Anonymous nicknames for vk. Nicky for VKontakte

Young guys, and the older male audience, as you know, love to play computer games. And since almost all modern games require distinguishing players by names and nicknames, Internet users are periodically looking for a new beautiful or cool nickname with unusual characters, letters, badges or try to come up with a cool nickname themselves.

Unique nicknames for guys

This section contains beautiful nicknames for guys. Our nicknames are equally suitable for online games Counter-Strike 1. 6, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, MineCraft, WarFace and other popular games. Each guy can choose any nickname from the catalog, create a nickname with the help or decorate his nickname and symbols with the help of another section.

If you need a nickname for Vkontakte, ICQ, Skype, YouTube, Odnoklassniki, then in this case our resource is quite suitable for a fruitful search for a cool nickname.

Male Nickname Generator

If nothing was found in this section, you can use it. Our generator is able to create great nicknames for guys. In addition to generation, you can add uniqueness to the nickname by decorating it with cool symbols. This will add even more coolness to your gaming name.

With the total spread of virtual reality, such a thing as a nickname came into our lives. A nickname is, in fact, a name that a person invents for himself in order to register in games, communicate on forums, in social networks, etc. Speaking of the latter, the most popular social network in Russia today is VKontakte. And the nicknames that are used there have some features.

Why do I need a nickname for contact?

This question is asked by many inexperienced users, and they can be understood. After all, this social network during registration asks for your first name and surname. So why else come up with a nickname for contact?

If in most other cases the nickname is intended to hide the present, then VKontakte serves as a complement. After all, social networks are used by many for acquaintances, communication, networking, etc. Therefore, the page should somehow characterize the personality and signal other important things for communication.

Nick selection

The administration of VKontakte, along with the introduction of the name and surname, offers to make a nickname. And many people accept it with pleasure. Someone wants to be easily found by friends, classmates, classmates, co-workers and other acquaintances. In this case, the nickname for contact is taken, for example, in the form of a nickname known to everyone that a given person has in his circles of communication. And someone else, on the contrary, seeks to remain incognito on the network. And instead of a surname enters a mysterious nickname. Each pursues its own goals.

Based on these and other factors, nicknames are selected. And you should approach this issue responsibly, because the virtual name will be used for a long time ... Some even think that choosing a nickname is more complicated than giving a child a name. The range of options is very large!

About bad nicknames

When choosing a nickname for a contact, you should remember that you cannot choose very long, poorly pronounced virtual names. Also a gross mistake is the use of characters that are not on the keyboard. If we allow such a mistake, then instead of characters in the nickname there will be empty squares.

Definitely, a bad nickname is “stolen” from someone or too common. For example: "Dasha-the sun" or "Igor-superman." A user with such a nickname will prove himself to be an empty and non-original person.

When choosing a name for network communication, you should not consciously embellish. For example, the situation where 14-year-old bespectacled Gena calls himself “The Monster Invincible” looks at least ridiculous.

And to demonstrate their problems is also not good. As, for example, people who choose the words “Lonely”, “Egoist”, “Suicide”, etc. as nicknames do this authority on social networks will not add and will not even make a very good impression.

About good nicknames

In general, when choosing a nickname for a contact, you should not tell too frankly about yourself in it. A good nickname is a hint, a riddle, a rebus for someone who will study the page. His task is to intrigue, interest, attract attention ...

Beautiful nicknames for contact are obtained if you approach the issue creatively, show your imagination. You can, for example, recall the brand of car, or your favorite character from a movie, a computer game.

An interesting result is provided when, when choosing a nickname, the user opens at random a page of the English-Russian dictionary and blindly selects a word. If you like the meaning and sound, you can take the word for nickname. Nobody will guess such a riddle, and the intrigue is guaranteed. Nicknames for contact - funny, original, with deep semantic meaning, easy to pronounce words and phrases - this is the perfect choice!

Nickname for contact - for girls a special headache. After all, every representative of the fair half wants to be irresistible and attractive not only in real life, but also on the social network page.

And often leads to excesses. To emphasize their femininity and charm, girls choose for themselves something like “cats”, “babies”, “babies” ... Thus, pushing away normal guys and attracting various dubious types that roam the net in search of easy prey. And, by the way, the widespread Anyuta, Pole, Nastyushka - look trite and talk about the ladies' frivolity. Such nicknames are usually chosen by young girls or users who do not have much experience in social networks.

