Tool options. Undo system. How to undo an action in Photoshop CS6: three easy ways

Undoubtedly, Photoshop is a great helper for many users. It's not very easy to use, but that's the beauty of this app. No matter how high your level of Photoshop skills, you can work in it in any scenario. Of course, an inexperienced user will not be able to perform, say, at the level of a professional photographer, but you are always welcome to perform elementary actions with pictures.

This educational program is not aimed at teaching you the intricacies of working in Photoshop. On the contrary, I want to talk about uncomplicated actions, which, however, sometimes raise questions even among avid users. For example, not everyone knows how to undo an action in Photoshop CS6, but this is an incredibly useful skill! So, if you are also wondering how to answer this question, join us!

With the key combination

I don't think I will open America if I tell you that a lot in Photoshop is tied to certain key combinations. Cancellation of an action is no exception. The main thing in this matter is to remember the necessary combinations in order to use them at the right time, without resorting to prompts. Below I will give as many as three options for the development of events, which, I am sure, will be useful to you.

  1. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z will take you back one step.
  2. If you add a third to the above combination - Alt, you can go back a few steps, in particular, up to 20.
  3. Using the Shift + Ctrl + Z keys on the keyboard at the same time, you can go back a few steps forward, but remember that this action is limited to 20 steps.

So, remembering one basic combination, and adding one or another key to it, you can undo your actions in Photoshop.

Use settings

I want to tell you about one more technique, which, unfortunately, many do not take into account. 20 actions that can be undone are a conventional figure set by default. If necessary, you can increase it, say, to 100, and then you certainly do not be afraid that you will not be able to return to a certain stage of your work.

So, here's what you need to do: open the program menu, then go to the edit section. There, open the subsection "Settings" - "Performance" - "History".

And here already set any parameter, for example, 100 actions. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if the performance of your computer leaves much to be desired, and it barely pulls out such a capacious program, then such a change in the settings will most likely entail a slowdown in the work of Photoshop. It also costs

How to undo an action, a selection in Photoshop? This question is asked by everyone who is just mastering the Adobe Photoshop program. When working with graphics, you often have to undo a perfect action or selection. Didn't like the perfect result or decided to do it differently. Drawing with a pencil or paints on canvas, this is not possible. In the world of digital graphics, undo last actions is a must-have option for any program. In addition, in Photoshop, you can undo not only the last action, but also see the entire history of the changes made.

How to undo an action in Photoshop.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z undo the last action, and it happens only once. This is practical because Photoshop files are large and the support for undoing multiple steps affects the consumption of computer resources, which leads to reduced performance. If you press the keyboard shortcut again Ctrl + Z , Photoshop will redo the undone action. On the menu bar, this command is located in Editing - undo.

To undo changes one step back, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Z, accordingly, if you need to undo several recent changes, you can press this key combination several times. On the menu bar, this command is located in Editing - step back.

It will be more practical to use the history panel, in which all your changes made in the process of work are saved, where you can select the place where you want to return. It is located, by default, on the right and you just need to open it.

It looks like this:

All actions that you performed on the image are recorded here. The highlighted item corresponds to the current state of the project.

How to undo a selection in Photoshop.

The selection is canceled by a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D... In general, it is advisable to remember all the basic keyboard shortcuts, it will be more convenient and faster for you to work. This function can of course be found in the top menu Selection - cancel selection

As you may have noticed, if you go through all the menu items, you will see that the most common keyboard shortcuts are written opposite the functions. In the future, you will remember the most frequently used actions such as undo, deselect, copy paste, and more. Having gained experience, you will only use keyboard shortcuts of functions that you often use based on the specifics of your work or creativity.

Erroneous act in a document created in MS Word, on the "Edit" menu, select "Undo". The same result can be achieved using the Alt + Backspace hotkeys. If you suddenly realized that act was correct, and in vain you canceled it, apply the combination Ctrl + Y.

On the Quick Access Toolbar, find the Cancel button. If you want to undo more than one action at once, click the down arrow next to this button to expand the list of recent actions taken. While holding the left mouse button, mark unnecessary operations with the cursor and release the key. The same result can be achieved using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Z.

There is a Redo button next to Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar. It returns deleted steps. Her act duplicated by the function key F4. If the "Undo" button has not been used, the "Redo" will not be available.

