What is XRumer: white and black optimization. There are quite a lot of promotion options

We will talk about receiving direct traffic using XRumer in Mass-PM mode.

More precisely, not so much about the extraction of traffic as about its monetization.

In the form in which the mass-PM mode is presented in the program, it has many shortcomings. Mainly due to the fact that forum admins do not like spam, and spam by PM - even more! Therefore, almost all forums with live traffic begin to change the structure of the forum and XRumer simply cannot find a list of users or a form to submit.

And the second point, users are already accustomed to spam. They get it everywhere, in social networks, by email, on forums, in comments to articles and videos. And if many can bypass the first problem quite easily, then not many can cope with the second one, since it is not in our power to retrain users to be more loyal to spam. But there is still a way out.

Therefore, we will start from the second moment, we will turn to not so long history. Many people remember the fabulous envelope that was in the affiliate programs Profitweb, Affro, mvcash, etc. They had paysites "Anonymizers" or simply "lockers". What was the reason for such a good envelope? After all, often the texts for users there were simply absurd: “send an SMS to prove that you are not a bot”. And people sent, adults are smart people. And they sent because they were in their comfort zone, that is, they diminished what they were in it. This was achieved due to the design of a pop-up window (locker) in the style of the site where the person was, and the same site was visible in the background. People did not have the idea that they were being deceived. That's what we need for a good envelope! Therefore, we will not send mailing to 100k forums, but each time we will take only 1 forum.

First you need to find such a forum. We will work with English-speaking forums. Since quality is important to us, not quantity, we select forums by hand. It is possible from the collected databases, it is possible directly from Google.

We go to the forum, we look that in most categories the last message was no later than a week ago. We are looking at a couple of topics on the forum, whether our colleagues have left them), and we are looking at the adequate ratio of the number of users to the total number of messages. That is, if there are 500 registered people, and there are two messages, this is clearly not the case.

If the forum looks alive, we register, we also start with our hands and see how complicated the registration is, and whether manual confirmation by the admins is required. Such confirmation can be expected for several days. Well, and often some additional conditions such as "at least 5 messages", "create a topic in the section get acquainted", etc.

Found several suitable forums - let's move on to preparing a link for monetization.

First, we need a PP account. After registration, select the content locker tool and create it for a specific forum. I'm not a designer, so I take ready-made templates and write the name of the forum in them.

An example of what it looks like:

It is written here about VIP status, since the forum actually has paid VIP statuses.

You can write whatever your fantasy is capable of, "Prove that you are human", "Forum distributes Fallout4," etc. And in the background - the main page of the forum in a frame.

In order for the address to be similar, we create a subdomain with the forum url for each forum.

And fill in the page with the code on it

Locker code from PP

This stage is completed

Xrumer setup

As I said, Xrumer in its original version does not break through most of the forums that suit us. Therefore, we will use the developments that were presented at the last article competition. I will not rewrite it, here is a link to the original

But there are some corrections for our method. We will not send out to all users!

We go to the list of users on the forum and sort by the number of messages. And we parse links with any parser, up to the page when users go without messages.

We remove admins and moderators. In the resulting links, we delete the entire constant part and leave only the numbers. And then we do, as in the article mentioned above

In a project in Xrumer, write something like this:

This method brings in much more money than not targeting a bunch of dead accounts on half-dead forums.

Well, to justify the title of the topic, statistics for 2 incomplete days

PD post: Xrumer 19 was released in August 2019.

Attention! New Year Promotion! Now there is temporary VERY BIG 40% discount on the entire Xrumer software package (including Social Plugin, XEvil, Hrefer, etc.) until January 15, 2020 inclusive! It will cost you only 8400 rubles... Plus free initial training from a very experienced person. Plus bases and bonuses, materials and much more.
Take it now!

