Remove background in word document. How to remove fill in "Word" of different modifications

Fill text, which is a color background, is a popular design tool, which in terms of frequency of use takes one of the first places. But when on the basis of a document or template containing such a design, you have to create your own, many begin to think about how to remove the fill from the text in the "Word" so that it looks "clean". There are several basic ways to do this.

How to remove fill from text in Word using the simplest method

The editor itself contains many tools that allow you to create or remove the colored background of the text or the entire document. Most of the commands are duplicated in different menus. However, the most necessary functions are displayed on the main one in the form of buttons.

There is also a fill button, indicated by a pencil, brush or bucket icon (depending on the version of the editor) with or without the Latin characters "ab". The general principle of solving the problem of how to remove the fill in the "Word" is to select the desired text or line, and then when you press the button from the drop-down menu, select either the desired color or specify the "No fill" option. But this only applies to selected text. Similarly, you can easily remove the background of pages.

How to remove the fill in the "Word" from the context menu

As already mentioned, many functions are duplicated, so you can get rid of the background using the appropriate command in the menu invoked by right-clicking on the selected line.

I must say that the first and second methods are equally well suited for both plain text and tabular data, only in the second case the required cells are selected.

"Word" 2003

There are also users who work with the 2003 version of the editor, considering it the most convenient. Here the toolkit that allows you to solve the problem of how to remove the fill in the "Word" is somewhat different from later versions of the program.

For example, to remove the fill from the entire document, select all the text (menu "Edit" / "Select All" or the combination of Ctrl + A), and then go to the format tab and use the section of borders and fills. The parameter of its absence is selected on the corresponding tab and the change is confirmed with the "OK" button.

"Word" 2007

Now let's see how to remove the fill in Word 2007 using the same example. Select all the text and go to the page layout menu. Here we use the page background section first, and then the page border section (you can also get access by clicking on the fill button).

After the done actions, we again find ourselves in the window of borders and fills, which was described above.

"Word" 2010

If you look at the question of how to remove the fill in Word 2010, you can apply the methodology of the 2007 version of the program. The only difference is that the last two menu items are reversed.

"Word" 2016

In the newest version of the text editor, the question of how to remove the fill in the "Word" is solved even easier. To get rid of the fill, go to the design menu in the main panel.

On the right you will see two or three buttons "Matte", "Page Color" and "Page Borders". We are interested in two. With their help, you can change almost all parameters related to text fills, entire pages of substrates such as watermarks, fill methods, color selection, etc. Actually, all these parameters can be configured in any version of the program, just the tools are located in different menus.

By the way, in this version of the program, when a fragment or all of the text is selected, a tooltip immediately appears in the form of a pop-up panel, on which there are buttons for the main operations. So you can choose the option you want from here.

Removing fill in a radical way for all versions of the text editor

Finally, we will consider another technique that allows you to get rid of the fill in the case when the user has to work with a third-party document or some template that contains such a design (selection) element.

In an open document or when copying text, select everything completely, as shown above, and on the main panel we find the button for removing formatting (for example, in the 2016 version of the editor, it is indicated by the letter "A" and an eraser). After applying this operation, the formatting will be removed, including the fill that was contained in the document.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, changing or deleting a fill in different versions of the editor is done using almost the same methods, only the tools are located in different categories, and the names of the menus themselves are different. In some cases, you will have to dig into the settings to access them.

But the simplest method is to use a dedicated button and border menu. If you wish, in order not to call additional menus each time, you can display the buttons of the corresponding commands directly on the main panel. Again, it doesn't make sense to focus on this, since dragging the buttons and the menu in which this function is located differs depending on the modification of the application.

Hello everyone! I think that you still do not know how to remove the background in the Word. If you often use the Microsoft Oficce Word text editor, then I think it will not be superfluous to learn something else new, and today I will show you how to remove the background in a Word.

Microsoft Word is rich in various text editing functions: you can make it bold, italicized, fill colored, change the size and type of font, etc. One of these functions is to create a fill for the entire page (create a background). Just don't confuse this function with line selection. Here the background of the entire page will be completely toned.

Before removing the background in the Word, I'll show you how to create it. To do this, go to the "Page Layout" menu section. Here the page background is set in the third column. You will be able to set the background and outline the borders of the sheet.

The background in the Word is not only a certain color of the page, here you can select and set a texture, a gradient fill, put a picture in the background or apply some kind of pattern. To remove the background you need to follow this route:

  1. - Menu
  2. - Page layout
  3. - Page background
  4. - Page color.
  5. In the list that opens, select "no color".

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Well, basically, that's all. Now you know how to remove the background in the Word. Use it with pleasure! If something didn't work out for you, you can ask your question in the comments, and I'll be happy to answer. I wish you all health and good!

From Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

To remove the background of a sheet in the office suite Microsoft Word 2013 you need to go to the tab Design (in the 2016 version this tab is called Layout, 2007-2010 – Page layout). In section Page background find the item Colour.

By clicking on it, a list will open in which you can repaint your sheet.

If you want the sheet to be white, select the field No color in the same field.

Cleaning the marker

To remove the background of the text - marker, do the following. Highlight all text, fragment or letter, followed by color removal. On a bookmark home in field Font, there is an icon Fills for text.

