The laptop takes a long time to load and slows down. The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on: Solving the problem

One of the most common personal computers (both desktops and laptops) is the long power-on. The increase in boot time can be due to both software and hardware problems. Let's figure out what can cause the laptop to turn on for a long time, and how to deal with it.

Diagnosing the problem

The process of turning on the computer (up to the stage of full loading of the operating system) can be conditionally divided into 3 key stages:

  1. The initial boot, during which the motherboard checks the health of all the components of the computer, and then turns them on one by one. Upon completion of this stage, the manufacturer's logo is usually displayed on the laptop screen, and some technical information is provided.
  2. Loading the operating system into the computer memory. At this stage, the OS boot splash screen is displayed.
  3. Operating system startup. The final stage of loading the OS, after which the user can start using the computer.

If errors, malfunctions, etc. occur at any of these power-up stages, this may cause an increase in the time the laptop performs one or another operation. As a result, the total turn-on time of the computer also increases.

Before proceeding with troubleshooting, you should determine at which stage of turning on the computer freezes. In the vast majority of cases, the increase in boot time is associated with a malfunction in the operating system. The main signs are a long display of the boot splash screen or the user's greeting screen saver, the computer freezes (up to the impossibility of controlling the mouse cursor) in the first few seconds / minutes after the OS boots.

Operating system problems

  • Damage to system files, causing the operating system to attempt to recover from startup, which can be time-consuming.
  • Failures in the operation of system applications responsible for loading the OS.
  • Problems with certain device drivers.
  • Conflict of system applications or drivers with third-party programs that are capable of controlling certain OS parameters, settings of computer devices.
  • A large number of automatically launched programs.
  • The actions of malicious programs that infect system files, in particular those responsible for loading the OS.

It should be noted that the increase in laptop boot time can be caused by not one, but several reasons at once. For an accurate diagnosis, you may need to go through all of the above points. Let's start simple.

A large number of programs in startup

Any operating system (including all generations of Windows) has a function whose task is to launch custom applications immediately after the OS boots. In most cases, the list of startup applications is modified without user intervention. Many programs add themselves to startup on their own at the installation stage.

To view and edit the list of automatically loaded applications in Windows, just do the following:

  • Press the "Win + R" keys.
  • Enter the command "msconfig" in the window, click "OK".
  • The System Configuration utility opens.
  • Go to the "Startup" tab. If the operation is performed in Windows 10, the "Open Task Manager" item will be displayed in the tab - click on it.
  • In the "System Configuration" or "Task Manager" application, a list of programs loaded at system startup will be displayed.
  • Now it remains to turn off the autorun function for all or some programs.

It should be noted that not all programs can be included and excluded from the startup list in this way. Windows provides at least two more ways to add applications to startup - through the registry and the Task Scheduler utility. Let's start by cleaning up the registry:

  • Press "Win + R" and then run "regedit".
  • The Registry Editor window will open.
  • In the upper part, just below the main menu, there is an address bar. Copy the following into it:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

  • Press the "Enter" key. A registry key will open, where the commands for autorun applications of the current system user are registered.

In the central part of the window, there will be a list of applications launched at system startup. Click on the name of the program with the right mouse button, then select "Uninstall". The application will be removed from startup.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

Remove programs from startup.

  • Press "Win + R", then run the command "taskschd.msc".
  • On the left side of the window, open the Task Scheduler Library tab.
  • The center displays tasks for the various applications.
  • Look for programs that have "When any user logs on", "When Windows starts", or "When you start your computer" appear opposite their names (in the "Triggers" column).
  • To delete tasks, right-click on it, then select "Delete":

Errors in the operation of applications and drivers

The easiest way to fix errors in programs or drivers is by reinstalling or removing them (if the software is not used in any way). The hardest part is figuring out exactly which application or driver is failing.

To see a list of all programs installed on your PC:

  • Open the "Programs and Features" section from the "Control Panel".
  • A window with all installed programs will open. Sort the list by installation date.
  • To uninstall a program, double-click on its name, then follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Before uninstalling an application, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its description on the Internet. It might not be worth deleting.
  • To view installed drivers:
  • Press "Win + R", run the command "devmgmt.msc".
  • A list of PC devices on which the drivers are installed will open.
  • If the laptop starts to boot for a long time after installing / updating a driver, you need to find it in the list provided, and then turn it off for a while (right-click on the device name, then select "Disable device").

