How to split pdf file into several. Crop a PDF file online. bit SSL encryption

1. Press "FILE" or "URL" button to switch between local files or online files. Click the Select Files button to select a local file or enter the URL of an online file.

2. Enter the PDF page numbers that you want to keep. For example: 2, 5-8, 9-end. The end keyword can be used to refer to the final page of a PDF file instead of a page number.

3. Click the "Submit" button to start conversions. The output file will be produced below "Output Results". Click the " »To display the QR code of the file or save the file to Google Drive or Dropbox.


The PDF format allows you to embed the necessary fonts (line-by-line text), vector and bitmap images, shapes and multimedia inserts. Supports RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Lab, Duotone, Bitmap, several types of bitmap compression. A large number of related documentation is distributed in this format.

IceCream PDF Split & Merge 3.45 is a free PDF editing app. In particular, gluing several files into one, dividing a file into parts or groups. It is also possible to delete certain pages of the document.

Free utility with an uncomplicated name PDF Split & Merge from IceCreamApps is an excellent PDF editor. The word "editor" is understood here from a slightly different perspective than we are usually used to. More on this below.

PDF Split & Merge Features

This utility offers you the ability to edit the structure, as well as create new PDF-files. Actually, from the name itself, it becomes clear that the main actions performed by the program are the separation and merging of PDF files. You can split a file both into separate pages and into groups of pages, and you can also specify splitting intervals and delete unnecessary pages from them.

Concerning merge PDF files, then everything is also at the highest level. You just need to select several files, specify the sequence of gluing, and also specify a name for the resulting file. Specifying a sequence is very easy thanks to the Drag-n-Drop feature. With its help, you can simply hold down the mouse button and drag objects and swap them. Password protected PDF files can be handled in the same way.

You can free download IceCream PDF Split & Merge. But this free version has a few minor limitations. These are limitations on the number of pages in a file, as well as a limitation on the number of files for gluing. For normal home use, these restrictions are invisible.


Version: IceCream PDF Split & Merge 3.45
Russian language
Status: Free

How to split a PDF document into several parts or, on the contrary, combine them into one?

The PDF format has become perhaps the most common and convenient way to exchange electronic documents. The content of documents in pdf format will be absolutely, on a computer with any operating system - no need to worry that the layout will "creep", as is the case with DOC or RTF files, that some graph or drawing will not be displayed, etc.

In order to convert a text document to PDF, there are many programs and online services, for example, this one. This is a universal free online converter, which I highly recommend bookmarking because it will help you out in difficult situations more than once).

But as far as tools for editing pdf files are concerned, not everything is so rosy here ... How to make edits to the text? Or how to split one document into two, or vice versa, combine several into one? Neither the free Foxit Reader (the most popular software for viewing pdf files) nor even the basic free version of Adobe Reader allow you to do this. Online services come to the rescue as always!

How to split a PDF document

To solve this problem, we need the free iPDF Split online service. It's very easy to work with him. First you need to select a pdf document on your computer (File option) or provide a link to it on the Internet (URL option).

Then you can choose one of the ways to split the original file:

  • Range - specify the numbers or range of pages to be obtained in the resulting PDF file (for example, 1-5 or 2, 5, 7)

  • Burst - break the document into pages. The result is downloaded as an archive with a set of pdf files (one page - one document)

  • Odd / Even - split into even and odd pages. There will be two files in the archive: one with all the even pages from the original document, the second with all the odd ones).

Video on working with the iPDF Split service:

How to combine PDF

If you are facing the opposite task, namely, to combine several pdf documents into one, then go to the site of the free online service iPDF Merge.

It's even easier to work with it than with the previous one). Select the files that need to be merged into one pdf and do the merging settings:

PDF is becoming an increasingly popular document format, so it often becomes necessary to edit it. In particular, it is often necessary to split a file into separate pages. This can be useful when, for example, you want to keep a certain part of an e-book or magazine for yourself. In such cases, the corresponding online services come to the rescue, which we will talk about today.

IlovePDF: how to split PDF into pages online

To get started, select the "Split PDF" function on the main page.

As you can see, there are many different options for working with PDF files: from converting to adding pagination and watermarks

Loading the document to be split

Configuring the split parameters. We decide on the required function:

  • split by ranges - means that the document will be split into several elements of your choice;
  • fetch all pages - allows each page to be saved as a separate PDF file.

