Maxthon cloud. Free Windows software download for free. The most significant features of the Maxton cloud browser

Maxthon is a good example of the fact that not everything Chinese is bad. And Maxthon, the brainchild of Chinese programmers, is not only not bad, but almost gorgeous. Only after putting it on my computer and using it for a couple of days, I generally declared it the best browser. Then, however, small flaws of the browser became noticeable and in my table of ranks it “slid” from “best” to “one of the best”, which, you see, is also very good. But let's go in order ...

For the entire time of active use of the browser (and this is already more than three months), it has not had almost a single glitch or bug, that is, stability at a very high altitude and in terms of external impression (without professional tests) surpasses the stability of such whales of the world browser-building as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. But these are my personal observations.

The only noticed drawback is incorrect display of markup of web pages that have table tags, such as pages on our site:

Compare this to the same page snippet in another browser:

I even thought it was a layout problem on our site, but I checked this page in 18 (!) Other browsers - everywhere it is displayed correctly, including mobile device browsers. This means that Maxthon is still a shortcoming.

The first and very significant plus is the highest browser functionality, practically not inferior to the functionality of the mentioned Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, which are, without a doubt, the best browsers at the moment. And Maxthon stood in one row with them, displacing the agonizing and dying Opera.

The functionality of Maxthon "a consists of several things at once:

The first - the browser is cloudy, which means that it stores all its settings, including bookmarks, browsing history and even files uploaded with it in the cloud, and they are available to you on any computer or mobile device where you install it. At the same time, you can disable saving settings to the cloud and not be afraid that your information is stored somewhere other than your computer. But for me - cloud storage and automatic data synchronization are damn convenient!

Second - the browser has its own, fairly rich store of free Extension Center applications (by analogy with Google's Chrome Web Store and Mozilla's Firefox Marketplace). More on this below.

Third - lightweight and very useful built-in plugins that can be made visible to the right of the address bar, or can be hidden and used through the drop-down menu.

Fourth - the browser has as many as four screens of visual bookmarks to your favorite sites, which are shown when you open a new tab and can be easily flipped like desktops in an android or an iPhone. On these screens, you can save as many as 48 bookmarks to your most popular sites, to which you will have access in just a couple of clicks.

The second plus is stability of work. The browser practically never freezes, does not glitch, starts up quickly, does not display any stupid messages, warnings or alerts like Internet Explorer; it doesn't crash plugins like Mozilla does.

With all this, the browser consumes few computer resources - less than Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

The only noticeable fact of instability is the work of the Extension panel, which displays the icons of the applications you have installed from the Maxthon application store. But only if this panel is installed as a standalone computer application. The fact is that the panel has a lot of flexible settings - you can hide it, set it to run in the browser, or run it separately from the browser when Windows starts. In this latter case, it does not work very stably - it happens that it does not start, or it starts, but does not work. Sometimes it has the texture of water and ripples from contact with the mouse cursor, sometimes it has no structure. In general, it behaves unpredictably. But when launched in a browser, there are no problems with it.

By the way, I would like to tell you about this panel separately.

On the right, you see this panel as it is with me. The top icon is the login to your personal account, by creating which you get access to all the cloud capabilities of the browser. Further icons of Favorites, Downloads, built-in RSS-aggregator and a link to the Maxthon forum. These are plugins pre-installed in the panel. But everything below is installed from the app store:

1. Cloud notebook with automatic every second autosave - just write thoughts, notes, copy favorite texts into the notebook and they are immediately automatically saved to the cloud, from where you have access to them from any computer or mobile device.

2. Plugin for TweetDeck is a convenient tool for working with Twitter.
3. Google translator plugin.
4. Plugin for automatic check and access to Gmail mail - when an email arrives, the plugin turns red and shows the number of new unread emails. It is extremely convenient - you do not have to constantly go to your mail and check it.
5. Plugin service for sending SMS messages from a computer to subscribers of any Russian telecom operators.
6. Google Calendar Plugin.
7. Icon for quick access to Evernote notes.
8. Online TV plug-in - one click and a window opens in which you can watch three dozen TV channels online.

All this is my personal choice. You can choose completely different applications for yourself from several hundred applications that are currently available in the Maxthon application store. At the same time, the store is actively developing and new applications from new developers appear in it every day.

True, since Maxthon is a Chinese brainchild, many of these applications are focused on China and other Asia, but there are also many Russian, Russian-language applications.

Other browser amenities

The browser runs on two engines - Webkit and Trident... Switching occurs with one click on the button at the end of the address bar (you can hide it if you wish).

Ability to work both in normal mode and in secret, which does not store cookies, browsing history, data of completed forms and passwords. A very useful function if you do not use your computer alone or if you are generally afraid of confidential data. You don't have to be afraid with this mode!

