Save PowerPoint presentations as web pages. Embed your presentation in a web page or blog

Lesson objectives:

    expanding knowledge about the capabilities of the Power Point program;

    formation of skills to save PowerPoint presentations in the form
    web pages;

    development of logical thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, systematize, generalize.

Lesson type: a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge and skills.

Students should be able to: save PowerPoint presentations as web pages.

Software and methodological support lesson: Powe program rPoint; tutorial "Informatics 11", § 2 (clause 2.2); ESU W eb11 4.

1. Testing the knowledge of the previous lesson (reproductive teaching method, individual and frontal form of work).

Completing individual assignments on a computer: save a document suggested by the teacher as a web pageWord (exercise to§ 2 (clause 2.1) benefits;ESU W eb11 3) . Invite the students to list the sequence of steps in creating a web page using MS Word and answer the questions: What actions can you use to create a hyperlink? What format are web pages saved in?

2. Actualization of knowledge and motivation of students to study new material ( frontal form of work).

Students are motivated by the formulation of the lesson goal: save PowerPoint presentation as web pages.

To update what you learned earlier, discuss the answers to the questions: What is a PowerPoint presentation? What format is the presentation saved in?

3. Explanation of the new material (explanatory and illustrative teaching method, frontal form of work).

Start the explanation by discussing how to save a PowerPoint presentation as a web page. Please note that when using the default settings, all slides in the presentation are saved in the same folder as separate pages, which are flipped on the right side of the browser window using hyperlinks. They are located on the left side of the saved page (white on black by default). Consider changing these settings.

4. Securing new material (partial exploration mtraining method, individual form of work)

Invite students to take seats at the computers and complete the tasks in example 1 of§ 2 (clause 2.2); ESU Web11 4 . Control the independent work of each student by viewing the generated pages in a browser. If you have difficulty, provide the necessary assistance.

If you have time, suggest placing on the first slide ( home page) links and to go to other slides (pages), as well as make links to return from the pages of functional blocks to the main page.

5. Summing up the lesson

The students demonstrate the created pages and check the correctness of the hyperlinks. Work stages and student difficulties are discussed.

In conclusion, emphasize thatsavedand edocuments MSOffice in the form of web pages isone of the simplest methods of creating websites and can be used, for example, in the field of education for posting a variety of educational materials on the network: essays and abstracts, reports and presentations.

6. Homework

To save the presentation as a Web page, you must run the command File / Save As Web Page, in the opened dialog Saving document set file type, name and destination folder and then click the button Post... A dialog box will open on the screen. Publishing a web page -Figure 7.6, which allows you to make a number of settings. In Group Object to publish you must specify the content of the Web page, select a browser to view the presentation for potential visitors to your site in the group Browser support... In Group Post a copy as ... additional aspects of writing a Web page are defined.

Button Web parameters opens a dialog box in which the parameters of the Web page are set.

Tab options Are common allow you to include the content of the presentation and buttons for moving from slide to slide into the Web page, set the color scheme that Power Point uses when changing slides, and provide animation viewing.

When viewing a publication in a browser window, there is a button at the bottom of the screen Full screen presentation, by clicking on which you can view the presentation.

Create a simple presentation that reflects Key Marketing Automation Issues. Save this presentation as a Web page and view it in Internet Explorer.

Control questions:

    Principles of developing a Web site using MS Word?

    Principles of Web Site Development Using MS Excel?

    Principles of Web Site Development Using MS Power Point?

Laboratory work No. 7 Topic: Creating a web page

Goal:Learn how to create a simple web page using FrontPage. Creating a simple web page with FrontPage

1. Start your FrontPage program using one of the standard methods. Examine the elements of the FrontPage window. To get a hint about the purpose of tools on the control panel, use the pop-up hint, as shown in Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1 - FrontPage window

2. View and change the properties of the page being created by selecting File\u003e Properties. In the Page Properties window, go to the Language tab, in the Save document using field, select the Cyrillic encoding to display and save the document, as shown in Figure 8.2. Finish changing the page properties by clicking the OK button.

Figure 8.2 - Determination of character encoding on a web page

3. Create a text element, for which, by placing the cursor in the document window, enter the required text, for example, Example of a web page created in the FrontPage editor. With the text you entered selected, style it Heading 3, center alignment.

