What is a Bot (Bot) in Telegram and how to use it? How to add and connect a bot in a telegram

The functionality of the messenger allows you to use bots of various kinds. Along with entertainment services in the application there are quite useful and unusual. For example, a chat that allows you to determine the owner of the car. You will learn further how to use the Antiparkon bot in Telegram. About the general principle of that, read a separate article.


Antiparkon allows you to quickly get information about the owner of a vehicle. In order to get the necessary information, you just need to know the registration plate of the vehicle. By it you can find out the surname, name and patronymic of the owner, as well as his mobile.
  However, identifying a phone by a car number in the Antiparkon bot in Telegram is not the only purpose. Chat is also used as a way to exchange information between drivers, warnings about various unforeseen situations on the road, and much more.

How does the program work?

Before installing the Antiparkon bot in the Telegram, we will understand the principle of its operation. According to the creators, the database of the program is supplemented by the car owners themselves. The project was launched in the spring of 2015, so the base is currently very large. With the help of the Antiparkon you can:

  • add a record about yourself to the database (Garage);
  • search for information on a registration plate;
  • report evacuation and other situations;
  • communicate with drivers;
  • transmit information about violations and violators.

To fully use the service, you need to install the Antiparkon bot in Telegram on iPhone or Android.

Installation Instructions

Open the application on your mobile device and do the following:

How to connect the Antiparkon bot to Telegram and find out the phone number?

To find out the phone through the program, follow these steps:

  • go to the chat;
  • click on the item "New Number";
  • select the “Alien car” sub-item;
  • enter a combination;
  • then you will receive all the information that the owner of the vehicle considered necessary to enter into the database. You can send him a message that remains anonymous, or contact via mobile phone. Thus, the service makes it possible to quickly access and communicate with the driver of a car.

The main disadvantage of the service is that drivers themselves fill the base, therefore the efficiency and coverage of such a system is growing rather slowly.

What other features does @AntiParkon_bot have

Firstly, you can add your number to be able to receive the message.

In the "Event!" Section, you can warn the driver about a tow truck or report something else.

We told you what opportunities those who have discovered the Antiparkon bot have for themselves. By the way, this is not the only auto infobot. We talk about other similar bots in a more general article.

The Telegram messenger has gained a record number of users in a short time, not only thanks to a unique security protocol that allows you to conduct correspondence without the threat of breaking it and stealing your account. Its main feature, attracting the public, is nevertheless interesting tools that can both entertain and be useful. Bots are one of such functionalities; there are a great many of them in Telegram. Since anyone who wants to use the application can create these assistants, they appear in the messenger every day to brighten up leisure time or ease the work of their owner and be useful to the rest of their subscribers.

Saytextbot for Telegram performs the function of voice acting.

Bots perform a variety of functions, from the usual sending a weather forecast or exchange rates to ordering tickets, making sales, consulting customers and the like, which you can’t call primitive. Some of them literally work for people, performing all the assigned routine work, while others add positive to users thanks to the unusual functionality. Today we’ll talk about the interesting telegram bot Saytextbot. It performs the function of generating text in audio format.

How to use Saytextbot bot

The robot pronounces the given phrases in female and male voices. Absolutely any text can be converted to speech, while it can simply be downloaded from the Internet without having to worry about typing. To use the sounding function of the bot, run the application and perform a series of simple steps:

TIP. The function of scoring text can be useful for different purposes. For example, in the case of fast fatigue from reading, the presence of poor eyesight, or just for the purpose of having fun, making friends. You can even come up with your own bot application, because emulating a voice can be really useful.

Sometimes the commands sent to the bot do not work, and your requests are not executed. This may mean that you incorrectly formulated the command, the robot is blocked, its code initially contains errors, or you simply

Hello! Cool virtual machines with primitive but funny artificial intelligence are a kind of messenger chip. Bots in telegram are equipped with a convenient api and are written in php - this allows you to create them like a flibust, downloading from the site of the creator of the book and organizing a convenient search. Today we will focus on it, as well as talk about other creations of talented users of the messenger.