An interesting nickname for contact for girls is the names of some mythical characters, heroines of legends, fairy tales, works of art, films that evoke pleasant associations and with which the lady associates herself. The names of various or elements will also look great as nicknames, hinting at something at the character of the owner of the virtual name.

Hello Friend! It's cool that you do creativity and are going to let it go to the masses \u003d) I know this, because otherwise you would not be wondering how to come up with a pseudonym.

In this article I will tell you about typical mistakes that people make when choosing an alias, about what, in my opinion, makes a nickname cool and memorable, I will give a bonus and give examples.

But for starters, it would be nice to tell who I am and why I am writing an article on a similar topic. The fact is that I myself am not far from creativity, and just like you, I encountered the problem of not being able to decide how to call myself. I tried about 5 nicknames in a few years, and stopped, in my opinion, at the best. Why I decided so, I will tell at the end of this article.

3 common mistakes when choosing an alias

  • The first thing I would like to talk about is that you should not choose a nickname as an alias. I mean ordinary nicknames that everyone had in the yard or at school, which may have passed into adulthood, and here you decide that since everyone calls you Vantuz anyway, then even in a creative environment you will be known by by that name. Maybe for youTube (if you are driving your channel)  it will be a suitable nickname, only if you cover some feces from the Internet or even worse. I do not see other options here.
  • The next paragraph is simply called "horse-drawn 0 just 4 and so you". I think that from the title of this paragraph it should be clear what I mean. Such crap is very common among gamers, but they have their own specifics ... At the same time, someone calls himself that in contact, uses a similar alias for rap and for youtube. I have one question for such people - what kind of patience and desire to find out who the author of this “wonderful creation” should have in order to read (correctly!), To remember, to advise someone, and so that later he can easily find you in the internet. For some reason, no one thinks about it. No need to make people strain!
  • The next typical mistake is that in an attempt to invent a super-cool and unique, memorable nickname, people completely forget about the adequacy. Here are some examples of real people: Homeless people, Gomik in the Village, Vodavrot and these are not the most frostbitten \u003d) When I see such names, it immediately becomes clear that a person is doing something frivolous at the amateur level ... there’s no way to watch or listen to him desires. Yes and not worth it.

These are the key mistakes that I was able to single out from the general mass. I highly recommend not repeating them. Why? It seems to be so clear.

Now to the main question

How to choose a good alias

There are a lot of options. Which one will be more useful to you, I don’t know, so read on and pick what you like.

  • The first and most obvious is the alias from the name. I don’t know why many people bypass this option. Just look at your first and last name. Perhaps it reads and looks very cool and there is no need to change anything. You can try to write in English, if you are going to declare yourself abroad. For an artist or musician, this would be a great decision ... or a designer. Denis Simachev is an example.
  • Not for everyone, but as an option. Again play with your name. Perhaps, combining part of the name and surname, you get a good nickname. For example, in order not to go far, the author of this blog is also known as Deep.
  • Further options are more complicated. Think about what kind of mood your creativity carries, on what topics and where it is directed. Based on this, sketch on a piece of paper all the associations that come to your mind. Next, either choose from what is, or you can continue the chain, but this is unlikely. Of the 3 questions, you can easily register 30 options. From this you can choose something. Perhaps a bit corrected for better sound.
  • The next option takes time and experience in what you do. As promised at the beginning, now I’ll tell you how I chose the last stage name for myself. My environment helped me in this, even without my participation. According to my friend, the conversation turned to me ... word for word and I’m ready for a new nickname, sonorous and which in meaning is connected with me. I didn’t come up to anyone with the words “help me come up with a cool nickname”, somehow it all happened by itself. But I repeat that most likely it will take a lot of time.

Errors in inventing a nickname (pseudonym)

They are few, but they are. And for success in your endeavor - I advise you to use these points.

  • The name should not be long. If you have more than 10 letters in one word, then you should think about another nickname.
  • The next paragraph is related to the first, but I decided to separate them. No need to make an alias more than 4-5 words. It is very inconvenient to read, write, and the first time is unlikely that anyone will remember. But there is an exception. I remember once watching a comedy battle program and there were guys who called themselves "Just a fellow traveler and you know about it." In my opinion, a great name for comedians. I can’t say exactly why it sounds cool and memorable, maybe it’s somehow connected with the song \u003d)
  • It should be easy to read. I wrote about this in errors and I will repeat again. Make your name as simple and clear as possible - it will be easier for people to remember you.
  • There is no discord between what you do and your name. It’s very strange to be called “little pony” when you are a 35-year-old man with an Iroquois who performs hard metal growling ... well, I think the example is clear.

