A tablet computer for what it is needed. See what is "Tablet PC" in other dictionaries. How to choose a tablet computer

Nowadays, tablet computers are no longer news. They have solidified themselves in the electronics market and continue to gain popularity among users, primarily because of such an important advantage as compactness. Manufacturers (and these are not only famous brands) are releasing more and more new models of tablets, as they are popularly called. To navigate the choice, you need to consider many criteria, so as not to get confused when buying and not to be upset if your choice does not meet expectations.

What is a tablet computer? First of all, it should be noted its main difference from other computers is the touch screen, with which the tablet is controlled. That is, the owner of the tablet does not need a mouse or keyboard. Technical progress does not stand still and now models are already appearing that can be controlled with a few fingers (multi-touch gestures).

Of course, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that the tablet is inferior in its capabilities to a regular stationary computer or laptop. However, it may be useful:

      1. If you need to browse pages and websites on the Internet (web surfing).
      2. If you need to work with programs and applications that require an Internet connection.
      3. If you are reading e-books.
      4. If you are viewing graphic files, photo albums and galleries, etc.
      5. If you want to listen to music or watch a video, the tablet plays multimedia files.
      6. If you like electronic games.
      7. If you use email.
      8. If you want to always be available for communication, for example, in ICQ, Skype, M-agent and other similar programs, dorms.
      9. If you use IP-telephony and video communications.
      10. If you are not only viewing, but also editing electronic documents, graphic and multimedia files.

How to choose a tablet?

Before you make a choice, you need to know that a tablet computer means several types of devices. The most common options are two: a tablet personal computer and an Internet tablet. The first is an almost complete computer, that is, if necessary, you can connect a keyboard and mouse to it, and it will not be any different from a laptop. In addition, the usual full-fledged operating system is installed on the tablet personal computer: Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

And the second is nothing more than a symbiosis of a smartphone and laptop. It is compact and designed primarily for browsing websites and working with various web applications. Unlike the former, it is not compatible with IBM PC computers. Operating systems on Internet tablets are installed the same as on mobile devices: Android, Apple iOS or other systems that are suitable for working with web applications: Google Chrome OS, Jolicloud.

Naturally, Internet tablets are inferior in functionality to tablet personal computers. As a rule, users perceive a tablet computer exactly as an Internet tablet. And if they are wondering how to choose a tablet computer, they mean the second option. The popularity of tablets is growing for several reasons: because of the low cost, convenient and uncomplicated interface, because of the focus on working on the Internet, and also because of the possibility of long battery life.

And now we’ll figure out what parameters to consider when choosing a tablet computer.


Quite often people, choosing a tablet, attach the greatest importance to its appearance, but the most important thing in a computer is the processor. It’s clear that a tablet computer’s processor is not as powerful as a desktop or laptop, but it doesn’t need much power. If you plan to use it for web surfing, then a processor with a clock frequency of 600 MHz is quite suitable, but it would be nice, nevertheless, to have some margin, for example, 800 MHz. But if you want to watch video files in high quality or play video games, then you need a processor with a frequency of at least one gigahertz. However, the more the better.

It should be noted that the processors installed on the tablets consume less power than on ordinary PCs. It’s best to buy a tablet with a new generation processor, as the newer the processor generation, the more relevant the operating system it supports. That is, the choice of a processor for a tablet should be based on its novelty and frequency.


This is the second important selection criterion. We are talking about two types of memory: operational and internal. The performance of your computer and the number of applications with which you can work simultaneously depend on the random access memory (RAM). So: 512 MB is the minimum amount of memory at which the tablet will work, but slowly and sadly; from 768MB to 1 GB - the amount of memory for trouble-free operation with several programs simultaneously; more than 1GB - the amount of memory at which your tablet will cope with tasks that require a large resource, for example, a new generation of video games. But, as a rule, one gigabyte is enough.

Built-in memory is the memory of the computer itself, that is, it is a determining factor in the amount of information that you can save on it. This indicator, too, in general, the more the better. But it’s worth clarifying that the tablets have a slot for an additional memory card, therefore, if you missed a purchase, this is a fixable thing, you can increase the amount of memory. Modern tablet computers accept memory cards up to 64GB inclusive.

Operating system.

The operating system installed on the device is also quite an important point. You won't find Windows familiar to all of us here. Of course, the Apple iOS operating system is installed on iPad tablets, which has a huge minus, namely: all Apple devices are much more expensive than other similar devices, in addition, for many programs that you need to install, you will have to pay extra. The bulk of tablet computers are running Google Android, which is also used on various mobile devices. When choosing it, try to purchase a version with the latest firmware.

There are a number of operating systems for tablets, but they are much less common. This is Windows RT, a member of the Windows 8 family, designed specifically for tablets. And Windows 8 itself, the most popular operating system for desktops and laptops. The listed operating systems differ in the interface and organization of work with the tablet.

Screen size and resolution.

