The difference between jawbone bracelets and up 24. Jawbone UP24 fitness tracker review: health is in your hands. What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column

More recently, the high-tech world has begun to set sports trends, and smart bracelets have begun to gain unprecedented popularity among active people. In this review, we will talk about the Jawbone UP24 smart bracelet.

general information

Jawbone UP24 is a smart bracelet for those who care about their own health. This device is able to track your activity and diet, that is, the approach is as comprehensive as possible. In addition, such a device can be an excellent motivator to start an active lifestyle, but first things first.



  • Type: no data
  • OS Compatibility: Android, iOS

Connection method

  • Bluetooth 4.0

Notification method

  • Vibration: yes
  • Sound signal: no


  • Type: non-removable
  • Material: Li-Polymer
  • Working time, days: up to 7

Physical parameters

  • Removable strap: no
  • Case/strap color: black, pink, yellow, orange


  • Price, $: 100


Although the design of the Jawbone UP24 is simple and unremarkable, the device looks really good. The absence of a screen allows you to pass off a smart bracelet as a simple accessory, and the Jawbone UP24 will look equally good with a classic suit and sportswear. The case is made of plastic, and there are several color variations. The outer surface of the bracelet has a ribbed structure.


Almost all the features of this bracelet are aimed at monitoring the health and activity of the wearer. The “smart alarm clock” function is quite remarkable, which will make your every awakening comfortable - the bracelet will wake you up in the “REM” phase and relieve you of the feeling of morning weakness.

Also, this bracelet can give advice on nutrition, remind you of the need to eat. By purchasing this bracelet, you will get a real personal trainer - if you sit for a long time without activity, the bracelet will gently vibrate, hinting that it would be nice to get up and move around.

There is also a built-in accelerometer and stopwatch, and the watch constantly monitors sleep and calorie consumption.

In order for all the information to become available, you need to install the UP application on your smartphone.



Jawbone UP24 is a great device for taking care of yourself and your health. Using such a device will always keep yourself in good shape.

This fitness tracker appeared in the editors of CHEZASITE.COM. At first, Ivan Zvyagin walked with it for a week and came to the conclusion that this is one of the best sports bracelets ever. But is it better to look at things from different angles?

Therefore, after him, for seven days, Svetlana Permyakova, an editorial roller and an expert in dancing, became related to the new UP model. So, if you like, this is a diary of living together with a new gadget. Male and female perspectives.

Design (Day 1)

Jawbone UP24 is not my first sports tracker. I wore a Fitbit One and Nike Fuel for a while, twirled an Alcatel BoomBand in my hands, and the Samsung Gear Fit was also on my wrist. Nothing seems to surprise you anymore. So I didn’t read the short instruction - everything seems to be clear anyway.

It seems that UP24 is not much different from the original model. Without removing the protective cover, you will not understand what kind of model a person has on his hand. The only difference is in the pattern on the outside of the gadget: the UP24 has parallel notches, while the original one has a zigzag pattern. In addition, after a couple of minutes of searching for a charging connector, it turned out that there is a 2.5 mm jack under the cap - with its help, through an adapter to USB, the bracelet connects to a computer. Previously, the plug was a standard 3.5 mm, but Bluetooth appeared in this model, and now the jack is needed only for charging, and synchronization with the smartphone takes place “over the air”. Here is the main difference between the old model and the new one.

The design, however, remained exactly the same as before. Putting the UP24 on my arm for the first time, I was very afraid of breaking this spiral. But it turned out to be quite strong, and the gadget gently but tightly sat on my wrist. By the way, Jawbone elegantly solved the issue of choosing the size of the device: it is proposed to wrap something like a thread around the wrist, measure the resulting segment with a ruler, and then choose one of three options: S, M or L. And especially big-eyed if they buy bracelet in the store, they may notice that there is a transparent layer with a stencil on the blister. You need to stick your hand into it, and it will become clear whether this size suits you or not.

The solution, of course, is not the most obvious, and the size does not match perfectly, but the idea is witty, to be sure.

I'm not a man or a geek, I read instructions. She actually started with her. It is not available in Russian, and the one in English is not particularly informative. Calls to install the application, tells how to connect the bracelet with a smartphone, where are the buttons and the main commands in the amount of four pieces: check the charge, put it into sleep mode, stop the clock and turn on the “nap” mode.

I inherited the bracelet from Ivan. That is, it had to be reset first. And there is no mention of this in the instructions. I had to google. The procedure is as follows: by pressing the only button on the bracelet, you need to connect it with a cord to a laptop. Extremely awkward and inconvenient. I don't have enough hands. And most importantly, it still didn't work! That is, all the data on the life of the previous owner still ended up on my smartphone. We called on the help of colleagues from Jawbone, but they also did not possess any secret knowledge. So I just resigned myself and put on a by no means virginal bracelet.

The first impressions are not the most pleasant. Firstly, it is size L. And it is better that the bracelet sits tighter, in my case - S. Secondly, it is not clear which side to wear it up. Thirdly, well, it’s just unpleasant to the touch, something silicone dangles on the arm, rubs, distracts.

I didn’t deal with the application, I just registered, entered my data: name, height, weight. The bracelet was named "Jawbone". By the way, this still torments me. Why is the fitness bracelet called the jawbone, jaw. Why?

Application (Day 2)

On the first day, dealing with the application was not particularly interesting, because no data had yet been accumulated. And there is almost nothing to configure in the application. Turned on Bluetooth on the smartphone, pressed the only button on the bracelet, the mobile phone saw it, pressed the button again - that's all that is needed for pairing. Well, then also indicate height, weight and age, as well as set your sleep rate. It takes no more than five minutes.