Now the cost of the program is even lower, and the most powerful software for promotion has become even more affordable! Now the developer's own internal course - only 40 rubles per dollar! The cost of the program after my discounts is $ 210 for this course, that is, 8,400 rubles (until January 15). Plus, I myself pay for your training with an experienced specialist, give out fresh databases, which I also buy, and a lot of training and other bonuses! All this is a gift.

From now on, the Xrumer program includes 2 new and unique tools on the SEO market (and they are actively developing):

XEvil is a fundamentally new tool for recognizing image captchas.
The program does not require any additional payment for use.

The self-study file is practically not needed anymore. the developers taught a LOT of new things to Hrumer himself.

With the new IntelliForm technology, the program now itself defines forms with fields and posts there - these are tens and hundreds of thousands of forms.

Thanks to XEvil, the reach of targeted advertising resources (both posting and registration) has grown from thousands to millions; in addition, the speed of work has been significantly increased, the functionality has been expanded, the return on receiving direct traffic has been greatly increased. This is a walkthrough of over 8000 graphic captchas.

Also, Hrefer has been very well updated for collecting bases. The Social Plugin is constantly updated every month for promotion in popular social networks Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Mamba. There is a unique answering machine that speaks itself on OK, VK, FB social networks. There are many more interesting and useful things.

Many people know that for a very long time I have been offering almost all SEO programs with discounts (as well as several SMM programs). I have formal agreements with the best software developers, as well as the best SEO training providers.

Except perhaps Key Collector and SEO Powersuite (these do not have normal affiliate programs), you can buy any official software licenses from me for a cheaper price. To facilitate, automate your work and significantly increase your opportunities and promotion results.

Skype: topbase.ru
Post office: [email protected]

It so happened over time that for 2 programs I am Allsubmitter and Xrumer I am also their main official dealer and i give big discounts, plus I constantly increase additional bonuses, as well as free training.

That is, in the case of Allsubmitter and Xrumer, in addition to significant savings on the official license, you will also be chewed on everything, and a bunch of extras. instructions and manuals will be given, and fresh databases, and practitioners will answer all your questions.

A little more detail about bonuses:

Screenshot of a folder with 60 manuals for making money on the Internet (a small but very valuable part of the Xrumer bonus):

And now I would like to expand on the topic of the Xrumer program about what you can do with it.

Is a very versatile and powerful program, the most powerful on the Internet for automated smart promotion. However, many users use only 5 to 20% of its capacity.

And also, many consider Hrumer to be just "stupid spam", there is such a negative loop in the program. But few people think that if you put your head right, you can do a lot of good things with it for white sites, partner products, promotion in the most popular social networks and on Youtube. Here, for example,.

In the same way, many people gave up on the Allsubmitter program just because most people associate it with auto runs, which have now become harmful in large quantities on spammed databases. But few people know that the Allsubmitter program is the only one in Runet, which somehow facilitates and speeds up high-quality manual registration in ALL existing types of sites (i.e. turns it into a semiautomatic device). It also has a number of other useful modules that have been developing for many years - it allows you to remove and analyze external links to a site, site positions in search engines, analyze competitors, your site, texts and much more. ...

Testimonial from one of our experienced Xrumer specialists

Feedback from a person who uses not only for running on forums, but also for building a high-quality link mass and promoting white projects

increase targeted traffic to your website (this usually increases sales)

post ads on thematic and any other message boards, forums (additional mod is needed for message boards)

promote on forums in a variety of ways - registering and increasing the reputation of accounts, sending private messages, registering profiles, posting questions and answers from different accounts

make money on all kinds of affiliate programs, dating sites, file hosting and so on, attracting traffic to other people's sites, landing pages, products in affiliate programs, etc.

- promote groups or accounts in popular social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, Facebook and Mamba, perform other tasks in social networks (see here in detail, in particular)

increase the number of high-quality social signals to your website (leading to better search engine rankings)

parse (collect) all kinds of content on the Internet according to your specified parameters

- Recognize for free and automatically the most complex captchas not only in Xrumer itself, but also in any third-party SEO SMM software.

