How to create a fake VKontakte. How to create a fake VK page What is a fake VK page for?

The social network VKontakte in this matter is not too different from other social networks, as elsewhere, there are a lot of fake accounts. In another way, such accounts are called fakes. They are created for different needs: part-time work, group promotion, etc. So how do you recognize a fake account and what exactly are they doing?

Let's take a closer look: what is a fake account? These are custom pages registered to non-existent people. Often, the owners of such accounts simply find photos on the Internet or copy the account of a stranger and create a fake page.

How to calculate a fake page in VK

Determining that this is not a real person's page is quite simple. As a rule, the information on the page is not completely filled, and the content of the page clearly advertises or promotes something. Photos to a minimum and they are all posted in one day.

What are these fake pages for?

The most common target, as mentioned above, is group promotion or even several communities. Each VK user has a limited number of possible friends. This number is 10,000.

If you create 10 such pages, then, accordingly, the total number of audience that can be added as friends will be 100,000 people. And this audience can be invited to your group.

Even if every tenth person accepts such an invitation, the group will be able to add 10,000 people. Agree that this is a lot.

This method is often used by freelancers, as well as people who are engaged in cheating users on social networks. It is enough to have several such fake pages, and you can offer paid services for promoting VKontakte groups.

Watch a video course on making money on VKontakte:

Algorithm for promoting a fake page on VKontakte

However, the promotion of fake pages can take a long time. The maximum possible number of friends adding per day on this social network is 50 people. Of course, not all of the 50 applications that will be sent will be approved, so at best 25 people a day you can add as friends.

At this rate, the page will gain the maximum number of friends in about a year. However, you can speed up the promotion process. To do this, you need to communicate with people, put likes, write comments. The more often you appear on the pages of your friends, the more likely it is that their friends will also want to make friends with you. However, this is not spam.

Over time, the promotion will progress faster, since some people will invite you as friends. And, as you know, there are no restrictions on adding friends if the application is sent to you, and not you yourself are trying to make friends.

Develop your Vkontakte community wisely:Explore the complete guide to making money on Vkontakte

The rules of the VKontakte social network prohibit having fake accounts. Even in some cases, such an account may be blocked. However, this happens most often when the owners of such pages register them as stars of show business and celebrities, which, of course, can affect the speed of recruiting subscribers. But even such accounts are not always blocked. How lucky here.

So, we examined that fake or fake pages are used in most cases to promote groups and promote on social networks. Sometimes they are used as votes in order to win some kind of competition held by VKontakte.

It takes a lot of time to fully promote a fake page, however, if you achieve this, you will have a good tool that can even earn Money.

With the development of progress, social networks entered our lives and quickly gained popularity among Internet users. As the demand for such services grew, so did the desire of registered members to win the interest of the largest possible audience.

At the moment, many are worried about the question of how to promote a page in
"VC". There are many ways to do this, each of which leads to the desired result, however, it takes a certain amount of time, and in some cases, money.

Why do you need page promotion

Everyone wants to be popular, this not only helps to promote their product, if, of course, the user has his own business. If you are not a star of a TV show or a famous blogger, then, for sure, you do not have as many followers and likes as you would like.

Promotion of your VKontakte profile will help you find new friends, distribute photos to a large audience and provide a lot of other opportunities. However, it is not enough to become popular, you need to keep this popularity. After all, if nothing exciting happens on your page, why users came there, they will quickly lose interest and leave your profile.

Especially a great desire to increase popularity arises among those who have a new page in VK. There are several ways to promote it.

Page promotion methods

Here are three ways to help you win new friends:

  1. Self-promotion. Suitable for those who do not want to spend money, but want to become popular.
  2. Promotion through special services. Suitable for those who want to get a lot of subscriptions in a short period of time.
  3. Paid promotion. For those who value their time, have the necessary amount of money and want to have a high-quality audience.

Which method to choose is everyone's business, in any case the results will be, and which ones depend only on you and on the chosen method.

How to promote a page in "VK" yourself

This process will take much longer than you expect, because gaining popularity is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

The first step is to create a profile. If it is not there, you will be assigned a new page number in "VK". Next, you should fill in all the fields with personal information (last name and first name, date of birth, city of residence, etc.). Now you can start promoting.

  1. Creating an interesting page. Fill your profile with information that is relevant to the target audience today. Upload bright and beautiful photos and pictures to make the page stand out and catchy.
  2. Cheat likes. To get more "Like" marks, you can post photos in third-party groups, as well as ask friends to like and recommend to friends.
  3. Increasing the number of friends. You can join as many Mutual Friendship groups as possible, where members will become your friends, just like you are theirs, this will help increase the number of users on the page.

