A new bookmark is not added to Yandex. Where are Yandex Browser bookmarks stored? The difference between visual bookmarks in Yandex Browser and other browsers

The expansion of the capabilities and needs of a modern person has led to the need to use numerous thematic sites. Favorites in Yandex browser helps to save links to any sites in a special section or on a panel for quick access, so resources and links will definitely not be lost. It's much easier than keeping tabs open all the time, saving links to notepad, or using any other method to speed up resource access.

The main reason for creating a bookmarked section is to make surfing easier and faster. Having favorites in the Yandex browser, we can go to any site from the generated list in just one click. Without the bookmark bar, you would always have to enter the URL of the resource.

Why is it convenient:

  • We can save a link to any page of the resource, not just to the main page;
  • Access to all links in one click;
  • Easy adjustment of the arrangement of elements;
  • The ability to quickly transfer bookmarks between browsers;
  • There is a function for creating groups of bookmarks. We can distribute them according to any criteria (work, entertainment, on certain topics, etc.)

The only drawback of bookmarks is that you have to spend time on setting up and preparing them, but already selected links will help you to constantly stay in touch.

Where are favorites in Yandex browser?

As a standard, the bookmarks section is located on a separate page, but if you wish, we can make a detachable panel placed under the address bar in the browser. The second option is convenient for active browser users.

There are five ways to go to the desired tab:

To make it easier to find favorites in the Yandex browser and not go to this section every time, it is better to make the bookmarks bar visible. Let's look at 3 main ways to activate a panel with selected tabs:

How to add a site to favorites in Yandex browser

The developers of Yandex Browser have specially made many ways to add items to bookmarks so that we can use the function extremely simply.

Four ways to add a site to your favorites:

  1. With an asterisk in the address bar. The easiest way to add is by clicking on the star icon on the right side of the search bar. We indicate the name and the group in which we add the site, then click on the "Finish" button. (Starting with browser version, the asterisk element is missing). Instead, a "checkbox" element appeared.
  2. From the checkbox icon in the smart line. Click on the checkbox icon on the right, then specify the location of the bookmark using the buttons "Bookmarks Panel" or "Other Bookmarks" and click on the "Finish" button. We can also create our own folder via the "Other folder" button.
  3. Through the browser menu. Click on the menu button (3 parallel lines), open the "Bookmarks" drop-down list and click on "Create bookmark".
  4. Hot buttons. An easy way to create favorites in Yandex browser is to press the key combination Ctrl + D.
  5. Through the "Bookmark Manager". Follow the link browser: // bookmarks / # 1, we click on the "Actions" button or on three vertical points (in the new version of the browser) and select "Add page" or "Add bookmark".

How do I transfer bookmarks?

Favorites are stored in Yandex browser permanently, and they are not deleted along with clearing history or cache. If you're signed in to your own account, bookmarks are synced across devices. When you reinstall the browser, the selected sites disappear, but as soon as we log into the profile, they will automatically appear in the browser.

Yandex browser supports the function of exporting and importing bookmarks. Using the export function, we can save our favorites to a special file that can be easily imported into another browser. So it is possible to simply transfer bookmarks between browsers, devices and it becomes possible to make backup copies of selected bookmarks.

Import and export are done the same way:

How to organize favorites in Yandex browser?

At one point, if you want to view the site, you realize that it is no longer possible to go to it due to the incorrect arrangement of elements. You have to search for a site for a long time on the page or click on the arrow on the panel where the selected sites are shown that do not fit in the line.

We can manage bookmarks using one of the convenient options:

Favorites in Yandex browser are a convenient and practical tool for surfing, here we can create, find and organize all sites in a few clicks. Initially, it will take only 10-15 minutes of time to make and set up bookmarks, then access to sites will become much faster and easier.

The Internet is diverse. Hundreds of thousands of websites with a wide variety of content are visited by users every day. Regardless of the goals - cognitive, entertainment, or purely business - sooner or later, any user forms a kind of set of the most frequently used Internet resources.

Social networks, video hosting, game portals, news channels, payment aggregators, as well as work-related web pages are far from a complete list of areas of interest for Internet users. And, of course, all web addresses must be stored somewhere, and in an easy-to-read form.