After all of the above, you can pay attention to the appearance, that is, the screen. Tablets are available with screens with a diagonal of 4 to 11 inches, but the most popular ones are from 7 to 10 inches. The larger the screen diagonally, the more convenient it is to work with it, that is, the image quality will be better and the interface elements larger. However, with an increase in the diagonal of the screen, the size of the tablet also increases. If you do not plan to constantly carry it with you, then for you the best choice would be a diagonal from 9 to 10 inches. For those who need to keep the tablet on hand at all times, it is better to choose a model with a screen diagonal of 5 to 7 inches. Such a device is not only compact, but also at a much cheaper price.

The next screen parameter is its resolution, that is, the number of vertical and horizontal dots, of which, in fact, it consists of. These points are called pixels, and screen resolution is measured in pixels. For example, if the documentation indicates that the screen of the tablet is 800x600, this means that 800 pixels are placed vertically and 600 pixels horizontally. The higher this value, the better image you can get, the easier it will be to read small text.

Screen size and resolution must be considered at the same time. For example, if the screen diagonal is 7 inches, and its resolution is 800x600, then this combination will be comfortable for work, but if the diagonal is larger at the same resolution, the image will be somewhat blurry and the text less readable. Another point that I would like to mention: the higher the resolution of the tablet screen, the less time it can work without recharging.

Touch screen.

As mentioned above, all tablets have a touch screen, which is of two types: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive touch screens are very sensitive and respond to a light touch of the finger, but do not perceive the touch of the stylus. And resistive touch screens, on the contrary, respond to styluses, and if you use your finger, the force of pressing the screen should be decent. The choice of screen here depends on how you are more comfortable working with the tablet: a finger or a stylus.

Autonomous work.

It is clear that the battery life, that is, battery life, is also an important indicator for a tablet, because, as a rule, you take it with you. If we compare two tablets with the same battery capacity, then with the same mode of operation, the one with a smaller diagonal screen will last longer. Choose a battery with a capacity of 2000 mAh or more. The weight of your tablet also matters, because it is a portable device. For tablets with a screen diagonal of 7 inches, the weight is considered to be up to 300 gr., And for 10 inches - up to 700 gr.

Additional devices.

Since the tablet computer is most often used to work on the Internet, it must have Wi-Fi and 3G adapters. In order to be able to connect external devices, for example, USB flash drives, it must have USB connectors for them, and to increase memory, a slot for a memory card. There are other useful devices, maybe not so important, but sometimes necessary, this is a webcam, GSM receiver, Bluetooth, Ethernet connector and HDMI connector for connecting a monitor.


Pay attention to the material from which the tablet body is made. If the case is metal, then it is more durable, it has fewer scratches and looks solid. But models with a plastic case weigh less, and Wi-Fi works better in them. Actually, plastic is also different, depending on the model. Regardless of the case material, the tablet needs a case, so as not to damage the screen.

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At the moment, tablets are used for different purposes, someone is sitting on the Internet during long trips in the subway, and someone is reading books and watching movies when he is in a cafe or sitting in line. It is very pleasing that the cost has decreased significantly, if you wish, you can find a quality model for 6.000 rubles, although we developed it in China, but this in no way affects the quality. Also, the tablet can be used to work when there is no access to the computer, since all office applications go to it without problems. But before you talk about choosing a model, you need to determine exactly what it is and what it is used for in most cases.

So, the article will consist of the following items:

What is a tablet?

Previously, people bought phones with a large touch screen, because with their help you can conveniently surf the Internet and watch photos and movies. A tablet is something similar to such a smartphone, but its screen is much larger, and the capabilities are the same as those of a modern computer. There are tablets ultra-mobile and computer, in addition, there are very original models that are equipped with a docking station. This is a simple small computer that has a touch screen and keyboard, but it disconnects very easily and simply, which turns it into a full-fledged tablet.

The most common tablets are classified as internet tablets, in simpler terms - tablets for the Internet. This is a simple model of a tablet computer without complex functions, which was created exclusively for use on the Internet, and it is you who are most often found in a cafe with Wi-Fi access. Of course, through them you can also read books and watch movies in high quality, but these features are attributed to additional functions. The design of such a tablet resembles the latest smartphone with an incredibly large display, however, the display supports many functions and is made very high quality, almost all displays have a multi-touch function and gesture control. If you are not comfortable with touch controls, you can always buy a mouse and keyboard with a USB connection, and the cost for them is very low.

Tablets have similarities with smartphones, for example, in the operating system. Most models work only on three operating systems: Android - the most common system, iOS - for models from Apple, Windows 8 or RT - for many models, for example, from Asus.

How to choose a tablet computer

It does not matter if you want to give a tablet to your girlfriend or buy for personal use, in any case, you should understand the characteristics so as not to spend money in vain. Almost all models fall into two main categories - those that have a screen larger than 7 inches or less. Small models are ideal for daily use, because they do not take up much space and you can go to the cottage or on a trip with them. Through such a tablet, you can listen to your favorite songs, read books and watch movies. The screen size is quite comfortable for these purposes - 800x480 pixels.