Restart your computer.

If the exact name of the installed / updated driver is unknown, you can try disabling them one by one until the problem device is found. A disconnected device can always be turned back on.

To simplify the solution of driver problems, you can use special programs, such as Driver Sweeper or Driver Genius. Such applications have wide functionality for working with drivers of any PC devices.

System problems of unknown nature

If you can't pinpoint the exact cause of system problems, you can always try using the system rollback (restore) function. This procedure can also help resolve application and driver problems.

To rollback Windows:

  • Press "Win + R", then run the command "sysdm.cpl".
  • The "System Properties" window will open, go to the "System Protection" tab.
  • Click on the "Restore" button.
  • In the next window, click "Next", then select a restore point (focus on the date), click "Next" again.

  • Click Finish. The computer will restart.

Serious system malfunction

The first thing to do here is to scan the system with an antivirus with the latest database version. If the problem was not viruses, but some other software malfunction of the system, the best option is to reinstall the OS. Windows version 8 and above provides a convenient full system reset function, which, in fact, is no different from reinstalling, but it is a little easier and faster. You can start the system reset procedure as follows:

  • Open "Settings" from the "Start" menu.
  • Go to the Update & Security section.
  • On the left side of the window, open the "Recovery" tab, then click on the "Start" button.

  • Select one of the proposed options by clicking on it, then follow the instructions on the screen.

Laptop hardware malfunctions

Long-term switching on of a laptop is often associated with malfunctions of individual electronic modules - hard drives, RAM, processor, etc. Some minor malfunctions in the operation of the equipment are successfully eliminated by:

  • Turn off your laptop, then turn it on again.
  • Press the "F2", "F12" or "Delete" key immediately after switching on.
  • The BIOS user interface will start.
  • Find the reset function on the main page or in one of the BIOS setup sections. It can be referred to as "Set Default Setting", "Reset BIOS Settings", etc. (depends on the BIOS version).
  • Highlight a function, press Enter and agree to save the changes.
  • Press "F10" to save the settings and restart the computer.

More serious hardware problems may require laptop disassembly and personal repair. Often, the usual prophylaxis of a computer also helps - cleaning from dust, replacing thermal paste, lubricating the fans with oil, etc.

If over time the laptop starts to work more and more slowly, then do not be surprised. This happens with almost all computer devices, however, it is most typical for budget, cheapest models. Of course, the reasons for the slowdown of the laptop can be very different.

As the practical experience of the M-FIX Service Center masters shows, the most common reason is outdated equipment and / or lack of RAM. In this case, the problem can be solved quite simply - you need to update (upgrade) the laptop and add RAM, and then the gadget will work quickly and stably again. However, this may not be the only problem.

  1. Laptop slowdown due to viruses
    Do not be naive and assume that if an antivirus program (even a paid one) with an updated database is installed, then the laptop is completely reliably protected from harmful viruses. Viruses can get along with incoming e-mail, through downloaded files, games, programs from unverified sources. Some malicious files entered are embedded in the operating system or RAM, where only an experienced professional can detect them. Avoid downloading any "cracked" programs and games offered for free. Remember that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap!
  2. Defragment files
    Another reason for the slowdown of the laptop is the untimely defragmentation of files and the operating system. If there are a lot of such disordered files, then they can significantly affect the efficiency of work, namely: lead to freezes and a decrease in the speed of the device. The Windows operating system has a built-in corresponding program, but it is far from perfect. Therefore, it is recommended to install additional software. Today there is a huge selection of defragmenter programs, their number exceeds a hundred. Let's name the best, in our opinion, programs for hard disk defragmentation: IObit Smart Defrag, Defraggler, Auslogics Disk Defrag. Install any similar program you like, do regular checks and defragmentation, and you will see immediately - your laptop will work faster!

