Search on ipad page. How the “Find on Page” search option works in Safari on iPhone and iPad

Safari is a browser from Apple, which, according to developers, is the fastest in the world and ahead of Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome. It has a number of convenient functions regarding quick access and information retrieval. The Top Sites feature provides up to 24 thumbnails of the sites you visit the most. It monitors the visited sites and automatically adds the most popular. In addition, the Top Sites panel looks very nice, which can be seen in the screenshots. In addition, Safari provides a convenient search for sites stored in history.

Key Features and Functions

  • Top sites
    Top Sites is a panel with thumbnails of your favorite sites. Top Sites monitors the sites you visit and adds the most popular. You can add up to 24 sites.
  • Cover flow
      Visual viewing the history of visiting sites and sites in bookmarks. All sites are presented in the form of pages that look the same as the last time you visited them. That is, in order to find the site that you once visited, you only need one look.
  • Search in history
      When you visit sites, Safari automatically saves text, images, and other content elements in history. Therefore, it’s easy for Safari to find almost anything. You can search for individual words, phrases, and even image titles. Search results are presented using the Cover Flow function, which displays page images. This allows you to quickly remember and find the right site.
  • Nitro engine
    According to the developers, Safari is the fastest web browser in the world, ahead of such products as Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome. Safari delivers ultra high performance with industry-leading web page display technologies.
  • Windows compatibility
    When you use Safari under Windows operating systems, you feel at home. This is because Safari uses all the native Windows controls, namely windows, toolbars, etc. And despite the fact that Safari is, first of all, a web browser for MAC, Windows users do not have any discomfort when using it.

The Safari browser was developed by Apple. Initially, the web browser was distributed as a free program used and created specifically for Mac OS X. Over time, this browser was adapted for the Windows operating system and is now one of the four most popular browsers.

According to Apple’s agreement with the developers of Internet Explorer, they could not put any other browsers on their products. After the contract expired - in 2003 - Safari was able to spread to the Mac OS system, and later (that is, after 4 years) it was already adapted to the Windows OS system. During the "market capture" of Windows users, the browser already had the third version. Due to the very fast conquest of users and operating systems in the browser, shortcomings and shortcomings were revealed and corrected.

Created Safari based on WebKit, which is derived from the Unix KHTML. This engine allows the browser to work very stably, providing high resistance to crashes and fast loading of sites and all components of the program.


Safari has a very wide functionality, including the whole range of standard features of all such programs, and a number of additional features.

In particular, there is a wide selection of actions with tabs, built-in protection against numerous pop-ups, automatic filling of forms with saved information, built-in spelling, fine-tuning the input field when typing large texts.

The browser is made in the style of Mac OS, automatically adds those resources that the user visits more often than others, there is the possibility of manually adding sites.

The address bar combines the functions of a search engine.

In the history of the visit, not only the name and address of the site is saved, but also a small thumbnail with which you can find the site visually.

When you restart the browser, all the tabs that were opened when the program was closed are restored by default.

Safari has built-in protection against virus attacks and phishing threats.

A wide selection of plugins, widgets and extensions is available to customize and adapt the browser to the individual needs of the user.

One of the interesting features is the ability to view sites in read mode - only text and main images in the text, without banners, navigation and additional attribution.

In addition to the above, the browser supports a number of encryption algorithms, protocols CSS 3, SL3, TSL, SSL2, uses RSS feeds.

The browser has a synchronization function, thanks to which the user can download Safari to a computer, smartphone and other devices, and at the same time gain access to all the settings made on one of the devices, saved forms, passwords, etc.

The browser also has a built-in download manager.


Advantages and disadvantages of the program


According to user reviews, Safari is characterized by stable operation, excellent adaptation to Russian-language sites and support for HTML5 standards.

All functionality and interface are intuitive, convenient and practical to use. Due to the wide possibilities for individual customization and excellent adaptation to various platforms, the browser is one of the four most popular programs for viewing web space.

Among the advantages are integration with search engines Google and Yahoo, the ability to open multiple windows at the same time, automatic filtering of pop-up windows and notifications, and a built-in “reader” of RSS feeds.

The browser provides the possibility of hidden surfing, has a Snapback function, which returns to the original search results. In addition to the HTML5 protocols, CSS3, SSL, and TLS are supported. Safari also implements QuickTime technology for comfortable viewing of video content.


Although all the shortcomings and shortcomings are quickly eliminated with regular updates of the program, nevertheless, some shortcomings still exist.