Fully automatic, without your participation:

- registration on the forum
- account activation
- filling out the profile
- posting to topics by keywords
- creation of topics in sections "by keywords"
- massive personal messages to forum users
- collecting a database of answers by scanning forums
- posting with phrases from this database and then "in the topic" on the forum (for recruiting posts and humanizing the profile, creating the illusion of communication on the forum).
And various other

AND on how to promote white projects safely and at the same time automatically — .

This software product in your hands will help in the shortest possible time to increase the site traffic by a dozen, hundreds of times (depending on what kind of topic, how and what you will use, how competently and with imagination you will work with the program).

The Xrumer software complex has been in development for about 10 years; the experience of professional search engine optimizers and SMM specialists was always used in its creation. The developers have huge plans for its future. It is constantly evolving, new versions and new features are coming out. Updates are free and unlimited in time.

Both professionals and beginners will be able to evaluate and use the truly unique and powerful capabilities of the XRumer program (especially taking into account the free training that you can get and also taking into account the large training bonus).

When using it, not only the direct flow of visitors increases dramatically - in addition, the site's position in search engines significantly increases. They did neat link pyramids for me using Xrumer - it helped me a lot with raising the site for key queries in Yandex and Google.

In general, in the set of manuals, which are now also included in the set of bonuses when buying, there are a large number of proven interesting step-by-step schemes on how to make money on the Internet and promote, it remains only to impose Xrumer on this case. With purchase you get 60 guides to making money online!

Below we will talk more about what was created in the first place - about posting messages on forums and message boards, cheating on social networks, placing links to affiliate programs or other types of earnings.

More from reviews:


As they write about posting on forums with Hrumer,

Result \u003d Base 50% Project 40% Approach 5% Target 2% Other circumstances 3%

Some popular schemes:

1. Question-answer

It's called "let's talk to ourselves."

Many people love this scheme the most, because it really gives a tangible result in the form of targeted referrals, calls, sales.

Here, of course, a lot depends on how the texts will be composed - how natural, how much they will inspire confidence and the desire to apply.

I was told about several cases, when 1-2 hours of time were given from 1-2 to several real orders.

Placement essence:

Create two projects for registration. This is necessary so that each forum has two accounts. The first account is to create a topic with a question, and the second is to answer it.

Next, create a theme with one of the accounts. The topic can be "from a blonde" and preferably enough relevant and affecting people so that the topic is not deleted and it is desirable to stay afloat for some time in the list.

If it is clear, then the scheme of work on self-placement by Hrumer of answers "to the topic" is as follows (selection and posting of answers is fully automatic):

Such topics are often deleted, but all the same, depending on how they are composed, what kind of database, etc. - many can hold out and attract targeted visitors too.

3. Creation of posts without links to the site (link in the profile)
If the people pull up, then in some places later you can add your answers, put a link to the site and in the topic itself.

4. Profiles

Everything is more or less clear here. We fill only the profiles of different accounts for forums (and not only for forums, for other trust sites too).

Then we send it for indexing using tweets or other methods.

To make the profiles work well for low-frequency requests,then you definitely need a near-reference text, it is recommended from both sides.

Many people write that this is an effective method to make your target audience pay attention to your proposal, in addition to bypassing the forum moderators.

From reviews:

For more details, see the developer's site XRumer, there is a section Articles -. Among them there are topics:

- Antispam and Joomla forums
- Xrumer and mass mailing of drugs to “fat” resources
- Using Hrumer for different purposes
- 6 types of traffic to your projects using Xrumer 7
- Harvester for Hrumer - manage links, create projects and create a schedule on full automatic
- Fast and Efficient Method to Get Profiles with Hrefer and Yahoo.Backlinks


The Xrumer 19.0 Elite program perfectly passes protection on a wide variety of standard (template) message boards, there are many good reviews.