The DNS service, or Domain Name Server, is responsible for displaying addresses in the form in which we are used to seeing them now - the domain name system, which converts "raw" numeric addresses into easily understandable characters.

But to save the addresses necessary for users into a single list, the capabilities of Internet browsers are already used, namely, the "Bookmarks" service, which allows you to save and group the necessary links for subsequent quick access to the required resources.

Of course, such a service is also available in the popular Yandex browser, and it offers not only simple storage of links, but also many rather useful and interesting functions.

The interface of the program is quite laconic, so all operations in the browser are easy, and quickly mastering the heater control will not be difficult. Of course, it's worth starting with the function called "Create Bookmark".

In Yandex Browser, this is done in two ways.

Using controls.

While on a web page, you need to click on the star-shaped icon located to the right of the address bar. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D.

After that, the browser will inform you that the required link has been saved in the bookmarks bar. By default, the bookmark is saved to the root folder of the panel, but the storage location can be easily changed. For this you need:

  • In the dialog box that appears when adding a bookmark, call the menu in the "Folder" item, and then click the "Select another folder" line.
  • Here you can create a new folder for storing addresses ("RMB-New folder"), or specify an existing directory.
  • After that, it remains to give the folder a name and save the changes.

It is from this menu that you should start grouping links according to the principles required by a specific user. For a deeper customization of the link store, use the "Bookmark Manager"

The bookmark manager is a fully functional system for managing stored addresses. It allows you to view, edit, sort and delete all bookmarks added to the browser. To access the bookmark manager, do the following:

  • Through the icon in the form of lines, you need to go to the menu, then select the "Settings" section.
  • A window will open where all addresses saved by the browser are stored in the “Bookmarks” block.
  • To open the folder itself with a list of links, a simple double click of the mouse is required.

Monitoring of each of the created folders is carried out using the internal bookmarks panel, by going to which you can get access to any saved address.

Bookmarks Bar is a browser add-on designed for quick access to the most frequently visited resources and is located immediately below the address bar. You can enable and disable its display using the item "Show \ Hide the bookmarks bar", which is located in the main menu in the "Bookmarks" section.

Initially, the Bookmarks Bar is empty. The desired address is added by right-clicking on the panel itself and selecting the "Add page" item. By clicking on the "Add folder" item, you can add an entire folder with links to the most popular sites. And for adding links to the folders themselves, the "" Add page "function (RMB on the desired folder) is responsible.

Visual Bookmarks - a more advanced analogue of the Bookmarks Bar, also offering quick access to the desired sites. They are located on the start page and look like mini-images of the saved page of the site. When you first start the browser, the resources most demanded by users will be displayed here, but no one bothers to customize the content of each tab.

Bookmark creation

At the bottom of the page there is an icon with the caption “Add a site”. By clicking on it, you need to enter the address of the desired site in the line that appears (you can copy it in advance) and confirm with the "Enter" key, or choose from popular or frequently visited addresses, the icons of which will be located at the bottom.

Editing and deleting bookmarks

Editing elements are located in the upper part of each of the tabs.

Lock - is responsible for blocking bookmarks from moving, changing and deleting. If the lock is in the closed position, then the bookmark is fully protected, if in the open position, it is available for any actions.

Gear - allows you to edit a bookmark (the procedure is similar to creating a bookmark).

Cross - delete.

Zen is a kind of autoinformer that displays up-to-date information from selected sites in the feed. It is enabled through "Menu-Settings-Appearance Settings", where you need to put a checkmark in front of the line "Show in a new Zen tab - a tape of personal recommendations." Then the user is only required to select the resources, the latest information from which will be included in the feed.


This option allows you to create (and restore, if necessary) a copy of all browser bookmarks with the preservation of their structure, as well as synchronize bookmarks between all user devices.

Since the data in this case is stored on an external server, the user will need a work account in the Yandex.