But on the second day it becomes clear what's what. In addition to the purple and orange bars, which clearly show how much the owner of the bracelet slept during the night and how much he found during the day, there are a couple more buttons on the main screen of the application with which you can quickly tell about your mood and what you just ate. Moreover, to enter information about food, it is not necessary to look for a dish in the list. If it’s something in a package (well, let’s say kefir), just scan the barcode and specify the volume, and the application will distribute proteins, fats and carbohydrates according to the required columns. And he will also tell you about sugar, cholesterol, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements, if they are in the foods eaten. After you tell what you ate, a third green bar will appear on the main screen, which will grow as new products appear in the list. Naturally, all this is approximate, but to get an overall picture of how a person eats, this should obviously help.

In addition to the main screen, there are also a couple of menus on the right and left. The first allows you to fine-tune the bracelet for the owner as accurately as possible by setting alarms, and the maximum period of rest, after which the bracelet will remind you by vibration that it would be nice to lift the fifth point from the chair and take a walk. The second (on the left) is responsible for social functions and activity graphs that will help track progress (or lack of it).

At first, all this seemed even too twisted, but it took about twenty minutes to study the settings, and it became clear what was happening. All this sea of ​​\u200b\u200bstatistics is much more useful than a scanty counter of steps and kilometers in the same Nike Fuelband.

The second day I wear Jawbone on my arm. I don't like the bracelet anymore. Rather, on the contrary. Before training, I tried for a long time to figure out how to explain to him that now I will dance, sweat and stretch. And that it would be nice for him to take this into account, and not just count the number of steps taken. The infernal hurdy-gurdy did not give in, I had to ask for "the help of the audience." It turns out that you can enter data on any physical activity only after training, but not before.

After training, I ventured to get into the application again. It still terrified. Everything seems to be beautiful, but the number of points, sub-points, settings, some tips, graphs and just unknown icons provokes panic and a desire to urgently close all this and deal with them some other time. Still, I want intuitive control, so that everything is clear at a glance.

The developers, of course, understand this: the application has a lot of built-in tips-articles, but if you click on them, they throw out either an article in English or a video tutorial. And I personally hate video tutorials. Sit, watch it, suffer. What if I'm on the subway at all? Can I just have a quick read on how to make it work? In a word, I decided that I would carefully study everything another time, but for now I just set a smart alarm clock and turned on the sleep mode on the bracelet.

Sleep tracking (day 3)

On the first day, I didn’t pay much attention to sleep tracking at all, and on the second, I forgot to switch the bracelet to night mode. But the gadget turned out to be so smart that he decided to wake me up in the right phase of sleep with the help of vibration. I understood, obviously, that since it was night in the yard, and somehow I didn’t wave my arms for a suspiciously long time, it means that I was probably sleeping. Woke me up, I must say very gently - during a light sleep - and I actually woke up rested without the desire to crush the pillow for another hour.

True, the application did not build a sleep schedule for the first night for me, because. before going to bed, I did not hold down the bracelet button for a couple of seconds, putting it in the desired mode. But the issue was resolved very simply: UP24 still registered all movements, so it only remained to enter in the appropriate section the time when I went to bed and when I woke up. It turned out that I sleep well, that is, I spend more time in the deep phase than in the light phase.

In addition, after a couple of days, some kind of statistics appeared. The bracelet tracked my movements and uploaded it all to my smartphone, and the program built some graphs and told me how many calories I spend at rest and how many in motion, how long I lie on the couch and how much time I spend on the go.

You can't catch me with a smart alarm clock. When my own hand began to twitch, of course, I woke up. In panic. Then I figured out that no one was killing me and even epilepsy had not started, calmed down, turned off the alarm clock and fell asleep peacefully again. I generally like to sleep. I have been doing this for a long time and with pleasure. And every night I dream. Varied and colorful. It always seemed to me that it was good - the night was not in vain. But Jawbone ruined everything for me!

Firstly, statistics showed that I sleep not for 8 hours, as it seemed to me, but for 6. I read for a long time and cannot fall asleep. Secondly, in the phase of deep sleep, I spend at most 2.5 hours, and as the bracelet immediately said, “the more deep sleep, the more patience, optimism and concentration.” And in the shallow phase, dreams are also dreamed. That is, the more I see interesting dreams, the more nervous and unrestrained I am.

This was the first time I suspected that Jawbone might still be of some use. The app even gives tips on how to increase the duration of deep sleep, but from the realm of impossible: get up and go to bed at the same time every day, eliminate caffeine, alcohol and junk food in the evening. Of course, I could not take such measures, but since then I have included sleep tracking every time. It’s very interesting to see in the morning when you actually fell asleep, when you woke up (after all, you don’t remember this at all), what you did at night.

Workouts (Day 4)

During the morning workout, it turned out that the UP spring design was clearly not taken from the ceiling, but so that the bracelet would fit tightly on the arm, but at the same time it could periodically stretch a little and not hinder movement when the wrists arch. With Nike Fuel, which I wore longer than other trackers, I had this problem.

In general, it is convenient that the gadget in this version was equipped with a Bluetooth module - you do not need to take any action to synchronize with your smartphone. He lies to himself somewhere on a shelf, and you move from projectile to projectile.

As for the logging of the workout itself, it is impossible to set the device to the “Sport” mode in advance, as is the case with the sleep mode. You can enter data about a specific activity after it has been completed. In my case, this is strength training, and naturally, the bracelet cannot know how much weight is on the bar. Instead, the software prompts you to choose the intensity of your workouts and, based on this, calculates the approximate calorie consumption. I asked the coach if UP calculated everything correctly, he said yes, they say, somewhere this is how it turns out in my case.