  3. After removing various programs and games, folders with files often remain, which slow down the operation of a computer device. There are many paid and free programs for cleaning the registry: Computer Accelerator, Advanced SystemCare Free, Wise Care 365, etc. As a rule, all these programs not only clean the registry of unnecessary files, but also offer other useful features to improve laptop performance.
  4. Applications running in the background
    It often happens that some programs that are not needed at the moment are running in the background. This also negatively affects the speed of the laptop. If you have finished working in any program, immediately disable it. This allows you to reduce the load on the processor and RAM. You can find out what programs are currently running in the "Task Manager". Some of them may start automatically when the laptop is turned on. Leave autorun only for essential programs, such as antivirus.
  5. Overheating laptop
    Overheating of the laptop inevitably leads to a decrease in work efficiency. In particular, not only the speed of operations is reduced, but also freezes, spontaneous reboots and even shutdowns can occur. As a rule, overheating occurs due to a clogged fan. If the fan is clogged and works slowly (or does not work at all), then the processor, video chip and other components are not cooled, as a result of which they can completely fail. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to regularly (once a year and a half) contact the service center, where they will carry out a preventive cleaning of the laptop.
  6. Laptop settings
    Correct OS settings allow you to optimize the processor and RAM (random access memory). You can customize it yourself. But, if you are not an experienced user, it is better to contact the SC. An experienced craftsman will do everything for you quickly and efficiently, and it will not cost much.

Take care of your computer equipment and it will serve you for many years! And if you need either a laptop or a computer, we will be happy to help you!

Your laptop is unbearably slow and you don't know what to do with it? No need to yell, get nervous, throw the mouse or hit the keyboard with your hands. It won't help! I have more efficient ways. If your laptop worked quite normally right after the purchase, but today it started to glitch and slow down, then you will find the solution to your problem in this lesson.

How sometimes the laptop slows down, is very familiar to me. I myself have a laptop that I have to optimize from time to time for normal operation. Let's take a look at 8 steps to get our laptops working well.

Overheating laptop

Today, a laptop is a technique that most often heats up well, and if you do not clean the device from dust for a long time, then the laptop simply overheats and starts to slow down. The user begins to notice this in games, and a little later glitches appear at every step ( when watching a video, opening a browser, launching programs, and the like).

First of all, use the program AIDA64to view the temperature of the processor and graphics card. You can download it.

After installing AIDA64, on the left, open the Computer tab and then Sensors. The temperature will open on the right. pay attention to CPU (processor) and GP (video card).

If the temperature is very high, then it means that it's time to disassemble the laptop, clean it from dust and spread new thermal paste. If there is no experience in this topic, then of course I would entrust this work to a specialist.

Viruses in the system

If the speed of the laptop did not deteriorate gradually, but sharply, that is, it worked well yesterday, and today it is terribly dull, then the problem may be in malware. If you picked it up somewhere, then it is because of it that the laptop can slow down.

I advise you to scan your system for malware. The installed antivirus is unlikely to work here, it is better to download the free utility CureIT. It is free, does not require installation and always has fresh databases.

Run the downloaded file and click Full Scan.

At the end of the operation, neutralize the threats found and restart the laptop.

Of course not always laptop slows down due to viruses or overheating, since in order to bring the components to overheating, you need to try hard, and malicious software enters the system mainly from novice users. In your case, the reasons " glitches and braking"may be very different, and let's talk about them further.

Startup programs

The more programs you run on your laptop, the slower it will run. Sometimes we ourselves do not pay attention to how many different applications are running. The fact is that when some of them are added to startup, that is, they are automatically launched when the laptop is turned on. These include Skype, ICQ, torrents, antiviruses, download managers and the like. Some of these programs are extremely rarely used, so why are they constantly working? Let's deal with them!

Press the key combination WIN + R on the keyboard and in the launched program Execute enter the msconfig command.

Startup will be performed System configurationwhere you want to open the tab.

If you have Windows 7, then here you will see a list of all programs that run with the laptop. And if you have Windows 8 or 10, then you still need to click the link to open Startup Open task manager". In this window, sometimes there are several dozen programs, which, in addition to slowing down the system startup, also slow down the laptop during operation. So it turns out that the laptop slows down due to the load of the RAM and processor. Uncheck those programs. that are not needed to work immediately after starting Windows.

Please note that there may be names of programs unknown to you. Do not rush to remove this program from startup. First of all, use a search engine and read the description of this program. Then draw conclusions!

After removing unnecessary programs from startup, it remains to apply the changes and restart the laptop.

Low system disk space

If the system drive on which Windows is installed is clogged to capacity, then this can also be the cause of unstable laptop operation. I advise you to free up disk space using the following methods:

Littered registry

Getting rid of all the junk is an important step towards a stable laptop. If you frequently install and uninstall programs, the number of unnecessary entries in the registry grows dramatically, and this affects your work. If you don't want to wonder from time to time, why the laptop slows down and what to dothen remember to keep the registry clean.

