How to make a full android backup.


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Immediately after the settings have been reset to the factory settings, or when connecting an old account on a new device, the system must download all the data from your account, make sure that an Internet connection is provided in advance.

It is worth noting that this storage refers to what is associated with Google services. That is, if at the cost of great effort you have reached the last level of a game, then you may not be able to return to it. During recovery, from the too long list of applications, we delete those that you no longer need.

If you have applications that are not connected to the Google server, then backup and restore are performed in other ways.

Using standard ADB tools

Step by step:

  • Turn on USB debugging on Adnroid;
  • Download the proprietary program from the ADB RUN website (version 3.21.35 and higher);
  • Install the driver on the PC (if it was not installed earlier);
  • USB cable

Create a backup:

  • Launch Adb Run, select the Backup menu;
  • We select the first item "Adb Backup";
  • We take our android smartphone (tablet) and press the button “create a backup copy (password is not required).

Recovering from a backup:

  • Select the item "Adb Restore";
  • Click on "recover data" on the Android device.

Using custom Recovery (root)

To use this method, you need to understand that Recovery must already be installed, because the creation of the backup itself cannot be called a backup copy, it is, rather, the creation of a complete image of the current state of the firmware.

  • After installing Recovery, enter it;
  • We select the item "Backup and Restore" in the menu
  • This is followed by the "Backup" menu item (to create a backup)
  • To restore, select "Restore".

Online Nandroid Backup (root required)

Regardless of the name, unfortunately, nothing is saved in the cloud. The program does not have a graphical interface, therefore, we will act from the terminal. This type of backup was created especially for those who are already tired of rebooting into Recovery to perform Backup, as well as to create a snapshot of the current state of the entire system, and what is already installed in it.

Using DataSync (root)

This program will be useful for backing up existing applications and quickly transferring them to another device. However, if your goal is to create backup copies of the applications themselves, and not just the existing data and settings, then this application is not worth using.

OBackup (root) features

Backup copies are created similar to ONB (third method), only in this case we see a graphic and intuitive interface, and a means of sending a backup to a cloud disk.



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With the release of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, a truly necessary function has become available to users - automatic backup of user application data to the Google Drive service. But even though Google took care of the users by adding this feature, not all developers are in a hurry to update their products and add a similar function to them. So after changing the device or resetting to factory settings, you have to replay the games, change the program settings to your taste, etc. Of course, the presence of root rights on the device can help out from such a situation. But what if you can't get them? In addition, to do this, you will often need to unlock the bootloader, which automatically leads to the loss of all information on the device. In this case, ADB comes to the rescue.

Few Android device users know that it is possible to back up all installed applications and their data without additional manipulation of their device. And in today's article we will tell you how to make a backup of the entire system, without unlocking the bootloader and obtaining superuser rights.

How to back up all information on your device

In order not to bother yourself and save all the accumulated photos, music, videos yourself, this method will be an excellent choice. And here's what you need:

  1. Create a folder named Android at the root of the C: \\ drive.
  2. Install USB drivers for your device (you can find links to generic drivers for some devices).
  3. In some cases, you will need to disable authentication to install drivers.
    • For Windows 7:
      When turning on the computer, after loading the BIOS, you must press the F8 key. In the appeared menu "Additional boot options" select "Disable mandatory driver signature". This method may not work the first time, so you should repeat the action or open a command prompt as administrator and enter two commands:
      "Bcdedit.exe / set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS";
      "Bcdedit.exe / set TESTSIGNING ON".
    • For Windows 8:
      You need to press the key combination Win + I, hold down the Shift key and select "Shutdown"\u003e "Restart". When you turn on your computer, select Diagnostics\u003e Advanced Options\u003e Boot Options\u003e Restart. At startup, select the "Disable mandatory driver signature verification" mode by pressing the F7 key.
    • For Windows 10:
      You need to hold down the Shift key and select Start\u003e Shut Down\u003e Restart. After booting, select Troubleshoot\u003e Advanced Options\u003e Boot Options\u003e Restart. Then select the item "Disable mandatory driver signature verification" by pressing the F7 key.
  4. Download the archive and unzip the files to the Android folder.
  5. Activate the item "USB debugging" on the smartphone.
    This can be done in the "For Developers" section. If this section is hidden, the instructions will help to open it.
  6. Change the duration of the standby mode.
    To do this, select the "Sleep mode" item in the screen settings and set the switch to the maximum possible time.
  7. Connect your phone to your computer using a USB cable.
    It is recommended to use an original or good quality cable and a USB 2.0 port located on the motherboard (for PC).
  8. Change the connection type from “Charge Only” to “File Transfer (MTP)”.
    This doesn't have to be done on every device, but many manufacturers require it as a security measure before allowing ADB to work.
  9. Open the command line and go to the created Android folder with the command "cd c: \\ Android \\" (commands are written without quotes).
  10. Make sure the computer finds the device via ADB.
    To do this, you need to enter "adb devices" in the command line. On the appeared request on the phone for permission to debug via ADB on this computer, you must click "Ok", while selecting the item "Always allow from this computer". If the device is visible, the text "List of devices attached" and a list of all devices (for example, xxxxxxx device) will be displayed. If instead of “device” it says “offline” or the list turns out to be empty, then you need to update ADB, check the drivers / cable, change the USB port / computer.
  11. At the command line, enter "adb backup -apk -shared -all -f path / to / backup.ab", where path / to / backup.ab is the path to the directory and the name of the backup file.