Additional menu at the bottom of the screen, which, on the one hand, gives information about the load on the computer's processor and the consumption of RAM (none of the browsers have this!), and on the other hand, it has additional control tools - zooming in and out of the displayed sites, full-screen viewing mode, mute, plugin Ad hunter (ad blocker) and also a very interesting tool - parallel view mode.

Parallel viewing divides the browser screen into two parts (by default - equal, but using the slider, the width of the windows can be adjusted at your discretion - to make one window wider than the other), thus making it possible to simultaneously view two sites at once. It is very convenient when you need to compare the content of two sites or simultaneously work with two different texts posted on different sites. especially useful on large wide screens.

Night view mode... One click and the background of the viewed sites turns dark and the text becomes white.

Browser mouse gesture control... Personally, I prefer hotkeys, but some will love this feature.

The keyboard shortcuts are great in the browser! Almost any action here has its own keyboard shortcut, and if it does not, it can be assigned. Existing combinations can be reconfigured to suit your preferences!

Browser cross-platform... Maxthon runs on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, Windows Phone.

Russian language support - available both in the browser itself and at the level of an excellent support site in Russian.


Maxthon Browser is great! Very functional, fast, stable, understandable and user friendly. In many respects, it is better than Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, which, at the moment, are the undisputed leaders of the global browser market. If the Maxthon development and support team does not stop at what is available, they actively develop the project, it has every chance of becoming the best.

Maxthon (Maxton) is a free internet browser developed by the Chinese company Maxthon International Limited. Its first version was released in 2004 based on the code of the MyIE browser, a known modification for MS Internet Explorer. In 2008 and 2009, it was ranked in the top 100 applications by the computer technology site CNET. In 2010, it was included by Microsoft in the basic distribution of Windows for European users along with Internet Explorer. The cloud service appeared in browser features in 2012, further boosting its popularity. In 2013, he also received awards as the best browser for mobile operating systems.

Thanks to the sync function, you can use the browser with all your settings and data on any device.

Support for various operating systems.

  1. Windows
  2. Android
  3. Linux
  4. Windows Phone

Cloud service capabilities.

  • Storing your information and browser settings in one Maxthon account, the ability to change and delete them when logging in from any device;
  • The ability to share content with friends and any devices connected to the Maxthon Cloud;
  • The ability to upload and store your files in the Cloud;
  • Creating backup copies for files uploaded to the Cloud;
  • Automatic copying of bookmarks, passwords, account settings to other devices;
  • The C4 Cloud Service Engine ensures efficient and secure storage and transmission of data between devices.

Browser engines.

Maxthon is powered by two engines that you can switch between at any time:

  1. Webkit - Google Chrome, Safari and Chromium also work on it;
  2. Trident - MS Internet Explorer engine.

Also, with the help of additional software, it is possible to partially support the Gecko engine, on which Mozilla Firefox runs. This feature allows the Maxthon browser to quickly process various types of pages and bypass competitors in terms of speed with the HTML5 language. The presence of several engines solves the problem of the correct display of web pages adapted for different browsers, which is especially important for MS Internet Explorer.

Convenient screen reading.

Reading mode allows you to view text without unnecessary elements, change the size and color of the font.

Night mode dims the screen in low light conditions, thereby reducing eye strain. The mode also has color and scale settings for page and font.


The Camera button on the toolbar allows you to take screenshots of the entire page or part of it, as well as make changes to them:

  • Highlight elements with color using frames, highlight and brush tools;
  • Add blur;
  • Insert text separately or inside the dialog cloud.

Using the toolbar, you can also save a screenshot in PNG image format, in the clipboard, send via the Cloud service, or delete.

Parallel browsing of tabs.

The Side-by-Side View feature allows you to view two tabs simultaneously on a split screen and work with each tab separately.

Information about the work of the computer.

The following information can be displayed using the corresponding button in the status bar:

  • Download speed;
  • Unloading speed;
  • Available physical memory;
  • Available virtual memory;
  • Local IP address;
  • Public IP address.
  • The Resource Sniffer button on the toolbar displays a list of all audio, video and image files on the page, and allows you to download them to your computer.

    External utilities.

    The External Utilities button on the toolbar allows you to quickly access other programs installed on your computer directly from your browser.

    Blocking ads.

    The Ad-hunter button on the status bar allows you to customize the program and also view the list of blocked items on the page.

    Cloudy notebook.

    The Cloud Notepad button on the toolbar opens a browser-built notepad that allows you to quickly copy and add the necessary information from the pages you are viewing and save it to the Cloud service.

    Other functions.