Models with a large screen look very attractive, but also cost much more. They are much more convenient, because there can be many small icons on the screen, and while working on the Internet you need to get to one of them. The image quality is also much higher, so watching photos and movies is much nicer. The smallest screen resolution is 1024x600 pixels.

But the matter is not only in screen size, there are other nuances that you need to pay attention to. The duration of the device is one of the decisive factors when choosing. Battery operation depends on its capacity and power consumption. For example, if the battery has a capacity of 1000 mA / h, then you can’t even watch movies and play games at low specifications for 2 hours. Much preferable models with a battery capacity of 2000 mA / h. You also need to consider that in relation to tablets the same tricks of manufacturers apply as to other devices. They indicate a very long operating time of the device, because testing is carried out in conditions that are comfortable for work. When buying, you need to reduce the time that is declared by the manufacturer by about 30%. If both models have the same characteristics, then the choice should be given to the one that works longer.

Next, familiarize yourself with the weight of the device, in many respects this characteristic depends on the duration of the tablet computer’s battery life. Weight increases if the battery capacity is very high. If the screen has a diagonal of 7 inches, then the weight of 300 grams is preferable, if more - 700 grams.

After that, take a look at the software features, including the tablet operating system. In stores you will find tablet computers with iOS, Windows and Android, but what is the difference between them? Firstly, each model has a standard set of programs through which you can listen to music, watch movies and surf the Internet. If you have your goals for using the device, you need to download additional programs. Of course, the choice of programs depends on the operating system. The most uncomfortable and impractical option is a tablet with iOS, since everyone knows about the Apple Store and the high prices of programs. Choose a model with the Android OS, because through the Android Market you can buy a lot of programs for every taste, and many of them are completely free. Installation also does not take much time - download the file and install in a few seconds. For those who are used to using Windows, this OS will be very convenient, because there are no differences between the tablet and computer versions.

Then look at tablet performance. Here everything is the same as with laptops and computers, of course, the characteristics of the tablet are inferior to conventional PCs. Be sure to look at the following features:
  1. Processor (frequency) - affects the viewing of video, it is advisable to choose a model with a frequency of at least 1000 MHz for watching HD movies. If you watch movies in low or medium quality, then 600 MHz is enough.

  2. RAM (volume) - just like a computer, affects the ability to run several programs. The more memory, the better, do not save on this feature.

  3. Information storage device (volume) - if you want to store many files on a tablet, you need to choose a model with a large volume. But do not forget that the cost of flash drives has now dropped significantly, so it’s more convenient to buy several drives than to spend money on a model with a large drive and an overpriced price.

Next, you need to look at the ability to connect an external keyboard and mouse. On any tablet, you can find a USB connector for connecting a USB flash drive, keyboard and mouse. There is also an HDMI port with which you can connect to a TV. If you want to increase the volume of the drive, you will need a slot for a microSD card. Then look at the availability of the Wi-Fi module, as a rule, it is in all modern models. But if you need the Internet with the highest speed and you do not want to depend on Wi-Fi, then you need to choose a model with a 3G module. But be sure to test it, because ads often lie. For example, it is indicated that there is support for 3G, but we tested it with the simplest modem, which may simply not work in your model.

Well, at the very end, you can pick up a cover for the tablet, because you can damage it without any problems. The case protects against unpleasant scratches and cracks on the screen, as the device is very fragile and any awkward movement can cause damage.

How to choose a tablet in 2013

What models are the most relevant in the coming year? Below we will talk about two tablets that are currently leading the market.

iPad with a new Retina screen (at least 20,000 rubles)
Device features: 9.7 diagonal and Retina IPS screen, modern Apple A6X processor, 42.5 WH battery and Apple iOS operating system. We can openly say that almost everyone wants to own Apple products, but because of the high cost, many people refuse it. There is an updated model of this tablet with 4G support, but its cost is much higher. We have given the most common characteristics of the iPad, there are different models, somewhere they are worse, and somewhere better, and the cost is also very different. The new model, called the iPad 4, has an Apple A6X processor and the latest Retina screen.

Google Nexus 7 with 3G support (at least 12,000 rubles)
This model is cheap in the USA, so you are very lucky if you can order it through EBAY or ask a friend to bring it. Characteristics of the tablet: gigabytes of RAM, NVIDIA Tegra 3, screen 7 IPS, battery 4 325 mAh and the operating system Android JB. The tablet is especially relevant among fans of the Android OS, as this is the latest development, which has gathered all the best. If you are confused by the price, and you can’t order a model from the USA, you can choose a budget option without 3G, the cost of which does not exceed 9.000 rubles.

Laptop or tablet what to choose?

Many argue about which is more practical: a tablet or laptop? Below we will talk about the pros and cons of these devices.