What are telegram bots, list and catalog of bots

To begin, let's figure out what chat bots are all about. In fact, these are peculiar programs that interact with the user by sending messages. That is, a person writes some command, and the robot makes a chain of actions associated with it. To make it clearer, go to our catalog, located below the article itself, and look at the bots with your own eyes.

You can find them in a specialized store (Bot store, storebot.me). However, keep in mind that in their catalogs you can buy ads and thus go to the "Popular".

Now let's look at this topic in more detail.

How telegram bots work and how to use them

The algorithms of most user programs are terribly simple. For some reason, many people think that they need to download something, then install, only after all this, start work. But this is not so.

The algorithm for the majority is as follows:

  • Find it in the messenger (more on that below).
  • Give a chat command, for example, “get image”, or use the graphical menu with convenient buttons.
  • Get the result.

As you can see, nothing supernatural.

How to find a bot in a telegram

If you looked at some TOP and found a convenient assistant for, for example, auto sales, you just have to find it in the system. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this either.

Search for robots by their name. Drive it into the search box just above the chat list. If it is existing, it is not hidden - you will immediately go out to it.

You can find artificial intelligence at a special link that its owner will give you.

How to add (connect) bot in telegram

Not always lists like "the best robots of the millennium" may satisfy you. Then the realization comes: “Yes, I can do mine! I’ll also get money from advertising. ” A little lower is even waiting for instructions on this subject, but keep in mind - configuration and programming will take you a lot of time and effort.

How to add your personal, you will learn a little below.

If it’s about “add to chat list” - just click on his name in the search results bar, and then click on “Start” at the bottom.

How to export and import a list of bots in telegram

But so far there is no such possibility even in plans.

How can I remove a bot in a telegram?

Sometimes creators manage to make their creation too intrusive. Such a robot constantly writes in the chat, either asking to pay attention to it, or sharing news repeated many times. Just deleting the chat does not help here.

To get rid of the subscription, follow this algorithm:

  • Enter the chat with the robot.
  • Click on its icon at the top.
  • Find the Stop and Lock button.
  • Right click on chat.
  • Select "Clear History" and "Delete Dialog."

How to configure a bot in telegram - command parameters

So, if more and more ideas come into your head, and the desired robot is planned no worse than the Yandex bot, then why not create it? In any case, you can simply delete it if everything goes wrong.

To create, commands like “sendmessage” are needed first. And they must be sent to ... the father of all bots.

Do the following:

  • Find @BotFather.
  • Write him / start.
  • Type / newbot, then the name of the future program.

In order not to enlarge the article to an incredible size, we will leave the rest of the teams with a picture. This will help you understand what you can create through the built-in constructor. Well, if you do not know English, you should not approach this matter.

Why the bot does not connect to the telegram server

But even if you managed to create your own robot, program it - either with the help of ready-made examples or with your own help - an ambush can be expected here. The messenger server is simply not responding.

Various paranoid thoughts have already entered my head: what if you let yourself be deceived? And if you were somehow blocked and deprived of the right to create? Nevertheless, the list bot hangs in a conspicuous place, there are whole groups of running programs, but nothing comes of it ...

But do not worry - this is just a temporary malfunction. Try again later, you will succeed.

Why telegram bot can be blocked

Another thing is if the robot is locked. Yes, even in such a democratic network they can carry out periodic cleanings. But don’t worry: if you created a nice companion for women, nobody will touch you.

The propaganda bots of the Islamic state, extremism, and sometimes copyright infringement are removed. True, the latter most often leads not to a general, but to a regional block.

Why in the telegram bot does not respond

Everyone probably knows this kind of situation. Suppose, for example, 1c launched its bot. You, having decided to test it, go to the right chat, write something and ... Come across a complete ignore.

