Practical ways to increase the range of your WiFi router. Do-it-yourself wi-fi router signal amplification

Repeatedly I came across questions, the essence of which boiled down to whether it is possible to somehow increase the signal strength of the wireless network by changing the settings of the router. Usually those who install and configure the router are interested in this. Especially when they find out that Wi-Fi only catches in certain parts of the apartment / house.
Sometimes it happens. For example, my router (model TP-Link TL-WR841N), in principle, keeps the network, but in one of the three rooms of the apartment it is unstable. The computer and laptop still somehow find it, but the phone (and I have it in a metal case) fails.
You should think about the coverage area even at the stage of buying a router. Consider the number of rooms in your home and the thickness of the walls.

Increase Wi-Fi Power

Unfortunately, there are no specific, special settings with the help of which the signal strength would be regulated. At least I know nothing about such a possibility. The optimal settings on routers are set by default.

If it so happened that you have already purchased a router and installed a router, and the signal strength is unsatisfactory or in some areas it is completely absent, you can, of course, experiment with the settings, if all else fails, then you may have to buy an additional antenna or repeater.

As for experimenting with settings, you can change the channel and its width. Sometimes the coverage area from such manipulation increases slightly. Even the speed of the Internet can change from changing the channel (we talked about this in one of our previous publications).

Remember to save all settings and reboot the router for the changes to take effect.

Antennas and repeaters

If you did not get any positive result from changing the settings, your router will have to purchase a new, more powerful antenna... In this case, I can advise you TL-ANT2408CL, TL-ANT2405CL. If you have a router for example Asusthen it is better to get accessories from Asus.

In very neglected situations, another option is to buy a special device called repeater... These are such amplifiers of a wireless signal. For example TL-WA854RE.

You turn on this device in a room where your Wi-Fi signal is still there, but not very strong. And the repeater amplifies the signal, thereby increasing the range of the network. Another router can be configured as a repeater if it supports this function (WDS).
Alternatively, try placing your router as close to the center of your home as possible. If possible. This will allow a more rational division of the coverage radius.

In fact, the question that many wireless users are asking themselves should not sound like the title of this article. It would be more correct to say - "What are you ready to go to to strengthen the WiFi signal of the router?"

The fact is that for a serious increase in the range of a wireless network, you will have to make either a certain amount of effort, or spend a small amount of your "hard-earned money". Moreover, the second option, in most cases, will be more acceptable and effective for many.

In this article, I will only talk about the really working ways to amplify a WiFi signal. Consider both free methods and paid ones.

It will be interesting, let's go!

Choosing the right WiFi channel (free method)

11 WiFi channels are used to transmit the wireless signal from the router to another device (for example, a tablet or laptop). No, traffic does not go through all channels at once, only one channel is involved at any given time interval, or, more precisely, the router automatically changes the channel when reconnecting (if a channel change, in its opinion, is required) to the one that it considers optimal ...

Everything would be fine, but the router cannot always pick up an objective (less loaded) channel and, therefore, the quality of the wireless signal may deteriorate due to "neighbors" in the channels (other routers and access points operating within the range of your wireless network ).

In each router, you can set the channel manually, for this you do not need to be "seven inches in the forehead", you just need to go to the router's WEB interface and "tinker" in the WiFi settings. The question is - which channel should be set to the router?

To understand this issue, we need any wireless device running on Android and the WiFi Analyzer application (or its analogs), which can be downloaded from Google Play (free).

Take a look at the picture below - this is a screenshot from the WiFi Analyzer software showing the wireless networks in my apartment building. On the horizontal scale is the numbering of channels, on the vertical level of the WiFi signal.

For the most attentive, there are 13 channels in the picture, instead of the 11 that I mentioned a little above. It's all about the international WiFi standards, 11 channels are used in Russia, and, for example, in the USA - 13. In devices intended for operation in the Russian Federation, there will be 11 channels.

So what we see:

  • Channel 1 - this channel broadcasts the Internet from WiFi networks "wifi3" and "ttk17";
  • Channel 2 is empty;
  • Channel number 3 - "Keenetic-1108";
  • Channels 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are empty;
  • Channel 10 - "ASUS-N", "DIR-615", "wifi25";
  • Channel 11 is another "DIR-615" and "wifi12".

Each channel operates on a specific frequency range, so the graph contains not just vertical lines, but parabolas.

To make it clearer, look at the "Keenetic-1108" network. Although this client works on channel 3, it still intersects with the "wifi3" and "ttk17" networks, thereby deteriorating the wireless signal of the two "neighbors", and the "neighbors", in turn, worsen the signal for the "Keenetic-1108" network ... The stronger the signals intersect (overlap), the worse the signal will be.