Entering information on a laptop and tablet
You can immediately notice that the keyboard on the tablet is missing, unlike a laptop. Not everyone is used to entering information using the touch keyboard, so it will take more time. Of course, this is much more practical and convenient if you need to drag and drop files from one place to another, but if you want to communicate with friends through instant messaging services, you will spend too much time, which will cause discomfort. You will slowly type in the text when your interlocutor has already sent several messages. That is why, sooner or later, the question arises of choosing a keyboard for the tablet, but will it be convenient for you if you carry an additional keyboard? If you often communicate on the Internet or your work is somehow related to texts, you need to choose a laptop.

Size difference
A laptop is much larger than a tablet, so people who just want to watch movies on a long trip prefer a tablet. The weight and size of the tablet is the same as a regular book - no more than a kilogram. At the same time, laptops are several times heavier and larger, if you look at the smallest laptops, you will notice that the weight is more than 2 kilograms and the size is slightly larger than that of the iPad 2. All this is due to the keyboard and the latest video cards with a cooling system, it takes up a lot of space and increases the size of the device. Therefore, for those who often fly by plane or travel by train, it is much more profitable to buy a tablet, because it practically does not take up space in the bag and is very easy to use.

Duration of tablet and laptop
Due to the fact that the tablet does not consume much energy, it has a small size. Any laptop has a modern graphics card, processor, RAM and much more, which increases energy consumption. Without additional charge, the tablet can work for about 10 hours, and this is two times longer than the duration of the laptop. An ordinary laptop with the most standard specifications lasts from 3 to 5 hours, of course, the best models can work for 8 hours, but this is less than a tablet, and the cost of such a laptop is much higher. If you want to watch movies and play games all day, for example, during a long train ride, it is better to prefer a tablet.

Software quality
The capabilities of the tablet and laptop software are very different, and for many this can be a decisive factor at the time of purchase. For example, tablet models with Windows 7 can perform the same functions as laptops with the same operating system, however, the speed is much lower. But still you can use the same programs, discomfort will arise only in the speed of downloading applications and the quality of work. Models with iOS and Android have other programs that can very well replace the same software that is installed on the laptop. But due to reduced performance and the lack of many features - the quality of the programs is lower, you still have to put up with the fact that this is a tablet, and it can not work like a laptop. If you often work in office applications and you need programs to do the work, you need to buy a laptop, since the tablet is much inferior to it.

What tariff to choose for a tablet

How to save on the Internet when working with a tablet? If you like to just go to sites and read articles, watch weather forecasts and check exchange rates, then the best option is “Unlim” from “Megaphone”. You will not be wasted on extra traffic, since you are allocated 30 megabytes per day, and the cost is only 5 rubles (150 rubles per month). At the same time, the speed is very high, so you will not experience discomfort when loading pages.

But if you want more traffic, then you can look at the tariff with the allocation of 100 megabytes per day. The cost is about 350 rubles per month of using the Internet, when the traffic is exhausted - the speed will drop to 64 kbytes.

If you are accustomed to the Internet, which is connected at your place, then you need to look at unlimited tariffs. With their help, you can download games, movies, music, chat with friends on forums and social networks, and even watch movies in DVD quality. This tariff is available to all residents of Russia, but so far it has not been connected in the Far East. It is provided by Beeline and it is called "iPad Unlimited Internet." There are several rates:

  • Unlimited Internet 400 - the speed is not higher than 256 kbps and a monthly fee of 400 rubles.

  • Unlimited Internet 600 - the speed is not higher than 512 kbps and a monthly fee of 600 rubles.

  • Unlimited Internet VIP - speed no higher than 2048 kbit and a monthly fee of 1000 rubles.

It is very pleasing that there is no threshold after which the Internet speed decreases. You can confidently download movies for a month and not be afraid that the speed will be reduced to 64 kbps.

A rare gadget boasts such a rapid increase in popularity, which is observed in tablet computers. Responding to demand, manufacturers offer an assortment of tablets in a huge range of prices and capabilities, and outwardly very similar models can differ in prices tens of times. How not to get lost in the labyrinth of characteristics and choose a tablet that will become a really useful assistant, without overpaying for unnecessary functions? First of all, you should understand what is hidden behind the characteristics of the tablets and determine which ones will be important to you and which ones will not.

Characteristics of tablet computers.

Screen diagonal  - The main characteristic of the tablet, largely determining its price and features. The larger the screen, the tablet is more convenient for viewing videos, detailed images, infographics and tables. But, at the same time, the larger it is, the heavier and more expensive it is.

It’s more convenient to operate with a small tablet, and just hold it in your hands - especially in cramped conditions. 7-8 inches in this case will be quite enough.

Tablets with a diagonal of 8-10 inches can be considered as the most universal - such a screen is already quite comfortable for most tasks.

Tablets with a diagonal of more than 10 inches are convenient when viewing detailed images and videos, but their mobility is already noticeably reduced - for example, holding such tablets with one hand is already quite inconvenient.

Display resolution. The higher the resolution, the sharper the image on the screen - but the price is higher.

