How to remove the ban on mts payments yourself. How to disable "My Content" on MTS How to set a ban on mts mobile subscriptions

Currently, there are a huge number of different infotainment services, most of which are paid. Unfortunately, many subscribers become users of such services unconsciously, resulting in unnecessary and completely useless expenses. The MTS Content Ban service was developed to protect subscribers from connecting to infotainment services without their knowledge. In fact, this service can be quite useful, especially for those who regularly fall victim to all sorts of paid subscriptions.

Infotainment services can be activated under various circumstances. Most often, subscriptions are connected as a result of a subscriber visiting a site with a dubious reputation. Sometimes you don’t even need to take any action, just open the link and a paid subscription will be automatically connected. The cost of such services can be very significant, while the write-offs will be daily. Often, the subscriber notices the presence of a paid service after a while, when the balance becomes negative. Before you decide to turn off MTS subscriptions, all money may be deducted from the balance. Of course, you can simply turn off MTS subscriptions, but it is possible that the situation will not happen again and you will start losing your money again. Therefore, it is better to activate the MTS "Content Ban" service and no longer worry that paid services will be connected to you without your knowledge.

Description of the MTS service "Prohibition of content"

The MTS "Content Ban" service excludes the possibility of sending and receiving paid SMS from short numbers. Also, when activating the service, a ban is set for calls to paid short numbers. That is, the presence of this service allows you to avoid the possibility of connecting paid subscriptions. It should be noted that not all short numbers are banned. There is a list of exceptions, which includes only verified numbers that do not imply the possibility of connecting subscriptions without the knowledge of the client. The MTS "Content Ban" service is available to all subscribers and is completely free. Let's take a closer look at what exactly this useful service provides.

The "Content Ban" service has the following functions:

  • Blocking calls to short numbers;
  • Blocking SMS sending to short numbers;
  • Blocking SMS reception from short numbers.

The presence of a ban on calls, as well as sending and receiving SMS from short numbers, does not allow fraudsters to activate paid subscriptions without your knowledge. Many will consider this service not entirely reasonable, because not all short numbers are harmful and some cannot be refused. Indeed, there are many useful short numbers that are regularly used by a huge number of people. The operator understands this very well, and therefore the "Content Ban" service from MTS provides for a list of exceptions, which was mentioned earlier. That is, you can not worry about the work of Internet banking and other useful servers, but at the same time be sure that a useless paid subscription will not be connected to your number without your knowledge.

Please note that the "Content Ban" service sets a ban on the connection of subscriptions, but does not disable existing ones. Therefore, it would be useful to find out which services are connected and disable paid subscriptions. Subscriptions are managed via USSD request * 152 * 2 # . You can also use your personal account or the My Content service.

How to activate the "Content Ban" service on MTS

Perhaps you understand the principle of operation of the Content Ban service. If you are unable to exclude the possibility of activating paid subscriptions, then this service is indispensable for you. Of course, you can regularly monitor your personal account and connected services, but this is not very convenient, and there will still be certain costs, even if you notice the appearance of a new subscription in a timely manner (no one has canceled the subscription activation fee). It is much more convenient to set a ban on connecting subscriptions once and forget about them forever. Fortunately, you can connect the service for free, and there are several ways to connect.

Ways to connect the MTS Content Ban service:

  • USSD command * 984 # ;
  • Call to the help center (MTS operator number: 0890 );
  • Contacting the MTS office (you must have a passport with you).

To disable the MTS "Content Ban" service, use any of the above methods, that is, the service is disabled in the same way as the connection. The cost of connecting / disconnecting - 0 rubles. There is no subscription fee.

  • Important
  • If the Content Ban service did not work, use the Antispam service to file a complaint. To do this, send the received SMS from the paid service to the number 6333 .

The mass media intensively disseminate advertising information with the imposition of paid subscriptions. This is the so-called content. A person unknowingly presses OK in response to a pop-up text message on the phone display and a certain amount is deducted from his account daily for subscribing to music files, weather forecasts, horoscopes, dating, jokes and much more. To prevent this from happening regularly, mobile subscribers set a ban on content both with the help of an operator and on their own through their personal account.