A relatively slow program initialization process, a decrease in the speed of loading data on some resources, and a loss of formatting when transferring the contents of sites to a Word document are noted.

System requirements for installation on Windows 10, 8, 7

To download Safari on Windows, it is enough that the system meets the following minimum requirements:

  • operating system: Windows starting with version XP and higher,
  • bit: 32 bit or 64 bit,

How to install a browser

To install the program, you need to download the installation file. This can be done from the official site or from any other. The main thing is to check the file with antivirus before installation. The installation wizard is very simple, intuitive. During installation, carefully check the necessary elements with “ticks” so as not to load unnecessary software.

Run the installation file.

We read and accept the license agreement.

We install the installation parameters at our discretion.

Select the installation folder.

Finish the installation - Done!

How to add a site to your favorites

The Safari browser provides several types of bookmarks and ways to display your favorite sites.

Bookmarks appear as a horizontal line at the top of the workspace. You can add a site to bookmarks through the main menu by clicking on the button “Bookmarks” - “Add bookmark ...”. This opens a dialog box in which you can select the bookmark section and prescribe a name for convenient labeling. The same window opens when you press Ctrl + D when you are on a site that you want to add to Favorites.

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + D automatically adds a resource to the so-called Reading List - one of the Favorites sections.

Also, you can simply drag the site address by holding the left mouse button to any of the Favorites sections.

How to clear the cache

To clear the cache in the Safari browser on a Windows PC, you can press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + E - in the dialog box that opens, the user is asked to confirm or cancel clearing the cache.

You can clear your browsing history using your browser settings. In the upper right part there is a button in the form of a gear, which opens the settings menu, in which you need to select the "Reset Safari ..." item. At the same time, a rather voluminous dialog box opens in which the user independently chooses which items of the saved data need to be deleted.

How to find out the version

After you downloaded Safari to your computer, you can find out the exact version and other data about the program. To do this, open the settings item - a gear icon in the upper right part of the work area, select the "about Safari" item in the drop-down menu, where all the basic technical information about this browser is located.

How to close all tabs in Safari

You can close the current tab by using the “Cmd” and “W” keys, and closing all the tabs except the current one is done by combining “Opt”, “Cmd” and “W”.

How to remove a browser

Safari removal from the computer is done by the built-in Windows tools or specialized programs. In the first case, you need to go through the "Start" in the "Control Panel", find the item associated with installing and uninstalling programs - in different versions of the operating system the specific name of this item may differ. The system itself will generate a list of available programs and, having selected the necessary one, it will be possible to delete it.

Specialized programs for uninstalling software have an advantage over the built-in uninstall system, since they not only delete the program itself, but also registry entries, fragments of the usage history and other residual files that may interfere with the operation of the operating system as a whole.

Uninstall Safari from Windows 10

Safari is Apple's free internet browser that was originally created for the Mac OS operating system. However, over time, Safari was released for Windows. As the Safari developers themselves assure, their "brainchild" is the fastest browser for the Microsoft operating system.

Safari free download in Russian can anyone. Since Safari works on almost all operating systems (including windows 7, Vista, Xp).

In the field of constantly evolving Internet technologies, the Safari browser will satisfy the basic needs of users exploring the wilds of the Internet, and contains a number of unique features for Safari.

It’s worth noting that browser innovations begin with Safari’s core technology, WebKit. This kernel allows the browser to work well on all i-devices, as well as on Mac and Windows operating systems. “Behind the scenes” WebKit does a large-scale work: displays graphics, shows fonts, draws up page layouts, maintaining their interactivity daily.

Software developers, in turn, will also appreciate the capabilities of the WebKit core: it simplifies the process of developing web sites and significantly speeds up the implementation of changes. Despite its revolutionary features, the core of WebKit is an open source project and free for everyone. WebKit has already been adapted for AOL Desktop for Mac and Google Chrome browsers.

When using Safari, your favorite web sites will always be at hand: the Top Sites function “remembers” the sites you visited and creates a special page on which 24 resources are displayed in a preview. With one click, you can easily open the site you are looking for. Or just flip pages.

Safari has innovative memory specific to this browser only. The sites you visited, whose addresses you simply forgot, and all of their text is stored in Safari’s “memory”. Even if you set the browser approximate conditions, Safari will cope with the task. After that, the “browser wizard” will produce another trick: instead of the usual “dry” URLs, it will display all the pages found in Cover Flow or cover mode. Convenience and ease of use is the key to the success of the Safari browser from Apple developers.