You can clean the registry by clicking a few buttons in the free CCleaner program. Download, install and run.

Open the Registry tab and click Find Issues.

Found records need to be corrected and repeated a couple of times.

6. Low RAM

Right-click on the Computer section and select Properties.

In the window that opens, find the line Installed memory... It shows the amount of RAM on our computer.

If you have 2 gigabytes or even less, then this can cause programs to run slowly, close suddenly or even freeze. Ideally, you need to increase the amount of RAM to 4 gigabytes by purchasing one or two memory sticks. Of course, it is not always possible to do this, so at least make sure that the system has ( The swap file is the addition of RAM at the expense of hard disk memory).

Disk check and defragmentation

The next step to saving the laptop is to check the hard drive for errors and defragment it. You can read more about this in my other lesson, but here I will only show you how to do it correctly and thereby speed up access to files on the hard disk.

Download Defraggler and install (free and simple).

After starting, we need to right-click on the disk and select Advanced - Find disk errors.

After the analysis is complete, you can start defragmentation. Right-click on the disk again and select the next item Defragment.

This procedure is not fast. It can last as long as a few minutes or several hours.

The laptop is very weak

If your laptop slows down, you can speed it up by following all the steps above. I want to say right away that it is not a solution to all problemsespecially if you have the cheapest and weakest laptop. Do not run a lot of programs, make sure that the laptop does not overheat, do not clog it with rubbish and remove viruses at the slightest danger. These will be the basic rules for more or less stable operation of a weak laptop.

Bonus Chips!

If nothing helps you and the laptop still slows down, then I am extremely surprised. Usually these 8 methods solve most of the problems and the laptop starts to perform much better. But as a last resort, I have additional advice.

Installing an SSD disk

My incredibly slow laptop after installing an SSD disk on it and installing Windows 10 on this disk, it began to work much faster.
I already wrote about this in my article:. There I described all the "miracles" of this type of drive. Unlike the classic hard disk drive (HDD), the latest SSD drives are much faster, which greatly affects the launch of the system, programs and work in them.

Reinstall Windows

I understand that it is not always possible to fork out for a new thing. In this case, follow all the above-mentioned points to optimize the laptop. Let me remind you, there are eight of them! Well, if all else fails, then you have to "kill" all possible system problems at once.

Buying a new laptop

Of course, if you have a laptop bought a couple of years ago, then it's too early to look for a replacement.
And if your " friend"for 10 years, then I think it is extremely outdated and it remains either to put up with constant brakes and glitches, or buy a new modern laptop.

I hope my great article helped you " rock"my laptop. Good luck and see you in new articles and video tutorials.

IMPORTANT! P.S. Well, if your computer lags, then I advise you to read the lesson: There I told a few more tricks on optimization.

Sooner or later, a Windows 7 user may find that it takes longer and longer to boot the operating system, reaching the point where it is already annoying. It becomes impossible to endure, and something needs to be done urgently. But it is not always possible to immediately determine the reason for the slow loading, since there may be too many possible options associated not only with the software, but also with the hardware of the computer. To deal with a frequently asked question, loading slowlyWindows 7 when turned on what to doLet's consider all these options, starting with the most common reason for a long operating system boot up to the more rare ones. So, the possible reasons could be:

  • system startup overflow;
  • resource-intensive antivirus;
  • littering the system registry;
  • lack of free space on the hard drive;
  • clogging Windows 7;
  • hard disk wear;
  • obsolescence of the computer;
  • incorrect settings
Let us describe these reasons in more detail.

Operating system startup overflow

When you turn on the computer and load the operating system, the programs in the startup section are one of the first to start to work in the background. perhaps because of this takes a very long time to loadWindows 7 when turned on... Of course, such necessary software components as antivirus, video and audio consoles, etc. must be present in the startup. But most applications are simply redundant, as they are not used as often, and if necessary, they can be launched from the Start menu or using a shortcut on the desktop. The fact is that many programs, when installed by default, offer to put them at startup, since software manufacturers are interested in promoting their product. Therefore, when the installer offers to add an application to startup, consider whether you need it there. If not, then uncheck this option. To remove unnecessary programs from startup, follow these steps:
If as a result of this procedure it turns out that you have disabled important applications by mistake, you can return them in a similar way.