In this way, you will be able to slightly increase your popularity. With enough time to do this, you can achieve impressive results.

Users, as a rule, are attracted by viewing VK pages with a large number of participants, this works on a subconscious level. If a user or a group has thousands of subscribers, then this automatically generates interest from the audience.

Page promotion using services

If the above methods do not quite suit you, then you will be interested in how to promote a page in "VK" through services. Today there are all kinds of online projects that make it possible to achieve popularity in a short time and with minimal effort.

Using cheat services:

  • free - there is no need to spend any money;
  • fast - the promotion starts instantly and lasts without your help;
  • safe - no need to enter a password from your VK page.

This method is quite popular among VK users, whose new page is in great need of outside support.

The procedure for promoting a page in this way is as follows: you put likes to other users, for each mark you get hearts on the account, which can then be spent on cheating "Like", friends or comments.

Promotion of the "VK" page on a paid basis

This method is suitable for those who do not want to spend a minute of free time to learn how to promote a page in "VK", and, moreover, to do it on their own.

There are specially in which you can order a service to promote pages and groups in a social network. Naturally, for this you will have to pay a certain amount of money, which can hardly be called insignificant. However, the audience that you get will be targeted and really interested in the information you are presenting, and, therefore, will be active. From the point of view of quality, this method is the most acceptable, because the audience will not wind up, users will appear on your page of their own free will.

How to find out page statistics

It doesn't matter which of the promotion methods you used, you need to keep track of how many users like, leave comments, how many people and who just visits the page.

If everything is simple with likes, comments and friends, any changes will be automatically shown in the left menu "Answers". By going there, you can see who and when performed any action on your profile.

But many are most worried about the question: "VK"? "And this is not so easy to find out, since" VK "does not have such a function. But there is a way out - applications. With the help of them you can easily find out this information.

The popularity of the social network "VKontakte" is many of its users. Everyone achieves their goal in different ways - independently or with the help of services. But the fact remains - the popularity of these networks is growing, and with them the desire to stand out.

Sooner or later, active users decide create a fake page on Vkontakte.

Fake page in VK - profile in social. a network filled with information that does not correspond to the real data of the user maintaining the page.

Someone creates a fake page for anonymity in social. networks, someone for entertainment / personal gain.

Remember that such pages are often banned based on complaints from real users. And sometimes such actions can lead to serious consequences.

To create a fake Vkontakte you need to do a few simple steps.

1. The first step is the usual way.

2. After creating the page, go to, enter the gender and age that the future fake will have and look for a suitable person.

3. Open his profile and save 5-6 photos to your computer.

4. We fill in the profile on the fake page with any information (you can use the information of the selected person).

5. Add to the fake page uploaded photos (ideally, do this after a long period of time).

6. We go to any public and do it.

How to create a fake in VK

In principle, the fake is ready, but for greater persuasiveness, it is possible to use notes and photographs so that the activity on the page is visible. It also doesn't hurt.

If you want a ready-made fake, then you can from 3.50 rubles.

But under no circumstances use a fake page for fraudulent purposes. Not only will you be easily identified, but you will not get off with a simple blocking of your account. In some cases, criminal liability may arise.

Fake Vkontakte page can come in handy in many cases, so create one just in case.

Perhaps, in Russia and some CIS countries "VKontakte" is the most popular social network. This is not surprising. Launched in 2006, it has become a pantry for free videos, music, apps and games.

But the main purpose of "VK" is to provide an opportunity for communication between people. "VKontakte" currently has about 90 million registered users, among which there are both real pages and accounts of non-existent people. The article will discuss such a phenomenon as fake pages in "VK". Let's take a closer look at this.

Definition of the phenomenon

Fake - what is it? The answer is especially important for novice users who have no idea what traps the Internet is preparing for them. A fake page is an account that contains false information about its owner. It can be created both to try to hide the real data about the user, and to promote some Internet resource or monetize the resource.

Currently, the social network "VKontakte" has a huge number of "fake" pages. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to reveal the real data of the owner of the "fake". Therefore, when "traveling" on "VK" one should be extremely careful.

