Open odt file in word. Converting an ODT file to a Microsoft Word document. How to open .ODT file online

An alternative program to Microsoft Office Word is installed. By typing in it, a person receives a document in the ODT extension, which is not always readable by other text software. As a result, the addressee, who does not have such an application, has a problem opening the file. Read on to learn how to get around it.

Ways to open an ODT file.

The ODT format belongs to the OpenOffice, LibreOffice and StarOffice programs, developed by OASIS as a free product for distribution, in contrast to the paid Microsoft Office suite. They can create open Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, presentations, etc. Initially, these applications were intended for the Linux platform, but were later adapted for Windows. ODT stands for "Open Text Document", the first letter of the abbreviation indicates the free program that it belongs to. The problem of integrating this type of file into Word is solved by downloading a special plug-in, but this does not always lead to the desired result.

Programs to open ODT files on your computer

Documents in ODT format are read by several programs, here's how to open them:

  • OpenOffice Writer.
  • LibreOffice Writer.
  • Universal Viewer.
  • Windows Office.
  • Microsoft Word.

Let's start with the very first application, OpenOffice Writer:

  1. Download it for free from the official website: select the version for Windows and the appropriate bit depth, install the distribution kit.
  2. Run the program. Its interface is very similar to Word, so it's easy to figure it out. Click "File" - "Open" and select the desired document.
  3. You can also click on the document - the system itself recognizes how to open the file, because the program is already available.

  1. Download it from the developer's site and install.
  2. Open the program window and click Open File.
  3. Select the document you want.

You cannot edit text in Universal Viewer, but you can view it. For this:

  1. Download and install the program.
  2. Open it and click File - Open.

Unfortunately, the formatting will be completely broken, and headers and highlighted areas will disappear. There is also a Windows Office program (not to be confused with the famous Microsoft Office), developed relatively recently, free and capable of opening almost any text format. To use it, you just need to take a few simple steps:

  1. Download the program and install.
  2. Press Ctrl + O.
  3. Select a file.

The package will also contain analogues of Excel and PowerPoint - you can also work with them as with familiar programs, the interface almost completely repeats the design of its predecessors. In Word, starting from version 2003 and higher, you can also open files in the ODT format, but this is no longer so easy. First you have to download a special plug-in, or install the Windows update packages, where the adaptation components were released that integrate ODT files into Word. In the second case, it is enough to go to the Microsoft website, type in "Search": SP2, download the packages and install them.

To install the Sun ODF Plugin, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the official website of the Sun company.
  2. Choose a plugin that matches your version of Word.
  3. Click Register Now and fill out the registration form.
  4. Agree to the terms of use of the product.
  5. Download Sun ODF Plugin and start installation.
  6. Check that all files are saved in the Program Files directory.

Now you can open ODT files through Word in the same way as documents with the .doc and.docx extensions.

How to open an ODT file on a smartphone

For iPhone and Android, there are also applications that allow you to read and edit files in ODT format:

  1. OpenDocument Reader - is able not only to demonstrate the content of the document, but also to make adjustments, create new text files, as well as sound written.
  2. Open Office Viewer - has almost the same set of functions as the previous one, but it also reads many other text formats.
  3. DOC to ODT Converter is a program that can convert DOC file to ODT and vice versa.

All of these apps are free for Android, and shareware for iPhone.

Online services for working with files in the ODT format

If you rarely have to deal with ODT documents and do not want to install additional programs for a single occasion, online viewers, editors and converters will come to the rescue. The most popular ones are:

  1. Built-in text file editor in Yandex Browser. If you use this Internet surfer, then just drag the document into the address bar to open it. If desired, you can call the toolbox and correct the text.
  2. Google Docs is a popular resource with a Word-like interface. There will be a folder icon on the start page: click on it and click "Upload", and then select the file. To work with this editor, you must be registered with Google services.
  3. Zoho Docs is an analogue of the previous one, the most popular in the English-speaking environment. Before starting work, you will have to create an account or use an existing one on Google or Microsoft. Then click Docs and Upload to select the file.