4. Insert a table into the created web document listing the main elements of the web page. To insert a table, specify a location in the document window, then, by clicking the Add Table button on the Standard toolbar, specify with the mouse the number of rows - 2 and the number of columns - 3.

5. In the first column of the table, insert the text from FrontPage Help about editor capabilities by calling the Help, go to the Contents tab, and select the What's New topic. Having selected the required text, memorize it in the clipboard (Ctrl + C), then close the help window and paste the help text from the clipboard into the table (Ctrl + V).

6. Insert a picture in the second column. To do this, after specifying where to insert the picture, select Insert\u003e Picture\u003e From File. In the Picture dialog box that opens, specify the desired folder and image file. Click the Open button to complete the insertion of the picture. With the picture selected and using the frame resizing handles, resize it.

7. To insert a table into the third column of an existing table, position the cursor on the first row of the third column and select Insert Table from the Table menu. In the Add Table dialog box, set the number of rows, columns, define layout parameters in the Layout area: alignment, frame size, cell filling, spacing between columns. Click the OK button. Enter into cells new table text, such as Text in 1st row and 1st column, then set the size and character style of the text.

8. Insert one more line above the first row of the table. For this, select the first row of the table and select Insert Rows or Columns from the Tables menu. In the Insert Rows or Columns dialog box, specify the number of rows to 1, select the Above selection check box, and click OK. Enter the title text, Example Text, Example Figure, Example Table, into the cells of the inserted row.

9. Insert another row above the first row of the table, enter the text Web Page Elements into it. With all the cells in the inserted row selected, choose Merge Cells from the Tables menu.

10. Create a hyperlink element by selecting a text fragment in the first column and from the Insert menu, select Hyperlink. In the dialog box that opens, specify the address of the web page on the Internet, for example, Click the OK button.

11. At the bottom of the web page you are creating, enter the text Date the page was last refreshed: and insert a Date and Time component after the text to allow time stamps. To do this, select the Date and Time command from the Insert menu. In the Date and Time dialog box, select the Date page last modified check box, select a date format, and click OK.

12. Set the properties of the web page by selecting Properties from the File menu. Go to the Background tab, select a light gray background and click on the OK button. If you want to use a picture as a background, on the Background tab, select the Background picture check box and click the Browse button to open the Select background image... Click the Browse button, locate the folder and file of the picture, and click the Open button to complete the selection of the picture for the background. Click OK in the Properties dialog box to complete the definition of the web page parameters.

13. Save the created document to disk by selecting the Save As command from the File menu, specify the page name in the dialog box and, by clicking the As file button, specify the folder and file name. Click the Save button to finish saving the web page as a file.

14. To view the created web page, click the View in Microsoft button Internet Explorer... Close the Microsoft Internet Explorer window. The created web page will look like the one shown in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.3 - Web page created in FrontPage editor

Note that the mouse pointer changes when you move it over the hyperlink, and the web browser status bar displays the document address associated with this fragment of the web page.

15. Click the Code button to see what the generated HTML web document looks like. Find and examine the tags that describe the table on the web page in the text.

16. After viewing the web page, close the Internet Explorer window.

Create a website using a template

1. Start Microsoft FrontPage by selecting Programs\u003e Microsoft FrontPage in the Windows Main Menu.

2. To create the structure of your site, select Other Site Templates from the Task Pane toolbar. In the Web Site Templates window, select a template, for example Personal Web Site, in the Specify the location of the new Web site box, enter the name of the drive and folder in which the folders and files of the created Web site will be located, for example C: \\ home \\ mywebs. Click the OK button. Microsoft FrontPage 2003 application window with a template website (see Figure 8.4).

Figure 8.4 - Microsoft FrontPage 20003 window with a template of a website

As a result, in the left half of the window, a list of the contents of the Web site List of folders will open, in which the private and images folders and several HTML pages with basic content according to the selected template are automatically created (see Figure 14). The created site is saved in a new folder, which is placed on local disk or to a web server. This node can later be opened using the File\u003e Open command or by selecting it from the list of last open nodes File\u003e Recent Nodes.