There may be several reasons for this: a disconnected server, incorrectly configured robot parameters, errors in the syntax of your commands. Just in case, re-read the text and, if everything is correct, just wait a bit. Everything will be fixed very soon.

Also, the bot can simply be blocked.

What is telegram bot api

The mysterious “api curl file id” is a set of specific commands, so to speak, a platform for writing artificial intelligence. Without it, writing a robot like “Antonca” would be impossible.

In fact, you can write commands to the robot via the link, and in the program use the built-in methods of input and output of information. If there were no APi, you would write these instructions in machine code from zeros and ones.

Is it possible to hack a bot in a telegram

Of course, good bots like Avinfobot always cause a lot of envious sighs. People who do not know how to write C plus plus only sigh sadly, looking at the popularity of other creations, secretly dream of stealing them.

But this is simply not possible - unless you are given a unique link to the robot, of course. So you should not do such bad things. Pick up a textbook, go to "Habré", learn programming. No other way!

How to develop and create a bot in telegram - write it yourself or in the constructor

Creating such a program is a rather complicated, confusing process. We will not describe it fully, since this is purely professional information. To get started, read on the official website about the API, study the xml and a couple of programming languages, only then create “yourerobot”.

Of course, you can use one of the many designers, but such a robot will not gain subscribers, with a rather limited functionality.

How to write a bot for telegram yourself

We want to warn in advance: it will not be easy. Never. To begin, we will tell you the basic principles of creation. Here's how it all looks: you are given a link to a robot. You write a specific part of the program, using a special method, simply sending it to this link.

Please note: a simple person will not be able to do this, so creating a portfolio is better in a different way.

Still interested? Then go to the library and forums for dummies - get knowledge.

Writing a bot for telegram in python - examples

So, for starters, let's try to write a simple robot in python. Such a versatile and rather flexible language can easily help create a robot like Belg, but for this you need to know it well.

If you want to practice, make the bot private. You can post it only after you learn the python platform. The following code example is in the picture.

This creation simply copies the user's message and forwards it back.

We write bot in telegram on php - ready-made examples

This language is most often chosen, so most bots are written in it. The functionality is quite wide, in fact, using php you can connect anything to anything.

But to study it is quite difficult: it is server-based, dedicated hosting is required. Therefore, get ready for a rather difficult and thorny path. The basic principles of "fuss" with bots are outlined in the picture.

This script is suitable for sending any messages with text on command.

Writing a bot for telegram in c # - examples

Finally, let's move on to programming in the most popular language. Here you will need commands of the kind create and method. In general, if you really decide to make a robot, I recommend this language for study.

It is quite simple and straightforward, and there is enough methodological literature on the Internet on the Internet. And at the same time its capabilities are simply huge.

You can see an example of interaction with the robot here - github.com/MrRoundRobin/telegram.bot. This is a full bot with a bunch of files and open source. Recommended for study.

We write a bot for telegrams in java

Finally, let's talk about JS programs. This is generally quite easy and understandable language, but its functionality is significantly limited. That is, you cannot create something terribly stunning.

But something simple to start with is quite. For you, we even once again found an example of a good open source robot (github.com/rubenlagus/TelegramBots).

Flibusta bot on telegram - overview

A robot called "me flibustamirrorbot" was a great book friend. With him it was easier than ever: ask a team, assign sorting by authors and download your favorite works.

This program existed on the basis of the rather popular repository Flibusta.

Why flibusta bot does not work in telegram

Why is it written in the past tense? Yes, because for such an outrageous violation of copyright, it was simply banned in the CIS. Of course, you can still find it on the list. You can even write to him - no one will forbid you from doing this.

That's just the answer you will never see again: he will answer you only with cold silence.

Telegram robot anton - overview

Well, everyone knows about this robot for sure. Its main function is to Russify the program. However, this is not the only thing that Antoshka can do. He can also find out the weather and send sarcastic news from the Lenta.ru website.

