Instagram password recovery. I forgot my Instagram password, what should I do? How to recover deleted instagram account

Surely, you had to deal with a rather unpleasant situation when you cannot log in to your favorite site or to your page on your favorite social network. One of the main reasons is the loss of your registration data. Instagram is no exception in this matter. In order to use all the charms and advantages of this social network to the fullest: chat with friends, watch or post new interesting photos, put or receive likes, you need to be its authorized user. We remind you that you have a great opportunity to increase the number of likes for your posts on Instagram. You can order the service by clicking on. So, what should you do if you lose your Insta password? No need to get upset and panic prematurely, because you can always reset password on instagram. A simple password reset procedure will help you get access to your Instagram profile again. To resume access to the Instagram network, you will need another access - to your email, because all instructions for restoring your account will be sent to your mailbox. Let's see what is written in the "help" of Instagram regarding this issue (see the screenshot below).

From the screenshot above, you can see that a mailbox or your Facebook account can act as an assistant when resetting your password. Also, the Instagram administration warns about the impossibility of restoring access to the page if you do not have access to email or if you have not linked your Instagram and Facebook accounts. Therefore, you must definitely take care of the safety of the password from the mail and the connection of these two social networks, which will give you the opportunity to do it at any time.

As we all know, Instagram is a social network designed primarily for mobile devices, so many interesting and useful features work fully only in a mobile application. Resetting the password does not apply. You can easily reset instagram password from computer. To do this, type in your browser the address: Next, click on the link with the anchor: “Forgot?” in the password entry window, as shown in picture 1 below.

In the window that opens (picture 2 above), you need to enter your email address or your username (nickname) on Instagram. After correctly filling in the proposed fields, click on the button with the inscription: "Reset password". Now open your email inbox and find an email from Instagram with detailed instructions on how to reset your password. If the letter did not arrive, then send the request again. It may be that this letter was in spam, so you should check this folder as well.

Of course, users do not always want to reset their old password because they have lost access to their account for some other reason. Often, many Instagrammers simply want to change their old password due to its insecurity or out of a desire to increase the security of their page. So, if you can enter your page, then changing (resetting) the old password will not cause you much difficulty. You can also reset password via phone in Instagram. What should you do?

  • Log in to your account in the Instagram app (see screenshot 1 in the picture below).
  • Touch the right icon with the image of a little man.
  • On your page, tap the profile settings icon (gear in Figure 2 below).
  • On the settings page, find the link: "Change password" (see screenshot 3 in the figure below).

After that, in the window that opens, enter the old password and twice the new password from your page.

In the event that you do not remember the old password, launch the Instagram application on your smartphone. You will see an account login window (Figure 1 below). Tap the link: "Help signing in"

In window 2 in the figure above, tap the inscription: “Send login link” to resume using the social network, because you probably already miss communicating with your friends and followers on Instagram, the number of which, by the way, we will help you increase. Just go to to place an order for any number of followers for your page with already restored access.

Everybody knows, what is instagram. This is a popular social network where people from all over the world post a variety of photos, share funny and beautiful shots, exchange opinions and comments. But it happens that the user has deleted his account... In this article, we will tell you how to recover a deleted account on Instagram.

How to recover an Instagram account

If you do not want to use your page yet, you can temporarily block it - in this case, you can restore access at any time. Removal, unlike freezing, is an irreversible process. To do this, you need to go to your Instagram, go to the account editing section and at the very end of the page select the item “Temporarily block your account”. At the same time, you will retain the opportunity to restore your page at any time.

You haven't deleted your account, but for some reason you can't get to your page? There are different options here:

  1. Everything is fine with the account, problems with the password
  2. Your page has been hacked and your account has been deleted.
  3. The administration has blocked or deleted your account for violations

We will look at each item in more detail.

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How to restore access if you forgot your password

If you have forgotten your username or password, click the button “Help with login”, located immediately below the password entry field, or the button "Forgot your password?" if you are accessing Instagram from a computer. After that, a link will be sent to the email address associated with the account. Follow it and set yourself a new password or login.

A similar operation can be performed through any social network with which your Instagram account is synchronized.

A message with information to reset your password will be sent to your e-mail or phone - at your choice.

And first of all, check your keyboard layout and make sure that the Caps Lock key is not active - this is often the problem.

