How to create your own electronic payment system. How to start creating a service for receiving online payments

Hello, Habr! We at RBKmoney wrote a new payment processing. From scratch. Well, is not it a dream?

We will tell you how we wrote all RBKmoney Payments processing, as we called it. How they made it resistant to loads and equipment failures, how they came up with the possibility of its almost linear horizontal scaling.

And in the end, as we all took off, not forgetting the comfort of those inside, our payment system was created with the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing interesting primarily for developers, those who create it.

With this post we open a series of articles in which we will share both specific technical things, approaches and implementations, as well as experience in developing large distributed systems in principle. The first article is a review article, in it we designate the milestones that we will disclose in detail, and sometimes in great detail.


Since the last publication in our blog, no less than 5 years have passed. During this time, our development team has been noticeably updated, now there are new people at the helm of the company.

When you create a payment system, you need to consider a bunch of different things and develop a lot of solutions. From processing that can process thousands of simultaneous concurrent requests to write off money, to user-friendly and understandable interfaces. Trite, if you do not take into account the small nuances.

The harsh reality is that there are payment organizations behind the payment processing, not at all with open arms accepting such traffic, and sometimes even asking "to send us no more than 3 requests per second." And people who, maybe, for the first time on the Internet decided to pay for something, look at interfaces. And any jamb UX, incomprehensibility and delay - this is an occasion to panic.

A basket in which you can put purchases even during tornadoes

Our approach to creating payment processing is to provide an opportunity is always   start payment. It doesn’t matter what is happening inside of us - the server burned out, the administrator got confused in the networks, the electricity in the building / district / city was cut off, we have a diesel hmm ... lost. Never mind. The service will still allow you to start the payment.

The approach sounds familiar, right?

Yes, we were inspired by the concept described in Amazon Dynamo Paper. The guys from Amazon also built everything so that the user should be able to put the book in the basket, no matter what the horror was happening on the other side of his monitor.

Of course, we do not violate the laws of physics and have not figured out how to refute the CAP theorem. It is not a fact that the payment will be made right away - there may be problems on the banks side, but the service will create a request and the user will see that everything worked. Yes, and we are ideally still a dozen listings of backlog with technical debt, which is a sin, we can answer 504 occasionally.

Let's look into the bunker, once the tornado is outside the window

It was necessary to make our payment gateway always available. Whether the peak load has increased, something has fallen or gone into maintenance in the DC - the end user should not notice this at all.

This was decided by minimizing the places where the state of the system is stored - it is obvious that stateless applications are easy to scale to the horizon.

The applications themselves are spinning in Docker containers, the logs from which we reliably merge into the central Elasticsearch storage; they find each other through Service Discovery, and data is transmitted via IPv6 inside Macroservice .

All microservices that are collected and working together, together with related services, are Macroservices, which ultimately provide you with a payment gateway, as you see it from the outside as our public API.

SaltStack keeps an eye on the order, which describes the entire state of Macroservice.

We will be back with a detailed description of this whole farm.

With applications easier.

But if you store the state somewhere, then be sure to in such a database in which the price of failure of a part of the nodes is minimal. Also, so that it does not have a master node with data. So that she could respond to requests with predictable waiting times. Is it your dream here? Then, in order to service it, it was not particularly necessary, and that the erlangist developers liked it.

Yes, haven't we said that the entire online part of our processing in Erlang is written?

As many have probably already guessed, we had no choice as such.

The entire state of the online part of our system is stored in Basho Riak. We will also tell you how to cook Riak and not break your fingers (because you will break your brain), but for now we will continue.

Where is the money, Lebowski?

If you take an infinite amount of money, you may be able to build infinitely reliable processing. But it is not exactly. And they don’t give us much money. Right on the server level "quality, but China."

Fortunately, this led to positive effects. When you understand that as a developer, it will be somewhat difficult for you to get 40 physical cores addressing 512GB of RAM, you have to get out and write small applications. But you can deploy as many as you like - the servers are still inexpensive.

Even in our world, any server has a tendency not to return to life after a reboot, or even to catch the failure of power supplies at the most inopportune moment.

With an eye on all these horrors, we learned how to build a system with the expectation that any part of it necessarily  will suddenly break. It is difficult to recall whether this approach caused any inconvenience for the development of the online processing part. Perhaps this is somehow connected with the philosophy of Erlangists and their famous LetItCrash concept?

But with servers it’s easier.

