How to find out who viewed the page in contact. Current methods of how to find out who visited the VKontakte page

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Hello dear visitors to my blog. It happens that your page is very popular, but you do not even know about it. You just post photos, share interesting news, but you are not particularly liked. And nevertheless, a bunch of people pay attention to your page, visit it regularly. Waiting for new publications. How to understand that a miracle has happened?

Who visited my Vkontakte page, how do I know how popular you are? This is what will be discussed today. I will give some useful recommendations that really work, as well as that will only take your time and will not give you any reliable data.

Let's start with this topic.

Which will not give any information

There are a thousand apps out there that would seem to notify you of visitors. In the "My games" section of the right menu, you can enter the query "My guests", which will enable a search and find for you a thousand extensions that must show for free who visited your page. All this is nonsense, if you think about it a little.

I used several of them and I can safely say that they just choose random people from your friends list, at best, analyze the messages that they write to you most often, likes, and that's it. They are not capable of collecting statistics and it does not take long to think to understand this truth.

The developers of these applications are ordinary people who do not have access to the VK servers. Visitor statistics are confidential information that only the creator of the site itself has. If you are on your site, then you will need to confirm your rights to it through the source files. It will not be possible to see who, when and where went without this information.

If the developers do not provide this information, then, as they say, hacking and staying calmly in the collection of official applications will not work. It turns out that these applications are nothing more than games that can amuse your vanity and give you the opportunity to dream that a certain person really often opens your page.

Nevertheless, you should not be very upset. There is a chance to find out, if not detailed, but true information.

How to know that you are popular

Since 2016, developers have made it possible for people to learn a little more about the traffic on their pages. Of course, this service is not provided to everyone, but only to those who strive for fame.

Do you already know the difference between a subscriber and a friend? When you receive a notification that someone wants to add you as a friend, you have two options - add it (indicate friendship) or leave it in subscribers. This means that the person will see your updates, but you will not become his friend, you will not follow the information about him.

When he has a birthday - you will not know, if he publishes news about you - he will not know about it. It's kind of a fan. So, if you have 100 subscribers, then the statistics of your page traffic is available to you. Under your avatar, next to the "Edit" caption, an icon appears with the diagram icon. Click on it.

Statistics with three columns opens: attendance, activity, coverage. Let's take a look at what these numbers mean in order.

You can see how many people visit you on average over the last 30 days a day. In my case, there are about three of them. The total number of unique visitors is 94. What does unique mean? Statistics do not take into account if a person visits several times. That is, the total is 94, but some may return, although you will not know about it.

The graph also shows views. For example, 8 people came in on Wednesday. One of them also visited "My audio recordings" or "Albums", in general, any page except the main one. In this case, there will already be 9 views.

Below you can find out the age of those who are interested in you. A little lower from which devices (mobile or PC) everyone visits you more often, as well as the country and cities.

Next up is Reach. You publish a news, and it is instantly displayed in the news feed for all your friends and subscribers. Of course, not all people will see it. Someone will not be online. Full coverage shows how many people saw your news today (this is the blue line on the graph), red shows how many non-friends subscribers saw your updates.

Similarly, here you can see gender, country, city and from which device your news was viewed.

Well, the last column is feedback. Here you can see a graph of how many people liked you, repost, commented or hid you from the news. The last point means that this person no longer wants to receive information from you.

If you do not have enough subscribers to see the official statistics online, then I can recommend the service to you ... Select the item "Cheat friends", only when considering the application, do not add a friend, but leave him in subscribers. For just 155 rubles, you can dial the desired number.

Bonus way

I'll tell you about another method that will tell you how to recognize some people who will especially grieve for you if you decide . It won't show everyone who visits your page, but you will find out the names of the two most active people.

Go to settings. To do this, click on the thumbnail of your avatar in the upper right corner of the page and find the item of the same name in the list.

Now choose the reason - "My page is not commented." In the automatic mode, an ad will be created: "I am surrounded by a wall of inattention", then there will be a list of two people who most often enter your account and are active here.

It remains to click on the cross in the upper right corner to close the page and not fool your head with it later.

So that is all. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter to keep up with the latest publications. Until next time and good luck.

The popularity of social networks is growing more and more every day. And naturally, any user is interested in who visited the Vkontakte page... In this article, I will tell you about popular ways through which you will find out who was interested in your VK page.

In fact, the Vkontakte administration respects the privacy of their visitors. Therefore, they officially announced that there is no function of viewing guests on the social network (at the level of internal functions). But, nevertheless, there are several ways, thanks to which anyone can view the guests who visited his page.

Method 1
You need to install a special application called "My fans and guests". There is nothing complicated here, we find this application and download it. Next, choose the section Fans, VK Guests or Statistics that you are interested in. This application can show you a lot of very interesting things, for example, who and what actions performed on your page, moreover, you can find out this specifically among the girls, and among the guys did it.

Method 2
There is another application called All your guests. Thanks to this application, you can see all the guests who came to your page. The application has a special tab My visitors in Contact, with which you can see the data of people who have entered. The application tracks any action of a person: put Like or repost, or wrote a comment on a certain post. Hence, the disadvantage of this application is formed - if a person went to your page and did not take any action, then the application will not display this guest.

