10 proofs that we live in the matrix. Is there any evidence that we live in the matrix? Parallel worlds as proof of the matrix

Are we just the result of computer simulations? Who or what is our creator? More and more scientists are now seriously considering the possibility that we can live in the matrix, and they say there is enough evidence for this all around us.

One such scientist, Rich Terrell, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, was involved in preparing missions to Mars, discovering the four new moons of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, and photographing the distant solar system.

Terrell has his own opinion about our Creator, who is commonly called God.

“What are the requirements for God? God is interdimensional and controls everything related to everything in the entire universe. A creator who is responsible for the Universe and can change the laws of physics if he wanted to. God must be, ”says Terrell.

This is the same as how programmers create scientific models, Terrell explains. Terrell confirms this belief using Moore's Law and the Turing test.

Terrell wondered what percentage of power is needed to simulate Earth. Humans create a doubling of computing power every 13 months, and Terrell says computers already match the power of the human brain, at least in the speed of computation.

Our fast computers are now capable of one million billion operations per second, Terrell says. In this case, in 10 years, Terrell believes computers will be able to create a real model of everything that we see around us and in general - the Earth.

But can a computer fill such a model with thinking beings, simulating the artificial intelligence of beings such as humans? Terrell thinks humans are on the verge of creating worlds inside computers inhabited by living things.

Terrell says he has found evidence that God is a programmer in nature.

“Look at how the universe behaves, it's all quantum and made of pixels. Space, matter, energy, everything is made up of individual pixels. Which means that the universe has a finite number of components. This means a finite number of states, which means that everything is created by the computer.

In his scientific paper "Modeling Arguments" Professor Nick Bostrom of the University of Oxford suggested that we are most likely already in a simulation.

Research by other scientists such as David Bohm, Karl Pribram and Alain Aspect suggests that our universe is a giant and well-made holographic illusion.

“Our world has all the signs that it is nothing more than a computer model. But who needed to create all this and imitate people's lives ... Maybe these are our descendants from the future? They would then be godlike beings to us, capable of creating their own universes. Perhaps we evolved from non-being in self-awareness and later on self-awareness reached the stage where our future descendants became gods themselves, ”says Rich Terrell.

Do we all live in the matrix?

Sooner or later, every child asked his parents where the starry sky ends and what is behind it? The answer, as a rule, was terrible for the child's mind: "The universe is limitless, it has no end." To realize the existence of something limitless is beyond the power of either a child's imagination or the brain of an adult. So it was until films with enviable regularity began to appear in the world cinema, in the plot of which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe illusory nature of our universe was played up. The world famous trilogy "The Matrix" became an absolute hit among such films. However, films, films, but many researchers thought, what if this is the case in reality? From that moment on the Earth began a boom in the search for parallel worlds and attempts to get in touch with the main system administrator of a program called "humanity".

Simulation of humanity

One of the most probable scenarios for the development of posthuman civilization, researchers call not only the gradual fusion of man and computer systems, but also the gradual withdrawal into the virtual world. Indeed, by that time, supercomputers will be able to create in the smallest detail any most fantastic world, any historical epoch, and a person will actually be able to choose in which world he will spend his free time first, and then, possibly, his whole life. Even today, to the question of what reality is, each person will answer differently depending on his social status, wealth and intelligence. At the same time, philosophers studying human consciousness have long ceased to associate his consciousness with the body, believing that the same consciousness can exist in different "carriers". Indeed, doctors are sure that for the existence of consciousness, only its embodiment in carbon-based biological neural networks, which can be technologically obtained on the basis of silicon processors, is necessary. Similar statements apply to brain cells, in the event that humanity learns to synthesize them electronically, then the resulting cell, which has all the characteristics of a biological one, will be able to replace it, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of artificial people with the consciousness of a living person, but unlike him, having an artificial one. non aging body with replaceable components. In addition, posthumanity will probably want to simulate many historical characters with the full entourage of their era in order to see with their own eyes the possible options for the development of human civilization. However, people may simply not think that the created models will consider themselves to be real living people. And here lies an extremely exciting guess-version. And what if humanity has long ago reached a posthuman state, and our world is just a virtual projection of the real world, which has developed so much that it will soon be ready to create its own virtual worlds?