We figured out where to place applications, there are a lot of them, they are scalable. The base is also distributed, there is no master, the burned nodes are not a pity, we can quickly load the cart with servers, come to the DC and leave them with forks in the racks.

But this is not the case with disk arrays! The failure of even a small disk storage is a failure of a part of the payment service, which we cannot afford. Duplicate storage? Too impractical.

And we do not want to afford expensive branded disk arrays. Even from a simple sense of beauty - they will not look next to the racks, where the names are packed in even rows. And unreasonably expensive it all costs.

In the end, we decided not to use disk arrays at all. All the block devices we have run under CEPH on the same inexpensive servers - we can put them in racks in large quantities that we need.

With network hardware, the approach is not much different. We take the middle peasants, we get a good, suitable equipment for the task very inexpensively. In case of a switch failure, the second one works in parallel, and OSPF is configured on the servers, convergence is ensured.

Thus, we have got a convenient, fault-tolerant and universal system - a rack full of simple cheap servers, several switches. The next rack. And so on.

Simple, convenient and overall - very reliable.

Listen to the rules of conduct on board

We never wanted to come to the office, do work and get paid in cash. The financial component is very important, but it will not replace the pleasure of a job well done. We have already written payment systems, including at previous places of work. And roughly imagined what we do not want to do. And I did not want standard, but proven solutions, I did not want a boring enterprise.

And we decided to pull the maximum freshness into the work. In the development of payment systems, new solutions are often limited, they say, why do you need a docker at all, let's go without it. And generally speaking. Not security. Deny.

We decided not to prohibit anything, but rather to encourage everything new. So in our production we built a macro service from a huge pile of applications in docker containers, managed through SaltStack, Riak's clusters, Consul as a Service Discovery, an original implementation of query tracing in a distributed system and many other great technologies.

erlang / otp Add Tags

On many sites selling goods or services, you can pay for orders through the site. This is done in various ways. In the article we will consider the existing methods of accepting payments through the site.

Payment Acceptance Methods

Payment systems

The method is convenient in that you can pay for goods and services without leaving your home.

Cons: the need to register in the system, limits on payment are possible (for example, up to 15 thousand rubles).

Examples of services: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi-Wallet. In addition to these basic, there are many more, with different tariffs, opportunities. Some payment systems have affiliate programs and bonuses for using the system.

To connect the possibility of payment through payment systems, you will need documents, obtaining the appropriate profile.

Payment terminals

Payment terminals can be found mainly in stores. For a small commission (and sometimes without it) a payment is made for services or orders. You select the right company in the terminal (for example, you pay for mobile communications - select the mobile operator), enter your identifier (unique user number or login, code), deposit funds, payment information is transmitted to the store.

Cons: the buyer needs to find a payment terminal; the site owner needs to bind his store to the terminal.

Examples of terminals: Eleksnet, Qiwi.

Universal systems

These are the so-called aggregators that combine various payment systems and allow you to withdraw funds to a single account.

The services are good in that you do not need to conclude an agreement with each payment system.

Examples: Robokassa, Assist.

SMS payments

This payment option is suitable for sites with low prices for paying for services or goods. For example, this payment option is suitable for paying for days of watching TV shows (for example, on website), or on dating sites (payment for raising an advertisement, gift, etc.).

Such payments are convenient, because the buyer sends a code to the short number for the order, no more operations are required from the user.

Cons: you have to conclude separate agreements with each of the operators.

Alternative: service, where the main operators are already connected.

Bank cards

This is a payment method with Visa, MasterCard.

Cons: lack of trust. Not everyone wants to enter their card number in the form on the site. Although there are additional opportunities to create virtual cards that can protect the buyer from theft from a credit card.

Examples of systems for processing credit cards: Chronopay, Assist.


What you need to pay attention to when choosing payment types for your site:

  • What is the value of your goods or services; it is possible that the possibility of payment via SMS is enough;
  • Who is your audience, the more convenient it will be to pay for services or goods - although when connecting various payment options, the chance is higher that the visitor will buy from you;
  • You want to independently connect various payment systems or use the services of aggregators.

Of course, when you connect to the aggregator, you save project start-up time and you do not need to conclude agreements with all systems. However, you are dependent on one service provider. And in case of malfunctions, the user will either leave or wait for the payment service to work.

  • Will you have a credit card payment?


When connecting various payment methods to your site, pay attention not only to the payment options themselves, but also to the convenience of the purchase. Sometimes, the buying process on such sites may vary in the details, however, to be easier and more pleasant for the user.

