Choosing a TV antenna. TV antenna for giving with an amplifier: which one to choose

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Almost everyone is used to constantly receiving information. Some get it from newspapers, radio, or the Internet. But the most popular source of information is still television. Most people simply cannot imagine their life without the opportunity to watch their favorite TV shows or news. But what about when the reception is very weak (suburban area, village, etc.).

Many people immediately think about installing a satellite dish, which will actually solve the problem in the bud. However, its cost and annual subscription fees can bite very hard. How to be in such a situation?

In one of the articles on my blog, I have already touched on the topic, the installation of which will allow you to watch high-quality on-air television. Today I want to talk about the types of digital antennas, as well as figure out which antenna to choose for a summer residence.

Virtually any antenna can act as a digital TV antenna. There are even situations when in some houses located in the immediate vicinity of the relay tower, reception is carried out with an ordinary bare television cable.

It happens that the television (coaxial) cable is cut off or gnawed by small animals. In this case, you should not completely replace the cable, but simply connect it. I described how to do this in a separate section. Also, in addition, I recommend reading, because its breakage can happen to anyone.

But this method is not suitable for very remote places and you have to use already amplified digital antennas. So, let's figure out what types of antennas exist, and which antenna to choose for giving.

Digital antennas are used only for TVs with the ability to receive digital channels or when using .

Antenna types

When choosing an antenna for digital TV, you can face a huge number of different configurations and types. In fact, all digital antennas differ in the place of installation and the type of signal amplification. Below I will try to explain in detail in what conditions and which antenna is best to choose for a summer residence.

Indoor antennas

In another way, this type of antenna is called indoor. It differs from outdoor antennas in its overall dimensions and the ability to install on any flat surface. However, this type is suitable in most cases only for use within the city and then in the immediate vicinity of the television tower. Of course, if your dacha is located not far from the repeater, then in such cases, the reception can be confident.

An indoor antenna, when installed in the same room, can provide a stable signal. But this does not mean that when transferred to another room, the signal will be the same. The fact is that walls and external obstacles can significantly affect the reception stability.

Outdoor digital antennas for summer cottages

In other words, these are outdoor antennas. The use of this type of antenna is very extensive. They can be installed both in the countryside and within the city. Installation of such an antenna will not cause any problems, and it will significantly affect the signal quality.

If you are thinking about which antenna to choose for a summer residence, then you should understand that they are divided into several types according to the type of signal amplification.

Passive antennasdue to their modification, they receive and amplify the signal. They do not have any components that contribute to additional reinforcement. This type is characterized by one plus, it does not introduce any noise into the signal. However, its design and capabilities may not be sufficient for stable reception.

Active antennasallow you to receive a stable digital signal not only due to its design, but also using an amplifier chip. The amplifier can be installed both inside the antenna itself and outside of it. The amplifier is powered from a regular outlet via a power supply.

Directional active antennasusually have a similar design to conventional active antennas. They differ in overall dimensions and additional elements. So in a directional antenna for digital television, the central core is quite long, and there are additional "whiskers". This type of antenna is best suited for receiving a stable high-quality signal outside the city. For example, at a dacha at a fairly large distance from the city tower.

When choosing an antenna for a summer residence, be sure to consider the distance from the signal source to the receiver. There are situations when, when choosing a fairly powerful antenna, the signal was very distorted. In fact, the best is, very often, the enemy of the good.


When you are thinking about which antenna to choose for your TV, you should always pay attention to the technical characteristics (this applies not only to antennas, but in general to any equipment). In fact, the main indicator that we may be interested in is the gain (dB). It is thanks to this indicator that one can judge how confident the signal will be in a particular area. The higher this value, the better, but do not rush into sky-high numbers. This may be a common move by an unscrupulous manufacturer who simply wants to quickly sell their device.

Installation and configuration

If, following my advice, you bought a suitable digital antenna, then you should go directly to installation and configuration.

First of all, be very good at buying a television coaxial cable. A poor-quality cable can ruin the whole picture, even with a high-quality receiver and antenna. Here, everything is just the price ratio perfectly reflects the quality of the product, but before buying, be sure to pay attention to the thickness of the central core and the outer braid. The core should not be too thin, as this greatly affects the signal transmission. Also, on the cable itself, be sure to check the value of the characteristic impedance, it should be 75 ohms.