Method 3
This method is based on a special so-called trap link. The applications that I reviewed in the first two methods are created according to this principle. For example, consider the Fans & Guests app, where you need to find the right way to trap. Many people use this trap in the Personal Site column. When a guest went to your page, then in most cases he will go to your site allegedly. So if you enter a trap link in this column, then you can easily determine who exactly came to your page.

It should be noted that a lot of programs and scripts are circulating on the network that supposedly show all the guests of your page. These programs are 99.99% fraudulent. They are specially programmed to take over your account. The rest of the tiny fraction of the programs just simply don't work. Before you risk your account, think about whether it is worth downloading such programs.

We have considered the most proven and effective ways how to view Vkontakte guests... Now you can satisfy your curiosity, while not falling into the hands of scammers. That's all! All the best!

The popularity of social networks is growing every day. Unlike Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte does not have a function for viewing guests. The service management has officially announced that there is no such option in Vkontakte and will not be. When viewing other people's pages, complete confidentiality is guaranteed - this is one of the basic principles of the site. Despite this position of the management of the social network, there are still a couple of ways to see who came to your page. In this article, we will look at the most effective methods.

How to find out in VK who visited my page - statistics on Vkontakte, if there are more than 100 subscribers to your page

If there are more than a hundred subscribers (not friends!), Then the "User statistics" function should be available on your page.

People who sent a friend request and did not receive your consent, or rejected users are your audience of subscribers (they are subscribed to your news and updates, even if they are not on your friends list).

  • User statistics can be found on the left in the column under your “Audio recordings”, or in your profile photo below, next to the “Edit” option.

User statistics allows you to view the following general account information:

  • Your profile's traffic is the total number of people interested in you over time.

  • Follower activity: the number of likes for your photos and news is taken into account.

  • Audience reach - statistics of those who saw your posts in the news feed. It takes into account the age, gender and country of residence of those who are interested in you.

  • The type of device (mobile or personal computer) is also taken into account.

Note! Page statistics are general data. Viewing statistics is not possible from the mobile version of Vkontakte.

How to find out in VK who visited my page - installing the application

This method of detecting guests on your page is suitable for absolutely all social network users, regardless of the number of friends. Its essence lies in installing a special application that expands the set of additional functions of your Vkontakte page. To install the application, follow these steps:

  • Go to your profile: enter your password and email address (phone number), to which the account is registered.

  • On the left of the page, look for the "Applications" or "Games" menu item, go into it.

  • A window will open displaying all the games you visited last time. Just below this field, you will see an inactive search field, in which you must enter the name of the program you need. Enter "My guests", press the "Enter" key.

  • The screen will show the desired program, as well as a list of other applications similar to "My guests".

  • We carry out the installation "My guests" by clicking "Run application".

  • The program will start. To be notified of new guests, add “My Guests” to the left menu with a single right click.

  • Next, confirm the installation of the application, give permission to install the option "My guests" in the menu on the left.

  • The My Guests program is installed in your profile. Now you can view using the application who visited your page.

Attention: the program "catches" those users who themselves checked in on your page (this can be a like or a comment). Those users who do not leave comments or likes on your profile, but simply view your account, go unnoticed. All similar programs work exactly according to this principle, the only difference is in the graphic design of applications.

How to find out in VK who visited my page - creating links to extraneous services-catchers

This method is based on the creation of links that are fixed on the profile wall, for example, in the column "Personal site". The person who comes to your page views your personal information, and follows the specified link supposedly to your "personal site" The hook link captures this transition, so you can know that someone was on your page. But this method is not very effective, since not every user will follow the link while viewing the page.

Some advanced users create a trap link with a loud name to attract attention, and specially fix it on their wall. Sometimes this works, and people click on the link, thereby revealing their presence on the page. We can create a trap link in the same My Guests application:

  • We go to our profile, on the left in the menu list we find the previously installed application “My guests”, open it. In the open application window, find “My profile”, click on it.

  • A new menu line will appear, select the option “Trap for guests”, then click “Activate”.

  • We follow the instructions for creating and activating a trap link, insert the created link into our personal data on the page.

There are many proposals on the Internet for determining the guests of your Vkontakte profile, but most of these methods pose a direct threat to your account, since it is impossible to calculate all the guests of your page. Such offers are created due to the popularity of this issue, and any user, by clicking on the offer link, can automatically fall into the trap. These links are created in order to take possession of your personal data on Vkontakte, so that you can then use them for your machinations. Remember - not a single service will give you comprehensive information about visitors to your page, since this is contrary to the policy of the Vkontakte social network (except for the methods that we have already considered).

Dear readers, I welcome everyone! This article will describe how to see who visited my VKontakte page. Currently, social networks are gaining more and more popularity. Someone uses Odnoklassniki, someone Vkontakte. But, nevertheless, you can communicate in all social networks.

If Odnoklassniki has a function for viewing guests, then Vkontakte does not have this function. The portal's management stated that such a function has never existed and will never be. However, there are a couple of ways to get around this limitation and find out who visited your page. I will reveal secrets to you!

Who visited my VKontakte page - 4 ways

The first way - VK guests

This method is the most efficient and reliable. However, you need to know that you can see only those users who visit your page frequently. The list does not display users who occasionally visit your page.

Go to your page and look for the "My Settings" section, located on the left side of the screen, then - "Delete page". Go down to the very bottom, to the point "My page is not commented." Next, a list of users who visit your page the most will be displayed.

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