The bracelet no longer causes discomfort. I got used to having it on my arm, and it became comfortable. My iPhone keeps the Bluetooth connection as if it fell in love with the bracelet with all its apple soul and intends to never part with it. The application also gradually became clear: the graphs are visual, you can click on any item and get detailed data. By the way, entering data after training, and not before, turned out to be very convenient. Do not be afraid to forget to warn the bracelet, especially if you run into the hall at the last minute.

The application offers to choose from the following types of activities: walking, running, strength, exercise, cycling, exercise bike, orbitrek, cardio, yoga, Pilates, dancing, tennis, football, basketball, swimming, hiking, skiing and the mysterious "other". Of course, I was very pleased that there are dances, because usually no activity, except for power loads and running, is provided in such applications. Although dances and dances are also different, of course, one thing is a polonaise, another is a lower break. True, my favorite videos are not there, it's a pity. There would be an opportunity to independently choose from the web, for example, what activities you need in the application. For example, I surfed on vacation, and no application ever offers this at all.

And the app is also trying to become a social network. You can add users. The search takes place using the contact database, as well as Facebook and Twitter. And keep track of how your friends spend their time: sleep, number of steps, workouts, even what the person ate (if he entered it). What data to share and what not can be adjusted in the settings. Theoretically, this should cause additional motivation, they say, others move as much as I do worse. And almost too few of my friends wear Jawbone, and following strangers is completely uninteresting.

Water (not) permeability (day 5)

On the fifth day, the question of the tracker's waterproofness arose in full growth. Rather, on the contrary - permeability. Splashes and sweat to him, of course, are not terrible. The site says that you can also take a shower with it, but what will happen to the device if the protective cap on the 2.5 mm connector is accidentally removed from its place?

I asked myself this question one morning as I stood in the shower and watched a piece of orange plastic swirl in the whirlpool of the bathroom. Fortunately, I managed to pick it up and hoist it into place. The bracelet survived (I didn’t completely submerge it under water), but since then I remember that the cap, although it sits tightly, sometimes it can still catch on something and turn or even completely fly off.

Now I perceive Jawbone as a smartphone: if it is not with me, I start to get nervous. I synchronize all the data several times a day, I carefully study the statistics. In connection with the awakened craving to always be near the “Jaw”, an incident happened. She was washing a saucepan of healthy oatmeal, dipped her hand, along with the bracelet, into the water. But I read the instructions and remember that the bracelet is not protected from moisture. So after that there was a circus with a ballet at the same time. With one hand I googled, with the second I poured rice into a plate to put the bracelet there, and with the third I prayed that everything would be fine.

And everything was fine. Rice was not needed, Jawbone worked perfectly and showed no signs of death from drowning.

But! The bracelet must be worn at all times. But what if it is not protected from water? How to wash? How to wash dishes? Shooting all the time is definitely not an option. A flaw, comrades, a clear flaw.

Calibration (Day 6)

At some point, I began to have doubts about the veracity of the data. Do I walk that much? No seriously? At least 10 km per day? Great, of course, but the same Fuelband was not so optimistic. I decided to push the UP24 and the Nike bracelet with their foreheads, well, or what do they have there - sensors? He put two gadgets on his hand at once and counted exactly a thousand steps on the way from the subway to the house. It turned out that both lie about ten percent! One is positive and the other is negative. A theory arose that the Fuelband is still a gadget for running, and it considers it stricter, that is, it does not react to random movements - only to sufficiently amplitude and measured ones. And UP24 is a device closer to life, with other, softer algorithms. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know for sure, but I used to trust my experience. Yes, and an error of 10% is not so much if you are not a pro. And if sport is your profession, then your gadgets are different, more serious.

The statistics are cumulative. The statistics amazes me. It turns out that I walk an average of 16 kilometers a day. This is if there were no trainings, and I didn’t walk. That is, home - work - buy groceries - home. Most likely, the lack of sleep in the deep phase affects, I am nervous, I can’t sit, I even walk around the office all the time. Today, however, walking is a complete disaster. I have a temperature, I lie and suffer. A soulless machine can not explain it. She fixes that I am not moving, builds reproachful graphs. It's good that he doesn't sigh. In fact, the application has an item “Remind of inactivity” after a certain period of time. But even today it did not work: either I wave my hands too actively even with the temperature, or this function is not friendly with the iPhone.

Resume (Day 7)

After spending a week with Jawbone UP24, I really got used to it. I used to look in the morning how much I actually overslept, and in the evening to study how many kilometers I walked. I'm used to the fact that the gadget reminds you to move. While I was writing this text, he managed to do it twice.

I think it would be especially interesting to compete with friends, because the application allows you to leave likes and comments on the actions of other users. The only problem is that the gadget, although cool from all sides, is not yet very popular.

It is clear that he also has a number of shortcomings, which I cannot remain silent about. The charger was a thorn in my finger. Although the battery lasts for a week, it starts to land at the most inopportune moment. When you are in the country, for example, and the 2.5mm-USB adapter you have left in the city. Or worse, this little contraption was lost altogether! And what to do then? ..

I would also like to have full water resistance. It would be, well, just a super feature. Then the charger would be made wireless, which would not make life much more difficult for the owners.

And a few more hours. If they made it in the manner of the notorious Fuelband - LEDs, there would be no price for it. But then the battery would drain faster. Yes, and the gadget would cost even more than six or seven thousand rubles, which are asked for it. And this is still a certain psychological maximum. In any case, for me.