Personal account and its features

The mobile operator provides customers with the opportunity to create and manage services with its help. Through it, it is possible to perform various communications connection operations. As a result of the prohibition, sending text messages and dialing to short numbers that distribute paid subscriptions of various contents are limited. This restriction does not apply to the internal services of a mobile operator. Also, using your personal account, you can connect and easily be able to from MTS or any other.

Ways to disable the ban on content

If the subscriber decides that expensive subscriptions are important to him, he thinks how to disable content ban on MTS. It should be noted that this can be done for free using several methods.

First option how to disable the content ban service on MTS– make a call to the service support number 8 800 250 8 250 or 0890. Calls to these numbers from fixed and mobile phones are not charged in all regions of Russia. By contacting the operator, you state the essence of the issue to him, and he will deactivate the service. You can also remove the restriction by visiting the support center. The service specialist will fulfill your request.

The second option provides a way to disable the content ban on MTS on your own. This is done by executing the USSD *985# command. It is also possible in your personal account by selecting the desired function.

In addition, you can perform the following actions on your smartphone: find it through a search engine and download the My MTS application, open it. Under the request for permission to send notifications to your number, which may contain reminders, sounds, icon stickers, and more, click "Allow". This will be enough for the advertising and informational texts to reappear in your field of vision.

When you switch to a corporate tariff plan, the ban will be lifted automatically. You yourself will then decide how and to which of them to react, positively or vice versa.

MTS has many useful services for subscribers. Many users often face the problem of automatic subscriptions that occur randomly and without the consent of the subscriber. For example, a subscriber can send a message in response to some kind of promotional mailing and, without suspecting it, activate the subscription. Such subscriptions, of course, deduct money from your balance. Only very attentive users who constantly control their expenses can detect such subscriptions, because the amounts debited are insignificant and it is difficult to track what this or that amount was spent on. The "Content Ban" service from MTS is an excellent opportunity to get rid of such unwanted debiting of funds by activating various subscriptions. We will tell you in detail about what “Content Ban” is and how it works in this review.

Description of the service "Prohibition of content"

First you need to understand what content is in a mobile phone. Content is any information disseminated through the media, including through Internet resources. Content can be textual and in the form of media, that is, pictures, music, videos, and so on.

SMS messages that come to your phone from short numbers also contain content, usually advertising. That is why the service from the MTS company is called “Content Ban”.

Paid subscriptions are often activated after visiting various information and entertainment resources, where, for example, registration requires entering a mobile phone number. The user simply registers on the site in order to gain access to all the functions, and as a result subscribes to the newsletter he does not need. Money is debited from the account for such mailings in different ways: daily, once a week, once a month. As a rule, the amounts are insignificant, although there are also quite brazen cases of fraud, when more than a hundred rubles can be debited from the phone balance per week.

The "Prohibition of content" option blocks the possibility of sending messages to short numbers, as well as receiving messages from similar numbers. In addition to blocking messages, blocking calls to short numbers is activated. In this way, the client can avoid the possibility of accidentally connecting unwanted subscriptions. Such a service is especially useful for children and pensioners who do not understand the peculiarities of the provision of services by third-party services.

However, not all short phones are blocked. For example, if a client wants to send SMS to a service number in order to activate any service of the MTS operator, then he can do this without any difficulty, since the “Content Ban” contains a number of numbers that do not raise doubts about their honesty and lack of fraud.

It is worth noting the great advantage of the service - free connection and the possibility of activation for all subscribers, regardless of the tariff plan. Only corporate clients cannot use the service.

Blocking Service Capabilities

This service has the following features:

  • blocking calls and sending SMS to short numbers,
  • blocking SMS reception from short phones.

This ban does not include short numbers for your Internet banking, mobile operator mailing lists and other useful servers that do not carry any danger. You don't have to worry that this option will block all messages in a row. Only suspicious numbers will be blocked.

Ways to connect the service "Prohibition of content"

If the scheme of operation of this option is clear to you, then it's time to start connecting it. You can connect to the "Content Ban" service from MTS as follows:

  1. Send USSD combination: * 984 # ;
  2. Call customer support at extension 0890 ;
  3. Personally contact one of the MTS mobile communication salons. In this case, you must have an identity document with you.