Find a system administrator

Suppose that we live in a virtual world, then there must be some objective things confirming such a guess. Ironically, the main evidence lies in human mythology. After all, the Gods of any of the religions, if you believe the sacred texts, created people, declaring the laws by which they should live. This state of affairs is extremely similar to the programmer who created the computer world and its inhabitants, having punished them through the prototype of God created by him, how to behave so that the game does not end earlier than the time allotted for it. It is not for nothing that when people stop following higher rules, the programmer erases them, populating the world he has created with new "modified" entities.

Electronic resort

In this regard, the term “fate” is defined quite simply. Indeed, when creating people, the variations of their actions are limited by the imagination of the creator - the programmer, so he invents each of the created virtual characters - programs the plot of his life. Turn from which it is simply impossible, other characters will either return to the "true" path, or destroy. It is also possible that our world is an amusement park for a certain higher civilization, the inhabitants of which are "loaded" into the human body with a certain destiny to have fun, and then return to their world. This is eloquently proved by the fate of great people, for example, military leaders or conquerors. Contemporaries said about each of them that they were supposedly led by some external force. They make the only right decisions and take only the right steps. At the same time, geniuses dictators often complained to those close to them that they heard some kind of voices. But, at some point, the voices suddenly disappear, and the ruler or conqueror flies head over heels down the social ladder, usually to the scaffold. There is nothing to be surprised at, just in a different world, the user paid for the game "become a conqueror", his consciousness was loaded into an ordinary person, creating ideal conditions for him in our virtual world so that he could reach sky-high heights. Then, when the player gets tired of playing the dictator, he returns to his body, in his world. The person who played the role of the case for the player's consciousness rushes to the mercy of fate. Such games can be collective, when a whole group of entities is loaded into our world, or players can play against each other, as is already happening today in human computer games - strategies.

Evidence to the scene

To prove the artificiality of our world, we can cite a strange fact that astronomers all over the world have long noticed. In their opinion, the surrounding space is extremely friendly towards the Earth. It seems that something protects it from cosmic radiation, huge meteorites and other unpleasant surprises of space. Moreover, the guardianship became noticeable precisely from the moment intelligent life appeared on the planet. The same carbon, necessary for the appearance of life, did not arise at the moment of the Big Bang, like all other matter, but only as a result of the most complex unlikely nuclear reactions in the bowels of giant stars, after the explosion, which spread throughout the Universe. This is how the English astronomer Fred Hall called the Universe "machination", hinting at its artificial nature of creation. And the famous astronomer Martin Rea has repeatedly expressed the assumption that, both ourselves and our Universe are nothing more than a virtual model of some more powerful civilization. Of course, no virtual model can be one hundred percent reliable, there must be errors and they are! So John Web of NSW University, studying the light of distant quasars, unexpectedly discovered that about six billion years ago, there was a minute shift in the speed of light. However, this cannot be! Unless an unknown programmer was overloading our world by making changes to it.

German scientists have found the boundary of space?

According to the Daily Mail, German scientists have scientifically proven that we live in a virtual world. To do this, Silas Bean of the University of Bonn created a theoretical model of the universe to test the fundamental principle of its infinity. In his model, the scientist used the theory of quantum chronodynamics, which describes the strong interaction of elementary particles. The scale of the model can be represented as the interaction of particles in the 10 to minus 15 degrees. The virtual model of the cosmos created in this way limited the energy of particles, confirming the thesis of a finite universe that only imitates reality. It also turned out that in 1966 the Greisen - Zatsepin - Kuzmin limit was calculated, which describes the upper limit of the energy of cosmic rays from distant sources. This discovery, however, does not directly speak about the virtuality of our Universe, but determines the boundary of the propagation of cosmic rays. In conclusion, we can only say one thing, if our world is virtual, no matter it was created for the purpose of experiment, play or resting place of entities from more advanced civilizations, it is of interest to creators only as long as humanity does not realize the unreality of its existence. In this regard, the most reasonable for people would be to pretend that they have no idea about anything and to observe all the higher laws sent down to us by the creators.

Photos from open sources

Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who lived almost two and a half millennia ago, put forward the assumption that our world is not real. With the advent of computer technology and the acquisition of virtual reality, mankind is increasingly coming to the understanding that the world in which it lives can be a simulation of reality - a matrix, and who and why created it, we most likely will never know. (website)

Can you create a matrix?

Even today, having, for example, the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer (China), capable of performing almost one hundred quadrillion calculations per second, it is possible to simulate several million years of human history in a matter of days. But on the way are quantum computers that will work millions of times faster than the current ones. What parameters will computers have in fifty, one hundred years?