This is my first time with a fitness bracelet. To be honest, of course, I want more. So that the heart rate monitor, and the gyroscope, and the accelerometer. Maybe some other "meter". That all data be absolutely reliable, and not calculated based on averages. But there is no such thing yet. All my hope is on iWatch. But Jawbone isn't just better than nothing, it's vastly better than nothing. I read reviews about fitness bracelets, reviews, people wrote that the bracelet motivated them to walk more, exercise more often, and generally take themselves more seriously. And it always seemed like some kind of stupidity. Well, how some kind of “jaw” on the hand can motivate. Turns out it really can. You look at the statistics, and it, just like gravity - “heartless bitch” - shows that you burned a miserable 400 calories in a day on the move, and just sat the rest of the time!

And it's not even about losing weight, but about a healthy lifestyle. It's hard to explain, but you start to treat yourself more carefully. You understand that yes, it’s true that today it’s worth getting off the subway a stop earlier and walking. And going to bed early is good too. And this separate joy when the bracelet praises you for the fact that today you, such a clever girl, slept well. Completed the plan by 118 percent! Well, when and who last praised me for a strong and long sleep? Mom, except. And that was until I went to school.

And at the end of the week, Jawbone reported that I was in the top twenty of the most active users. I was very happy and immediately promised myself to get into the Top 10. Isn't that great motivation? Yes, just beautiful. True, there was a difficulty. The bracelet is not mine, but on the test, I had to give it away. Although I really didn't want to. Somehow I became related to him, with these jaws. And yes. Why it was called that, it was not possible to find out. This seems to be secret knowledge.

Specifications Jawbone UP24

  • Body material: thermopolyurethane.
  • Application: UP for Android and iOS.
  • Connection: Bluetooth 4.0.
  • Battery: lithium polymer, 32 mAh.
  • The weight: 19 - 23 grams (depending on size).
  • Price: from 5800 rub.

While most manufacturers are just entering the smart bracelet market, Jawbone has already managed to release the third generation of its device from this now popular category. The new version of the bracelet is called Jawbone UP24. Many users believe that thanks to their experience in the development of such devices, the company should get a gadget that will leave competitors far behind and become a kind of benchmark among smart bracelets. Is that so - let's try to figure it out together.

Design and construction features

If we talk about the appearance of Jawbone UP24, then at first glance it is difficult to distinguish the third generation bracelet from, say, the second one. If you look more closely, then the novelty is given by a modified pattern on the device case.

In fact, there are many more differences. So, Jawbone UP24 has become a little thinner than the second generation bracelet. The reason for this "weight loss" lies in the use of a thinner plug - now it is 2.5 mm, not 3.5 mm plug.

The only mechanical button that controls this bracelet has also undergone a change. In the new version, it also became a little smaller.

If you look at the new version of the bracelet in general, then its appearance has not changed much. And this is somewhat frustrating. Many potential buyers hoped that the third generation of this bracelet would get a new look, because even much more eminent companies do not allow themselves to use the same style three times.

By the way, the old design of the Jawbone UP24 means that the problem with the unexpected failure of the device has most likely not disappeared. Moreover, failure often occurs even before the end of the warranty period. It is possible that the novelty inherited this feature along with the old design.

Since the conversation turned to the design of the bracelet, it is worth paying a little more attention to it. As before, the basis of the device is a bent sheet of high-quality spring steel. It contains all the electronics necessary for the operation of the Jawbone UP24, covered with hypoallergenic rubber on top.

Note that this design has a very limited degree of bending. This, according to representatives of the manufacturer, is the reason for the frequent breakdowns of the device - users simply put it on and take it off incorrectly. Jawbone even made a special video showing how to do it right.

Of course, there is a possibility that the exact following of this video instruction will reduce the probability of the bracelet breaking to almost zero, but the design, in which there is such an engineering miscalculation, can hardly be called successful. True, the Jawbone UP24 has a built-in Bluetooth module for synchronization, so the new bracelet no longer needs to be removed as often as before.

Wear resistance

Almost the entire body of the new Jawbone UP24 is covered with special hypoallergenic rubber, which can be either black or orange. This material is not only pleasant to the touch, but also does not cause skin irritation when used.

True, he still has one small drawback - when the bracelet comes into contact with clothing or other parts of the body, its surface is quickly rubbed off. Fortunately, this does not affect the appearance of Jawbone UP24.

Like its predecessors, the new generation of Jawbone's smart bracelet is water resistant – it can be safely submerged in water up to 1 meter deep for up to 30 minutes. But at the same time, the manufacturer does not recommend using the Jawbone UP24 when swimming, although it is still not necessary to take it off to go to the shower.


If you follow the video instructions mentioned above, then the Jawbone UP24 is put on the hand with almost no problems. True, on the arm itself, it is fixed somewhat worse than the same Fitbit Force. But this is a design feature of this bracelet, as well as its increased “tenacity” for clothes.

The new generation of bracelet from Jawbone still exists in three sizes. The choice of one or another option depends on the size of the owner's wrist, and you can determine it using the appropriate instructions, which are on the manufacturer's website. If the size was chosen correctly, then the Jawbone UP24 does not cause negative sensations when worn and does not put pressure on the hand.

As for the control of the bracelet, for this you can use both a button on the device itself and a special application for a smartphone. In the first case, you need to press the key in a different sequence.


Currently, Jawbone UP24 only supports synchronization with the iPhone, and the bracelet is connected to it using Bluetooth 4.0.