Synchronization is easy:

  • You need to go to the "Menu", then go to "Settings", scroll down the page to the "Synchronization" section, press the "Enable synchronization" button.
  • Yandex will require authorization; in this place the data of the current account will come in handy.
  • Click "Change settings", then put a check in front of the item "Bookmarks", as well as any other of them, if necessary. This includes visual bookmarks, history, and auto-complete forms and passwords.

It should be remembered that on each of the user's devices for which synchronization is performed, a Yandex Browser and an authorized account are required.


For various reasons, many users do not trust online data storages or are reinsured by creating backups in the traditional way. To copy the browser bookmarks storage file, you must:

  • Activate the display of hidden files and folders. In Windows 7, for example, this is done through the "Organize" button in the window of any folder. Next, you need to click on the "Folder and Search Options" line, where in the "View" tab, check the "Show hidden files and folders" item.
  • Go to the profile folder, then to AppData, then Local, and then Yandex. Inside there is a folder "User Data" and in it there is already a directory "Default". It is here, in the Bookmarks file, that Yandex Browser stores all user bookmarks.

    Under the Scoreboard, click All Bookmarks.

    In the list on the left, select the desired bookmark folder.

"," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": true," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" top "," right "]," alt ":" Bookmarked folders "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": false), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" top ", "right"], "alt": "List of bookmarks in the folder", "coords":, "isNumeric": false, "hasTopCallout": true, "hasBottomCallout": false), ("shape": "circle", " direction ": [" top "," right "]," alt ":" Find bookmark by name "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": false), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" bottom "," left "]," alt ":" Create new folder, sort bookmarks, import and export bookmarks "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false, "hasTopCallout": false, "hasBottomCallout": true), ("shape": "circle", "direction": ["bottom", "right"], "alt": "Bookmarks moved from another browser", " coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCal lout ": true)])) \">

Advice. To sort your bookmarks alphabetically, in the upper right corner of the page, click Sort by headings.

Bookmarks bar

Bookmarks and bookmark folders are displayed in the bookmarks bar under Smart line.

"," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": true," areas ": [(" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" bottom "," right "]," alt ":" To display only favicon, edit the bookmark by removing the page title "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCallout ": true), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" top "," left "]," alt ":" Click the icon "to access other bookmarks", "coords":, "isNumeric": false, "hasTopCallout": true, "hasBottomCallout": false), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" bottom "," right "]," alt ":" Dropdown list of all tabs from the panel "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": false , "hasBottomCallout": true)])) \ ">

There are several ways to enable or disable the bookmark bar:

  • Via the bookmark menu
  • In settings
  • Using hotkeys

Site favicon on the bookmarks bar

By default, only the site name is displayed on the bookmark bar. You can enable the display of favicons next to site names. To save space on the bookmark bar, you can leave only favicons without site names.

To enable the display of favicons:

If you want the bookmarks bar to display only the favicon without the site name:

Actions with bookmarks

If you have multiple users in your browser, create a personal profile for each of them. Then the bookmarks of other users will not appear in your list.

Rename bookmark

Advice. To rename a folder, right-click on it and select Rename. Edit the folder name.

Delete a bookmark or folder

Move bookmark to another folder

Create a new folder

Importing bookmarks

Transfer bookmarks from another browser Transfer bookmarks from an HTML file

Downloaded bookmarks will be posted:

    in folder Bookmarks from HTML file if the browser already had bookmarks before;

    to the root of the bookmarks tree if there were no bookmarks in the browser before.

"," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": true," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" rect "," alt ":" "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" top "," left "]," alt ":" Move bookmarks from file "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": true," hasBottomCallout ": false), (" shape ":" circle "," direction ": [" bottom " , "left"], "alt": "Save bookmarks to file", "coords":, "isNumeric": false, "hasTopCallout": false, "hasBottomCallout": true)])) \ ">

Export bookmarks to file

Sync bookmarks

After synchronization, the browser displays bookmarks from all synchronized devices (computer, tablet, smartphone).

Features of bookmark sync:

    If you have created bookmarks for the same page on different devices, then the bookmark that was previously synchronized with the server is saved.

    Bookmarks from devices of the same type are combined into a common list. For example, if synchronization is enabled on two computers and a smartphone, then in the bookmarks on the smartphone you will see the Computer folder, and it will combine bookmarks from two computers.