What else can cause problems with the file

Also, when trying to open an ODT file, you may encounter the following problems:

  1. Incompatibility of the plug-in for Word with the pirated version of Windows - in this case, the document format either remains unrecognized, or the content turns into a set of characters.
  2. The file was damaged during download and cannot be viewed by any of the suggested methods.

In the first case, it is enough to change the viewer to gain access to the text, and in the second, you will have to give up attempts to open the document.

The most common problem that causes users to be unable to open this file is an incorrectly assigned program. To fix this in Windows, you need to right-click on the file, in the context menu, point to the "Open with" item, and select the "Select program ..." item in the drop-down menu. As a result, you will see a list of installed programs on your computer, and you will be able to choose the appropriate one. We also recommend checking the box next to "Use this application for all ODT files".

Another problem that our users also encounter quite often is that the ODT file is corrupted. This situation can arise in many cases. For example: the file was downloaded incompletely as a result of a server error, the file was damaged initially, etc. To fix this problem, use one of the recommendations:

  • Try to find the desired file in another source on the Internet. You may be lucky enough to find a more suitable version. Google search example: "File filetype: ODT". Just replace the word "file" with the name you want;
  • Ask to send you the original file again, it may have been damaged in transit;

ODT files (from English OpenDocument Text Document) are text files in the OpenDocument Format that were created in utilities like Open Office or LibreOffice. This text document has widespread use in various office programs.

To understand what the ODT format is, it is enough to meet the open standard ODF (created by the OASIS community), which is directly related to the ODT format. Since ODF can store and exchange office documents, this also includes the ODT file extension, which contains various reports, notes, books, and so on. This file format of the ODF standard can accommodate databases, various drawings and presentations. Also, a spreadsheet may be present in the ODF file environment.

It is possible to correctly open a file with the ODT extension, using such office suites as Libre Office, StarOffice, OpenOffice. These utilities allow you to seamlessly convert files and modify them. If the user tries to open ODT using a Microsoft Office application, then he will need to install an additional plug-in from the ODF Sun Plugin for MS Office series. Many PC owners open ODT files with Corel WordPerfect Office

The file with the ODT extension gained particular popularity not so long ago, in 2014, when the Google Docs web applications, along with Sheets and Slides, acquired support for the ODF standard, respectively, users had the opportunity to save text documents in the .odt format and now the .odt file extension itself becomes more and more common. It is quite easy to open files with the .odt extension, and you can convert .odt files to other formats using appropriate utilities that accept this type of file. Don't forget to install the free ODF Plugin for Microsoft Word.

Files with the ODT extension are created in the OpenOffice editor. Unlike the classic Word, this program is free. That is why it is used in various government agencies. How do I open a document in ODT format?


It will be possible to work with documents of different extensions in real time. For example, users can or will conduct without any problems. For ODT format you can use:

  • Google Docs;
  • Yandex.Disk.

Some services even allow you to convert files created in the OpenOffice editor into a classic Word document.

Attention: you can open the ODT format in almost any cloud service. The above options are provided by way of example only.

Google docs

Only Gmail account holders can use Google Docs. Many other file formats will succeed with this cloud service as well. To work with documents with the ODT extension, you need to perform a number of sequential steps:

  • Open Google Docs - and click on the "Empty file" button.
  • We click on the "File" section and in the context menu select the "Open" option.

  • Go to the "Download" section and click on the "Select file on device" button.

  • Select the desired file with the ODT extension and confirm the action.

The cloud user from Google can not only view the document he needs, but also edit it in any convenient way.


Open documents created in OpenOffice, Word and some other editors can also be opened online using Yandex.Disk. This requires:

  • Go to Yandex.Mail and start the "Disk" section.
  • Click on the "Download" button.

  • Select the desired file with the ODT extension and open it.

  • Click on the "Close" button.

  • Double click the left mouse button on the downloaded file.

The user can edit the document in any way convenient for him. Cloud services allow you to work with different types of files. For example, with their help you can quickly and make the necessary edits to the document.

