Hide classmates' feed from friends. How to remove a person from the tape in classmates. How to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki formed by friends' messages

The feed in the Odnoklassniki social network is a public place for posting your information, as well as for reflecting the activity of friends and groups. It displays the photos in which you were tagged, the people with whom you became friends, as well as the statuses, publications and pages you liked.

It's all about the settings

The feed in Odnoklassniki is not much different from the public places of other social networks. You can customize it as you like. Many are wondering how to turn off the feed in Odnoklassniki. In Odnoklassniki, as well as in other social networks, it is customizable. You can customize not only the ribbon, but the profile itself. If you are bored with messages from one of your friends, then it is not at all necessary to think: “It would be nice to turn off the feed in Odnoklassniki”. You can simply include this friend on a specific list, or refuse the friendship altogether. If you don't want publicity, make your profile private. Community news is no longer interesting - stop using this service. Customize your profile so that communication on the social network is easy and interesting, and does not create difficulties and problems.

How to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki

Social networks allow their users to design a page in the form of contact information with a photo. More detailed information, as well as the activity of a particular user, can be available to all network users or only friends.

The activity of contacts is reflected on the main page in the form of successive events in which they participate. The settings service, as a rule, has functions that allow you to disable the feed. In Odnoklassniki, you can configure event notifications. This can be done on the main profile page. Each news feed post is customizable. Select the one that you do not want to see in the list and click "Remove event from feed" in the upper right corner of the publication (two crossed lines). After that, the ribbon customization window will open with confirmation of your actions. Here you can also exclude all notifications about the events of this contact. If you go to the "Change settings" tab, you can see those who are excluded from the feed. Finding this function is easy - under the main photo, click on the "More" button and select the option you need. Bringing back posts from friends or communities is also elementary.

Go to the "Excluded from the Ribbon" tab, hover the mouse cursor over the contact that is there. Then, from the list of functions that appears, select "Show in the Ribbon". After that, the activity of friends and communities that you have excluded from the feed will again be displayed on your page in the list of publications. If you are wondering how to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki so that it is not visible on the main page, then you should know that this cannot be done. You can simply exclude posts from all friends and groups from it. However, social media presupposes such a service, and the news feed is designed to share information and alert friends about activity. If endless notifications about events from friends and groups make you wonder how to turn off the feed in Odnoklassniki, this means only one thing: you should be more selective in accepting invitations from users.

In order to receive the most relevant and interesting news, it is advisable to customize the feed in accordance with your own needs. In Odnoklassniki, you can manage your news feed: delete some events or exclude friends from the news in order to receive only community entries. As an example, let's try to exclude a friend from the Odnoklassniki feed.

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Delete friend events

To begin with, you can remove a single entry from the feed:

  • While viewing the news, you need to pay attention to the upper right corner of its frame - there will be several icons, including the date and time of the entry;
  • Hovering the mouse cursor over the cross, you can see the inscription "Remove event from the feed";
  • By clicking on the cross, you can delete an entry (one, selected).

To remove all of a friend's news from the feed, you must do the following:

  • You need to open your page (that is, the feed);
  • Find any post from a friend whose news you want to exclude. Perform the steps described above (delete a separate event);
  • When you delete one entry, a window appears prompting you to "Disable all event notifications" from a friend whose entry will now be deleted. If you check this box, then all updates of the selected person will no longer appear in the news feed.

Returning a friend's news to the feed

If a friend's updates were deleted by mistake or for some other reason it became necessary to return them to the feed, this can be done at any time:

  • On the main page, under the photo, there are profile settings;
  • You need to select "More" -> "Change settings" -> "Ribbon settings";
  • All friends previously excluded from the feed will be displayed here;
  • To return a friend's events to the feed, you need to click on his photo in this menu.

In the same way, you can exclude from the feed and return back the news of any community. You cannot exclude all friends (communities) from the feed at the same time - the settings are applied only to one person (community).

The social network Odnoklassniki contains a news feed on the page, which allows you to find out events from the life of your friends, see photos, and group activity. You can also add photos, notes, change the status - all this will reflect the news.

A large number of updates, some of which are not very interesting, overloads the feed. Then really interesting events can get lost. With your news feed, the situation is similar, you ask the questions "Is my page configured correctly?", "Why is there no news on the feed?" - the article will help you deal with these problems, set up the news in the right way.

Conveniently, it is easy to customize the news so that it matches your preferences - to refuse to view unwanted, uninteresting updates from a group or a specific person. Don't want to watch updates at all? The news block on the page can be completely disabled.

How to customize the feed in Odnoklassniki

There are not too many settings. Let's consider the main ones that may be of interest.

In order not to scroll through the page to view the updates of the same people, we created the “favorites” tab. It's easy to add acquaintances there:

News that is not interesting to see can be easily deleted. To do this, move the cursor over the event. A cross will appear in the upper right corner, you need to click it. You can hide either one event or all updates of a person or group.