To view bookmarks on another device:

To turn off bookmark syncing:

After that, bookmarks from other devices will not be displayed in the Bookmarks Manager.

If your bookmarks are not syncing, check if the Bookmarks option is enabled in the sync settings.

Restore bookmarks after deleting

Backing up bookmarks in Yandex Browser

Two files are responsible for saving bookmarks.

Over time, each Internet user has his own selection of favorite sites, or even, if you like, mandatory when it comes to working online, daily monitoring of important data. And although all web resources since the birth of the Network have been named domains - symbolic names - but still, it is somehow expensive to enter them manually in the address bar every time. Someone is too lazy to print. And someone values ​​their time and does not want to waste it on such chores. And even if it is, this is the time, even expressed in seconds. Of course, you want to keep the links somewhere, and not keep them all the time in your head.

We hasten to inform you that it is not necessary to place them “somewhere”. In this regard, there are bookmarks in the Yandex Browser. They, like book counterparts (cardboard, leather, in the form of a string or cord), are necessary to quickly jump to the required page. Only, of course, this is not about books, but about the vastness of the Web.

Fast save

To add a bookmark in the Yandex browser on the current tab, you need to do just a couple of mouse clicks:

1. On the right side of the address bar, in Yandex Browser, click the "star" icon.

Or use the "hot" keys - "CTRL + D".

But if necessary, you can move the bookmark to some other folder (but within the panel). To create a bookmark in the Yandex browser in a directory different from the pre-installed one, follow these steps:

1. In the “Bookmark added” window, in the “Folder” line, open the menu with a mouse click and select “Select another folder” in it.

2. In the window that appears, you can specify the previously created directory for storing the URL or create a new one. To do this, right-click right there, in the settings panel, select "New folder" in the submenu.

Give the name of the directory. To avoid confusion, use words and phrases that refer to the thematic content of the URL collections. After giving a name to the folder, click "save". A bookmark in Yandex Browser will be automatically saved in it.

Bookmark manager

Of course, after placing the link, you will have a question where the Yandex Browser bookmarks are stored and how to view and edit them. And quite rightly, I must say. Indeed, sometimes it becomes necessary to look at all the bookmarks that have been saved and use them.

So, bookmarks in Yandex Browser are located in a special manager, or in a panel. To open it and take advantage of all available options, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Click the "menu" button (three lines) and go to "Settings".

2. In the tab that appears at the top, click the "Bookmarks" section.

3. This is where Yandex Browser stores bookmarks.

If you click "Bookmarks Bar" in the right block of the Manager, a list of all created folders will open. They can also be opened by double-clicking and then using any URL from the list.

Advice! You can open all the bookmarks in the folder with just one click (unlimited number). Right-click on it and select "Open All Bookmarks". And you don't have to painstakingly create tabs one by one.

For the visually impaired, the developers of the web browser have provided the "Lens" option. It zooms in on the current pages and in the Manager.

To activate it:

  • while holding down the "CTRL" key, scroll the mouse wheel forward to increase the size of the interface on the computer;
  • stop scrolling when the required scale is established;
  • if you need to make a smaller multiplicity of magnification, respectively, turn the wheel back.

To reset the magnification, press together "CTRL + 0" (and the previous scale, set by default, will immediately return).

External bookmarks bar

Some sites, being added to bookmarks, open only periodically - once or twice, for example, a week or even a month. And others are required every day, and many times a day. You can always keep the most popular URLs in plain sight at the top of the Yandex window, in the panel below the address bar. It provides quick access to links.

Let's configure it:
1. In the Yandex menu, go to: Bookmarks → Show bookmarks bar.

Note. If in the option line there is an inscription "Hide ...", it means that you do not need to click anything - the panel is already activated.

2. To place the address opened in the current tab in the external bookmark bar, right-click on the free space below the address bar. Click Add Page.

You can also add a folder for quick access right there. To do this, click "Add folder".

If you need to place the URL in a folder on the panel, right-click on it and use the "Add page" option.

To view the contents, left-click on the folder (a list of URLs will open).