Forbidden bots in telegram - overview

And now we will tell you about ... Yes, we will not tell you anything. Forbidden bots, they are forbidden for that, that you can’t talk about them. No porn, no extremist slogans.

In the end, you can find all this yourself. Only here we are not responsible for the consequences.

Telegram music bot - overview

Many listen to music, especially if for this you can not get out of your equally beloved messenger. In fulfilling such a dream, a bot named @Get Music Bot will help you.

He is able to download tracks from various exchangers upon request and forward them to your friends.

Telegram vk bot - overview

Finally, let's talk about the bot of the popular social network "Vkontakte". This robot is only at the creation stage, so do not expect much functionality from it. As planned, he will be able to make friends, write messages through the messenger, and scroll through groups.

However, it will be finally completed very soon.

Useful, popular and most interesting bots for telegram

Well, in the end we will provide you with your personal set of robots. They are quite complex, using not only a simple sendmessage command or line wrapping, but also a ton of complex algorithms. Such robots are full-fledged virtual intelligence written in "delphi", "wordpress", "perl" or other languages. And to write them, the built-in nodejs constructor was not used.

Such a bot can post for a channel via rss, download torrent, such as ru tracker, or be an assistant and a diary. Some may even interact with raspberry. Often, such robots use webhook, a convenient notification system, while others often use asp net.

Some of these bots even rent hosting like heroku. Therefore, it is quite difficult to create them yourself, even financially. Of course, you can’t do a podbot for a game - a full-fledged player, but some robots have exceeded all expectations.

Here is our top (when searching, remove all spaces and add @ at the beginning):

  • ImageSearchBot - a bot from yandex. He can search for gifs or photos on request. But google, by the way, doesn’t have this. And in vain: gmail would be very useful.
  • ru_tracker_bot - the torrent that launched the root tracker. This, by the way, is another plus in the piggy bank of the site: torent rutor does not have this.
  • FreeBooksBot - allows you to search for books on the well-known Flibust. True, there are no audio books.
  • transnow_bot is a translator capable of producing several variants of words in English and Russian at once.
  • Weatherman _bot - shows weather by region for the next five days.
  • stickers - helps to find a lot of interesting stickers. In fact, it is inline - that is, built-in by the creator - a bot.
  • telerobot is the very Anton we talked about.
  • uzb_telegram_bot is the so-called uzbek botlar robot with up-to-date news reports.
  • GitHub Bot is a resource robot similar to a programming forum with interesting pieces of code written in ruby.
  • Superhrbot - designed for convenient job search in different cities and countries.
  • Nnmclub _bot is another torrent tracker whose site was recently closed.
  • Qiwi _bot - a qiwi that helps you check your account balance or transfer funds to another wallet.
  • Weatherbot is another fairly convenient bot with a weather forecast for the next few days.
  • Botfather - no, but what? It’s not more popular to find it.
  • Planetside 2_bot - various news about the popular game.
  • Economika _bot - shares all kinds of information from the world of economics.
  • Pikabu bestbot - sends the best posts from a well-known resource.
  • Newlovebot - actually simulates the "Dating" section.
  • kinomanbot - select a movie or series, find where it is broadcast, and order tickets.
  • strictmother_bot - a strict mother will refuse to do everything, but then she confesses her love to you. I wish Uncle Fedor would have been made in this style ...
  • pushkin_bot - upon request, finds a lot of gentle classics verses.
  • russianpdd_bot - pddbot, which allows you to prepare for the exam in the traffic police.

"Bad" with porno and other obscenities, we will not show you - do not dream.


There is nothing complicated about this topic. True, you can write them only if you have the skills of a programmer, but use them at any time. And if you are bored, remember our collections and have some fun.

Pros and cons of bots

  • They allow you to do something without closing telegrams.
  • They are often more convenient than conventional search engines or sites.
  • They are equipped with rich functionality.
  • You can create them yourself.
  • They allow you to automate many actions.
  • Their newsletter can be intrusive.
  • Creating these is quite difficult.