To undo actions in MS Excel, you can also use the Undo command from the Edit menu, the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar and the Alt + Backspace and Ctrl + Z shortcuts. To return erroneously canceled actions, the same means are used as in MS Word.

In Adobe Photoshop, in this situation, it is convenient to use the hotkeys Ctrl + Alt + Z and the Step Backward command from the Edit menu. To revert an erroneously canceled action, use the Step Forward command and the Shift + Ctrl + Z combination.

Besides the standard keys and commands, Photoshop has a handy History option. Find it in the Window menu and check the box. Find the unnecessary in the History panel act, pick it up with the mouse and drag it to the trash can icon at the bottom of the panel. To undo all changes, click on the image icon at the very top of the list.

If you have made any fatal changes in the operating system, the "System Restore" service will help you restore its performance. Call the program launch window by pressing Win + R and enter the msconfig command in the "Open" line. Go to the "Service" tab, mark "System Restore" in the list and click "Run". Select the date that is closest to the date when the error occurred.


  • how to return the action back

When working in applications that edit certain files, a certain number of previous steps of file changes are automatically saved. In some cases, the entire story is preserved, in others only a part of it. The function of restoring the original state is almost everywhere available, however, provided that the file was not saved during processing.


If you need to undo the last ones related to entering and formatting text in the editor, browser window, etc., just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z. Also in the text editor MS Office Word there is a special button on the toolbar, which is responsible for undoing the latest changes. Another option is to use the "Edit", "Undo" menu. In this case, if the document editing process was saved earlier, a return to the previous position is possible.

If you need to undo the last changes related to editing images in Adobe Photoshop, use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Ctrl + Z or click the Edit menu item, then select Step Back from the drop-down menu.

If you want to completely restore the file, press F12. If you have already saved the changes, then they cannot be canceled. When editing graphic files, it is generally best to create and edit copies of them, and keep the originals separately. Also view the history of changes in a special table of changes, which is available from the "Window" menu item.

If you want to undo the last changes that affected the operation of your computer (for example, installing updates, programs, utilities), open the "Start" menu, select the menu of standard programs, then "System Tools" and finally "System Restore". A large window for restoring the operating system will appear on the screen, select on the program's calendar a checkpoint for saving parameters before making changes to the system, roll back to this date.

Keep in mind that before doing this, it is best to save the personal data that you use when using the applications installed during this period, since the programs will be removed along with them. These can be various account logins and passwords, key files, links, and so on.


  • what if you change

When working with images in " Photoshop»You may need to undo the previous act and return to the original picture. To return to the previous result, you need to perform several actions.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - any version of the Photoshop program.


Working with images is an exciting activity that requires certain knowledge and skills from the photographer. But even an experienced Photoshop user often faces situations when, in the course of working on a new masterpiece, you need to go back a few steps.

You can make changes to the processed photo at any stage of editing. True, before starting work, you naturally need to open an image. To do this, it is enough to simultaneously press the keyboard keys Alt + Shift + Ctr + O or in the "File" menu, which is on the working panel, select the "Open as" option, and then specify the location of the image and its format.

Next, proceed to direct processing. And if you need to make changes and go back, look in the "Editing" section on the work panel. Here you can perform the necessary operations by selecting the appropriate option: "Undo", "Step back" and "Step back".

For convenience, you can use the "hot keys": Ctrl + Z - to undo the last action, Shift + Ctrl + Z - to take a step forward and Alt + Ctrl + Z - to take a step back.

View the entire history of image changes in " Photoshop"Can also be done by selecting the appropriate operation in the" Window "menu of the top panel. Check the "History" item in this section, and a table will appear in the working window, showing all the actions performed with the picture.

To cancel the changes made at any stage of image processing, it is enough to find the required operation on the "History" screen and return to it by clicking on it with the left mouse button. In this case, you will find yourself exactly at the editing step that you indicate.

If you need to save all the previously performed actions in the photo, keep the draft image for yourself. After all, you may still need it. And in order not to get confused, when saving, come up with a name for it, by which you can easily navigate in all your photos, completed and still in the processing stage.

The procedure for canceling and removing installed updates of the Microsoft Windows operating system is a standard operation that does not require the involvement of additional software.