But no doubt - the ability to pay via the Internet is a must for a site these days.

Life stories

I made a purchase in one online store, and saw the possibility of payment "bank card". Since I rarely have to withdraw cash from an ATM, I decided that I could pay by credit card. However, I was very surprised when, when moving on to the next step of placing the order, I was informed of the details for which I must make payment at the nearest bank branch. Conclusion: it is necessary to correctly name the payment options so as not to mislead the buyer.

Previous issue: Issue No. 11. Content productionAll mailingsNext issue: Issue No. 13. Earnings on your site

Online currencies

It is important to understand that any new currency, any new money TAKES part of the sphere of action of state currencies, or occupies "voids", that is, those areas of potential action of currencies that have not been used before. So it was, it is and it will be so. Coupons, demurrage and replacement money from the previous description are partially, exactly like that. Internet currencies, or electronic money, are also no different in this respect.

The foundation, construction and development of Internet currencies, in contrast to paper currencies, for the organization of which at least LOCAL AUTHORITY is needed, are subject to any person or company, individual or legal entity. This is the main difference. To create a payment system based on Internet payments, the creators do not need an administrative resource.

Webmoney system is one of the most convenient payment systems for making all kinds of payments on the Internet. It is a full-fledged medium of financial relationships on the network, it is used by millions of people around the world. You may need this system to receive money earned on the Internet.

You will need

  • - a computer with internet access;
  • - WM Keeper Classic

Instruction manual

To register, go to the Webmoney website. On the site you will see the registration button, click on it and select "I am registering for the first time", click on. In the window that appears, you will need to fill in all the empty cells, then click "continue." You will also be asked to double-check the completed data, and if you want to withdraw money from the system, your data must be reliable. After you have checked everything, click continue. A unique code will be sent to your email address, which will need to be further entered.

How to open a payment system

Now you have access to WM Keeper Classic. At the first start, the program will request an activation code, which was sent to you by mail. First of all, create wallets for rubles and dollars, since they are used most often than others. When you already have your own ruble wallet, you can go into its properties and see the status of the account ** wmr. When you click on ** wmr, a window with the number of your wallet will open, be sure to save and write it down somewhere on a piece of paper.

The last thing you have to do is check your personal data. Pay attention to the WMID, consisting of 12 digits. You will need it for various registrations, debiting funds from your account, it is also used as a login.

How to replenish your wallet? In the open “Keeper” go to the “Wallets” tab, right-click on the context menu, select “recharge”. Then it’s tedious to choose a replenishment method: it can be, for example, replenishment through a bank card. Click on the specified link and read the instructions. When transferring a sum of money, please note that all operations are carried out with a commission, therefore it is better to transfer a little more money.

Now you can start using your Webmoney wallet.

Attention, only TODAY!

This functionality is available. to usersof products  "Online Store » .


Connect the Yandex.Kassa payment system, and your customers will pay for goods and services online.

Yandex.Kassa provides several payment methods:

  • yandex.Money wallets;
  • bank card
  • mobile phone bill;
  • cash payment through cash desks or terminals;
  • WebMoney;
  • mobile terminal (mPOS).

How to make a payment system on the site?

To connect to Yandex.Kassa, fill out the application for connection, set up a ready-made module that is already on your site, sign the offer agreement and start accepting payments.

  1. Fill out an application.

Indicate the address in the settings of Yandex.Kassa:

  • URL for payment acceptance notification:
  • URL for order verification:
  • URL to inform the user about the successful payment: http: // (Hostndomain) / emarket / purchase / result / successful /
  • URL to inform the user about the failed payment: http: // (Hostname) / emarket / purchase / result / failed /

Host is the system name of the site, Hostndomain is the associated domain name or system name of the site.

  1. After the conclusion of the contract, indicate the identifier, showcase number and password in the appropriate fields, and then activate the payment system.

If you connect a payment system with a third-level domain ((Host)), and then bind a second-level domain, you will need to sign an additional agreement with the Yandex.Kassa service to connect a new domain to their system.

How to integrate your site with the Yandex.Money payment system (for individuals)?

In order to connect the acceptance of payments through the Yandex.Money system to your store, follow the step-by-step instructions:

1. Open an account in the electronic payment system Yandex.Money.

Tired of building sales on social networks only on trust?

On the HTTP notifications page, specify the address to which notifications of incoming payments will come:, where instead of site-internet-magazin.umi. ru you need to enter the name of your online store:

3.On the same page of HTTP notifications, check the "Send notifications" checkbox and click the "Save" button:

4. After that, connect the payment acceptance through Yandex.Money in the control panel of your online store in the section "Shop" → "Payment systems".

