Windows 8 online installation

In this article, the site team will tell you how to install Windows 8 (reinstall) in a simple and accessible language, as our parents explained to us in childhood. This article is suitable for those who have seen Windows at least once, "poked" there with a mouse and for some reason decided to reinstall it (the operating system - so "It" is called in technical language).

To begin with, let's determine the version of Windows, on the example of which the description of the installation will take place, this will be the last officially released operating system Windows 8 / 8.1, if you are interested in installation Windows 7 or Windows 10, then you should read the articles "how to install Windows 7" and "". There is no fundamental difference between installing Windows 8 and 8.1. You can buy this operating system in the official Microsoft store at the link, or in almost any computer store.

For those for whom the purchase price seems "toothy", original and "not very" versions of the same operating system have long been walking on the Internet. (I'll make a reservation right away: Download only from trusted sites and Only original images, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.) So, now let's talk about how to install windows 8.

Creating an installation flash drive

We have the original image of the Windows 8 / 8.1 operating system (for those who purchased the disc, you can continue reading with the words "Let's start installing Windows"). Before installing windows 8, we need to create an image from which the system will actually be installed. Before us are two ways to burn this image to a DVD disc, or write the image to a USB flash drive and install from it. I will not explain the recording to DVD here, but I will focus on recording the image to a USB flash drive.

To begin with, we need a flash drive with a size of at least 4 GB and a working operating system, let's take it as a fact that we have all this in stock.
There are many programs for writing a Windows image to a USB flash drive, we will not reinvent the wheel and use the Windows USB / DVD Download Tool released by Microsoft itself, which can be downloaded here -dvd-download-tool. We are not afraid that Windows 7 is written, it is also suitable for our version.

After installing the program, proceed to the following steps:

We are looking for our Windows image where we downloaded it.

We choose what we will record the image on.

We agree to format the flash drive

If errors occur, we check all the steps. Errors are possible if: The image is too large (for example, with add-ons included in the image) does not fit on the flash drive; Flash drive less than 4 GB or write protected; You did not download the original image.
The flash drive is ready, which means you can start installing windows 8.

How to install windows 8 - step by step instructions

First, we need to make sure that the computer boots from a USB flash drive or DVD. To do this, we need to go to the initial computer settings - ^ BIOS ^ (basic input / output system), you can enter this menu when you boot the computer using the DEL (Delete) key for stationary computers and F2 (possible other options depending on the specific manufacturer of the computer or laptop). In other words: insert the USB flash drive | DVD with the system, reboot, and at the moment the logo of the motherboard / laptop manufacturer appears on the screen, press the cherished keys (you can several times (to be sure, you can start pressing until the logo appears)).

For laptop owners with pre-installed Windows 8, this point can be problematic; How to proceed in this case, we read in this article.

So we got into this strange menu, where everything is in English and the mouse does not work. There are a lot of BIOS options, here we will consider the example of the most common option for a desktop PC and laptop ...

This is where the initial setup of the computer takes place. Who has a different type of Bios, you can read the article about Bios above, or try to do everything by analogy with this article.

All movements in this menu are performed by arrows and function keys Enter and Esc (Escape).
In the first case, we need the second line from the top….

The second tab is Boot.

We need to find the lines responsible for which device the computer will try to boot from in the first place. They can be called in different ways and sometimes a person who is not familiar with the English language, it can be difficult to understand even by analogy. We are interested in lines starting with: ^ 1st, ^ ^ First Boot Device ^, ^ Boot Device Priority, ^, etc. There are also such types of settings as ...

Where in Boot Device Priority (in the case of a flash drive) you need to select Hard disc, and in Hard Disc Drives you should already select your flash drive.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in setting priorities, nevertheless, beginners may have some difficulties, so we wrote a separate article on this topic, which can be found here, and also recorded a detailed video instruction, which you will find at the end of the video. If you don't want to waste time watching the video and studying the article, then just try to follow these steps:

We go into BIOS (by pressing the F2, F8, or Delete key when turning on the PC), in the Boot tab, put your floppy drive or USB flash drive in the first place (depending on where you saved the Windows 8 image).

During the display of this inscription, you need to press any key on the keyboard to start installing the system. You must have time to click, otherwise the old system will start loading.