On the computer

ODT can be opened not only online, but also in programs installed on the computer. To work with such files, you can use:

  • Word;
  • OpenOffice;
  • LibreOffice.


It is impossible in the Word. However, working with files with the ODT extension will not be difficult:

  • We start the word processor. Click on the "File" button.
  • Select the "Open" section, then click on the "Computer" button and indicate "Desktop".

  • Mark the desired file with the ODT extension and click on the "Open" button.

You won't be able to work in OpenOffice or LibreOffice with any documents created in Word.


OpenOffice will also be able to view and edit documents with the ODT extension. In this case, opening the desired file will not be difficult:

  • We start the OpenOffice processor. We select the "Open" section.

  • Specify the required document and click on the "Open" button.

After that, the user can change the text in the file and make any edits to it. The editorial functionality of OpenOffice is slightly lower than that of Word, but in most cases its capabilities are abundant.


Another free alternative to the classic Word. The application allows you to create text documents, presentations and spreadsheets. To open a file with ODT format in LibreOffice, you need to follow a series of steps:

  • We launch the application. We select the option "Open file".

  • Mark the required document and click on the "Open" button.

Summing up

There are different ways to open files with the ODT extension. Documents in this text format can even be launched using various online resources. If you have to work with ODT files very often, it is better to download free text editors (OpenOffice or LibreOffice) or buy access to Word.

Recently, people very often receive either to their mail, or download from the Internet themselves, or receive through flash drives, a text file with an unknown extension .odt. As a rule, this format is not familiar to many, and they ask to send them a file with a "normal" extension, such as the familiar doc. After reading this article, you will learn how and how to open, change, convert such files with the "odt" extension.

OpenOffice and ODT format

First of all, let's look at where such interesting documents with the ODT (OpenDocument Text) format come from. There is such free software Apache OpenOffice... Openoffice has been called a free alternative to Microsoft Word. Actually, it is free of charge and explains its widespread distribution in recent years. For example, an office suite from Microsoft in some official or government institutions should only be licensed, that is, purchased. To work with the DOC or XLS format, you need to use only Microsoft editors. Of course, in our PCs there are only pirated versions, but for large companies this is a criminal offense. But some "big" companies thought a little and jointly came up with their free office suite Apache OpenOffice.

OpenOffice has a text editor Writer, its analogue is the popular Microsoft Word. So, working in the free text editor Writer, you will get a text file with the ODT format. In general, OpenOffice supports many formats, including doc with docx and xls.

How to open the odt and odtt file extension?

So you got this file, you don't have OpenOffice installed. What to do? How to open odt? Well, first of all, Microsoft Office Word (versions 2007 SP2, 2010 and 2013) has the ability to open and edit files with the odt format. But keep in mind that the initial formatting of your document will most likely be partially lost. This is because OpenDocument Text and Word Ofiice support different options and capabilities, such as formatting.

In order to open a file with the extension ODT in Microsoft Office need to:

The ODT extension also successfully opens the following programs:

  • LibreOffice - Along with OpenOffice, a free open source office suite.
  • TextMaker - office suite for many operating systems, including Linux, Android, Windows Mobile. If you only need to view the odt file, you should download the program TextMaker Viewer, the program is free and weighs ~ 5MB.
  • IBM Lotus Symphony- office suite for working with text, tables and presentations.
  • AbiWord—Similar to the Office Word.
  • Corel WordPerfect Office.
  • ALReader

How to open .ODT file online?

If you do not want to install programs, then use your Internet. There are many online services available to open the CCT extension. The most popular service is AppFactory - Application Factory. This online application will open your file and you can also convert your document to another format. This service is quite convenient and popular, and we should support our domestic developers.

Google has long drawn attention to the problem of synchronizing extensions between office suites. and therefore the online assistant Google Docs (Google Drive) was created. Google Dox allows you to open the ODT format, but converts it to the internal Google Docs format and then uploads it to your account. You won't be able to download the file you need in a suitable format.

You can also use the online converter of ODT extensions to DOC format.

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