3. Consider the basic site structure suggested by the Personal Page template. Click the Navigation icon to display the structure of the site. The structure of the website appears on the right side of the window (see Figure 8.5). Here you can control the correctness of links, automatically change them when the file is renamed, and much more.

Figure 8.5 - Changing the structure of the website

4. Delete the feedback.htm page from the web site by selecting this element on the web site structure and right-clicking on it, open the context menu and select the Delete command (see Fig. 8.5). In the uninstallation window that opens, check the Remove this page from the site box and click the OK button.

5. To change the relative position and links of the elements of the structure of the web-site, drag the element in the Navigation mode to the desired place, as shown in Figure 8.6.

Figure 8.6 - Changing the relative position and connections of the elements of the structure of the website

6. Fill the web page of the restructured website with content. To edit a web page, you can double-click with the left mouse button on its name in the Folder List pane or its image in the Transitions pane. To enlarge the view in the edit window, cancel the display of the file list using the View menu and Folder list command.

7. Open the index.htm start web page for editing. Take a close look at the index.htm page. It consists of a page title, a navigation bar as a button below the title, a navigation bar in the form of hyperlinks on the left side of the page (Hobbies, Favorites), and text on the right side of the page Welcome to my ...

8. Set the basic properties of the page. To do this, select the Properties command from the File menu. In the Page Properties window, go to the General tab. Enter in the Title field the name of the document in Russian, for example, Personal Page. For the correct display of Russian characters on the Language tab, in the Mark current document field list, select Russian, and in the Character set area, in the Save document list box, select Cyrillic, in the Retry download current document list, select Cyrillic and click OK.

9. To change the elements of the web page, specify the template element and edit it as you wish. To edit the Advertisement on the page (graphic header), by specifying the Advertisement (banner), open the context menu and select the Properties of the ad on page command in it, as shown in Figure 8.7.

Figure 8.7 - Changing the properties of the ad on the page

In the Ad Properties dialog box on the page, select the Picture check box, and in the Ad text box, enter new text, such as My Personal Page, and click OK. The text in the ads on the page has changed.

Edit the text on the right side of the page (Welcome to my ...), for example, as follows: This site is made as an example of editing a site created from the template of a personal page.

To change the format of the page refresh date, specify the date object and select in context menu command Properties Date and Time. In the Date and Time window, change the date format as shown in Figure 8.8, and click the OK button. To change the properties of the links bar in the form of hyperlinks on the left side of the web page (Hobbies, Favorites), select the elements in the bar and select the Properties link bar command from the context menu. In the Link Bar Properties window, on the General tab, select the Child Level radio button, on the Style tab, select the appropriate style from the Select a style list, in the Orientation and Appearance section, select the Vertical radio button, select the Use active pictures check box, and click OK. The hyperlinked texts on the left side of the web page will then appear as vertical buttons.

Figure 8.8 - Changing the properties of the Date object

10. Switch to Navigation mode and rename the Hobbies web page to Hobbies. To rename a web page by specifying the page, select the Rename command from the context menu and enter a new name for the page.

12. To view the view of the web page in your web browser, click the View icon. By clicking the Code icon, you can see how the text of this web page is written on hTML language... Please note that the text of this page in HTML format is much more concise than the text of a similar page generated in Microsoft Word.

13. To evaluate the appearance of the web page you have created in other web browsers, choose File View in Browser. Select Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (800 x 600) from the drop-down list.

14. In the browser window, check that the hyperlinks are working and that the text and graphics on the page are displayed correctly. When finished, close the browser window in the usual way.

15. After completing the formation of the web page, save it. To save the web page, choose Save from the File menu, or Save As if you want to change the file name.

Control questions:

    What is a web page, how is it different from a regular page of text?

    What is a website?

    Describe the purpose of the web server.

    What is a website start page?

    Describe the purpose of the web browser.

    Describe the stages of website development.

    In what modes can you work with a web page in the FrontPage editor? How do I switch these modes?

    What are the features of the Front Page Navigation toolbar?