Indicate your Yandex.Money wallet number and the secret word copied from the settings page for HTTP notifications, click "Save":

Money online

You can connect payment systems through the “Money Online” service. Your client will be able to pay for purchases through the payment system to which he is accustomed, and your company will instantly receive money in his account.

More than 50 payment methods are available for connection:

  • MasterCard, VISA;
  • Yandex money;
  • WebMoney;
  • QIWI;
  • Mobile payments Beeline, Megafon, MTS;
  • All payment systems available for connection can be seen on the website of the Money Online service.

To conclude an agreement with the Money Online service, you can have any legal form. This can be done by clicking on the link.

After concluding an agreement with the “Money Online” service, you will need to indicate “Project ID” and “Secret Word” in the appropriate fields.

For the service "Money Online" specify 3 of the following addresses:

  • URL - to inform about payment acceptance: http: // your / emarket / order_paysystem_callback /
  • URL - to inform the user about a successful payment: http: // your / emarket / purchase / result / successful /
  • URL - to inform the user about a failed payment: http: // your / emarket / purchase / result / failed /

Thanks to which you will configure the acceptance of payments on the site in 2 hours and even if you are not framed as an individual entrepreneur and do not understand the technical details at all.

Many webmasters, when launching a website or blog, dream of making money on their brainchild. Our team is trying to help this blog readers. Webmaster World, and today we’ll talk about how to do   accepting payments on the site. Agree, after all, many have something to offer potential buyers, but a lack of knowledge or inability to place an aggregator of payment acceptance on their portal deprives someone of decent earnings.

Payment Acceptance Options

So, to organize the acceptance of payments on your website, you need to decide for yourself how you will work - with individual payment systems or aggregators of payments. First option  - low fees, but stringent requirements for web resources, second option  - a bit more commission and money "fall" first to partners.

General principle of work with aggregators of payments

All systems for receiving money from buyers have a single principle of operation:

  • The user enters the necessary data in a specific form (full name, nickname, e-mail, etc.)
  • After filling out the form, the buyer gets to the payment page in the selected electronic payment system
  • The owner of the goods receives a letter from the partner with payment data and checks the correctness of the amount
  • The buyer is redirected to the file download page or receives a password to access private pages or files. If this is an online store, the buyer receives a letter with a notification that his order has been accepted.

Of course, this is a schematic explanation, each payment system aggregator has its own action algorithms, its own nuances, and when you start working with them, the owner of the web resource should carefully study all the features of “payment systems”. And be sure to make a test purchase to make sure that everything works as it should.

The easiest way to accept payments on the site

Let's look at the options for installing payment systems. The easiest and easiest option is to indicate the wallet number in Yandex, WebMoney,, RBC Money, etc. in a separate block on the site. and the amount you want to see on your account for the product. If there are several products, then information will have to be placed on the page with the offer.

There are more disadvantages to this method of receiving payments than advantages, I suggest you think about this yourself, dear reader. But the most important thing here - in order to get money, you must be a very respected person: who wants to take risks, because it is very easy to run into a scammer on the Web.

Overview of Famous Payment Aggregators

There are many services for accepting payments on the Internet - below I will talk about some of them, in more detail - about installing the "payment system" from the Unified Cashier on the site.

1.   Start with Interkassa  - A good service, ready to connect all known payment systems to your or site. INTERKASSA will charge a commission of 3% of the payment for goods for its services. When accepting payments, Interkassa does not receive its secret data from the buyer, which guarantees the security of the transaction. To start cooperation with the system, you will have to register and send the site for moderation - not all sites are accepted for service. In addition to the code, you can install modules and plugins - this will simplify the work with integration " payments". By the way, here is a video on working with the system:

2.   The next payment system is CyberPlat. To start working with this service, you need to register, get a package of documents from the project manager, fill out the papers and send them to CyberPlat staff. In response, you will receive data to install the payment system. In my opinion, there are a lot of unnecessary movements and expectations, but here there is a full legal justification for cooperation and work safety.

3.   The third payment acceptance system on the site on our list is QIWI.

To work with the system, you need to register and send the modem address of the online store. When connecting, you will have to choose the type of wallet: name or legal entity. There is a difference between them, and significant, starting with the commission and ending with the terms for connecting the service. After the approval of the online store, the administration of the service sends a notification and documents that will have to be signed and returned back. Next - configure the form of payment acceptance in your chosen protocol (you can choose a combined one).