Resource-intensive antivirus

If after the changes made in startup it is all the same the computer takes a long time to load when turned on, the reason may lie in the antivirus, which checks all loadable modules when loading, which takes some time.
You can, of course, remove the antivirus from startup so that the system boots faster, but the security of the computer is not guaranteed. The only thing that can be advised is to try changing the antivirus to another one that requires fewer computer resources when loading and operating. But here, too, most likely, you will have to choose between the effectiveness of detecting threats and the speed of the application. Before switching to a different antivirus, check out the respective antivirus comparative reviews and user reviews.

Malicious programs

When computer takes a long time to bootWindows 7 when turned on, this may be due to the penetration of viruses and other malicious software (trojans, worms, etc.).
Such malicious programs do not necessarily crash the system, but working in parallel with other Windows processes, they can significantly slow down the speed of its operation (including loading).
Run a deep scan of the system for malicious software in the installed antivirus. Even if your antivirus doesn't find anything, you should play it safe and use another antivirus, as not all of them are equally effective.

Littering the system registry

Another reason why does the computer take a long time to boot when turned onmay be littering the Windows 7 registry.
The operating system registry stores records about all installed programs, about their updates, changes, removal, and also contains a list of commands that the system must execute in relation to a particular application process. With the installation of a large number of programs, over time, a lot of such entries can accumulate in the registry, and when some of them are removed, fragmentary information of these applications may remain in the registry, which the system still has to constantly read in order.
In this regard, it is advisable to clean the registry from time to time. This can be done using special programs, which have been released quite a lot. For example, you can use the free CCleaner application, by installing and running which, click on the "Registry" button on the toolbar, and then click on the "Search for problems" button. The program itself will find errors in the registry and what can be removed from it.
But before clicking the "Fix" button, it is still recommended to check the list of proposed changes yourself so that the program does not accidentally delete valid entries.

Lack of free space on the hard drive

The reason why does the computer take a long time to boot when turned onthere may also be a lack of free hard disk space.
For normal operation, the Windows 7 operating system requires a certain free space on the disk where it is installed (at least 5 gigabytes, and preferably 10), since special temporary files are created during the boot and operation of the system. Therefore, if there is not enough free space, system loading may slow down. Check the free space on the disk, and if it is not enough, move or delete unnecessary files.

Clogging Windows 7

The longer you use the Windows 7 operating system, the more installed programs, service packs, temporary files and other components accumulate in it, which can slow down the system as a whole and be the reason that takes a long time to boot the computer when turned on.

Using the CCleaner program mentioned above or the standard Windows function “Disk Cleanup”, which is available in the “Properties” of the disk on the “General” tab, you can clean the system of unnecessary data, thereby speeding up its operation.
If the computer takes a very long time to boot when turned onmost likely, the problem is in the hard disk, which has a certain resource of work.
Over time, the hard drive wears out, and damaged or broken clusters may appear on its magnetic surface, when accessing them in an attempt to read information, more time is spent or the data cannot be read at all.
To diagnose the state of the hard drive, you can use the standard Windows 7 utility by right-clicking on the drive and selecting Properties. Then you need to go to the "Service" tab, where you can run the disk check program.
If, as a result of checking the disk, a lot of "bad" sectors are found, then you should purchase a new hard drive. If you use a computer for several years, sooner or later it becomes obsolete, you can't get away from it. New programs installed by you will require more and more computer resources (processor power, RAM and video memory), which you will no longer have enough for their full functioning. All this will affect the speed of operation and loading of Windows 7.
In this case, you will need to think about buying a new computer or about its "upgrade" (improvement).

Incorrect BIOS settings

Another reason for a slow computer boot can be incorrect BIOS settings, where the boot order of various drives is set.
There, for example, the following order can be set: first from a CD / DVD / Blu-ray drive, then from a flash drive, and then from a hard disk (HDD). And while the computer goes through the two previous boot options and reaches the hard drive, it will take a few seconds. To check the boot sequence settings for the drives, enter the BIOS before starting Windows 7.
We hope that from the above options you have found one or more reasons why your desktop computer or laptop takes a long time to boot when turned onWindows 7, and successfully solved this problem.

Have you started to notice that your laptop is very slow? Many users are faced with a similar problem, which is often annoying and annoying. Don't waste your nerves, get your device back to its original performance with our tips. Read below why the laptop is slow, loads everything for a long time, and how to deal with it.