In today's edition of the anthology, we will look at a very important question: how to turn documents created in OpenOffice applications into web pages for publication on the Internet. This refers to the modules Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress. Of course, OpenOffice 2.0 is not able to compete with specialized web-editors, even the simplest ones, but this task is not set before it. But he can quickly prepare current working documents for publication on the network. Usually they are published somewhere "in the depths" of service sites and serve only to provide information - design is the tenth thing there ...

Saving Writer Documents as Web Pages

Writer's HTML capabilities include the most basic functions: saving existing documents in HTML format, creating new HTML documents, and creating multiple different types web pages using the wizard. The easiest way to create an HTML document is by converting an existing Writer document. The user can preview it in the form in which it will appear on the web page by going to the View -\u003e Web Page Mode menu.

To insert and modify links in the document, use the "Hyperlink" dialog box. You can display this dialog simply by clicking on the Hyperlink icon located on the standard panel. You can also go to the menu along the path Insert -\u003e Hyperlink. In addition, typing or pasting a URL into a document will automatically convert it to a hyperlink (if AutoCorrect is configured properly, of course). Let's edit the existing link:

1. In the first version, place the cursor on the link using the keyboard arrow keys or change the TEXT to REFERENCE on the status bar (at the bottom of the editor window) (by clicking on the letters TEXT or REFERENCE in the status bar). One peculiarity should be noted here: when the inscription LINK is displayed in the status bar, and the user clicks with the left mouse button on the link in the text, OpenOffice tries to open this link in the browser that is installed on the system by default. To be able to click and position the cursor, you must have TEXT in the status bar.

2. Select the menu items Edit -\u003e Hyperlink. The Hyperlink window opens.

To include existing text in a link, select it and then open the Hyperlink window. Then copy the text into the Address field and click the Apply button to paste the link into the document before closing this window.

Saving the document as a single web page

To save the document as a single web page (HTML format), select Save As from the File menu and specify it as the file type HTML Document... That is, everything is extremely simple. The only thing to remember is that Writer does not replace multiple spaces in the original document with HTML non-breaking spaces. If additional spaces are required in the generated HTML file or web page, the user must insert himself non-breaking spaces into the document. To do this, press Control + Space instead of just Space.

Saving the document as a series of web pages

Writer can save large documents as a series of web pages (HTML files) with a table of contents page. To do this, we carry out the following operations:
1. Select which headings should be used in the document on the new page, and make sure that all of these headings have the same style (for example, Heading 1).

2. On the menu, go to File -\u003e Submit and select Create HTML Document.

3. The Name and path to HTML document window opens, in it enter the name of the file into which the pages will be saved. In addition, you should determine which style serves as a sign new page.

Create web pages using the Wizard

The dedicated OpenOffice web wizard allows you to create several types of standard web pages. It is used as follows:

1. Go through the path File -\u003e Master -\u003e Web page. If this is the first web page, the only possible Webmaster Preference setting is Standard. Then click the Next button.

2. Select the document you want to convert and enter information in the Title fields, Short description and the Author. Click the Next button.

3. Choosing the appearance of the content of the created website. To do this, click on one of the images appearanceshown in the Basic Layout section of the Webmaster dialog box. After that, click the Next button.

4. Select the information to be included in each document and the screen resolution. Click the Next button.

5. Choosing a style for the page. Use the drop-down list to select different styles and color combinations. You can also view here background pictures and a set of icons that are available in the Gallery. Click the Next button.

6. Introduce general information: Title and HTML Metadata. Click the Next button.

7. Select the folder where the file will be saved. You can preview the page if you want.
If you need to change or view the HTML code generated for the document, select View -\u003e Source HTML or click the HTML Source icon located on the Standard toolbar.

Saving Calc documents as web pages

The Calc Spreadsheet Module can also save files in HTML document format. In this case, go to the File -\u003e Save As menu and select HTML Document, or go to File -\u003e Wizard -\u003e Web Page. If original file contains more than one sheet, the sheets in the HTML file will follow each other in the same way. Links to each sheet will be placed at the top of the document. Calc also allows you to insert links directly into spreadsheetusing the Hyperlink dialog box similar to the one described above.