On channels 10 and 11, the situation is even more sad - as many as 5 networks overlap each other very strongly.

Suppose my wireless network is “ASUS-N”, operating on channel 10 and intersecting with four more networks. The signal of this network is probably very much deteriorating due to the "neighbors", therefore, to improve the quality of WiFi, I need to "move" to a freer range. That is, change the channel to one that I consider less loaded.

In this particular case, I think, the best option would be to occupy channel 5. Yes, my network will overlap with three more networks, but to a much lesser extent than it was on channel 10.

I think that you understand the principle - the fewer intersections and less overlap of networks on each other, the better and more stable WiFi works!

To change the channel, you need to go to the device's WEB interface and configure the corresponding function in the WiFi parameters. I cannot describe how this is done for each router separately, because there are a huge number of brands and models of routers, and the article is not about that. But, I think, on the Internet you can easily find the exact instruction, just for your WiFi router. Good luck!

Correct location of WiFi router (shareware method)

The correct location of the router in the apartment / office (or any other room) has a direct impact on the quality and range of the WiFi signal. I wrote about this issue in great detail in the article, you can read it.

In this post, I will only list the main excerpts from that article:

  • Minimize serious obstacles to the wireless signal, such as concrete / brick / reinforced concrete walls, mirrors, glass, aquariums, metal structures, soundproofed walls;
  • Make sure that the WiFi signal passes through thick (wide) obstacles perpendicular to the obstacle, and not at an angle;
  • Do not install the device in close proximity to household appliances.

These are three clippings in a very short version, for "completeness" it is worth reading the entire article (link above).

By the way, I designated this method as "shareware" because it is not always possible to achieve the most advantageous location of the router simply by moving it around the room. Maybe you want to break a couple of concrete walls in the apartment (crazy, but it is possible) ... Or lengthen the provider's patch cord (if the cable does not reach where you want to put the device)? In general, creative force majeure decisions are possible, and they will require certain costs.

WiFi Directional Antenna for Signal Strengthening (Free / Paid)

On routers and WiFi access points, the antenna is omnidirectional, that is, the signal goes in all directions. Thus, if your device is installed, for example, in a corridor, then most of the potential of the wireless network will go nowhere (to neighbors, for example). Therefore, it is recommended to place the router in the center of the room so that the range of the network has the highest possible efficiency, and the signal spreads over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

But let's return to the "corridor" variant of the router location. As I wrote a little above, most of the WiFi antenna resources are wasted. What to do? You need to send the signal in one direction! This is what we need a directional WiFi antenna for.

DIY Directional WiFi Antenna (Free)

Looking for easy ways? Then you might want to build an antenna yourself. In this article, I will not do another manual for converting an empty can from "Coca-Cola" into a cool antenna, this is already abundant on the Internet (especially on, if you wish, go for it.

As you can see, there are several “BUTs” in this version!

  • Such an antenna will not have the most aesthetic and attractive appearance;
  • The performance is likely to be worse than the in-store variant of the device;
  • You still have to spend money on a couple of cans of Coca-Cola :)

Directional WiFi Antenna from Store (Paid)

If your router's antennas are detachable, this is what you need. Attaching a directional WiFi antenna to such a device will not be difficult.

For example, a directional antenna D-LINK ANT24-0600, costing about 800 rubles, can solve most problems with a weak signal. The device is connected (simply screwed) to the router through the common RP-SMA and RP-TNC connectors instead of the standard antenna included in the kit.

Thus, at the output we have a nice device and a decent amplification of the WiFi signal. In this case, the device will not "catch the eye" and spoil the decor, unlike some homemade invention.

If you decide to buy such a device, be sure to make sure that the antennas on your router are removable. Also look in the passport of the device, which connectors are used on the router when connecting standard WiFi antennas.

You will figure it out along the way, I hope.

Installing a WiFi Repeater to enhance the signal (paid method, in rare cases free)

Another way that you can make a fairly effective strengthening of the wireless network.

How it works

There are such devices called Repeaters. They can be either a separate device or a built-in function in a WiFi hotspot. Example (standalone), example (built-in function).

With the help of such devices, you can connect to an existing wireless network and continue it (network) from the Repeater.

In this way, you can increase the range of one network to the entire room, no matter how large it is. If one "Repeater" is not enough, you can use one more, and more, and more ... In general, how long the budget will last.

Where to get the Repeater for free

If you have an old WiFi router lying around that is not used anywhere, then you can try using it as a Repeater. Theoretically, at the hardware level, any router can perform the functions of a Repeater. In practice, if the software of the device from the manufacturer does not have this function, then you can only try to look for alternative firmware on the Internet.

It will be quite difficult for an ordinary user to implement such an idea, but experienced IT specialists may well cope with the task (and even then, not always). Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to buy a device in a store and not try to “reinvent the wheel”.