    There are also additional buttons on the toolbar:

    • Autocomplete - allows you to remember and automatically fill in passwords on sites. Displays for quick access a list of all sites where passwords were entered;
    • Translate - allows you to translate a selected part of the text or the entire page using Google Translate;
    • Clear browser history - provides quick access to the delete history menu;
    • Downloads - provides quick access to the download manager.


    Maxthon has a large number of installed extensions for entertainment, information and social topics, as well as a set of browser themes.


    • Checking the sites visited and informing the user about their security level;
    • Automatic blocking of phishing attempts and malicious sites;
    • Private mode without saving the history of visits;
    • Using a proxy server;
    • Protection against tracking beacons and ad networks.


    Maxthon Cloud Browser 5 for Windows uses a unique two-engine design, combining Webkit and Trident. The most stable, fastest and most efficient, it opens any pages instantly and correctly. The best HTML5 support and a set of original features that no one else has: an information collection wizard, a smart password manager, virtual mailboxes.

    Maxthon Cloud Browser is the state of the art for a whole family of advanced multi-platform web browsers with a long history from the beginning (originally known as MyIE2), next generation cloud web browsers that work together to enable users to interact with data without being tied to a single device or operating system.

    In 1999, CEO Ming Ji "Jeff" Chen opened the company's first office in Hong Kong, then called MyIE. In 2005 Maxthon received an initial investment from the WI Harper Group as well as Morten Land, an early investor in Skype. In the same year, the company moved to Beijing. Further investments in the company were carried out by the American venture capital firm Charles River Ventures.
    Maxthon won the CNET WebWare 100 Awards in 2008 and 2009, and was named one of the 2011 Best Products of the Year by PCWorld's magazine. Later awards such as Best Android Browser, Best iPad Browser and Best Small Market Desktop Browser followed.
    Maxthon was included in the list of twelve browsers that Microsoft introduced at in 2010. From this point on, users living in the European Economic Area could choose which browser they want to install as default. Prior to that, this choice was not provided to Windows users, and IE was installed by default on all computers. Maxthon is still among the top 5 most popular browsers on this list.
    The browser acquired its cloud features on December 10, 2012 (Maxthon 4) and from that point on it became officially called the Maxthon Cloud Browser.

    - Maxnote
    Your information center. Gathering Master. Seamlessly built into MX5 for you to collect anything online. Read, edit and organize what you collect anytime, anywhere, on any device. 1GB / Mo Note surcharge for $ 0 (FREE). No, this is not a typo.

    - Passkeeper
    Your smart password manager. Generate, autocomplete and save passwords and personal information for you. And additional verification with AES256 technology for maximum security. Synchronize all passwords and personal information across all devices, for free.

    - UUMail
    Keeper of your inboxes. Unlimited virtual mailboxes provide the anonymity you need. Protect your inbox from spam and unwanted ads. The virtual address settings must be unique.

    Maxthon Cloud Browser is the state of the art for a whole family of advanced multi-platform web browsers with a long history (originally known as MyIE2), next generation cloud web browsers that work together to enable users to interact with data without being tied to a single device or operating system.

    Maxthon Cloud Browser introduces a new era of web surfing, building on the innovative approach to technology and user experience that Maxthon is so familiar with. It is also the result of Maxthon's ongoing dialogue with the global user community since the inception of MyIE2.

    Thanks to our supporters, Maxthon is now a global phenomenon: a community of friends, colleagues and fans. The cloud platform allows Maxthon to go beyond other browsers and make the connected web navigation experience a reality.

    Maxthon Cloud Browser is not limited to a single device or OS ecosystem: it transfers files, data, and web session information from browser to browser without being locked into a single set of cloud products or devices. Simply put, Maxthon removes artificial constraints on device type or operating system by putting everything that matters to users on their network-connected devices.

    Maxthon Cloud Browser solves a fundamental problem that all Internet users face today: how to manage information in a uniform and simple way using different devices. Doing this requires

    - The experience should be platform independent.
    Cloud Maxthon runs on Windows PC, Mac, Android and iOS.
    - The experience must be device independent.
    Cloud-based Maxthon makes it easy to switch from a Dell PC to a custom iPhone, and from there to a Samsung Galaxy tablet, and back again.
    - The experience must be created by the cloud.
    Each platform supported by Maxthon Cloud is tightly integrated into the innovative C4 cloud engine - a set of cloud applications that download, upload and synchronize the user's browser data between his devices. C4 enables efficient interoperability between platforms and device types, as well as full-featured, high-performance backup, synchronization and data sharing in the cloud. It also provides a distributed architecture for storage.