Photos from open sources

Now imagine that a certain civilization has been developing for many billions of years, and in comparison with it ours, which is only a few thousand, is just a newborn baby. Do you think these highly evolved creatures are able to create a computer or some other machine capable of simulating our world? It seems that the question of whether it is possible to create a matrix has, in principle, been resolved positively.

Who would create the matrix and why?

So, you can create a matrix; even our civilization has come close to this. But another question arises: who allowed this, since from the point of view of morality, this action is not entirely legal and justified. What if something goes wrong in this illusory world? Isn't the creator of such a matrix taking on too much responsibility?

Photos from open sources

On the other hand, we can assume that we live in a matrix created, so to speak, illegally - by someone who is just having fun in this way, and therefore does not even question the morality of his virtual game.

There is also such a possible option: some highly developed society launched this simulation for scientific purposes, for example, as a diagnostic test to find out what and why went wrong with the real world, and subsequently correct the situation.

The matrix reveals itself through its flaws

It can be assumed that in the case of a sufficiently high-quality simulation of reality, no one inside the matrix will even understand that this is an artificial world. But here's the problem: any program, even the most advanced one, can crash.

Here we constantly notice them, although we cannot rationally explain. For example, the effect of deja vu, when it seems to us that we have already lived through some situation, but in principle this cannot be. The same applies to many other mysterious facts and phenomena. For example, where do people disappear without a trace, sometimes right in front of witnesses? Why does a stranger suddenly start meeting us several times a day? Why is one person seen in several places at the same time? .. Search the Internet: there are thousands of similar cases described there. And how many undescribed are stored in the memory of people? ..

Matrix is \u200b\u200bbased on mathematics

The world we live in can be represented as binary code. In general, the Universe is better explained by mathematical rather than verbal language, for example, even our DNA was unraveled with the help of a computer during the implementation of the Human Genome Project.

It turns out that, in principle, a virtual person can be created on the basis of this genome. And if it is possible to build one such conditional personality, then it means the whole world (the only question is the power of the computer).

Photos from open sources

Many researchers of the phenomenon of the matrix assume that someone has already created such a world, and this is exactly the simulation in which you and I live. Using the same mathematics, scientists are trying to determine whether this is really the case. However, so far they are only speculating ...

Anthropic principle as proof of the matrix

Scientists have been stating with surprise for a long time that in some incomprehensible way ideal conditions for life have been created on Earth (anthropic principle). Even our solar system is unique! Moreover, in the visible space of the Universe with the most powerful telescopes, there is nothing else like it.

The question arises: why did these conditions suit us so well? Maybe they were created artificially? For example, in some laboratory on a universal scale? .. Or maybe there is no Universe and this immense starry sky is also a simulation?

Photos from open sources

Further, on the other side of the model, in which we find ourselves, there may not even be people, but beings whose appearance, structure, state is difficult for us even to imagine. And also in this program there may be aliens who are well aware of the conditions of this game or even are its conductors (regulators) - remember the movie "The Matrix". That's why they are practically omnipotent in this simulation ...

The anthropic principle has something in common with the Fermi paradox, according to which in the infinite universe there must be many worlds similar to ours. And the fact that we remain alone in the Universe at the same time suggests a sad thought: we are in the matrix, and its creator is interested in just such a scenario - “loneliness of the mind” ...

Parallel worlds as proof of the matrix

The theory of the multiverse - the existence of parallel universes with an infinite set of all possible parameters - is another indirect proof of the matrix. Judge for yourself: where did all these universes come from and what role do they play in the universe?

Photos from open sources

However, if we assume the simulation of reality, then many similar worlds are quite understandable: these are numerous models with different variables that are necessary for the creator of the matrix, say, to test a particular scenario in order to get the best result.

The Matrix was created by God

According to this theory, our matrix was created by the Almighty, and in almost the same way as we create virtual reality in computer games: using binary code. At the same time, the Creator not only simulated the real world, but also put the concept of the Creator into the consciousness of people. Hence, numerous religions, and belief in higher powers, and worship of God.

Photos from open sources

This idea has its own differences in the interpretation of the Creator. Some believe that the Almighty is just a programmer, albeit of the highest level not accessible to humans, who also has a supercomputer of a universal scale.