The list of link management commands is opened by clicking the right mouse button (with the cursor positioned over the URL). Through the panel, the bookmark can be loaded, including in the "Inognito" mode, deleted, and also go to the "Dispatcher" tab.

You've probably already noticed that a block with visual bookmarks (miniature pictures of sites) is displayed in an empty tab (without a specified address) of the browser. By default, it hosts the most popular online services in the region where you live. It is also designed for quick access to websites. But if you wish, you can reconfigure it - remove the preinstalled links and add your own. And also activate additional options.

1. If you are going to place your own bookmark in the block, copy the address of the page or site in advance. Right-click on the line and select "Copy".

2. Unlock the thumbnail of the item you want to remove from the panel. Move your cursor over the upper right corner and click "lock".

After clicking, it should be displayed in an open state.

3. In the same block of icons, press the "cross", and the element will disappear.

4. Under the panel, click "Add".

5. Paste the previously copied address and click "Finish".

The bookmark will be displayed in the block.

To reconfigure a specific express panel block, do this:

1. Also move the cursor over the upper right corner of the block you want to modify and select the gear icon.

2. In the settings window, enter your URL or select another site from the list of preset thumbnails.

One of the most notable features of the Yandex visual panel is the Zen news feed. Turn it on (button below).

And then select the sites from which you want to see news in the feed.

This service, as it were, relieves the user of the need to use bookmarks, and immediately displays the latest posts from the sites of interest in the panel.


Unfortunately, it happens that all bookmarks disappear from the browser. This happens for various reasons - reinstalling the browser, operating system, virus attack, erroneous user actions.

But you can bypass such troubles if you take advantage of the "Synchronization" option in advance. It makes it possible to restore bookmarks in Yandex.

Attention! You will need a Yandex account. If not, be sure to register it.

Where is the bookmark file stored?

The bookmark file is located in the profile directory. You can access it as follows:
1. Press "Win + E". Click the system disk icon (C).

2. Enable display of hidden folders on the system. In the same window, press ALT and in the submenu select: Tools → Folder Options → View → Show Hidden ...

4. Click the YandexBrowser folder.

5. Then open: User Data → Default.

6. This is where the Bookmarks and Bookmarks.bak files are located, in which bookmarks are stored.

Use these options, and your work with Internet resources will become more comfortable. How to import and export bookmarks in Yandex Browser,.

Let's imagine a situation, friends, that you have reinstalled the operating system, or are going to reinstall it, but you don’t want to lose your bookmarks from the Yandex browser. Either you just want to transfer them from one computer to another, but do not want to use synchronization, or you simply did not have time to use this function. What to do in this case? Everything is quite simple - find out where the web browser stores bookmarks, in which file, or create it yourself. Now we are going to do this.

Where is the Yandex browser bookmarks file

If you installed everything according to the standard, then it will not be difficult to find it, the only thing you need is to enable the display of hidden files and folders.

If you have Windows 7, then go to Explorer, open any folder and click in the top panel: "Tools - Folder Options":

In the window that opens, go to the "View" tab and put the switch in the "Show hidden files, folders and drives" position. Click "Apply":

If you have Windows 10, then you need to open File Explorer options. To do this, you can set the appropriate query in the search, or find them yourself in the control panel. To get to the 10-ki control panel, you need to right-click on "Start".

In the parameters of the conductor, set the marker opposite the desired item in the same way:

That's it, now we go along the path C: \ Users \ User_name \ AppData \ Local \ Yandex \ YandexBrowser \ User Data \ Default. Find two or one file called Bookmarks. These are your bookmarks, to be sure of this, you can open them with a notepad.

If Yandex browser is installed in some non-standard location

Finding out the location of important files in Yandex browser is quite simple. We find its shortcut, right-click on it and select the "Properties" item from the drop-down menu:

In the window that opens, go to the "Shortcut" tab, look for the line "Working folder", this will be your path to the main documents of the browser.

Create a bookmark file through the manager

If you still have the opportunity to use the web browser in working order, then you can certainly go to the bookmark manager and create a backup.

We click on the menu button, which is located in the upper right corner, and select the "Bookmarks" item from the drop-down list:

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