How does the compass work and how is it arranged? Why does his arrow show exactly north? How the compass is arranged

We are surrounded by a huge number of very interesting things that were invented many centuries ago and have practically not changed from the point of view of functionality. One of these items is a compass or in other words - a device with an integrated magnetized arrow. Almost every one of us thought about how the compass works and what is its principle of operation.

Who invented the compass?

This device that is popular and today was invented in ancient China. There are several versions of its appearance:

  1. For another three thousand years before our era, the then Chinese lands of rules Juan di. The emperor is attributed to the creation of the first navigation devices, thanks to which he saved his army in the wilderness. However, there is no accurate data on this fact;
  2. According to another version, at the turn of 1-2 century BC, ancient Chinese have already used the object of a round form, inside which the magnetic wand was located;
  3. Historically, it is known that already in the 13th century, during the board of the Sun dynasty, in the empire massively used instruments for orientation during the intersection of the desert.

As for the European part of the continent, the compass appeared here in the middle of 12-13 centuries. Outwardly, he looked quite simple and concise. In a small container filled with water, the plug was installed, and the pointer was mounted on top.

Only two hundred years later thanks to the efforts of Flavio Joya, the predecessor of the navigator failed. The Italian upgraded the design by setting the arrow to the vertical axis, and there was a non-magnetic round circuit with divisions.

Since then, design features have constantly changed, but the principle and meaning remained the same.

How is the compass?

The principle of operation of the device depends on its type. Known three main compass varieties:

  • Magnetic;
  • Gyro-compass;
  • Electronic.

A classic magnetic compass consists of a round box of plastic or brass, in the center of which the steel spire is installed. At the end of the spire perpendicular to its axis is located magnetic pointer . Some models also have a special brake (fuse), and from above the housing is closed with glass.

It works very simple. The magnetized index axis interacts with the natural magnetic field of the Earth and turns parallel to the power lines of our planet. Accordingly, according to the line direction on North, the arrow will be directed similarly.

As for the gyrocompass, it is widely used in the navigation systems of ships as a signpost of the geographic direction and determines the azimuth and course of the movement. It consists of a gyroscope placed in the middle of the ball. The ball itself swims freely in a vessel with liquid. His center of gravity is placed at the bottom.

The electronic version of the device works on the principle of location calculation using satellite data. It constantly accepts and receives a signal from the navigation satellite, and thus determines the direction of movement, as well as coordinates and speed.

How to determine the parties of the horizon?

For orientation on the area, first of all, install the compass as soon as possible relative to the horizontal plane, then let go of the brake. The arrow will start rotating and then indicate the side of the light. The sharp part of it will be directed to the north. Most often it is painted in a dark blue color, and the lower part in red. In the opposite side will be south, and on the right and left of the East and the West, respectively.

At the bottom of the construction on the inside there is marking. The circle can be divided into four equivalent sectors with two perpendicular diameters, at the ends of which the letters C, Y, Z, and B. are also located on the limb of a scale from 0 to 360 degrees with a pitch of 10-15 degrees.

It should be clarified that the testimony of the magnetic pointer may be erroneousIf you determine the directions of light near high-voltage power lines or railway canvases.

Also periodically need to check the compass. To do this, at rest arouse the arrow by the short-term influence of an outsider metal object. If after exposure it returned to the previous position, then the device is working. Upon completion of working with it, it is recommended to always be pressed on the fuse lever and carry it in a case or case.

How to make a compass yourself?

It is noteworthy, but such an assistant tourist can be made with their own hands at home. For this:

  1. Select the material for the needle of the device. As it, we can take a pin, clip, stud or an ordinary needle needle;
  2. Magnetize the selected design element. It is advisable to make it a conventional magnet, spending them along our pointer at least 40-50 times. If the magnet did not turn out at hand, use a woolen or silk canvas, but it will be necessary to rub a little longer;
  3. In addition to the above components, it is necessary to prepare a jar or a small bowl with water, as well as a plug or foam diameter of about 2 cm. Next, insert the horizontally pointer symmetrically into the plug;
  4. It remains only to collect our gadget. To do this, we simply insert the handicap turning mechanism into a jar or a bowl with water.