Others believe that God creates this Universe in some other way, for example, cosmic or, in our understanding, mystical. In this case, this world can also, albeit with a stretch, be considered a matrix, but then it is not clear what is considered the real world? ..

What is outside of the matrix?

Considering the world as a matrix, we naturally ask ourselves the question: what is outside of it? A supercomputer surrounded by programmers - the creators of numerous matrix programs?

However, these programmers themselves may not be real, that is, the Universe can be infinite both in width (many parallel worlds within one program) and in depth (many layers of the simulation itself). It was this theory that was put forward at one time by the Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believed that the creatures who created our matrix could be modeled themselves, and the creators of these post-people, in turn, too, and so on ad infinitum. We see something similar in the movie "The Thirteenth Floor", although only two levels of simulation are shown there.

Photos from open sources

The main question remains: who created the real world, and in general, does it exist? If not, then who created all these self-nested matrices? Of course, you can talk like that ad infinitum. This is all one thing to try to understand: if this whole world was created by God, then who created God himself? According to psychologists, persistent reflections on such topics are a direct path to a psychiatric hospital ...

The Matrix is \u200b\u200ba much deeper concept

Some researchers have a question: is it really worth creating all these complex matrix programs with a multibillion-dollar number of people, not to mention endless universes? Maybe everything is much simpler, because each person interacts only with a certain set of people and situations. But what if besides the main character, that is you, all other people are fakes? After all, it is no coincidence that with certain mental and emotional efforts, a person can radically change the world around him. It turns out that either each person has his own world, his own matrix, or each of us is the only player in the only matrix? And that only player is you! And even the article about simulation that you are reading now has the program code you need to grow (or play), like everything else that surrounds you.

Photos from open sources

The latter is hard to believe, of course, because in this case, not only in depth and width, but also in the infinity of other dimensions, of which we have no idea yet. Of course, you can convince yourself that a super programmer is behind it all. But how then does he differ from the Supreme? And who is above him? There is no answer, and can it be? ..

Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who lived almost two and a half millennia ago, put forward the assumption that our world is not real. With the advent of computer technology and the acquisition of virtual reality, mankind is increasingly coming to the understanding that the world in which it lives can be a simulation of reality - a matrix, and who and why created it, we most likely will never know.

Can you create a matrix?

Even today, having, for example, the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer (China), capable of performing almost one hundred quadrillion calculations per second, it is possible to simulate several million years of human history in a matter of days. But on the way are quantum computers that will work millions of times faster than the current ones. What parameters will computers have in fifty, one hundred years?

Now imagine that a certain civilization has been developing for many billions of years, and in comparison with it ours, which is only a few thousand, is just a newborn baby. Do you think these highly evolved creatures are able to create a computer or some other machine capable of simulating our world? It seems that the question of whether it is possible to create a matrix has, in principle, been resolved positively (esoreiter.ru).

Who would create the matrix and why?

So, you can create a matrix; even our civilization has come close to this. But another question arises: who allowed this, since from the point of view of morality, this action is not entirely legal and justified. What if something goes wrong in this illusory world? Isn't the creator of such a matrix taking on too much responsibility?

On the other hand, we can assume that we live in a matrix created, so to speak, illegally - by someone who is just having fun in this way, and therefore does not even question the morality of his virtual game.

There is also such a possible option: some highly developed society launched this simulation for scientific purposes, for example, as a diagnostic test to find out what and why went wrong with the real world, and subsequently correct the situation.

The matrix reveals itself through its flaws

It can be assumed that in the case of a sufficiently high-quality simulation of reality, no one inside the matrix will even understand that this is an artificial world. But here's the problem: any program, even the most advanced one, can crash.

Here we constantly notice them, although we cannot rationally explain. For example, the effect of deja vu, when it seems to us that we have already lived through some situation, but in principle this cannot be. The same applies to many other mysterious facts and phenomena. For example, where do people disappear without a trace, sometimes right in front of witnesses? Why does a stranger suddenly start meeting us several times a day? Why is one person seen in several places at the same time? .. Search the Internet: there are thousands of similar cases described there. And how many undescribed are stored in the memory of people? ..

Matrix is \u200b\u200bbased on mathematics

The world we live in can be represented as binary code. In general, the Universe is better explained by mathematical rather than verbal language, for example, even our DNA was unraveled with the help of a computer during the implementation of the Human Genome Project.