Unfortunately, this is also not without problems. Although Bluetooth 4.0 is used successfully by many devices, the Jawbone UP24 works well with it occasionally. A special application does not always detect the bracelet the first time, which is why the Jawbone UP24 has to be turned on and off. There is a possibility that the roots of the problem lie in the application itself and everything will be fixed in the next update.

To recharge the Jawbone UP24, you need to use a special adapter 2.5 mm - USB. In this case, synchronization does not occur when the bracelet is connected to a PC.


The third generation of Jawbone's wristband has an accelerometer built in, thanks to which the device can monitor the quality of the user's sleep. The bracelet determines the moment when he falls asleep and how deeply he sleeps and, based on this information, calculates the phases of sleep.

Based on the received data, the work of a smart alarm clock is built. In theory, it works when the user is in the least deep phase of sleep. As a result, waking up with such a wake-up call is much easier.

Technically, this is implemented as follows: the owner of the Jawbone UP24 sets the alarm for the required time, and also indicates the range in which it needs to be woken up (for example, 10 or 30 minutes).

Bracelet for a healthy lifestyle

Initially, the device prompts the user to take at least 10,000 steps daily, as well as sleep for at least 8 hours. To comply with these guidelines, you will have to give up transportation and move more on foot, and you will have to go to bed earlier than most of us are used to.


During sports, Jawbone UP24 can work in the mode of tracking physical activity. This mode records data on the duration of the lesson, the distance traveled, as well as the intensity and average pace of the exercises. In addition, calories burned are also taken into account.

True, this data is enough only for a basic analysis of the trainings carried out, and this is not suitable for every type of physical exercise. Most modern smartwatches designed for athletes have much more interesting functionality in this regard. True Jawbone UP24 is able to connect to applications such as RunKeeper or Strava, which somewhat saves the situation.

The device transfers its data to them so that the program can work with them in the future. But at the same time, it's still worth understanding this: Jawbone UP24 is a bracelet designed to track daily activity, and not to record the user's performance in the process of physical exercise.

Offline work

The developers equipped the Jawbone UP24 with a built-in battery with a capacity of 38 mAh. This is usually enough for 5-7 days, depending on the intensity of data synchronization.

Proper nutrition

To keep yourself in shape, it is not enough to move a lot. You also need to eat right. To control this aspect, the creators of Jawbone UP24 have equipped their bracelet with a database of products, which has grown significantly in recent years. In addition, the user can add both ready meals and individual products to it.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Goloborodko, culinary journalist, blogger, food editor shares her impressions:

“Monitoring of consumed foods in the Jawbone UP application creates a very complete and accurate picture of the calories consumed and their further consumption. The application independently divides all the entered information into categories - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, omega-3, salt, fiber, cholesterol, etc. The built-in base contains almost all known products, as well as many dishes (even from exotic cuisines). An important point: if we take into account the calories consumed, then we should not forget about sauces and oils - they are also contained in the base.

In custody

If we compare the Jawbone UP24 with previous generations, then there are not as many innovations as we would like. Owners of a second-generation bracelet should hardly change their device for a new one, especially in light of the higher price of the latter.

Frankly speaking, Jawbone continues to stay in the same place. And this at a time when there are more and more competitors. Of course, all the innovations benefit the bracelets, but there are very few of them and they are not as dramatic as we would like. They can't help keep Jawbone at the forefront of the smartband market. And this despite the fact that the company is essentially a pioneer on it.

Buying the Jawbone UP24 only makes sense if you plan to use it in conjunction with one of the third party apps and because of the really great product database.


Battery life
+ Pedometer
+ Advanced alarm clock
+ Application
+ Waterproof
+ Simple controls
+ Product base


- old design
- No information display
- Synchronization issues
- Support for iPhone only
- Not very secure fit

What has changed in one of the best sports bracelets on the market? The design has been slightly changed, new colors have been added, the main function is the possibility of wireless synchronization. In the material, we will talk not only about UP24, but also about using it with Android, the Up Coffee program, and other things.

Design, construction

It so happened that I used bracelets in two colors, orange and black. It seems to me that black is more popular in Russia, which is understandable - it just so happened historically that people in our country do not favor bright colors. Not much has changed since the first Up, the removable cap is in its place, the grooved button too, the indicator light has not changed. When the battery runs out, the bracelet vibrates. So what has changed? I'll try to go through the most important things for me. Now the connection is via Bluetooth, which is a big plus for me, since I don’t have to remove the cap often, there is no risk of losing it. The pattern on the bracelet has changed, the waves have changed direction. There is not much difference, but at least something new compared to the bracelet of the first version. Basically, that's all. I have been going with UP24 for a very long time, during this time there were no failures, glitches, the bracelet did not freeze, I did not have to reinstall the program. In general, there were no problems, it was only necessary to charge the bracelet and that's it.

At the moment, the device is available in four colors: black, orange, coral, yellow.

There is also a limited edition navy blue version, along with yellow and coral, coming soon to retailers selling official Jawbone products.

The packaging is much better, it's made from recyclable materials - some people like plastic boxes more, I like Jawbone's approach. The box has a special overlay made of transparent material, with its help you can measure your wrist and understand which size is right for you. The bracelet is available in three sizes, S, M and L, M suits me personally. The cap has a matte plastic coating, when I wore it on my left hand, next to the watch, there was a small abrasion from the bracelet. Under the cap is a 2.5 mm plug, it is needed to charge the gadget.

