How to set up a greeting on windows 10

With the final release of the Windows 10 operating system, users began to have questions regarding changing the background image of the welcome and lock screen. If the lock screen can be changed in the system settings, then with the change in the welcome screen, things are a little different.

How to change the lock screen background in Windows 10?

The lock screen should be distinguished from the welcome screen. The first is activated when the device is locked, when the system is rebooted, or when it wakes up from sleep mode. It is a kind of prototype of the lock screen that we often use on touchscreen phones... In Windows 10, you can change the background of such a lock screen. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • Click "Start", select "Options". Here we select the "Personalization" section.
  • In the left menu, select the "Lock screen" subsection.

  • Here you can select as the default screensaver windows theme, and your own photo, picture.

  • You can also specify when to activate the lock screen.

How do I turn off the background image on the lock screen?

If you want to disable the background on the login screen, you need to edit the registry key to do this.

  • Click "Win + R" and enter "regedit".

  • The Registry Editor will open. Go to the branch "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ System". Here you need to create a DWORD parameter with the name "DisableLogonBackgroundImage" and the value "00000001". To do this, right-click on the "System" section and select "Create", then "DWORD Parameter".

  • If you set this parameter to "0", the previously set background for the lock screen will return.

It should be noted that the background will still be displayed, only the standard one from Windows 10.

How to change the welcome picture in Windows 10?

Changing the welcome picture in Windows 10 is difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that Microsoft developers do not provide such a function. However, there are two programs for this purpose:

  • Windows 10 BG Logon Changer;
  • Windows 10 Logon ChangerLogin Background Changer.

Let's consider the principle of operation of each separately.

How does Windows 10 BG Logon Changer work?

Windows 10 BG Logon Changer allows anyone to change the Windows 10 Welcome screen effortlessly.

  • Download and unpack the program. Run exe file. The program window will open immediately. Three main buttons are worth noting here: about the program, Windows 10 lock and the welcome screen design menu.

  • To change the welcome screen, go to the "Edit Background" section and click "browse".

  • File Explorer will open. We indicate the path to the desired picture. After selecting, click "Fix selection".

  • After selecting and saving the picture, it is enough to restart the PC for the changes to take effect.

How does Windows 10 Logon ChangerLogin Background Changer work?

To disable an unnecessary picture or remove it from the welcome screen, just download and run it on your computer windows program 10 Logon ChangerLogin Background Changer, which will help you quickly change the appearance of the OS initial screen.

  • After downloading and launching the program, its initial screen will appear. Click "Select a picture".

  • File Explorer will open. Selecting an image. To consolidate the result, click "Save selection".

  • Reboot your computer. The welcome screen will be changed.

New operating system Windows 10 is literally replete with visual updates. There was not a single place where the design did not change. This also applies to such a section as the welcome screen. We see him every time we turn on the computer. Naturally, over time, the standard screensaver, which the welcome screen shines with, will get bored and you will want to change it. But how to do that?

Change the background image

Deep blue colour, in which the welcome screen is painted, many get bored very quickly. And while it is extremely easy to change the lock screen picture by means of the system, it is not so simple with the login screen. Microsoft at creating windows 10 did not foresee this possibility.

By the way, it is quite easy to change the boring image on the blocking panel. You just need to go through the "Settings" to "Personalization" and find the appropriate item there.

Fortunately, this need has been taken care of. third party developers... They created special utilitywearing windows name 10 Login Background Changer. This program is easily searchable on the Internet and does not even require downloading. You just need to start it and select a new image on the screen.

How to use the utility

You need to find and download this application to your device. Preferably from trusted sources to avoid virus infection of your computer. After that, the downloaded archive is unpacked into a convenient directory.

Important! Using the utility can lead to errors in the operating system, as it changes the initial parameters. Although the probability is small, it is worth considering.

To run the application, you need to find the GUI folder in the selected directory and open it. It contains the executable file W10 Logon BG Changer. It is required to run the utility and work with it. For it to work correctly, you need to use administrator rights.

As soon as you start the program, an information window will appear with a warning. If you agree to the risk, just click Yes and continue working.

So, we come to the most important thing - directly changing the image on the welcome screen. After starting the program, a gray window will appear on the right. It is necessary to select the file that will serve as a new background screen saver, which can be done by clicking on "Background file name" (in the Russian and English versions it is located in the same place). There you find your file and then apply the changes.