The operation can take quite a long time, everything will depend on the amount of information on the smartphone.

How to back up only application data

Unfortunately, like everything in this life, the previous method is not ideal. All data may not always be saved correctly. It is recommended that you manually save your media files and documents to your PC or the cloud, and then start backing up your application user data. To do this, you need to follow steps 1 through 10 and then enter “adb backup -apk -all -f path / to / backup.ab” at the command line, where path / to / backup.ab is the path to the directory and the name of the backup file. After that, on your smartphone, enter the password to protect the backup and click the "Back up data" button in the lower right corner.

How to back up some apps

If you do not need to back up all the programs installed on the device and it is enough to save the data of some applications, then you will need the following:

  1. Follow steps 1 through 10 of the first method.
  2. Install the App Inspector application on your smartphone.
  3. Launch the App Inspector utility and select the App List (Ordered by name) item. Find and select the application that you want to restrict the work in the background. The package name and version will be displayed under the program name.
  4. Enter the command "adb backup -f path / to / backup.ab -apk name.of.package", where path / to / backup.ab is the path to the directory and the name of the backup file, and name.of.package is the name of the package , which was previously learned in the App Inspector.
  5. A window will appear on the smartphone where you will be asked to enter a password for additional protection of the backup. After entering it, you need to click the "Create a backup copy of data" button in the lower right corner.

How to restore data from a backup

To restore data, you only need to enter "adb restore path / to / backup.ab" in the command line, where path / to / backup.ab is the path to the backup file and press Enter. Enter the password on your smartphone in the window that appears and click the "Recover data" button. After a certain time, depending on the size of the file, a pop-up window will display "Restoration completed" on the phone.

Additional Information

In addition to the above, I would like to supplement the article with a few more commands and parameters that can help in certain situations.

The format of the commands for creating a backup is:

Adb backup [-f ] [-apk | -noapk] [-shared | -noshared] [-all] [-system | nosystem] [

The simplest command to create a backup is:

Adb backup -all

After entering this command, only the data of all applications (without APK files) will be backed up in the current directory with the name backup.ab.

If after entering this command an error occurs (something like "adb: cannot open file ./backup.ab") you need to enter the following:

Adb backup -all -f C: \\ backup.ab

In this case, the backup file will be created in the root directory of the C: \\ drive. Instead of C: \\ backup.ab, you can specify any necessary address and file name.

Here's a description of some of the options you can use when creating a backup:


This parameter is used to indicate the path and name of the backup file. For example, “-f C: \\ Backup \\ mybackup.ab” points to the Backup folder located on drive C. The backup name is mybackup.ab.

Apk | -noapk

This flag indicates whether the application's APK files should be included in the backup, or only the corresponding data. It is recommended to use "-apk" when the application is not available on Google Play or if you are using an older version than the Market. The default is "-noapk".

Shared | -noshared

This flag is used to enable / disable backup of the contents of the internal memory / SD card of the device. The default is "noshared". It is recommended not to backup the internal memory in this way, but to manually save all the necessary files, since not all data can be saved / restored.

This flag is the easiest way to back up your entire system.