Video review

Telegram is a free messenger that was created by the director general of the social network VKontakte Pavel Durov, who introduced people the opportunity to exchange messages in an encrypted form, providing maximum anonymity and security when communicating. Today, the presented messenger is fully adapted for all operating systems and is available for installation and use by anyone.

Initially, the program was designed to transfer instant messages, photos, videos and files at high speed, but in practice, the messenger development team added the ability to create and use various bots, which we’ll talk about.

What are Telegram bots?

Bots are special programs that perform various functions and simplify the lives of their users. Written for the Telegram platform, they are designed to perform a variety of functions: from receiving news to finding information and even trading stocks. The main task of the bot is to automatically respond after a user entered a command. At the same time, working directly through the Telegram interface, the program imitates the actions of a live user, due to which the use of such a bot is much more convenient and understandable.

That is why many companies developing business through the Internet use the capabilities of bots for several reasons:

  1. They allow you to use the next channel of communication with the target audience (in Russia, about 10 million people use the Telegram)
  2. They quickly perform a monotonous job, allowing you to unload hired employees, thereby saving company money;

Types of bots in Telegram

Telegram uses one common type of bots, which differ from ordinary users only by the presence of the prefix “bot” in the name. The bots themselves are divided into several areas:

  • Chat bots. They are a simple chat that simulates communication on a user-defined topic.
  • Informant bots. A separate type of bots, the main purpose of which is to inform the user about certain events (news, events, publications, etc.).
  • Game bots.  Bots where you can play various games. For the most part, these are text versions of different games from the time of Combats.ru
  • Assistant bots.  Bots developed by various online services as an addition to the main web version.

In fact, there is no clear division, because Some bots contain several mechanics at once and successfully complete many user tasks. With their help, you can translate, learn, test, search for information, play games and even use other services and interact with things that have access to the global network (now popularly known as “Internet of things”). All bots in the Telegram are free, but in 2017, Pavel Durov announced the possibility of setting up paid use of such programs.

Thanks to this, bots have become pocket assistants, which you can use without even leaving the messenger. They provide the ability to solve elementary tasks with the help of instant commands, while all these programs do not need to be installed and do not occupy a separate place in the memory of your device.

How does the bot work?

The mechanics of the bots in Telegram are more understandable to programmers, but we will try to explain it to you. So, a bot is, in fact, just a “shout and leverage” through which a separate program works, written in various programming languages \u200b\u200bon your separate server. Therefore, it would be more correct to say that such a program is managed through the bot.

The interaction between the user and the bot is as follows:

The bot user gives him a command -> The bot sends the command to your server -> The program on your server processes the request received from the bot -> The server responds to the bot -> The bot displays a response to the application screen to the user.

And this cycle repeats over and over again when you click on the buttons and interact with any telegram bot.

How to create a bot in Telegram

You can even write a bot in Telegram yourself. To do this, decide what goals the program will fulfill: respond to messages, convert currencies, or perform other functions. If you do not know programming languages \u200b\u200b- it does not matter. Simple robots can be written even without them. To get started, subscribe to the @BotFather bot and run it, and then follow the instructions:

  1. Write in the command line / newbot (will create a new bot).
  2. Wait for BotFather to name your brainchild. Come up with any name, but remember that it must end in "bot".
  3. Here you can add the face (avatar) of your bot and describe it.
  4. Get a unique token from BotFather.
  5. Copy it to any text file and save it in a safe place so that it is not lost (do not hope to remember the token, since this is impossible).

These steps will help you create your own bot, but in order to train it to perform any functions, you will need to write code in a programming language or take advantage of special programs, for example, Paquebot. This service helps to create functional robots without any problems.

Hello dear readers. I have great news for you. Finally, we got around to talk about what bots in Telegram are. I’ll tell you why they are needed, how to look for them and how to use them correctly. As always, the description will have a minimum of water and maximum benefit.

Bot - what is it and what can it do?