As you can see, there are slightly more paid ways to strengthen the WiFi signal than free ones, but this does not negate the importance of the latter. In some cases, everything can be solved by simply moving the router a meter away from the microwave, and in others, installing ten Repeaters will have no effect.

Think, see, analyze and draw conclusions.


Ivan 2014-08-28 05:50:33

I have reviewed all the sites in the top ten of the search, but none of them has such a detailed explanation about changing WiFi channels, as it is scheduled for you. I will definitely try, if it doesn't help, I will resort to more radical methods (repeaters, etc.). Thank you for the article.

Admin 2014-08-28 05:56:02

I would advise you to first determine the correct location of the WiFi router, and only then try to optimize the WiFi channels. Combined, these two methods can give a tangible improvement in WiFi signal.
Well, if it doesn't help, then yes, you can't do without additional equipment. Good luck!

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Victor 2014-09-25 06:10:38

Informative! The first method is generally excellent (all the more free), at least it helped me - I changed the channel and the received signal level increased by 2 divisions. Thank you!

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Admin 2014-09-25 06:12:04

You are welcome!

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James 2015-04-25 23:33:21

How much I climb the forums, no one has ever thought to increase the power of the outgoing signal by any amplification scheme, say, how an amplifier increases the sound volume!

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Pyrocar 2015-05-25 07:03:27

Thank you author, I wanted to ask you about the case. And where to measure the clogging of the channels, near the place where the router is (almost close) or in the kitchen to measure, additionally in the corridor and in the room and check the clogging of the channels in 3 places and choose the right one, or is it definitely needed exactly the one in place of the router? ... Otherwise, I'm sitting with a tablet in the kitchen, where the clogging of channels is different (I mean numbering) than near the router. Moreover, I love to move. TP-Link TL-WR841ND rel. 9

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Admin 2015-05-25 07:13:00

Naturally, where you use the wireless network the most. If this is a kitchen, then you need to watch the clogged channels in the kitchen.

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Alexei 2015-08-19 11:19:51

So after all, the congestion of channels is also constantly changing, because, again, all routers automatically select channels, which means that the congestion is always different. Or not?

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Andrei 2017-02-11 10:14:07

Good day! Recently I left a comment in the Internet speed test section. Thanks for the good article and answer.
I have a Rostelecom fiber optic into my house and connected through the QTECH QFR-200-4T-W terminal router, through the version where completely
there are no antennas for wi-fi, although now on the company's website under this model is sold the same-looking device, BUT only with 2 antennas. At the time of installation was absent from home. Apart from Rostelecom, there are no providers, and they are trying to impose kyu-tech.
What is the essence of the question: tariff 100 mbps with television, according to the results of the check
external traffic to the entrance for 80 mbps. But this is a router-laptop cable connection. Through wi-fi from 15 to 25 mbps, approximately depending on the device (laptop, iPhone, smart on android) in the immediate vicinity of the router, and very weak wifi in the neighboring rooms, sometimes it simply does not exist. I found out in one computer store about signal amplification. Explained that the repeater will amplify the signal, but not the speed. To increase the speed, either change the fiber-optic router, or install an intermediate Wi-Fi router with antennas, and again, if it is not enough, then install a repeater.
I checked the channels, everything is ok. Private sector.
Tell me how it is better to solve the issue of increasing the speed of wi-fi and signal in this case (we use devices mainly via wi-fi, including the most basic laptop).
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,

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Admin 2017-02-11 11:30:27

Well, yes, you will not increase the speed with a repeater. It can boost the signal so you have a network in other rooms, but it won't increase the speed.
You were told correctly, change ONT, or pair a router to the WiFi terminal.
Call the TP of the provider, explain the situation that the WiFi signal is weak. Perhaps they will make concessions and change the terminal to the one with antennas. Rostelecom, like other providers, is now very loyal to customers, since there is a lot of competition in the market, and it doesn't matter that there are no competitors in your sector;)
But, I want to say right away that you will raise the speed somewhere up to a maximum of 50 Mbit / s.

Admin 2017-02-15 16:00:25

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Wi-fi allows you to access the World Wide Web through any device with a special receiver. Many people install wi-fi routers in their apartments, but in urban environments there may be problems with the radio signal. The router itself has a fairly large range, but this parameter is influenced by many external factors. For example, mirrors, neighboring hotspots, furniture and appliances in an apartment can obstruct the free passage of the radio signal, creating problems with Internet speed. In addition, partitions between rooms and load-bearing walls also strongly extinguish the signal, and the stronger the material of this obstacle, the more difficult it is for the radio signal to break through. There are several ways to speed up wi-fi internet on your home network. Here are a few factors to look out for because they are the ones that most affect signal quality.