Saving presentation files as web pages

In OpenOffice, the user can very easily export finished presentations to Macromedia Flash files. To do this, go to the File -\u003e Export menu, and then select Macromedia Flash as the file type. You can also convert your presentation into a series of web pages. To do this, do the following:

1. First, go to the File -\u003e Export menu and select the HTML Document type as the file type.

2. Select the folder to save the file, define the name of the resulting HTML file and press the Export button. The Export to HTML Wizard window opens.

3. Choosing a single design for all pages. You can choose an existing design, or you can create a new one yourself. If the user has not previously saved a design, the Available Design switch will not be available.

4. Click the Next button and select the type of created web pages:
- Standard HTML format: one page for each slide using navigation links to navigate from one slide to the next. - Automatic: One page is created for each slide, each page uses the Refresh meta tag to automatically view each page in a loop by the browser.
- Webcast generates an ASP or Perl application for displaying slides.

5. We decide in which format to save the graphics (GIF or JPG), and also select the used screen resolution.

6. If you selected "Create Cover Page" in step 4, enter the appropriate information for it on the next page. Information for the title page contains the author's name, address email and start pageas well as any additional informationto be included.

7. Choose the style of navigation buttons to move from one page to another. However, you can choose not to select one - in this case, OpenOffice will create a text navigator on its own.

8. Choose a color scheme for web pages. The available schemes include the existing document scheme, browser scheme, and user color scheme. The user can save the new schema, and then it appears on the first page of the Export HTML wizard.

9. Finally, click Finish to generate HTML files. On the export page, if a standard option was not previously selected, OpenOffice will offer several vector or point formats.

Saving Draw documents as web pages

Exporting drawings to web format from the OpenOffice Draw module is similar to exporting presentations from the Impress module. Go to the File -\u003e Export menu, and then select the "HTML Document" file type. When using the wizard, the user can create a web page at any time by clicking the Finish button.

General remarks

Finally, I would like to note that OpenOffice, when creating HTML files, puts much less "garbage" in the code than Microsoft Office... The ability of MS Office to literally stuff HTML files with unnecessary code at one time even became the talk of the town. After that, more or less advanced users once and for all refused to use office suite Microsoft for creating web pages.

Unlike MS Office, OpenOffice generates much leaner HTML versions of documents - hence much cleaner code. But OpenOffice still cannot serve as a substitute for even a semi-professional web editor.

Denis Lavnikevich

This chapter explains how to save documents as web pages from the Writer, Calc, Draw, and Impress modules. For details on using Writer as a creation and editing environment, see Writer Guide.

Saving Writer documents as web pages

HTML Writer's capabilities include saving existing HTML documents, creating new HTML documents, and creating several different types of web pages using a wizard.

The easiest way to create HTML documents is to convert an existing Writer document. You can view it as it appears on the web page by running View\u003e Web Page Mode.

Inserting hyperlinks

You can insert and modify links using the Hyperlink dialog box. Display this dialog by clicking the icon Hyperlinklocated on the standard panel, or run Insert\u003e Hyperlink... Typing or pasting a URL into a document (depending on the AutoCorrect setting) will automatically convert it to a hyperlink.

Saving a document as a single web page

Saving a document as a series of web pages

Writer can save large documents as a series of web pages (HTML files) with a table of contents page. To do this:

  1. Decide which headings you want to use in the document on the new page, and make sure that all of these headings have the same style (for example, Heading 1).
  2. Please select File\u003e Sendand select Create HTML document.
  3. In the window that opens (Fig. 16.3) enter the name of the file in which the pages will be saved. Also, determine which style serves as a sign of the new page (as you decided in step 1).
  4. Click the button Saveto create a multi-page HTML document. (For those interested, the resulting HTML files conform to the HTML 4 Transitional specification.)