It turns out that, in principle, a virtual person can be created on the basis of this genome. And if it is possible to build one such conditional personality, then it means the whole world (the only question is the power of the computer).

Many researchers of the phenomenon of the matrix assume that someone has already created such a world, and this is exactly the simulation in which you and I live. Using the same mathematics, scientists are trying to determine whether this is really the case. However, so far they are only speculating ...

Anthropic principle as proof of the matrix

Scientists have been stating with surprise for a long time that in some incomprehensible way ideal conditions for life have been created on Earth (anthropic principle). Even our solar system is unique! Moreover, in the visible space of the Universe with the most powerful telescopes, there is nothing else like it.

The question arises: why did these conditions suit us so well? Maybe they were created artificially? For example, in some laboratory on a universal scale? .. Or maybe there is no Universe and this immense starry sky is also a simulation?

Further, on the other side of the model, in which we find ourselves, there may not even be people, but beings whose appearance, structure, state is difficult for us even to imagine. And also in this program there may be aliens who are well aware of the conditions of this game or even are its conductors (regulators) - remember the movie "The Matrix". That's why they are practically omnipotent in this simulation ...

The anthropic principle has something in common with the Fermi paradox, according to which in the infinite universe there must be many worlds similar to ours. And the fact that we remain alone in the Universe at the same time suggests a sad thought: we are in the matrix, and its creator is interested in just such a scenario - “loneliness of the mind” ...

Parallel worlds as proof of the matrix

The theory of the multiverse - the existence of parallel universes with an infinite set of all possible parameters - is another indirect proof of the matrix. Judge for yourself: where did all these universes come from and what role do they play in the universe?

However, if we assume the simulation of reality, then many similar worlds are quite understandable: these are numerous models with different variables that are necessary for the creator of the matrix, say, to test a particular scenario in order to get the best result.

The Matrix was created by God

According to this theory, our matrix was created by the Almighty, and in almost the same way as we create virtual reality in computer games: using binary code. At the same time, the Creator not only simulated the real world, but also put the concept of the Creator into the consciousness of people. Hence, numerous religions, and belief in higher powers, and worship of God.

This idea has its own differences in the interpretation of the Creator. Some believe that the Almighty is just a programmer, albeit of the highest level not accessible to humans, who also has a supercomputer of a universal scale.

Others believe that God creates this Universe in some other way, for example, cosmic or, in our understanding, mystical. In this case, this world can also, albeit with a stretch, be considered a matrix, but then it is not clear what is considered the real world? ..

What is outside of the matrix?

Considering the world as a matrix, we naturally ask ourselves the question: what is outside of it? A supercomputer surrounded by programmers - the creators of numerous matrix programs?

However, these programmers themselves may not be real, that is, the Universe can be infinite both in width (many parallel worlds within one program) and in depth (many layers of the simulation itself). It was this theory that was put forward at one time by the Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believed that the creatures who created our matrix could be modeled themselves, and the creators of these post-people, in turn, too, and so on ad infinitum. We see something similar in the movie "The Thirteenth Floor", although only two levels of simulation are shown there.

The main question remains: who created the real world, and in general, does it exist? If not, then who created all these self-nested matrices? Of course, you can talk like that ad infinitum. This is all one thing to try to understand: if this whole world was created by God, then who created God himself? According to psychologists, persistent reflections on such topics are a direct path to a psychiatric hospital ...

The Matrix is \u200b\u200ba much deeper concept

Some researchers have a question: is it really worth creating all these complex matrix programs with a multibillion-dollar number of people, not to mention endless universes? Maybe everything is much simpler, because each person interacts only with a certain set of people and situations. But what if besides the main character, that is you, all other people are fakes? After all, it is no coincidence that with certain mental and emotional efforts, a person can radically change the world around him. It turns out that either each person has his own world, his own matrix, or each of us is the only player in the only matrix? And that only player is you! And even the article about simulation that you are reading now has the program code you need to grow (or play), like everything else that surrounds you.

The latter is hard to believe, of course, because in this case there are infinitely many matrices not only in depth and width, but also in the infinity of other dimensions, of which we have no idea yet. Of course, you can convince yourself that a super programmer is behind it all. But how then does he differ from the Supreme? And who is standing above him? There is no answer, and can it be? ..

A few thousand years ago, Plato suggested that what we see may not be real at all. With the advent of computers, the idea has taken on a new lease of life, especially in recent years with the films Inception, Dark City, and the Matrix trilogy. Well, long before the appearance of these films, the idea that our "design" is virtual found a place in science fiction literature. Can our world really literally be simulated on a computer?