An assistant robot ready to perform any routine, or special program code that executes certain user commands.

All correspondence with him is conducted through a regular chat. You give the bot commands that it is ready to perform around the clock. Its main task is to answer the user's question, according to its program. Bots help, save a lot of time and it's very simple to manage them.

Today Telegram robots can:

  • to educate;
  • entertain and play with you;
  • work as search engines on the Internet;
  • download text information, video or audio;
  • to be an ordinary reminder;
  • participate in group chats, for example, to agree on a meeting time that is optimal for all participants;
  • to comment on the necessary articles;
  • used to control smart home, etc.

In other words, they are like intermediaries between a person and numerous web services. Their big plus is a common shell, now inside Telegram is all the information that people are used to looking through Yandex and Google.

In my opinion, a definite plus in saving time by reducing the number of applications in the gadget. People always want to get everything they need in one window. Now there is no need to install extra applications for weather, news, etc., which was especially critical for a low-power smartphone. Now all this replaces Telegram with the ability to install the necessary robots.

The principle is very simple. You find the bot, write him a text message (command) and after a split second you get an answer.


  • Round-the-clock help - in fact, only a server crash will stop their work, which is extremely rare.
  • Ease of use - most of the commands are in the bot menu.
  • Answers come in a few seconds.
  • For work, resources of third-party servers are used, so the power of your device is not involved.
  • Security. Many worry about the safety of their data, so don’t worry. Bots will not steal your data. They just do not see them. All that is available to them is text commands from the chat.
  • Installation of additional programs is not required.

Now about how to find a bot in Telegram.

We are looking for our bot

Searching for a bot is no different from. Remember, I wrote about them a little earlier. Key search options:

  • Through search engines find collections of popular bots

The samples are most often subjective, you should carefully read the description. By the way, right now I'm preparing a large selection, divided into categories. Do not miss.

  • Search inside Telegram

To do this, you need to know the exact name and enter it in the search bar. The name always ends with bot and begins with the dog - @.

  • Friend help

Ask a friend who loves to understand modern technology. Friends do not advise bad.

  • Take advantage of the official store - storebot.me.
  • If you didn’t find a bot with the necessary functions, you can.

How to use them

Let's look at the use cases using live examples.

The general scheme: find the bot - press start / start - enter a command - get an answer.

I think everyone already understands that a bot is a program that understands certain phrases. They start a chain of actions, the result is a solved problem.

Screenshots will be from the PC version. In the mobile and online versions, everything is the same.

Ready menu bots

In most cases, the bot has its own menu. Here is an example of a Yandex bot.

Here is another version of the menu on the bot of the popular AdMe site.

Hidden menu

Some robots have hidden menus. To call it, you must press "/" and a list of commands appears.

The slash icon is required to enter commands.

See an example.

Need to know the team

In the article about we met with the robot Anton, and so, he does not have a clear menu. To find out what teams he understands, you need to go searching on the Internet.

Universal teams

Most online helpers understand them:

  • / start - start
  • / help - help,
  • / settings - settings.

Sometimes bots understand commands in Russian, you can just guess the meaning. Here is an example - the famous robot Anton also earns money at the Hydrometeorological Center. If you ask him "Weather Voronezh", he will immediately report the forecast.

If the bot is silent

Sometimes you can find a bot that does not respond. Whatever you ask, he will be silent, like a partisan. What is the reason?

  1. Since they are located on a third-party resource, this means the main reason for the server problems. There may be a temporary failure or a complete server failure.
  2. It may also be that an inexperienced programmer made a mistake when writing code.
  3. The third reason is that you enter a command that the bot does not understand. In this case, Google will help you.

Itself faced a problem - the popular @nationalgeographic_bot did not want to work, it should show the best photos of the famous magazine. But, no matter how I tried, I could not pick up a team. Maybe you can do it? Please inform.

This is where I end. If you have questions, please write them in the comments.

In order not to miss the release of new articles on the blog.

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