The design is pleasant, in my opinion, among other similar devices, Up looks the best. But the same Nike FuelBand is more comfortable to wear, it does not have "horns" at the bottom, they cling to the sleeves. By the way, UP24 is not afraid of water, you can wash your hands with it or get into the shower. This is a plus. The bracelet is made of hypoallergenic thermopolyurethane, there was no allergy or discomfort when wearing.

I want to give a couple of tips on how to use it. there is an instruction for choosing the size of the bracelet. In addition, Up is recommended to be worn on a less active hand to avoid false positives from the sensor. For right-handers, this is the left hand. But I personally wear a bracelet on my right hand and I don't think it seriously affects the readings in the app.

The vibration of the motor in the bracelet feels very good, I note that Up starts to vibrate when the battery is discharged, when you are without movement for more than the time you set, when the alarm goes off.


I mainly use the bracelet paired with the iPhone 5S, there were no problems with pairing, the UP24 uses the Bluetooth 4.0 version, and this is the main difference from the regular Up. There were no problems with synchronization, when you open the program, it starts automatically. I want to tell you a little about the program. The main screen displays the most important information, how much you slept and how much you walked. I'm fine with sleep, so I use Up only to measure the distance traveled. I note that as a smart alarm clock this is one of the best devices, I will try to talk about it separately in the next “Mixture”. When you click on the arrow with steps, a detailed graph opens, when and how much you walked, activity time, how many calories burned, what was the calorie consumption. In my opinion, the data here is incorrect, too many calories are consumed for a simple walk. Below is a graph by day, the bars show your records. I note that during installation you need to enter your Jawbone account details, in the personal information settings you can change weight, height, there is also gender and date of birth. I also recommend changing goals more often, for example, I need to walk 10,000 steps daily, when you start walking so much every day, you can move on to 15,000 steps. All this can be viewed in the "Trends" tab.

Another part of the application, something like a social network. Members of the “team” are added to you, you see their results, they see yours, you can leave impressions about the activity. To be honest, I personally know only two members of the team, but this does not prevent getting extra motivation - especially when you see that someone has run twenty kilometers (and you only walked one).

In the app gallery, there are Up compatible titles from the familiar Run Keeper and Withings (yes, Up works in tandem with a wireless scale). At the top right of the main screen is the bracelet icon, when pressed, a menu of various actions appears - this is switching to sleep mode, a stopwatch, daytime sleep, setting an alarm (a very sensible thing), inactivity. A little about the last point, set the time here, and if you sit at the computer without moving for more than 20 minutes (or fifteen, or forty), the bracelet starts to vibrate and urge you to act. There are also reminders, for example, that it's time for you to go to bed.

If you scroll down the feed of the main screen, you can see who and how many steps have been taken, if you scroll up, your recent actions will be displayed. From time to time, useful tips appear in the application, for example, about smoking. Mood emojis have not disappeared anywhere, you can select the one you want by swiping up or down on the emoji. Food data can also be entered into the application, but I personally do not have time for this.

Together with Android

Not so long ago, the UP application for Android devices appeared, I used the bracelet paired with the Sony Xperia Z2 for quite some time. Everything works fine, synchronization happens automatically, even if the bracelet is currently working with the iPhone - that's what I really liked. I leave the house with one or another device, I change SIM cards. You can do nothing with the bracelet, the information is updated by itself, Bluetooth would be turned on. It is much more convenient to view the chart on a large screen, the functionality of the application is the same as for iOS. It seems to me that the appearance of a program for Android can seriously affect the popularity of Jawbone Up of all versions, because earlier this accessory was available only for people with an iPhone. Another question is that owners of Android devices need to be told about this somehow, to convey information.

Jawbone UP Coffee

I’ll immediately tell you about a very interesting program called Jawbone UP Coffee, which allows you to control the amount of caffeine - the interface looks very interesting, a kind of flask with some substance inside. It clearly shows whether you are ready to go to sleep or not. You can get acquainted with the program in more detail, I like that Jawbone diligently builds an entire infrastructure related to health and self-knowledge around one accessory. I myself do not have enough time to use the application - and I can’t call myself a coffee lover, I drink a maximum of a couple of cups a day. Considering that I have long ago given up excessive consumption of espresso and cigarettes, I do not experience any problems with sleep.


The declared working time is about 7 days, in fact, the bracelet works about that much if you wear it daily. Sometimes even longer, for example, in May, UP24 accompanied me for ten days in France and did without recharging - and it could not have been, since I forgot the cable. With charging, the story is the same, you need to remove the cap, connect the cable from the kit, leave it in the USB connector for a couple of hours. Apparently, in the next generation, the scheme will be changed to a simpler one, but for now, this is how it is. A 32 mAh battery is used.


For Aliph, the Up bracelet became the most popular product and turned Jawbone into a recognizable brand - now the company simply cannot cope with orders for this device. Here I would like to think about which Up to choose. The second-generation model is now on sale for 4,990 rubles, while the UP24 costs about 6,990 rubles. Naturally, bracelets can be found both cheaper and more expensive, I just wanted to show the difference in price, it is quite serious. At the same time, for the regular Up there is more choice of colors, it works with the same application for iOS/Android. It seems to me that this device should not be written off, the second generation Jawbone Up will be relevant for at least another year or even two. After all, you don’t need to synchronize the bracelet with your smartphone all the time, it’s enough to do it in the evening or even in the morning the next day. Data in Up will not be lost anywhere. So, if you want to save a couple of thousand, feel free to buy a simple Up and do not get hung up on the pursuit of new products. And one more thing, Bluetooth “kills” the battery very quickly, this should also be borne in mind when buying. I especially advise owners of Android devices to think about it.