1. Accumulation of dust

If your laptop has an air cooling system and has been in operation for more than a year, you should think about preventive cleaning of internal components from dust. The fact is that over time, the radiator grilles and elements of the cooling system become covered with a layer of dust. This, in turn, leads to overheating of the laptop, as well as braking and freezing of the system. How to clean your laptop from dust, read this article.

2. Overflowed startup

The longer and more actively the device is used, various programs are installed, the more applications get into startup. It seems nothing bad, but over time, the system resources of the laptop are not enough to start all programs and services quickly enough. The situation is aggravated by the fact that some of these applications are rarely used and often not needed at all. To optimize startup, do the following:

3. Damage by viruses

The presence of malicious software often provokes a situation where the laptop is slow. If you actively use the Internet, download programs from various sources, and at the same time you do not have a good antivirus program installed on your device, then sooner or later you will be exposed to a virus infection. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately notice that viruses have appeared on the laptop, but if the laptop suddenly began to work slowly, this is a sign of a possible infection. Read here how to deal with malware.

4. Increased fragmentation of the hard disk

If your device uses an HDD, then over time the information stored on it is fragmented, which slows down the system when working with data. To avoid this, it is recommended to periodically check the status of the hard disk and defragment it. To analyze the disk and run defragmentation, do the following:

5. Incorrect setting of power supply parameters

There are several operating modes for laptops:

  • energy saving - used when running on battery power, low system performance, low screen brightness, etc.
  • balanced - a balance is maintained between performance and energy consumption;
  • high performance - characterized by an increased frequency of the microprocessor, a bright display, etc.

When you plug in the power cord, make sure the system automatically switches to balanced mode or high performance mode. After all, if the power saving mode is set, the laptop will run much slower.

6. The laptop does not meet modern requirements

Time does not stand still, and therefore more demanding programs, games and versions of operating systems appear every year. If your laptop is many years old, perhaps the reason for the slow operation is the poor technical characteristics of the device by modern standards. To solve the problem, you must either upgrade the system or purchase a new, more powerful laptop.

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Optimizing your system to speed up your laptop

The new laptop runs fast and smoothly, but over time problems appear with the processing speed of requests. Most often, the reason for the decrease in performance is the actions of the users themselves, so if you have a slow laptop, reconsider how you use it.

Common Causes

If the laptop loads everything for a long time, then the following factors may be the causes of the problem:

  • Excessive clutter of the system with files and programs.
  • The action of viruses.
  • Overflowing autorun list.
  • A large number of running processes.
  • HDD fragmentation.
  • Using an economical power supply scheme.
  • Clogged cooling system.
  • Obsolescence of equipment.

Sooner or later, the system will still start to slow down, but you can keep it in working order on your own for a long time if you take proper care of your laptop.

System optimization

If your laptop becomes slow, pay attention to how much free space on your hard drive. 12-15% of the total volume should remain free on the system partition. You can fill up more space, but then there will be "brakes", because the fragments of the file table will begin to be decomposed into free disk sectors, the search for which will take longer.

Therefore, delete unnecessary files and uninstall unnecessary programs so as not to occupy a useful volume of junk. To uninstall programs, it is recommended to use the Revo Uninstaller utility, which allows you to immediately clean the system from empty folders that remain after uninstalling applications.

Don't forget to destroy temporary files and clean your registry. Use the free CCleaner program to optimize the system - through it you can perform all the necessary actions, from deleting temporary files to cleaning the startup list.

Note: when deleting temporary files through CCleaner, uncheck the boxes from the browsers you use so as not to erase the browsing history and saved passwords.

You can also clean startup using built-in tools. On Windows 10, the startup list is available in the task manager:

Since you are in the task manager, go to the "Processes" tab and see which programs and how heavily load the system. If there are unnecessary processes (for example, Skype is running, and you are not using it and are not waiting for messages), terminate them to reduce the load.

If Windows 7 boots slowly, follow these steps:

If you leave a minimum of programs, then the resources of the laptop will be directed to loading Windows, and not running third-party software. Also, if your laptop lags, be sure to check it for viruses. Use not only the installed antivirus, but also the Dr. Web Cure It.

Disk Defragmenter

If an HDD is installed in the laptop, do not forget to periodically defragment it. In the process of work, the data is split into parts, that is, it is fragmented. In search of parts of files, the disk head is forced to wander over the entire surface, which ultimately affects the response speed. Disk defragmentation allows you to collect pieces of data in one place.

