Factory passwords of the tp link router. What is a router password. How do I find the password on a TP-Link router? Find out the password for Wi-Fi and settings. How to reset the modem settings and password to factory defaults

Today the article will be devoted to TP-Link routers. I will tell you how to put a password on the Wi-Fi network of a TP-Link router. If you just need to change your password, then according to this instruction you can do it. Consider the process of installing, or changing the password specifically for protecting the Wi-Fi network. It's just that the router has another password that protects the settings. You can change it. And how to additionally protect the settings of the TP-Link router, I wrote in the article.

It is imperative to protect your Wi-Fi network. Moreover, this must be done while configuring the router. I always write about this in the instructions for configuring routers of specific models. If you do not set a password for Wi-Fi and leave your network open, then anyone can connect to it.

Some of the neighbors will definitely not miss such an opportunity :) Yes, now providers offer normal speed and full unlimited, and it seems not even a pity, let yourself use the Internet. But, if everything were so simple, there are several nuances: all devices that will connect to your router (in addition to yours) will load the router itself, and it may simply not be able to withstand the load, the speed of the Internet connection will drop, and even and there is a risk that someone will be able to access your local network and your files on your computer. I think that this is enough to reliably protect your Wi-Fi, and set a good password, which we will now do on the TP-Link router.

This article will be useful for all Tp-Link router models: TL-WR740N, TL-WR940N, TL-WA701ND, TL-WR743ND, TL-WR842ND, TL-MR3220 and other models. I recently updated the article and added information on configuring security in the new web interface.

How to set a Wi-Fi password on a TP-Link router

You should be prompted for a username and password. Default - admin and admin... You may have already changed them, so please enter yours. If changed and forgot (standard does not fit)then you have to.

  1. Open the tab Wireless (Wireless) - Wireless Security (Wireless Security).
  2. Highlight item WPA / WPA2 - Personal (Recommended).
  3. In points Version (Version) and Encryption (encryption) I advise you to leave Automaticso that later there will be no problems with connecting to Wi-Fi.
  4. And in the field Password (PSK Password) enter the password you will use when connecting to your Wi-Fi. The password must be at least 8 characters long, and preferably complex. Try not to forget your password, or better, write it down. If you forget, you can try.
  5. Click the button Save (Save) to save the settings.
  6. That's it, we put a password on Wi-Fi! Now our TP-Link router is secure.

If you just wanted to change the password for Tp-Link, then we do everything in the same way, only we delete the old password, set a new one and save the settings. After rebooting, you need to connect to your network using the new password that we just set.

How to change password on TP-Link router (new control panel)

If you have a new TP-Link router with an updated web interest, which is in blue tones, then entering the settings and changing the Wi-Fi network password will be slightly different. Go to the settings at tplinkwifi.net, or .

You can change the password on the "Basic" - "Wireless" tab.

Please note that if you have a dual-band router that distributes two Wi-Fi networks at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, then the password must be set for both networks. It can be the same or different. It doesn't matter which one suits you best.

Devices do not connect via Wi-Fi to TP-Link after changing the password

A very popular problem. After you have changed or set a new wireless password, your devices (computers, laptops, phones, tablets, TVs, etc.) may simply not connect to Wi-Fi. A very popular error usually appears on the computer: "The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network."

As a rule, this small problem is solved by simply removing the Wi-Fi network and reconnecting, this time with a new password. Removing a network is not difficult. On a mobile device, just click on the network itself and just hold and then select "delete network". I wrote about how to do this on a computer in the article:, and. There this function is called "forget the network".

After these simple steps, everything should work. If anything, ask in the comments.

Today, a router is available in almost every apartment or office. The device provides Internet access for several users at once, without requiring additional wires or cables. You can connect a PC, laptop, smartphone, game console, etc. to it. The result is a local network in which any information is continuously exchanged. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor its safety. To consider the issue of protecting the Wi-Fi network, consider the question of how to change the password on a tp link router. For devices from other manufacturers, changing the password will be very similar.

To do this, you need to take two simple steps:

First, set or change the password for the WiFi network... Thus, you will not allow neighbors or free internet lovers to waste your traffic. Even if you have an unlimited tariff and the number of users connected to your unprotected network is not reflected in your wallet, the extra device will always reduce the data transfer speed, loading the router.

Secondly, password-protect the router's web interface itself.Otherwise, anyone who has access to the local network can change the router settings or even set their own password.

Thus, it is necessary to protect the entrance to the administrative settings of the router and the wireless network itself.