4.   The next "payment" -.

The service is well-known and popular. To work with it, you need to register and send a package of documents to the portal administration. After that, you will receive a code that will need to be installed on the site. The service fee depends on the choice of tariff, there are several: “Basic”, “Housing and communal services”, “Do good”  etc. We accept RBK Money wallets and all major electronic payment systems.

This payment acceptance service is one of the best in its field, which will be 10 years old in 2013 :). ROBOKASSA works with both legal entities and individuals. To start cooperation, legal entities should create an account, sign an agreement, check the system’s operability, accept the act of technical condition of the “payment system” and draw up a power of attorney. Cooperation with individuals is based on a public offer and requires only registration and confirmation that the site complies with the rules of the service. AT first option  partners use cashless payments for settlements, in second  - electronic money. Robokassa is really a reliable aggregator, if you doubt the choice of a system, then pay attention to it in the first place. The service fee is charged depending on the selected tariff, and starts from 1%.

How to accept payments on the site using the Single Cashier

Why did I choose this system? Due to its simplicity and ease of installation. So, go to  and press the button Connect Now:

On the page that opens, we are shown the algorithm of our further actions, and we begin by registering:

To register, you need to specify a working email or phone number as login, enter the security code and understand that you agree to the public offer agreement, which you can read by clicking on the link.

The password for registration comes to the specified e-mail. After you enter it, the start page will open.

We carry out all the necessary settings, there are many of them, but a minimum of time is spent on this. Yes, and we have planned a serious matter, so - do not be lazy. By the way, it is possible to choose the visibility of your data.

We set up an online store. Here you will have to confirm the rights to the site by uploading a text file to the root folder or install some code in the template of the main page.

After confirming the rights to the site, you should configure the form for accepting payments on the site. How to do it right, described on the page, in the same place - a description of the parameters that can be entered in the code for additional payment characteristics (which wallets to work with, which ones not, which currency should be, etc.).

It will turn out something similar - after the appropriate settings and integration:

You can install the informer, which indicates the payment methods for the order.

And you can do everything with the help of modules. You can download them from the page from which we started:

Below is a video how to set the acceptance of payments on the site on Joomla!

I hope you now know how to organize the acceptance of payments on the site  - at least in general terms. It remains only to understand what you will sell and stay on any payment system. Good luck!

Not a single person who works on the Internet can do without electronic payment systems. After all, you need to store earned money somewhere and somehow get it in cash! Many sites for making money provide several payment systems for withdrawing money, and already from the payment system money can be easily withdrawn to any bank card.

They are one of the main services for cashless payments worldwide. With the help of payment systems, you can make online purchases, transfer and exchange money, pay for various services and much more. In other words, electronic payment systems perform the same financial transactions as the Internet services of various banks. Therefore, payment systems and banks are very closely interconnected and, often, cooperate with each other. This allows you to transfer money from the payment system to the bank and from the bank to the payment system without any problems. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the main electronic payment systems that are used on almost all sites to earn money.

The best electronic wallet for citizens of the Russian Federation. After registration, you need to identify your identity in order to use all the privileges of this payment system. You will receive various bonuses and discounts on many products, as well as pay for most of the services. But most importantly, you can get a Yandex.Money card and withdraw cash at any ATM without a fee!  You can order a card in the Yandex.Money Maps section.

The most common payment system, founded in 1998. Currently, the number of its users exceeds 30 million people. This payment system is ideal for withdrawing money from all Russian-speaking sites for earnings. In the Webmoney payment system you can register electronic wallets of many currencies: rubles (WMR), hryvnias (WMU), dollars (WMZ), euros (WME) and others. Webmoney is a very serious system that has many levels of protection for the security of its customers' money accounts. Therefore, the registration process has many steps, but it's worth it!

This payment system was founded in Georgia 4 years ago and has its offices in Russia and the UK. During this short period, it has become very popular and has a number of significant advantages compared to other payment systems. Withdrawing funds to Payeer wallet is available on Russian-language sites for earnings and on some foreign ones. After simple registration in this system, an electronic account will be available to you, into which you can transfer rubles, dollars and euros. Also, the Payeer payment system has its own internal exchanger, which will allow you to exchange the currency of various electronic wallets.