Installing Windows 8

More than half of the way has passed and now you can watch how to install Windows 8.

After pressing any key while the message "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD ..." appears, the disc or flash drive should start loading. This process is depicted in the following picture.

If the download does not start and you see only the Windows 8 icon in front of you, then you will need to press the Enter button in order to confirm the boot from disk media or flash drive. In most cases, the download starts automatically.

After loading the installation menu, such a window will appear. Here you are prompted to select a language, time and currency format, and Input Method (keyboard layout). We select everything as you need and click on the "Next" button.

The installer will then ask you to confirm the start of the installation process. Click on the "Install" button.

Windows will now prompt you for a key. If the iso image of the Windows 8 operating system was purchased by you in a store or on the official website of Microsoft, then simply enter the key you have. If you downloaded a pirated copy of Windows 8 from the Internet and you do not have any key at your disposal, there is nothing to worry about. Just use any search engine by entering the phrase "Windows 8 activation key" in the search bar. You will be offered a huge number of options, you just have to choose any you like. Enter this key and click "Next".

A license agreement will appear on the screen, with which you need to agree by checking the box: "I accept the terms of the agreement."

The next step is to choose the type of installation. Here, you will be presented with two options: update or install. Before you install Windows or update it, you need to figure out what each option is. The update speaks for itself and involves reinstalling an already installed Windows 8 and updating later versions of Windows. We will not pay special attention to the update method and strongly recommend that you give preference to a clean installation of Windows 8.

A clean install of Windows 8 involves writing the operating system to a formatted (blank) drive C. So, select "Custom: Windows Install Only".

In the next window, you will be prompted to assign a hard disk partition for installing Windows 8. Here you can also redistribute the hard disk space if you have such a need and desire. To do this, you need to click on the inscription "Disk settings" and make the necessary settings. This item can cause some difficulties for beginners, so we decided to pay special attention to it.

In the process of allocating disk space, the installer will automatically reserve 350 MB for the boot area and this fact must be taken into account in order to eliminate the likelihood of problems with the installation of the operating system.

As a rule, most computers have two hard drive partitions - C and D. If you plan to save certain files on your computer, then you should have moved them to the D drive, which we will not touch. Drive C must be completely removed, since it is on it that we will begin to install Windows 8. If you need to delete a partition - click on "Delete", if you need to create an additional partition, let's say you want to divide the computer memory into 4 disks - click on the desired area of \u200b\u200bfree space and click the "Create" button.

If you have a new hard drive, then its space will need to be fully allocated. In what proportions you do this depends only on yourself, the main thing is that the partition on which Windows 8 will be installed (usually the C drive) has approximately 50 GB. Set aside the remaining space for drive D or other drives if you plan to create them. To create a partition, click on "Unallocated space on disk X" (enter the size in megabytes) and click the "Apply" button. So, we figured out the allocation of disk space, now let's continue talking about how to install Windows 8.

Select the partition for installation by clicking on it with the mouse and then click "Next", after which the Windows 8 installation process begins. Now you can relax a bit, as files will be copied for 15 to 30 minutes.

During the installation process, the computer will be restarted several times without having to press anything during the restart.

After the restart, the installation process will continue.

Then, when the Windows 8 system files are installed on the computer, the installer will proceed to configure the basic parameters, after which the personalization settings window will automatically appear. Here the installer will prompt you to choose your favorite color. After that, you will be prompted to enter the name of the PC.

As soon as you decide on the choice of colors and the name of the computer, you can proceed to setting the parameters by clicking on the "Next" button. The next window will open on the screen called "Standard parameters". Click on the "Use standard parameters" button. All necessary settings can be made later after installing the operating system.

In the next window, you will be asked to enter your email address to log into Windows. You don't have to waste time on this by clicking Sign in without a Microsoft account. If you think you should log in, you can register. It all depends on your personal preference. Again, this can be done after installing Windows 8.

In the next window, you will again be prompted to sign in with your Microsoft account. But since we decided not to do this, click on "Local Account".

Congratulations, now you know how to install Windows 8. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about it. Of course, this is not all, and for the computer to work correctly, you have to make some settings after installation, as well as install certain drivers. You can learn more about this in this article or in the video below ..

