hashtags are a kind of active links, by clicking on which the user can go to a page where all messages on the hashtag topic will be displayed.

For example, the European Football Championship is currently underway and there are many tweets and news on the hashtag # Euros2016.

Why keep a Twitter account?

You can use twitter for personal purposes, for maintaining your own microblogging and communicating with friends, or you can promote and draw attention to your account in order to make money online.

To attract new subscribers, you need to subscribe to other users, leave comments on their page, so they can start reading you back. It's worth blogging more often and posting new tweets, responding to your followers and remembering that communication is the key to success. You can also resort to mutual recommendation to each other. That is, in your account you recommend a profile that interests you to subscribers, and this person, in turn, does the same, but already recommends you. This is a kind of mutual assistance to each other.

check in

Registration on Twitter

Step 1. We go to the site twitter.com, enter the name, address email or phone, come up with a password and click "Register".

Step 2. After registration, a window will open to clarify your interests. Choose interesting reading topics.

After you have chosen sports and news, tweets of these topics will be displayed in your news feed.

Step 3.Liven up your account. Let's upload your photo and add a header to the background.

Sizes of photos and headers for twitter:

It is not necessary to make such sizes. When you install pictures, you will be offered to scale and place the image as you like.

To change the page design, click on Change profile and customize the view for yourself.

In addition to the nickname, you can enter your full name, indicate a link to the site and put down geolocation.

About myself. It should be short and to the point, while still grabbing the attention of readers. Remember that the number of characters in the biography is limited to 160.

To do this, go to your profile page and put the mouse cursor in the line "What's new?" - We write our thoughts - click "Tweet" and that's it, the tweet is published) Now your message will be visible to subscribers who follow you.

The advantages of such a blog are that communication takes place in real time with real people, due to incoming notifications about new posts under your post, you will not miss any comment. With the help of all kinds of client applications, communication on twitter is simplified.

How do I delete my Twitter account?

Go to Settings - Account - scroll to the very bottom and click Disable my account - after confirmation, the account will be deleted.

I was with you. See you later!)

It is probably not worth explaining what role social networks play in the modern information world. Providing Internet users with the opportunity to virtually communicate with each other, and thus find like-minded people in their hobbies and hobbies, provide many electronic internet platforms. Twitter - one of them. We will understand in more detail what Twitter is and why it is needed, how to register on this popular microblogging service and become popular among network users.

What is Twitter and how to use it

Electronic Internet Platform Twitter ( tweet - "tweet", "chat") allows users to share small, concise messages with each other. The system appeared in 2006 and is now the leader among miniblogging systems... Let's note two features that distinguish the service from its competitors:

  1. Multiplicity... The account owner can send a message up to 140 characters.
  2. Relevance. Quick way receive or distribute information of various kinds in real time.

How do I use Twitter? First things first you need register in the system , and only then try to send your first tweet.

  • Sending a tweet from a mobile app... At the top of the application, you can see a small feather that opens (when you click on it) send tweet window.
  • Sending a tweet from a site... You can send in two ways: by clicking on the pen, as described for mobile applications, and directly start writing in the line below the avatar.

One tweet can contain:

  1. Message - 140 characters.
  2. Hashtag - designate a message by type or topic.
  3. User login - mention of one or another participant in the message.
  4. Link to any site.
  5. A photo - up to four, initially prepared images.

At the end, press " Send message"And a message will appear not only on your pagebut also on the feed of your readers.

What is Twitter for

There is no single answer to what Twitter is for. It all depends on what goals are set. But first of all, of course, the creation of this platform was based on simple human communication.

Consider the qualifications of Tweeters:

  1. Reader (follower)... People who are tired of looking for useful information on the net. Rationalism and brevity of news allows them to save a lot of time. In their actions, they are passive, and only track the events they need. They never write tweets, or it happens very rarely.
  2. Communication (twipple)... Such a tweeter not only gets the information he needs, but also communicates with other Twitter users. These are his own tweets - in which he expresses his opinion and thoughts, as well as retweets of messages left by other members.
  3. Business... Millions registered on the service attract businesses to Twitter. Some tweets may be purely promotional.

What does it mean to tweet on Twitter

Tweets on Twitter are small messages that don't exceed 140 characters. Do you want to inform the whole world about an important event? We write the text and press the button at the bottom of the right corner “ Tweet ".