Foreign payment system in which you can open a dollar wallet. If you are going to make money on foreign sites, then this system will be indispensable for you. The Payza payment system is used on almost all sites that pay in dollars. Register in this system is not difficult. The only obstacle is that the site is completely in English, but you can use the translator in your browser for this.

Universal payment system, which is used in many foreign and Russian-language sites to earn money. At Perfect Money you will have access to electronic accounts in dollars, euros, precious metals (gold) and Bitcoin, which can be exchanged among themselves. The electronic payment system is very convenient and easy to use, in addition, it has a Russian interface. I advise everyone to register for Perfect Money, since, based on practice, you have to use this payment system quite often.

From the author:  Hello, friends! According to statistics, about 10% of visitors to an online store are screened out even at the stage of payment for a purchase, because they simply can’t understand how they can pay for a product or service, or the payment form presented on the site is inconvenient for them. In our article today, you will learn how to make payment in the online store. And this is perhaps the easiest way to increase the number of sales without investments.

Since most people start creating an online business without legal registration, we will consider the process of connecting payment to an online store for an individual. Our task today is to organize the process of transferring money from site users who want to purchase goods to you on a bank card. Moreover, everything should work in automatic mode.

If you are creating an online store for the first time, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the topic of creating effective commercial sites. If you have a ready-for-sale online platform, you can immediately proceed to consider how to arrange payment in the online store.

The technical side of the issue

From a technical point of view, the process of creating a payment in an online store is as follows. The customer makes a purchase and an invoice is issued to him. Then he selects a suitable payment system and enters the necessary data to make a payment.

If the user has specified everything correctly, then the payment system server sends a request to the URL of the online store specified in advance, and the trading platform, in turn, transfers the money to the client’s account. In case of incorrectly indicated data or other technical failures, the system will notify the person that the payment failed.

If the operation was successful, the person will be transferred to a special page where there will be a comment indicating that the payment has been completed and the money has been credited.

The choice of payment system

There are many different payment systems, however, let's dwell on how to set up payment in an online store based on the 5 most popular of them.


Connection takes place in a few simple steps: go through the registration on the site, specify the data of the online store, configure the form of payment on your site. The specifics of working with Robokassa also requires special moderation. The system requires the following specific details on your site:

contact details with store representatives.

The commission for the payment varies depending on the selected payment system and can reach 12%.


Connection takes place in the same way: registration, personal data, setting parameters for your own needs. Commission - from 3%.

Qiwi wallet

The basic connection procedure is also simple. You go through a quick registration, then a specific manager is assigned to you, with whom further consultations on technical issues are held. The specifics of a Qiwi wallet involves, in addition to entering standard data by the user, also checking for the validity of the phone number.

Kiwi commission is 1% of all transfers.

Yandex money

This is one of the most popular types of payment systems, so we decided to mention it so that you have no questions about this. The Yandex.Money system does not involve working with individuals. Moreover, even if you are a legal entity, you still have a minimum financial limit, below which cooperation with the online store seems impossible.

Therefore, with the connection Yandex.Money will have to wait until the store picks up the proper speed. If the availability of this payment method is important for you, then give preference to Robokassa as the main payment system of your online store. This is the only external platform that supports Yandex.Money.


It will take a little more time to organize the automatic acceptance of payments in the WebMoney system. First of all, you need to register a personal certificate. This may take about a week, because WebMoney requires sending a notarized statement using the Russian post.

After that, add the online store to the site directory on It will take another 1-3 days. The advantage of the system is that you can test the payment (in fact everything goes in a standard way, only the money is not withdrawn). This advantage allows you to pre-catch errors in the code.

Funds transferred by the client go to the WebMoney wallet specified during registration. The commission is provided only for the payment itself (withdrawn from the client).

What is the value of connecting online payment?

Nevertheless, the owners of physical goods will also benefit significantly from connecting the payment system to the online store. The latter will save a lot of time from sending the account number to customers and unnecessary expectations until people lose the necessary amount. In turn, payment systems will save customers on delivery and save them from red tape.

It is worth noting that we have not studied all existing payment systems, but only the most popular.

How to be legal entities?

To connect online payment to the online store to a legal entity, you need to perform almost the same actions. Consider only the fact that it takes a little more time to organize the process. This is due to the need to conclude a formal agreement providing for more thorough checks of your activities.

You have received a detailed answer on how to choose a payment system for an online store and connect it properly. The procedure is simple, the main thing is to carefully fill in the data during registration, otherwise then spend a lot of time to adjust them in the support.

If you want to know more about the functionality of your online store, we recommend taking a few useful online courses from.

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