Change the WiFi password on a TP-Link router

  • We open any browser. Then in the address bar, enter or and press Enter. Both IP addresses are valid for most TP-Link routers, including TL-WR740N, TL-WR841N, TD-W8951ND and other popular models from this manufacturer. If the browser refuses to respond to the entered IP address, then try restarting both the PC itself and the router.
  • A small dialog box will open with two columns - "Username" and "Password". For most routers, the default username and password are admin. We enter this word twice - in each column and press the "Login" button. If entry is denied, then see the user manual for the router. Often the standard login and password are indicated there. It is extremely rare when the password is "1234" or an empty string.
  • Now we find ourselves in a large menu with all the settings of the router. If the interface is Russified, then there will be no problems: Wireless / Wireless Security.
  • If it is in English, then first we need the Password tab. On many models (WR740N, WR841N), you need to look for the Wireless section. Then select the Wireless Security subsection. Here, just click on WPA / WPA2 - Enterprise or WPA-Personal / WPA2-Personal. The latter option is considered more secure, but the choice is yours.
  • The third or fifth line (depending on the selected type of protection) will be listed in the PSK Password column. Now you need to come up with a good password (more than 8 characters), of course, without any "12345" or "qwerty". It is desirable that there are numbers, letters, and special characters.
  • Now click the Save button. Left . Most often, he himself invites you to do this with the help of a special window, on which we press "OK".

Do not forget that after changing the password, it is necessary on all devices that were associated with the router to delete connections and re-establish a wireless connection with each by entering a new password. Otherwise, errors and malfunctions of the entire wi-fi are possible.

Change the password to access the router settings

So, we have protected access to the wireless network itself. However, the main thing remains - to put a strong password for the settings of the router itself. If you do not do this, then any advanced user will be able to connect to your router, and then by entering “admin” twice in the Name and login line, he will be able to change the WiFi network password or manage all the settings of the access point.

Therefore, for the sake of your peace of mind and smooth network operation, be sure to change the standard password for the router interface. Moreover, the algorithm of actions is more than simple:

  • First of all, using a browser, IP addresses or and the "magic" word admin we get to the router settings menu.

  • If it is in Russian, then choose System Tools / Password... If this is the English version, then System Tools / Password.

  • A window with five lines opens. The first two are the old username and password. Enter admin (or another combination that allowed you to enter the menu) in each line in turn. The next three are the new username, new password and confirmation. Should I change my login? - Of course yes. Moreover, it is better to indicate not your last name, but something more difficult. The password for accessing the router settings must be different from what you have on the WiFi network itself. Otherwise, all protection will become meaningless.

  • Click "Save". The settings will automatically exit and the login window will appear. It remains to check if you did everything right. We enter new credentials here. Now you can be sure that you have done everything possible to protect your wireless network and the router itself.

It is a key device on any local network. Therefore, it is very important to monitor its safety. In this article, you will learn how to change passwords from WiFi and the web interface on a TP-LINK router.

The first thing we will look at is changing the password from the web interface. This password protects the router from unauthorized access to the web interface and settings changes. Without a strong password, anyone who is connected to the local network via cable or WiFi can enter the web interface. Moreover, in some cases, an attacker will be able to log into the router's web interface even from the Internet. Now we will walk through the process of changing the password step by step.

How to change the password from the web interface on a TP-LINK router

Step # 1. Log in to the web interface of the router. First, we need to log into the web interface of the router. To do this, open any browser and enter the IP address of the router in the address bar. Typically, TP-LINK routers are available at But, if the browser reports that the page was not found, then you need to try After you have entered the correct IP address in the address bar, you should see a form for entering the login and password from the web interface.

In order to gain access to the web interface, this form needs to enter the current username and password. By default, TP-LINK routers use the login "admin" and the password "admin". If this username / password pair does not work, then the password has already been changed on the router.

Step # 2. Go to the “System Tools - Password” settings section. Next, we need to go to the "System Tools - Password" settings section. To do this, click on the "System Tools" link, and then select "Password" in the drop-down menu that opens.

Step # 3. Change your password. After going to the "System Tools - Password" section, you will see a form with which you can TP-LINK.

This form includes the following fields:

  • Old User Name - old username. By default, the username is "admin".
  • Old Password - old password. By default, the password is "admin".
  • New User Name - new username. Here you can enter a new username. You can leave "admin" or enter any other.
  • New Password - new password.
  • Confirm New Password - repeat the password for confirmation.

After filling in all the fields, just click on the "Save" button.

At this time, no sane person can imagine a full-fledged existence without the Internet. Now they not only look for information data, but also receive services, use the possibilities of obtaining certificates, reports and many others.

Routers help to enable distribution of connections to the Internet, as well as to set up synchronization between different devices. TP-Link was recognized as the highest quality manufacturer. This article will discuss how to set a password on a Wi-Fi router from this brand.

Such a procedure is necessary as a way to protect against intruders from entering a personal computer, and to restrict access to Internet traffic so that only people who know the password can connect. The steps described below allow you to both initially protect access and change an existing access key.

Varieties of setting a password and their purpose

It should be noted that there are two types of protection, the first will be described below, the second allows you to restrict access to settings, and was described in another article. It protects the equipment from overly curious households or workers, because without certain knowledge, an inexperienced user can severely damage the operation of the Wi-Fi router.

As already noted in the TP-LINK TL-WR940N configuration material, it is best to set up protection for access to the wireless network at the very beginning, when the basic settings of the router are being installed. Since later this moment can be lost sight of, and access to connect to the Internet will be open to everyone.