Recently I installed it myself in my country house. The distance to the city is about 60 km. Accordingly, a TV tower broadcasting two is located in the city. Naturally, while I was thinking about which antenna to choose for a summer residence, I also relied on the pricing policy, since I believe that such a kit should not be expensive.

After several days of studying this issue, my choice fell on the directional active antenna "Storm Remo". The cost at that time was completely satisfactory to me and the further quality of the work did not cause any complaints.

Since this article is written about choosing an antenna, I will omit the point about which I will talk in more detail in another article.

So, having arrived at my suburban area, I assembled the antenna according to the instructions and climbed onto the roof to install it. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the installation must be made towards the TV tower, otherwise there may be difficulties with the quality. How to choose a direction and which towers, which multiplex are broadcasting, I will tell you separately in another.

Climbing onto the roof, I mounted the bracket and began to set up the antenna. Having secured everything properly and the antenna cable, I eagerly launched a channel search. But I was disappointed, because out of the estimated twenty channels, only 10 were found, which suggests that I chose the wrong antenna, or the distance to the tower is very long. I didn't lose hope and decided to raise the antenna even higher. In this situation, I had to use a two-meter rod, thanks to which I was able to raise the antenna to a fairly decent height above the roof. And lo and behold, all channels were caught the first time.

The quality of digital signal reception is greatly influenced by external factors, such as the height of the antenna for a digital TV, the presence of high-voltage transmission lines in the immediate vicinity, the terrain and even the material from which the roof of your house is made.

Actually, on this, I will allow myself to take my leave and really hope that I have fully revealed all the secrets about which antenna to choose for a summer residence. If you have any difficulties in choosing the right equipment or you need an experienced consultation, then for my part I am always ready to help. Good luck and see you soon on the pages of my blog. Also, to consolidate the material, I propose to watch a useful video, thanks to which you will finally understand by what parameters you personally should choose a digital antenna.

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Today, it is digital television that is the best in terms of its quality indicators. However, digital format is not a guarantee of failure. Antenna for digital TV broadcasting helps to avoid technical problems related to picture quality. But first, you need to figure out which antenna to choose for digital television.

Antennas for digital broadcasting - classification

There are several criteria for classifying devices. All devices for digital television are presented in several categories:

  • according to the attachment point;
  • technical ability to amplify the signal;
  • by the range of frequencies that the model can accept.

Indoor antenna

The device is indoors. The use of a room-type model is possible provided that the TV receives a high-quality, good signal. The house should be located in the immediate vicinity of the tower. There are few such places, because buildings, power lines and much more are an obstacle to the signal. Also, an indoor antenna in the country and in settlements remote from the city is ineffective.

Two conditions necessary for the high-quality functioning of a room-type device:

  • the distance for the nearest television tower is not more than 20 km;
  • insignificant building density.

The statement that an indoor antenna can be installed in any room and the signal will be of the same quality is erroneous. For each room, you must select the model individually.

Outdoor devices.

They are considered universal and are used in any geographical location, including outside the city. The installation should be carried out by a specialist, since it is necessary to apply certain knowledge. Competent installation will allow you to receive a reliable and high-quality signal regardless of the distance from the TV tower and the presence of obstacles.

Before buying an antenna, it is important to consider a few basic criteria:

  • remoteness from the TV tower;
  • power;
  • the presence of buildings in the immediate vicinity;
  • the degree of interference;
  • where the windows go;
  • number of storeys of residence;
  • features of the landscape.

Technical ability to amplify the signal

Passive antennas.

Features of performance and design:

  • enhances the television signal due to the technical design features of the device;
  • work offline;
  • there are no active elements in the design that can amplify the signal - transistors or microcircuits;
  • a passive device is not able to interfere with the signal;
  • often the power of such a device is not enough for a good image.

The passive type model is sufficient for rooms located in the immediate vicinity of the television tower, provided that there are no high-rise buildings around, and the device is located at a height of more than ten meters.

Active antennas.

Signal amplification occurs due to technical design features and with the help of a built-in amplifier, which is mounted inside the device or located separately. The equipment operates from the electrical network through the power supply.

Directional type antennas with high gain.

Sometimes the device creates interference and noise in the received signal. There may be several reasons:

  • antenna for a digital signal is used in the area of \u200b\u200ba stable digital signal
  • the equipment was chosen incorrectly - you should not choose a model with a gain that is more than necessary;
  • poor quality product.

By received frequencies

Channel devices.

They are used for broadcasting specific channels with a certain frequency; as a rule, ordinary viewers do not need to use models of this type.