The resolution should correspond to the diagonal of the screen - if the resolution is too low, the image will become grainy, and too high an image will lead to a noticeable rise in price of the device without a noticeable improvement in the "picture". In addition, with an increase in resolution, the load increases, and, accordingly, energy consumption.

The working distance of tablets is much smaller than that of monitors, so a comfortable value pixel density  (PPI) is much higher - about 160, with lower values \u200b\u200bthe pixels will be clearly visible. To facilitate the selection, you can use the following table:

Screen manufacturing technology  It has a direct impact on the quality of the “image” - on the viewing angle, color reproduction and image brightness.
- TN + Film - The cheapest technology for manufacturing LCD screens. Unfortunately, she also has the lowest picture quality - in terms of color reproduction, contrast and, especially, in the viewing angle, such screens lose to everyone else. At the same time, if the color rendering is not so important and it is not intended to operate the tablet under the bright sun, then choosing a TN screen will help to save money.
- IPS  - The most advanced technology for the manufacture of LCD screens. Provides good color reproduction (full coverage of sRGB space) and a wide viewing angle.
- Pls  - a kind of IPS technology from Samsung, has the same advantages and disadvantages.

TN + Film, IPS and PLS are technologies for manufacturing screens based on a layer of liquid crystals refracting the white light of backlight lamps. This causes a decrease in brightness, in addition, a pure black color on such screens is unattainable - this is especially noticeable in low light.

- AMOLED (Super AMOLED)  - screens made by this technology are not liquid crystal, but consist of many multi-colored LEDs. Moreover, each screen pixel consists of three LEDs - red, green and blue. This technology provides the widest color gamut and unrivaled image contrast. Also the advantages of this technology are the smaller screen thickness and preservation of contrast at any viewing angles. And, although AMOLED screens have lower brightness compared to IPS at maximum backlight, due to the high contrast, the image from them in high light conditions (under the sun) differs better.

Disadvantages of the technology are also available. This is a high price, flickering of the image on some screens and the burnout of LEDs. The last drawback can be especially pronounced if a static image is displayed on the screen for a long time (system desktop, screensaver, clock, etc.). In areas with greater brightness, the LEDs burn out faster, and after a while, a “trace” of this image appears on the screen, clearly distinguishable on monophonic backgrounds. The disadvantages of AMOLED technology include the lack of pure white color on most screens and lower image clarity - the subpixels of LCD screens of the same size and are strictly rectangular, and the pixels of AMOLED screens are rounded and have different sizes (blue ones are larger to compensate for the lower luminance of blue LEDs) .

You can often hear the claim that AMOLED screens distort colors, making them “acidic,” and the images (especially photographs) on such screens look unnatural. The statement is incorrect - the thing is that most of the images in electronic form are designed for the sRGB color space - most cameras, cameras, televisions, etc. work in this space. Therefore, it is not surprising that a photograph taken on a camera with an sRGB color space, when displayed on a screen with a large color gamut, will look unnatural.

To prevent this from happening, you can simply change the screen mode in the settings - this will narrow the color space to standard sRGB.

Video processor, like a video card on a computer, has a decisive influence on the speed of image formation. This is especially important when using 3d graphics and, of course, games.

Choosing a tablet by the model of the video processor is not worth it, but you can use the information about it to clarify the choice. Of the video processors presented today, the most productive is the Adreno series. Mali video processors are not much behind them - they are cheaper, but also much more common. Intel HD and PowerVR video processors are comparable to Mali, but they are not so common, therefore, they can show lower speed on real applications due to the lack of application optimization specifically for this series. Of course, all these comparisons are relevant only for devices of the same class - with the same frequency and the same number of cores.

Operating system.
The choice of OS should be approached with all responsibility - the tablet in this matter is very different from a laptop or computer: not every tablet can change a “dislike” system, and on those on which it is possible, it involves considerable difficulties and risk completely “Ditch” the device.

On sale now there are tablets with three OS: Android, iOS and Windows.

1. AndroidIs an open source linux-based OS developed by Google. The most common and dynamically developing system; the vast majority of tablets are offered with it.

But to know that Android is installed on the tablet is not enough to choose - you should find out which version is installed and whether it can be updated. Many inexpensive tablets contain an outdated version of Android and do not have the ability to update it, and modern applications may no longer support this version.

Android Pros:
- A huge number of applications, including free ones. In addition to the official Google Play application store, there are a large number of unofficial ones offering applications of various functionalities.
- Rich system customization options.
- Easy to connect tablet to PC for file sharing.
- The difficulty of gaining full access (root) to some settings and operations. However, most users will not need this access.
- High power consumption - tablets running Android “eat up” the battery much faster than under other systems.
- An abundance of viruses, trojans, and other malware. The openness of the system has led to a noticeable decrease in the security of Android devices. It is understood that third-party applications should be installed with caution. But the virus can be "caught" even on Google Play, and some cheap tablets generally carry system applications with intrusive ads that cannot be removed without root access.