Figure: 16.3. Create a series of web pages for one document

Creating web pages using the wizard

The OOo Webmaster lets you create several types of standard web pages. To use it:

  1. Please select File\u003e Master\u003e Webpage... The window of this wizard is shown in Fig. 16.4.

    enlarge image
    Figure: 16.4.

    enlarge image
    Figure: 16.5.
  2. Select the document you want to convert and enter information in the fields Title, Brief Descriptione and Author, as shown in Fig. 16.5. Click the Next button.
  3. Select the look and feel of your website content by clicking on one of the look and feel pictures shown in Fig. 16.6. Click the button Further.

    enlarge image
    Figure: 16.6.
  4. Select the information to be included in each document and the screen resolution, as shown in Fig. 16.7. Click the button Further.

    enlarge image
    Figure: 16.7.
  5. Choose a style for the page. Use the drop-down list shown in Fig. 16.8, for choosing different styles and color combinations. You can also browse the wallpapers and icon sets available in the Gallery. Click the button Further.

    enlarge image
    Figure: 16.8.
  6. Enter general information such as Title and HTML Metadata as shown in Fig. 16.9. Click the button Further.

    enlarge image
    Figure: 16.9.
  7. Select the folder where the file will be saved and you can preview the page if you want, as shown in Fig. 16.10.

    enlarge image
    Figure: 16.10.

To change and view the HTML generated for the document, select View\u003e HTML Source Codeor click the icon HTML source code located on the Standard toolbar.

Saving spreadsheets as web pages

Calc can save files as HTML documents. For Calc use File\u003e Save Asand select HTML Document, or do File\u003e Master\u003e Webpage.

If the file contains more than one sheet, then the sheets in the HTML file will follow each other. Links to each sheet will be placed at the top of the document. Calc also allows you to insert links directly into a spreadsheet using the Hyperlink dialog.

Save presentations as web pages

You can export presentations to Macromedia Flash files: do File\u003e Export, and then select Macromedia Flash as the file type.

You can also convert presentations to a series of web pages.

Saving Draw documents as web pages

Exporting drawings from the Draw module of is identical to exporting presentations from the Impress module. Use File\u003e Exportwith the subsequent choice of the file type HTML Document.

When using the wizard, you can create a web page at any time by clicking a button Done.

If necessary sharing to your presentation or slideshow with family, friends, and colleagues, save it to OneDrive, and then you can embed it in a web page or blog.

Embed code necessary get PowerPoint Online. This feature is not available in the Windows or Mac OS versions of PowerPoint.

Get the embed code

Embed a presentation on a web page or blog post

The HTML copied from the OneDrive page is an iframe tag that is supported in many website development environments and blog services. The instructions below work for most popular blogging services such as WordPress, Blogger, and TypePad.

    Although the WordPress service usually does not support IFRAME tags, for IFRAME tags office documents An exception has been made online. To use HTML edit mode, do not select the command Create record at the top of the page. Go to your blog dashboard and click Recordings > Add to.

    If you're working with TypePad, don't use the Quick Compose editor. In section Blogs (Blogs) select your blog name and click Compose (Create). Then switch from Rich Text mode to HTML edit mode.

    If you are working with Blogger, go from the post creation window to HTML edit mode. After completing the next step, you can return to record creation mode.

    In the blog or web editor, create a post and switch to HTML editing mode.

    If your blogging service does not support IFRAME tags on posts, contact your blogging provider for assistance.

    Paste the HTML tag copied from the OneDrive page from the clipboard by pressing ⌘ + V.

    Finish creating your entry. Review the post and publish it as usual.

Embed a presentation in a SharePoint wiki

You can also use embed code to add a presentation to a SharePoint wiki. In this case, you only need to insert part of the iframe tag from the section src to the pageview web part.

    Open the wiki page and click Edit.

    Paste the HTML tag copied from the OneDrive page from the clipboard into the wiki page by pressing CTRL + V. This allows you to easily copy part of the tag to the web part. Remove the tag from the wiki page before completing.

    Copy the part of the tag between the quotes starting with http... Do not include quotation marks.

    In the tab Working with the editor click Paste, and then select Web part.

    In the list Web parts select item Page viewer and press Add to.

    To paste the address you copied in step 3, select open the toolbar and in the field Link press the ⌘ + V keys.

    Click the button Apply and view the page.

    Make the necessary changes to the web part. For example, to position your presentation in a frame without scrollbars, in the Page Viewer, expand View and specify a height of 332 pixels and a width of 407 pixels.

    When finished, press the button OK in the pagination editor and remove the IFRAME tag from the wiki page.

    Changes made to the presentation in OneDrive are automatically reflected on the page where the presentation is embedded.

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