Main advantages of Safari Internet browser:

  • freedom to work with tabs: they can be easily interchanged, transferred to the desired browser window or create new windows from them;
  • custom search form: its size "adapts" to the length of the entered search query; You can use the popular search engines Google and Yahoo !;
  • blocking pop-up windows - all unwanted windows Safari blocks by default;
  • search by navigation history or bookmarks;
  • checks the text you enter for spelling in all input fields;
  • there is a built-in password manager;
  • reading and subscribing to RSS feeds;
  • "Proprietary" text smoothing system.

At the moment, the opportunity is presented to Safari to download for free the Russian version without registration and SMS for windiws 7, Vista, XP. The latest version of the Safari Internet browser is more stable and, most importantly, normally displays Russian-language resources.

Already from version 4, Safari supports CSS animation and CSS 3 standard forms that are specific to HTML 5. Moreover, selected sites can be found using the quick access page, switching between tabs is convenient and quick.

Surfing the Internet, users are using special applications - browsers. Currently, there are a huge number of browsers, but among them there are several market leaders. Among them, the Safari browser is deservedly attributed, although it is inferior in popularity to such giants as Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

The free Safari browser, from Apple's world-renowned electronic technology market, was first released for the Mac OS X operating system in 2003, and only in 2007 did its Windows version appear. But, thanks to the original approach of the developers, distinguishing this program for viewing web pages among other browsers, Safari was quickly able to gain its niche in the market. However, in 2012, Apple announced the termination of support and release of new versions of the Safari browser for Windows. The latest version for this operating system is 5.1.7.

Like any other browser, Safari's main function is to surf the web. For these purposes, Apple’s own engine, WebKit, is used. At one time, thanks to this engine, the Safari browser was considered the fastest, and even now, not many modern browsers can compete with the speed of loading web pages.

Like the vast majority of other browsers, Safari supports working with multiple tabs at the same time. Thus, the user can visit several sites at once.

Safari implements support for the following web technologies: Java, JavaScript, HTML 5, XHTML, RSS, Atom, frames, and a number of others. However, given that since 2012 the browser for Windows has not been updated, and the Internet technologies do not stand still, Safari currently cannot fully provide support for working with some modern sites, for example, with the popular YouTube video service.

Search engines

Like any other browser, Safari has built-in search engines for faster and more convenient search for information on the Internet. These are Google search engines (installed by default), Yahoo and Bing.

Top sites

A rather original element of the Safari browser is Top Sites. This is a list of the most visited sites, coming off in a separate tab, and containing not only the names of resources and their web addresses, but also thumbnails for previews. Thanks to Cover Flow technology, the thumbnail display looks voluminous and realistic. In the Top Sites tab, 24 of the most frequently visited Internet resources can be displayed simultaneously.


Like any browser, Safari has a bookmark section. Here users can add the most favorite sites. Like Top Sites, you can preview thumbnails added to bookmarked sites. But, already when installing the browser, a number of popular Internet resources were added to the bookmarks by default.

A peculiar variation of bookmarks is the so-called reading list, where users can add sites to view their weather.

Web History

Safari users also have the opportunity to view the history of visiting web pages in a special section. The interface of the history section is very similar to the visual design of bookmarks. Here you can also see thumbnails of visited pages.

Download manager

Safari has a very simple manager for downloading files from the Internet. But, unfortunately, it is very poorly functional, and by and large, does not have tools to control the boot process.

Saving web pages

Safari browser users can save their favorite web pages directly to their hard drive. This can be done in html format, that is, in the form in which they are posted on the site, or you can save as a single web archive, where both text and images will be packed at the same time.

The web archive format (.webarchive) is an exclusive invention of Safari developers. It is a more correct analogue of the MHTML format, which Microsoft uses, but has less distribution, therefore only Safari browsers can open the webarchive format.

Work with text

The Safari browser has built-in tools for working with text, which are useful, for example, when communicating in forums or when leaving comments on blogs. Among the main tools: spelling and grammar checking, a set of fonts, paragraph direction adjustment.

Bonjour Technology

The Safari browser has a built-in Bonjour tool, which, however, is possible to refuse during installation. This tool provides easier and more accurate browser access to external devices. For example, it may associate Safari with a printer to print web pages from the Internet.


The Safari browser supports working with extensions that enrich its functionality. For example, they block ads, or, conversely, provide access to sites blocked by providers. But, the variety of such extensions for Safari is very limited, and can not be compared with the huge number of add-ons for Mozilla Firefox or for browsers created on the Chromium engine.

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