Free project management systems. Analogues of Microsoft Project, JIRA. Best Project Management Software Collaboration Services

Olga Kochkina

When 5-10 people are working on a project at the same time, organizing the process can be difficult. Email chains multiply, but information still arrives late, deadlines are running out, and discussions and approvals take a lot of time. Sooner or later, every team begins to look for a way out of this situation. The simplest and most reliable is the task manager - a program that automates the lion's share of organizational issues. But how to choose the right one, the one that fits perfectly into the work scheme and will actually save time and not take it away? There are now a lot of similar cloud services. In this review, I decided to focus on those that will save both time and money.


Online service for planning tasks and managing small projects. It is based on the Japanese kanban system, which migrated to the web from the manufacturing sector. Trello developers managed to implement the main principle of the Japanese - “just in time”. The service is equally good at solving the problems of project management and increasing personal efficiency. The Trello workspace is a system of boards, lists, and cards that help you organize projects, ideas, and tasks.


  • Multifunctionality. Trello is a task manager, daily planner, forum for discussing ideas and organizer for storing useful links, articles, images and videos.
  • Visibility. All tasks for the project are displayed on one board.
  • Simplicity. The intuitive interface is easy to understand on your own.
  • Possibility of integration with other services - Dropbox, Google Drive, Gmail, Evernote, Google Calendar, about 30 in total.
  • Flexibility. Each Trello card and the service itself is customizable for specific tasks .
  • Desktop and mobile applications.
  • The number of projects and participants is not limited.


  • Not suitable for complex projects requiring great detail. The number of cards, lists and boards increases so much that it becomes difficult to navigate them.
  • You need to spend time setting up and connecting third-party services for maximum efficiency.
  • There is no Gantt chart illustrating the project schedule.

Brief instructions

To work with the service, you need to register (or connect using a Google account) and confirm your registration in an email. Boards, lists and cards can be created with one click - enter the name and press Enter. The most flexible element of the system is the card; it has the most settings. Boards and lists serve primarily to structure tasks.

Each card is one task, to which a description (1), participants (2), multi-colored labels (3), a checklist or to-do list (4) is added, then a deadline is set (5) and files are attached (6 ). Once you've finished working with a card or sheet, you need to archive it and close the board. Almost all actions in Trello can be performed in several ways, the easiest way is using drug&drop.

For free

In the basic version, you can add an unlimited number of boards, lists, cards, and participants. Integrations with Google Drive and Dropbox are available, as well as 10 MB of file storage.


Two plans - Business Class ($9.99 per user per month) and Enterprise (price negotiable) - offer 250 MB of file storage, board collections, custom backgrounds and stickers, integrations with Evernote, Github, Mailchimp, Salesforce and some other services, as well as enhanced security measures and priority technical support.


According to the product's authors, this is a social network for work. In fact, the functionality of the service goes far beyond the task manager, covering interaction with clients, time tracking and a dozen more business processes. But in this review we will not touch on them and will consider only those that help effectively manage projects. For these purposes, Bitrix24 has the ability to add tasks, assign responsibility, set deadlines, conduct discussions and track progress. And the functionality of social networks allows you to quickly exchange information and express your opinion.


  • A lot of possibilities. Bitrix24 is a full-fledged corporate portal.
  • Cloud file storage with version control. You can edit them directly in the system.
  • Built-in messenger and the ability to exchange messages without leaving the system.
  • Integration with other Bitrix products, including CRM and CMS.
  • Mobile and desktop versions.
  • Gantt chart.


  • Complex and overloaded interface. To use the service to its full potential, you will have to study it for a long time.
  • Not very efficient technical support.
  • You need to spend a lot of time to fully customize the system to suit the needs of your team.
  • Live feed takes up a lot of work space that could be used more efficiently.

Brief instructions

You can write a full-fledged user manual for Bitrix24 with 100 pages, so now let’s briefly go over the main functions. Registration in the service takes literally a couple of minutes. The main page of the portal is a “Live Feed” with a vertical menu on the left and several information blocks on the right - “Upcoming events”, “My tasks” and others. You can create a new group, task, event, or invite an employee using the “Add” button in the upper left corner. It is convenient to work on separate projects within different groups, collecting employees, files and information there.