How to choose a creative pseudonym for a girl? Try to use these same tips. It seems to me that there should be no differences.

Generators of nicknames, names and pseudonyms - a bonus for the lazy

And now the promised bonus for those who are broke. Now on the Internet there are a lot of services that allow you to generate a nickname or name for yourself. As a bonus to today's material, I will throw a list of some of them so that there is plenty to choose from. These generators are made for lazy people who do not want to think with their own heads. As a rule, they all work the same way (set the required number of characters and words, press a button and get a standard and uninteresting alias).

  • Storm Tower

That's all. Subscribe to the blog and stay tuned.

Article written One Sov. Especially for .

In contact with

Nicky in VK is the same as your name, but it is not real. And many users want to come up with a cool nickname for their account, but they don’t know which one

How to change nickname in VKontakte?

1. Go to your page in VK and click the "Edit" button

2. A window is displayed where we can mark our nickname. Choose a cool nickname from the following or using the generator. After changing the username, click "Save" Please note that VK does not accept nicknames with any decorations

3. We go back to our page and see the changed nickname, but note that not every VK name can accept and the nickname may not change immediately, but after a while

How to know your vkontakte id?

What is a person id in VK?

ID is a unique number of your page on VK social network. It will appear even when registering an account and today we will learn how to find the id in VK if we know the person’s nickname.

In addition to the nickname in the social network, there is a desire to have an interesting id on your page, but how to do it?

1. We go to our page and in the upper right corner we see our photo and a small arrow. Click on it and select "Settings"

2. A window appears and on the penultimate line there is an inscription "Page address". Exactly there we can change id.

Click "Edit"

3. Change the id to something uninteresting, it is advisable to use words in English or numbers. After we get the code and go to our page and see the changed id.

Beautiful nicknames for girls and girls

Lady Aquarius

Bright Sun

Chupa Chups

Malinka Malinka

Sun beam


Sick imagination

Tears of autumn

Curly hair

Isaac Newton's Apple

Little dirty trick


Blue eyed

Wicked cookie

The coolest nicknames for boys and boys:

Uncle Petya

Flea in uniform


Rabbit croche

Just kid

Cool nicknames for boys and girls:

♕* ₦ɨ₭€ *♕

ЯьЯßøŁиЏã ™



ЯьЯßøŁиЏã ™

Ẍӫᶑᴚчͼͼ ŽḼØ


† Kẵŧàšţřővā


Гùŧ ٳɛ ק ც юδķɛ †

Ừԋừшkổ ፐ яԋ



● ° ζеρτσβκα ° ●

ღ ★ Devil ★ ★ ღ

Їśҹǻďįē зǻďǻ

ЌįśłǻƳǻ Šēłēďkǻ

● ° * ”₭ REMAINING ●

° ★ ☆ Devil BEAUTIFUL ☆ ★ °

ἢἔҹἔḢьҝǿ ȼ ₭ ǿἢьяҝǿḿ ™

٭ Devil_V_raYu ٭




™ ĈŦ∑ÞßŎчķâ ™




[ჶý, ňéғք]

λюδλю ĤΔÁ


Ѯāғāðøch ռ āя

Ўҭē ռ øчéҝ

100 ҏýδλéū



s ʊ ʍ ʍ є ʀ

ʀыжѧя ʟıċѧ


ĕαŧ ₥ĕ ρłĕαṧ


ċ ќ ρ ċ ќ ρ



łøαđıʼnġ ęýę


Ґթσʒά թάũσңά




ʎɐp ʇsǝq ǝɥʇ (turn your head)




. ° ḴǾФĘ °.

Δữҟ † σφσн

Ά ₥σņṩţӗɍ



Ḩέδσ βσ Ӎңέ


Ђėʒ ңổςќổβ




ωỵʍ β ґợʌợβė

. °Ҏỵδųң° .

Ўωų эʌьφά

. °Ķøʌéċø° .