Strengthening WiFi signal with a router

To slightly increase the speed of the Internet via wi-fi, you first need to choose the right place for the router. If the transmitter is located in the farthest corner, and the devices connected to this network are located in a completely different part of the apartment, then the Internet speed on these devices will be lower than when located close to the source. Choosing a location for a router can be difficult. Usually, an apartment has several devices that need to be connected to a wi-fi network. The router should be approximately equidistant from each device. Due to the many factors affecting signal strength, the ideal location for a wireless router is rarely exactly in the middle. Therefore, the best way to find the most favorable location is to experiment with the location of the router.

It is worth noting that it makes sense to try to install the router as high as possible, since in this case the signal will not meet with some of the obstacles on the floor.

Homemade antennas for amplifying WiFi

Poor reception quality may occur due to antenna problems. This can be partially corrected by replacing the antenna or adding several elements to it.
Antenna retrofitting is the most popular method for solving this problem, but it can only be applied to wireless routers with antennas located outside the chassis, not inside. Its essence is to set the signal in a certain direction. This is done quite simply. Every router has omnidirectional antennas that send signals in all directions, and to "force" the signals to only go where they need to, people use so-called shields that reflect the signal and direct it in the right direction.
You can build such a screen from almost everything that is made of metal: foil, cans, soda cans, and so on. This method is inexpensive, but it will not work to greatly increase the quality of communication.

Strengthening the signal with a homemade antenna. Free Internet.


It is much more efficient to simply replace the antenna with a more powerful one. In principle, this method of solving the problem is not very costly, a sufficiently powerful antenna now costs about three hundred rubles, but if the router has three antennas, the replacement amount can reach up to a thousand rubles. Typically, a router antenna has a gain of about 2-3dBi; if you replace it with a 5-8dBi antenna, the signal strength will increase significantly.
But it doesn't make much sense to replace an antenna with a gain of more than four dBi, because the Internet speed in this case will not increase much.

Extending WiFi Signal Distance Using a Repeater

A repeater, or repeater, increases the range of the network due to the fact that it completely repeats all received electrical signals. Such devices are inexpensive, their cost in Russian stores rarely exceeds a thousand rubles, and if you order a repeater from China, it will come out 40% cheaper (including shipping from China). By the way, some routers can independently combine several wi-fi access points into one network.
The repeater is small and plugs into a regular power outlet. The repeater is easy to use and quick to set up. To work, the repeater needs only ssid and network password.

Video connection and repeater setup.

We use a WiFi adapter to improve the signal

Many modern devices have a wi-fi receiver built into the body. To connect to wi-fi through a device that does not have this receiver, special wi-fi adapters are used. Most often, they are connected to the device via a USB connector or PCI slot. The reason for the weak signal may lie precisely in the wi-fi adapter. Even if it is not, it can be improved a little. If the adapter has an antenna, then it can be replaced in the same way as the router antenna, if the design does not prohibit this. In general, if there is a need to purchase a wireless wi-fi adapter, you should take the device with a larger antenna.
If the adapter antenna is hidden in the case, you can try connecting it to your computer via a USB extension cable. In this case, it becomes possible to move the adapter in space as far as the extension cord allows in order to find the place with the strongest wi-fi signal.

Configuring a router to improve WiFi connection

It happens that all problems are related to the incorrect operation of the wireless router. Some owners of a wi-fi router do not like to fiddle with setting up their wireless network, and a very interesting situation often develops. Most routers are left with the default setting, and it turns out that nearby wireless networks operate on the same frequency, crossing over and occupying the same channel. Without a doubt, this slows down the system very much, so first of all you need to configure the radio channel for your wireless network. To do this, you need to download a special program - for example, inSSIDer, the most popular program of this type - and run it. The program will display the frequency channels of all neighboring networks on the monitor. After that, it remains to go into the settings of the router (section "wireless network") and change the channel so that there are no networks nearby that operate at the same frequency.
There are other configuration errors. If the wi-fi signal on the home network is weak, then you should delve into the router settings. In this case, you need to pay special attention to the section "Advanced settings". In this section there is a parameter "signal strength", which should be set at 100% or at "high" if the power is given in abstract values \u200b\u200bsuch as "low", "medium" and so on. If this parameter is not set to the maximum, you need to set the highest value and save the changes.

Which wireless standard to choose to increase WiFi connection

Many wireless routers are configured with the 802.11ac wireless standard, as it is the most recent. Despite this, its predecessor, 802.11n, has significant advantages.
The 802.11n standard allows multiple antennas to be used at once, which greatly increases the range of a wireless network.
To switch to the old standard, you need to go to the settings, the "wireless networks" section, and switch the "operation mode" parameter to the "802.11n" item. After that, save the changes and reboot the device.
The second advantage is that this mode of operation allows the transition to the 5 GHz band. Now this range is not very popular. It is almost completely free of frequency interference caused by neighboring access points, so the wireless network will have the maximum coverage on this range.
Unfortunately, modern phones, tablets, and laptops do not see a wireless network with this standard, because it is considered obsolete, but many devices can still connect to such networks.