System | -nosystem

This parameter determines whether system applications will be included in the backup. The default is "-system". It is recommended not to include system applications in the backup in order to avoid possible errors when restoring in the future.

Here you can specify the names of the packages (for example, that you want to save. Used only if you need to back up a specific application.

That's all. Write in the comments if this instruction helped you and if all the information was saved correctly.

If you want to change something in your android device, then first of all we need to prepare in advance for the fact that everything can go awry. For this there is a backup, but for a simple Backup Android.

Let's start. Since you are here, then you wondered how to make a Backup Android? There are several ways. Of the most common:

  • Titanium Backup

And there are many more varieties of them, but we will focus on the first and second, namely how to backup Android applications and their cache using the application Titanium Backup and via recovery (CWM). When creating a backup via Recovery mode, you can make a full backup of your firmware, but for this you may need to install it first.

Let's get started:

  • or in the Play Store
  • Run it and provide it superuser rights
  • Click on the button in the upper right corner of the screen, as shown in the picture:

  • Select the desired item to save the data.

Android system backup

Once again, I would like to emphasize that during the restore you will restore all the components and the software as it is.

As great and proven as the android backup system is, something unexpected can always happen. Therefore, think about what is especially important on your device and copy all the necessary photos, documents and materials that you should not lose in any case.

By the way, for many it will be a revelation, but all contacts and android mail are tied to a google account, specifically to the gmail address. So Google will take care of their safety. It won't take long to create a complete Android backup. From 10 minutes to an hour, depending on your experience and, in fact, the device.

The first step in creating a full-fledged backup is. In this article I will not cite, since for each device the procedure may differ, as well as the technique itself.

You can get information about the possibility of obtaining privileged access to the operating system on your device -\u003e. Not all devices can be rooted. If your phone is one of them, then you will have to forget about backup for a while or use some other systems that can work without root access and make some backups, read about them at the end of the article.

After you get to the device, you can proceed to the second action of our corps de ballet - actually to create a backup Android. I suggest making a backup using the utility Nandroid backup... Nandroid is a special application with which you can take snapshots of your phone's file system. Actually, the recovery too.

You can install Nandroid on your phone using standard bootloader... I suggest manipulating with the application manager ROM ClockworkModwhich will install on your device with both Nandroid and other useful utilities. Once again, I'll make a note that the program works only on rooted phones. So download the application " ROM Manager", Install it.

Let's start backing up the android system:

  • Go to the application Nandroid backup
  • We give him full access and choose Quick Backup

  • The process of creating a backup begins

  • Congratulations, you have made a backup of the Android system.

Make Full Android Backup

Guide "How to Backup Android Firmware". Every Android device has a factory firmware already installed recoveryso there is no need to install it separately.

SPECIAL ATTENTION!! Before performing any actions with the device, the battery charge must be more than 50%. This will prevent unexpected shutdowns and save your device from the "brick" stage.


  • We turn off the phone and wait 20-30 seconds so that the processes are finally completed and the battery goes into passive mode.
  • Press the button " Volume +"(On some models" Volume -"). And without letting go of it, we hold down the button " Inclusions"(On some devices the button" Home»).
  • If you have an Android robot, belly up and with an exclamation mark, then simultaneously press " Volume -"And the button" Inclusions»(Or vice versa, for other devices). And immediately let go! No need to hold! (P.s if you immediately got into recovery - of course, skip this step.)
  • Now a menu has opened where the TACHPAD does not work. Navigate " Up»/« Way down»- with the volume rocker, respectively. Confirmation of selection - button " Inclusions"(There are exceptions for tablets: moving up - does not exist, only down! Select - button" Volume +", And the button" Inclusions"Is an exit from recovery)
  • In the menu that appears, we need to go down with the button " Volume -"To the value" backup and restore"And press confirmation, ie the button" Inclusions».

  • In the window that opens, select Backup and wait for the end of the procedure (It takes approximately 5-10 minutes (depending on the system load))

  • After the end of the procedure, select Reboot now and that's it ..

If you have root rights, you can make a full backup of Android in this way, but what if you don't have root rights?

Backup Android without root

If your device does not initially have Root access and you do not want to bother yourself with getting it, you can always use applications that will make a backup without it.

On our site you can find many applications in order to make a backup of an android without root, but I will advise you, in my opinion, the best of them - Safe backup.