In the form that opens, you need to enter a title (1) and description. You can attach a checklist (3) to track your progress. Files (2) are uploaded in several ways: from a computer using Drag'n'drop (4), from the Bitrix24 cloud storage (5), from Google Drive and Dropbox virtual drives (6) or created in MS Office applications (7 ). In order for an employee to receive a notification about a new task, he must be added to it, assigning him as responsible (8), observer or co-performer. If the matter is urgent, it is better to set a deadline (9). You can set a task using the button (10) or the key combination ctrl+enter. To discuss projects, the functionality of social networks is used - comments and likes.

For free

The Project tariff includes 12 business users and 5 GB of virtual disk space. Most of the features of the paid versions are available (telephony, chat and video calls between employees, CRM and others), but they are slightly limited.


There are 3 paid tariffs - “Project+” (990 rubles/month), “Team” (5490 rubles/month) and “Company” (10,990 rubles/month). Their owners have access to the functions “business processes”, “time tracking”, “meetings and planning meetings”, advanced options from the basic tariff and some additional settings.

Free software for project management. Brainstorm freely.

14.08.2009 21:45

Modern management is unthinkable without planning and monitoring the implementation of large projects, so the article will present programs designed to help in developing projects and monitoring the implementation of large projects. Not long ago, this type of software was very expensive, sometimes costing several thousand dollars for some products. And now open and free project management programs have appeared, which in functionality are very close to their commercial counterparts. They allow you to establish dependencies between jobs, break a task into several subtasks and find out which of them can be executed in parallel, and are also able to control the consumption of resources. Moreover, some of these programs support group work mode.


For those who need more serious project management tools, dozens of commercial programs have been developed, costing from two hundred to several thousand dollars. At the same time, the GanttProject program, being completely free, is already very close in functionality to its commercial counterparts.

GanttProject is designed to create schedules and track project progress using Gantt charts and applied resources. Moreover, it is assumed that the user is at least generally familiar with such planning methods. If not, then you should first look at Wikipedia ( or read the relevant literature.

GanttProject makes it possible to create a tree of tasks for a project, allocate a certain amount of time to each of them and assign human resources to it. The program indicates the names of the performers and their contact information.

You can then establish dependencies between individual tasks. For example, the task "Build a wall" will not start until the task "Laying the foundation" etc. is completed. Based on all the data, GanttProject generates a graphical representation of the project in the form of a Gantt chart to display tasks and resource usage charts.

Of course, the resulting diagrams can be modified, printed, and generated PDF and HTML reports. Moreover, the program can exchange data with Microsoft Project (in MP and XML formats) and spreadsheet programs. This makes GanttProject compatible not only with the industry flagship, but also with other similar programs, since in most cases they tend to support import in the Microsoft Project format. For example, I managed to open a project developed in GanttProject in another program, no less powerful, Open Workbench.

In general, there are quite a lot of commercial and open source software for project management. Some are more functional, others just look better. What are the advantages of GanttProject compared to commercial packages?

Decent (and growing) feature set. It can be considered optimal for most users, because studies show that 80% of Microsoft Project users use no more than 20% of its functions.

Easy to learn. You don't need lengthy manuals to work with GanttProject. If the user has an understanding of the project goals, execution phases, tasks and their dependencies, then in a matter of hours he will become an expert on GanttProject. The developers did not leave him a single chance to reach a dead end - the standard delivery of GanttProject includes an excellent reference book and a very illustrative example of the “Building a House” project.

Price. Commercial project management programs are not cheap, but GanttProject is free for any use. Perhaps, the only program that can be cheaper than GanttProject is the one for which developers are willing to pay money.

Cross-platform. GanttProject is written in Java and runs under

running Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and other systems that support Java.

Open source. Everyone can customize GanttProject to suit their needs, implement new features and add specialized reporting.

Localization. Most of the program (with the exception of the user manual and a few tips of the day) has been translated into Russian. By the way, some translated tips please with the utmost simplicity of presentation, for example: “The diagram can be dragged left and right with the mouse.”

OpenProj - a free analogue of MS Project

Like GanttProject, OpenProj is written in Java and runs on any hardware and software platform, including Windows, Linux and Mac. It looks, perhaps, even more powerful thanks to its rich arsenal of tools for analyzing projects. It provides not only Gantt charts, but also network charts (PERT), charts of earned volumes of work and resources used (WBS and RBS), as well as actual costs (Earned Value). The developers position OpenProj as a full-fledged replacement for Microsoft Project and other commercial analogues.