Band antennas.

They are used where it is necessary to receive waves in a certain range. In particular, for broadcasting channels in digital format, a device that operates in the decimeter range is sufficient.

All-wave antennas.

Catch channels in two ranges. Experts recommend choosing this type of device, because on the territory of Russia, channels are broadcast in the meter and decimeter bands.


Despite the huge number of numbers indicated in the product passport, only one parameter is important for a simple consumer - the gain.

The units of performance are decibels, with the larger the number, the higher the antenna efficiency and the higher the device's ability to amplify the signal. However, in all cases, excessive force will provide a good picture. It is important that the gain of the device is appropriate for the installation site. If the product is of poor quality, it is likely that a non-existent coefficient will be indicated in the technical description.

All numbers above 45 dB must be carefully checked, and values \u200b\u200bbetween 80 and 120 dB are clearly deceiving.

Very often, buyers are at a loss which antenna is better, given the huge variety of models and selection criteria for the device. Before buying, decide on the following questions:

  • for what purposes the device is purchased;
  • in what area the antenna will function.

Of course, it is important to correctly install the device, otherwise even a correctly selected device does not guarantee a good signal:

  • the device must be directed strictly towards the television tower;
  • for situations when the room overlooks the TV tower, a window antenna is sufficient, this device is attached to the window frame and in terms of its performance characteristics is in no way inferior to an outdoor device, although it is considered a room model;
  • in order to ensure good performance of multiple TVs in the house, it is necessary to buy the outdoor type device with the best performance;
  • do not install the device in the immediate vicinity of objects and surfaces that actively generate interference, for example, near metal tiles, power lines, and other transmitting objects.

The first time you need to turn on the antenna without an amplifier, if the image is of poor quality, connect the amplifier. Numerous positive reviews from specialists and ordinary consumers confirm the effectiveness of outdoor models.

Which antenna to choose - model overview

Indoor antenna "Blackmor DVBT2- T5207 "

Room type device with amplifier. Captures a signal in two formats in the decimeter range. The gain is 28 dB. The device cable must be purchased separately.

Indoor antenna "Delta K 132 A"

Room type device with amplifier. Power comes from an injector or directly from a set-top box. The gain ranges from 20.5 to 25.0 dB. Device dimensions: length - 22 cm; width - 33.6 cm; height - 83 cm. Weight no more than 250 gr.


A versatile device that can be installed indoors and outdoors. Suitable for receiving channels in two formats - digital and analog. The set includes a special bracket for fixing the device, a power supply, a cable and a stand for installation on a horizontal surface. The gain depends on the number of received channels: from 6 to 12 channels - 30 dB; from 21 to 60 - 36 dB.


Small-sized outdoor model, which is attached to the wall or balcony grill. The device manufacturer is a DSR trademark. The gain is 13.5 dB. Device dimensions: length - 60 cm; width - 30 cm; height - 20 cm. Weight of the product is 900 grams.

AntennaANT-507 S

Small-sized outdoor device that can be fixed to the wall or balcony frame. Manufacturer - trade mark "Fuba". The gain ranges from 5.8 to 7.2 dB. Device dimensions: length - 41 cm; width - 42 cm; height - 29 cm. Weight approximately 450 grams.

AntennaANT-512 S

Small-sized outdoor device, fixed to a window or balcony grill, you can also fix the device to a wall. The manufacturer is the Fuba trademark. The gain is between 10 and 12 dB. Device dimensions: length - 60 cm; width - 42 cm; height - 36 cm. The antenna weighs just over one kilogram.

All presented models of outdoor devices can be equipped with an additional amplifier by selecting the appropriate gain.

After watching the video, you can learn more about the main types of television antennas for digital television, as well as get recommendations for setting up equipment.

When choosing an antenna, do not purchase too expensive models. It is better to stay on outdoor models with average indicators, which will be quite enough to view the transmitted channels.

In contact with

Despite the widespread Internetization of the population in our country, a good half of our compatriots prefer to spend their free time in front of the blue TV screen. The difference between urban and rural in terms of TV broadcasting is quite significant. If the former, as a rule, use TV services via dedicated lines (cable TV), then the latter are difficult to do without an outdoor antenna.

Let's try to figure out how to choose the right outdoor antenna for a TV in a country house or a country house, what types of these devices can be found on sale, and also we will designate a small list of the most popular and respected model owners.