2.iOS- a closed system, all rights to which belong to Apple. Accordingly, it is installed only on Apple products (in this case, iPad).

- High stability and performance.
- Almost complete absence of viruses (isolated cases do not count - the fact that the App Store does not even have an anti-virus application says a lot)
- A wide selection of applications
- High functionality and reasonableness of applications - thanks to Apple's tough policy regarding the contents of the App Store, there is practically no “garbage” in the official store.
- Much less free apps than for Android.
- Third-party applications, firstly, few; secondly, their installation is generally impossible without full access (jailbreak) - which is also not easy.
- Sharing files with a PC is much more difficult.
- iOS does not support all video formats - to view some video files (for example, mkv), you will first need to convert them to a format available for iOS
- The difficulty of connecting external memory and other external devices - to be able to fully connect a flash drive, you will need to purchase a special adapter and get full access to the device (jailbreak).

3. Windows is well known to anyone who has dealt with computers and laptops. It appeared on mobile devices not so long ago, but immediately interested many users in its compatibility with personal computer systems.
- The ability to make full use of a huge number of programs designed for computers running various versions of Windows.
- Easy integration into a working local area network running Windows: common file formats and common data standards make this process much easier - printing your favorite picture from a Windows tablet on a network printer is not difficult.
- Full control of the system without additional “tricks”.
- Easy file sharing with computer
- “Inheritance” from computer Windows also got a large number of viruses.
- A small number of mobile applications specifically for tablets.

CPU.  . As in "large" computers, in the tablet, the processor sets the performance of the device. But there are some differences - in computers the processor is a separate chip, and in tablets the processor chip is combined in one housing (SoC) together with a video processor, navigation module, communication module, etc. Therefore, for example, in general, it will not work to select a specific video processor for a specific CPU. Each SoC model is a combination of different modules, and two models of the same manufacturer can differ significantly in functionality and price, differing literally by one letter of the name.

When choosing a CPU, you should pay attention to the number of cores, the frequency and processor manufacturer.

Number of Cores  determines how many command streams the processor can work simultaneously. The conclusion is that the more cores, the more efficient the processor. In the general case, this is true, but the processor frequency, its architecture, the number of functional blocks and much more are also of importance. Therefore, one 8-core processor may be noticeably faster than another 10-core.

Core frequency  The CPU determines how many operations it performs per unit of time. The higher the frequency, the faster the core will cope with the task. The downside is that with increasing frequency, energy consumption also increases.

On processor manufacturer  close attention should also be paid. All other things being equal, it is better to prefer a processor from one of the leading manufacturers: Qualcomm (Snapdragon), Samsung (Exynos), Huawei (HiSilicon), Intel (Atom), MediaTek (Helio).

There are no two popular brands on this list: Apple and Spreadtrum, but for completely different reasons. Apple processors are placed only in Apple's tablets, so there is no choice in fact. In terms of performance, if they are not at the top of the pedestal, they confidently share it with top-end chips from Qualcomm.

But the Spreadtrum processors, although they are installed in Lenovo, ZTE and Samsung devices, stand out from the rest so far only at a low price. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon - several years ago MediaTek was also an outsider, and today their inexpensive processors are seriously fighting for first places. But for now, the processor from Spreadtrum is better to prefer some of the above five.

Many people confuse the concepts of RAM and internal memory - even consultants in stores: to the question “how much memory is on this tablet” one can hear very strange answers. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.

RAM  - high-speed memory used by applications during operation. Its volume and characteristics affect the performance of installed applications and whether they will start at all (the minimum amount of required RAM is different for all applications). When the power is turned off, the RAM is cleared.

To date, for solving everyday tasks, the optimal amount of RAM is 1 GB. To use office applications and resource-intensive games, it is better to choose a tablet with 2 GB of RAM. 3-8 GB of RAM may be required for professional tablets with a large screen for working with graphic applications.

Built-in memory  (“Hard drive”) - long-term memory designed to store applications themselves and their data. It affects how many applications can be installed on the device and how much data (photos, videos, documents, etc.) can be stored on it. We must not forget that at least 1GB on the internal memory of the tablet will be used by the system.

When choosing, you can focus on the volumes of typical files, so on a tablet with built-in 4GB memory there will be free space for only two full-length films in 720p format. You should also pay attention to the presence of slots for memory cards. If you can install memory cards in the tablet, you can save on the amount of internal memory by taking a model with a small amount of it (8-32GB) and install only applications there, and store data on a memory card.

An important characteristic of the tablet is its communication capabilities - most tablets are able to access the Internet, but the way to connect to it can be different:

1. Through cellular communication. Here you should pay attention to the supported type of data transmission via cellular communication.

The term " 3G”Implies not only 3rd generation mobile communications under ITU regulation, this term unites a family of technologies with a maximum data transfer rate of up to 42 Mbps. But the actual speed depends on many parameters and keeps on average 2-8 Mbit / s - enough to watch video in not too high quality.