Setting up the receiver on your laptop will help improve WiFi signal.

Laptop manufacturers, wanting to increase the battery life, have come up with a "power saving mode". When the laptop is in this power mode, almost all the modules of the device do not work at full capacity, and so does the wi-fi receiver. This mode of operation is optional, so it is easy to get the laptop out of it by setting up the power plan.

The influence of other devices on the signal.

Microwaves, telephones, and now refrigerators flood your apartment with electromagnetic radiation, which can interfere with the signals sent by the router's antenna. This problem is not so serious, if the quality of communication over the wireless network suffers precisely because of this, it is enough to change the frequency of the router. Only the new frequency should also not be blocked by home appliances. It may take ten to twenty minutes to experiment with frequency channels.

Wireless Security

Traffic theft is one of the main causes of signal degradation. There are many programs that allow an attacker to guess the password for a wi-fi access point, so you need to set a complex password for your home network. A good password consists of a random string of numbers and letters of different case. The longer the password, the less chances that neighbors will be able to guess it.


So, there are a lot of factors that slow down the speed of the Internet when connecting through a home wi-fi network. Trying to eliminate them all is a waste of time and energy. Each router itself has a good range, so it is much more effective to solve a few major problems, and the wireless signal will improve enough to forget about the difficulties with the connection forever.

We all faced the problem of a weak signal from the router. Some people immediately think about changing the router, because it seems that the problem is in it. However, this is not quite true. If you set it up correctly, you can ensure a good quality connection and Wi-Fi signal coverage. But if you still decide to buy a repeater to amplify the signal, we will help you make the right choice.

What is a Wi-Fi repeater and how does it work?

In this section, we will talk about what are called wi-fi signal amplifiers (they are also called repeater, repeater, repeater) and what they are for.

It often happens that having bought and installed a router at home (office), you find that the signal does not reach the right place. Of course, you can install the router closer, then the signal will reach the computer, but if this is not possible, you have to buy this device.

The principle of operation of this device is clearly shown in the picture below. It extends the received signal from wi-fi, and directs it to the desired location. At the same time, the Internet speed remains the same.

The principle of operation of a signal amplifier for a Wi-Fi router

As a rule, this device is quite compact, and operates from an ordinary outlet. You can buy it at any online store and install it in your apartment the same day.

Some features of using the amplifier:

  • The repeater creates a network similar to the existing one. All your devices (computer, phone, tablet) will automatically connect to the network with the best signal. For example: The router is in the kitchen, and the repeater is in the living room. If you go into the kitchen with your phone, the signal will be received from the router, into the living room - from the amplifier.
  • You can set up a local network without any problems. All devices will be connected to the same network, regardless of the signal source.

How to strengthen a Wi-fi signal with your own hands?

In general, this device is very useful for the home, however, depending on the model, you will have to shell out a tidy sum for the amplifier. Don't want to spend money? Then use our tips to boost your WiFi signal in your home or office:

1. Place the router in the center of your apartment / office.

Many people install a router in the hallway, or in the farthest room. This is definitely a convenient location, and there is no need to pull the cable throughout the apartment, but because of this, the Internet will suffer greatly. Therefore, we recommend installing the router initially in the room that is equally distant from all the others (as shown in the picture below). If you need the Internet only in one room, then install the router in it. In this case, you do not need to buy a repeater.

The picture shows an example of good and bad location of the router in the apartment. If you do not want to supply your neighbors with your Internet, then it is better to place the Internet source in the middle of the apartment.

Special programs for analysis will also help to correctly place the router. With the WiFi Analyzer program, you can measure the points at which the Internet catches the worst and best. Based on the data obtained, it is easier to choose the right place.

2. Change the channel your router is running on.

If you are not the proud owner of a modern dual-band router, then your router operates at 2.4 GHz. The trouble is that there are only 13 channels in this frequency. Among them, you need to select the least loaded one and connect to it. A simple inSSIDer program will help with this.

You can download this program for free. With its help, you will see the minimally loaded network. We do not recommend choosing the outermost channels (1st, 2nd, 12th and 13th). As a rule, they are the weakest, so no one wants to connect to them.

Nowadays, every apartment is equipped with high-speed internet. Therefore, free channels may simply not be available. If you are unlucky, then move on to the next point.