Antenna types

To begin with, let's designate the main types of these devices, which differ from each other in functionality, appearance and other equally important features. The final conclusions about the appropriateness of the purchase should be made based on personal needs and the geolocation of your home.

Satellite antenna

The extremely popular nowadays "plates" do not depend in any way on proximity to TV towers, because they broadcast via satellite. In addition, the terrain does not affect the signal strength of a satellite outdoor antenna for a TV.

Even the simplest version of the "dish", such as offset or direct focus, allows you to calmly receive images in high quality. Here you can add a large number of providers, and at the same time a lot of channels.

Despite the obvious advantages of a satellite outdoor antenna for a TV over other devices, it also has its own, for some, critical disadvantages. The first is the cost. Here you need to spend money on the "plate" itself, and the worse the terrain (the harsh climate, the proximity of industrial enterprises that knock down the signal, etc.), the larger diameter and more technological the device is required, as well as the more expensive. Secondly, you will need to buy a receiver for processing broadcasting and, in difficult cases, a convector to get an outdoor antenna for a TV with an amplifier. And thirdly, for normal broadcasting, it will obviously not be superfluous to have an intelligent TV capable of producing and "digesting" a high-quality picture.

"Polish" antennas

This is the simplest, unassuming and cheapest device on the electronics market. It has a lattice frame with antennae and is perfect for ordinary summer cottages. With this antenna, you can catch a dozen local channels, including ORT and NTV. In addition, having a tool at your disposal, you can easily make a semblance of the original with your own hands.

Outdoor antennas for a TV of such a plan are placed on the house, roof, poles and other elevations, directing the central part towards the TV tower. The latter should be no further than 30 km from you. If the local terrain is diluted with trees, bumps, waste heaps or other obstacles that confuse the signal, then the installation of an outdoor antenna for the TV should be carried out as high as possible. In difficult cases, an intelligent amplifier will help to stabilize broadcasting and eliminate most of the interference.

"Polish" antennas with amplification unit

Such devices already come off the assembly line with a built-in amplifier and are called "active". An outdoor antenna for a TV of this kind significantly expands the list of received channels and improves the quality of the broadcast.

The design of this device consists of several separate blocks, which are located in a certain way for maximum signal perception. The internal amplifier allows you to expand the reception area up to 80 km, recognizing even the weakest broadcast (usually with loss of quality). Just as in the previous case, you can make an outdoor antenna for a TV with an amplifier with your own hands. In addition to the materials described above, the only thing you need is a high-quality converter. Install such devices at the highest possible point, that is, on the roof or a homemade pole / pole.

Traveling Wave Devices (Uda-Yagi)

Antennas of this class have rather high reception characteristics and are compact. All the main elements of the device are fixed to one common boom. In addition, this type of antenna is able to work with multiple bands, which is very important for remote and hard-to-reach villages, where only old towers are nearby, broadcasting at non-standard frequencies.

Digital antennas

Such devices consist of two parts - a tuner for processing a digital signal and an antenna frame that is installed outdoors. The design of the latter is as simple as possible, because the main responsibility for signal reception lies with the tuner. A digital outdoor TV antenna is perfect for those who are "friends" with modern technology, are not afraid of numerous settings / variations in the menu, and whose home is located near the city. Such devices are configured to receive only the main signal and are good at ignoring reflected noise.

Antenna types

In total, two types of antennas can be designated - passive and active. The first option implies a separate / external converter, and the second one with a built-in amplifier. They differ little in the quality of signal reception, but significantly in terms of service life.

Active devices installed "as is", that is, without additional protection, will last a little more than a year, because the built-in converter starts to fail due to bad weather and corrosion. Passive models come with an external amplifier that can be located at home or somewhere in the attic, so these antennas last much longer.

Best outdoor TV antennas

In the domestic electronics market, you can find a large number of all kinds of receiving devices of various types and types, where each series or model is adapted to the specific conditions of signal reception. Therefore, it is very difficult to designate any specific model as the best, here you need to take into account many individual factors (geolocation of the house, nearby TV towers, the quality of the signal passability, etc.). Well, it's quite possible to make a list of the best antenna manufacturers that have proven themselves well in the eyes of picky buyers.

Antennas "Delta"

The antennas of this company are very popular among domestic consumers, especially since the company's product range is very diverse. On store shelves, you can find both narrowly targeted models, which are designed exclusively for meter and decimeter waves, and broadband universal devices.