Projity distributes OpenProj completely free and open source. Apparently, the personal OpenProj program is used as an “umbrella brand” for the more powerful Project on Demand (POD) system, designed for collective collaboration on projects. Both systems are built on the same source code base, which is why OpenProj has such remarkable analytical capabilities.

OpenProj is a success among specialists around the world - after the first release of the program, more than 150 thousand copies were rewritten from the developers' website in a few weeks. And this is not surprising, because OpenProj is a truly powerful project management system. It has been translated into many languages, including Russian, and can work with Microsoft Project and Gnome Planner file formats. The developers claim that switching to OpenProj will not take much time and effort, but in practice things are somewhat different.

Thus, in terms of ease of use, OpenProj is clearly inferior to other programs - the standard package contains neither help files nor examples. In terms of appearance, it vaguely resembles MS Project, but the large buttons for switching project display modes in the left panel are made so clumsily that you get the feeling that you are working with an outdated version. Yes, MS Project projects open just fine in OpenProj, but importing data from other programs is not so reliable. For example, it was not possible to open a project created in Gnome Planner.

However, many experts agree that OpenProj is the most worthy alternative to commercial applications. For example, Michael Shuttleworth, the helmsman of Ubuntu, considers it one of the key packages for desktop Linux. Top managers of other well-known distributions - Mandriva and SUSE - share the same opinion.

Open Workbench is a free project management program for Windows

Another great project management solution is Open Workbench. This is a fairly powerful program, functionally close to commercial products. However, it has significant drawbacks. So, it only works on Windows, has no translation into Russian, and the latest release dates back to December 2005. And yet it is one of the most beautiful and convenient programs in this review. It is easy to open projects made in GanttProject and exported to MS Project XML, although some minor corrections are still required.

The program is distinguished by careful use of screen space. In one window, divided into frames, a task tree, a Gantt chart and a list of human resources are placed. View modes are preset on the left side of the window, and you can also create your own.

I must say that Open Workbench is a very flexible and easy-to-learn tool. Having basic knowledge of English, it is not difficult to quickly learn how to use this program. Its standard distribution includes an extensive help system, and the website provides examples and a user manual in MS Word and Adobe Acrobat formats.

Gnome Planner - Gnome Office component for project management

The developers of Gnome Planner are also in no hurry to release new versions of their project management system. The last of them, for working under Windows, was compiled at the end of 2006. In terms of capabilities, Gnome Planner is at the level of GanttProject, but operates a little faster. To use Gnome Planner for Windows, you will need to install the GTK+ library, available, for example, from the GIMP for Windows website. When running on Windows, it has the same limitations as other applications written in GTK+. For example, the copy-paste and replace functions must be used through the mouse context menu or the application menu system.

In this article we will make a brief overview (list) of project management software.
To keep the information alive, we will update it and add newly found programs. At first, it is quite possible that just the name of the program will appear on the list. As information is received and time is given to process it, the programs will acquire descriptions.
The list of programs is not ranked; the programs are listed in random order.

program website: The program is focused on the global market. The website and program interface are exclusively in English, although the developers are Belarusians. Up to 5 users have a free license when installed on a client server. When using the online service, 10 users for 30 days are free. The program is implemented in asp and works only under IIS.

2.Teamwork program website: Paid. There is a Russian-language interface. It is possible to obtain free licenses for non-profit organizations and bloggers. Project management. Support Agile, Scrum, Kanban. Document management. Bug tracker. Integration with IT systems. Resource planning.

3. Project Kaiser program website: Paid. Up to 5 users free. There is a Russian-language interface. Allows unlimited hierarchy of work. Gantt chart. Progress in completing tasks taking into account subtasks. Working time tracking.

4.BaseCamp Program websites: and Paid. Online. There is a 30 day free trial period. There is a Russian-language interface. Well-known project management software from

5.ONLYOFFICE program website: / There is a free version. Online and offline. You can install on your server, or you can use the server ONLYOFFICE. There is a Russian-language interface. Functionality: Project management; Collaboration (blogs, forums, Wiki); Document management; Instant messages (chat); Calendar; CRM system; Mail management; Version for mobile devices. Office applications (replacement for Microsoft Office).