How to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki

There is a setting that allows you to hide the news of your friends or group. To do this, you need to find the last post of a friend, press the cross that appears when you hover over it. The system will suggest options for action.

Choose the action you want. You should know that all posts and updates will be closed at once. Getting them back will be more difficult. In order to clear the feed completely, you must consistently perform this algorithm for all friends and groups to which you are subscribed.

How to restore the feed in Odnoklassniki

If you change your mind and want to turn on the activity stream, proceed as follows:

As a result of these actions, the tape will be restored. Again you will be able to track the activity of friends, social network groups.

Why does the tape not work?

If you went to Odnoklassniki, and the news feed does not open, you need to find the reason. There may be several of them:

  • The tape is disabled.
  • The cache should be cleared.
  • You need to go through another browser.

Important Do not be intimidated by the words "cache", "browser", everything is quite simple. Go to the Internet through a browser - Chrome, Firefox. You can clear the cache if you go to the "History" tab, click "Clear". By default, the browsing history, cookies, cache are deleted.

Remember that after this action, you will automatically leave all accounts, including the Odnoklassniki page. Then you will need to enter again.

Customizing the feed in Odnoklassniki is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Now you are well versed in many aspects, you can manage your news feed by excluding and adding the elements and events you need.

There is no dispute about tastes, and if you do not like the materials and posts published by a certain friend on OK.ru, do not test your patience further and protect yourself from unpleasant posts. All that is needed for this is to know how to hide a friend from a friend's tape in Odnoklassniki.

If for some reason the content published by your friends is not to your liking: the materials are too aggressive, unpleasant or inappropriate for the topic, you can quickly hide them from the feed and prevent them from appearing again. This is done in several ways:

Reference! You can view the list of hidden users or change the decision to remove from the feed by going to the profile settings. In the window that opens, the section "Hidden from the ribbon" will appear in the left menu, from where you need to remove your friend.

To hide friends from the news feed, we also act with the only difference that the "Remove event" function is hidden in a hidden menu in the upper right part of the record under the standard "three dots".

Further, only the wording of the options differs: we press “Exclude from the feed” and confirm the selection with the “Remove” button.

Block friend

A surefire way to not see a friend's events is to block them. Thus, the user will lose the right to comment, rate your posts, write messages and view the profile in full. Blocking occurs in various ways: through a page, messages, a comment left, an assessment - the main thing is to find the "Block" option by clicking on the delete icon or by clicking on a hidden menu.

If interests with a friend do not coincide at all and warm communication has not been observed for a long time, then the best solution would be a radical measure - the termination of friendship. Thus, all events related to it will be automatically deleted from the news feed.

Friendship is canceled as follows:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Open the list of all users added to friends (through the "Friends" section).
  • Hover the cursor over the desired photo.
  • In the menu that opens, select the "End friendship" option.

Any of the above methods will become an effective tool in filtering news content. Now

Social media is the most popular place for communication between modern internet lovers. Of course, they will not replace live communication, but when they are busy or just in bad weather, they help to establish contacts and just while away the time. Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular networks in our country. The site offers many services and features. In order to see the events taking place with friends, and share your own, there is an activity stream. It shows which of your friends added what. Which applications were launched, which photos the user considered cool, and so on. However, sometimes this function becomes redundant. Often you don't want any of your friends to know about any events. Then the problem arises: how to disable the feed in Odnoklassniki? Let's say right away, it's possible! How? Read below.

Solving the "problem"

It used to be quite easy to do this. At the bottom of the page there was a footnote "Now on the site" - "Feed". After activating the footnote, you just had to turn off all the checkboxes, and after that, the feed was already inactive. Now the site administration has disabled this feature. It is not even among the paid services. And turning on / off the tape has become an almost impossible task for the user. However, as you know, there is always a way out. Folk "craftsmen" offer roundabout ways, a new solution. In order to find out how to turn off the activity stream, you should simply when Odnoklassniki is on, follow the link: "Odnoklassniki". After that, a window will appear with the question: "Is it really necessary to turn off the tape?" After confirming our own decision, we will receive a message about the disabling of the function.

To reverse the process, you need the same link, but with one small change. As you can see, there is the word OFF at the end of the address line. As you know, it means "off" and it is this that tells you how to turn off the tape. It's simple, the word OFF changes to ON if you want to turn on the tape. Then the standard procedure for confirming the decision and that's it - the tape is working again.

However, there is no need to be sure that the described opportunity can be used in a week or two. The site administration at any time can decide to block this possibility. Therefore, if there is a desire or need to turn on / off the activity feed, you should not delay with this. We should act faster while there is such an opportunity in the public domain, free of charge, for everyone.

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