3. Set the maximum signal strength.

On some models, you can set the strength of the transmitted Wi-Fi signal. You can view this setting in "Advanced Settings". As a rule, this parameter is set to 100% by default. But the settings could get lost, so it wouldn't hurt to check them.

4. Update your router's firmware.

Go to the manufacturer's website and search there for the latest firmware for your device. If you have a problem from the very beginning, then most likely this is the reason. Manufacturers never fix faults during the development / testing of new devices, so they modify them using new firmware.

5. If all else fails.

TOP 7 best amplifiers for home and office

So we came smoothly to the most important part of our article. Below we will review the best repeaters of 2017 according to users' opinions. To do this, we have selected the TOP-5 of the best devices from different manufacturers.

Category Name Rating (based on user reviews) Price
The best amplifiers in the low price range 9.5 / 10 1,580 ₽
9.3 / 10 865 ₽
9.5 / 10 1 350 ₽
Best mid-range amplifiers 9.5 / 10 2 160 ₽
9.9 / 10 3 590 ₽
Best high-end amplifiers 10 / 10 21 140 ₽
9.9 / 10 11 090 ₽

Asus RP-N12

Very good signal amplifier for home and office. Its functionality includes the functions of a repeater, an access point and a network bridge. You can connect it to any outlet in your home, and it is configured with one press of the WPS button. Two powerful antennas will provide an uninterrupted Wi-Fi signal anywhere in the house.

The indicator on the front panel will help you determine the best point for placing this device. If the signal from the router is good, the green indicator will be on, if the signal is bad, the red one.

Advantages of the amplifier according to user reviews :

  • It is very easy to connect and establish a connection.
  • Two powerful antennas that provide a good range.
  • Maximum connection speed: 300 Mbps.

disadvantages :

  • Sometimes it loses connection with the router, so you have to reboot.

Xiaomi Mi WiFi Amplifier

The most compact repeater that you can easily take with you on trips / travels. You can install and configure it in a few minutes. Just plug it in via USB and the device syncs itself within minutes.

This device is able to double the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe router. The connection speed with such dimensions is 150 Mbps, which will be sufficient for most routers.

Pros of the repeater according to user reviews :

  • A compact device that you can carry in your pocket.
  • Almost doubles the range of the router.
  • Automatic synchronization.

Minuses :

  • Automatic synchronization occurs only with Xiaomi routers. For everyone else, you need to use the special Xiaomi Smart Home application.

TP-Link TL-WA850RE

A convenient repeater for your router that will quickly and easily increase the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe Wi-Fi signal. It is very easy to connect and configure the device. Plug in and press the Range Extender button on your amplifier and the WPS button on your router.

TP-Link TL-WA850RE will provide the most complete coverage in your apartment, and eliminate "dead spots". The signal transmission speed can reach 300 Mbps, which will be enough for games, videos and movies.

pros :

  • Easy to set up, can be plugged anywhere.
  • Good signal; removes "dead zones" in which there was no Internet.
  • Saves the profile so there is no need to reconfigure on reconnection.

Minuses :

  • Not detected.

TP-Link AC750

This repeater will be an excellent option for those who need to increase the signal coverage in two bands. TP-Link AC750 operates in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, thus providing data transfer rates up to 750 Mbps.

Connecting an amplifier is easy. Plug it in, press the Range Extender button and the WPS button on the router. After a couple of minutes, the connection will become active. When connected, it completely copies the address of the router.

Advantages :

  • Provides full signal coverage over a long distance.
  • Quick setup and connection.
  • Beautiful design.
  • Works stably on two frequency bands: 2.4 and 5 GHz.

disadvantages :

  • High price.

TP-Link Re350

This amplifier is one of the leaders in our rating. It can operate on two frequency bands: 2.4 GHz (speed up to 300 Mbps) and 5 GHz (speed up to 867 Mbps). Installing the amplifier takes a few minutes. Plug it in, sync it with your router and select the appropriate frequency.

An indicator on the front panel shows the signal strength from the router. If the blue light is on, then the signal level is good enough and there is no need to reset the repeater. If it is red, then connect the amplifier closer to the router. Two antennas provide good Wi-Fi coverage. You can configure TP-Link Re350 to work with almost any router.

Benefits according to user reviews :

  • Works on the frequency bands: 2.4 and 5 GHz.
  • Thanks to two powerful antennas, it transmits the signal far.
  • It is easy to find the optimal repeater position thanks to the LED indicator.
  • Beautiful design.

disadvantages :

  • High price.

Netgear Orbi AC3000

If you do not have enough power and coverage on previous models, then you should take a closer look at this model. When you buy a Netgear Orbi AC3000, you get two portable devices (router and amplifier) \u200b\u200bthat connect together and provide speeds up to 1500 Mbps. The coverage area of \u200b\u200bthis amplifier is much larger than that of standard models. It is ideal for use in suburban homes or large offices.