6. Trac program website: Free. Online. Partially Russified (main points). Allows you to manage projects, create assignments, and has a Wiki. OpenSource. We use it in software development and recommend it. I'm planning to write an article about using Trac.

7. Megaplan program website: There is a free version. Online. Fully Russified. Helps monitor the execution of tasks and assignments and manage projects without implementation and maintenance costs.

8. Copper program website: Paid. 30 day free trial. Online. English-speaking. Copper is a project management tool that helps you and your team manage projects, tasks, clients, contacts and documents online.

9. Pivotal Tracker program website: Paid. 60 day free trial. Online. English-speaking. Pivotal Tracker is an Agile management tool that focuses on software development team communication.

10.Worksection program website: There is a free version. Online. Originally in Russian. Easy start. Comfortable, not overloaded design. Task priorities and Labels. Calendar (integrates with Google) and Gantt chart. Time tracking. You can connect your FTP. Notifications about deadlines and urgent tasks. Operational support.

11. Assembla program website: Paid. 30 day free trial. Online. English-speaking. Task and problem management. Version control. Wiki and other communication tools to speed up development. A simple overview of the work.

12.TrackStudio program website: Free for 5 users. Paid for organizations and more than one user. Allows you to install on your own server. There is a Russian interface. A project, task, documentation and file management system created for software developers and IT departments of companies.

13. LeaderTask Company management program website: Paid. Test period 45 days. Allows you to manage personnel, control orders, manage projects, tasks and contractors, and keep track of working hours.

14.ProjectMate program website: Paid. Test period 30 days. ProjectMate, a system for professional services companies. The interface is reminiscent of Microsoft Outlook. Built on a modular principle. To date, ProjectMate has seven main modules: “Time Accounting”, “Billing”, “Project Management”, “Project Budgeting”, “Request Management”, “CRM”, “Document Flow”. In addition, you can connect additional modules to the system that ensure synchronization of information in ProjectMate with 1C: Accounting, Microsoft Project, mobile devices and Microsoft Exchange.

15. Open Atrium program website: Free. Based on Drupal. The components include: Blogs, Wiki, Calendar, Task List, Chat and Control Panel for all this stuff.

16. Simple business program website: There is a free version. The components include: Organizational management. Project management. Document flow. Personnel Management. Client management. Community. Finance and accounting. Personal effectiveness. Site management. The program is cloud-based, but it’s convenient that there is a client that works autonomously, synchronizing when connected to the Internet.

17. PlanFix program website: Free. Easy to use. Projects. Tasks. Actions. The authors write about the unique ideology of the program.

18. Advanta program website: - online project management system aimed at increasing the efficiency of the entire organization. In terms of project management functionality, it is analogous to such products as MS Project, Primavera, Megaplan, but at the same time it has a number of undeniable advantages, and was originally developed for Russian companies.

19. Comindware program website: - online system. The Comindware Tracker solution simplifies the automation of your organization's workflows, optimizes the management of tasks and projects, tickets, requests and other workflow objects, and ensures more effective collaboration.

There are many online services to organize your team’s work and track task statuses. Some are more suitable for IT development, others - for designers. We collected the main systems, described the principle of their operation and took comments from those who work with them.

How to choose services for teamwork

External clients are given access to certain tasks without registration.

Users of the application set deadlines, hold discussions, and upload files for each card. Members of the working group see changes in real time and can archive cards.

There are applications for iOS and Android.

The basic version (one upgrade, files up to 10 MB) is free, the minimum paid version is $9.99 per month per user, paid annually.

Benefits of Trello

Traditionally, lists are divided into the stages “what is in progress”, “what is completed”, “what needs to be done”, but you can call them in your own way and create additional sections.

Changes in projects are visible in real time, and it is possible to control which users view tasks.

Cards and comments can be created via email. Trello loads attachments from email into the application, so you can work without opening the program.

Additional features (powerups) allow you to vote for cards, connect other services (Evernote, Google, Dropbox and others), see “aging” cards that have not been worked with for a long time, and set a countdown for deadlines.

Companies that use Trello: Adobe, Pixar, Google.

Available for iOS and Android.

The basic version is free for up to 5 users, the minimum paid account is $9 per month.

Benefits of Podio

A convenient CRM system allows you to maintain profiles of existing and potential clients, save information about transaction documents and their implementation.

Document database - templates for presentations, contracts, links to videos and other materials. They can be searched by filters and can be shared with internal and external users.