Video instruction how to install Windows 8

The long-awaited version of Windows 8 has acquired a huge number of innovations and improvements, which, according to Microsoft developers, should increase the rating of the line of popular operating systems. As is often the case, some of the innovations were received extremely positively, while others were accompanied by extremely negative reviews.

So, for example, most users were outraged by the lack of the familiar "Start". And not in vain, because for many this button was an important functional element when working at a computer. AT current updated version 8.1 the button was returned, but the functionality that it was given earlier was not fully returned to it.

The main innovation of the new operating system concerns, of course, the updated interface, created in the style Metro-style (tiled).

You can download Windows 8 for free for 32-bit (x32) and 64-bit (x64) systems from our website (official versions).

As a rule, this kind of interface is ideal for touch devices (tablets, smartphones). Which should have been proved by the reaction of the public - on stationary computers and ordinary laptops, this style turned out to be practically useless and not very convenient.

And only a small segment of traditional PC users met this decision positively.

This version of the OS was produced both as a solution for stationary computers and for notebook-hybrids, which are controlled using a touch panel.

Some users, without trying to grasp the idea of \u200b\u200ba new interface, began to install special programs and utilities that allow returning the traditional "Start" button with its basic capabilities (search and launch of programs, access to system and user parameters).

A feature of such applications can be called their ability to turn off the "tiled desktop" and leave only the familiar desktop with the launch in the lower left of the screen.
The same users who decided not to engage in amateur activities, but how to test and figure out the updated desktop design, made sure that such a style of Windows 8 is indeed justified, because with the help of the new tiled menu, you can launch familiar programs and applications much faster. than with the usual "Start" button.

But the fact remains - the new interface requires a certain amount of patience (often a lot) - you will definitely have to get used to it, which in turn requires a lot of time.

The operating system in question will undoubtedly appeal to all those who have touchpads or monoblocks, well, and the topics and programs for Windows 8 run perfectly and work like it did on previous versions. In addition, all programs that work perfectly on XP, Vista and Windows 7 will work on version 8 of the OS. For example, there is no need to make unnecessary movements to download skype, google chrome, opera, winrar for windows 8 or the same Yandex browser, office 2010. All this software works on the 8 by default!

If you want some specific changes in the design and functional part of your computer, then the eight may well satisfy your needs, while remaining the same popular OS with excellent technical support (subject to the license agreement). In order to install the operating system, we recommend download Windows 8 for free in Russian using the direct links at the bottom of the current article (not torrent).

How to reinstall Windows 8

There is nothing difficult here. This release can be written from an iso-image to a CD / DVD disc or a USB flash drive, then specify the necessary bootable media in the BIOS and start in the operating system installation / recovery mode. If you decide to reinstall the system, but are not completely sure of the need for this procedure, then we recommend that you first go into safe mode windows 8 in which you can clean and restore the OS using special utilities and only then reinstall the OS (if it does not help). After all, keep in mind that a new installation is often (including by negligence) accompanied by the destruction of all data on the disk with the system (this includes downloads from the Internet, personal documents, the history of visited web pages with bookmarks and passwords, as well as many other personal data that will pipe-repair after formatting or deleting).

The advantages of the eight:

  • If you have a device with a touch screen (special candy bar or hybrid laptop, tablet), then this system is an excellent solution for work and study;
  • Downloading and installing Windows 8 is even easier than any other previous version of the popular OS line;
  • The updated menu interface, in fact, is much more convenient and functional than the usual "Start" menu, but only if you love innovations and are ready to spend time learning new things;
  • Programs for Windows 8 function perfectly on the new platform, while software for older versions of systems also runs and works perfectly on the eight;
  • In the new version, users have access to the function of picture passwords, which are difficult to crack, but easy to remember;


  • It will take a lot of time to master the new interface, especially if you have a hard time accepting innovations to perform everyday and similar tasks.
  • Paid license. To use it after a full trial mode of 30 days, Windows will have to be activated (purchase a license key) or use an activator (if you use an activator, you violate the user license agreement).
  • The ability to download from the official website Windows OS for 64-bit and 32-bit architecture.

Hello dear readers of my blog.