    What does this give me, the user?
    - Ease of use makes working with information on the network more convenient. Cloud Maxthon simplifies and standardizes interactions with devices across platforms.
    - Your web follows you. Maxthon automatically syncs your tabs, bookmarks, history and settings across all your devices in the Cloud.
    - Transfer via the Cloud. Easily save and send content from any device to any other.
    - Works on all your OS and devices. You are free! You no longer need to understand in detail with each system or device.
    - High speed. Maxthon cloud browser is damn fast! Enjoy the speed of loading web pages and applications.
    - Cloud Maxthon makes web surfing absolutely end-to-end


    The cloud service allows you to share any information you find on the Internet, such as images, text, maps, videos, ...
    - Sending information to all your devices is now possible with just a couple of clicks.
    - Sending information is available for all platforms (Windows, Mac, Android, IOS) and devices (computers, tablets, smartphones).
    - The cloud service allows you to send any type of content directly to any device via email, SMS or using the cloud.
    - The main thing is that you share information directly from the source. Thus, your friends are not required to use the Maxthon browser or Maxthon Account to view shared data.
    - Follow these instructions for easy viewing:
    * Login to your Maxthon Account
    * Select the item the device you want to download. (It could be link / tab / video / images / text ...)
    * Right click and select 'Cloud'
    * Select the destination device connected to your Maxthon Account or mobile number or email address
    * Click OK and it's done
    * If you share content with one of your Maxthon Account devices, you will receive a notification to let you know that you have received it.
    * If you do not want to download all of your Cloud, you can change it in Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Download Settings and choose from: "Upload photos, music and other specific file types to my Cloud", "Upload all files to my Cloud" or " Don't upload files to my Cloud. "

    - Eye-friendly reading
    * Reading Mode: makes it easier to browse through arrays of text by adjusting fonts and removing ads and other distractions.
    * Night Mode: Changes the screen brightness in low light conditions.

    - Even more convenience of web navigation
    * Autocomplete: Maxthon reliably stores logins and passwords of visited sites, filling them in on return.

    Do you have to work on multiple devices? Are you tired of typing passwords over and over again? Are you concerned about the security of your information? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then you'll be glad to hear that Maxthon has a solution for you: AutoComplete!
    AutoFill allows you to securely save and sync your logins, passwords and other form filling information between multiple different devices using a free Maxthon Passport account. Our triple security system protects your information with encryption so that no one can access it without your personal information to log into Maxthon Passport.
    In a few steps, you can have an efficient, attractive and worry-free accessibility:
    * Log into your Maxthon Account.
    * Click Yes when Maxthon prompts you to save your username and password.
    * Manage your AutoFill entries in the Settings menu (three panels in the top right corner): Settings -\u003e AutoFill.
    * You can save information (or save nothing and leave no traces) with this tool.
    * You can also edit your autocomplete entries if your password or username has changed.
    * All changes will be immediately saved on all devices connected to your Maxthon account using the Maxthon web browser.

    * Ad Hunter: removes ads in one click and blocks pop-ups automatically.
    * Isolated windows: users and gamers can simultaneously log into multiple accounts on the same site.
    * Resource sniffer: extracts all photos embedded in a page, video and audio files, allowing you to download them in one click.
    * Cloud Notepad: saves text notes and allows you to access them anywhere, anytime. Synchronization between Windows and Android is available.
    * The "Do Not Track" option helps to protect against being tracked by ad networks and beacons.

    - Extension Center
    * A variety of add-ons available for entertainment, information and social media.
    * Extensions are easy to install and can be managed in one click.

    - Screenshots with Maxthon
    * Press the button with the camera in the toolbar - you can quickly and easily take a screenshot of an entire web page in one click!

    - Security and privacy
    * The technology of secure sites identifies the resources you visit and lets you know how reliable and safe they are.
    * Maxthon automatically blocks malicious websites and phishing attempts.
    * To avoid saving your navigation history, start a session in a private browser window.

    Installing and updating the portable version
    1. Unpack the archive into the selected directory and the program is ready to work.
    2. If you had an earlier version of the program, to save all your settings, unpack / copy / transfer the files from the maxthon_portable_4.х.х.х folders located in the archive to the folder with the installed program, agreeing to the replacement.

    Maxthon Cloud Browser - 2017-02-6
    * Improved support for Win10 system when switching tabs
    * Fixed some errors in translations
    Maxthon Cloud Browser - 2016-12-22
    - Bugs fixed
    * Changed the certificate pop-up message in the address bar
    * Maxnote: sometimes it is not possible to drag a recording to other locations
    * Fixed the sequence of opening new tabs by the right mouse button
    * Fixed problems quickly saving pictures in this site:
    * Mouse Gestures: Closing a tab incorrectly when using the "close tabs right" mouse gesture

    Posted on: February 16, 2016
    Platform: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10
    Interface: Russian and many others
    License: Free
    Size: 39.28 Mb

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