Another of the possible problems with authorization in your account may be a failure in the connection of your gadget with the Instagram service. If you are logging in through an iPhone or any other Apple gadget, then most likely the service does not recognize the IP address of your device.

In that case, try log in from computer or any other device. This problem can occur not only with Apple, but also with any other devices if they have not been updated for a long time.

Watch the video tutorial - How to reset your Instagram password:

What to do if you are hacked

As mentioned earlier, deleting an Instagram account is an irreversible process. When you delete a page, all your photos, likes, comments, etc. are permanently erased. If you cannot log into your account, but you know for sure that you did not delete the page and followed all the rules set by the resource administration, then there is a possibility that you have been hacked.

Try to complain to the administration, telling them that your page was hacked and deleted without your knowledge.

The chances that the account will be restored are not too many, but still worth a try.

Otherwise, you will have to create a new account and come up with the most complex and strong password. In order to create a new page on Instagram, you will not need to register a new e-mail address - the page can also be linked to the old mail, but the nickname (username) must be unique.

If your account has been blocked or deleted by the Instagram administration, then this issue can only be resolved through them. The page may or may not be returned, depending on the severity of the violation.

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How to avoid blocking or deleting your account

Can you recover a deleted Instagram account? Unfortunately no. However, you can write a complaint and report that it was not you who deleted the account, but the attackers who gained access to your page. But even in this case, there are no guarantees that the administration will meet you halfway.

1. Do not publish posts that violate the rules of Instagram. This includes: other people's photos and videos, spam, obscene language, boorish messages addressed to other users, erotic materials, as well as other prohibited materials.

2. Copy the posts you post on Instagram to your computer so you don't lose them when you delete your account.

To prevent your page from being blocked or hacked, follow the rules set by the site administration and set a strong password that will be difficult for attackers to guess. In this way, you will increase the security of your page.

Instagram is not only a place where you can boast of good photos, but also a great platform for making money. If you want to know more about how to earn extra income on Instagram and online, here are all the most up-to-date information: 50 ways to make money online

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All the best, dear readers. And in today's episode, you will learn how to recover an Instagram account from a computer, phone, and other methods. Shall we start?

Today, many smartphone owners are Instagram users. This social network, aimed at publishing all kinds of photos, is one of the most popular.

how to recover instagram account

Account recovery is a series of specific actions that are performed in order to restore access to an account. This procedure may differ depending on how access was lost.

Method 1: restore a blocked profile

Many Instagram users are fickle, which is why, even if the account is blocked by oneself, the decision can change completely, that is, it may be necessary to remove the block. Fortunately, this can be done without much difficulty.

Secrets of profile recovery from a smartphone

In order to restore the page, you only need to launch the application and log in under your own account.

As soon as the above actions are carried out, the blocking will be automatically removed.

Restoring a profile on a PC

Similarly, recovery will be performed using a computer. You only need to visit the page of the web version of the application and type in the password and login. As soon as this information is specified correctly, access to the page will be restored.

Method 2: Deleted Account Recovery Process

If you decide one day to delete your own profile, there is not very good news for you: it will be impossible to restore the page. It was completely deleted along with all the pictures that were posted on it. The only solution here is to create a new account.

Method 3: restore the profile from which the password and login were forgotten

If you are unable to visit the page due to the fact that you have forgotten your password and login, you can restore it using the email address or number that were specified during the registration process.

Restoring access from a smartphone

Restoring access from a computer

If you need to access your own page on a PC, the web version will also come to the rescue.

Method 4: recovering a stolen profile

Recently, the owners of popular accounts have been attacked by scammers who steal pages, and then demand money for restoring access.

Of course, you should not give money to scammers. It is best to follow the following sequence of actions:

Method 5: Restoring a profile that was blocked by Instagram moderation

Instagram has pretty strict moderation. In this regard, in order not to be among the users whose profiles were blocked by the administration, you should definitely take into account the requirements for maintaining an account and publishing posts.

If you have posted a publication that contradicts the requirements of the service, and it has collected complaints from other users, a restriction may be imposed on your page. In this case, you will be notified by email.

In this case, you just have to open the application and authorize. After that, instructions will be displayed on the screen, allowing you to access the page again. Perhaps, today this is the entire list of profile recovery methods. Don't forget to ask your questions and wishes in the comments. Peace and goodness to all!