In this article, I will tell you how to install Windows 8 on a laptop. The first thing I wanted to say is that in no case should you rush. Especially if the device was originally sold with a previous version of Microsoft's operating system. Even if you are already used to doing this and know all the nuances. All the same - do not get down to business right away. Basically, the information will be useful to people who want to update the OS version from the seventh to the eighth.

If you decide to change the operating system on your equipment, the first thing to do is to go to the official website of the equipment manufacturer. It is here that information is often told about how this or that system behaves on different devices.

The fact is that many developers create special utilities for their laptops or simply know certain moves to simplify the OS installation process. To be more precise, users will not have problems with compatibility or the same drivers. I will tell you about the most popular manufacturers. But more on that later.

Installing Windows 8 on a laptop( )

Regardless of the manufacturer and hardware model, installing Windows 8 on it is in most cases the same, although there are still some nuances. We need to find a plastic disk with the system distribution. And it's better if it's a flash drive. The latter usually has no problems. True, you first need to prepare it.

For the process, we need to take care of some important points:

    The main distribution kit in the * .iso image format.

    Installed Windows 7 USB / DVD program. Don't worry, it also works with newer versions of operating systems. It is with the help of it that the recording on the portable device will be carried out. I also recommend downloading and watching my free mini-course in it, I told more and more in detail

    A 4-8 GB flash drive or an optical disk (we have already found out that the former is better).

Now, to create a boot device, we need to make a few movements:

The process takes some time. A success message will then appear.

Then it is advisable to prepare possible drivers in advance. I talk about this in more detail in the following paragraphs.

In the meantime, let's consider the general manipulations for all manufacturers of devices:

Despite the fact that the procedure is by and large simple, each individual device reacts differently to a novelty.

Windows 8 on Asus laptops( )

On the official website of the manufacturer, you can find everything you need. Just go link... This is where data is located regarding an update or a clean install. As always, some points need to be clarified:

    The product list allows you to see all laptops that can interact with Win 8.

    Information on bit depth is provided - x32 or x64.

    When you find your own hardware, on click you will be redirected to a page with all possible drivers.

    When installing Windows 8 from a USB flash drive on an Asus laptop, it is important to remember that the system will not see the caching HDD. For correct operation, it must be placed on the boot device. It can be found on the same site or simply on the Internet. During the process, you will need to specify the path to it.

In general, you first need to find out if your laptop supports the desired OS. Then download all drivers. Then you can proceed directly to the process itself.

Windows 8 on Lenovo( )

The official website of the manufacturer has all the necessary information regarding the installation of Windows on a Lenovo laptop, including supported device models, requirements and much more. Everything you need you can find link.

It is worth noting that there is also data that is needed in case of updating to a new version. This will keep separate applications and information.

Important! The manufacturer itself says that when using the IdeaPad model, you need to opt for a clean install, not an upgrade. Otherwise, a lot of problems may appear that will lead to the same.

Installing Windows 8 is no different from installing other Microsoft operating systems. You will need an image with an operating system, a program for creating bootable media, and the drive itself (disk or flash drive). You can download Windows 8 in a finished image in two ways:

  • through the official utility from Microsoft;
  • via third party sites / torrents.

Let's consider both options for installing the OS on a computer.

Before starting the installation, read all the steps that you have to follow:

  • preparing bootable media;
  • adjust BIOS or UEFI settings;
  • preparation of a hard disk and selection of OS characteristics;
  • account setup.

System requirements

To install the G8 on a PC or laptop, you need the following configuration (or more powerful):

  • processor with a frequency of 1 GHz;
  • at least 1GB of RAM for the 32-bit version and 2GB for the 64-bit version;
  • 16 and 20GB hard drives for 32 and 64 bits, respectively.

Subject to the requirements, you will be able to use a computer on Win8 without lags and brakes.

Media Creation Tool

Let's start with the official Microsoft application that allows you to download the original image of the operating system for free and write it to a USB flash drive or disk in a few steps. In this case, the bootable media is created automatically, so you do not have to use third-party software. To create a USB stick, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and follow the link to download the utility for downloading Windows from the official website

  1. The program does not require installation - just run the downloaded file.

  1. The interface of the Media Creation Tool is in Russian, so users without knowledge of English don't have to worry. On the first screen, select your language, OS edition, and architecture. Then click "Next".