To create you need a SIM card, half an hour of time and a "donor" page. First, you need to study the information of the donor account. And if the goal is to monetize a fake page, duplicate the data of this resource to the created one as much as possible. Including audio, video, and pictures. Next, you need to pick up an avatar. You need to choose an ordinary person with a pleasant, pretty appearance and upload about 100-150 photographs of the "victim". The main nuance when creating a fake is that this page should completely imitate the real one, everything should look as natural as possible. The login and password for fake pages can be set absolutely any. The first can be a mobile phone number. Rather, a SIM card that "participated" in the registration of a "fake" account. When choosing names for fake pages, you should not be too creative. They should be natural and not suspicious.

After the creation of such a page, it remains only to keep it, "along the way" adding as many people as possible, joining the most diverse communities.

What is a "fake" account for?

Fake pages are created for absolutely different purposes. The most harmless reason is to hide your real data. Also, with the help of fakes, you can make a profit by monetizing a fake page. This process is carried out with the help of special exchanges, the essence of which is that a user of a social network, who has a huge number of friends and subscribers, posts advertising information of a different nature on his wall and enters into communities. For this, companies that advertise their products or services pay the user. The amount of payment depends on the number of followers, friends and the number of communities and groups.

Of course, this type of income is good enough, but few people want to add unknown people as friends and join a wide variety of groups from this page. That is why, as well as for a number of less "profitable" reasons, fakes are created.

Other ways to monetize

A fake page is, among other things, a pretty good way to make money on the Web. To monetize it, a community with the theme of the partner resource is created from the account. Users are partly wound up in the group, partly they are invited live.

If the group is popular, then a transition to the partner site will follow. In turn, this will "make money" the owner of the "fake" account.

Why are fake VK pages dangerous?

They are often used by scammers. For example, a page is created on behalf of a close friend. Then requests come from her to transfer money or to throw off the bank card number, allegedly for checking or rechecking the data. In order not to become a victim of scammers and not to lose money or access to your own page (and hacked accounts are in great demand on the Internet), you need to be able to distinguish between fake and real resources. Fake pages are not only "pranks", but also a method of earning and deceiving VKontakte users. What do users need to know?

How to recognize a fake page?

To do this, you need to carefully study the account profile. If the number of friends exceeds more than 3000, and there are still the same number of subscribers, then the page is 80% likely to be fake. Also pay attention to the photo on the avatar and the name. Often negligent creators of fakes put a photo of a model on an avatar and come up with a wonderful and confusing name.

Besides, as a rule, the photographs themselves have "flaws". For example, in most cases, a fake page depicts one person without friends. Through the search for pictures, you can determine what kind of person it is. Sometimes scammers choose photographs of people living abroad. This can be easily distinguished by attributes common to other peoples and cultures. Thanks to the image search, you can find the real owner of the photo posted on the fake page.

To calculate a "fake" account, special attention should be paid to the profile. If it is filled with advertising links, comments on photos are a "battlefield", and the "user's" friends are pages with a huge amount of advertisements and links to unknown resources, then this is definitely a fake page.

If you received a message, then by its content you can understand that it was written by a spam bot, and not by a real person.

If a friend request comes from a fake account, then it should be rejected. And don't show curiosity in this case. Otherwise, the fake will be able to steal the account password and use the VK page for its own purposes.


So, the article answered the question of what it is - a fake. Understanding this is necessary in order to develop certain and safe rules of behavior on the Internet. A fake page is a good advertising platform and an almost ideal tool for making money and stealing passwords from real VKontakte users.

Currently, there are a lot of fake accounts on VK. As a rule, popular people or foreigners. Gullible users of the social network become victims of fakes, endangering their page, as well as personal data and even money.

In order to distinguish a fake account, you need to pay attention to the content of the profile: photos, name, content of comments, friends and communities.

In order not to "run into" a fake, one must be extremely careful and careful. After all, your own foresight is the main weapon in the fight against "fake" pages. The VKontakte administration does not monitor the appearance of fake accounts.

Good news friends - you can become megapopular on the VKontakte social network in just a matter of days or weeks \u003d)

However, it will be more likely an appearance, a three-digit figure in the column friends, alas, will not make you popular. However, for those who are wondering how to wind up a lot of friends and VKontakte subscribers, and even for free, there is probably a sense in this action.

For example, I made a lot of friends to my fake in VK very quickly (). Ask why do I need it? Yes, elementary - with its help I promote my group dedicated to computer games for free.