Ӎøռå Ԓüѯå


Ķýδøҝ øғ ռ i

Nicky for groups in VK

ℂɮừԋьừ ɮ kọċʍòḉє

Ѫε ፐ ừ Ẍӳ☧ʍы

Àňǻℒ Ñōىờřớǥ


ნ ėшèԋыє óŕӳ ァ цы

Õ☧ŕắƺʍ Ԋắḉ ፐ âҏдαʍӳčẳ

ℂừნừᖘčᶄừū ℳâςፐӳ☧ნαፐớρ

Гӳàԋ ፐ ªԋªʍęρä

₭ ǿԋ ፐ ӳжêԋԋыū ᶈáçç٥ Ꮑ

尸 ừ ፐ ӳâ Ꮑ ԋԋáya ნ ừọừԋжėԋѐᖘừя

Ḉ ፐ ӳk ნ ãʍ ნ ӳᶄằ ɮ 11 häćöɮ

Ťɮ٥ừ ç Ꮑ℮ℨ s


Ќα ァ ằԋдâшừᶄừ

I ᏁᏍ ნ ᏁᏍ ፐ℮ ნ I

Round rzhaka.

  Cool videos and sayings.

  Intellectual humor.

  The best jokes from around the internet.

  Humor and around-the-clock fun.

  Positive and good mood

  Very bearded humor

  Box of laughter and killer humor

  Jokes and entertainment for every taste

Accessible philosophy.

  Psychology for everyone.

  Wise thoughts and sayings.

  Art of Living.

  Secrets of success of great people.

  On the edge of eternity.

  Worldly wisdom.

  We met by chance.