Attention: if an SSD is installed in a laptop, then defragmentation is unnecessary and even harmful, because solid-state drives work using a different technology than HDD.

If the disk has a fragmentation rate greater than 10%, defragment it. To remember to run this procedure all the time, click Change Settings and enable Scheduled Optimization.

Power settings

Several schemes are available in the laptop power settings. If you did not create your own plan, then there will be three of them:

  • Energy saving.
  • Balanced.
  • High performance.

The name of the circuits directly speaks about their purpose. If you have the power saving mode set, then there can be no question of good performance - the laptop will try to consume a minimum of resources. To fix this, you need to set a different power plan.

  1. Open the control panel. Set the display mode to "Large icons" and go to the "Power supply" section.
  2. Check the plan "Balanced" or "High performance".

Try to put a balanced circuit first, so that the laptop is powerful enough, but does not run out of power in half an hour. If a program or the entire system is still running very slowly, set it to high performance mode.

Cleaning and updating components

If neither system optimization, nor even a complete reinstallation of Windows helps, then you should pay attention to the physical condition of the laptop. Perhaps it slows down and freezes because the cooling system is clogged. How to fix it? Disassemble the laptop and clean it from dust, as well as replace the thermal paste. You can do it yourself, having previously found a laptop parsing scheme, but it is safer to contact a service center.

Do not forget that "smart" technology is quickly becoming obsolete. Therefore, if you are using an old laptop, then do not be surprised that Windows 8 slows down on it, and some programs do not start at all. You can try upgrading individual components (processor, motherboard, hard drive, RAM), but in the case of a laptop, it's easier to buy a new model.

Laptop slows down, loads and works slowly? that way! |

Today, almost everyone has laptops and computers, but this does not mean that they are all well versed in computer technology and can fix any problem. Often, when experiencing problems with the operation of their PC, users begin to worry about their data, panic and even plan to buy a new one. But even novice users can solve many problems on their own, you just need to pull yourself together and understand what is the cause of the problem. One of the main problems of ordinary users, no matter for what purpose they use a laptop - for study, work or entertainment - is that the laptop is too slow. When we just turned on a brand new PC, we are pleased with its high performance, fast execution of operations. But over time, it works more and more slowly, often "slows down" or even refuses to execute the simplest commands. Are you tired of restarting your computer and don't know what to do? Let's figure it out now.

Loaded hard drive:

The main problem with many laptops is an overly full hard drive. Sometimes we don't even notice how we download or copy this or that information to a laptop, in the last place thinking about its necessity. Often we need some programs for short use, after which we can remove it, but we do not. In addition, due to frequent downloads of files from the Internet, useless and unnecessary files accumulate on the computer, which waste space, which, of course, affects the speed of work. Therefore, before you panic, you should carefully check all files and folders on your hard drive. Sort all the data into the necessary and useless. Leave the first, and remove the second without a twinge of conscience. After cleaning and restarting, your computer will surely start to run faster.

A lot of time spent on the Internet and frequent downloads have a side effect of being infected with viruses. The human eye cannot notice when a particular virus has entered its computer and started infecting files and folders, including system ones. Viruses aim to harm your computer, so your primary concern as a user is to keep your laptop safe. Install a high-quality antivirus (you don't have to buy it, because there are many free antiviruses), scan your laptop's memory for viruses, and protect your Internet connection. Thus, you will save your computer from many viruses and protect it from further infection.

Lack of RAM:

If you are unhappy with the performance of your computer, you can easily fix it by increasing the amount of RAM. Let's say your laptop has a 2 GB RAM slot. You can purchase and supply another 2GB slot and you get 4GB of RAM in total. After that, the speed of the laptop will increase inexorably.

Other measures:

If none of the above helped you, then you need to start a radical cleaning of the laptop. This will help you defragment the system, which organizes scattered files and folders, organizing them. You can also format the disk, but before that you need to make a backup copy of all important data - copy it to other media or another computer. Another way to improve the performance of your computer is to reinstall the operating system. If you are not sure of your user skills, then experts or acquaintances who understand computers will help you with this. Reinstallation of the system usually takes less than an hour. That's all you need to know to improve your computer's performance. But even after that, you shouldn't let things go by themselves. To prevent re-contamination of your laptop, be careful about what you download, delete unnecessary files more often, check your PC for viruses. With these simple measures, your laptop will always run fast and last long.

Hello dear readers! Today, I would like to discuss with you a topic that directly relates to "brakes" on laptops.