Under 4G  I mean support for LTE and WiMAX with support for speeds of up to 100 and 40 Mbps, respectively. In practice, the speeds in these networks rarely exceed 30 Mbps for LTE and 5 Mbps for WiMAX.

When choosing a tablet with LTE support, it should be borne in mind that in Russia for LTE the wrong range is used that abroad and, quite possibly, the network with LTE support will simply not “see” the tablet.

Some tablets can be used as a cell phone, i.e., for talking and exchanging SMS messages. If the tablet is supposed to be used for conversations, you can pay attention to models with dual sim support  - one for accessing the Internet, the other - for cheap “conversational” tariffs.

2. Wifi support. In large cities, free Wi-Fi is available in many public places, so the lack of a cellular module today is no longer an obstacle to Internet access. Moreover, most tablets support the standard 802.11 b / g / n, providing speeds up to 600 Mbps.

GPS support  and / or GLONASS  expands the functionality of the tablet and not only allows you to use it as a navigator, but also expands the social capabilities of the user - the current location in many social networks can help the post quickly find its target audience.

Almost all tablets are equipped with a camera, and most with two (front and rear). Of course, for the most part, the quality of the optics and matrices of such cameras leaves much to be desired, and comparing a tablet with a digital camera is not serious, but for household photo and video shooting of the built-in camera it is quite enough.

Flash presence  It will help to make a decent shot in low light, but seriously, of course, you shouldn’t count on it - as a rule, the flash on tablets is implemented using one bright LED.

The number of megapixels in cameras- not their most important indicator, a lot depends on the image processing processor, matrix size, etc., but, to a first approximation, the more megapixels the camera has, the sharper and more detailed the image will be. But, at the same time, the more megapixels - the more space in the built-in memory will take each picture. With this in mind, 4-6 megapixels are enough for the rear camera. For the front, 0.5-1 megapixels is enough - the more megapixels the front camera has, the larger the volume of one frame and during a video conference (for which the front camera is usually used) the width of the Internet connection channel may simply not be enough to transmit a large image - The "picture" will twitch.

Battery capacitydetermines how long the tablet will work without charging the battery. Unfortunately, it is impossible to establish a clear relationship between capacity and operating time - a lot depends on the size of the tablet, installed system, operating mode, etc.
Some manufacturers indicate approximate tablet runtimeif it is not indicated, then, with an eye on 8 hours of operation, you can roughly focus on 3500 mAh for a seven-inch tablet, 5000 mAh for a ten-inch, etc.
It should also be borne in mind that any increased activity reduces the tablet’s battery life - whether it is Wi-Fi / 4G data exchange, frequent use of memory by the application or the load on the video processor from games.

Body material  The tablet mainly affects its appearance - metal cases look more spectacular, plastic ones are cheaper, more pleasant to the touch, and rubberized ones also hold better in the hand. But the metal case also “dampens” the signal of cellular and WiFi-modules, so the quality of communication with tablets with such cases may be worse.

If you plan to connect the tablet to a TV, projector or monitor, make sure that it has hDMI connector  or mHL support  (standard for connecting mobile devices to TVs and monitors).

Keyboard included  it brings the tablet computer closer to laptops in functionality - with the appropriate applications installed with such a tablet, it will be possible to work on texts and office documents.

Criterias of choice.

First of all, you should determine for what purpose the tablet is bought.

For browsing the web, communicating with other people through social networks and email, most tablets with the ability to access the Internet via WiFi and / or cellular networks are suitable. The possibilities of inexpensive models for this purpose will be quite enough, it remains only to determine the budget and choose among models with a diagonal of 7-8 "or 8-10".

To participate in online conferences, webinars and video blogging, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the front camera and the way the tablet connects to the Internet: models with 4G connection and a front camera of 1 megapixel are suitable for these purposes.

To work with various applications, databases and documents, it is better to choose a model with at least 2 GB of RAM and a keyboard in the kit. If you are going to work on a tablet with the same files as on a working computer running Windows, then it is better to choose a tablet with a similar operating system .. To facilitate the choice of parents, many manufacturers produce specialized tablets - usually with a limited Internet connection (and even without it) and with pre-installed development and gaming programs. But there is no single standard for a "children's" tablet, so you should make sure what the manufacturer had in mind before buying.

By definition, which can be found on the Internet, tablet computers are IBM PC-compatible mobile devices with a touch screen and full operating systems installed on them, which allow you to use all the software applications available on a desktop computer on a tablet computer.

What are internet tablets

All other tablets that we are used to call experts refer to the class of Internet tablets. These tablets have won the most popularity among buyers, due to their lower price, longer battery life, compactness and lightness. But the main thing is the availability of an operating system more tailored to the needs of the user, specially created for mobile devices.

The craze for tablets began after the introduction of the Apple iPad tablet computer in 2010. A distinctive feature of devices of this class (Internet tablets) is incompatibility with the IBM PC and the mobile operating systems installed on them, the same are installed on smartphones.