She, in turn, I need to earn money. The scheme is as follows:

  1. I recruit as many friends as possible on fake.
  2. Then I begin to actively invite them to a specially created group.
  3. In this group there is a link to my site, of course, stuffed with affiliate links. Everyone who registers or makes purchases through such a link brings me a little money.
  4. From time to time I publish announcements in the group and get additional transitions.
  5. I make reposts from the group to my fake page so that it will light up in the news.

This is not the whole scheme, but only a simplified version of it, but this will be discussed in detail in another article. Of course, the business can be significantly accelerated by investing money in advertising or using specials. service for cheating friends in VK.

However, this is far from the only goal.

Someone thus flatters their vanity) Someone uses promoted fakes to earn money in services, like - sells advertising in an account en masse, and at the same time does not annoy their real friends. By the way, on the forum you can also buy cheap ads, reposts, lackies, etc. to promote my groups in VK or external sites, I somehow did something like that. But as for me, if you do not have a decent pack of fakes, then it is much faster and easier to make money on freelance exchanges if you know how to do at least something (draw, typeset sites, program, edit videos, promote groups in contact, etc.) , this is one of the best exchanges in my opinion and the minimum salary is 500 rubles for 1 order you get.

Someone, with the help of pumped fakes, promotes groups, applications, for money or for the sake of money. Bloggers can use them to announce their articles - a couple of thousand people of your subscribers will see your announcement in their news feed, and you will get at least a few clicks. Groups that sell products on the Internet through subscribers. And so on, there are a lot of options.

Well, now, closer to the essence of how fast cheating occurs.

How to quickly recruit friends and VKontakte subscribers

There are several options:

  1. Through the option "Potential Friends".
  2. Through popular gaming applications.
  3. Using third-party programs and scripts.
  4. To become famous in some area and friends themselves will flow like a river) At worst, make a high-quality fake female, and add unique erotic photos / videos - again, fans will tumble, but this audience is very specific :)

There is one bad news - on VKontakte there is a limit of 50 friend requests per day. Those. By sending invites through “possible friends” you will get a maximum of 350 people in a week, besides, not all of them will accept the invitation, plus someone will eventually fall off.

Potential friends are formed from the list of mutual friends

In short, the process will stretch out. In general, it's not a tricky thing - you typed the initial number of people, and then once a day go to the list and poke the Add button 50 times until the limit comes, periodically entering a captcha.

I also can't describe how to become famous here). So the last interesting way remains:

Mass promotion of friends and subscribers to VKontakte groups using the service

A way for those who do not want to waste their time digging into software and manual additions - you can just use the special. service of which there are many divorced now. I like it more - it has the best price-quality ratio in my opinion. For a small amount, they will organize a quick cheat on VKontakte friends (as well as subscribers to groups, followers, etc.)

Prices at the moment there are approximately the following:

I do not advise using dubious programs, especially those that you downloaded for free on obscure sites. There are probably trojans that will take your passwords away from VK. A good software for cheating VKontakte friends is quite expensive and very difficult to use, not suitable for everyone.

Cheat friends in VK through applications

Suitable for those who need to wind up a few friends in a free way, this is done through numerous VKontakte applications.

However, not all are suitable - we need gaming applications where so-called frending is developed - adding friends to get gaming advantages and bonuses. This is a fairly popular marketing ploy among the developers of these toys.

For example, I can name some of the most successful groups of applications for cheating friends - In the Trench, Tyuryaga, Metro 2033, Rules of War, the Dead Zone, etc. There are a lot of them, see the catalog with more than 1 million participants.

As a rule, it should have a theme like “Looking for friends”, “Add to friends” or something similar.

We go into it and leave our request to add, and immediately we get a bunch of requests) Sometimes there are no such topics in the official groups, then you can look for fan publics dedicated to this application, there will definitely be a similar topic.

Why is this method good? The fact that even if the limit of sent applications has gone out, you still increase the number of subscribers, due to the fact that applications are sent to you, you only need to approve them) Thus, having collected a couple of dozen groups of game applications and sending messages like "Add !!!" you get a good flow of fresh blood)

We repeat the procedure every day, even several times a day. In order not to go into applications every time and not to hammer bookmarks with groups into the browser, you can open My news -\u003e Comments and you will see all the topics in the groups where you unsubscribed, right here you can leave new comments ( all unnecessary tracked comments can be filtered by clicking the cross)

Thus, you can add several hundred VKontakte friends every day, and for free and spending very little time. And already for what to use them you decide \u003d)

By the way, who needs to wind up additional friends, you can below in the VK comments, unsubscribe for mutual adding as friends + repost the entries on the wall, so that more people get here and more added to friends.

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