Computers can handle huge amounts of data, and some of the most productive and intensive solutions require modeling. Simulations involve the inclusion of many variables and artificial intelligence to analyze them and study the results. Some simulations are purely game-based. Some involve real life situations, such as the spread of disease. Some games are historical simulations that can be playful (like Sid Meyer's Civilization) or simulate the growth of real life in society over time.

This is what simulations look like today, but computers are getting more powerful and faster. Computing power is intermittent, and computers 50 years from now may well be millions of times more powerful than they are today. Powerful computers will allow powerful simulations, especially historical ones. If computers become powerful enough, they can create a historical simulation in which self-aware beings have no idea that they are part of a program.

Do you think we are far from that? Harvard's Odyssey supercomputer can simulate 14 billion years in just a few months.

9. If someone could, he would do

Well, let's say it is quite possible to create a universe inside a computer. Will it be morally acceptable? Humans are complex creatures with their own feelings and relationships. What if at some point in the creation of a fake world of people something goes wrong? Will not the responsibility for the universe fall on the shoulders of the creator, will he not take an overwhelming burden?

Maybe. But what does it matter? For some people, the very idea of \u200b\u200bmodeling will be tempting. And even if historical simulations were illegal, nothing prevented one creature from taking and creating our reality. It would only take one person to think no more than any Sims player starting a new game.

Other than entertainment, humans can have good reasons for creating simulations like this, too. could face death and force scientists to create a massive diagnostic test for our world. Simulations can help them figure out what went wrong with the real world and how to fix it.

8. Obvious disadvantages

If the model is of sufficient quality, no one inside will understand that this is a simulation at all. If you grew your brain in a jar and made it respond to stimuli, it would not know what is in the jar. He would consider himself a living, breathing and active person.

But even simulations can have jambs, right? Didn't you yourself notice some of the flaws, "glitches in the matrix"?

Perhaps we see such disruptions in everyday life. The Matrix offers an example of déjà vu - when something seems inexplicably familiar. Simulations can malfunction like a scratched disc. Supernatural elements, ghosts, and wonders can be glitches too. According to modeling theory, people do observe these phenomena, but this is a consequence of errors in the code.

There is a ton of such evidence on the Internet, and although 99 percent of it is nonsense, some recommend keeping your eyes and mind open, and perhaps something will be revealed. After all, this is just a theory.

7. Mathematics is at the heart of our lives

Everything in the universe can be counted in some way. Even life is quantified. The Human Genome Project, which calculated the sequence of the chemical base pairs that make up human DNA, was solved with the help of computers. All the mysteries of the universe are solved by mathematics. Our universe is better explained in the language of mathematics than in words.

If everything is math, everything can be broken down into binary. So, if computers and data reach certain heights, a functional person can be recreated from the genome inside the computer? And if you build one such person, why not create a whole world?

Scientists suggest that someone may have already done this and created our world. To determine if we are truly living in a simulation, researchers conduct, study the mathematics that makes up our universe.

6. Anthropic principle

Human existence is supremely amazing. To start life on Earth, we need everything to be in order. We are at a great distance from the Sun, the atmosphere is right for us, the gravity is strong enough. And while in theory there may be many other planets with such conditions, life seems even more amazing when you look beyond the planet. If some of the cosmic factors, like dark energy, were a little stronger, life might not exist here or anywhere else in the universe.

The anthropic principle asks the question: “Why? Why are these conditions so great for us? "

One explanation: the conditions were deliberately set to give us life. Each suitable factor has been set in a fixed state in some laboratory of universal proportions. The factors connected to the universe and the simulation began. Therefore, we exist, and our individual planet is developing as it is now.

The obvious consequence is that there may not be people on the other side of the model. Other creatures who hide their presence and play their space sims. Perhaps alien life is quite aware of how the program works, and it is not difficult for them to become invisible to us.

The theory of parallel worlds, or multiverse, assumes an infinite number of universes with an infinite set of parameters. Imagine the floors of an apartment building. The universes make up the multiverse in the same way as the floors are a building, they have a common structure, but they differ from each other. Jorge Luis Borges compared the multiverse to a library. The library contains an endless number of books, some may differ by letter, and some contain incredible stories.