Thus, rotating, the needle will indicate in which direction the north. This method determines only the approximate direction, and it is best to do in standing water and in the absence of wind.

Advantages and disadvantages of GPS

In the era of digital technologies, more and more travelers refuses paper cards in favor of electronics. We compare what is better and more convenient, and what to give preference.

Of advantages GPS should be highlighted:

  • Excellent oriented in conditions of poor visibility, fog, snow, will definitely determine the path;
  • Support for local regional cards;
  • Downloading already laid routes with all the necessary marks;
  • Visualization of trades passed, unloading them to the Internet.

Of minuses Note the following:

  • Skills and skills work with a card note;
  • Dependence on the power supply;
  • The likelihood of signal loss.

The technique is constantly developing, and something new and better appears every day. The same applies to orientation devices and navigation. And whatever they were, the basic basis is the principle of how compass operates.

Video about the compass device

In this roller, Arkady Four will tell how the compass is arranged, how to use it properly and how to make the device yourself from the remedies:

Modern tablets replace multiple devices - media players, laptops, mobile phones and even compass. But, oddly enough, the last option is quite difficult to implement, and the digital version of such a simple device may simply do not work. So, what should I do if the compass does not work on the tablet?

Causes of Compass Fault on Tablet

Before dealing with digital technologies, let's remember the principle of the classical compass. This device was invented many centuries ago, and its main task is to show the right position of the North and the South. It consists of an ordinary compass from the magnetized needle, which, depending on the power of the magnetic attraction of the Earth field, indicates in the desired direction.

The principle of the compass on the tablet can be based on two systems:

  1. In the first, the tablet receives the location data from GPS satellites, processes them, connects with the accelerometer indicators and displays the result in the form of an appropriate picture;
  2. In the second - in the tablet system, the presence of special magnetometers, which measure the magnetic field of the Earth, combine data with the accelerometer, and based on the position of the gadget in the space and the radiation value indicate the desired direction.

The reason that the compass does not work in the first case is the GPS malfunction of the module, accelerometer or low signal quality from satellites.

In the second situation, in most cases, the compass calibration is necessary. Although the tablet receives all the necessary data, it does not know how to use them. Calibration is quite simple:

  • go to any convenient application where there is a compass, for example, Google Maps;
  • stretch the tablet in front of them and make an eight-shaped movement;
  • repeat this procedure several times until the compass starts showing the normal direction.

It is desirable to carry out this procedure in the open area so that there are no powerful sources of electricity and various devices that can radiate magnetic waves, interrupt the natural radiation of the Earth.

Compass 3.D. - A popular program designed to develop design and project documentation. The brainchild of the Russian company "ASCON", the program has long won the respect of users.

One of the advantages of the system is the ability to acquire additional libraries to expand the capabilities of the program. For example, a library of standard parts that can be added to their working three-dimensional assemblies in the already finished form - bearings, seals, pipelines, fasteners, etc.

How to connect the library in the program compass 3D?

In order for the downloaded library "earned", it is necessary correctly to plug. To do this, have several operations:

  1. Make sure that downloaded library files got to the desired folder (it is called LIBS);
  2. Opening the program, in the "Service" menu, find the command "Library Manager";
  3. After clicking, a list of files will appear, among which we select the necessary - for this in the context menu there is a "Connect" button;
  4. If there are no libraries in the list, click "Add" and specify location;
  5. Connected libraries are marked in the checkbox list.

For the program Compass-3D Portable (not requiring installation) The library is connected as follows:

  1. Tools Menu - Library Manager -PKM - Add Description - Applied Library;
  2. Select the desired file;
  3. Repeat actions for each connected library

It should be borne in mind that library files have an extension * DLL or * RTW. * TLM files refer to templates and connect via the "templates manager".

What if libraries are not connected?

This error may be caused by different reasons. What can be done to fix the situation?

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