So what can be backed up with Safe Backup:

  • Application installation files;
  • Contacts;
  • The calendar;
  • Call log;
  • Bookmarks;
  • Alarm clocks;
  • Photos;
  • Music;
  • Ringtones;
  • User dictionary;
  • Video;
  • Voice recordings.

We launch the application and see only two menu items - “ Save”And“ Reestablish”, The menu doesn't spoil us with variety, but it's even better.

After pressing the button “ Save”, Choose where you want to record the backup, since there are plenty of options. After that, select the required data items for the backup and click “ OK”, As well as in the upper right corner of the program there are buttons for compressing the backup and setting a password.

Attention! Full Backup Android is not possible without root!

Once again, I want to remind you that this method will not be able to restore your system with firmware, but only the data that you entered into your device.

Well .. Now you will not wonder how to make an android backup, since you already have your own backup, to which you can always roll back if something suddenly goes wrong. I strongly recommend that you make a backup before each firmware or any modification of your device. Even if you completely trust the developer, the device itself can let you down. No one is immune from mistakes. Therefore, make a backup and save at least one original copy on an external medium. To avoid "accidental" deletion and not expose Android to turn into a brick.

  1. Regularity. Making backups should be as regular as brushing your teeth in the morning.
  2. Checking. Check the backup you just made. It will be very disappointing if, at a particularly tense moment, your magic wand turns out to be a dummy. Open several files from the archive and make sure they work.
  3. Separation. It is better to store backups not in one place, but at least in two. For example, on an external hard drive and in the cloud. After all, disks sometimes fail, and cloud storage may not be available at the right time.
  4. Delimitation. Divide what you intend to store into several clear categories. Data of varying importance also requires a different approach to archiving.

System solutions


Windows has a standard backup and restore tool that allows you to save both individual files and an entire image from which you can restore the system in case of a failure.

Windows 7

Go to the "Control Panel" by left-clicking on the "Start" button and selecting the appropriate item. In the "Control Panel" select "System and Security" → "Computer Data Archiving" → "Configure Backup".

Next, the system will ask you to specify the location to save the archive. Please note that if you want to back up data from drive C, you will not be able to save it there. To do this, you will have to select another medium, for example, a second physical disk, USB flash drive, DVD or a folder on the local network. If you recall the principles of creating a backup, the archive must be stored on a separate medium, and not on the same computer from which the copy was made.

Next, the system will prompt you to automatically or manually select the folders for archiving. Click on "Give me a choice" and in the window that opens, mark the folders that you want to save. Click Next → Save Options and Exit.

Now in the window "Back up or restore files" there is a button "Archive". Clicking on it will start the process of archiving your data.

Recovery follows the same principle. To do this, click on the item "Select another backup to restore files" and specify the one to which the backup was performed.

Windows 8 and higher

The built-in File History tool allows for real-time archiving. It only needs initial setup to work.

Go to "Control Panel". To do this, click on the "Start" button with the right mouse button and find the required line in the context menu.

Select a drive other than the system drive, a flash drive or a network folder as the storage location. Click Enable.

File History will automatically copy the following libraries: Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos - and standard user folders: Windows, Desktop, Favorites.

By default, backups are made every hour, but you can change this time, for example, to 10 minutes. However, this will require more disk space. The retention time for each copy can be adjusted in the Advanced Settings menu.


Time Machine is a standard Apple solution for creating backups of applications, files and folders, documents, videos, music.

Time Machine requires third-party storage, such as a USB flash drive, external hard drive, or network solution.

When you connect an external drive to your Mac, you should be prompted: Should I use it as a backup storage? Select "Use as backup disk".

If the window does not appear, the backup disk should be selected manually:

  • go to the menu and open the Time Machine settings;
  • click on "Select backup disk";
  • select the one you want and click on "Use disk".

Backups will be automatically created once an hour, backups for the past month - every day, and all-time backups - every week. Do not be afraid that the volume of your hard disk will be small. Time Machine will save only changed information, and old copies will automatically be deleted as disk space becomes full.


Android Backup Service

Designed to create backups of data from Google accounts. With its help, it will be possible to save:

  • data about Wi-Fi networks;
  • desktop wallpaper;
  • gmail settings;
  • google Play applications;
  • language and input settings;
  • date and time;
  • settings for a number of third-party applications.