There you can choose a different fill or no fill. If this did not help, then we are dealing with Marker.

In field Paragraph interested in the tool Fill... It can be used to selectively change Color by text.

How to remove framing when copying

Often, when copying information from the Internet, the copied fragment is accompanied by an undesirable in many cases behind-the-text background. It can be inappropriate or very annoying. All styles and attributes of text formatting on the site also remain.

In this case, you can get rid of not only the background, but also unnecessary formatting.

For this, highlight copied fragment. On the home tab in the section Font there is an icon indicating complete cleaning from formatting.

Another way is to enter the copied information into Word already no formatting, for example, in transit through an editor like Notepad. The method, though primitive, is very effective.

Change the background of the sheet

Earlier it was shown how to remove the color of the leaf, but now we will change its background. On the panel in the section Background - choose Colour.

In point Others you can choose absolutely any shade that you like.

Select the gamma either on the Normal tab, or by placing the cursor on a point on the spectrum, having previously specified the HSL color model or the more familiar RGB.

More color options are offered by the last item in the button Page color - this Fill methods.

There are plenty of filling options here - using one or two colors of a gradient or a blank, with different types of shading. There is a customization option transparency.

On the next tab, you can pick up texture or download any other one if you don't find one to your liking among those offered.

You can also paint over the sheet with some beautiful pattern any colors and shades - tab Pattern.

On all tabs in the fill methods at the bottom right there is a rectangular area with the sample future fill.

How to insert a background picture

If you go to the last bookmark in Fill methodsthen get the opportunity upload drawing from a computer or and a network.

You can still add to the background watermark or backing... In the end, it may look something like this.

In versions 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, the corresponding button is located under Page background bookmarks Design (or Page layout).

Several options will open samples and drafts.

Can download additional substrates from, or you can customize existing ones. For this we press.

In the window that opens, we see that as a substrate you can use drawing, which is selected from those available on the computer (with customizable scaling and the ability to desaturate), or text. The latter offers basic formatting options. It can be positioned diagonally or horizontally.

Highlighting individual page elements or, in other words, a color background in a text editor Microsoft Word is a tool that is designed to draw attention to a document and accentuate details. However, overuse of this tool can be seriously annoying when working or reading. Many users today are interested in the question related to how you can remove the color background in Microsoft Word. This can be done in a few fairly simple ways. It is also worth noting that the method chosen will depend on the version of the text editor used.

How to remove colored background in Microsoft Word?

In the simplest case, the background color is used to highlight the text part of the document. To solve this problem, you can try using the simplest tool. This is the fill button, which is located on the main toolbar. In earlier versions of the text editor, this button was denoted by the symbol with a tilted bucket of paint; in later versions of the program, a marker with a pencil and a combination of Latin letters ab are used as the designation for this tool. To solve the problem, you just need to select a piece of text, click on the button and select the no fill item from the context menu. To select the entire document, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A.

How to remove colored background when copying in Word?

Quite often, users have to create their own documents based on existing ones. In such documents, you may also encounter the presence of a fill and a colored background, and not only in relation to the text, but also to the whole section or the entire document. How to remove a colored background of this type in Word? You can, of course, delve into the toolbox, but it will take a long time. The easiest way would be to completely remove the formatting, since sometimes it is impossible to perform these operations with other methods. To do this, in Microsoft Word 2013, when you go to the main tab, you need to find the button with the Latin letter A and an eraser. Again, it must be used when selecting the whole document or a certain part of it. Another simple, but more time-consuming method is to initially copy the text you are looking for into Notepad. After that, you need to copy this fragment again into Word. The result will be the same.

How to remove colored background in tables

Background removal operations on tabular data can also be used. Depending on what exactly needs to be removed, you can select the text in the cells, and the cells themselves, and the entire table as a whole. In the simplest version, you just need to select the desired cells, and then use the clear fill button.

Microsoft Word 2003

Now let's talk a little about using this version of the program. Let's first figure out how you can remove the background color in Microsoft Word 2003. This modification is slightly different from later versions of the program. However, there is also a standard text fill tool. Here, as usual, you need to select the desired piece of text, and then go to the format menu and select the "Borders and Fill" section there. In the window that appears, on the fill tab, you can remove the background.

Word 2007 and 2010

Now let's see how you can remove the background color in Microsoft Word 2010. This method is also suitable for the 2007 version of the program. The final menu used will be the same, only you can access it by first going to the page layout menu, and then carry out a sequential transition to the background of the page and borders.

Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016

These two versions of the text editor are different from the previous ones. To perform the background removal operation here, you must first use the design tab located on the main panel. After that, you go to the section of the page background, which has a special button. If you click on it, a drop-down menu will appear in which you will need to select the item "No background".


Newer versions of the Microsoft Word text editor are more convenient in the sense that there are more advanced tips. There are also pop-up panels. They appear when you select certain fragments of text or some elements. You just need to select cells in the table or part of the text, and the quick access panel to the main functions will immediately appear. There are also buttons that are responsible for calling the context menu and working with the background. It is worth noting that in any version of the text editor, the necessary buttons for accessing such functions are moved to the main panel.

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