In addition, the vast majority of Delta antennas can operate with a digital signal. Connecting and installing devices is relatively easy, just insert the cable into the connector with the F-amplifier and fix the device at the highest point in the house. Antennas do a good job of receiving and processing a signal even at a considerable distance from the TV tower at home.

Lokus antennas

The range of the company includes both active (with a built-in converter) and passive models (with an external amplifier). The domestic buyer is especially attracted by the brand's pricing policy and the very good quality of the products.

The design of the antennas is very simple, and installation does not require any specific tools or training. The devices are designed for simultaneous operation with two or three TVs, so they are suitable even for large summer cottages.

Antennas "Harpoon"

Another recognized leader in the production of high-quality antennas in the domestic market. Although the prices are democratic, the company's devices are famous for their "omnivorous". Almost any Harpoon model is perfect for areas with poor signal reception.

In addition, the good signal selectivity of the antennas of this brand largely relieves the user of interference on the TV screen. One of the critical disadvantages of Harpoon products is the pickiness to meter waves, so problems may arise when working with outdated TV towers.

Antennas GoldMaster

Despite the more than affordable prices of products, the devices of this company distinguished themselves with very good reception in places with terrible signal quality. Judging by the feedback from users, the GoldMaster brand antennas do an excellent job even in remote rural areas: the image on the screen without "snow", the picture does not slow down or is interrupted by neighboring signals.

In addition, the devices are well tolerated in almost any weather, be it rain, heavy snow or stormy winds. Let's add here low prices for products and we get a completely optimal summer cottage version of the antenna.


Terrestrial TV broadcasting is carried out on meter (MB) and decimeter (UHF) waves using local television stations. When you watch, for example, NTV broadcasts, a signal from a studio in Moscow arrives in your city via cable, satellite route or in some other way, and is already there on the air from the local TV tower.

In connection with the transition of Russia to the digital broadcasting format, on-air TV becomes not only free, but also surpasses all other delivery methods in quality.

Now in Russia more than half of the country can watch the "digital". By 2015, the whole country will switch to DVB-T2 and analog broadcasting will be turned off.

The DVB-T2 standard is adopted as the main format for digital terrestrial TV in Russia. This must be remembered and taken into account when purchasing new TVs.

To receive free terrestrial television (both digital and analog), it is necessary, in addition to the television itself, also an ANTENNA.


TV terrestrial antennas (hereinafter referred to as antennas) are conventionally divided according to the place of installation, the type of signal amplification, and the range of received frequencies.

At the place of installation:indoor antennas and outdoor antennas.

Indoor antennas are naturally installed indoors. It should be noted that reception with an indoor antenna is possible only where the TV signal level is sufficiently high. These areas are referred to as the coverage area. When selling / buying indoor antennas, remember that there are not so many such zones. It is useless to wait for a high-quality "picture" with a room antenna in the village, at the dacha and other remote places. Of course, the consumer wants to get by with a pretty, graceful design, and not climb on roofs and balconies. But TV reception is the laws of physics, and there is no way to get around them.

Among indoor antennas, it is worth choosing designs adapted to the conditions of Russian reception. It is better to use active (with a built-in amplifier and power supply from a 220 Volt network) antennas. It is desirable to be able to smoothly adjust the gain. Among indoor antennas, the best are those in which the UHF part has directivity.

So, remember that the statement “since the antenna is indoor, it means that it should receive signals well in any room” is fundamentally wrong!

Outdoor antennas have much better parameters and can be used in most places, including country houses, summer cottages, etc.

Installing an outdoor antenna requires a lot of effort and some experience, but the results obtained will more than pay for your efforts and costs.

Passive and active antennas.

Passive antennas receive and amplify the signal due to their design (geometry). They are not connected to the electrical network and do not have active amplification elements (transistors, microcircuits, etc.). Such an antenna does not have an additional source of interference, noise, but often its own gain is not enough for high-quality reception.

Active antennas consist of directly receiving elements ("iron") and an electronic amplifier. The latter can be mounted inside or outside the antenna. The amplifier is powered from the AC 220 Voly using an adapter (power supply). The gain of such an antenna consists of the gain of the "iron" and the amplifier.

If the active antenna is used incorrectly, distortion and interference may occur in an area with a strong TV signal. The same can happen when using low quality amplifiers from unknown manufacturers or with a selected amplifier with a very high gain. Everything is needed in moderation!