What tweeters usually write:

Many sites have social media buttons on their pages. Like an interesting article - let your subscribers know. By clicking on the button with the image of a bird and the inscription "Tweet", a link to the resource you like will appear on your feed.

What does it mean to retweet on Twitter

Retweet- place on your tape records taken from another tweeter. In order to do this action, you need to go to the page of another user, and move the mouse cursor over two green arrows located below the message. By clicking on the "Retweet" button that appears, this entry will appear on your tape.

The more interesting you are to readers, the higher the number of users who will retweet from your page.

This immediately found its application in all kinds of services that track the number of retweets made by followers and create a rating for the popularity of tweeters.

Twitter Dictionary

From the experience of many novice Twitter users, we can conclude that before registering in this system, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with specific terms. This will not only help you quickly adapt to the new environment, but also protect you from ridiculous mistakes.

Below full list terms related to Twitter:

  • Tweet(post) - messages written by you.
  • Retweet - posts you quoted from other pages.
  • Follower - the person who subscribed to updates from another tweeter.
  • Hashtags - tags, written in Latin characters, and allowing you to find all messages of a topic of interest.
  • Tape - the page on which tweets and retweets are posted.
  • Twiple - an active Twitter user who leaves at least a couple of dozen tweets every day.
  • Tweeters - the general name of users who love and use Twitter.

  1. The invented tweet limit of 140 characters is explained by the ability to send one message using an SMS message.
  2. The idea for the platform was invented by three employees of the company Odeo during lunch, which took place in the city park.
  3. The top three tweets are USA, Japan and Brazil. The billionth tweet was published 3 years after the launch of the service.
  4. The record, which is almost 7,000 tweets per second, was recorded on January 1, 2009 at 00:00:04 hours in Japan, during the New Year's celebration.
  5. Around the world, about 1.1 million tweeters are registered every day, which is 14 accounts per second.

Having learned what Twitter is and why you need it, you can safely register in this popular microblogging system. Traditional social networks have long since set their teeth on edge, and an unusual communication service allows you not only to find new friends, but also to show off your brevity when composing short messages.

The constantly growing number of registrations shows that Twitter is fashionable, efficient and convenient.

Video: Everything About Twitter

Everyone around is tweeting and reposting something, and you have no idea what all this means? Then it's time for you to learn what Twitter is and how to use it! You will find all this here.
It is hardly worth asking your grandmother what Twitter is - most likely, she will decide that you were engaged in some kind of lewdness and are interested in sexually transmitted diseases. It is easier to turn to Wikipedia, read this article, or even try to get to everything "by typing" (read "google").

What's Twitter?

If you try to answer the question of what Twitter is and why you need it, then you can go in two ways. First, say something like: Twitter is a social network based on the exchange of small (no more than 127 characters) messages - tweets. Secondly, you can get by with human language and say this: imagine that absolutely everything has been removed from your cozy VKontakte except for the list of friends and the status line - this will be Twitter.

I still don't understand!

If you still don't understand what Twitter is and why you need it, then imagine the following situation. You are a popular person whose life is followed by hundreds, thousands or millions of people. Of course, you can start some kind of blog, but it will take quite a lot of time. In addition, it is unlikely that the message "Dined in a new cafe - liked it!" come down to a full post. On Twitter, these are the messages that make up the bulk. For example, US President Donald Trump may announce his new decree or new anti-Chinese sanctions, etc.

What's the point?

Now some may say, well I know what Twitter is ... and how to use it? It's pretty easy to use this network - register, and then gain subscribers, subscribe yourself, post tweets, retweets and like other people's posts. Surely among your friends there are many people who are interested in what you are doing at the moment.

Practical benefits of Twitter

Now that you know the word Twitter, what it is and how to use it approximately, it is worth saying a few words about practical application this network. Today, Twitter is used in one of three ways:

  1. Tell subscribers what you think about a particular issue;
  2. Tell about the progress of any project;
  3. Promote the site. Yes, many website promotion specialists actively use Twitter, but this is a topic for a separate article (or even a book).

Still, we recommend that you register on this social network right now and keep up with life. After all, even Medvedev has his own Twitter, and he is no longer even the president! Why are you worse? Also, next time someone asks: Twitter - what is it? You will always have an answer ready.

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