The work and financial results of each group can be monitored using “live” performance graphs.

There is integration with Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote and other services and dozens of extensions: for creating Gantt charts, time tracking and more. Open API for connecting Podio to other tools.

Volvo, Sony, Sotheby's, NFL.

There is a system for recording working hours and reporting. The service is suitable for large companies.

In September 2018, Bitrix24 launched a major update. Among the new products are system management using voice assistants from Yandex, Google, Amazon and Apple, forecasts for converting customer acquisition into a deal, and special chats for quickly discussing deals.

There are applications for iOS and Android.

The basic version for up to 12 users and up to 5 GB in the cloud is free, the minimum paid version is $39 per month (but in rubles it is more than two times cheaper - ₽990 per month).

Advantages of Bitrix24

Multifunctionality - you can both compile reports for managers and add photos from corporate events.

It can be used as a CRM system, analyze customer acquisition channels, and since November 2018 monitor the performance of managers.

Synchronized with 1C, you can connect a product catalog from Instagram to CRM and work with orders from there, quickly create mailings, SMS and calls with product offers.

Companies that use Bitrix24: Xerox, Samsung, Volkswagen.

Jira allows you to assign responsibility for projects and track the progress of tasks in real time. Jira has an intuitive interface. The peculiarity of the platform is in the special names of the key elements of the processes. Here, epics are a large amount of work that is divided into tasks, and stories are small tasks.

Available for iOS and Android.

There is no free version, but there is a 7-day trial access. Access for a team of up to 10 users costs $10 per month, for 11-100 people - $7 per month.

Benefits of Jira

The choice of board template - Scrum or Kanban - depending on the tasks, experience in flexible work and the rigidity of project personnel management.
You can conduct Agile planning and do transparent reporting; track the status of releases and set priorities.

You can import data from Asana, Trello, MS Project and connect other services from the application collection.

You can work in the cloud, or you can use it on your own server - this is convenient if the project is large and important, and you cannot rely on the power of other people’s servers.

Companies that use: Square, eBay, Spotify, Cisco.

Users can create group and personal chats, conversations for individual projects, and exchange files. Skype for Business is used for calls. By the end of 2018, Microsoft Teams will introduce an important feature - the background will be blurred during video conferences. This is extremely convenient for those who are in a crowded place.

Available for iOS and Android.

The basic version with minimal functionality is free, the minimum paid version is $5 per month per user with annual payment.

Benefits of Microsoft Teams

Convenient for Office 365 users - connects to all programs of this service. But everyone can use Teams for free.

Tasks are distributed through the integrated Planner; you can create a shift schedule and change them in real time; You can work with documents in the application.

You can connect Asana, Trello, another task scheduler or application.

Companies that use Teams: Microsoft, Deloitte, ConocoPhillips.

Employees communicate personally or in groups, exchange files and links. There are separate channels for different topics; when you send links, you can see a preview.

There are applications for Android and iOS.

The basic version (integration with 10 services, history of 10 thousand messages) is free. The minimum fee is $6.67 per month per user.

The list of programs is not ranked; the programs are listed in random order.

The program is focused on the global market. The website and program interface are exclusively in English, although the developers are Belarusians. Up to 5 users have a free license when installed on a client server. When using the online service, 10 users for 30 days are free. The program is implemented in asp and works only under IIS.

Paid. There is a Russian-language interface. It is possible to obtain free licenses for non-profit organizations and bloggers. Project management. Support Agile, Scrum, Kanban. Document management. Bug tracker. Integration with IT systems. Resource planning.

3. Project Kaiser
Paid. Up to 5 users free. There is a Russian-language interface.

Paid. Online. There is a 30 day free trial period. There is a Russian-language interface. Well-known project management software from

Free. Online. You can install it on your server (IIS), or you can use the TeamLab server. There is a Russian-language interface. Functionality: Project management; Collaboration (blogs, forums, Wiki); Document management; Instant messages (chat); Calendar; CRM system; Mail management; Version for mobile devices.

6. Trac
Free. Online. Partially Russified (main points). Allows you to manage projects, create assignments, and has a Wiki. OpenSource. We use it in software development and recommend it.

7. Megaplan
There is a free version. Online. Fully Russified. Helps monitor the execution of tasks and assignments and manage projects without implementation and maintenance costs.