If Instagram reset your password or you forgot it - don't worry! We will share all the ways that will help you regain access to your Instagram account from your iPhone or computer.

How to recover Instagram if you don't remember your password?

To get started, reset your old password: for this you will need the email address to which the account was registered or the linked account on Facebook (read how to link it).

In the browser version:

1. Click the "Forgotten?" in the login and password entry window.

2. In the next window, enter the username or email address that you used to create your account, enter the captcha (the code to determine that the actions are performed by a person and not a robot) and click "Reset password".

3. Instagram will send a password reset link to your email. Click on "Reset Password" and create a password. Now you can log into your account online again using the new password. Ready! Now you know how easy it is to recover Instagram even if you forgot your password.

In the application:

How to recover password on Instagram from iPhone or Android? In the login and password entry window, click on “Help with logging in”. Then select the method by which you want to restore access to your account:

1. Enter your username or email address and Instagram will send a password reset link to the email associated with your profile

2. How to recover your Instagram password with a phone number: enter the phone number associated with your account: the link will be sent as an SMS

3. Click on “Login with Facebook” - if your account is linked, you will be able to restore access using this social network. After logging into your Facebook account, you will be automatically directed to a window to enter a new password.

Using an iPhone or Android, just like in the browser version, you will receive an email (or a message to your phone) with a link where you can come up with a new password and log into your account under it.

I am not receiving an email to reset my password. What to do?

This does happen sometimes, and here's what to do in such a situation:

Check if the email is in the Spam folder

If it's not there, try resetting your password again.

Reset your password through your Facebook account if you previously linked it to your Instagram profile or using your phone number (how to do this is described above).

The fact is that the action of links sent by letter is limited in time. If you do not follow it within a certain time, it will cease to operate. In this case, just send yourself a password reset link again.

How to restore access to an account if it was hacked?

This is the most difficult way: usually, when an account is hacked, it is immediately unlinked from the email, phone number, and Facebook account. Thus, you no longer have options on how to recover your password.

Instagram rules state “If you forgot your password and lost access to your email account. mail, we will not be able to give you access to your Instagram account. This also applies to accounts that were registered with the wrong email address. the address".

But there is still a chance to recover your account! Follow our step by step instructions.

1. Through a browser, go to the main page and click the "Support" button at the bottom.

2. In the window that appears, select “Privacy and Security Center”, then “Complaints” and “Account Hacking”.

3. Click "I think my account has been hacked" and "Report it to us".

4. A form will open in a new window that will ask you to answer a few questions related to your account (sometimes even a scan of your passport is required if you are in the photos in the profile to which you have lost access).

When technical support considers the request (this process may take several days), a response will be sent to the specified email address. If you don't receive a response, be sure to try submitting your complaint again.

Now you know all the ways to recover your Instagram password if you forgot your password. Once again, we want to remind you of the basic recommendations for the security of your account: set a strong password, link your account to your Facebook page and do not lose access to the email address that your account is registered to.

So, something incomprehensible happened: you enter your username and password, but they are not suitable for logging into Instagram. One of two things: either you do not remember the password exactly, or someone got access to your account and changed the password.

Do not despair: if your account still exists, then there are options on how to recover your Instagram password without much effort.

It doesn’t matter how you set up your account: it doesn’t depend on how to recover your password on Instagram. There are two main ways to register on Instagram: via Facebook or via email.

In any case, you need to go to the login page - - and click on the link "Forgot your password?"

Password recovery via mail

If the account was linked to email:

Only in this case such an option as "restore instagram without mail" is possible. The role of mail here is played by the page on Facebook.

If Instagram was blocked by the administration

Alas, the answer to this question will fit in one word - NO. In order for your account to be blocked, you must commit a serious violation of the rules. But if you are caught doing this, then say goodbye to your account. Even for such stars as Rihanna, the administration of the service did not make exceptions. As soon as the Barbadian singer posted a too revealing photo, she had to start a new page, because it was no longer possible to restore her Instagram account. Therefore, follow the rules of the service that you have committed to follow.

Also, take care of your password. Attackers often use hijacked accounts to send spam and other illegal deeds. Therefore, once you lose control of a page, you can lose it forever. And if you have lost access, correct it immediately. Now you know how to recover your Instagram password, so use this knowledge!

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