Such a theory makes a kind of confusion in our understanding of life. But if there really are many universes, where did they come from? Why are there so many? How?

If we are in a simulation, multiple universes are multiple simulations running at the same time. Each simulation has its own set of variables, and this is no coincidence. The modeler includes various variables to test different scenarios and observes different results.

Our planet is one of many capable of supporting life, and our Sun is quite young relative to the entire universe. Obviously, life should be everywhere, both on planets where life began to develop simultaneously with ours, and on those that originated earlier.

Moreover, people dared to go into space, so other civilizations should have made such an attempt? There are billions of galaxies that are billions of years older than ours, so at least one should have become a "traveling frog." Since there are all conditions for life on Earth, it means that our planet could become a target for colonization at a certain moment.

However, we did not find any traces, hints or smells of other intelligent life in the universe. The Fermi paradox sounds simple: "Where is everyone?"

Simulation theory can provide several answers. If life is supposed to be everywhere, but only exists on Earth, we are in simulation. The person in charge of modeling just decided to observe how people act alone.

The multiverse theory says that life on other planets exists - in most model universes. We, for example, live in a calm simulation, such loners in the universe. Returning to the anthropic principle, we can say that the universe was created only for us.

Another theory, the planetarium hypothesis, offers another possible answer. The modeling assumes a mass of inhabited planets, each of which thinks that it is the only one in the universe so inhabited. It turns out that the purpose of such a simulation is to nurture the ego of a particular civilization and see what happens.

3. God is a programmer

People have long been discussing the idea of \u200b\u200ba creator-god who created our world. Some imagine a particular god as a bearded man sitting in the clouds, but in modeling theory, the god or someone else could be an ordinary programmer pressing buttons on a keyboard.

As we have found out, a programmer can create a world based on simple binary code. The only question is why he programs people to serve his creator, as most religions talk about.

This can be intentional or unintentional. Perhaps the programmer wants us to know that he or she exists and has written the code to give us the innate feeling that everything was created. Perhaps he did not do this and did not want to, but intuitively we assume the existence of a creator.

The idea of \u200b\u200bGod as a programmer evolves in two ways. First: the code started to live, let everything develop and the simulation brought us to where we are today. Second, literal creationism is to blame. According to the Bible, God created the world and life in seven days, but in our case he used a computer, not cosmic forces.

2. Beyond the Universe

What is outside the universe? According to simulation theory, the answer would be a supercomputer surrounded by evolved beings. But even more insane things are possible.

Those who run the models may be as fake as we are. There can be many layers in the simulation. As Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom suggests, “the post-humans who developed our simulations can be modeled themselves, and their creators, in turn, can also be modeled. There can be many levels of reality, and their number can increase over time. "

Imagine sitting down to play The Sims and playing until your Sims created their own game. Their Sims have repeated this process, and you are actually part of an even larger simulation.

The question remains: who created the real world? This idea is so far removed from our life that it seems impossible to speculate on this topic. But if modeling theory can at least explain the limited size of our universe and understand what lies outside of it ... that's a good start in figuring out the nature of existence.

1. Fake people make simulation easier

Even as computers become more powerful, the universe may be too complex to fit in one of them. Each of the seven billion people today is sophisticated enough to compete with every imaginable computer imagination. And we represent an infinitely small part of a vast universe that contains billions of galaxies. It will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to take many variables into account.

But the simulated world doesn't need to be as complex as it seems. To be convincing, a model will need a few detailed metrics and a lot of barely delineated secondary players. Imagine one of the GTA games. It houses hundreds of people, but you only interact with a few. Life can be like this. There are you, your loved ones and relatives, but all those whom you meet on the street may not be real. They may have multiple thoughts and lack of emotion. They are like that “woman in a red dress”, metonymy, image, sketch.

Let's consider the video game analogy. Such games contain huge worlds, but only your current location at the present moment in time matters, the action unfolds in it. Reality may follow the same scenario. Areas outside of the gaze can be stored in memory and only appear when needed. Enormous savings in computing power. What about remote areas that you will never visit, such as in other galaxies? They may not run at all in the simulation. They need compelling imagery in case they want to look at them.

Okay, people on the streets or distant stars are one thing. But you have no proof that you exist, at least in the form in which you imagine yourself. We believe that the past happened because we have memories and because we have photographs and books. But what if this is all freshly written code? What if your life refreshes every time you blink?

The most interesting thing is that it is impossible to prove or disprove.

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