Important! Find out in advance what screen resolution you have and resize the corresponding image. Otherwise, problems may arise. At the same time, remember that too light an image will not allow you to see what username is spelled out. Of course, for a PC with one owner this is not critical, but for multi-profile devices it is very important.

You can criticize Microsoft as much as you like for certain changes in the interface of the latter windows versionshowever, it should be admitted that she certainly succeeded in some of the improvements in the system. Startup time is one of these: Windows 10 and its predecessor start up noticeably faster windows 7. The picture here is spoiled by the fact that you will not see the desktop right away, since you must first meet the lock and welcome screens.

Agree, both of these screens are not in demand among all users. Many people would prefer to disable them so that when the computer starts up, they can see their desktop much faster and without unnecessary actions. This is very easy to do.

Disable the lock screen

The lock screen first appeared in the G8 and successfully migrated to Windows 10. In order to disable it, it is enough to do a few simple operations.

Press Win + R on your keyboard. In the "run" window that appears, type gpedit.msc and press Enter.

This will open the local group policy editor window:

Go there along the following path: "Administrative Templates" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "Personalization". Once you reach the last folder, a list of available options will appear on the right.

Double-click "Prevent displaying the lock screen" (fourth from the top).

In the window that appears, you will see that by default the option to prohibit the display of the lock screen is not set. All you need to do is toggle the checkbox to "on" and click the OK button.

After this procedure, the lock screen will no longer bother you. To turn it back on, just turn off the display ban.

Disable the welcome screen

Another way to speed up windows startup 10 - disables the welcome screen, where you are always required to enter a password. If we are talking about home computer and you have nothing special to hide from your loved ones, then there is not so much sense in entering a password on the welcome screen every day.

To turn off this screen, press Win + R, in the window that appears, type netplwiz and then press Enter:

In the next window, you need to uncheck the box "Require username and password".

After unchecking this box and clicking "Ok", the system will ask you to enter your current password twice:

If you do this, then the next time you start Windows, it will only briefly show the welcome screen, and then, without waiting for any passwords to be entered, it will immediately load the desktop.

With these two simple settings, you can significantly speed up the launch of Windows 10 on your computer, while saving yourself from a number of unnecessary actions that you had to perform every time you turn on and restart your PC.

The latest operating system from the corporation created by Bill Gates and his friend differs from its predecessors in an incredible amount of innovations regarding its appearance.

The number of options that allow you to change the look of the OS has also increased. Today we will look at how for Windows 10 to change the welcome screen that the user sees every time the operating system starts.

In the top ten, Microsoft finally allows you to change the background of the welcome screen in Windows with built-in tools, which was not available before. Now this process is carried out very quickly, and it does not require the use of an outsider software... Although we will also touch on it.

Let's start by how to change the background of the login screen in windows system 10 tools provided by the developer. This is done literally in a couple of clicks, and does not cause difficulties even for people who are over ...

1. Open the "Parameters" of the system (Win + I).

2. Go to the personalization section.

3. Click on the name of the third tab.

4. In the "Background" menu, select "Photo".

By the way, the new OS allows you to display information of interest to the user on the lock screen and create a slideshow on it, consisting of standard or selected from any directory of graphic files.

5. Specify the proposed picture or click "Browse" and select your image in the native screen resolution.

Check how new looks like background picture you can use the keys Win + L. Logon Changer

Before you start using the application, think carefully about using third-party software can lead to problems in the functioning of the operating system.

The utility is located on the website:

1. Be sure to make a pullback point of the "tens".

3. Install it and run it from the installer window.

4. Click on the first icon at the top of the interface and set the path to the picture to which we intend to change the lock screen photo.

As a result, the picture will be replaced.

The second button will help to return everything back: "Revert Wallpaper".

To see what happened, hold down Win + L to call the lock screen.

As you can see, it's easy to figure it out even with the English version of the utility.

additional information

Windows 10 allows and disables the wallpaper while logging into account by editing the corresponding registry key. Instead of a photo or other raster file the background will be filled with the foreground color you select in personalization (see the first section).

1. Execute regedit in the search bar.

2. Open the HKLM branch.

5. In the "System" subsection, create a DWORD key named "DisableLogonBackgroundImage" and the value 1 (hexadecimal unit).

Removing a key or changing its value to zero will return everything to its place.

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