Beautiful letters and symbols for nicknames and statuses in VK

Put icons, circles, emoticons, numbers, hearts in your nickname

BUT -Ꭿ 凡 Ꮨ ∀ ₳ Ǻ ǻ α ά Ά ẫ Ắ ắ Ằ ằ ẳ Ẵ ẵ Ä ª ä Å À Á Â å ã â à á Ã ᗩ ᵰ

B -ℬ Ᏸ β ฿ ß Ђ ᗷ ᗸ ᗹ ᗽ ᗾ ᗿ Ɓ ƀ ხ 方 ␢ Ꮄ

C -☾ ℭ ℂ Ç ¢ ç Č ċ Ċ ĉ ς Ĉ ć Ć č Ḉ ḉ ⊂ Ꮸ ₡ ¢

D -ᗫ Ɗ Ď ď Đ đ ð ∂ ₫ ȡ

E -ℯ ໂ ६ £ Ē ℮ ē Ė ė Ę ě Ě ę Έ ê ξ Ê È € É ∑ Ế Ề Ể Ễ é è ع Є є έ ε

F -ℱ ₣ ƒ ∮ Ḟ ḟ ჶ ᶂ φ

G -Ꮹ Ꮆ ℊ Ǥ ǥ Ĝ ĝ Ğ ğ Ġ ġ Ģ ģ פ ᶃ ₲

H -ℍ ℋ ℎ ℌ ℏ ዙ Ꮵ Ĥ Ħ ħ Ή ♅ 廾 Ћ ђ Ḩ Һ ḩ♄

I -ℐ ℑ ί ι Ï Ί Î ì Ì í Í î ϊ ΐ Ĩ ĩ Ī ī Ĭ ĭ İ į Į Ꭵ

J -ჟ Ĵ ĵ ᶖ ɉ

K -₭ Ꮶ Ќ k ќ ķ Ķ Ҝ ҝ ﻸ ᶄ

L -ℒ ℓ Ŀ ŀ £ Ĺ ĺ Ļ ļ λ ₤ Ł ł ľ Ľ Ḽ ḽ ȴ Ꮭ £ Ꮑ

M -ℳ ʍ ᶆ Ḿ ḿ ♍ ᗰ ᙢ 爪 ♏ ₥

N -ℕ η ñ ח Ñ ή ŋ Ŋ Ń ń Ņ ņ Ň ň ʼn ȵ ℵ ₦

O -ℴ ტ ٥ Ό ó ό σ ǿ Ǿ Θ ò Ó Ò Ô ô Ö ö Õ õ ờ ớ ọ Ọ ợ Ợ ø Ø Ό Ở Ờ Ớ Ổ ổ Ợ Ō ō

P -ℙ ℘ þ Þ ρ Ꭾ Ꮅ 尸 Ҏ ҏ ᶈ ₱ ☧ ᖘ ק ァ

Q -ℚ q Q ᶐ Ǭ ǭ ჹ

R -ℝ ℜ ℛ ℟ ჩ ᖇ ř Ř ŗ Ŗ ŕ Ŕ ᶉ Ꮢ 尺

S -Ꮥ Ṧ ṧ ȿ ى § Ś ś š Š ş Ş ŝ Ŝ ₰ ∫ $ ֆ

T -₸ † T t τ ΐ Ţ ţ Ť ť ŧ Ŧ ィ 干 Ṫ ṫ ナ Ꮏ Ꮖ テ ₮

U -∪ ᙀ Ũ ⋒ Ủ Ừ Ử Ữ Ự ύ ϋ Ù ú Ú ΰ ù Û û Ü ử ữ ự Џ ü ừ Ũ ũ Ū ū Ŭ ŭ ų Ų ű Ű ů Ů

V -✔ ✓ ∨ √ Ꮙ Ṽ ṽ ᶌ \/ ℣ ʋ

W -₩ ẃ Ẃ ẁ Ẁ ẅ ώ ω ŵ Ŵ Ꮤ Ꮃ ฬ ᗯ ᙡ Ẅ ѡ ಎ ಭ Ꮚ Ꮗ ผ ฝ พ ฟ

X -χ × ✗ ✘ ᙭ ჯ Ẍ ẍ ᶍ ⏆

Y -ɣ Ꭹ Ꮍ Ẏ ẏ ϒ ɤ ¥ り

Z -ℤ ℨ ჳ 乙 Ẑ ẑ ɀ Ꮓ

Letters in circles:


Uppercase and lowercase letters of the Greek alphabet:


Inverted letters (Latin and Russian alphabets):


Roman numerals:


The numbers in circles:

⓿ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴‡ˆ‰‡ˆ‰‡ˆ‰

Flowers and snowflakes:

✽ ✾ ✿ ✥ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ✢ ✣ ✤ ❋ ٭ ✱ ✲ ✳ ✴ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ⁂





Card suits with symbols (hearts, clubs, tambourines, spades):

♡ ♢ ♣ ♤ ♦ ♧

Music notes:

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯ ° ø


∫ ∬ ∭ ∮ ∯ ∰ ∱ ∲ ∳

Currency Signs:

$ € ¥ £ ƒ ₣ ¢ ¤ ฿ ₠ ₡ ₢ ₤


♡ ღ ❥ ❤ ❣ ❢ ❦ ❧

Crosses, crosses:

☩ ☨ ☦ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✝ ✞ ✠ † ┿

Crosses (close, delete):

☒ ☓ ✕ ✖ ✗ ✘

Circles and circles:

۝ ∅ ❂ ○ ◎ ● ◯ ◕ ◔ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ⊗ ⊙ ◍ ◖◗ ◉ ⊚ ʘ ⊕ ⊖ ⊘ ⊚ ⊛ ⊜ ⊝



Millions of people are registered daily on VKontakte social networks, classmates, facebook and others, as well as on forums. Some choose their original nicknames, and most write just a set of letters. You can come up with a nickname once for all occasions and register under it everywhere, but then you should approach this seriously so that both friends and business negotiations are not ashamed to appear with such a nickname. So how do you call yourself on social networks?

Although it is customary to use real name and surname on social networks, some nevertheless, for some reason, are not eager to shine their real data. Therefore, we will devote this article to nicknames. So, depending on what purpose you will use your account. If, nevertheless, for communication, you can leave the name, and instead of the surname come up with a nickname, if this is not necessary, then the choice can be very diverse.

How to call yourself Vkontakte

This network is most often used for entertainment, so a funny, memorable nickname is quite suitable here.

How to call yourself on Twitter

Here we add not friends, but readers, so the nickname on this network should be original and positive so that people want to read you.

How to call yourself in Odnoklassniki

Since this social network mainly searches for their childhood friends, classmates, you can use your old nicknames that will cause nostalgia and positive emotions in your old friends. And the rest - fantasy has no boundaries.

How to choose a nickname

  • By real name. Something to remove, something to add, and it can turn out very well (for example, Nikolai Andreevich - Nikander). Or just change the name a little, Anya - Anet. Also possible with last names.
  • By the nature of your occupation. Try to translate this word in different languages, be sure to find some beautiful. It can also be a hobby, profession, talent. Accordingly, you can choose in such a way that there is a bias on the goods that you sell, if this is a commercial use.
  • According to the character. If you have any special character trait that everyone knows about, it can turn out original.
  • By appearance. Elements of appearance can also be used in a nickname, thereby telling a little about yourself.
  • Foreign names. Each of them has some meaning, so you can choose the right one for yourself.
  • Characters. It can be your favorite heroes of books, films, series, games (for gamers). It can also be the names of birds, animals, plants.
  • Generator. If your business is really bad, then an online generator will come to the rescue, and even if it gives out crazy ideas, this may give you a brilliant idea.