In view of the above, Internet tablets are less functional in comparison with IBM PC-compatible devices, but their ridge is the possibility of various methods of wireless Internet connection. The ability to travel around the Internet, view multimedia files, work with e-mail and cloud services - this is a small list of what Internet tablets cope with "excellent". In addition, various useful applications and games are constantly being developed specifically for such tablets.

What you need to pay attention to when buying a tablet

When buying a tablet, first of all, you need to pay attention to the price that we are ready to pay for it. The cost of tablets varies widely: from two to three thousand rubles to twenty to thirty thousand rubles. It is clear that for the highest price you can buy the most top-end models of well-known manufacturers, which today include Apple and Samsung.

All these tablets have excellent design and quality, as well as high functionality. Apple and Samsung in their products use different: iOS and Android, respectively. For any of these OSs, there are online stores of useful applications.

If you think that you can’t master the abundance of functions of expensive devices, and for a start it’s enough to buy an inexpensive tablet, then the choice is huge. But here you need to be careful, because inexpensive models may not have various convenient devices, for example, there may be no 3G connectivity to the Internet, which is a big minus for an Internet device.

Before buying a tablet, you need to decide on such characteristics as: the most convenient screen size and resolution. Screen resolution, as well as for any other screen, is determined by the number of displayed pixels horizontally and vertically. The quality of the picture on the tablet screen directly depends on this indicator: the higher the resolution, the sharper the picture.

Like on any computer, the most important components on the functioning of which depend on the speed and uptime of the device are the processor and RAM. An equally important characteristic of the device is the amount of its internal memory, as well as the ability to connect an external memory card. Here the rule applies, the higher the value of the indicator, the better.

A plus for tablets should be considered the presence of the maximum number of ways to wirelessly connect to the Internet. The tablet must have Wi-Fi and 3G, which allow you to connect to the Internet where there is a Wi-Fi source and where there is a 3G cellular network.

Thus, the usual tablet devices belong to the class of Internet tablets, which differ from the actual tablet computers in lower price and the presence of a special mobile operating system. And when choosing which tablet is best to buy, you need to proceed not only from the price of it, but also take into account the quality and functionality of the device.

What is a tablet? This question is now being asked by many. A tablet computer is a new type of modern mobile device. Its main feature is the touch screen, which occupies most of the tablet’s free space. It is the only input device.

  modern tablets

With the fact that such a tablet, you read, now you should consider its "stuffing" in detail. To begin with, like any other PC, it has its own operating system. At the moment, there are three namely: Android, Windows 8 and Apple iOS.

Windows 8 is an operating system that has appeared relatively recently. Its main advantage is compatibility with any software developed for Windows. The most popular tablets running on this OS are the following: Asus VivoTab, and Samsung ATIV Smart PC.

Apple iOS is the operating system on which devices manufactured by Apple: with Retina Display are running.

Android -   This is the second most popular system, a direct competitor to Apple. Most tablets are released specifically on the basis of Android OS.

What is a tablet for?

A tablet is, first of all, a device not for work, but for viewing information. This means that you can read e-books on it, surf the Internet, play video games, watch movies and listen to music. But writing a book, creating music or an application on this device is quite difficult. For these purposes, laptops and netbooks are better suited.

Surveys showed that users most often use a tablet PC:

  • 85% - for games;
  • 79% - to search for the necessary information on the network;
  • 75% - for correspondence via E-mail and Skype;
  • 62% - for reading news feeds and magazines;
  • 57% - for visiting forums and social networks;
  • 52% - for listening to music and watching movies;
  • 43% - for a variety of purchases in online stores.

How to choose a tablet

First of all, select one of the operating systems described above. This choice determines how convenient it will be for you to work with your tablet. It is also advisable for you to clearly understand why you need a tablet. To watch movies and listen to music on the go, take inexpensive equipment with a capacious battery, for video games - the “top” configuration based on Android or Apple iOS, and to create an image - the latest model of the Apple iPad.

How much does a tablet cost

Not so important is the question “What is a tablet?”, Like “How much does it cost?”. The price of this type of equipment varies quite a lot. For example, Prestigio MultiPad (Android 4.0) behaves great when watching movies, listening to music, reading books and surfing the Internet, but it costs relatively little, while the cost of the last iPad with Retina Display is very high. But this is, as they say, a matter of taste. For those who have a lot of money and have a desire to buy the perfect equipment with the best branded hardware, it is better not to find a gadget.

It is also worth mentioning the existence of hybrids - devices that combine several devices simultaneously. This, for example, Asus PadFone 2, combining a tablet PC and a smartphone, or Asus Transformer Pad - a tablet with a keyboard and the ability to connect a mouse and any other USB device.

In conclusion, I want to note that the main thing is to clearly understand what a tablet is and what you will do with it when you buy it. And then you will not be a bit disappointed in your choice.

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