To register on boards you will need an additional mod (modification) - the easiest way to buy mods after buying Hrumer is from the developers on a closed forum. You can also read in the contest articles - there people describe how and what they modify for different engines.

Although it is partially possible to place on boards with the current Hrumer configuration, which is provided by default. My consultant, who will train you for free, places you on bulletin boards and can also show and tell you everything. Plus, in the latest fresh database there are also message boards for Xrumer.

Attention! Hrumer will be able to send to thousands and tens of thousands of message boards, but only to those located on standard, mass engines.


There are quite a lot of promotion options

1. Promote your account or your group in the social network with messages with links
2. Ask friends to like (put a class) a message, group or site
3. Post messages with a link to the site or, for example, with a referral (partner) link to increase sales
4. Making money on accounts, groups (sales, advertising) is absolutely real. ...

Friend invitations, ratings, posting - anything you can do. The plugin is part of the Xrumer software package in the version starting from "Standard".

For more details, see the website in the "Articles" section - Contest articles, in particular,

There are topics like:

- SocPlugin. We earn on traffic from social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Twitter
- Non-standard use of SocPlugin
- A bunch of Zebroid and Social Plugin
- Promotion and monetization of classmates
- We get traffic from social media. nets with a hrumer


Promote videos to YouTube or the entire channel.

Hrumer has many tools for promoting as many videos and Youtube channels as you like:

- This is posting on forums, in comments and guest books, on message boards, in article sites, getting backlinks and leaving interesting messages that visitors follow

My strategy for white site promotion by autosubmitter XRumer 12.0.12

- "Promotion of accounts from Xrumer and their further promotion in social networks (for example, Vkontakte)"

- "Promotion of groups and publics in social networks using Xrumer using white methods"

- "Movie traffic - mining on a large scale with Xrumer"

- "How to get additional visitors to the site using XRumer"

- "Relevant Comments for Hrumer"

- "Promotion of a site, group, server with auto-filling program XRumer"

- "Alternative search algorithm for trust forums"

- "We grow Twitter for our needs using SocPlugin"

- "Autofilled forum doorways by the hands of competitors"

Increasing the penetration rate of Anti-Spam

- "HRefer - collection of forums for the anti-spam system"

Operation "perfect fake"

- "New project creation wizard and promotion with XRumer in current conditions"

- "How to recoup XRumer in 2 days"

- "How to return XRumer costs within 2 days" (English version)

What is XRumer and what is it for?

This program helps to increase traffic to your resource (blog, website) hundreds, thousands of times in a short time. The system has been developed for many years, and during its creation the experience of professional optimizers for search engines was used. Both professionals and beginners will be able to evaluate and try the truly unique and powerful features of XRumer. When using the Hrumer program, not only the direct inflow of visitors increases dramatically - in addition, the position of your site in search engines increases significantly up to the top positions.

The same is with social networks - links are also quickly removed from promoted accounts, and your own is very difficult to promote, and even takes a long time. However, there is one way to get free links, albeit "skinny", but a lot.

And there are so many that all the resulting link mass can easily replace a dozen or two "fat" links by weight, which only very wealthy SEO-optimizers can afford. For this, of course, you also need to work hard, but not as hard as when extracting links from moderated forums, blogs and social networks. The essence of this method is as follows.

On the Internet today, there are a huge number of abandoned forums spinning. Almost all of them are spammed with great speed, but search engines index them anyway, so almost all of these web resources are indexed by Yandex and Google, and links from them have some weight. The fact is that even though these forums are spammed, they are not "link cleaners" in the truest sense of the word. If earlier on these forums all sorts of doorways were spammed, which were quickly banned by search engines and links to them became broken, today doorways are not popular at all. Almost no one makes them anymore, let alone spam them. And on abandoned forums today, most of them are spammed, quite presentable web resources.