Call the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button and go to the "Control Panel" item. Expand the Programs link and expand the View Installed Updates node under Programs and Features. Find the update to be removed in the list of the dialog box that opens and open its context menu by clicking the right mouse button. Specify the "Delete" command and click the "Yes" button in the system request window that opens. Wait for the process to complete.

If we are talking about updating SP3 for Windows XP, use the uninstall option in the hidden system folder $ NTServicePackUninstall $. To do this, return to the main menu "Start" and go to the "Run" dialog. Print
drive_name: \\ windows \\ $ NTServicePackUninstall $ \\ spuninst.exe
in the "Open" line and run the utility of the uninstall service pack wizard by clicking OK. Confirm the execution of the selected action by clicking the "Next" button in the main window of the wizard and follow all its recommendations.

One of the most common ways to cancel an installed update is to use the system restore function. To use this method, make sure that the computer has been restarted at least once after installing the update and call the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button. Go to the Run dialog and type
% systemroot% \\ System32 \\ restore \\ rstrui.exe
in the "Open" line. Confirm the launch of the utility by clicking OK and select the "Restore an earlier computer state" option in the dialog box that opens. Confirm the execution of the selected action by clicking the "Next" button and select the desired date for the system rollback. Save your changes by clicking Next and follow all the recommendations of the recovery wizard. Restart your computer to apply the changes.


  • Removing Windows XP SP3
  • how to cancel installed updates

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful digital imaging tool. It is a tool for solving professional problems. Due to its focus on the professional environment, Photoshop is not famous for its simplicity. Therefore, beginners using Photoshop have a lot of questions. One of the first, perhaps, will be about how to cancel in photoshop changes made.

You will need

  • Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop.


Undo the last perfect act... To do this, select the "Edit" item in the main application menu. In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the item whose name begins with "Undo". The name of this item from the word "Undo" followed by the name of the last applied instrument or performed action. Therefore, you can always see which operation will be canceled. Instead of selecting the specified menu item, you can press Ctrl + Z. Please remember that this operation will only undo

What is great about working with digital graphics is the ability to undo an incorrect action.

The Photoshop program has a whole arsenal of different ways to quickly and painlessly undo an unwanted action. All these methods will be discussed in this article.

Method 1- Ctrl + Z

I think almost everyone who works with text documents on a computer knows this key combination. This is a standard system command that undoes a previous action. It works in almost any program and editor.

There is an important difference in Photoshop. If in a text editor, we can press this combination at least to infinity and we will watch how step by step we go back, then in Photoshop we can press only once.

For example, you took and put two "frogs". Pressing Ctrl + Z will remove only one last frog. If you press this combination again, then you undo your last action i.e. cancel cancel... As a result, the frog will return to its place again.

Thus, this combination cancels only one incorrect action, and a second press returns everything to its place. And so on in a circle to infinity.

Method 2 - Step back

Yes, I started with a bit of disappointment, since Ctrl + Z is already so “hammered into my hand” that it will be hard to get used to at first. But what if you need to cancel not only the last action, but, say, the last 10?

In this case, you will have to retrain yourself to another similar combination - Ctrl + Alt + Z. Or use the menu command Editing - Step Back.

There is also a command in reverse - Step Forward, which will return what you brought back. :)

By default, Photoshop remembers the last 20 actions that you performed, that is, the combination Ctrl + Alt + Z can be pressed 20 times . But this can be easily changed in. To do this, open .

On the menu Action history you can put any value in the range from 1 to 1000.

In a nutshell - the History palette displays all your actions for processing a photo and displays each of them on a separate line. It looks like this:

In this example, I used the brush tool many times. Each of these usages is displayed as a separate entry, labeled with the name of the instrument and displayed with an individual thumbnail.

Using the palette is easy - press a certain action in this story and Photoshop will return to the state when this action was performed. Everything that stands after has become a pale gray color. Until you have done anything, you can choose another action from among the pale gray ones, but if you go back and use, for example, another tool, then at that moment the entire pale gray history is erased.

To open it, put a check mark in the Window - History menu.

As in the previous method, by default, the History palette displays the last 20 actions. In settings Editing - Preferences - Performance this can be changed.

If you spot an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thanks!

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