8. Copper
Paid. 30 day free trial. Online. English-speaking. Copper is a project management tool that helps you and your team manage projects, tasks, clients, contacts and documents online.

9. Pivotal Tracker
Paid. 60 day free trial. Online. English-speaking. Pivotal Tracker is an Agile management tool that focuses on software development team communication.

There is a free version. Online. Originally in Russian. Easy start. Comfortable, not overloaded design. Task priorities and Labels. Calendar (integrates with Google) and Gantt chart. Time tracking. You can connect your FTP. Notifications about deadlines and urgent tasks. Operational support.

11. Assembla
Paid. 30 day free trial. Online. English-speaking. Task and problem management. Version control. Wiki and other communication tools to speed up development. A simple overview of the work.

Free for 5 users. Paid for organizations and more than one user. Allows you to install on your own server. There is a Russian interface. A project, task, documentation and file management system created for software developers and IT departments of companies.

Paid. Test period 45 days. Allows you to manage personnel, control orders, manage projects, tasks and contractors, and keep track of working hours.

Paid. Test period 30 days. ProjectMate, a system for professional services companies. The interface is reminiscent of Microsoft Outlook. Built on a modular principle. To date, ProjectMate has seven main modules: “Time Accounting”, “Billing”, “Project Management”, “Project Budgeting”, “Request Management”, “CRM”, “Document Flow”. In addition, you can connect additional modules to the system that ensure synchronization of information in ProjectMate with 1C: Accounting, Microsoft Project, mobile devices and Microsoft Exchange.

15. Open Atrium
Free. Based on Drupal. The components include: Blogs, Wiki, Calendar, Task List, Chat and Control Panel for all this stuff.

16. Simple business
There is a free version. The components include: Organizational management. Project management. Document flow. Personnel Management. Client management. Community. Finance and accounting. Personal effectiveness. Site management. The program is cloud-based, but it’s convenient that there is a client that works autonomously, synchronizing when connected to the Internet.

17. PlanFix
Free. Easy to use. Projects. Tasks. Actions. The authors write about the unique ideology of the program.

18. Advanta
An online project management system aimed at increasing the efficiency of the entire organization. In terms of project management functionality, it is analogous to such products as MS Project, Primavera, Megaplan, but at the same time it has a number of undeniable advantages, and was originally developed for Russian companies.

19. Comindware
The Comindware Tracker solution simplifies the automation of your organization's workflows, optimizes the management of tasks and projects, tickets, requests and other workflow objects, and ensures more effective collaboration.

Project management software for Mac OS. It is possible to install a server, there are clients for mobile devices. Paid, there is a trial version.

21. Papirus
Ability to create, delegate, control tasks. Combine tasks into projects. Create multi-level task execution scenarios. Library for shared documents. Synchronization with Active Directory. Clients for mobile devices.

22. Ti-Systems
Offline system. A single space for project management. Project workspace and management tools. Project cards. Stages. Tasks. Participants. Discussions. Materials. Calendar. There is no free version.

23. Rillsoft
Offline system. 30 days free. Project planning. Resource planning. Planning of specialties. Performers planning. Capacity planning. Resource balance. Location binding. Project execution control. Liquidity planning. Multi-project management. Project reports

24. @Management
Offline system. 30 days free. Project management. Task management. Document management. Version management.

25. Spider Project
Offline system. There is a demo version. Expensive and probably powerful system. “Project management technologies and the Spider Project system help make informed and proven decisions, implement projects faster, with better quality and at lower costs, and always have the most complete and varied information about ongoing projects.

Gantt charts, graphs and histograms, network and organizational diagrams, flow charts, as well as all kinds of tables allow our users not only to analyze the project from different angles, but also to present any information about the project in a high-quality manner."

System in PHP for installation on your WEB server. Free. Management of projects, tasks, users, contacts. Reports. There is a more powerful paid version.

27. JIRA
System for installation on your WEB server. Paid. Up to 10 users, symbolic $10. English-speaking. Partners in Russia sell Russian localization for $50. Very popular for use in software creation. Management of projects, tasks, users, contacts. Reports. There is integration with version control systems and many other features.

28. Projects Manager
Online system for project management, task setting and execution monitoring. Generating reports, recording work time, alerts, individual settings, attaching supporting documentation and images to projects and tasks, and much more.

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