By the range of received frequencies (indoor and outdoor):

Channel antennas are used in special conditions, for an ordinary TV viewer it is practically unnecessary;

Band antennas are used where it is necessary to receive either only MB, or only UHF;

Most often, ordinary TV viewers need all-wave antennas, because broadcasting is carried out simultaneously in the meter (MB) and decimeter (UHF) ranges.

To receive digital terrestrial TV (DVB-T2) in Russia, only the UHF range is used. Therefore, if the antenna is purchased only for "digital", then the UHF range is sufficient.


An antenna, like any electronic device, has a number of parameters. Some of them are described in the passport, some - only in technical conditions. It is unlikely that the average buyer needs all these numbers.

The only thing worth paying attention to is the antenna gain (Gain). This parameter is measured in decibels (dB).

The higher this value, the higher the antenna gain. But as mentioned above - not always a high gain will lead to a better image. The antenna gain should be appropriate for the antenna installation site.

Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers or sellers indicate “sky-high” amplification factors on the packaging and in the passport, which have nothing to do with reality.

If numbers above 40-45 dB are indicated on the antenna (indoor or outdoor), then such a product should be treated very carefully. Well, if you see 80 dB, 90 dB, 120 dB, then you are misled! Do not buy such antennas, this is a lie!


Antenna purchase is not all that is needed for good reception. The antenna must be properly assembled, correctly installed and configured.

The assembly is usually described in detail in the passport or on the packaging. Read the instructions carefully before starting assembly, or better - before purchasing! If you see a clumsy "machine" translation into Russian, errors and inaccuracies, if the illustrations are of poor quality and it is impossible to understand anything from them - refuse to purchase such an antenna!

Pay attention to the location of the antenna, its connection to the TV, orientation to the TV center. Typical mistakes in this question are described in the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. Check out this section.

Antenna tuning often comes down to its correct orientation to the TV center. The technique is simple - slowly turn the antenna in the horizontal plane, while simultaneously observing the quality of the "picture". When setting up an outdoor antenna, get the help of a second person.

For indoor antennas, try to change the gain on each channel.

In this case, for an indoor antenna, a situation may arise when the position of the MB or UHF part is adjusted when switching channels. This is normal and is the "price to pay" for the compromise layout.

The antenna tuning is described in detail in the product passport.

Many antennas come with a coaxial cable. However, if the antenna is purchased without a cable (usually an outdoor antenna), or the length of the cable included in the kit is not enough, take the issue of buying a cable seriously.

For TV antennas, a cable with a characteristic impedance of 750m must be used. This figure is indicated on the cable itself. The quality of the cable is the materials used and the quality of production. The denser the cable sheath, the thicker the central core, the better the cable. Usually, the better the cable, the more expensive it is.

You should not chase cheapness, because a bad cable can negate all the advantages of an antenna!

Here are some helpful tips on how to choose an antenna.

Very often the buyer is at a loss with the choice of a suitable television antenna, and needs the help of a sales assistant. The choice of an antenna based only on appearance leads to customer dissatisfaction with a poor-quality image on the TV screen and the return of the antenna as a poor-quality product. This negatively affects both the company's profits and, most importantly, its image.


First of all, it is necessary to determine for what tasks the antenna is purchased and what is expected of it.

SITUATION 1.The buyer lives in an apartment on the top floor of a high-rise building at a short distance from the TV tower (3-5 km). In addition, the TV tower can be seen from the place of the proposed installation of the antenna.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The best option is an outdoor all-wave antenna without a built-in amplifier. An acceptable level of image quality will be achieved with virtually any indoor antenna. If an indoor antenna with a built-in amplifier is selected, there must be a gain adjustment to avoid overloading with a powerful signal. In the case of reception of a signal in digital format DVB-T2, the image quality will be excellent with an indoor antenna.

SITUATION 2.Similar to the previous case, but the apartment windows face the opposite side from the TV center.

RECOMMENDATIONS... The best option is an outdoor all-wave antenna without an amplifier, installed on the roof and directed to the TV tower. If for some reason this is not possible, directional indoor antennas (Inter 2.0) can be used. But reception of ALL channels in good quality is usually impossible. In case of reception of a signal in digital DVB-T2 format, the picture quality will be excellent.

SITUATION 3... Outskirts of the city, high-rise building, distance to the TV center 10-30 km. The buyer lives on the ground floor.