Our theme sounds like this: "The laptop is running slowly, what should I do to fix this?" And if you are interested in this, then you are welcome. Go!

Laptop is running slowly what to do


The brakes on a laptop or computer are a matter of time, every day we use our computers, the registry gets clogged in them, files are fragmented, and it is possible that viruses get into them. I already wrote about defragmentation, and a lot has already been written about viruses, but if problems with computer performance are still haunting you, then let's take a look at them :?

To begin with, let's define the "insides" of your laptop or computer. It is no secret that the main core of information processing is a processor, and if you have an old or "weak" one, then you should think about switching to a less demanding operating system, say from Windows 7 to Windows XP (or 8).

If you already use an XP-shka, then you should defragment your disk or scan your computer for viruses. However, there is another "fly in the ointment" - a clogged registry. I would advise you to download the TuneUp program, which solves this problem in a couple of clicks.

TuneUp is paid, but there is a trial version, which is fine for us, and will thoroughly clean our computer "thanks": D

However, I want to note that if you have a very old computer, then nothing will save it, think about buying a new one. Of course, a new computer is an extra expense, but it is also convenience in working with it, and this is important.

Laptop is running slowly what to do


"The laptop is running slowly, what can I do to add performance to it?" , the answer to this question, we tried to find out.

If you have other problems, such as: loss of sound, bad sectors on the disk, incomprehensible noise, or broken Fn keys, then we are happy to help you. Thank you for your attention, keep an eye on your digital assistants and don't forget about your eyesight.


My laptop is slow to boot and run, what should I do?

Despite the fact that the capabilities of modern laptops are almost equal in processing power and speed of work with desktop systems, they can still be called more "capricious" devices that require more attention. "Laptop takes a long time to boot" is one of the most common reasons that annoys their owners the most after a certain amount of time. This manifests itself in increased load times, slower application launch times, slower web browsing, increased noise and freezes. In other words, the laptop is slow to load and performs poorly. The reasons for such phenomena can be hidden both in the software and in the hardware, and it is advisable to eliminate both problems immediately by contacting qualified specialists. Otherwise, your laptop may fail, and restoring it to working capacity will cost significantly more than periodic maintenance.

The main reasons for slow laptop performance

Let's try to figure it out: why does the laptop take a long time to boot? Before considering the reasons for the slowdown in the operation of this device, you should pay attention that we will talk about the slowdown in the process of using your laptop. Obviously, an entry-level device with little RAM will be significantly slower than a mid-range laptop. So, if you begin to notice that your laptop started to run slower than before, there may be several reasons:

  • Clogging the file system with a large number of temporary files;
  • High fragmentation of the hard disk and lack of free space on it;
  • Frequent installation and incorrect removal of various software, leading to an increase in the size of the system registry;
  • The presence of a large number of programs that register themselves in startup;
  • Regular use of hibernation or sleep mode without restarting the laptop, which can lead to frozen processes and a decrease in the available amount of RAM;
  • Infection of the file system with malicious code;
  • Heavy dusting of the case and drying of thermal paste, leading to overheating of the processor and automatic reduction of its clock frequency.

This is not a complete list of reasons, therefore, it is possible to determine exactly which of them affected the slowdown in the speed of work only after a comprehensive diagnosis of the operation of the software and hardware of the laptop.

Ways to improve laptop speed

There are two main ways to increase the speed of the device:

  1. Optimization of the operating system and software using built-in or third-party utilities. This can include defragmenting the disk, removing unnecessary software, cleaning the startup list, checking regularly with antivirus software. In some cases, reinstalling the operating system can help, however, here you need to take into account that you have to worry about the safety of your data and spend time installing the software you are working with.
  2. Performing an upgrade (modernization) of your laptop. Installation of additional memory, replacement of a conventional hard drive with a solid-state one, replacement of a discrete video card will significantly increase the speed of work. However, in some cases, such an upgrade is simply impossible due to the lack of compatible components.

It should also be remembered that it is advisable to take the laptop to a service at least once a year for cleaning it from dust, replacing thermal paste, checking the cooler of the cooling system. Such prevention will not only eliminate the decrease in performance due to overheating, but will also allow you to extend the service life of the device.

In any case, with a noticeable slowdown in the speed of the laptop, you should contact a specialized service center. As a rule, preventive maintenance is inexpensive and will avoid the failure of expensive laptop components.

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