To create a backup you need:

  • open device settings;
  • go to "Personal data" → "Restore and reset";
  • enable "Data backup".

To restore data on another device, you just need to log in with your account. To restore the settings of the saved applications, go to "Personal data" → "Restore and reset" → "Auto recovery".


Android has a standard sync tool that allows you to save user contacts installed from Google Play applications, calendar, display settings, languages \u200b\u200band input methods, Google Drive data, and settings for some third-party applications. The tool requires a required Google account.

Android sync is enabled by default. If you want to get the most recent backup, do the following:

  • open the phone settings;
  • in the "Accounts and sync" section, select Google;
  • put the necessary checkboxes and click "Synchronize".

The data will be automatically sent to the Google storage cloud. To restore them on another Android device, you just need to connect your account on it.

You can also synchronize most of the popular accounts: Skype, Telegram, Viber and VKontakte. For syncing photos and images, Android has a built-in Google Photo solution.



Apple's universal application for receiving and playing content. Allows you to locally save data from a device connected to a computer running Windows or macOS. This is especially useful when you don't have an Internet connection.

To create a copy using iTunes, do the following:

  • connect the device to the computer;
  • go to the "Devices" tab;
  • click "Synchronize".
  • photos;
  • notes;
  • list of contacts;
  • the calendar;
  • sMS / MMS messages;
  • safari browser;
  • access point settings;
  • application data;
  • home screen view.


Cloud service for storing user data. Like any cloud, it has two limitations: the need for Internet access and a relatively small (5 GB) amount of free allocated space.

To save data using iCloud on your device, go to Settings → iCloud → Backup and start the backup process.

ICloud stores:

  • history of purchases in the App Store;
  • photos;
  • phone settings;
  • application data;
  • home screen view;
  • ringtones;
  • voice mail.



License: commercial software.

Russian language support: there is.

A simple solution for creating backups. Allows you to save both individual files (photos, music or movies) and mail, for example from Microsoft Outlook or TheBat.

In the main window of the program, click "Create a new task" → "Create a backup copy". Select the data you want to save from the directory tree. In our case, this will be the "Music" folder on the desktop.

Finally, give the task a name and click Finish. Archiving is complete.

Data recovery follows the same principle. Select the saved backup, and then specify where you want to restore it.

The trial period for using the program is 30 days. The developers offer to purchase the full basic version for 800 rubles. There are other versions of Handy Backup - Professional and Expert. Their capabilities are much wider and are tailored for professional needs; for our purposes, the Standard version is quite enough.

License: shareware.

Russian language support: not.

Another solution for backing up and recovering lost files. The interface is so simple and straightforward that even the absence of the Russian language will not be an obstacle.

First, choose where to save your data. Let it be removable disk E.

The next step is to specify the data to save. The program offers both a smart choice, where you can mark the desktop files, system folders "Pictures" or "Video", as well as a directory tree. Go to it and save the already familiar "Music" folder.

After clicking on the checkbox, the archiving window will open. On the selected disk, the program automatically creates a Genie TineLine folder, where it places the saved files.

Save and Restore features are available in Genie Timeline Free Basic Edition. The premium paid versions of Genie Timeline Home and Genie Timeline Pro are much more powerful: email notifications, highly secure data encryption, and schedule customization. But the Free version is sufficient for saving home files.

Genie TineLine has an iOS app that you can use to check the status of your backups on your computer.

License: commercial software.

Russian language support: there is.

Powerful tool for backing up and restoring data. You can store backups not only on physical disks, but also on our own cloud service Acronis. True, for this you have to subscribe for a year, and the amount of space provided will depend on the tariff plan. With the standard subscription, 50 GB are allocated, with the purchase of the premium version - from 1 TB.

Immediately after installation, the program offers to choose what data to send to the copy: from the entire computer, from disks and partitions, or individual folders.

Select "Files and Folders" and select the ones you want. Let it be the "Music" folder on your desktop again. Click "OK" and go to the storage selection.

Select flash drive E, click OK again → Create Copy. A copy of the Music folder was created on the flash drive.

Acronis has other useful features as well. For example, "Archive" allows you to free up disk space by compressing large files, while the "Clone Disk" tool will create a complete copy of local disks, which in case of failure will allow you to restore the original state of the system.

The cost of the program is 2,700 rubles. A standard subscription for a year will cost users 2,400 rubles, an extended subscription - 5,100 rubles. Mobile applications work in conjunction with the desktop version and are downloaded for free.