There are different selection criteria depending on your goal, what nickname you need, it can be: memorable, credible, funny, serious.

In the world there are a lot of beautiful words, ranging from the names of cities to chemical elements in the periodic table. So how to call yourself on social networks (VKontakte, classmates) - it's only your imagination.

What readers can offer

In all social networks and on most sites, I call myself by my name in Russian or in English. And I put avatars with my photo. I do not consider it necessary to invent something and hide behind some screen of the invented name or a faceless avatar. I am more impressed by openness.

In my opinion, in the social. networks it is better to use a real name. Or its derivatives

I called myself a remote control, because this nickname, nickname, was given to me by parents as a child when we had a broken remote control and had to switch channels manually. So it has become boring to me to this day. VK I do not call myself a real name because I do not take this social network seriously. On forums, there’s just a remote control because there can be a lot of jokes about the name, but I don’t need it. My mail is also not by name, something like a [email protected]

What are your witty parents. I had the nickname "princess-ridicule" because of the always gloomy faces. But I will not dare to call myself that in social networks. By the way, contrary to my child’s nickname, a laughing laugh came out of me. Sometimes I can laugh over any little thing. Even indecently somehow becomes sometimes.

Well, yes, your child’s nickname is too long, but you can limit yourself to abbreviation and add one letter hahah! Only a decent atom can be very incompetent. But as such, there was no nickname even at school, that is, a second name. Unless well-wishers called a gopher, since the surname is similar.

Hah This is a matter of fantasy, how do you want to look in front of people and introduce yourself. So then in general we are used to registering ourselves on various resources, trying not to use a real last name or first name. And we are called some kind of mashyanami or vacuum cleaners. And on the other hand, if all the people in the network used only the first and last names, then there would be no social network for example, but some kind of database /

I agree, in any case, you can come up with something interesting, derivatives on behalf of, it's still social. network.

Well, in social networks it is better to register under your own name - they are generally created so that people can find each other by name and surname.

I agree. The meaning in the left names?

i also think that there is no need to hide behind some fictitious names and pictures. For me, social benefits are communication with friends. So I have to be real there, not fictional.

Of course, you need to specify real data

Annoyed nicknames such as "Mother's Joy or One such." I prefer in the social. Networks with real name to subscribe, and on the forums in the name of his or her daughter in English. And it’s simple and clear, and it’s easy to find someone if you need me. I love everything simple and clear

I think it will be universally called a pseudonym, as far as a sense of humor with imagination is enough. Rocksteady Bibovich Krengov - as an example, clumsy but creative than a generator.

Real data is for a questionnaire where they are asked to indicate real data. This is the Internet and the pseudonyms of Antosha Chekhonte are only welcome here.

My kote carries in itself understandable to many kote, plus it is written as coffee.

I'm sitting on social networks according to real data, but what am I hiding. The usual name, a bunch of friends, there is nothing like that in this. In principle, I don’t hide anything about myself, both a person, a nickname or a real name, I can register under my maiden name, but this is not a lie at all, as I think. Also on different other sites I have different nicknames, I'm tired of being found out from some site, and then asking for friends. So we are on one and are friends, we are much more.


If someone doesn’t know, in the West they have already stopped emailing, instead of it they immediately create a FaceBook profile. This is me to the question of the choice of "real data appear" or "fake".

On the one hand, it’s more clear who is who, but the variety of names is not so diverse ... If everyone writes their name, it will turn out “that’s not a mug - then Seryozha”. And it is not known which is worse: a clumsy nickname or Seryozha100500999. Well, it will not work out to everyone to be called simply real data! Anyway, you have to use a nickname or digital identifier.

It depends on why you registered there, if for different links, then here’s how your imagination tells you, if this is your real account, then it’s better to have a real name and surname so that your friends find you for communication.
  Many people create games, here you can also invent a name for yourself.

I’m for real names and surnames in contact, classmates, facebook, if you wish, you can specify a nickname in brackets next to it. Change it at least every day. But they will search for you by their real name and surname, and not by their nickname. Of course, this has nothing to do with fake pages.


In VK there is a real name when registering, and this was a long time ago, somehow I did not think about the possibility of taking a pseudonym. And sometimes it’s more convenient to have a page with a real name.
  On Twitter, on forums, etc. I take as nicknames some random sets of words that come to my mind and sound good like nicknames.

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