This ultimately can lead not only to the loss of paid traffic, but also to failures in the operation of the router itself. This is due to the fact that, one way or another, it is designed for a certain load, if it is exceeded, a decrease in the quality of the Internet connection is guaranteed and, as a result, certain inconveniences in the process of use.

The process of setting a password on routers from Tp-Link

Everything that will be discussed below is suitable for the following representatives of routers from this manufacturer:

  1. TL-WR743ND.
  2. TL-MR3220.
  3. TL-WR841N.
  4. TL-WA701ND.
  5. TL-WR740N and others.

In addition to knowing how to set a password, anyone who has decided to figure out how to set up a wireless network on their own will find the article on general settings useful.

The configuration itself takes place in the control panel, which can be accessed after connecting the router to the computer by typing in any browser in the address bar (some models have an address ), you can find the correct value on the sticker on your router.

Attention update:in new firmwares, the manufacturer changed the address for entering the administration panel from the address 192.168.x.x on http://tplinklogin.net

After entering, a window appears with a login and password, the factory settings have the corresponding values admin, admin... If the data has already been changed, then they are entered, or the settings are reset to the original ones (how to reset the settings).

Login is performed step by step, the following operations are performed:

  1. The "Wireless" tab opens ( Wireless), hereinafter referred to as "Wireless Security" ( Wireless Security).
  2. A check mark is put in front of the item with the name WPA / WPA2-Personal (Recommended).
  3. In the line Version / Version and Encryption / Encryption the automatic values \u200b\u200bare indicated (Automatic / Automatic).
  4. In the field "Wireless password" / Password a password invented by you is hammered in, consisting of at least 8 characters, for greater protection it can be complicated using a combination of letters and numbers. In order not to lose it, it is better to write it down in a safe place (to make it easier to remember the password).
  5. As the last item, the settings are saved by pressing the corresponding button "Save" (Save).

To reboot the router with new settings, click the link at the bottom of the page "Click here" (click here).

When the need only arises to change the previously set password, then the actions are performed according to the scheme described above. After reconfiguring the router, you need to replace the connection key on all paired devices.

What to do if Wi-Fi does not work after setting a new password

Typically, a connection problem occurs most often on personal computers when the error "The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network" is displayed. To fix it, simply delete the old wireless connection and create a new one. The same procedure is carried out for other connected gadgets. You can read how to remove a network in the article How to remove a Wi-Fi network on Windows 7.

All these passwords are generally a sore point when it comes to Wi-Fi routers. It is not immediately clear what password we are talking about, because on the router, there may be two, or even three different passwords:

  • Password used to access TP-Link settings.
  • Password for Wi-Fi network.
  • And there may also be a password for connecting to an Internet service provider. It depends on what type of connection your provider uses.

In this article, we will talk specifically about TP-Link routers. I will show and tell you how to find out the password from the Wi-Fi network, and from the router settings. Consider a situation when you forgot the password for Wi-Fi, or the control panel, on your TP-Link router (modem). Specifically, on the forgotten password from your Wi-Fi network, there is a separate, detailed article:. In it, I wrote about how to view the password on a computer and on different routers. On TP-Link as well.

TP-Link: look at the Wi-Fi password in the settings

In order to enter the control panel and find the password, we need to connect to the router. You can also use Wi-Fi. Yes, you do not remember the password (most likely), but perhaps you already have a connected computer. If not, then connect to the router via a network cable: on the router we connect the cable to the yellow LAN connector, and on the computer (laptop) to the network box.

Then, in the browser, type the address (maybe, or tplinkwifi.net) and go over it. Enter your username and password. If you have not changed them, then this admin and admin... You can see more detailed. Well, just in case, I give a link to the article if (or

In the control panel, go to the tab Wireless (Wireless Mode) - Wireless Security (Wireless Security)... In field Wireless password (PSK Password) you will see the password for your Wi-Fi network.

You can just as easily, or leave the old one. In any case, now you know the key, and you can connect new devices to your router.

If you forgot your password to enter the settings (admin)

On almost all routers, including TP-Link, the entrance to the settings is protected by a password and username. That is, to enter the router settings, you need to specify a username and password. On TP-Link devices, the default password is admin and the username is also admin.

Standard data, you can find on the bottom of your router.

But, if you changed your password, but you need to, and forgot, then it is almost impossible to recover it. Only try to remember. If it didn't work out, but you need to go into the settings, then most likely you will have to configure the router again.

Drawing conclusions

Passwords need to be changed and your wireless network and router settings must be well protected. Moreover, you need to set complex passwords that will be difficult to guess or guess. But, always try to write down the passwords that you set, so that you do not have to look for how to recover them, waste time, re-configure the router, etc.

Forgot your Wi-Fi password - you can view it on your computer, or in the TP-Link router settings, as we just did. If you forgot your password to enter the settings, you will most likely have to reset the settings to the factory settings and configure everything again.

If something does not work out, write in the comments, we will try to solve your problem. Good luck!

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