Carbon cope cloner

License: commercial software.

Russian language support: not.

Utility for creating a duplicate disk. Support for the Russian language is not provided, but it will not be difficult to understand the interface.

In Source Disk, select the disk you want to copy. In Target Disk, specify the destination for the copy. Start the process with the Clone button.

The free period of using the program is 30 days. After Carbon Cope Cloner will cost 2 405.65 rubles.


License: shareware.

Russian language support: there is.

Convenient solution for backing up and syncing Android applications that does not require root rights. However, for full functionality, you will have to install Helium on a computer running Windows, Linux or macOS.

After installing the application on your smartphone, you will immediately receive a notification about the need for a desktop version. For ease of installation and saving time, the program offers to send the link to a user-friendly messenger or email. From there follow the link to the program's website, download and run. Installation in the "Next" → "Next" → "OK" style is not difficult.

While the program is being installed, the mobile application asks to connect the phone to the computer and enable USB debugging.

After receiving notification of successful synchronization, the smartphone can be disconnected from the computer.

Open the mobile app. Select the required programs from the list of installed programs and click on the "Reservation" button. Specify where the backup will be stored and wait for the process to complete.

To restore from a backup, go to the "Restore and Synchronization" tab, specify the storage with the copy, select the applications you need and click "Restore".

The basic version of the program is free, the cost of the extended version is 149.86 rubles.

The extended version allows you to:

  • disable ads;
  • set up a scheduled backup;
  • enable synchronization between Android devices;
  • save data in the cloud.

The application cannot be installed by owners of Motorola devices and some Sony models.

License: shareware.

Russian language support: there is.

The most popular application backup tool among Android users. Requires root access to the device.

To create a backup copy of one or several applications, open the "Backups" tab, which contains a complete list of installed software. An exclamation mark next to an application indicates that a copy has not yet been created for it. The phone icon means that the program is stored on the internal memory of the device. The SD card icon indicates applications stored on the memory card.

Select an application and in the menu that opens, click "Save".

The backup has been created. Now, if you enter the application again, you can see the "Restore" button.

Titanum Backup supports group work with applications and backups. To do this, go to Menu → Batch Actions.

This function allows you to:

  • check backups - both recently created and all of them - for errors;
  • make backups of all installed applications;
  • make backups of all system data;
  • delete old backups;
  • restore all backups;
  • restore all system data;
  • clear application cache;
  • uninstall system or user applications.

The functionality of Titanium Backup is much wider, but for our purposes the listed features are quite enough.

The extended version of Titanium Backup costs 349 rubles. Its main features:

  • creating multiple backups for the application;
  • encryption of backed up data;
  • checking all archives;
  • batch freeze and thaw applications;
  • synchronization of backups with the cloud.



License: commercial software.

Russian language support: there is.

Compatibility: Microsoft Windows, macOS.

It is actually a file manager with a backup option. In many ways it is similar to iTunes, but it's much easier and more enjoyable to work in it. You can transfer data both via cable and Wi-Fi, and there is no limit to the number of connected devices in iMazing.

When you connect your device to your computer, iMazing automatically backs up your device. The function of changing data directly in the saved copy is very useful: the next time you connect, the changed data is instantly synchronized.

The free period is 30 days, after which you will have to pay $ 39.99 for use on one computer.

License: commercial software.

Russian language support: not.

Compatibility: iOS.

A tool for backing up devices with. Allows you to save notes, contacts, photos, messages, call history and more.

To create a backup, just select what you want to save and click on the corresponding icon. A copy can be stored on a smartphone, computer, in the cloud, or sent by email.

To restore data, click on the Restore button in the menu on the left side of the screen.

BackupAZ costs $ 2.99.


License: free software.

Russian language support: there is.

Compatibility: iOS.

And this software product will require you to have a jailbreak. The free iLex application allows you to save absolutely any data from the device, moreover, it does not need a computer to work.

Having created a backup copy, save it to wherever it is convenient for you, and after flashing the device or in case of loss, copy the archive to your phone and restore the necessary information.


License: free software.

Russian language support: there is.

To do this, just go to Manage Accounts, enter your account and select Installable Purchases. This is the only way to do this only for purchased applications. Cydia does not save information about free ones.