And since all these sites live for a long time, then the links from the forums do not become broken. And search engines take them more for some kind of link lists, that is, "forum directories." If you go through such forums, you can see that all spammers, along with links, throw in their posts large enough arrays of various texts. Thus, it is understandable why search engines do not ban such spamming forums, but continue to rank them, and some of them do it very well. Therefore, you can use these sites perfectly, but first you need to do some preparatory work.

Where can I download or buy Hrumer for free?

Before using you need to prepare:

1- You need to type as many texts as possible to fill your posts with them;

3- You cannot download the full version of Hrumer for free.

So, we buy the program once on the official website -botmasterru.com , and use it indefinitely!

Hrumer's price for today:

  • Light - $ 150
  • Standard - $ 350
  • Business - $ 650

By the way, databases for Hrumer can be searched on webmaster resources, their owners very often post all sorts of interesting things and "gadgets" for free download in order to attract more referrals to their sites. In order to find text, any parser is suitable, you can find it there.

So, the preparation is over.

Now we need to clean up the forums database, separate all dead forums from the living ones. This is done simply, the main thing is to carefully read the instructions for this device.

As soon as you have a "live", ready-to-use database, you can start spamming links to your site. First, we create a topic, however, it was already created during the first run, that is, when you separated the live forums from the dead. All live forums "merge" into a special database bearing the R index.

It is on this base that we will run links. For each post, we put one link to some page of the site, and the link and below the links we place one or several paragraphs of different texts at once, no matter what by topic, it does not matter.

The texts are needed not in order to somehow "improve" the link, but in order for the posts to be well ranked by search engines and come out in the top of the results for certain queries. Thus, some traffic may also appear in your topic on the forum, but not in principle, we are interested in it, but the weight that links receive.

In general, if you work constantly, then each topic on each forum can be turned into a real site inside another site. The more texts you drop into this topic, the more weight this "site in the site" will receive in the search engines. Accordingly, links from it will be very well taken into account. And since there will be a lot of such links, then your site will be very well indexed by search bots. But you just need to remember that the base of forums must be constantly expanded.

There are a lot of webmaster resources on the Internet that donate a lot of such bases for nothing. Do not be lazy, take all of them, clean them from the "ghoul", and as a result you will have an excellent database of excellent spam resources of your own. Of course, occasionally some forums will die, but not all. If you regularly replenish your collection, then all the problems with the formation of a good enough link profile will disappear once and for all.

How to make money with Hrumer?

Now we know what the Hrumer program is for. If you are a beginner, you probably don't know that website promotion costs a lot of money. And this program is exactly what promotes sites by placing massive links to your site. And the demand for website promotion is very high, since every day more than 10,000 new websites appear on the Internet, which need to be promoted.

It follows from this, if you have this program, you can provide services to promote sites using links run.

  • We register on the freelance exchange, where you will offer this site promotion service (in runs)

As you can see, this service is on the service"KWORK" costs 500 rubles.

Of course, if you now register for this service, do not think that many orders will immediately pour in. Not!

In order to have clients, you first need to earn a reputation on the service, gain a certain number of points, for trust from clients. And only then, you will have stable orders. I will say that there is competition in the service, but you don’t need to look at it, you just need to do your job with high quality, so that later this customer would turn to you again.

How much can you earn on Hrumer?

If we start from the price of promotion on the KWORK service, for example, 10 customers will contact you per day, then the total amount of earnings per day will be 5,000 rubles.But this is only in theory, on average you can earn up toRUB 50,000 ., but for such a result you need to try hard.

* Let me remind you again:

XRumer is a multifunctional tool for all-round Internet promotion

The program is able to quickly place your links and announcements on more than 400,000 resources - forums, blogs, guest books, link directories, message boards, social networks.

The most anticipated and large-scale update of this year: the mechanisms for processing new versions of forum and blog platforms have been updated, the database of answers to antibot questions (textcaptchas) has been increased by 60,000 new textcaptchas, thanks to which the effectiveness of XRumer has increased tenfold, which was clearly shown by comparative tests. The update includes over 100 improvements and fixes.