  1. Choose the installation method - from a USB flash drive or disk. Check the appropriate box and proceed to the next step.

  1. Select a prepared drive from the list of connected devices. Remember that when you write OS files, all data from it will be destroyed.

  1. A warning about deleting files on the USB flash drive will appear. Click OK.

  1. Then the procedure for loading the operating system files will begin. The download time depends on your internet speed. When the process is complete, close the window with the "Finish" button.

In this way, you can get a full version of Windows 8 and reinstall it on a laptop or PC. Consider the second option for creating a bootable drive.

Downloading the image manually

You can also find the OS image on a third-party site or torrent tracker. For example, use the uTorrent download link.

After downloading the image to your PC, you need to find a program for recording. Let's consider simple and well-known utilities: Windows USB / DVD Download Tool and Rufus.

Windows USB / DVD Download Tool

Download the utility from the link and install it. Then you need to:

  1. On the first screen, click "Browse" to go to the ISO image selection.

  1. Find the installer on your hard drive and click the "Open" button.

  1. Click “Next” to continue.

  1. Select USB device or DVD, depending on whether you are burning the image to a USB flash drive or disc.

  1. Select the drive (1) and click on "Begin Copying".

  1. Now you need to wait for the end of the recording.


Download the program to your computer from the Internet using the link. No installation required. Then:

  1. Select the device for recording (1), set the MBR parameter for computers with BIOS or UEFI (2), NTFS file system (3) and enter the name (4).

  1. To select an image, click on the marked button.

  1. Find a Windows image on your hard drive

  1. To start recording, click on the "Start" button.

Done! Now you can create bootable media for any Windows up to 10. Before installing, it remains to configure the BIOS.

BIOS / UEFI Settings

You can configure the BIOS before starting the operating system. It is necessary to set the boot from the prepared flash drive as a priority.

The BIOS interface is launched by pressing the F12 / F2 / Del / F9 key, etc. - each motherboard manufacturer has its own button. It is indicated on the initial boot screen:

By clicking on it, you will be taken to the menu. It requires:

  1. Go to the "Boot" section (1) and select the "Boot Device Priority" line (2).

  1. In the line "1 st Boot Device" select the port to which the boot device is connected (Removable Dev.), And save the changes with the F10 key.

The computer / laptop will now reboot and you will see the Windows 8 setup menu.

Modern PCs use UEFI, an improved version of the BIOS with a user-friendly graphical interface that supports mouse control and accelerates computer boot up. The settings are launched in the same way as in the case of a regular BIOS. In the menu, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the F8 key to go to the "Boot Menu".

  1. Click with the mouse on the USB device on which the Windows distribution is recorded.

All that remains is to restart your PC and proceed with the step-by-step installation.

OS installation

After selecting the priority and restarting the computer, you will see the installer window. Now you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Select the installation language.

  1. Click on "Next".

  1. To start the process, click the "Install" button.

  1. Select the version you want (if you downloaded the full OS distribution).

  1. Check the box and click Next.

  1. Click on the second item.

  1. Now create a system hard disk partition by clicking on the "Create" button.

  1. Specify the size and create a disk with the "Apply" button. Remember, Windows 8 requires at least 16GB of free space to install.

  1. Copying and installing files will now begin. Wait until the end of the procedure.

At the end of the procedure, the computer will restart. It will take longer than usual to start a PC with the new operating system for the first time. Then you will have to carry out the initial settings - create an account, enter a license key, set a password if necessary, set up the Internet, etc.


Now you know how to install Windows 8 for free on a laptop or PC. The whole process, except for downloading the distribution kit, takes no more than 40 minutes. After that, you will be able to fully use your computer.

Video instruction

Watch a video with a step-by-step description of all the steps in this article if you still have questions about the installation.

The windows 8 operating system has undoubtedly brought a new way of working at the computer. With the advent of this system, there was support for tablet platforms for more convenient work with touch computers. In principle, you can tell a lot about it, but let's go directly to the question of how to use our computer.

To install Windows 8 we need:

  1. First of all, we need an installation disc or flash drive. Where to find and how to create will be discussed below.
  2. It will be necessary to configure autoloading from a disk or flash drive, since a full installation of windows 8, or any other version, is carried out when the computer is turned on.
  3. Well, u install Windows 8 on our PC.