Cloud solutions

Google drive

License: shareware.

Russian language support: there is.


Allows you to store user data on Google servers, differentiate access rights to files and folders, open access and share them with other Internet users.

The repository includes:

  • Google Drive - serves for storing files;
  • Gmail - saves the user's contacts and is a powerful email client;
  • Google Photo - Automatically finds images on devices and saves them to the cloud.

Free 15 GB. For a larger volume, you will have to pay from $ 2.99 to $ 299. The maximum storage capacity is 30 TB, and the downloadable file is 5 TB.

2 GB of storage is available for free use. The cost of 1 TB will be 9.99 €. Unlimited space can be purchased for € 10 per month.


License: shareware.

Russian language support: there is.

Compatibility: browsers, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS.

A cloud service of Russian origin, formerly Yandex.Narod. Like previous solutions, it allows you to save data in the cloud and share it with other Internet users. Supports synchronization between various devices.

Free users are provided with 10 GB. For an additional 10 GB, Yandex asks to pay 30 rubles, for 100 GB - 80 rubles, while the cost of 1 TB will be only 200 rubles.

Contacts, photos, progress in games - smartphones contain in memory no less necessary information than hard drives of computers. With Android backup, you can prevent the loss of important data by storing it securely on Google servers or on your computer.

Backing up to Google servers

For the full operation of Android, you need a Google account - a Gmail mail account, with which you can log in to any service from a global corporation. Therefore, an Android backup to Google is the easiest way to save your content and settings. To back up your contacts, some app data, calendar, and disk, all you need to do is add your Google account in the settings and turn on sync.

The marked data will be automatically saved to Google's servers. To restore them to your phone from a backup or transfer to another device, you just need to add an account and turn on synchronization.

There is also a "Restore and reset" section in the phone settings. Here you need to enable backup, add a Google account for synchronization and activate AutoRecover, which will help you get back a copy of the settings and data of some applications when you reinstall them.

Important information is stored on Google's servers, but, for example, the progress in the game cannot be transferred to another device using such synchronization. If you want to keep absolutely all data, then you need to know how to make a full backup.

Backup via Recovery

The standard Android recovery menu (Recovery) has extremely limited functionality - reset settings and install updates. But if you put an alternative Recovery on your phone (for example, Clockworkmod), you can perform a number of operations, including a backup. In fact, it will not be a backup copy of the data, but a full-fledged snapshot of the system.

If you do not know what custom Recovery is, and have never installed it, then it is recommended to skip to the next step of the guide, which describes how to create a backup using the Android PC backup program called Adb Run.

If you have a custom Recovery, then it will not be difficult to make an Android cast:

  1. Turn off the phone, go to Recovery (usually you need to hold down the "Volume +" and "Power" keys).
  2. Use the volume rocker and power button to open the "Backup and Restore" section.
  3. Select "Backup" to create a copy of the current state of the firmware.

The backup will be saved to the memory card, in a folder named "CWM" or "TWRP", depending on which Recovery is worth. Then there are two options:

  • Store the system image on a memory card.
  • Connect your phone to a computer and transfer the backup to your hard drive so as not to clog the memory of your mobile device with a large amount of data.

To perform Android data recovery after a backup via Recovery, you need to make sure that the system image is in the appropriate folder on the SD card. Then you should go to Recovery again, open the "Backup and Restore" section and go to "Restore". A list of backups available for recovery will appear, from which you need to select the appropriate system snapshot.

Using the Adb Run program

If you want to back up Android to your computer, bypassing creating a backup in the Recovery menu and setting up a Google account, then use the free ADB RUN utility. For it to work, two conditions must be met:

  • USB debugging is enabled on the phone.
  • Mobile device drivers are installed on the computer.

Drivers must be for the model you are connecting to your computer. If the conditions are met, you can proceed to creating a backup.

The backup copy is stored on the computer, in order to return the data to the phone, you need to start Adb Run again and go to the "Backup" section. Here you should open the subsection "Adb Restore" and select the desired backup, after which the data will be copied back to the memory of the mobile device and to the SD card.

The ways to create a backup on Android are not limited to the described tools. In the Play Market, you can find a dozen applications (with or without root) that allow you to save different amounts of data - Safe Backup, Super Backup, Titanium Backup. But before using the features of the application, be sure to read user reviews about its work - some programs are unstable.

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