The keyboard is connected but does not work. Why the keyboard does not work on the tablet

With the advent of touch screens   on almost all smartphones mechanical keyboard   replaced the software, which appears only when needed, and thereby saves usable space on the device’s screen. Undoubtedly, this is a convenient data entry option, but some Android users encounter errors that prevent the keyboard from opening. Below we will look at how to solve such a problem.

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Why the keyboard on Android does not open

If the on-screen keyboard does not open on your smartphone or tablet, there may be two reasons for this:

  1. Incorrect application operation onscreen keyboard
  2. Mistakes software   devices

These problems can be easily solved, let's analyze both options.

What to do if the keyboard on Android does not open

The keyboard may either not open at all or open, but may not respond to commands. If the keyboard does not open on the phone due to an error in the application itself, first you need to:

  • Go to application settings
  • Choose your keyboard
  • Clear keyboard app data and delete cache

After that reboot your device. If the problem was the keyboard not working correctly, then after doing everything everything should work fine. If the keyboard still does not work, check if it is turned on. To do this, select “Language and input” in the device’s settings and make sure that in the “Input Methods” section there is a checkmark next to your keyboard indicating that the selected keyboard is turned on.

In the vast majority of cases, these steps will help you restore the correct operation of the on-screen keyboard. If not, reinstall the keyboard or install a third-party Play market.

How to install a keyboard on Android

In the shop google apps   Play Market has a large selection alternative keyboards   both from third-party developers and from Google - GBoard. Replacing a standard keyboard with another one will not only solve the problem with its launch, but also allow you to configure it appearance, use advanced emoticon sets and different text input modes. The GBoard keyboard also has the ability to save new words in your cloud google account   and use your dictionary for predictive text input across devices.

Did these tips help you solve the keyboard launch problem? Share in the comments which keyboard you use.

Answers on questions

How to switch the keyboard to another?

In order to switch the standard keyboard to a third-party one, go to the device’s settings in the “Language and input” section, select “Input methods” and turn on the keyboard you want to use from the installed keyboards.

Pretty simple program   to enter and switch languages \u200b\u200bto tablet computer   greatly facilitates the user the process of working, communicating over the network, as well as playing and surfing the Internet. However, you may experience problems using the on-screen keyboard. And in this case, the owners of the device are trying to understand why the keyboard on the tablet does not work. Gurus of the industry give answers and explanations to this question.

The on-screen keyboard on the tablet does not work: possible reasons

Among the most common problems of incorrect or complete failure of the on-screen keyboard are:

  • Incorrect program operation.
  • Software crash.

Both options require a special approach to solving the problem.

Incorrect operation of the language application

It may mean that the on-screen keyboard does not appear at all or does not respond to user commands. To solve the problem:

  • Open the settings and find the language application.
  • Click the "Clear data" button, stop the program and clear the cache.
  • Restart the tablet.

After such actions, in most cases, the program performs its functions, restores normal operation. If this does not happen, you need to look for other ways to solve the language problem.

Software crash

It can happen after installing a new application that came into conflict with the software. Sometimes malicious adjustments to the program are made by viruses that can be "picked up" on the network. To get rid of them, you need to install antivirus program   on mobile device   and delete malware. And to solve the problem with the electronic (on-screen) keyboard, you need to:

  • Go to tablet settings.
  • Open the tab “Language”.
  • Click "Input Methods".
  • Make sure that there is a check mark in front of the required keyboard (it must be active).

All of these steps should help solve the problem. If this does not happen, you will have to reinstall the language program. There are many of them on the network, including modern intellectual ones (with voice dialing, the ability to write letters on the tablet screen) and the simplest.

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