If this system does not suit you for certain reasons, then you can always install another, how to do this, read the articles How to install Windows 7, How to install Windows 10. And of course, let's not forget about low-power computers, good old windows XP is suitable for them.

Step # 1. Create a windows 8 installation disc

After downloading the image, let's start burning it to disk, and the UltraISO program will help us with this, you can download it from the official website If you work with a flash drive, then I advise you to read the article Creating a bootable Windows 7 flash drive using the UltraISO utility, do not worry, the process of recording windows 8 is carried out in the same way, I just have not yet had time to write an article on creating a bootable windows 8 flash drive.

After the actions taken, we launch the program, preferably run as administrator, because the program can work with limited functionality.

In the program window that opens, click on the icon burn a CD image.

A window will open where we click on the browse button to select a windows 8 image.

Find the downloaded image in the explorer and double-click on it.

In step " image file" the path to the windows 8 image should appear. In the tab " drive unit", if you have several of them, select the one where the disc is inserted for recording. Now press the button write down.

Windows 8 recording process has started. We are waiting for the end.

After the end of the recording, the check can start (if the check mark is not removed from the check box). That is, the program checks if everything was written correctly to the disk.

At the end of the check, at best, information about its successful completion will appear!

Now you can close the program and proceed to installing windows 8, but first, let's figure out how to autoload the disk when you turn on the computer.

Step # 2. Configuring autoload from disk when turning on (restarting) the computer

After the first step we took, we got a ready-made disk with Windows 8. Next, we need to make sure that the disk we created is automatically loaded when the computer is turned on. To do this, restart the computer and press the key delete to enter BIOS (If you do not enter using the key delete try F1, F2 or F10). When you turn on the computer, the start screen usually shows which key leads to the BIOS.

As a result, we get into the BIOS of our computer. Next, select the tab.

In this menu, find item Boot Sequence(can be called and First Boot Device, in this case, we immediately choose CDROM) and press enter

We choose which device will be loaded first when the computer starts. In the tab 1st Boot Device press enter and select CDROM

Push the button esc, to go to the main BIOS screen, hover over the tab Save & Exit Setup and press enter, then on the keyboard press the "y" key to confirm our actions and enter. The whole computer restarts.

After a while, the message Press any key to boot from CD or DVD ... appears which says press any button to boot from disk.

If a black screen with a blue Windows logo appears, then at this stage we did everything right. Now let's go directly to installing windows 8 on your computer.

Step # 3. Installing Windows 8

After the window with the Windows logo popped up, we wait a couple of minutes until the items with the choice of language appear. Choose the one you need from the list, and then move on .

Click install.

We select the version of the windows 8 operating system that we want to install, click further.

Accepts the license terms by checking the box and moving on.

Choosing the type of installation " selective"for a full-fledged installation of windows 8, with the removal of all information remaining from the previous system. (This option removes all files from the local drive (C :), my documents and desktop.)

In this window you need to select the partition on which the windows 8 operating system will be installed, then you need to delete the selected partition, for a clean install of windows 8by clicking the delete button.

Attention: This action will delete all data from this section.

After the section is deleted, it is renamed to " unallocated disk space", select it and press the button next.

The installation has started, we are waiting for about 25-30 minutes until it is completed.

After finishing the installation of windows 8, the computer will automatically restart.

If there is no product key for the windows 8 operating system, on the input page, click skip... If it is available, then calmly enter and press the button further.

On the personalization page, select the window color and enter the computer name in Latin characters.

We agree to use the standard parameters.

And we are waiting for the completion of setting the parameters.

Well that's all, long-awaited installing Windows 8 completed in full.

After installing windows 8, most likely you will need to install drivers for the computer to work properly, so I advise you to read the article Install any driver using DriverPack Solution, or go to the driver section in which you will find the necessary information on installing official drivers. I think you got the answer to the question, well, if something suddenly went wrong for you, then ask your questions in the comments and of course leave your opinion about this article.

ABOUTgive your opinion about this article, and of course, ask your questions if something suddenly went wrong with you.

Thank you for attention!

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