Of course, the user can do without connecting such options. After all, you can periodically monitor the balance or activate the "" service so that the balance on your account is instantly displayed on the screen of your mobile phone. However, by periodically monitoring your account balance, you may not notice small write-offs, and funds are also debited for activating a subscription. And the service "Live balance" does not display the status of the account after sending SMS messages. Therefore, it is better to activate this service once, especially since it is free, and no longer worry that you can fall for such tricks of scammers.

Attention: If the connected service for blocking unwanted SMS and calls did not work, then send a complaint to the Antispam service. In order to use this service, simply forward the received message from the unwanted short number to the service number 6333 . This number is not blocked, as it belongs to the list of verified. Within 24 hours after sending the complaint, you will receive a response from the service, also notifying you of the methods for unsubscribing from mailing lists.

Complaints can be sent by email. [email protected] or call support and report this fact.

How to manage subscriptions to MTS

After activating the blocking, all messages sent from dubious short numbers will be blocked. However, if you have subscribed to any mailing lists prior to the activation of the ban, then these mailing lists will continue to be valid. Therefore, it is better to check in advance which services you have subscribed to. This can be done in the Personal Account or call the support service at 0890. Employees will announce all your paid subscriptions and, if necessary, help you disable them.

Subscriptions can be managed in the following ways:

  1. Through the Personal Account;
  2. Through the service "My Content";
  3. Using the combination: * 152 * 2 # . With this combination, you can get rid of already existing subscriptions on a paid basis and promotional mailings;
  4. Using an SMS message with the text "2119" or "21190" sent to service number 111.

How to disable the service

If you decide to disconnect from blocking calls and SMS from short numbers, then you can do it in the following ways:

  1. Through the Personal Account. Log in to your Personal Account, open the "My Account" section, then open the "Services" tab. Select the "Content ban" service and disable it;
  2. Through the customer support service at the internal number 0890;
  3. At the MTS office (passport required).

Disconnection, as well as connection, is free of charge.

Subscriptions on a paid basis are most often superfluous and lead only to waste of funds. Let's figure out what "Content Ban" is on MTS and how to disable the "My Content" service. We will also clarify the cost of the service, the step-by-step deactivation algorithm and the numbers to which the option does not apply. In addition, we will consider how to check the availability of active paid subscriptions.

What is this service and why is it needed?

The MTS "Locked Content" service, what it is and what it gives the user needs to be clarified in more detail. A paid subscription is often among the active ones without the knowledge of the subscriber. Part of the content is automatically connected when the SIM card is activated, the rest can be accidentally added by the child or by the user himself through inattention. To exclude such situations and protect yourself from unnecessary expenses, you must enable the "Prohibition of content" MTS, which means a restriction that prohibits access to paid subscriptions.

Consider the function of banning MTS content, what it is and what it is for.

In fact, this special function from the mobile operator, which allows you to restrict access to paid sites, calls and messages to short numbers. Not only outgoing, but also incoming content from unwanted sources is limited.

It will be useful if children have access to yours, who can call an expensive number or go to a site not allowed by their parents.


The essence of the function

In addition to incoming and outgoing calls from short numbers that are entered in the operator's database, the restriction also applies to entertainment subscriptions from an Internet provider.

The prohibition of shorts does not apply to provider services. Familiar notifications will work in standard mode.

Why is it needed?

It allows you to secure money in the user's account. Often it is enough to send an empty message to a short number to activate a paid subscription.

Funds can be taken from the client's account every day, and the purpose of the payment is almost always unknown.

In return for payment, you may be given access to a particular site. A child or another phone user can accidentally connect a subscription.

To activate it through the user's web page, follow the instructions:

  • Register or go to an existing profile on the page ;
  • In the main window of the service, find the tab "My services". At the bottom of the tab, click on "All available services";
  • In the window that opens, find the item "Content ban" and opposite it click on "Add";
  • The option will be displayed in the list of available services in the main window of your personal account. Your account will now be blocked from untrusted data.

To connect, just dial 0890 (only for subscribers), wait for the connection and ask to activate the option.

An employee of the company will independently link the blocking of paid and potentially malicious data to your number.


If you want to disable the option, use one of the following methods:

  • Deactivate the function by requesting the *985# command on your mobile device;
  • Call 0890 and ask to terminate it, which relates to your subscriber account;
  • Disable it in your account by clicking on the cross next to the name "Content ban" column "My services".

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