RECOMMENDATIONS... Outdoor active all-wave antenna mounted on the roof. In this case, the buyer will need to additionally purchase a coaxial cable, because usually a small amount of cable (6-8 meters) is included with the antenna. The cable must be selected with the least loss. In television, it is customary to use a cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. The most commonly used cable is RG6 or SAT-50. A quality cable has a dense braid of wires and aluminum foil as a shield. Old Soviet cables RK75 have significant attenuation in the UHF range and are practically unsuitable for modern use.

The use of indoor antennas in this case is possible only in case of low requirements for the quality of the received signal. In the case of using directional indoor antennas (Inter 2.0) to receive a signal in a digital standard, high-quality reception is possible.

SITUATION 4... Dacha or country house at a considerable (more than 50 km) distance from the TV center.

RECOMMENDATIONS... For high-quality reception of all channels, it is necessary to use a professional complex of several band antennas with signal amplification and filtering systems. If it is assumed that a high-quality picture will not be on all channels, you can use an outdoor all-wave antenna with an amplifier. Indoor antennas are absolutely useless in this case.

If we are talking about receiving a small number of channels, then you can limit yourself to offering a room antenna in the budget segment, but you must clearly inform the buyer about this.

When buying expensive TV models with a diagonal of more than 32 inches, the buyer should be guided by the use of an outdoor antenna, even though he wants to get by with an indoor antenna.

It is necessary to clearly inform the buyer that the indoor antenna most likely will not provide high-quality reception of ALL channels. This is a compromise option if other options are not at all acceptable.

If a person plans to connect several TVs to the antenna, only an external antenna, and with the best parameters.

CAUTION! With a short distance from the TV tower, the built-in amplifier will be overloaded with a powerful signal, which will lead to a sharp deterioration in the reception of all channels.

For distances over 15 km, persuade the buyer not to buy an indoor antenna, only an outdoor one.

If you have a strong desire to purchase an indoor antenna - recommend directional indoor antennas and warn of a compromise result.

You should inform about the need to direct the antenna towards the telecentre.

If the windows of the room where the TV is installed face the TV center, we can recommend a window ("glass") antenna (VIVA).

It is imperative to give explanations about the connection, cable, correct installation.

If the buyer knows what antennas are used by his neighbors in the same area, please specify it.

Inform the buyer clearly about the different reception conditions at different locations.

You can't give in to arguments like “my brother in Kiev looks at such an antenna and everything is OK”.

The buyer's budget is an important point. Recommend antenna models based on the customer's capabilities.

It is imperative to warn that buying an antenna does not guarantee 100% good reception, which depends on many factors. This will reduce the likelihood and severity of possible conflicts.

Often a buyer expects to see a picture at home just as well as in a store.

The purchase of a TV is a convenient excuse to offer an antenna. Match your TV model and suggested antenna.

If a person plans to watch ONLY digital TV (for example, he already has an analog from cable TV) - recommend special "digital antennas". Please warn that the TV tuner complies with the DVB-T2 standard. If your TV does not allow DVB-T2 reception, recommend purchasing a ready-made set for digital reception (TV FUTURE DVB-T2), which contains an antenna, a digital set-top box, and connection accessories.

The end of the day in front of a blue screen has become a tradition among our population. Therefore, each owner in the country has a TV. Since the house is located outside the city, in order to view at least a few channels, an antenna is needed for a summer residence. In order not to waste money and choose the right model, you need to know the main types of antennas and their purpose.

Antenna types

Before choosing an antenna for a summer residence, you need to know what they exist at all. It is on the correspondence of their functionality to your needs that the choice of this design for a TV set for the country will be based. Antennas are of the following types:

  1. Satellite... Popular today "dishes" do not depend on the TV tower and receive a signal directly from the satellite. Their signal strength is constant and does not depend on the terrain. Even the simplest direct focus or offset satellite dish will provide you with high picture quality, a range of your favorite channels and a pleasure to watch.

But, there is also a good price behind the comfort: you need to buy the "plate" itself (the worse the terrain, the larger its diameter should be), a receiver, you may need a convector (to amplify the signal) and, of course, a good TV for broadcasting.