Outwardly, the Netgear Orbi AC3000 looks pretty attractive, so it can be connected in a prominent place. If the amplifier does not reach the place you need, you can buy another device that will connect to the router.

pros :

  • By purchasing the kit, you get a router and amplifier.
  • Very long range.
  • High speed data transfer.
  • Beautiful design.

Minuses :

  • High price.
  • You cannot chain repeaters.

Asus RP-AC68U

A weak WiFi signal is an urgent problem for residents of apartments, country houses and office workers. Dead zones in the WiFi network are characteristic of both large rooms and small-sized apartments, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is theoretically capable of covering even a budget access point.

The range of a WiFi router is a characteristic that manufacturers cannot unambiguously indicate on the box: the range of WiFi is affected by many factors that depend not only on the technical specifications of the device.

This article presents 10 practical tips to help eliminate the physical causes of poor coverage and optimize the range of a WiFi router, it's easy to do it yourself.

The radiation of the access point in space is not a sphere, but a donut-shaped toroidal field. For WiFi coverage within one floor to be optimal, radio waves must propagate horizontally - parallel to the floor. For this, the antenna can be tilted.

The antenna is the "donut" axis. The angle of signal propagation depends on its slope.

When the antenna is tilted relative to the horizon, part of the radiation is directed outside the room: dead zones are formed under the plane of the "donut".

A vertically installed antenna radiates horizontally: indoor coverage is maximized.

On practice: Placing the antenna vertically is the easiest way to optimize indoor WiFi coverage.

Place the router closer to the center of the room

Another reason for the occurrence of dead zones is the poor location of the access point. The antenna emits radio waves in all directions. In this case, the radiation intensity is maximum near the router and decreases as it approaches the edge of the coverage area. If you install the access point in the center of the house, then the signal is distributed among rooms more efficiently.

A router installed in a corner gives off some of the power outside the house, and distant rooms are at the edge of the coverage area.

Installing in the center of the house allows for an even distribution of signal in all rooms and minimizes dead zones.

In practice: Installing an access point in the "center" of the house is far from always feasible due to complex layout, lack of outlets in the right place or the need to lay a cable.

Provide line of sight between the router and clients

WiFi signal frequency is 2.4 GHz. These are decimeter radio waves that poorly bend around obstacles and have low penetrating power. Therefore, the range and stability of the signal directly depend on the number and structure of obstacles between the access point and clients.

Passing through a wall or ceiling, an electromagnetic wave loses some of its energy.

The amount of signal attenuation depends on the material that the radio waves travel through.

* Effective distance is a value that determines how the radius of a wireless network changes compared to an open area when a wave passes an obstacle.

Calculation example: A WiFi 802.11n signal propagates in line-of-sight conditions over 400 meters. After overcoming the non-capital wall between the rooms, the signal strength decreases to 400 m * 15% \u003d 60 m.The second wall of the same kind will make the signal even weaker: 60 m * 15% \u003d 9 m.The third wall makes signal reception almost impossible: 9 m * 15 % \u003d 1.35 m.

Such calculations will help to calculate the dead zones that arise from the absorption of radio waves by walls.

The next problem in the path of radio waves: mirrors and metal structures. Unlike walls, they do not attenuate, but reflect the signal, scattering it in arbitrary directions.

Mirrors and metal structures reflect and scatter the signal, creating dead zones behind them.

If you move the interior elements that reflect the signal, you can eliminate the dead zones.

In practice: It is extremely rare to achieve ideal conditions when all gadgets are in line of sight with a router. Therefore, in a real home, you will have to work separately to eliminate each dead zone:

  • find out what interferes with the signal (absorption or reflection);
  • think over where to move the router (or piece of furniture).

Place the router away from sources of interference

The 2.4 GHz band does not require licensing and therefore is used for the operation of consumer radio standards: WiFi and Bluetooth. Despite its low bandwidth, Bluetooth can still interfere with the router.

Green areas - stream from WiFi router. Red dots are Bluetooth data. The proximity of two radio standards in the same band causes interference, reducing the range of the wireless network.

In the same frequency range, the microwave oven magnetron emits. The radiation intensity of this device is so great that even through the protective screen of the oven, the magnetron radiation is able to “light up” the WiFi router's radio beam.

Microwave oven magnetron radiation causes interference on almost all WiFi channels.

On practice :

  • When using Bluetooth accessories near the router, turn on the AFH parameter in the settings of the latter.
  • The microwave is a powerful source of interference, but it is not used as often. Therefore, if it is not possible to move the router, then it will simply not be possible to make a Skype call while preparing breakfast.