20 Aug 2019

XRumer 18.0 - 18.0.1

A large-scale update of the XRumer program, in which the logic of registering profiles on a variety of platforms has significantly evolved, the work with the Bitrix, Joomla, WordPress Forum, MyBB, VBulletin, XenForo platforms has been improved, a mechanism has been added for modifying the sent text depending on the subject of the recipient site (new macro # theme), the attached databases were updated and increased - the total volume exceeded 8 million sites, the work with HTTPS and Google ReCaptcha-2 was improved, and much more ...

Jan 26, 2019

XRumer 16.0.18 + SocPlugin 4.0.63

The attached databases have been checked and updated, the total volume has been increased to 8 (!) Millions of supported resources - blogs, forums, guest books, boards, BBS, CMS, and other platforms. The database of known text captchas has been increased by more than 2000 new answers to antibot questions and now amounts to 324,000 text captchas. The stability and speed of operation have been significantly increased, resource consumption has been optimized: the ceiling reaches up to 500 or more threads (depending on the operating mode). Improved work with HTTPS. And the main, key improvement: the efficiency of sending private messages has been significantly increased - MassPM mode. Plus, many other improvements and fixes :)

September 14, 2018

JavaScript must be enabled for the site to work correctly

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."

XRumer is a Windows program that automatically sends link spam to websites.

The program can bypass the site's spam protection. XRumer passes registration, recognizes captcha. It is difficult to ban such an automatically registered user, the application uses its own network of proxy servers.

  • Forums.
  • Guest books.
  • Blogs.
  • Bulletin boards.
  • Web sites.

The whole process is automated - the program does everything by itself.

The application is paid. But there is a free analogue - Mini XRumer, and other programs for multithreaded automatic mailing:

  • Direct Persmail.
  • E-pochta Mailer.
  • Mail Bomber.
  • AMS Enterprise.

Who needs XRumer

Using XRumer is a black optimization. This method is quantitative - there is a mass mailing.

Typically, the program is used by optimizers who do not have the ability to manually select link exchanges and build up a site's link profile. They use the application - it automatically does all the work from finding a site where you can place a link to publishing.

How Hrumer works

To understand what this simple SEO spam tool can do, just look at its functionality. First of all, it supports multi-threaded operation, and the limitation of streams depends solely on the bandwidth of the user.

  1. Bypassing any anti-spam system.
  2. Own database of proxy servers that prevent IP blocking.
  3. The built-in system of replacing phrases and words in the text with synonyms, which allows you to send a message in various variations, but with the preservation of meaning.
  4. Availability of tools for working with link exchanges.

The meaning of Hrumer's work is to create a link base using the spam method: the program publishes backlinks to a web resource on online services, which will later be opened for indexing by search engines. Usually, real people follow such links, increasing the traffic of the project. But the main advantage of the software is that the links sent can be processed by Google and Yandex search engines and even sorted in search results.

Safe website promotion

The program is often used for black promotion of sites. In the beginning, this can give a tangible result, and the site will rise in the search results. But then recession will follow anyway.

XRumer can be used for white promotion. To do this, you need to follow the rules:

  1. You cannot arrange a spam attack on one site. The optimal size is no more than 50 links per month.
  2. It's important to include keywords in the brand anchor. This is done for search engines to interpret spam text as a real mention of the resource by users.
  3. It is necessary to send only high-quality texts with an ordered set of words that most accurately characterize the goods or service offered by the site.

You also need to pay attention to sites that are trusted by search engines. Links from such resources are valued higher and are less suspicious of search engines.

XRumer features

  • Attracting large volumes of targeted traffic.
  • Social media promotion.
  • Earnings from affiliate networks.
  • Providing link growth.
  • Placing content on message boards, forums.
  • Sending private messages to forum users.

Moderation is important in everything. You can use it, but keep track of the status of your site. The result that the program can achieve in a short time may be short-term. The same result can be achieved with white methods. The effort will be worth it.

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