  1. "Polish" - This is the most common antenna for a TV in the country. With its help, you can watch a dozen local TV channels on the screen of the country TV. Place the antenna in the house itself, often near the window, pointing towards the TV tower. It will catch the signal, provided that the tower is within a radius of 30 km and nothing interferes with this signal (forests, hillocks, waste heaps, high-rise buildings, etc.). An amplifier can remove small interference and make broadcasting stable.
  2. Improved models of "Polish" antennas with built-in amplifier. This is already an active antenna for good reception of many channels. Its design consists of several separate parts, located in a special way. The amplifier inside picks up waves already at a greater distance (up to 80 km) and recognizes even weak signals, amplifying them. Install an active antenna on the street, at the highest point possible.
  3. Traveling wave class antennas equipped with high reception characteristics. Such an outdoor antenna for installation in the country is a good choice, it is compact, it picks up the signal well on several bands, all its constituent elements are fixed on a common boom.
  4. "Double square" Is a directional type device. The simple design combines high signal wave gain and ease of operation without any cumbersome settings. This is the best TV antenna for a summer residence if you also want to catch a Wi-Fi signal.
  5. Digital antenna for a country house is practically no different from the usual ethereal model.

The design of the digital version for giving is as simple as possible, because part of the responsibility for receiving the signal lies with a special tuner. In addition, the digital broadcasting format is noise-free, so a digital antenna is even suitable for these purposes, even an inexpensive one, the main thing is that it works in the decimeter range.

Choosing a model for a summer residence

Guided by the above types, you can understand which antenna to buy for your summer cottage. The main questions to which you must find an answer for yourself before purchasing:

  • How far is your hacienda from the city?
  • How far is the nearest TV tower from your summer house?
  • How many channels do you want to watch on your country TV?
  • What is the terrain in your summer cottage (is there a forest nearby, how dense is it, are there hills, ravines, etc.)?
  • How much money are you willing to allocate for an antenna for a country cottage?

It is better to choose outdoor antennas for summer cottages, since indoor options are effective only if the radio tower is located close.

You can try to do this: if at least some signal will be caught on an ordinary wire, then an indoor antenna will suit you. Otherwise, buy an outdoor antenna.

Which antenna to choose for a long service life: active or passive?

Which antenna to choose for a long service life: active or passive? Definitely, a passive antenna will last longer, the amplifier of which is a separate device located nearby (for example, an antenna on the roof of a house, and an amplifier in the attic).

The service life of active antennas is a little over a year; due to bad weather and corrosion, the built-in amplifier gradually fails. You can continue the service of such an antenna using ordinary silicone. Seal the board before placing it on the roof. The time will come, and you still have to change it, but with less losses.

Even the best broadcasting antenna needs a quality cable and sometimes a good amplifier. Therefore, do not save and buy an imported cable, preferably Italian. But do not overdo it with an amplifier - it is super-powerful, it can pick up "unnecessary" signals, on the contrary, worsening the viewing quality.

Antenna model, which is better to buy for a summer residence:

  • traveling wave class model (Uda-Yagi) - if your hacienda is within the city limits. Because in such an area industrial noise predominates, and they strongly affect the signal reception by the built-in amplifier. Such antennas receive exclusively the main signal, ignoring all reflected interference.
  • "Polish" with a built-in amplifier - if the dacha is located far from the big city. She will be able to pick up a weak signal and, amplifying it, transmit it to your screen.

Rating of the best models

There are a large number of different models, each tailored to the specific signaling conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to advise which antenna to put in the country house of your area. But it is quite possible to make a rating of the best manufacturers.

Delta Antennas... They occupy the first place, their assortment is diverse: both narrow-beam (which accept only meter or decimeter waves) and broadband devices. Most of them pick up a digital signal. The connection is easy - just insert the wire into a special connector with an F-connector. Receives a signal even over long distances.

Antennas "Lokus». Represented by active and passive models. They are attracted by low prices for these designs and good quality. Antennas work mainly for 2-3 TVs, their design is simple and easy, and installation does not require special training.

Another leader in the antenna market. Leads an average pricing policy, while positioning itself as a manufacturer of devices for areas with uncertain signal reception. Copes with the task successfully.

Company "GoldMaster» ... This antenna is the latter included in the rating of popular manufacturers. According to consumer reviews, even in places with a very bad signal, the picture on the screen does not slow down, does not "snow" or clogged with other signals. Bad weather also does not affect signal reception. At the same time, the prices for such antennas are just a "summer cottage" option.

If the TV tower from your summer cottage is within sight, then you can try to make the antenna yourself. The author of the video tells how to catch a digital signal at home. This recipe is so simple that even "housewives" can handle it.

It should be noted that analog television is becoming more and more popular every year. It is likely that in five years everyone will put a digital tuner or satellite dish at their dacha.

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