In Jawbone UP24, I liked the stable synchronization via Bluetooth, the work of the program as a whole - even if I do not use all the functions of the device. The gadget encourages you to move more, increase your results, go an extra lap around Novodevichy after work or run on the track for more than fifteen minutes.

And therefore, it is not so important which bracelet you choose - rather than discussing sneakers, it is better to use them for their intended purpose.

2014 is sure to be the year of the heyday of wearable electronics. Smart watches and fitness bracelets are already being produced by almost a dozen different manufacturers, and this number will grow every month. Analysts predict that more than 90 million wearable electronic devices will be sold this year, most of which are smart bracelets with a physical activity monitoring function. One of the first to pay attention to this market was Jawbone, which released a device called Up. The first pancake, as usual, came out lumpy - the manufacturer let down a large percentage of defects: many devices failed after a few months of use. By the way, the same fate befell the Jawbone Up we tested last year.

In November 2013, sales of the Jawbone UP24 began in the US. The new version has improved protection against moisture, there is support for Bluetooth Low Energy wireless technology. In addition, the manufacturer promised that the new bracelets should be more reliable. Like it or not, it will become clear only in a few months, but for now I will tell you about my experience of using UP24, since I have not parted with it for a month and a half.

⇡ Characteristics of Jawbone UP24

Jawbone UP24
Material Hypoallergenic thermoplastic polyurethane
Waterproof Rain and splash protection
Weight, g 19-23 (depending on size)
Battery Li-ion, 32 mAh
Battery life Up to 7 days
USB Charging Time 80 minutes
Sensors 3-axis accelerometer, Bluetooth 4.0 LE module
Compatible devices i OS:
iPhone 4s and newer;
iPod touch 5th generation and later;
iPad 3 and later;
iPad mini and later
Devices with Android 4.3 and Bluetooth 4.0

Jawbone UP24 is not officially sold in our country yet, only the previous version of the device is presented in Jawbone partner stores, which I categorically do not recommend buying for the reason already indicated above. I bought my UP24 at the Best Buy store in Los Angeles, but they have already been delivered to Russia too - so far, as they say, in gray. Bracelets come in two color options (orange and black) and three different sizes - S, M and L. You can check which size is right for you by printing a special ruler from the official website and measuring your wrist, or you can do it right in the store - on The box has a special template with a hole that matches the internal dimensions of the bracelet.

The delivery set is quite modest - the device itself, a short USB charging cable and a user manual. However, what more can you ask for? Made of UP24 thermoplastic polyurethane. This elastomer is characterized by high wear resistance and excellent physical and mechanical properties. However, you should not abuse the flexibility of the bracelet, after all, electronics that are quite sensitive to physical impact are hidden inside - on the manufacturer's website you can find a direct ban on excessive bending of the bracelet. In addition, the material used by Jawbone is hypoallergenic - a prerequisite for a device that is on a person's hand 24 hours a day. By the way, Fitbit recently had to stop selling the Force bracelet - about 10 thousand people complained of skin irritation caused by wearing the device.

Outwardly, the UP24 differs from its predecessor in a new color scheme and a pattern on the case. In addition, the USB cable connector has become 2.5 mm, while the classic 3.5 mm mini-jack was previously used. This decision is explained by the fact that UP had to be physically connected to a smartphone for synchronization, while UP24 can communicate with a phone via Bluetooth. The rest of the design remained the same - a charging connector hidden by a cap, a single button on the other end of the device and two indicators by which you can find out what mode the bracelet is currently in.

To control all the functions of the Jawbone UP24, you need to download the official application from the App Store or Google Play - depending on which camp you are an adherent of. Owners of Apple gadgets were a little more fortunate - UP24 initially worked with all modern iPhones, iPads and iPod touches without any problems. The version of the program for Android OS with UP24 support was released just a few days ago, and the list of compatible devices is not entirely clear. The official website states that the UP24 is compatible with some Smartphones running Android 4.3 and above equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 LE modules. There is also a list of supported devices, which includes smartphones from HTC, Huawei, LG, Motorola and Samsung. True, if you select Huawei, then only one device is displayed - Sony Xperia Z1 (!), Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 are present on the LG tab, but there is no LG G2. So you should not focus on this list - for example, with a Sony Xperia ZL running Android 4.3 and having a Bluetooth 4.0 LE module, the bracelet worked without problems. I've used the Jawbone UP24 mostly with an iPhone 5s since, as mentioned above, the Android version has only recently been released.

After downloading the application, you need to register the bracelet in the program, create your account - the data accumulated by UP24 is sent to the server, so that you can “link” the device to several smartphones. Then the application will ask you to enter your date of birth, height and weight - these data are necessary for the program to work correctly. For greater accuracy, the bracelet can be calibrated - for this you need to go through a certain, pre-measured (reference) distance, compare the value with the readings of the bracelet and, if necessary, enter an amendment.

The main screen of the application displays your recent achievements in the form of two columns: the first shows how much you slept during the last 24 hours, the second shows how much you walked during the day. The longer the dream lasted, the higher the first column, similarly with the number of steps taken. By default, 8 hours of sleep and 10 thousand steps are taken as a 100% norm - according to the application, these indicators should be strived for. However, these values ​​are modifiable, and everyone can set their own goals for both sleep and daily steps. In addition, the application allows you to keep track of food consumed - I will return to this issue.