Disable support for 802.11 b / g modes

WiFi devices of three specifications operate in the 2.4 GHz band: 802.11 b / g / n. N is the latest standard and offers greater speed and range than B and G.

The 802.11n (2.4 GHz) specification provides longer range than the legacy B and G standards.

802.11n routers support previous WiFi standards, but the mechanics of backward compatibility are such that when a B / G device, such as an old phone or a neighbor's router, appears in the N-router's range, the entire network is switched to B / G mode. Physically, the modulation algorithm changes, which leads to a drop in the speed and range of the router.

In practice: Switching the router to “pure 802.11n” mode will definitely have a positive effect on the quality of the coverage and throughput of the wireless network.

However, B / G devices will not be able to connect via WiFi. If it's a laptop or TV, they can be easily connected to the router via Ethernet.

Choose the optimal WiFi channel in the settings

Almost every apartment today has a WiFi router, so the network density in the city is very high. Signals from neighboring access points overlap each other, draining energy from the radio path and greatly reducing its efficiency.

Neighboring networks operating at the same frequency create mutual interference, like circles on water.

Wireless networks operate within range on different channels. There are 13 such channels (in Russia) and the router switches between them automatically.

To minimize interference, you need to understand which channels the neighboring networks operate on and switch to a less loaded one.
Detailed instructions for setting up a channel are presented.

In practice: Selecting the least congested channel is an effective way to expand the coverage area that is relevant for apartment building residents.

But in some cases, there are so many networks on the air that no channel gives a tangible increase in the speed and range of WiFi. Then it makes sense to turn to method number 2 and place the router away from the walls bordering the neighboring apartments. If this does not bring results, then you should think about switching to the 5 GHz range (method no. 10).

Adjust the transmitter power of the router

The transmitter power determines the energy of the radio path and directly affects the range of the access point: the more powerful the beam, the farther it hits. But this principle is useless in the case of omnidirectional antennas of household routers: in wireless transmission, there is a two-way exchange of data and not only clients must “hear” the router, but vice versa.

Asymmetry: the router “reaches out” to a mobile device in the back room, but does not receive a response from it due to the low power of the smartphone's WiFi module. The connection is not established.

In practice: The recommended value for the transmitter power is 75%. It should be increased only in extreme cases: the power turned 100% not only does not improve the signal quality in distant rooms, but even worsens the stability of reception near the router, since its powerful radio stream “clogs up” the weak response signal from the smartphone.

Replace the original antenna with a more powerful one

Most routers are equipped with standard antennas with a gain of 2 - 3 dBi. The antenna is a passive element of the radio system and is not able to increase the flow power. However, increasing the gain allows you to refocus the radio signal by changing the radiation pattern.

The higher the antenna gain, the further the radio signal propagates. In this case, the narrower stream becomes not like a “donut”, but a flat disc.

There is a large selection of antennas for routers with a universal SMA connector on the market.

In practice: Using a high gain antenna is an effective way to expand the coverage area, because simultaneously with the signal amplification, the antenna sensitivity increases, which means the router begins to “hear” remote devices. But due to the narrowing of the radio beam from the antenna, dead zones arise near the floor and ceiling.

Use signal repeaters

In rooms with a complex layout and multi-storey buildings, it is effective to use repeaters - devices that repeat the signal of the main router.

The simplest solution is to use an old router as a repeater. The disadvantage of this scheme is half the throughput of the child network, since along with the client data, the WDS access point aggregates the upstream from the upstream router.

Detailed instructions for configuring the WDS bridge are presented.

Specialized repeaters are free from bandwidth cuts and are equipped with additional functionality. For example, some models of Asus repeaters support roaming function.

In practice: No matter how complex the layout is, repeaters will help you deploy a WiFi network. But any repeater is a source of interference. With free air, repeaters do their job well, but with a high density of neighboring networks, the use of repeater equipment in the 2.4 GHz band is impractical.

Use 5 GHz band

Budget WiFi devices operate at 2.4GHz, so the 5GHz band is relatively free and has little interference.

5 GHz is a promising range. It works with gigabit streams and has an increased capacity compared to 2.4 GHz.

In practice: “Moving” to a new frequency is a radical option that requires the purchase of an expensive dual-band router and imposes restrictions on client devices: only the latest models of gadgets work in the 5 GHz band.

The problem with the quality of the WiFi signal is not always related to the actual range of the access point, and its solution in general terms boils down to two scenarios:

  • In a country house, it is most often required in free air conditions to cover an area that exceeds the effective range of the router.
  • For a city apartment, the range of a router is usually sufficient, and the main difficulty lies in eliminating dead zones and interference interference.

The methods presented in this material will help to identify the causes of poor reception and optimize the wireless network without resorting to replacing the router or the services of paid specialists.

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