Here you can set any number of ranges, and then download them individually or in one document

Click "Split PDF", wait for the result and save it in a convenient place for you.

SplitPDF: breaking documents into parts

The only purpose of the SplitPDF service is to split PDF files into pages. The site itself provides guidance on how to use it, so you definitely won't get confused in the process.

We load the file to be divided, indicate the range of pages and the way of saving them (separate or common), and then click “Divide!”.

For convenience, ready-made documents can be assigned individual names

If you want to split PDFs into pages offline,SplitPDF recommends using the desktop version of the application, which can be downloaded to your computer for free in just a few minutes.

PDF2 Go: quick breakdown of PDFs online

PDF2Go is another convenient Russian-language site that we talked about in the review of the 5 best online services for converting PDF to DOC.

Select the "Split PDF" tab.

Unlike SplitPDF, the service makes it possible not only to cut documents into parts, but also edit them, as well as translate them into other formats

Next, a preview of the file opens, where you can manually mark those pages that should be split

If you yourself have already selected the required ranges, just click "Save changes", and if you want to download the document page by page, then first click "Divide into pages". Then all that remains is to download the finished archive.

SplitPDF guarantees that your document is automatically deleted from the server after 24 hours or after the 10th download, so you don't have to worry about the security of your data.

PDFCandy: cutting PDF into pages is as easy as shelling pears!

PDFCandy also boasts a large arsenal of useful functions. So, first, select the "Split PDF" tab.

Just look at how many possibilities there are for working with PDF files!

Open your document and select the desired splitting method. If you want to divide by specified intervals, then simply list them separated by commas in the appropriate window.

We draw your attention - if you specify the ranges separated by a space or otherwise, the service will generate an error

Click the "Split PDF" button, then download the files to your computer or save them to the cloud.

JinaPDF: how to divide PDF into parts for free

To split PDF into pages in the JinaPDF service, click here. The mechanism of operation of this site is the simplest of all those considered earlier: you just need to upload the document and download the result. There are no configurable parameters here.

We start with a standard action: upload the desired file
We are waiting for a few seconds, after which we can save the finished pagination

Note that we liked each service in its own way, but we can give all of them a solid “five” for their work. If you just need to split the PDF into parts, feel free to choose any option, but if you also intend to make changes or convert - pay attention to more advanced sites: IlovePDF, PDF2Go and PDFCandy.

How to split a PDF file into parts? It seems, what is it about this issue, and who needs to do it? In fact, users who work with documents sometimes have to do similar things to sort information and organize scanned files. Therefore, everyone who is faced with the need to split this file, we offer small recommendations that will allow you to divide this text document into component pages.

Basically, you will need the following programs: Acrobat Reader and PDF Splitter. To understand how to split a PDF file into parts, you just need to understand these programs. Although the principle of operation is identical, perhaps the interface is slightly different.

How to use the program?

Adobe Reader doesn't require a huge amount of action from you. You just need to open the required file and use the internal functionality of the program. As soon as the file is uploaded, you need to go to the "Document" item. In it, select the sub-item "Split document". After that, a window will appear in which you need to select the separation criteria.

The criteria include the following items: number of pages, file size and top-level bookmarks. And to maintain this separation, it will be enough just to go to the "Output Options" item. Then it will be enough to specify the folder for saving and you can start this process. Now you know how to cut a page from a PDF file, the process is quite simple and fast in time.

Keep in mind that different versions of programs have different guidelines in terms of the location of the desired functions. So don't worry if you don't find the items you want. If you climb a little through the menu, then you will surely find everything you need.

Closed document

It may happen that you come across a closed document that cannot be edited. But don't think that you won't be able to split it. Therefore, in order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to use another method, which has only one new step. It is necessary to go to the item "Document", then go to the sub-item "Split document". Then you should go to the "Add files" item and select the "Add files" function. After that, you should repeat the steps that we described above. After that, you will get all the same split pages.

Now the question: how to split a pdf file into parts will not be so unrecognizable and difficult for you, since you know how to solve it as quickly and efficiently as possible. You may also need to remove the sheet from the PDF file. To execute it, you need to click on the page number in the page flipping area in the upper right in the same program. Then go to the "Tools" item and use the "Manipulation" block. It is there that you will find the "Delete" command, by clicking on which you can get rid of this or that page.

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