If you click on any of the columns, detailed information is displayed. The app shows you how many steps you took per day, the distance traveled in kilometers, the total time you were active, the longest period of activity or inactivity, and the number of calories burned - at rest and on the move. There is also a chart at the top that shows you when you were most active. UP24 is able to track sleep phases, distinguishing between deep (healthy) and shallow (light) sleep. In fact, scientists distinguish between five different stages of sleep, but the possibilities of the bracelet are not so serious. The program shows how long it took you to fall asleep, how many times you woke up, and builds a diagram of sleep phases. The principle of operation of the bracelet is quite simple: it tracks the movements of the owner in a dream - the less he moves, the more soundly he sleeps.

There are several more interesting features of Jawbone UP24 related to sleep - all of them are available on a separate page of the application. The most interesting feature is the "smart" alarm clock. Its "chip" is that it does not work exactly at the specified time, like ordinary alarm clocks. The bracelet will wake you up only during the light sleep phase - for this function to work, you need to set a “window” lasting 10, 20 or 30 minutes (during this period, the sleep phase will be analyzed). For example, if you set the alarm for 9 am, set the period to 20 minutes, then at 8:40 the application will check what phase of sleep the bracelet owner has now. If this is a shallow sleep, then the bracelet will wake you up with a slight, but quite noticeable vibration. It is believed that awakening in the phase of shallow sleep is easier for the body and the person feels more cheerful. In addition, the alarm clock is convenient because it wakes up only the owner of the fitness tracker - family people will appreciate this advantage.

Another interesting feature related to sleep is the daytime nap mode. The bracelet will help you take a nap for a short time and then wake you up with vibration. In the settings, you can set the maximum sleep time (total time, including falling asleep and waking up) and the duration of sleep - the last parameter determines how much you really oversleep. Those who like to sit up in the evenings at the computer will be pleased with the reminder function - you can set the time for going to bed and the time when it's time to start getting ready for bed. Curiously, this feature is present only in the iOS version of the application.

In addition, you can set the application so that the bracelet vibrates after conquering the next step mark - by default, this setting is 5000 steps. Another motivator is much more interesting - if there is no movement for, for example, 15 minutes, the bracelet will vibrate that it is time to move, after walking a hundred or two steps.

A function under the strange name “stopwatch” is aimed at sports fans. In fact, it is needed in order to differentiate different types of load, because in addition to walking there are many other types of physical activity - this function is intended for their correct monitoring.

The following physical activity options are available: pilates, dance, football, basketball, swimming (weird, because you can’t swim with a bracelet), hiking, skiing, walking, running, cycling, stationary bike, orbit track, cardio training, yoga, strength and regular exercises. After completing a workout, you can also set its intensity level and get an estimate of how many calories have been burned. Of course, the information is approximate, but it will do as a guideline.

As noted above, the application allows you to keep track of food consumed. All food will have to be added manually, with the exception of ready-made products in the package, which have a barcode - it can be read using a smartphone camera, and the information will appear in the application automatically. The choice of food products is not too large, in addition, the developers have completely translated only the first level of the menu into Russian, so most of the names of the dishes are indicated only in English. Products that are not in the main menu can be added using the search, but here again you have to arm yourself with a dictionary, since Russian names are not supported here. The product base was created based on the menu of ordinary Americans, so you will not find buckwheat porridge or jelly here.

Among other features of the UP application, one can note the output of indicators for the last weeks or months - the results are shown in the form of nice-looking charts. The program also builds an activity graph - the dependence here is very simple: the more you move, the steeper (literally and figuratively) the graph.

As planned by the creators, UP24 should work as a motivator that encourages the owner to constantly move, eat right and sleep at the right time. To do this, motivating calls with approximately the following content periodically appear in the application:

Some of them look rather strange, in addition, localization flaws are striking - some words are not translated, and miles are used instead of kilometers. However, the fitness tracker itself is a good motivator - at least at first. However, don't expect the purchase of the Jawbone UP24 to turn you into a walking freak.

As I already noted, I have not parted with Jawbone UP24 for a month and a half now. At first, the device caused a little discomfort, so I had to periodically remove it and rest my hand. But over time, I got used to the bracelet so much that I stopped paying attention to it. The creators of UP24 did their best - due to its form the device does not cause inconvenience even when working at a computer and does not interfere with typing at all. The absence of clasps and fastenings makes it easy and simple to remove the bracelet and put it on your hand.

The UP24 case protects the components of the device from moisture penetration, so in theory you can even take a shower with the bracelet. But, given, to put it mildly, not the highest reliability of the previous series, I prefer not to take risks and remove the bracelet before water procedures. But the Jawbone UP24 survives washing hands and dishes without any consequences.

The battery charge is really enough for about 7 days of work; when the charge remains for 1-2 days, a corresponding notification appears on the smartphone about the need to recharge the UP24. From the USB port, the bracelet is charged in 80 minutes, the main thing is not to lose the cap that hides the 2.5 mm jack of the device.

In general, Jawbone UP24 made a good impression. The bracelet has an excellent design that allows you to comfortably wear it for a long time, a pleasant appearance, and it copes with its main functions without question. The UP applications for iOS and Android pleased us with their user-friendly interface, wide functionality and fairly stable operation. There are minor comments on the quality of localization, but perhaps in future versions these shortcomings will be eliminated.

The Jawbone UP24 already has quite a few competitors on the market, and next month the Samsung Gear Fit will go on sale, which costs a little more but has an AMOLED color display and a heart rate sensor. Yes, Gear Fit only works with Samsung Galaxy smartphones, but there are a lot of them in the world. Direct competitors include Fitbit devices, as well as the Nike + FuelBand SE bracelet. It seems that soon these devices will also get to the 3DNews laboratory and will be thoroughly tested.

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